wmv ; r 11 N L 1 , Ifi 'jfff t!' I 1 . i am-' 1 li i If ml ij j Delicate Kindness. Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 188. ; The Vance Family Again. Co' Junes, of the Charlotte Observer, repdhjfehed psrtor Vance's letter to the Vatchma.v, denying the charge of nepo- -jrning5the rounds of the radical press. It in 11 BBpplMst 11 aifc ! 1 1 ! n n t of tacts, hut Cat Jones does not seem to have been atisffed With it. He took occasion to ir hiawrif in all the glory of one of his neir-agled editorials, which was brim full of the big "I" and running over with paragrapical -superfluity. If the effort -was meant for humor it was fairly suc cessful since it.ha.- caused many smiles But If it was meant as an animadversion upon Senator Vance's coarse a a repre sentative of the people in the National Congress, its success was by no means so flattering. What does the paragrapher nay pf Ht. Vance ? read "Hp has set himself up as a dictator in North Carolina," That is a serious cnarge. its a new eaper for plain honest Zeb ance to be Cutting. .How has he set himself up? Where has he placed his dictatorial throne ? Who are they that bow down Mid submit to his dictations? The people who' love andhonor this man, who stood by them -in times of devastating war, lending all his energies to their comfort and protectionand who fought with them in the more humiliating struggles of the bitter reconstruction period, want to know something more than can be found in a paragraphic dogma, even though it emanates from Col. Jones' paper. Again the paragrapher says : 'Ifo man can be a dictator in North Carolina." This is tho "most correct saying in all bis array of paragraphic promulgations. The sentiment is readily assented to by all thinking people. It seems to bca real gem in a cheap setting. The Watch- Senator Miller of California, died at ids residence in Washington City, Mon day altenwon last. He had been in bad health for some time, caused by a wound received in the late war. His end cane suddenly at last, or at a moment not ex pected. The death of Mr. Miller creates a Va cancy in the Senate which will be tem porarily filled by an appointment of the the scheme. We sincerely hope that ttw traditional principles of J)mcracy witl thfcd a greater number of champions in the House of Hepresentati vcs. The Bouse is a Democratic body, atid its northern mem ber have hud pntctiee, even during the war, in defending the Democratic theory of government against tut' centralizing ten dencies! of Republicanism. They hare never accepted the theory that the rights of the states were lost in the great con flirt. On the contrary they niade so satis- Governor until the meeting of the Cali- H1"17 w wtn ht "- m fillr was s lenaaue oi innse 1 ignis mm me snuin owes fornia legislature, it to them that it is to day represented in publican and it is thought tfee Governor Congress by its natural leaders. We hope will appoint cancy. a Democrat to fill the Va- - Lynched. V. A. Witcher, a man of some note in West Virginia, was hung by a mob, March 6, for the murder of his wife. He had been married five times. Two of his wives left him and two others died. The fifth one he murdered and for that he was lynched. Labor Strikes. The Knights of Labor claim to have a membership in the United States and Canada of 850,000, and the number is still increasing. Strikes for higher wages pre vail in many parts of the country just now, and the order in some places, is that these men, at least, will have the cour age to staud by the principles that Democ racy represents. The bill as it has pas-ted the Senate is a defiance of Democratic orin- eiples by the Republicans, who have always opposed them. Ir is a betrayal or them by Democrats who forget that their own pres ence in public life is due to the successful asseition of the constitutional rights of the States by the northern Democrats, to whose lips they are now pressing this cup of Re publican poison. The Star sees no hope, however, that the bill can be defeated in the House of Repre sentatives. The demoralizing