The Carolina Watchman. VOL XVII. THIRD SERIES. ' j SAIISBUEY, B C., APRIL 1, 1886. HO. 24 '1 1 Have fitted up Machinery at their Store House for the purpose of overhauling old Sewing Machines, fhey keep new parts of all Standard.Machines. Can refit them and make your machine work as well as when new, AT SMALL COST. 'nmi to i'iiiinnoni:t.'onsumntion orothi disease. Strong's Pectoral Piila will cure a cold as by m;mc. H -1 thing lor dyspeaslaJn digesUou, sick headache as thousands testify- ' SALE OF Valuable Lands. Under knd by authority of a consent de cree of Rowan Superior Court made at November term, 1885, and a further decree made at February Term 1886, upon. the coming in of the report of the Commission er, I will offer at public sale at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on Monday the 5th day of April, 1886. ( t lwiimr tlm first Vfnnrldtr in A nr5l thp Thev will repair all kinds Of light fallowing described tracts of land, formerly r . , mumw.H l.v WMS MAHAY Ka in machinery, and various house-, Rowin rjountyt (tbe M,e-of ,oU Ni0 t) 2,gr lvl1 rtiiilnc i 4 & 6. having been conttrmed) I II fill (11 UV1VU I P Gvins and Pistols, rmbrellas, Parasols, Locks, Sausage Grinders, Coffee Mills, &c, &c. Spend Don't throw iiway a pair of Tongs, or Scissors, for want of a rivet ; a Bucket, for want of a hoop or bail ; s Smoothing Iron for want of a handle; a set of Knives for want of grinding. i Dime ail save a Dollar! We hope sooa to start up our Wood Working Machinery, Ma shine Shop and Foundry, which will enable us to repair anything from a Sewing Machine to a Steam Engine. We have good wood working machinery for building Doors, Sash, Blinds, tt making all kinds Mouldings. If you have one of our Farm ers' Plows, don't throw it away: the standard never wears out, fc by adding three pieces you have a new plow at a trifling cost. And remember that you don't hve to send to N. York or Ohio to get a. broken part or points. The freight in such ease will buy the piece of. us. If you have not bought one of our Plows buy it you will never regret it.. T. J. & P. P. M KRONE? Feb. 4, '86. 4 1 IiOt Do. 5. Lying between the W. N. C. R. R. and the New Mocksville road, adjoining the lands of R. Trexler, Whitehead, Barker & others, about half a mile from the corpo rate limits of the town of Salislwry, con taining 85 acres. The biddings on this tract will open at $14.30 per acre. . Lot No. 7. Known as the "Pond Tract,'1 adjoining the lands of Wm. Murdoch, Benton Lud wic and Ann McNeely, and alout li miles from Salisbury, containing 358g acres the finest bottom in the County, being the site of the old McCay mill pond. Lot No. 8. rr a irviir if g a II M - t: a a! Jt 2 E i IK maim m C 3 3 R " a 2 C If - a 5 3 g x BEST SEMEDY KNOWN FOB CATARRH SORE MOUTH SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. WnSTRUMENT. U Osrss where others failed to give relief. DM. B. Paris, Athens, Ga., says: "I suffered vita Catarrh Ave year But sluce ustnif CERTAIN catabku CURB am cntlafly tree from the dls- Known as the "Wise Tract," lyin six miles from Salisbury, between States ville public road, adjoining the lands ot John Gourley, John V. Rice. M. A. Agner and others, containing B55 acres. N. B This tract has been subdivided into four smaller tracts, to wit: A. containing 135 - . - , . ,i f A. . " teres: b, containing aww acres ; u, cddkud 227i acres; and D, containing 207 acres. Lot No. 9. Known as the VSutiin Tract." on the Statesville public road, and near the WTater Tank on the W. H. C It. It. alwut 7 miles from Salisbury, adjoiningthe lands of John Gourlev, M. A. Agner and others. containing so acres. Every variety of the 6nest tim ber, cotton, tobacco, and graiu producing lands, are included in the va rious lots above a Ivertised, and tne nnest bottom lands iu this section, well ditched and drained. Comfortable buildings, ten ant-houscsvtobacco barns., &c, on the large tracts. Surveys and plots of the lands uiav be seen at the office of th'i Commissioner'. TERMS The purchaser to. pay one third cash on the confirmation of the sale the balance in two equal instalments at the end of six and. twelve months, interest on the deferred payments at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the date ot con firmation of sale. Title to be reserved till alrithe purchase money is paid. TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ; Com'r. Salisbury, N. C, March 1, 188d. 2():tdofs. