ftrM f P mm : : J, t l- 1 Carolina Watchman. LOCAL. THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1885. J fr..'- m i.r.r.n .lli.l: Oil ITHt tffS SlA- m ii... w ' it t I'll ii i - I m " 111 VUC Subscription Rates Thawbscription rate of the Carolina Tl 'olina J aichman ai sir folhiws : year, paid in advance, $1.50 najm't ltrlti vd 3 iuo'hS.OO l .....'r .I..IV.1 l' m it' it 2.50 a. - , : L. IIU III MVI Vl Rencw your subscription to the Watch man for 1886. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to our readers. Congressman Henderson is at home for ike holidays. AIL the schools have a rest until the ii t of January. Christmas tree at the Lutheran church this evening at 6 o'clock p. m. Mr. J. J. Bell is the oldest man in Salis bury, he being in his eighty-first year. Many an old gobbler's supply of oxygen has been cut off "intirely" this week. Mr. Will Gales has gotten into his new store room in the old Mansion extension,. i Funny Morgan's 4 minstrels paraded the streets yesterday and rehearsed last ; night in the hall. The remaining goods m Jones, McCub- . pins & CVs store are being sold at auc lion. J; P. Wiseman, Esq., has sold out his property and will move into town : to live. s "Legal Row" looks as if the lawyers had forsaken business lUl after the holi- i Capt. A S. Lewter has moved intojiis new residence on corner Church and Fisher Str's. Sales in leaf tobacco have been large in e various warehouses here during the t week. 9 J ! ' A real good troupe could put in a few nights pleasantly and profitably here during the holidays. ; Mr. Jno. G. Heilig will occupy the dwelling on corner Innis and Lee streets, recently vacated by Mr. Blair. Rev. Wra. Stoudeamire will deliver a Christmas address at Christiana Lutheran church at 1 o'clock Christmas day. The Salisbury Examiner has' resumed publication, and it is as spicy reading as the most fastidious could wish. i Hankin's Bro's & Co. have decorated the exterior of their warehouse with a large Sign Iron Clad Warehoused ' A Christmas tree, or some kind of fes tivity, will be given each of the Sunday Schools in Salisbury this week. T$c small bov will bo allowed to Don 41 his Christmas fire cracker, with restric tions. See posters for particulars. t Joo Ballard says the finest hogs hi ever ised were the result of a cross between "Chessex and the Essex." MPhe mountain wagons continue to bome loaded with annles. chesnuts. &c. Pho streets are full of them. Mr. James B. Kmier butchered fifty ,W0 hogs last week and disposed of them all the same day to -citizens in town. Live i birds, caught in traps and nets, arc offered for sale on the streets every day at sixty to seventy-five cents per dozen.. The heaviest fogseen for mont hs around this morning. A man coufd scarcely be Beon across the street. Thermometer about 60 The pavement under the Mansion House porch is being repaired ami in good time, for it was a dangerous place for pedestrians. Rev. Mr. Stoudenmire has about com- ted the circuit of the Lutheran church- in this county, in the interest of his ihnreh bore. The balls given by the Plejvsure Club jaro attended by a refinement among the participants never before surpassed in this community. It is noticeable that the membership of the various Sunday schools here inya riably increases just previous to the Christmas tree season. Lowering the floors in the building ad joining the Express office, has improved the appearartceof things in that neigh borhood woJiderfiilly. Mr. H. M. Jones has received an ap pointment as clerk in the revenue office at Newton, and will go up Monday to assume the duties of the position. Taere arc several parties after the new Mcjleo residence on Inuiss street. No trouble to find renters. Houses--aiid Jots If them are needed here now. Christmas sen ice and sermon at S hn's rJBv. Lutheran church on Fridav hristmas day, at 10 o'elock, Holy in mumon will be administered on Sun day at 11 o'clock. We have had October or early sorinir. weather this, week perfectly delightful yor all outdoor operations. Fine time for 0 t lunung lanct and preparing for the next -crop. I Speaking of this climate, it is a fact worthy of mention that there are yet I some roses in bloom in Salisbury. They will adorn the Christmas table. The fall has been mild and pleasant. Salisbury's