influences that have'forced it through the Senate are potent at the other end of the Capitol. Republican aggressiveness, reen forced by Democratic treachery, will pass the bill. Our onljfhope rests on President Cleveland's courage. Democracy and devotion to his oath to support the Constitution as re has been trained to understand and-interpret it. As the representative of the whole n irtv he can ueieai uus measure, or should the dc forming political orgauizations for the purpose of combating the aggressions of J moralization have gone so lar that his veto capital on the rhrhts of labor. The strikes I over-iuoen, ne can at least save the do not seem to be by concert, but grow out incidentally from local causes under the maxims and teachings of the Order. Democratic party from the everlasting re proach of complete complicity in so dan gerous an assault upon its principles. Ac j ore aiar. Upon the conclusion of a marriage in a viuage cnurcn in jfiitgland, the brigegroom signed the. register with his X mark. The pretty young bride did t he-same, then turn ing to a lady, who had known her as the best scholar in school, whispered to her wniie tne tears of lore and admiration stood in her bright eyes, "He is a dear fellow, but he can not write vet. He is going to bam of me, and I would not aname him lor the worki." - Anon vmotit. Mortgage Sale of Land. Pursuant to the provisions of a Mort gage, Registered in Book No. 2, page 727, made by Noah Deadman for the protection anu uencucoi the undersigned, on the 7th day of May, 1885. in which be has for feited, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash, at the Court House floor 1 n the town of Salisburv, on the th dav of a 4a i a m. . . . . " aprii next, ine following property : Two tots and one house, and blacksmith shop on "Union Hill," near Salisburv on the Statesvillc road; conveyed by the said Noah Deadman to satisfy the debt provided for in said Mortgage. TOBIAS KESTLER. By J. A. McKenzie, Agent. Sl:4t Passed the Senate. Grape Growing National Association. There is to be held at Washington City, in May next, a convention of grape growers and wine-makers, for the purpose or nririx m yi n or a ndtinnol ncuruntmn in I . - . . ""lancea py tne proposition to make a raid .v.v it ia hw upon ine puonc treasurv to the amount nf proposed to hold in connection with the seventy-seven million dollars. All honor, convention an exposition of American we 10 oke- Cm krell. Gray, Harris, wines and other nrodnrta of th o yHn 1 uson ! csenators Beck, Sauls- ,. ; , ., f oury, uutier, est and Moruan are NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP LAND! Pursuant to a Decree granted bv the Su perior Court of Rowancountv. in the ot Chrisenbury Hoishnuscr, AdmV of Pau Holsbouser, dee'd., against David Holshous er and others, I will expose to public ant cry to the highest bidder, ON THE PRE. MISES ON SATURDAY THE 40TII DAY OF APKir.. ISSfl. Hi fnllnu.f., .i....:i..j All ...K . . . ' . mwiuw lETcre principle ami regard I real estate, situate in Row an count v ad S500.0II0.00 .- -..(.. the Constitution should hold in all honor ioininir the In.U ,f H, nr, p....i,.. t:.:.i- o . .. . . . ;, ... " r : 1 vui.an ".7. ri oeiraiora w no remamcjl lvuiitz and others, containing eleven acres raitiful tolhf organic law aud were unsc-fheing the land conveyed by Eli Hnlshcusei An address issued by those engineering to be' opposed and all or known it.: . . ? we uiiH muvement snows .mat tne grape can spoken against it. We re ord with epr.,l. be successfully grown on lands not suit- ng pleasure that there are eleven Southern Has does not believe that Senator Vance aMe for general agricultural purposes Searors w,, s,w that they are ready to ipirea w any sucn mythical position; and may be made a profitable industry in 7ZaIja . . Z '"siuunon It .Ioab not h1iv thAt. h ,mi,l,tont otof n e . " -' rijtui whatever may be . rv U1 wie eouuiry. the infatuation of the people for the time It if it existed in real it v. nor doo it k-iw.u- V wwvi...;, t.. , :.. xt il 1 k..;., ti.,. ..,1.. 