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF - LAND! Pursuant to a Decree granted by the Su perior Court of Rowan county, in the case ot Chnsenburv Uolsliouser. Adm r ot f&ul Ilolshouser. dee'd., -against David Holsbous- er and others, I will expose to public out cry to the highest bidder, ON THE PliE MISES ON SATURDAY THE 10TH DAY OF APRIL, 18811. the following described real estate, situate in Rowan county, ad-i joining the landsof Henry Peeler, Jeremiah Kulltz and others, containing eleven acres, being the land conveyed by Eli Uolshi uer to Paul Ilolshouser, by deed, dated JNov. 5th, 1885 and registered in Book No. 54, pane 201 of Public Register's office of Row an county. TERMS of Sale: One halt cash and the balance on a credit of six mouths with interest from date. Chutsenbury Holshouskr. Adui'r of Paul Ilolshouser. March 8th, '86. 2l:6t For the Watchman. "Daddy's Little Mule." Daddy's little mule is a combination, Of innocence and mirth; He's the finest "baist" in all nation, Of "untideluviun" birth. He's nitrogen plus oxygen, And hydrogen combined; The double essence of coxigen With manners quite refined. He's labored here, a thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; But death and hell now no more fears Than when he first begun. His conscience now cannot be sierd, His heart is as hard as stone; His "gravitation" must still be feard If he gets a chance "he's gone." His constitution is very well, It takes in corn and hay; The only difference I can tell Both ends are turning gray. He trots a mile in sixty days, When going away from home, But set him on the homeward way, He'd scale a palace doome. How long he'll stay here, is not for tne Or, any one else to sav: Perhaps, his destined end will be To dry up, and 4 blow away." For this muv, daddy will not sell, But feeds him dollar corn: He says he's going to treat him well 'Till Gabriel blows his horn. And then to rest poor thing will go To strut the gilded streets; With tail a wagging to and fro His ancient friends to greet. But Satan will see the little fel, And leave his courts below; To drag poor muly down to h-1, W here all the "scamps" will go. Yours to weep, Bill Snipes. j great care, but when he drew near he was; bo overawed by the presence of the majestic hero and statesman that all his speech vanished from his memory, his (power of utterance left him and m confusion and chagrin he could only give a silent salutation. But the familiar and affable address of I Washington soon dispelled his em barrassment, and they moved forward, engaging in lively conversation about thef KevolBtionary history of adjacent localities, the President evincing much interest in his remarks and inquiries. I rom the record it is probable that they passed through Charlotte, then a small village, without stopping, al though they found an immense con course of people assembled to greet hire. They reached Salisbury on a pleas ant day about 10 o'clock in the morn ing. An interesting feature in his re ception was, that in addition to the escort of cavalry, he was met near the town by a company composed of little boys, who presentedquite a pecu liar and grotesque appearance from the fact that thev all wore buck tans in their hats. This incident was very pleasing to the President. He was received by- vast assemblage o the citizens of the town and surrounding country at the old Gourt-House, which stood in the puplic square. From there he retired to dine at the hotel of Col. Yarborough, who, I believe, was the father of the late Col. Yarborough, of Raleigh. The hotel was the house that was occupied not long since by Mr. Price, between the Mansion House and the present site of the Court-House. that he supped and lodged at Hughes' hotel, opposite the present Boyden House; and returned next m fast to YarboroughV At night the town was brilliantly The Reason Why Hon. R. T. Bennett Stood up Manfully ( but alone) Against the Squandering Pension Bill. From t he Wadesboro Times. Hocse of Representatives, ) Washington, D. C, March 