town tax collector's name i8.l?havf- Hedoubtless shaves his tax bills. Lenoir Topic. The man. who escapes paying taxes uere nas a ciose suave. Those of Salisbury's merchants who deal in Christmas goods say that it is only necessary to buy a largo stock and display them, to sell them. They ex press themselves as satisfied with the trade to date. yr -M Rev. Mr. Smith moved his family here last week, and is domiciled in the Metho dist parsonage. He was given a cordial reception by his congregation and is now regularly installed pastor to that congre gation for the ensuing year. The many friends of Mr, J. Douglas Brown wHl be pleased to learn that he is convalescing from a rather severe sick ness, which has kept him confined for more than two weeks. Mf. Horton, formerly of this county, who moved to Texas, six years ago, re turned last night, with his whole family, a wife and nine children. There was no good fortune for them in Texas, and so they-have come back to the land of fruit ful seasons and good water. The charming, bright and warnvweath- er of last Tuesday enticed one of our town dudes out with his spring walking canes. He has taken a severe cold. Too much pains cannot be taken in the care of dudes. Messrs. Thompson Bros., manufactur ers of agricultural- implements, at Lex ington and Tyro, arc thinking of reinov ipg their factory to Salisbury. They are enterprising and it is hoped they will conclude to come. We have seen a Christmas card made by Miss. Josephine Burke, of this city, which is very beautiful . in design and execution. This lady also excels in a yariety of fine needle work. Alexander Tate, a quarryman of forty years experience, whose observation has extended over many States and in Europe says the finest granite he has ever seen in America was quarried from Dunn's mountain, four miles from Salisbury. Prof. J. F. Moser, formerly a teacher here, but now of Conover, was here last Friday. He is a teacher of first-rate abil ity, and is doing a good work in the Lu theran college at Conover. He is one of the few teachers who have opposed the Blair Bill from its first introduction.. A suspension of the Salisbury tobacco market has been made from Thursday the 24th of December, to Saturday the 2d of January 1886. All of. the Ware houses agree to this, and farmers are re quested not to bring leaf before the day mentioned. (Mess. HardwickeA Welles, of Marshall, N, C, who own Ihe patent tobacco heat regulator, which has been doing such wonderful things in the mountains for the tobacco grower, will -have an agent here soon, and the farmers of Rowan will con sult their best interests by investigating this economical and helpful contrivance. Two children of Mr. A. Grubb, of the northern part of this county, were terri bly burned last Monday, by some kind of a kerosene accident One or both may die from the effects. The particulars have not been given the reporter. 1 - Big hogs are in order at this season "of the year. Leonard Krider slaughtered two last week which netted him 1,122 lbs ofpork one of them 548 and the other 574. J. C. Miller killed several drawing above 300 lbs each, at 12 months old. The Committees of the Colored Normal and Gradedlk-hools recently met in joint session to investigate certain charges against the Principal of these schools. After a patient hearing the joint commit tee unanimously decided that the charges were not sustained. A gentleman from one of the extreme eastern States, stopping here for a few days, remarked to one of our-citizens that the people in this section should be the happiest in this country because of the fine climate and the adaptation of the soil to the culture of everything that is grown anywhere. Still the grumblers are not all dead. When the Yadkin river is made navi gable from its source to the sea, Salisbury "will take advantage of .the same and dig a canal from some point up the river, by way of Salisbury, and emptying into the river just below Sower's ferry. Bigger schemes than this have been put on pa per, and still larger ones perfected. Paid in Full. Mr. J. Allen Brown, who does nearly all the insurance busi ness of Salisbury, had the risk ou the the buildings belonging Mr. J. Sam'l Mc Cubbins, Jr., burned last week, amount ing to $1200 in the "Home" of N. Y. He telegraphed the Company