1:.. . . . . T r v 1 "w 1 n.i"iii.uiij uiauc 111 liri.ll rn. i wtm, 11 use n in c imomrn run rn . , ; - ; 1 . v. V 1 1 a man better fitted to fill such a position lina and Viririnia have been hitrhlv satis- turJ w,n l,rtVe cause, we fear to turn back u iu icoo wuen tne ptain teachings 01 tne constitution were oeiily violated bv them and is one of them. u V .Ml lloi8hcii!.er to r'aul Holshouser, by deed, dated Nov 5th, 1885 and registered in Book No. 54 pae 301 of Public Register's office of Row an county. ;j EKMS of Sale: One half cash and the l)alance on a credit of six months with interest from date. CIlBTSENBCnT HOLSIIOCBER. i Adm'r of Paul Holsbouser diarcn am, 21:6t 'f B a 7i did it exist. He knows our people and factory, and the business has increased their wants : he was brought up with very rapidly in the last tew mn The para-j - grapher's big "I" crops out here, read : "We have done more, said more, and wnuen more ror nim tnan any other fifty Wllitioianu in tno fitotn " That is a rather sweeping statement. It may be true. We hope it is for Col. Jones' sake. The politicians seem to be an indolent lot. That statement reminds one of the girl who was vain about her foot. She wanted a new nair of ah The-clerk'fiiHhe store showed her a half ly SeaIed and comPlete- .....il vi iiu i,uiil 111 ooiain a rarnn sum from the Treasurv that was ruised by trtri- ! 1 r . . .. " iwn uiiu ior an eutirciv different uur: ou w 1. w . 1 ... I; ine wouse will probably pass the bill. The men ot this era are not strong enough t Letter Envelopes Must Go. There has just been put in operation 1iY7 Willinm Stroaf XT V? A mithgt.n.l K I : . f nv, -,m iitciory ior I "" mc inn iiuown out oy a cun manufacturing sheets of Letter and Note mnS' arttul Republican ho know paperr so that every sheet will be its own l . 1 :: . . euyeiope, thus saving the expense and trouble of a separate envelope. This is done by gumming certain parts of the sheet so that when it is folded it is socure- ? a. number latger than the size she called for.. She put it on, not without some Oifficulty, and exclaimed : Just look, its a mil", too big ! But all this is innocent enough, and must be gratifying to Col Jones,' even .if he did have to telllt on nimseit. rurther on the paragrapher quotes from Senator .Vance's letter to the Watchman as follows: - ttov. Vance, in his letter published . . ' son name is mv m. we conceive, is get ting back to old plans, the only material difference being the use of gum for sealing, instead of wafers and wax. The vatent ed art i Ha has a margin to turu down, and a flap. somewhat 1' s we now to rive in twain the Constitution and to introduce the Greek into the citadel. The vote in the Senate was verv smnti There were 25 absentees. Tho Star has tried to do its duty in tliis very serious matter. It has been moved bv the highest motives that can stir and enr. gize the human soul love of country and a sincere desire to do that 'country some service. In onr verv soul wa twli-v tho I uiair bill to be a curse an unmitigated curse. In our utmost soul we bplitv th it is a gross violation of organic law. and is a most pestilent ami noisome visitation n 1 . C SB w n S s ss. C 3 f. to S or b 11 2 - Ni J 6 . a.-s S j? - 5" 2 ; is : 5 2.-0 -a 5 j rfl 1 onential position, and is looming in jasnion again, which, it must bags of unneees- &iujimr m me envelopes, and ue Star ot course can stand such thinir. il while it may save a little time to those th.e country can stand t, but a precedent w ho have many letters to write it is of Dave Deen set if the House passes the no consequence to those whose' corres- S'VL!! "P?.nth?,Md pondenceis small. The old method of wai wX ... . - ' 1 . " " o.ij .1.1111 nave folding and backing on the same -sheet is tned to do our dutv and shall have but little more to sav editorinllv nf th. - ... .ut . ai r ? 3- BEST EEMED7 ZN0WN FOB CATARRH SORE MOUTH SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. PURELY VEGETABLE REQUIRES NO INSTRUMENT. It Cures where others failed to gave relief. 