mi X Tr-r-r -. hp I inQ Uloinhmon ' - . ' -at z . r..i i VOL XVll.---Tilitt-w 0iAiXi9. SALISBURY, N. C JANUARY 27. 1886. va -. . V - J - . . i ' : I Alt. AJ 1 ! mmmm . , . - - t . i i ' - 1 ' 1 r Blue-Grass Blade is the name of lively new weekly just Parted at Lexington, Ky., and edited 2i ii,j ' u- fS brilliant and talented Charle. &S -C. Moore. The writer is acquainted; the gtf yote o family. The with this gentleman, than whom a paternal instinct is strong, but one pa more cenial and kind man does not ex- ternal instinct divided by 1,400 gets to ist in the blue-grass country or any- be fearfully diluted, and I don't think istm o , .J i Solomon was first-class authority on where else. Hw paper, neauy pnntea - . , T nAVAr lr now but. tun and sparkling with wt and wisdom, is wlaHlv welcomed to the Watchman's gladly welcome exchange list. The Blade in discarding the editorial "we" says: "After mature deliberation I have concluded to discard the editorial "we," and as a kind of journalistic Cyclops write with one big I. It is not intended as a mere icono clasm. It seems to me that the origi nal presumption is that a man writing, an expression of his individual views, should use the first personal pronoun, and in the absence of any reason for a variation from this general principle in editorial writing, that thk. presumption should continue in fohce. Again I have always felt that in the use of the editorial "we" I could screen myself be hind its impersonality in a manner which, was not salutary, because it did not make me realize the personal re sponsibility of my Own utterance." T 6r the Watchman. Notice of Some Old N. C. Almanacks. 1. Hodges For I the year of our Lord, 1798. Being the 2d after Bis sextile, or Leap Year, calculated for the State of North Carolina, but especially adapted to the Meridians of some other States. By Win. Thomas, Agt. Printed and sold by Abraham Hodge, Halifax, N. C z. Hodge and royiana s jNortn Car olina Almanack, Foir the year of our Lord 1805. Calculated for the State of North CarOlin$, beirig precisely adapts ed to 4he Meridian and latitude of the fity el Raleigh. By P. Btooks, Agt. Halifax : Printed by Abraham Hodge., . 3. The North Carolina Almanac, For the year of our Lord 1799: Being the 3d after Bissextile or Leap Year, and the 23d-2jlth of American Inde pendence. Containing, The Lunations, Biding and Setting of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Remarkable Days, Festivals, &c., kc. Alsoj a variety of useful .and amusing articles. Calculated for the State of North Carolina, being precise ly adapted to: the Meridian and Lati tude 4 the town of Salisbury, but will serve without sensible error for any of the States adjacent. Salisbury: Print ed and sold wholesale and retail, by Francis Coupee. 4. The title page of the one for 1800 is the same as the above, with the change of the year. The author says: The contents of t his Almanac will amply repay The expense wuioii lue purchase has cost. And none but a blockhead can seriously say That hfs time and his money are lost. Chflstmass being gone, a good new year I wish to all iriv readers dear : Botli health and wealtn, gtwu meat, strong Deer Ana all things else the uean to cueer. Cold weather and Ilka (or snow, If the vapors should condense and treexe : or else wlU , lull In showers . ; ot rain. (This is the calendar, tec, tor January.) For tlie Watchman Letter from Locke. Bast's mills are running every ttay, and bides: the miller, is doing good The free school at Salem is in bloom Miss Mollie Julian has her hands full; but she is a good teacher and can man age: eui. Sifford's cotton gin is about closing up. The cotton is nearly au ginnea and the money spent that's the way it goes. There was a Very good crop of corn and cotton raised in this community last year, and sufficient roughness for our stock. The pork supply is also good, and farmers are independent of the eold weather and snow. One of our young men had the luck of getting married about Christmas times. Esquire Tarrh did the work be fore the weather got too cold. We can boast of one industrious man Sam, the boss tobacco raiser, who ploughed all day Ptiewyears. A r AKMER. entucky Editor on Flogging in the Public-School. take great interest in the public schools; am constitutionally opposed to wiiippiug children, and want this btate to abolish it by statute, from