immediately after the fire, and at once an adjuster was sent and the loss was settled in full. Promptness is Mr. Brown's fort, and this is no isolated instance of it. Our farmer readers will find, on the fourth page of thts paper a very interest ing and instructive article from Prof. Dabncy, director of the Agricultural Ex periment Station, Raleigh, N. C. It is the especial duty of this Department to supply to the farming, people of the State information on all the subjects that relate to agriculture; and the publications made by it from time to "time,-will always be of interest or profit to that part of our peo ple. None should omit to read the re ports. Construed it Literally. Mayor Neave has had several commu nications from furniture and mattress manufacturers, asking to be allowed to bid for the furnishing of the house for the "entertainment of travelers." The de scription of the new calaboose, which ap peared in the Watchman a few weeks ago, gave rise to this correspondence. In truth, the town is going to build a comfortable lodging place for transgres sors, but rest assured neither mattresses nor furniture will be needed for the pur pose. Debate. The question, "Which is the more de structive to man, war or strong drink," was ably discussed at China Grove last week. The debaters on the affirmative were, Chambers Owen, J. D. L. Kluttz, A. M. Denton, Lewis Casper, and Jas. H. McKenzie; negative, Prof: A. W. Owen, G. H. Page, Dr. I.M.Taylor and R. B. 1 atterson. As usual, the old war horse, A. W. Owen, was on the victorious side. The Debating Society was regularly organized with L F. Patterson, president; G. H. Page, vice-president; R. B. Patter sons, secty.; Dr. jt M. Taylor, A. W. Owen and J. Ingram, committee on quer ies. Roads Improved. The "bad" places in the public road, three miles from Salisbury on the Gold Hill road---Hartman's meadow and the rest and some other places on the Mt. Pleasant road, have been most carefully and permanently repaired, by cutting the necessary ditches. A gentleman who travels these roads says that the overseer and people along them are to be praised for the labor and care taken to put the road in good condition. The Watchman is glad to chronicle this improvement. Were the same kind of work done on the other roads, recently complained of, it wrould be generally appreciated. r - Christmas Eve. The following programme will be ren dered this evening at the Methodist chureh, as collaterals to the Christinas tree exercises given to the Sunday school children. Prof. W. H. Neave is musical director, and that is sufficient assurance of a really fine musical performance. Grand Fantassi, "La dsrniere rose de l'cte. 1 by Deransart. for Tromborac and great organ. Christinas Hyinn, "Hark! the Herald." Handel. ' Choir and Cabinet Organ. Hymn "Glad Tidings'' Mcintosh. Choir and Cabinet Organ. Morcean of Cavatinas, by Baltc, Bellini and Verdi. Trombone and great Organ. Christmas Carol Tenner. Choir and Cabinet Organ. Grand Concertino Fred David. Trombone and Great Organ. Chorus "Christmas Pells 'V Mcintosh. Choir and Cabinet Organ, with Chimes played by M iss Hattie Crawford. Vocal Solo, "Noel" Christmas Song Gounod. with Great Organ and Trombone Obligato. Grand Fantaisie, "The Vision" E. Brooks. Trombone and Great Organ. Hymn Antioch, "Joy to the World" Handel. to be sung by all with both organs. Doxology, "Old Hundred Luther. Christmas Eve exit Grand March W. H Xea .o. Trombone and Great Organ. A Soldier's Pledge. In April 1865, shortly after the immor tal Lee had surrendered at Appomattox, a worn out soldier, clad in rags, came to the door of the late Charles N. Price, beg ging for clothing. Mrs. Price had gath ered a few suits of clothing from burning piles which were being destroyed by Stoneman's raiders, in the stroets of Sal isbury, only a few days before this appeal from the forlorn soldier, who was making his way homeward. She at once gave him a suit. He took them saying he had no money; but insisted on leaving a pin which he luid worn through the war, promising to redeem it as soon as he reached home. He said he lived in Texas, and seemed very grateful for tho cloth ing. The pin has been recognized as a "Chi Phi" badge, by a member of that society. On the back of the handsome pin is neatly engraved the name, T. L. Bulow. The