10, '86. ) I am proud of your letter of the 8th current. It is one of many tokens just to hand from discreet men like yourself, who see the evil against which I have stook up alone, and who know the pressure upon a member of Congress to go with the great majority in such cases, and have regard for tne courage of a man who savs no. Let me enlarge on the matter a mo ment. The United States Government has paid $835,000,000 as pension money since 1866. The 12 States of the South, includ ing West Virginia, which follow the Confederacy, pay J of this staggering total, which makes $183,000,000 paid by the South to the North for which there is no return to the South. Out of a total of 539,780 pensioners since 1861, these 12 States have had but 20,000 pensioners. The appropriation this year for pen sions is 80,000,000 I of this paid by the 12 Southern States. $800,000,000 of public debt have been Daid since '66 $200,000,000 of this have been paid by the South. I conclude that the South pays an nually now to the North without any equivalent in return: 1 principal of debt paid $20,000,000 i interest " " " 12,000,000 pensions 41 20,000,000 For tbe Watcbmao. A . Correction. In as much as R. L. Bame, who taught the public school in this district, illuminated with a real North Carolina has circulated certain reports in regard effulgence with lamps (doubtless of a to the school, we the undersigned com- primitive style) and burning tar bar mittee, feel constrained to state the rets: and a pieoe of artillerv on the facts in the case as they stand square continued, at intervals to peal We employed Mr. Bame to teach its loud salute, school, when the school was a little A worthy old citizen, Richard Wal- over half up, Mr. Bame called a meet- ton, an emigrant from Great Britain, ing of the committee to ascertain who had met King George, approached whether there was any objection to the General on the public square and him having an exhibition when his seizing his hand, exclaimed: "1 have school closed. We gave our consent, shaken hands with one king and you but advised that the scholars should are the second. not take up too much time in preparing themselves for the exhibition. They went to work and had about completed When the excited people gathered around Yarborough's and clamored for a sight of him, he came to the door, everything necessary for their exhibi-1 and holding a white handkerchief over tiou, when th$ question of music arose, his head to screen him from the sun, he Bame then told the scholars that they simply said, "You see nothing but an should have no exhibition unless thev old grav-haired man." would agree to pay three-fourths of When he arrived in town the muni- cost of music. Finally thev agreed to ci pal authorities presented him an ad- Total, 52,000,000 In the face of all this, knowing it as I do, sympathising with the distress and poverty of my people as I do, it would be a crime in me to stay here and vote for these oppressive measures, which make and keep the Southland poor. I am bold in the maintainance of these views and heart-helped by the cordial support of my dear people. May God, bless you, cordially, R. T. Bennett. a. CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, lost of manhood. Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure vou, Free op Charge. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev Joseph T. Inmas. Station D. New Twk City. 4:1 y L.& Bi Si Mi Hi lOO PIANOS km ORGANS To be closed out Regardless of Cost. Our Annual Closing Out Sale, Preparatory to Inventory. Listen to the Story. Stock Taking is. the time for Bargains. Then we clear out -generally, and start new. 200 Pianos and Organs too many on hand. Must part with them. Some used a few months only; Some a a . ta a. vcar or so ; dome nve years ; oome leu years. All in prime order, and many or mem Repolishcd, Renovated, Restrung and made nice and new. Each and aU arc real bargains, such as comes along but once a year. 8POT CASH buys cheapest, but we give Very Easy Terms, if needed. WRITE for CLOSING OUT SALE CIR CULARS, and MENTION this ADVERTISEMENT. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. t : . - "r THE BUSY BEES HEALING NATIONS. a Mountains to the es Come Wafted for B. B. B, 1 r 4 1 MOTHER AND SISTER. B.B.B. Co.: My mother and sist r had ulcerated throat and scrofula, and B. B. B cured them. E. G. TINSLMt June 20, 1885. Columbiana, Ala, GOD SPEED IT. n;4 pay it. men. lust oetore close oi school he backed down on everything and (through false representation) laving his vouchers signea bv the com mittee, ran away a half day before his school should have closed, and has not with his autograph, was kindly furnish- Ur.O. H. Howe. AtbBns. Ga.. says: "CERTAIN CATARRH CURE cured me or a severe ulcerated sere turoat. aud I cheerfully endorse U." Miss Lucy J. Cook, Oconee Co. ua.. writes, Sept. ttth, 15: "One bottle of your rcmvdy enUrely cured me of Cat.trrh with wlilch I had suffered greatly for flse years." I. H. Aligood. Athens, ua.. writes Sept. 8, '55; "I had severe sore lUroat more than two weeks; was nUrely cured by CERTAIN CATARRH CURE in oae day-" CAN YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT. Only a tew ot our many certificates are given hcre Others can1 he oDtalued troui your druggist, or by addressing 3 C. CO.y ATHENS, Ga. For Sale by J. H. ENNISS, Salisbury N.C. jtl:ly. &- . , , lj . : I certify that on the 15th of Febru- ary 1 eommmencea giving my iotir children, aged 2, 4, 6 and 8 year?, respectively, Smith s Worm Oil, andi and within six davs there were at least 1300 wortus expelled. One childj passed over 100 in one night. J. t,. SIMPSOK. 'Ball Co., February 1, 1870. i : - SiR:-My child, five years old, hadi sTmptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, but fail ed to expel any. Seeing Mr. BainVl 'certificate, I got a vial of your Worm, i Oil, aiid the tint do$e brought forty worms, aud the second dose so mani were passed I could not count them dress, expressing their delight at his visit and the fervor of the universal welcome which the grateful people gave him: to which he made the following response the original copy of which been seen in the district since. The scholars had to employ another teach er, Mr. Buchanan, who conducted the exercises of the exhibition, which was quite a success. .Now, Mr. Bame, to cover his bare acts, says he was forced to leave the school on account of the larger schol ed bv Mrs. William O. McNeely, trom the literary remains of Judge McCoy "To the Inhabitants of the town op Salisbury Gentlemen: Your expressions of satisfaction at my arrival in Salisbury are received with pleasure and thanked with sincerity, ihe interest yeo are 1 in i ' iii l Ji I i! i i i l . .....1 P..-.. ars tnattnevnaa inreaienea toaoniui measea to tune m my wranuu wciimc bodily injury, &c. This we denounce excites a sensibility proportional to your as utterly false. Mr. Bame repeatedly goodness. While i make the most used laneruaire before the school for arrateiul acknowledgement ror mat which he should have been dismissed cdodness, allow me to observe that from the school, but we endured with your own determination, co-operating the hope that it would not be repeated, with that of your fellow-citizens We hate to appear in public in this throughout the Union, to maintain and matter, but feel it our duty to defend neroetuate the Federal government, af rmr IWripf. whpnut. is uninstlv assailed fords a better assurance of order and and falsely represented. We hope that effective government, with their con other committee-men may be more for- comitant private and public prosperity; A True Statement About the Blair Bill There is a provision requiring the Secretary of the Interior to investigate rnmnlaints of discriminations in the application of funds. What next ? Quarrels between the whites and blacks of different section are to be adjusted, and this would lead to the establish ment of another odious Freedman's Bureau. There is another provision requiring samples of all school books to be hied with the feecretary ot tne ln- erior. Think of that! Books to be inspected. This looks to the rejection of every Southern book; no Southern dea is to be inculcated! And State Officers, mind you, State Officers, to make annual reports to the Interior Department at Washington of the number of school districts and number of white and colored children. Heaven avert the dire calamity that the passage of this Biair bill