the pub lic schools. I dont like Solomon; he is dead, and it looks like I ought not to say anything to hislisparagement, but his Views of the "rod" as an educator of youth, and especially those of mascu line predilections have made a great deal of trouble in this country. Com pared with Solomon, Brigham. Young was a bachelor. Solomon had a thous and wives. He had a sort of a corner on matrimony in his town, tie did not have to pay the County Clerk for license, and being good looking he married just as many as he pleased. He perhaps had a photograph album and kept all his wives numbered so he could tell their names. On state occa sions it was yery easy perhaps, to get along by calling them Mrs. Solomon, but in the family circle it must have kept the old gentleman rattled to call the great long Jew names of a thous and women. Solomon had pern about 1,400 children. Of this number, for a man of his proverbial good luck, j boys that were very much hipped at school. One of them suicided under an indictment for murder, and would have gone to the penitentiary. The other one did go to the Legislature. I never was whipped at school. The in ference is plain, though of course em barrassing to my natural dimdence. As a school boy my dullness in math ematics was but faintly expressed by the edge of a meat axe. Two men who rtried to get that same hieroglyphic art into my cranium, sleep under two mon uments in the Lexington cemetery. I walk out there in the late evening sometimes, and sit with uncovered head by a little grass covered mound. Npt long since 1 walked up to the first one of the monuments alluded to and said, "Professor, I am glad to meet you under the existing circumstances. To the second monument I walked, aiid instinctively pulled off my hat in reverence, for there was a man that I loved so that I named my boy for him. It would be a cold day in June when I would name one of my boys for the first one. When my first boy got old enough to go to the city schools here, I sent him to one with a note stating that I did not whip my own children and dil not want my boy whipped at school; He came back and told me that one of the teachers was named Skinner and another Tanner and that they' would not take him unless thfcy had the right to whip him. I told him that he should not go, by a large ma jority. He was too young to go to the fctate vollege, but they made an excep tion in his case when I told them about the city school s idea about skinning and tanniwi, and I don't believe any professor in that college will say that any better boy has ever been there. It 1 shouul ever send my children to a school, I will remark as a general proposition that it would be unhealthy for any main to whip one of them un less he is pretty certain of his ability to whip a man whose fighting weight is 180 pounds, and who has taken some exercise with a maul on a rail cut. Blue-Grass Bhtde. Furious Fat Donan Red-Hot Nonsense. correspondence St. Paul Globe. Clap the great horned and scaled, cloven hoofed and forktailed old be devil, reeking with brimstone of 0,000 years of hell and damnation, into the straight-cut black coat, white cravat and gold spectacles of an Episcopal bisnop or a Presbyterian dacfer of di vinity, and set him to lecturing a Bible class of little girls on their sinfulness of giggling at their boy sweethearts on Sunday, and he would be a dainty and delicate personification of modesty and consistency compared with the ex-Con federate cattlle in Congress at Wash ington, who are howling about the at- titude of Dakota. A herd of red-handed rebels who owe the fact that their necks are spared to the mistaken clemency of the government they strove to destroy nearly a hundred ex- colonels and brigadier general and major generals of the secession armies, whose only claim to office and only qualification for office under the United btates is having rought tour years to disrupt the Union, and trample on the Constitution these fellows ranting about the revolution and ""treason of a grand territory in aspiring to become a btate a Sitate that a horde of un hung traitors and rebels, still dripping with the blood shed in their mad at tempt to tear thirteen States from the flag of the republic, prating of the 'rpvolutionariness and 'trattorousness of .trying to add a new and radiant star to that glorious banner, men who turned the fairest half of the hemis phere into a golgotha; ridged a conti nent with the graves of the Nation's defenders, and piled upon the bending backs of the American people a debt of millions of dollars for every year since the creation ot the worm, m their m- sane and ruth ess strm?rle to drao' - C0 " CD thirteen States out of the Union these fellows, frothing at the mouth, &c. Yankee Davis, of El Dorado. Sew York Sun. Mr. J. H. Davis, a funny gentleman down in kA Dorada, W.