pin is now in the possession of Mr. Robt. W. Price of this place, who is anx ious that the owner, or his family should have it. The pin is gold, set with garnets, and is a valuable one. The Cotton Hill Scheme. On last Monday evening, a meeting of citizens was held in the Mayor's office, to further consider the most advisable means for securing the dsired cotton mill. The owners of the machinery who live in Al bany, New York, has sent Mr. Smith, a practical mill man here to represent them meeting, after hearing Mr. Smith, ad- m the matter of furnishing machinery, journed to meet again on Wednesday evening. In the interim the soliciting committee was to secure subscriptions to the stock. WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING. The seheme was talked over again, and it was determined that it was not advisa bie to - accept the Arnold machinery on the short time given ten days and while part of theNfcerms indicated could be met promptly, yet the proposition could not be accepted as a whole. Considerable stock has been subscribed, but the committee have only gone over the smaller part of tho territory to be canvassed, and until they finish their work of soliciting, no further action will be necessary. By this delay and tardiness to take hold, the people of Bowan have let a splendid opportunity pass. How long they will continue in this indifferent mood, is tho question. One sees oppor- tunitiesome and go, unheeded and un improved. - Speaking of the profit of the mill, Mr. Smith said that if he owned the machin ery, he would gladly put it up and pav the stockholders twelve per centum and gladly keep the remainder of the profit for his share.. Coming from this practi cal source, it is well worth the attention of those who have money to invest. See Washington letter for congressional news. ' A coal mine at Nanticoke, Pa., caved in on the 21st entombing 23 men and boys. The last Winston Sentinel spreads itself over twelve pages, and tells all about the i twin city. . 1 I MINING DEPAKTMENT T. K. BRUXKB, EDITOR. Some northern gentlemen have been exploring the mining fields of Randolph county, and have been spending some time at the Sawyer mine, with a view of buying. The ore at the Hoover Hill mines is improving. It now averages ten dollars to the ton. This wilt increase the output about one third over former returns. Johnson &ine. . Dr. J. M. Tomlmson, and D. M. Petty. two enterprising residents of Bush Hill, have opened the Johnson mine to the depth of 70 feet. They have a bold lode of quartz worth about ten1 or twelve dol lars to the ton. This property is near Bush Hill, in Randolph county. North State Mine. Work is progressing at the North State. The main shaft has i reached a depth of 400 feet. They will continue the sinking- j-.-.n. The North State Company have twenty five hands at worlt, prospecting the Uwharrie mine, in Randolph county, and they havo a very encouraging outlook. It is reported that they have bought this property, but the price and particulars are not yet known. I Hew Discovery in Bowan. Mr. George W. Kerns has discovered a vein of ferrugineous quarts, carrying some sulphurets,4ind which is auriferous. The vein is about one foot to one a half feet wide, and has been cut four feet from the surface. The vein is on the land of Mr. Al. Hei lig, five miles from Salisbury, on the New Concord road. The land is leased to Mr. Kerns. Specimens of the ore may be seen at the Watchman office. !. j. The Marion Bullion Co. The Marion Bullion Companys or ganized with a capital stock of half a mil lion dollars, divided into ten thousand shares. Hon. Thos. J Edge, of Pennsylva nia, is President; Gol. H. C. Demming, also of that State, is Secretary and gen eral manager; (and he owns two thirds of the stock); Thomas H. Rice is foreman at the mines. The property, consisting of fifteen hundred acres, lies next to the Vein Mountain mine, in Brocket township, Mc Dowell county. The deposits are placer and are being w orked by hydraulic pro cess. There are oyer twenty miles of dithes and the hydraulic capacity is over one thousand miners' inches per day of ten hours, or over 6,000,000 gallons of water for the same period of time. They have taken away six lots of gold, the re sult of their work, but do not care to make public the