might bring upon our people oppressive taxation, social ne gro equality and the final overthrow of State governments and State rights ! Pittsboro Home. ("That's the sort of law that sortie of the Democratic members of Congress from North Carolina want to force through the House. Charlotte Demo crat. Mortgage Sale of Land. Pursuant to the-provisions of a Mort gage, Registered in Book No. 2, page 727 made by Noah Deadman for the protection and benefit of the undersigned, ou the 7th day of Mav, 1885, in which he has for feited, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on the 9th day of April next, the following propertv : Two lots ami one house, and blacksmith shop on "Union Hill," near Salisbury on the Statesville road; conveyed hy the said Noah Deadman to satisfy the debt provided for iu saict Mortgage. y TOBIAS KESTLER. By J. A. McKenzie, Agent. 21:4t Notic8 of Dissolution. The copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, doing business at China Grove, Rowan county, is this day dissolved by mutual consent? The busi ness will be cloed up by Cline & Barrih ger. M P. Clink, Rcfcs Clixe, China Grove, N. C. Feb. 18th, 1886. 20:4t. 1 1 tunate in selecting a teacher than we have been. 0. V. Pool, Monroe Casper, Committee 7th District, Providence Township. Gen. Washington in Salisbury. DR. A. W. MANOUM'S ACCOUNT OF THE VISIT AND THE PUBLIC ESTIMATE OF WASHINGTON. From the University Magazine. Dunne ihe first administration r -1 2l:1y. Garden Seeds given away at EnifiW Drug tore,. If you buy. one dollar's vor4th of garden seeds or drugs pr .meaicines, Dr. Knxiss will givjk 10 papers of fresh garden seeds free. ALSO Tobacco seed free for 50 cts. worth ef garden ; seeds or medicines. 19:tf. S. U. ADAMS. THIS PAPER ReuTcvS Oeo. Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Ht. where u c-rtlsiu ; Gen. Washington, as President of the United States, in the year 1791, he made a tour through the Southern States, going Hi rough the Eastern part of North Carolina and returningthrough the West, via. Charlotte, Salisbury, Salem and Guilford Court-House. At all prominent places along his route he was greeted with enthusiastic mani- testations of gratitude and admiration The citizens ofSalisbury raised a nioun ted company of fifty-five men, with John" Beard as Captain, and dispatched them on the old Concord road to meet and escort him to the town. The Com- anv camped 16 miles from Salisbury; and Dr. Charles Caldwell, then a young physician, wh was ensign of the com spnt with a detachment of thirteen cavalry :to meet the President near South Carolina line. After much impatient anxiety to see him, his car riage at length appeared in the dis tance. Approaching it with trembling embarrassment, they were disappointed to find only bis gaudily-dressed Secre tary, who informed them that the Gen eral was some distance in the rear, riding on horseback. Dr. Caldwell, who tells something of the story in his ' quaint Autobiography, informs us that j that the best meant endeavors ot any ndividual could give. Our national glory aud our domestic frkinmnlirv can never be tarnislied or rliktnrVwMl. while thev tire guided bv wise laws, founded on public virtue. Among the measures which an en lightened and patriotic legislature will pursue to preserve tnem, i qoudi no the means of diffusing useful informa tion will be dulv considered. Mv btst wishes tor the prosperity o vour village ana ror your uiuiviuua happiness are sincerely ottered. lj. VASrIINUTO After breakfast at Yarborough s he loft, town accompanied bv a more " s numerous mounted escort, who con ducted him to balem, thence to ti e battle ground at Guilford Court-House, and there bidding him adieu, left him to the lavish praise and offerings of a concourse of the people of that sec tion. The people of Salisbury of every cjass were impressed with the plainness of his apparel and his affable manners. He was dressed in plain homespun and was courteous and pleasant to all. He expressed himself more pleased with the plain, frank, earnest welcome of Salisbury than the gaudy and fastastic reception at Charleston BARGAINS IN SMALL Musical Instrnments MARK DOWN SALE TO REDUCE STOCK. The knife nut in deep. Times hard Stock too lare. A $20,000 Stock to be n,.r,.;i..d a! WHOLESALE PRICES. An Actual Fact. See these prices: ACCOKDEONS. Six Keys, 50c ; 8 Keys, 65c; 10 Keys, 90c.; 1 Stop, $1.25; 1 Stop, Trumnets and Clasps, $2.25. BANJOS. Call" Head, 4 Screws, $1 75; 8 Screws, $2.75; Nickel Rim, 12 Screws, $3; Same. 24 screws, o. VIOLINS, With Complete Outfits. liow, Cse, Strings, Rosin, Iustiuctor, $3.50, $5, 17 ,10. 