-C, sends us letter, evidently composed with great labor and signed with a oeautitul pen . l : 1 ! 1 1 ft 1 1 - . 1 uounsn, in WHicn ne declines "taking any further interest in your pseudio- uernocratic siioet, ou me grouim oi aa alleged lack of "consistency1 in the Suits . "comments on ex-Presiden Hays.,r We advise Mr. J. H. Davis, of El Doraio, to take a little further in terest in his spelling book and Luglish A 1 ft grammar berore venturing on the sea of literature. . . - Mr. Davis is a northern man, and is commonly called "Yankee Davis" in Montgomery county. He is the owner of the Monis Mountain mine. A dispatch from Buffalo, N. Y., an nounces the purchase of an immense I tract of land m North Carolina, stated to he g'jr.WO :icres Home Helping. A PROPER SUGGESTION TO FEMALES AS WELL AS MALES. TRADE AT HUME. Looking in this line, we submitted reflections with regard to the patron age bestowed by many of our citizens, who are not dealers, on northern mer chants. Our object was to show that an occasional article might be purchas ed in this way at a lower rate than the home price, yet, in the long run it does not pay. Occasionally a Northern firm run off some article they happen to be long on or . it is getting out of fashion, or by way of advertisement, at. reduced rates. Ordering sueh goods is always haz ardous. In the first place the cash must always accompany the order, then the goods may be damaged and note well this fact if they happen to be out of the goods ordered, they will send something else. , They never re turn the money so long as they can hold it. The party ordering can never be sure of getting what he desires. Ask any of the many, ladies, who are in the habit of buying in this way, if this is not the orthodox and frequent return they get from the Northern merchants: "We regret that we are just out of the exact articles you or der, but inclose these goods, which we trust will answer your purpose." Again, when postage, or expressage, is included, it will be found it is about as cheap and as much more satisfac- ! tory to buy at home, where the goods can be compared and examined and when you can be ceitain you buy ex actly what you want. When you buy from a home mer chant there is no leap in the dark. You know exactly what you are doing. One of the most prominent and enlighten- , 7 , , V X - ed citizens told us a few days ago, wuuc uiscusaiug tuis vciy u w, nic following, as showing the views held by Northern merchants: "1 sent an order, said he, "to a tnend in New York himself a leading mer chant to have filled. It was for mat ting. My friend went to a large deal- er 111 that line ot goods and left the order. When the stuff came it Was rotten and not at all what I wanted. I wrote to my friends recounting the shortcomings and asking a change, or that 1 might return the goods and re ceive my money back. My friend was in dicant that I should be so shameful- L cheated and treatejd. He went to 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ''Bit e dealer ana stated tne case, telling Till 11 mm 1 would oe pernaps a gooa ana constant customer. The matting man aughed in his face, and told he would do nothing, that he didn't care for and didn't expect to sell a customer but once, ftellmtroti his old goons to dis- ant customers constituted his profits and this, said our townsman, "was all the satisfaction 1 ever got.'' VV e have no doubt this is the way Northern firms work off old goods. Distant customers are at their mercy ud can't help themselves. All the favor and andvantage are with the Northern men. Every man is entitled to a living in his business and our merchants sell goods as cheap as can be found in the btate. When favors are requested of our home merchants they never fail to re spond. Then, it is the part of our people to help the merchants, who ex tend the favors. When a subscription is carried 'round for any charitable