returns. With care and economy they expect to make the pro perty pay handsomely. , This company is operating mines in Maryland and Arizonanot new hands by any means. In addition to their work in the placer deposits of their property, they are mining for mica, iron, corundum and feldspar. A tunnel of 300 feet has been driven into the side of a mountain in search of .mica. They are finding good marketable corundum and have a feldspar suitable for the manufac ture of porcelain ware, and also hard enough to be used as an abrasive. They are searching for iron ore magnetic of high grade, and if they are successful in finding just what they want, a large foree of a thousand or more hands will be employed in the wrork of reducing it. Col. Demming and Dr. C. A. Green, (expert in geology and mineralogy) were here last Thursday, on their way to the property. The work I these gentlemen have in hand and in contemplation is of more than ordinary interest, since it is hut -another pointer to the great development now going on in the State. Gold Mines Sold. The Summit Hill gold mine, located just beyond the fair grounds in this city, has been sold, and we understand, to a party of Boston men, who expect to equip the mine with a full complement of ma chinery and operate it upon a large scale The mine was owned by Messrs. Samuel Smith and James D. Palmer, and has been worked in former years with profit It is located, immediately by the roadside, within a mile of Independence square. The price paid by the Boston parties for the property has not been learned. Charlotte Observer. For the Watchman. Macadam Road. I notice that the County intends to McAdamize a small portion of the public road-near the citv, 1 presume as an ex periment. As such I Would respectfully recommend to their worships that instead of McAdamizing the whole width of the road, that only eight feet in the center be so treated, protected by granite curbing on ine eages or sides, so as to prevent wasrons in turnincr off from sinking thfi smaller stones in the mud. I would also suggest this plan to the city. That eight feet is amply sufficient you, Mr. Editor, can testify from vonr fxrw- rience in plank roads, anart from t.h saving of a vast amount of unnecessary expense. ; .Economy. The above js a good suggestion, no doubt. An 8-foot track well made and protected by stone stringers on the edges, will answer the purpose. There will be no danger of digging holes at the sides by wagons turning off in passing ; for they would not, probably, meet at $he same point on the road one time in a hundred. For the Watchman. Ho Vacancy. Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 22, 1885. Mr. Editor: The action of the County Commissioners, in reconsidering the res ignation of Mr. Sumner, in my opinion, v:s both i t "iil:ir n.nd lraral au tho .. , o -? , iiiv iviivn- ing facts attest : At the regular Novem ber meeting Mr. Sumner tendered his resignation. The Commissioners accept- - 1 it to take efTeet at a subsequent time, for the following good and sufficient reasons, to wit they did not wish to create a vacancy until the Justices of the peace could be called together ; and they desired to have the services of a chairman to transact any business that might be required in the mean time. This action, it was thought, was both proper and wise. The first Monday in December they met as usual, Mr. Sumner being Chairman. After the minutes of the last meeting were read, a motion was made by Dr. Coleman to reconsider their action in resrard to Mr. Sum O t Ition, and Mr. Kluttz submitted the mo- uon io a vote, it passed Unanimously. These are the facts." I claim there never has been any vacancy whatever, and the purpose Of the Commissioners in not accepting the resignation uncondi tionally, was to guard against a vacancy. Now, before the hour for the meeting of the Justices of the Peace arrives, they de cide to reconsider their previous action. They did so, as they thought they had a perfect right to do, there being no vacan cy at the time, the regularly elected chairman actually occupying the chair when the motion was made. I therefore can see no occasion for alarm in the ac tion of the Commissioners as establishing an improper precedent, or from the want of regularity or legality. Their action was both wise