10. T , . - - , . EUPHOMAS. VVitli 4 nines, uniy rt rtn TUp latest Automatic Musical In strmnent. ORGUINETTE and ORGANINI MUSIC .15 feet for $1.00 oost-oaid. Our selection. - a t B.B.B. Co.: One bottle of B. B. cured me of bloftd poison and rheum May God speed it to everyone. W. R. ELLIS, June 21, 1885. Brunswick, Oft. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. B. B. B. Co. : One of my customers, J. JL Rogers, was afflicted 25 years with a terri ble nicer on his leg, but B. B. B. has nearly curtd him. R. F. MEDLOCK. June 82, 1885. Norcross, Ga. BAY HORSE. B. B. B. cured me of an ulcer with w hit h I had liecn troubled fifty yean. I am now as fat as a bay horse, and sleep better thaa anybody, and B. B. B. did it all. It. R. ISA U L I E K, Conductor C. R. B, of RAILROAD TALK. Four bottles of B. B. B. cured me severe form of rheumatism ' and the number of bottles cured my wife of rheuma tism. J. T. UOODMAM, Conductor C. R. R, MAGICAL, SIR, The use of B. B. B. has -curt d me of mi ek suffering, hb well as a cj:sc of piles of 40 years' standing. Although 80 years old, I teel like a new man. B. a. is. is mngicai, sir. I GEO. B. FRAZIER. WONDERFUL GODSEND. My three poor, afflicted children, who inherited a teriible blood poison, hare improved rapidly alter the use of B. B. B. . s-. 1 1 t 1 ' I I . it is a uouscnu neaiing mum. MRS. S. M. WILLIAMS, Sandy, Texas. flnitjirs. Cellos. Double Basss, Music Boxes, Orguinettes, Organinas, TauVoorines, Drums, Cornets, Trimmings, etc., all Ke duced, Down, Down. Terms CASH WITH ORDER. No Credit. Money refunded if goods do not suit. Handsome Illustrated Catalogue (65 pages) free to all. MUSIC GIVEN AWAY. Send Ten Cents in postage stamps, and ... ...... - we will man you, iree ui vuw. , PIECES of VOCAL and INSTRLMEM 1AL MUSIC, full sheet size. Also, Catalogue of our 10 cent Standard Music. EASTSIIORE TALK. We have been handling B. B. B. about ,12 months, and can say-that it is the best selling medicine wc handle, and the satis faction seems to be complete. LLOYD & ADAMS, June 23, 1885. Brunswick G.i Col. Yarboro's father, more likely. Give vour horses and cattle an oppor tunitv to rest themselves at night in a riwMinihpnt Dosition. It is cruelty to thfm of the needed rest which they can only obtain by lying down Many horses are tied so short, or are keot in such narrow stalls, that they and consequently are not Not Afraid of Threats. The House should demand a report from the education committee on the Blair bill. That a measure fraught with such important consequences to the people should be delayed is bad enough r out, for it to be smothered in . i it mi committee would be unpardonaoie. l lie Democratic party of the South desires the piissage of the bill and its wishes should be heeded. If Democratic Con gressmen from this section tail to do their duty in the matter they must ex pect to take the consequences of such lack of party teaMy.naleigh Observer. But suppose the opponents of the Blair bill threaten hack, and say that if the Democratic Congressmen from their section fail to do their duty by voting against the iniquitous measure thev mav expect to be defeated next time in some way or manner. When the Observer says that "the Democratic party of the South desires the passage of the Bill," it should make many thousand exceptions, including about vventy six Democratic papers m ISorth Carolina, edited by as good and -true men and Democrats as ever lived. You can see how threats can be handled on both sides: buppose the twenty-six Democratic papers in this State that oppose the bad Bill were to declare that they would not support a memler of Congress for re-election or candidate for Governor who voted for t hf Blair Bill, don t vou see how the Democratic party would be divided and its opponents triumph? The paper that oppose the Blair bill did not begin making