purpose, or when help is sought for tne public benefit, ourr merchants, who are all public spirited and generous, are the first ap pealed to and never in vain. These are plain facts. Our people especially the ladies should ask themselves what they would do were it not for the home mer chants. Let us all pull together and help each other. Char. Democrat, Railroad Building in 1885. The statistics of railroad building in 1885 show that while there was less activity in this direction than in any ear since 18 8, the South added near- y l.iuu miles oi new roau to ner mileage, or largely more than one third of the totals mileage constructed last year. The aggregate of new tracks laid in 1885, according to the annual report of the Railway Age, in the whole country was H,l 1 3 miles, Mis souri leading; with 282 miles, follow ed by Kansas with 270, and then by Florida with 251. The number of Hues under construction in 1885, and the track laid during that year in each of the Southern States was: Maryland. Virginia. North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Tennessee J Kentucky . . . ; West Virginia . , Texas . . ; . . , , Arkansas i 1 G3.0 a 11.0 5 5L0 4 104.0 9 151.0 11 251.5 3 27.0 3 76.G 2 452 1 2.0 5' 53.0 3 j 21.0 0 211.2 4 28.5 59 1,008.3 Total ....... L 3he four States, South Carolina Georgia, Florida and Texas, had ver nearly two-thirds of the total track laid in the South last year, or 718 roTes. The lowest State in. the list is 1 .i ! . I . i m i . 1 - Tennessee, which miles of new track. only The outlook for 1880 promises more activity in railroad construction than we have had for several years. Al ready a large number of branch roads and extensions are under construction. In Texas the activity in building new roads bids fair to be unusually brisk, even for that great State. In North Carolina a n amber roads, some of them quite important ones, are now being built, and the prospects in that State as well as in South Carolina, are favor able for a considerable extension of railroad mileage during 1886. Manu facturer's Record. WASHINGTON LETTER. Prom Our Ue-ular Correspondent. Washington, Jam id, 1886. The proceedings of the week on Capitol Hill have been varied, interesting, and fraught with results in the lower branch of Congress. The Senate did little else in ! open session than listen to endless irrele vant talk on the silver question, irrelevant, because no financial measure ws formal ly presented to that body until to-day. $ix Senators made long set speeches in ud voc u cy of continued coinage, another cr3wded in an oration in behalf of National Monuments to Lincoln and Grant, and another expend- ed eloquence on the subject of our Army. in us uany secrui sessions me senate lias had before it the President's nominations, hundreds of which have been confirmed. No cause of complaint has been found auninst the nominees t licmsi-l ves i n rcrmrii in their honesty, fitness and efficiency, and the Kepoblicac senators, in lieu ot any such grievance, have been discussing in caucus the question of disciplining the President on the subject to tenure ot office. Unable to express themselves freely on this subject in Executive session without ex- j posing their plans to the oppotition, the ! leaders of t ne Republican majority quietly B3 e lo eir associates u.at they must ugreo to a motion adjourning wr iut T .nri.. unit- ; .,. aer tnai a caucus misut be neiu on an important subject. Of course the Demo re' crats did not know what was brewing, and tin; proposed motion wus carried. Iu tins caucus, the President's policy was the subject of debate, and the more pro nounced disciplinarians, such as -Logan, Hoar, Conger, and Morrill, advocated reining up the President to compel him to state to the Senate his reasons for removing one set of officials to make room for others ot his own party. Some ot the more fair minded Senators held that it would be going too far to ask of the President an explanation of bis right to select his own friends to till the offices for which his party bad fought so hard, and that he was only doing what a Republican President would do, it' one were in the White House, This kind of argument was very distasteful to the Republican managers, and they pro ceeded to discipline their obstinate breth ren in a caustic way that won them over, or at least compelled them to submission. While a