and conservative. Anotheb J. P. For tho Watchman. Feeding Land. Fertilize land by feeding stock ! How can that be done ? It is said that thous ands of farmers in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and other northern and western States, are just now learning that the easiest possible way to restore the failing fertility of their lands is to feed stock the richer the food given them the better. Ah, they sell the stock as beef cattle, or the butter from them, at rices which cover the cost of feed, and lave tons of excellent manure for their lands left as a clear profit. Thus, they say, feeding their stock feeds their lands. This was the plan of our grandfathers. The northern farmers are going back to the practice of ancient rules, under which, however, farmers in old times got rich. Many southern farmers still stand by guano at $45 a ton, because they believe there is money in it and there is, to those who sell it. Some few who have heard that their grand daddies never used a pound of commercial fertilizers and yet raised large families of Iwuncihg girls and robust boys and made money by farming, have a notion that they will try to do so too next year, or the year after next, if not sooner. It is about as hard to quit guano as it is to quit chewing tobacco. A fellow can fight the seven years' itch with his finger nails and mercurial oiutment with some degree of satisfaction ; but when it comes to fighting guano with home-made manure the battle becomes doubtful. Turnip Tops. ODDS AND ENDS PICKED UP. Some of the Southern cotton mills are reported as making money "hand over fist." At several points capacity is being increased and new buildings for shop room and for the use of employees are being erected. In Swain county, N. C, there is a church of nature's own workmanship. It is near Jarrctt's. It is called the "natural rock house." It stauds on the Nanta hala river, facing the river and the rail road, and resembles the ruins of an an cient mansion. The long, arched pillows give it a very majestic appearance. It has five rooms, the largest of which holds about 300 persons and is used for a church. Immigration to North Carolina, as re ported by the Agent of Immigration, Mr. John T. Patrick, is encouraging. He -estimates the arrival of settlers at 150 a month, mostly from the Northern States. The amount brought into the State by each is estimated at an average of $2,500. Most of them are settling west of Greens boro. Compulsory re-vaccination of the sol diers was established by the German Government eleven years ago, and since then not a single death from small pox has occurred in the German army. The scientific importance of exploring the accessible regions about the South Pole is urged by Sir Erasmus Ommany, of the British navy, who remarks that no man has ever wintered in the Antarctic zone. It is said that underground wires, cov ered with chemically prepared palmetto fibre, have stood remarkable tests with out failure, and for covering single or few wires that substance is probably the beet and cheapest covering now knownj Watches may be sent for testing to the Kew Observatory in London, and certifi cate of excellence will be given, but so extreme is the accuracy required that no watch can be marked first class which varies as much as one tick in 43,000. Experiments on the sleep fishes havo been made in London by Mr. W. August Carter. He has found that the fresh water fishes observed the roach, dace, gudgeon, carp, tenee, minnow and cat-fish-rsleep periodically, like terrestrial animals. The same is true of some marine fishes, sueh as the wrasse, conger eel, dory, dogSh, bass, and all species of flat fish, but the gold fish, pike and angler fish do not appear to sleep at all, although they rest periodically. At Durham, N. C, a great center of the tobacco trade, a cotton mill is just getting under way for manufacturing the cloth for the little sacks in which smoking to bacco is packed. It is now turning out over a thousand yards a day, and will soon run it up to four thousand, most of which will be used right there. At the New Orleans Exposition is a beautiful mica pavilion filled with rubies, sapphires, amethists, emeralds and other gems and ores from North Carolina; There are no diamonds, although the cu rious itacolumite, the