1 a a. V a 1 I - - 7 " a " auucvu I . . pain aoout b.uu per day, whilst Congress be admitted, is a good thine to save ex tc.n0,. teac",ng measure. Uaitl Butler in b in session only." 0 nnA Jls ? k to save ex- bl8 uiumtable "Hudibras": Col. Jones then shows that C. N Yance was piud certain amounts by the oocrexary of the Senate for services a janitor of the Henatc, aflcr the adjourn mcpt of Congress in JIarch, 1885 The inference is that the Senator made a lalae or iuaccurate statement. There is nothing contnjdjctory in Mr. Vance's statement. Look at it. read it pense and relieve mail sary weight. Warm Springs. The Warm Springs has been purchased ny tne bouthern Improvement Com tt l. . im puny, an organization devoted to the development and improvement of certain classes of Southern enterprises, and the Wnat does it mean ? Why simolv that money 1W,000 has been paid throueh Charlie Vance draw pay from the gov- 8 & Wiley'8 )nk- Mr. A.Jf. Bran ernment for his services as clerk to hi 80,1 of Philadelphia is President of the father -It is in vain are Company, and the purchase money has weu PUi to col. Jas. H. Rumbouirh. Thia sate was made through Mr. J. Tiernan, who PTitminiut nnJ l j .. H u-iwniM on tne pro- The hotel and improvements going up e lo cost more than tlOO.000 mo They are building sixteen new marWe oatns, to be lined with North CarolitU marble, and in addition are buHdhifr a. reuoneu ana pUMshcd bv the Krta.. '"ig nam im teet in diameter Mr Of the benate in his expense account. Wm- Murdoch has been engaged and has tnat mean that Charlie Vance T up' Me Wl11 y out drives, etc. drew 840- day in addUion, as clerk outlook for the western part of the nis ather, or does it mn u.. OU4ie never brighter, as thi " M UlUl 1113 I I m . 1 a nwner aid not tell the truth u- "luer enterprises not vet Jr ODlrWiA Concrrcss is in session If he is paid hed Congress is not in ses won. -Ibr being clerk, the money comes irom taepocxet of his father and not from the government. It seems that last year, young Vance found something to do janitor offhe Senate while Congress was not in session. What these duties were, we do not know, but the amounts ... y uim ior sucn service are dulv his u licn htk aidhte aon oiHydrew pay as his clerk dunngthe seaeiona'of Congress? It can hardly be strained into such a construc tion. But Col. Jones proceeds, display Ing a long account of expenditures made by W. M. Hoflfcr, in 1884, 'Hoshow some thing of the character of many of the expenditures of the Senate." To this he ine attention of the tax-payer, which ! exaetly right. If a reduction of expen ses can be accomplished by exposing the ocouBt. of the officers of the Senate why show them up. But is it not manU festly unfair to tack such an account to Family"? lt t an inference that they are responsible ? Here is a short paragraph "We never ftnAka mvoP of him Ji:T S.V- Nor ha - fjiow about the mint ? public will show. given and to the When thelWto. r .t ' A, v-v' Ul uje people ativtrTa ihmIi.j . . . ' . ..utuuvejaassaiietl ii . rK.m u 1... 1 Hskt to bf virtue f thjr unchnikig and faultless political record, Themahould be no dark plotch- o hp poetical, escutcheon. Some li l8 a lotion the Mlenofechvration of Inde pence was made - The nearness to the sacred 8pot doijjot necessarily impr nate a man WSktb pnxmpl of true Jatnoti nordoaa it ud te trengthen loyalty to party and party Wt, if on ayjudfroinhistcty fif mnu) of those who enjJjfe in mriotUg old Mecklenburg. v An Undemocratic Measure. t Jil B!