variety of opinious were ex press ed with regard to the propriety of raising a formal issue with the Administration at present upon this question, a majority were disposed to say that should the information sought not be forthcoming ultimately, the Republicans in the Senate w ill take some formal action to secure it, or an avowal from Mr. Cleveland that he will not give bis reasons for making removala. There are many Republicans in the House of Representatives who would like to see all ot the Republican office-holders dis charged indiscriminately. Their reason for this is that their party machinery is being disorganized by the present state of affairs. Many of their party workers received ap pointments to office as rewards for party service, and as long as they retain their places under the present Administration, their hands are tied in a way to make them useless tor party w ork. Anion" other bills to ab lish the Civil Service law that nave been introduced in the House was one bv Representative Seney, of Ohio. No such bill can pass the Senate while the Republicans l ave control of it. Thev affect devotion to civil service refbim ami the so-called spirit of it, and will cohliuue to do sous long as the act can be made useful in keeping Demo crats out of office and in bothciing the Democratic party. Then again thete are many shrewd Democrats in Ooth branches of Congress, who w ould deem it unwise to reoeal the Civil Service law ami who see g.jod politics in letting it stand as it is, though, ot course, JJie question w ill ic agi tated like that of silver all through the 6es- Lson. 4ihe House of Representatives was com mendabty industrious in disposing of the Presidential Succession bill, which has passed w ithout change, just as it came from the Senate. Under its provisions the line of succession is taken from Congress and lodged in the Cabinet. Only t lie President's signature is lacking to make it a law, and then Mr. Bavafd and not Mr. Sherman will be Vice President of the United States A startling visitation of death has just darkened the home of the Secretary ot State, and the genial, graceful, homelike hospitality characteristic ot the Bayard Mansion, will be hidden under the shadows of bereavement lor the remainder of the season. Miss Catherine Bayard the eldest daughter off the Secretary, died suddenly on Saturday afternoon of heart disease. In the course of a very pretty letter from llio de Janeiro, lirazil, to Col. R. B. Creecy, of Elizabeth City, Minis ter Jarvis says: "In reference to my self I am glad to say that I am in fine health, and that Mr?. Jarvis is much beiter than she was v hen you last saw her. We have found climate, country and people all we could desire. The Emperor, the Empress, and in fact the whole oyal family and the government officers, we have found to be plain, sen sible, good people, free from any fool ish ostentation, earnest in their efforts for the advancement and prosperity of their country, and always extending a hearty welcome to those entitled to it. Reinff sent awav from home at all I could not be sent to a more pleasant place." Ireland is threatened with a famine, and fears are entertained in regard to it. The Money Value of Women. "For every man who lrVes a single life, caring only for himself, there is some woman who is deprived of her natural supporter,1' says Henry George. It is a cool and unwarranted assump tion on the part of society that wives are supported by their husbands. The persons who assume this will seldom deny that wives usually work as many hours a day as their husbands, and fre quently more. "But then," they will say, "the wife's labor is unproductive, it has no money value." Such a position needs no very close analysis to prove its utter absurdity. Let the wife fall sick, and it is imme diately discovered that her labor has a money value, for it takes money to hire help to take her place in the household. To take her place did I say! But who can take her place? The wife's labor is not unproductive. It is as necessary to cut and sew cloth into garments as it is to produce the mate rial of which it is made or to weave that material into cloth. It is as ne cessary that food be cooked as it is that it be provided in readiness for cooking. A housekeeper is as essential as a house builder. It is not a "supporter" that a self respected woman asks for in