gangue of the dia mond, is there in long flexible slabs. Therelare also special collections of trems and ornamental stones, etc. Dr. D. F. Wright of Clarksville, Tcnn.. has been studying the mica industries in jNorth Carolina, and thinks there is a bonanza for the right men, as all the mica mines in the united fetates can now be bought very cheap. Mr. Randall prlnes to prevent the immediate passage of the Hoar Presiden tial succession bill by giying the election to the Presidential Hectors. This is the idea of the Louisville Courier-Journal, but it will delay an important matter, as the Senate has already passed the Hoar bill. WU. Star. The President has civen verv rrrt satisfaction to the Democrats of New York by appointing the Hon. John Bigelow to Via T T r J t'.i I Cfntn. . C . . uc asaiataiit uunsu uiaira HCBUIIT Iwr Xl C W York nd Gen. Franz Sipfpl tn ho a ent in that city. TheGermanF, irrespec- j nition of the services of their old com n winder. . I Leatheroid A Novel Industry. The Leatheroid Manufacturing Com pany, whose mills are at Kennebunk, in unt county, was organized in lbM with i a paid up capital of $125,000, and, has i lately been authorized to increase to 256. wu. The demand for their peculiar product, and the numerous articles made from it, lias increased so rapidly and to such an extent that the company, who now occupy four large buildings in their business, are erecting two additional fac tories at Kennebunk, one of which, lOOx 50 and three stories, will be devoted ex clusively to the manufacture of leatheroid trunks and boxes. The factories are run both by steam and water, ami the special tools which are largely used arc mostly made iirthe machine shop of the compa ny. Since the original patents issued on this mateiaal in 1877y it has been much improved and various patents have been taken out by the company for articles and processes of manufacture. The products of the milk now include sample trunks, which are made a specialty ; roving cans, boxes and baskets for mill uses ; insulat ing materials for electrical appliances, and other articles too numerous to mention. Leatheroid is a new material very closely resembling rawhide in texture, but is much stifter and holds it shape better. Its basis is pure cotton-fibre, yet by chemical treatment and proper ma nipulation it is made into sheets of mod erate thickness, as tough and stiff as horn. Leatheroid roving cans, cars and boxes for factory and warehouse purposes have been introduced ihto the principal cotton and other factories of the United States, and meet with universal favor from their lightness and strength. From this mate rial the company make a sample-trunk that is rapidly being adopted by commer cial travelers in place of the various kinds heretofore used, as it is litrhtAr than an v others of equal strength, and superior in durability to anything but rawhide which costs about twice as much. Leatheroid is one of the best insulating materials xnown, ana is already in quite extensive use on railroads in connection with elec tric signals, and can also be used in many cases as a substitute for hard rubber or celluloid at much less cost. It is really a remarkable substance, and being compar atively new, it will doubtless be applied to a thousand uses as yet un thought of. Industrial Journal. The promptness with which the bill granting a pension of $5,000 a year to the widow ol Uen. Grant has passed both houses of Congress with an entire absence of debate and a practically unanimous vote makes the act conspicuously graceful. The only negative vote came from a Republican member of the house from Wisconsin, whose reasous for casting it remained buried in bis own bosom. Whatever may be the value of Pas teur's treatment of hydrophobia, Dr. Flem ing, 1he eminent English surgeon, is right in saying that prevention is better than cure. The worthless vagabond curs should be killed, after Dr. Watt's approved meth od, and the rest of the canine tribe care fully looked after. LIST OP LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. C., for the week ending Dec. 19th, 1885. Bufina Avers Walter Hinson James D Buans Jennie Hacket G W Bruce Abnrm Ientz J W Barn hart A J Mowery Henry E C Brown S L M Moore -M A Cone Mc Todd T H Clutch R E Parnell Sarah Cofpennjj Wilson Rushing Rev