&11 Educatin, bill has passed the Senate by a vote of 8 yeas to 11 navs c rcSr w see tnat among the thirty ,six were sixteen Democrats. That Senators from Arkansas. Loiiifii..,. nJ-T. , Florida should Vote foTlhT bill h?n prising, iver since the civil war there has been a manifest tendency among Demo crat. 10 those States to weaken the opposi tion the party has heretofore made to the centralizing theories of government. It U a matter however, for surprise that Senators from North Carolina, Mississippi Tennessee and Kentucky should K voted with the Bepnbtieans in favor of J measure based on the Itepublican idea of the powers of the federal goveimnent There ,s certainly no reason wff tSt sentatives of Tenntee and KeJuckv should sharethe feeling which apnea , I thsthfx6 .Ut Tn- That feeling m that the North, mcluding the northern Democrats, assisted in destroying the south em theory of States' rights in the civi war and that therefore the South is now t0mRke whtew profit it can T Tnerea wereRar Carolina and Mississippi WeTd a suicidal prtMPraiume W L.. F j . that all four fgeJS,, the hill as passed is in absolute rhdat d of the Democratic interpretation of Consutution. They doootTei SrS Uht hey would rink their seats if they oppot$ he eager demands of their constituent the distribution of money provided for if SteiSs: bm wm iht t "to betaken as an inHi,-H. 't bentiiaentof full Senate mnM i. V i comaettt4oa witb tlj mum thirds of th2--Er than twow weigtt. alum or pboftate imrus of the member! are committed to C? Wa4lS535 (I sec) to argue 'gainst the grain, Or like the stars, incline men to What they're averse themselves to do: For when disputes are wearied out Tn inUr'st still remlce the doubt."" Wilmington Star. To all of this the Watchman says Amen! It is the truth truthfully said. The time may come when those who have voted for this infamy may be called to account by the people. Lula Hornaday, says the Montgomery Vidette, a girl of 11 years, of that Dlace. was horribly burned last Tuesday by her ciotning taking fire. Her case is regarded as fatal. Hot Symptoms, hut the Disease. It would seem to be a truth applicable by all and especially by professors of the healine art' that to remove the disease, not to alleviate its symptoms, shotild be the chief aim of medication 1 ti m now many instances do we see thi truth admitted in theory, ignored in practice. The reason that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is suc cessful in so many cases, with whith remedies previously tried were inadequate to cope, is at tributable to the fact that it is a medicine which r -aches and removes the causes of the various maladies to which it is adapted, ndigestion' tf h? eJtver complaint gout, rheumal tism, disorder of the bowels, urinary affections and other maladies are not palliated merely, but ""v "J 11 gpes to the fountain head JsVi' nominally, a radical remedy It Tin it on r(nn-n ai . J ' .-r- w system with an amount of wuKu is its nest protection against dis ease. nr. . h. uavia, Atnens, oa.. says: "1 suffered itu LHiurru uve years, nui since USIngCKHTAIN CATAUUii CL UE am cnUrely iree from thi "dnL ease," ur. u. o. nowe. Athens, Ga., says: "CERTAIN CATAltWI CUKE cured me of a severe ulcerated sure uiium, ana 1 cncenuiiy enaorse It Miss Lucy J. Cook, Oconee Co. Oa., wrifs, Sent 1 in, -one Dottle or your remedy enUrely cured me ot Catarrh with which 1 had suffered Kifaiy lur nvc years. J. H. AUcood. Athens, Ga.. writes Sont ws. had severe sore thmat more than two w'apItb ! An I .nlV .HII.V.1 . . I ' I. 1)1' T VI 1 . . . ' CUU'W wj w xiii. 1 --ki. LAT&KHU LI He. In uuc ua CAN YOU. DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY3 WE THINK NOT. Only a few of our manv certlfleateR r srtvon hr Others can be obtalaed from your dragglat, or by 3 O. CO., ATHENS, Ga. For Sale by J. H. EN NISS, Salisbury N.C 21:ly. Worth of property destroyed by Fire in North Carolina within the last week. Twenty-five thou sand dollars burned up in Salis bury within sixty days. Our town has no protection against fire, and should it break out half the place might be des troyed before it could be stop ped. Remember that years of labor, self-sacrifice, and denial may be swept away in an hour's time. Don't run any further risks but call at once and take out a poli cy with J. SAMUEL. McCUBlXS, who represents rliiie of Fire Insurance Companies equal to any in the State. Onlce, next door to A. C. Harris'. FcbS&iV. THE I BUI BOIL FERTILIZER 11 Manufactured especially for Bright Tobac co. We guarantee every pound automa ted with uennine Peruvian liuano. wil not fire the plant in dry weather. Insures a quick and vigorous growth 'and a large, ungnt, ncn waxv moacco. mnorsea oy the plcantcrs wherever usecl. Keniember some Peruvian Guano is almost absolutely necessary to grow large rich tobacco. This is the kind of tobacco that is in such de mand. - THE DURHAM BULL FERTILIZER for rotton and corn is acknowledged, by leading planters throughout the State, as the best Guano for the price ever used. Guaranteed free from all Firoy Amoniatcs or shoddy materials of everyltind. 