society, but justice equal pay for equal work. Industrial Appeal. There is an ex-Vice-President alive, it seems, whom everybody has forgot ten for many years David R. Atchin son, of Missouri, who in 1853 was chosen by the Senate to fill the place of Vice-President King, who was a North Carolinian. Col. Edmund Richardson, the wealth iest man in the South, died at Jackson, Miss., on the night of the 11th inst., of appoplexy. His estate is estimated to be worth from ten to fifteen million dollars. He was by birth a North Carolinian, and though without ad vantages of education, was a fine busi ness man. He leaves four sons and a daughter. The American Exposition in London has been postponed until next year in order not to conflict with the Colonial Exhibition. London is a large town, but it is not equal to two simultaneous expositions. It is remarked that the Russian wo men talk less than American Women. This is owing to the language. One Russian word is calculated to last a quarrelsome woman twelve hours.- thtcago Junes . HAPPY IE! YEAR Do you bear a big noise way off, jjood people ? That's us, shouting Happy New Year! fr our ten thousand Patrons in Tex ts, Ark., La Miss., Ala., Tenn., Va., N. C. S. C, and Fbi., from our Grand New TEMPLE OF MUSIC, which we are just settled in after three months of moving and regulating. Halleluiiih! -Anchored at last in a Mhiu- moth Building, exactly situated.to our needs and immense business. Junt what we have wanted for ten long years, but couldn't get, A-Macnificsnt Double Stera. Tour Sto- net? and ttas&meni. cu reel rront. 100 Peet Deep. Iran and Plate Glass Front. Steam Heated. Zbctrio Lighted. w ... pa mm i mm Tte Lariat Finest acfl Most Com- plete Mrsic House m America. A Fact, if ire do say it ourselves. Visit New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Ums, Aetr Urfcans, or anu Citu on this continent, ami tfou will not find its equal in Size, I nursing Ap- Dea ranee. 1 aster ui arrow emenr, r,w- yant Fittings, or Stock Carried. BUSINESS. and now. with this Grand New Music TVmnli' ntTcrdinr every hu-ilit v fr the ex tension of our business; with our $300,000 Cash Capital, our $100,000 Stoc k ot Musi- fl W.-in s. our El -lit Branch I louses, our 200 Agencies, our array of emploves, and our twenty rears of succissful exierienec, we are prepared: t serve our patrons far lutter than ever before, and yitethem irreuter ad vantages than can be had elsewhere, North or South. This is what we are Hvinir for, and we shall drive our business from now on with tenfold energy' r'With hearty and sincere thanks to all patrons for their good will and liberal sup port, we wish thein all a Happy New War. UIM & Bates Si Mi House, SAVANNAH, OA p. 8. If any one shouNI liappf-n to want a Piano, Organ, Violin, Bajo, ao-ordcon, Baiul Instrument, Dram, Strinjrs, or any small Musii-al Instrument, or Sliest Huric, Music Book. Picture. Frame, Statuary. Art Goods, or Artists' Materials, WE KEEP 8UCI1 THINGS, ami will tell you all about them if you write us. L.& Bi Si Mi Hi IT FIFE! My wife hos been a great sufferer from Catarrh. Several physicians and various patent medicines wore resorted to, yet the disease continued unabated, nothing ap pearing to make any impression upon it. Her constitution finally became implicated, the poison being in her blood. I secured a bottle of B. B. B. and placed her upon its use, and to our surprise the improvement began at once, and her recov ery was rapid and complete. No other preparation ever produced such a wonder ful change, and for all forms of blood dis ease I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. aa a superior Blood Purifier. R. P. DODGE, Yard in aster Qoorgia Railroad, Atlanta, Ga. From the Athens (Ga.) Banner-Watch man. Uncle Dick Saulter says : Fifty years ago I had a running ulcer on my leg which refused to heal under any treatment. In 1853 I went to California and remained eighteen months, and in 1873 I visited Rot Spriogs, Ark., remaining three months, bnt was not cured. Amputation was discussed, but I concluded to m ike one more effort. I commenced taking the B. B. B. about six weeks ago.