threats, but they can take part in that sort of work if forced upon them. We allude to the matter now not for the mere purpose of holding the Ral eigh Observer responsible for a declara tion, but because several other Blah papers have intimated the same threat. we want to give them all a little friend ly warning Home Democrat. Better Bargains from us than any North ern Music House caivgive. Order lraoe a Specialty. Customers in all the southern States. "Letters promptly answered. A tl dress Ludden & Bales Southern Music House, Sav'h, Ga. Notice To Creditors. All persons bavin fclaims against Robert B. Knox, deed., are hereby notified to ex hibit the same to tjic undersigned on or before the 25th day of February 1887, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. EfJPfllA A. KNOX, Feb. 24th, 1880. AduTx. 19:6w. VERY DECISIVE. The demand for B. B. B. is rapidly In creasing, ami we now buy in one gross lots. We unhesitatingly say our customers are all well pleased. HILL BROS , June 24, 1685. Anderson, S. C. TEXAS TATTLE. One of our customers left ftit bed for the first time in six months, after using only one bottle of B. B. B. He had scrofula of a terrible form, that had resisted nil other treatment. B. B. B. now takes the lead in this section. LIEDTKE BR08. June 16, 1885. Dexter, Texas. .T.HOPKINS IS NOW AT TUB Corner of Kerr Si Lee Streets, wit! a full line of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. AUo keeps a First tl BOARDING HOUSE. Cali and see Lis 28iplv. i THE STAR If some people took half the interest their own affairs that thev do in those mi not lie. half rested for the eoming day's work uiuusuKi.iJujr, ..TTTI Ai i l K,,f it io nnnm.,,M.,M i W wii!.l 1 I. lunni. r he had a set speech of welcome which i 4? f uu - - -rr , '""r, Vf " ' J . , , i - j j. u r 1 1- a " IF YOU WANT TO FILL TOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE REMINGTON Wlk m pt a mm , SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. ' S "j FOR DESCRIPTIVc CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR! t E.Remington&Sons1 Sporting Arms and Ammuilion, 281 & 283 Broadway, NEW YORK. WESTERN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., 73 statu atreet, Chicago, UL ARMORY, - - - I'-ION, N. Y. , A Wniuin nnmirtlll the Ot m Utmocratic aauuniMnMiom i pMbltshed In the Otty of New York. ' - WILLIAM DORSHEIMKB, Editor and Proprietor, Paif, Sunday, and Weekly THE WEEKLY STAR, A S i xt ee n-page Newspaper, every Wednesday. A clean, pare, bright and lnte FAMILY PAPER. ' ';i REMIN STON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. ABE l THE IEST sUNNEI, IT SX1LLEB UaKH tENEHEl TIAT 0U1 Q83CS ME ALWAYS ELISIE. One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OS RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGT 03 AG1IC BITUHAL CO.. IUON, K. T. Hew Vork OSoe. Ill, CtamWr Street. I It contains the latest news, down to ttas going to press : Agricultural, Market, Fashion, . Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, ' Poetical, Humorous and Editorial tWpsrtmcnt", ail under the direction of trlses loarnalists of the bitfhot ul.ility. Its stitssSj " pages will be found crowded with good ttsafB from beginning to end. mmM Original stones by distlntiihed American mam foreign writers of Action. j. THE DAILY STAR, I The DAU.T Stab contains all the news of thy mmj in an attractive form. H correpoooewes by cable from London. I'sris, BerUa, teaaa mm DnWin is a commcndnble feaMve. Mtaat ' At Washinjon, Albany, na ot her ne centers, the ablest corr esjKmdcuta, sptriaily retained f tas The Star, furnish the hOtt news hy tcHgrafSv . Its literary features arc unmrii. The Fiuaucial and Market ReYr are as fan and eompiete. , RokIsI terms and ext raord I nmry 1 . osenU to agenU said eauri Send for circulars. can Per year Clubs o TERMS OF TM WWW JH&Xi irladc the limits of Hew York Clljr : SI SI ...9m t Ten " . M Clubs of Fifteen (and one c xtr to "V"9 ' " TERMS OF THE DAILY STAR to ROt 1-ery day' for one year (inclnding Snnday). .. M Daily, without Hunday. one year je Every day, aix mouths ... - - - j K VmUj, without Sunday, montaa.. .e Addrcu, THE STABi a and SS North William St., Maw WesSh 1 4 1 hm 4 4 1 i 1 - i - V; J 1 J: HZ nuyu . i OKU.