4 These goods arc fast becomming thelender where- ever used, because they give the best field results. When yon buy DURHAM BULL FERTILIZER yoitet value Received, you arenot buying water and sand- Every ton of our goods is warranted to lie just as represented, jfor nle by dealers at most rait road points in N. C. and Va. LOCAL AGENTS. Valuable L. C. Bernhardt, Withersponn & Gibson, It. L. Goodman & Co., . Hoover & Lore, Salisbury N. C. Statesville N. C. Mooresville . C. Concord N. C. Apply to any of our Agents or write di rect to us for Flemings Treatise on To bacco and Leading planter certificates testifying Jo the superiority of our Fer tilizer. DURHAM FERTILISER CO. 19.'2in. Duiiiam N. C. IT I certifv that on the 15th of Febru-. ary I commmenced giving my foul 'children, aged 2. 4, 6 and 8 years. respectively, Smith s Worm Oil, and! ana within six days there were atj least 1200 worms expelled. One child! .passed over 100 in one night. J. E. Simpson. 'Hall Co., February 1, 1879. Absolutely 'Pure. tT uv ur"r vanes- A marvel of nur tv ?h?nfr,113' JiA ttiesomenes8. More economicli iuan tne nrdlDiiniklrls. and raaititudeor low lest, shro nate powders. Sold oa rut Powpk Co 106 Wall st.N l Sir: My child, five yeare old, had! symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, but fiwl ed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain'! certificate, I -got a vial of your Worm Oil, and the iirst dose brought forty worms, and the second dose so many! were passed I could not count them. 8. H. ADAMS. 21:lv. . - Notice of Dissolution. ine copartnership heretofore existing 1 w. ... a I 1 ii vn wh tne unoersigneu, doing business at China Grove, Rowan county, is this day vcu uy mniuat consent. The busi ness will be closed up by Cline & Barrin- M. P. Cline, n . ! Rcrrs Cline, China Grove, N. C. Feb. 18th, 1886. 20:4t. Notice To Creditors. AH persons having claimsTigainst Robert B. Knox, deed., are herehv notified to ex hibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of February 1887, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. EUPHIA A. KNOX, Feb. 24th, 1880. x&x. 19:6w. Garden Seeds away at Enniss' Druff Store. If you buy one doUar's worth of garden seeds or dru or medicines, Dr. Enniss will give 10 papers of fresh garden seeus iree auqv Tobacco seed free for 50 cts. wortlj ef garden seeds or medicines, j WILL PAY YOU t FARMERS, N SALE OP Lands, Under and by authority of a consent aJ. cree of Rowan Superior Court made November term, 1883, and a further lecr2 made at Felruary Term 1886, Upftn Ir coming in of the reprt of theJ2o,mi88i 2 rn will offer at public aic t the Court on MoadaybrBi day of April, 1886. 1 J! Jb fi.t Monday in April) th. f-Howing described tracts of land, form.ri! owned by WMS. MACAY, Esq., ei&S Rowan County, (the sale of lots No I o i 4 & 6, having been confirmed). ' ! ? Lot No. 6. Lying between the W. N. C. R. R, ..i the New Mocksville road, adjoininc th. lands of R. Trexler, Whitehead, Bartfer 1 others, about half a mile from th corix rate hunts of the town of Saliaburv coal taming 85 acres. The biddings on thia tract will open at $14.30 per acre. i Lot No. 7. hKr!In,!f w e "End Tract'" fining the lands of Wm. Murdoch, Benton Lud? wig and Ann McNcely, and alout U mil., from Sahshury, containino-asju .VTj finest liottom Jaiis in the Countr beia the aite of the old McCay mill pond.' ; Lot No. 8. Known as the "Wise Tract," Moa? abeaft six miles from Salisbury, between States villc public road, aljoinina th Unri. r John Gourley, John Y. Rice. M. A. Agasr and others, containino 885 acres m This tract has been subdivided into faar smaller