- The Fifty-year old sore on my leg is healing rapidly, and yesterday I walked about fifteen miles fishing and hunting without any pain, and before using the B. B. B.I could not walk exceed ing half a mile. I sleep soundly at night for the first time in many years. To think that six bottles have done me more ood than Hot Springs, eighteen months in Cal ifornia, besides an immense amount of med icines and eight or ten first class physicians, will convince any man on earth that it is a wonderful blood medicine. It has also cured me of catarrh. There is a lady living here. Mrs. who has had catarrh for many, many years. I have known she had it for fifteen or twen ty years, and my father once doctored her. -c cka irn thpn n tenant on our nlacc. t or the last two and a half years she has been bedridden, the catarrh or cancer (the nu merous phvsieians have never decided which) during her two years and a half in the bed, had eaten all the root ot ner e a . mouth out. She was so offensive nq oi ej could stay in the room; she could not eat; anything, but could swallow soup if it was strained. She gave up to die, and came sc near perishing all thought she would die; Her son bought the B. B. B. and she used several bottles, which effected an entrcj cure. She is now well and hearty. I have; not exaggerated one particle. LUCY STRONG. SOMETHING- NXW! gy-LAMP CHIMNEYS3 that will not break by heat, lor Mile E.NJSIfrS'. DIAMOND DYES - All colors vh ENIsISS' ! for Seed dl EMNISS'. I wish at DON'T FORGET to call all kinds at TO THE LADILJ: Call and see the Flower Pot j at ENMSS'. imiin n nt"D mar b ffnnl on fll- nt Goo.. 11119 C ELXtUOt r. tlowcll & Co Jfetvapapvil A.UvcrtlUw IiuTPau(tt) Spmw S.wl,(w ndvf-r'isl-x euntracta nuty bj made (or it l. NL.W lUUli GREAT GRIEF MOUTH! zzr MARVELOUS PRICES. OO KS foExhe M LLI O N Complete Morels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, A f most following book. r publnbel io acii pamphlet form. mni of ihcai kanlonM-ljr lllaatra mmmS hM Miter. TfrfT ire.t of . fre.1 mi'iy d ubjrcl, ir, l m- Iltiiik The from liit without adlaa Ikeru ataaT that a or tut would Ui w taea. Eaea book U compute in luclf. i i I; The WMaw HeJott rK- Thl. I. the beak aver which roar grandmother, laaf bed till the; cried, aad ItHi juM M fuuBT io Jji at it ever wa. 2. Vmmrf Work for Home Adoraaacat, aa ro tirely new work auoa tbil .ubject. cont.iaiu ea.r aad practical ia.tractioa for niaktu faacf basket., wail pocket., bracken, needle work, embroidery, (., eu., pro- fuieir and eloaaatly Uluatratod. 6ue.t cohectiou of faJry none, erer publubad. The ehlii r.u wilt .leli .htpd wuh them.- 3. ttriaaaa'a l .l rwJwv Hi,.rl, . far the Vhm. The- 4. The Lately et Ihe l.ake. By Sir "falter Scott.; " The Lady of tue Lake " it a ruaianoe la icr.e and of .i the work, of Scott none it more beautiful (baa thit. 5. Manaal of Etlgaetlc (or Ladiet and Ueatlraaeo, a (uiUe to poHtoMM and good- hreodiof. (i.iaf the ralea ot lantern ettnueite lor an occaawo. C The Standard Letter Writer for Lalle. .r,d Oeotleatea. a complete guide to corrc.pou deuce, rieiu plain directioni for the coaapo.iUoo of Icttert of erery kin 1 with iuoumerablc formt aad example. I. Winter Kvcalaa; ItecreaUloHo, large eolloetlaa of Acting Charadot, Tableaux. . lanM. Purtle. etc. I i aocial gathering, prirata Iheatrtcali, awl tteaiag. ai home; lllattrated. .1 8. llaluue, K Itatlon. and Kcadlna;.. a 'arcc aad elraicc collection for school exhibition, and public and ariraie catertaiaateal.. 9 Parlor Mafic and Ctaeaalcai I ip rlincnU, a book which tclt. how to perform nuaare-ti oi amuiu.g triekt la atagic aad iastraotlv caaerisaeau with stmpii ?10. Th. Iloaae t aok Hook Mil Family Ph elan, euataiuiiiii bundled, of excellent ewkiag rec hy.l. Kifjei I com aad biats to housekeeper.. alw telling (tbw to care ail awm aliiweatt ay saaaf. aoas. remedy . f II. Mtutmera aaad Cmtsms la Par Away l.ond a xerr tnlere.tlne aa-l lurtructl e hook of trarel.. dewihi log the peculiar life, habiu. Dimmer, aad (Hini of the poflc of foreign eountriet : illattrated. ' II. Maieea CaaasJcte Starlea by rorular Author.. f mhini I li lore, haussraas and detcetire (tortct. stories df sociciT Utr, of airealuxe, of lauway UK, ttf., an xcry ia teresu calieciioa of the fanay ataxies, sktches. anecdotes. em au I i-.ket thai hat been written for some xeort : Illua tM It. Carfal Knotrlcdac for the MllUaa. a hand book of ax-ful information for ait, apoa saaay aad xarluei. subject: Illustrated. IX Called Dark. A Xoxel. Ex Hugh Qpawar, aalhor ll.ft ll.r. 5 - II The Uaaaret. of Wit. Ilamorand raa,a!arac ie. . - - . , ..... , ...... . ... Beaa