R T Crooks Mary Randill H W Dulin John C Rogers Caroline Grant Taff Williams Mrs II W Groors Prince Steel Perry II Hobbs A D Shuping G M Hardwicke 1) C Lingle Jennie L Hadcn W W Williams R J Wade J W Wright N L Wright . Please say advertised when the above letters are called for. A. H. BOYDKN, P. M. MARRIED. L. Brown, at his residence on 17th of December, 1885, Mr. Henry M L. Agncr to Miss Laura R. Lyerly, both of Providence township. In this countv, Dec. 17, 1885, bv Rev Sam'l Rot brock, Mr. David C. Holshouser and Miss Sarah L. A., daughter of Mr Allison Bost. HAPPY Dew year M E R R Y X M A S TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. WlTTKOWSKY & BARUCH, Charlotte, Z. - NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. I guarantee Shriner's Indian Vermifuge to destroy and expelvorms from the hu-; man body, where they exist, if used ac cording to directions.- You are author4 lzed to sell it upon the alove conditions. David E. Foutz, Proprietor, Baltimore Aid. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. A good farm of 250 acres, well watered plenty of forest, meadow, and good dwel ling and out houses, for sale by BBUNEE & 3IcCUBBIN8, Real Estate Agents, Salisbury, N. C. J. Rowan Davis, of Blackmer, is re ceiving his second stock of Ladies' Dress flood for the season. Mr. Davis carries the largest and best stock of General Merchandise in tne western part of itowv an, and the people should be proud of this store in their midst where they can buy good goods at town prices. g . . : r 1 . : l ij t - Salisbury Toto ' Mart,- COgaBTTKO WKRKLY W J. $. l'Kil'lt!KTOIt RI.UTI J'S Logs, ciMunmii dark In e I in in rwl Leaf, common hot green. guod ' ret I - tMKLt fitters 1 fine - Smokers, common totnediom ! good M 44 fine Wrappers, common J medium . fine J fancy Market active. Beeafca have lieen quite full for the past " m (Midlife ueeiine in commtx grades, while all desirable goods are tak en ai mil quotations. SALISBURY MARffcET, T-... - Dee. Corn, freely, at 40A50: Ileal. Wheats M& !; Flour per sack. $2.35 jf Western bulk meats, 8&10 1 )0HS; Beef, retail, on the 23fj Butter 2025; Egga, 124; Hay, 40 : Fodder, 00a00 ; Shucks. 00 : Potatoes, Irish, for table 30(-10; for ; planting I 1.25; Sweet potatoes 3040 Peas, f2500; Oats, 3540; Tallow ,0; Hides, 10; Rabbit furs, 000fl cts far dozen; Mink skins, 0000. Cotton, ready sales at 9 eta for good middling highest, 00L. Tobacco. Rales cverv in.v nA -- satisfactory. Poultry," in steady demand, but prkoa . moderate. . J. HOLMES I have just returned from the North. have now received a stock of foods urn equalled in beauty and unrivalled in price. it embraces a general stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Call before trading see the best before buying. NOTICB! I have accounts, notes and morttraeea which are past dne. These must be nettled no. There is no better time than now. am there are good crops made this season throughout the country. Settle up, take a new si an, wnn origin new goods. FOB RENT ! A brick building, in the Holmes Block. near the Post Office. Store room 22x63, with cellar. Four good rooms and a hall way up stairs, suitable for dwelling. It. J. HOL.MKS, 2:2ml Salisbukv, N. C. HOLIDAY GOODS ' Iks I THEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO. m ' i HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT O j grHoliflaj anil FnsHtatiu 6Nb f. Ever Brought to Salisbury. 4 Ghristmas Stock: EMBRACES -X ! DRESSING CASES For Ladles and GenUemes; TRAVELLING 'CASES; Ladies' Plush. Work Boxes ; Elaborately Decorated I A OXJPS AJST FOR PRESENTATION ; Wall Brackets, MuMc Stands and Brackets, and Easel MIRROWH, Christinas CABINETS, LAMPS, PICTURES, And Picture FRAMES; All kinds Leather. Wood a HAND MIRRORS, All color and decorated Frames. Christmas Cards The LARGEST and FINEST line of Cards ever seen here. Writing; Desks & Fancy SMoserj. BOUDOIR BLACKING S EVERYTHING J Cusefnl or Beautiful, and sultaN for feoitdaj itu IiwWIataroodi mim mm Tie Books; TOOLS. MAT BE FOUND IN OUR KTOKR. Space is uin limited tottiniroartor : Call aad mtm i'j OUR COOD8. t:3t THEO. F. KLUTTE CQ J ' v S' 'i: WW O - 1 1" H to 9 7 to 8 to IS 10 to If. C to 10 12 tn M 13 to S3 , 15 to 20 , 20 to SO I 80 to 50 50 to 70 i -I ! 1 L.Je i -4rt.ifsB 9 i m i M V m I i 7$-:i , X .'...,;