tracts, to wit: A, containing ll$ acres; B, containing 809 acres ; C. contain- ing K87 acresi- and D. acres. containing 20T WHO ABB WANTING COMPOSTING MATERIALS, if. W To call on the undersigned before buying elsewhere. I have a line of PHOSPHATES Varying in price from $15.00 to $25.00 per ton. Also, German Kainit and AGRICULTURAL LIME Cheaper than ever before in this market. a OTTON, COHN ; TOBACCO FERTILIZERS at lower figures than you have evet bought themt CLUB RATES ' To parties wanting to buy in car load lots, delivered at China Grove, Third Creek, or Salisbury, at a small profit. J. ALLEN BROWN. Lot No. 9. Known as the '-Sutfin Trarr " n kJ Statesvillc public road, and near the Water Tank on the W. N. C IL R. alufe 7 miles from Salisbury, adjoining the lands of John Gourlcy, M. A. Agncr and others; containing 275 acres. very variety of the finest tim ber, cotton, tobacco, and craia producing land, are included the vaJ rious lots above a I vert isenl. ami thm bottom lands in this scctionrwell ditnl.-J and drained. Comfortable buildings, tea-ant-houses, tobacco barns., fcc, on the lanra tracts. Surveys and plots of the lands ma h seen at thelfice of tho Commissioner TERMS The purchaser tn nn - third cash on the confirmation of the sals me uBimice in iwo equal instalments at the" end of six and twelve months, intm a. the deferred nuvments at the ri nf ;..!. percent, ncrnnnum from the datM of n- firmntion of sale. Title to Iks reserved till all the purchase money is paid. J UiSO F. KLUTTZ, Com'r. Salisbury, N. C, March 1. 188ft: 20:tdols. The lastNotice ALL those who haTe not paid their Town Tassa for Imi jear wlli do welj to call on m and saw Ue l hem without further delay. After the K March I wilt be obliged to udvertlsa farsale Ue propertx beloriLMnir in tunm ti,n, , Jl",i-. rnis I do not want to do and slnccrHj hoocihat dellnuu-nt will come aid pay t li it c'uc-are tb cost ol advertising and Hie exposure or their aamaa and property, v, ry Kespc ct fully. feu. 4. &6J O. U. SHAVKR, Town Tax colieeter. Star - . 1886 v-fY CV Braird Special T0B?50 nlKilfe Ooatintxca to told tie front fisak in the Lute of Commercial Fertilien For. Growing Fine Bright Tobacco. Tht "Stab Banp" Spe,iAl Tobacco Mnre row .reds no r-com ilatin from ns a it ha a atvndnrd rcprjtni.ion of over ftrcn v7!! i te moat Mf,, far-rem r,d pianW8 rf ifSiT1" Indeed, t. rd, relia' le, i o: estlv l,u rreK-UIamT ftnt thia it waai e eat- ootr joatly claim for the -Star BbaS" The constantly iccrcaaing demand Ior this Hih-Qrarf. Standard Fertilizer ia the best evidence of its m? BAG IS GUARANTEED TO 3E OF BTANDARC QUALITY, rr Solo By J. Allen Brown. Airenl. Sali-hnr, v n "Star Hi and" Cotton Manures. ' Who has also' the MERONEY&BRO. Have iittcU up Machinery at their Store House for the purpose of overhaulinf old Sewing Machines. They keep new parts of all Standard Machines. Can refit them and make your machine work as well as when new, AT SMALL COST. They will repair all kinds of light' machinery, and various house hold articles Guns and Pistols, -U Umbrellas, Parasols, Locks, Sausage Grindert, Coffee Mills, fcc, fec. Don't tiirow away a pair of Tones, or Scissnra v - t for want of a rivet ; a Bueke f for want of a hoop or bail ; a Smoothing Iron for want of a handle; a set of Knives for want of grinding. Spend a Dime ail wt a IiDarl We hope soon to start up our. Wood Working Machinery, Ma- 1 chine Shop and Foundry, 'hich will enable us to repair anything from a Sewing Machine, to ft Steam Engine. We have good, wood working machinery for j Duuaing JJoors, Sash, Blinds. & making all kinds Mouldings. ii you have one of our Farm- ers rlows. don't, throw ;.,.. ' "vt iv a tt a Jr i the standard never wears out, & by adding three pieces you have a new plow at a trifling cost. And remember that you don't have to send to N. York or Ohio to get a broken part or peinti. The freight in such case will buy I the piece of us. If you have not bought one of our Plows buy I it-r-you will ne-er regret it. T. J. ft P. p. MKRONET. Feb. 4, '86. i rl 'J if- 1 - - saaaaa i