I HARDWARE. V WHEW YOU WANT J HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES fo1f rr tho iindin'c!innl n VA A Row. D. A. AT WELL. Agent for the "CardwellThresher, Salisbury, N. cJ Juncth-tf. FLORAL GUIDE la a work of rrrlr SM inm . .lrrd plate. MM Illustrations, with rfa tt Vi-wHaMr. rlcM of I'taoia r'nfi.Hii r Uic best Flowrrl '4 C2T7'T?"rC Uow inOTjiVIo awl crwr ::iu. Tue ou'.v it rein, nutcu mmy tx- ot-dnctM from ihc firs cir. KX ONLY VICR'C FEI D. AT H r AIHjCAHrBW. JAMES VICK, &EDSX2AN, Rochester, N.V. SEND YOUR WOOL K TO THE HIS NEW FACTORY is no in operation, and facilities for man ufacturing Woolen Goods such as have nev er before been offered to our people, ara within the reach of the entire Wool grow tjng commuuity. I We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMER8, FLANNELS, UNSEYS, BL.ANKKT8, YARNS. ItOLLS, &c. ; Soliciting a liberal patronage of our peo ple, we are respectfully, Salisbury Woolen Mills, "Office at old Express Office. ! ; May 28th, 1885. 82tf R.T.HOPKINS IS NOW AT TOE Corner of Kerr A Lee Streets with a full Hue of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Also keeps a Firat Claaa HOARDING HOUSE. Call ami see him. 28:ply. J IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAG. AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE OTON -AND SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS v ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR , , E.Rem ington & Sows' Sport Armi and Ammunition, 1 1 tn Diwunajf NEW YORK. WESTERN OfTICE, D. H. I.AMBCRSON Sl CO., T3 Satu S-net'L, Chicago, DL ARMORY, - - I LION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. AK II THE BEST MANNER, BY SKILLED WtK K& IEME1BER THAT BUJ MOBS ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES 0B RIVETS TO WEAXEM THE BLA0L SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON HGRICULTURIL C0.f I LION. N. V. Mew York Office. 118 C hmnbera Htt Almost Given Awuy I it rated, and an are artarra 1. in. au out can .(aailar Mm poaa. Ta vtwtli Uuod lulu the boo, aouitt coi t " Id. At-the Warld'o Mercy. A Nexet. y Floren.-e Wardeu. autbnr of " The House on the Marsh." etc. IT. MUdred Trevaalua. A NoxeL By - The Dueh. ,e.. auinor or "jtwi.y uaua, etc. is Ifark isnya. A Awiei. By nuga looway, astiw of " ColUtl Hack. etc. 1 The My.lcry of the Hallo Tree. A Hotel. Br the aurbor uf " ljura Titne." to tthadoora aa the taoar. A Korel. By B. h. Far. ;eon. author of " Bread oi. i Cheese nd ki.e.' eta. II. The tiray Waaaaa. A Xexei. By Mts. UasheH. author at " Ilarr flartou. 1 etc. W The Frozen Dee. A Xoxel. By Wifkte Collibt, author of ".Tbo Woman in White. ' etc. 23. Keel Court Fana. A Xoxel. By Mia. Heuiy Wood, aothor of " Katt Lynae," no. 21. laCaatd'eNet. IA Kovel. By the Author oft1 Bora Thome."' i. ' 26. Bark to the Old Home. A XataL By Mary Ceefl Rax.-author T ' Hidden friila. ' etc. 7 John llawrrbaak'a Wlfr. een. By Mia Rulock auihor of " Jul.n llolifax. OoUeataa, ' etc. 21. Lady ...,!lin.- tfreaaa. A Bi- T autbor of Iiora Ti.orn. etc. . Jasper lunt- Heerel. A Noeet By JUsa. K. Dra ldoit author of Aurora Flotd." etc. Iatfae. A Koxel. By ilary-Cci! Hof - aoihar of " Brenda Vorke." etc. . hi Gabriel'. Marriage. A XoxeJ. By Waale Collia, autbor of No Same. etc. L - St. Ootid HaaL a Morel. By Mra Aaa B.Etephea.. author of" Fashion and iFaniiae ';. 33. Keaalaa? the W hlrlwlad. A Noxel. By Maty Creii Hay. author ef (ltd Muuietoa .aooey, etc. S3. Ifndlr-r Oarteaa. A ooet, nr ai u. I Brad- 3, a t ot Tiia Mrrraar o xwa Hasaxavw. A Sorel BxFttaW Fiere. author of "The Birth Mart," ete. Si. A Coldm Uaxaa. A Noxel. By th aaihrf of rra Thorne." etc. M Valerie'a Fate. A Kotel. By Mr. Alexander. author of " The ITnoiaclFt," fte- 17. Sloter Rwr. A Krel. By TfUkl CeJUttJS. aaihof of ' "Th Woman Jn White. ' etc. I : . Aaae. A Novel. By airs. Heary oad. ett "f "Fast krone." . i. . The I.arc l noh. A Sorl P.y MIf liolock, author of "John Halitai r.entlemsa." etc. to. Aaaaa Btrlra. Jtoxel tti$e Flhrf. ! ... ....k.r r l.sdx Aodiex s fcecrer, etc. of ' Adass Beit," " Its ua the i ... , - - . t - I ! 1 I Salisbury Woolen Mills nmm HlFLES IT. wlfl sent aox fmwi fi:e sod ea'a..-jrw. r ptkciof'' lesdinr psprr. aad h!) i. erwt i" n ma mrn .i IJ,,H In fnnaa a. f U. rxr.fc.' fuuri i w. vv.. i tf. 4 i oj . ! ! i I f I t' ft.' J6 ( -!!

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