I hp I Vi i-n mil Y nfnnrn q n VOL XVII.-THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, APEIL 15, 1886. V0. 26 V FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY Mischief Makers. OF f 0 r4 ( ' Representing some of the larg est American And English Companies. Combined Assets over $35,- 000,000. Dont fail to call and see him before placing your Insurance I T?omoinlvnr flint vnnrs nf labor. self-sacrifice, and denial maybe swept away in an hour's time. Don't run any further risks but calF at once and take out a policy. Office, next door to Ay C. Harris'. Feb35:ly. Sale Land for BY J. M. HADEN, EEAL ESTATE AGENT, - MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, N. C. Farms, Towt Lois & Mill Property. f3T"Call and sec his Descriptive Cata, Vogue and Price List. - Terms to suit. no3:6m Oh! could there in this world be found Some little sp t of happy ground, Where villag pleasures might go round Without the village talking ; How doubly blest that spot would be, Where all might dwell in 1 berty, Free fr m the bitter misery Of go , sip's endless prattling. If such a spot were really known, Dame peace might call it as her own, And in it ghe might fix her throne, j For ver and forever ; There like a queen might reign and live, While ev.:ry one would soon forgive The little -lights they, might receive, And be off a Je ii never. Tis' mischief makers that remove Far from our hearts the warmth of lore, And leads us all to disapprove What gives another pleasure. They seem to take one's part but then They have J then Mixed up with poisonous measure. . And then they've such a cunning way Of telling ill me.int tale3 they say, " Don't mention it, I pray, I would not tell another ;" Straight to yiour neighbor's then they go, Narrating everything they know, s And break the peace of high and low, : Wife, husband, friend and brother. Oh ! that the mischief-making crew Were all reduced to one or two, And they were painted black and blue, That every one might know them ! Then would our villagers forget To rage and quarrel, lume and fret And fall into an angry pet, With things so much below them. i . For 'tis a sad4 degrading part To make another's bosom smart, And plant a dagger in the heart We ought to love and cherish; Then let us evermore be found In quietness with all around Whilejrienuship, joy and peace abound, And angry feelings perish. t Customs receipts for March amounted to $18,176,162. or S2.250.000 more than in March a year ago. Internal revenue receipts were iy,9o9.ooy. or nearly $750,000 more than in March, lboo, and miscellaneous receipts were $750,000 greater than in March a year ago. Compared with the first nine months of the preceding fiscal year, government receipts from all sources this year show an increase of nearly $10,000,000, and amounts to $247,774,- 820, while expenditures for the first nine months of the current fiscal year were $187,588,104, or nearly $23,000, 000 less than the corresponding period of 1884-85. Mortgage Sale of Land. Pursuant to tle ca-e. Registered in provisions of a Mort Buok No. 2, page 727, made by Noah Deadiiiiin lor the protection and benefit of the undersigned, on the 7th day of May,, 1885. in which he has for feited, the undersigned will a 11 pii sale Cor cash,, at tip Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on the 9th day ol April next, the tbtlowiag property : Two lots and one house, and blacksmith hop on "Union Hill," near Salisbury on the Statesvillc road; convoyed by the said Noah Deadinan to satisfy the debt provided for in said Mortgage. TOBIAS KESTLER. By J. A. McKenzie, Aciit. 21:4t si c a c c! 5 5 - Quit Hi s 5fi e , o e S - i. - t I Kmnm sr -c r: s ' - " - 1 ' s n o 2 '5- a 3 rs . " - o , Steele and Mt. Ulla. Editor Watchman : As we are having quite a rainy season for the last 3 or days, the water in our creeks have been hi;h ; overllowius: the bottoms and are, or have been too high to cross except on bridges. They are now subsiding and the low-lands in places are badly washed; all combined will tend to put farmers a little back with their farm work, but as this appears to be a late spring, we may have time to get ready with the season. Wheat that was sown early, and the land well cultivated before it was drilled in. or sown, and especiallyjwhere it was well fertilized, is looking flue now. Late and carelessly sowed- wheat does not make much show yet, but from the present in dications there will be a large crop, per haps as large as 2 years ago. Spring sown oats is coming up well and is growing off nwuij-. ti winter oats left : about the usual crop of cotton win uc pi.mtca and a little over of corn, but the low price of tobacco has caused some to con tract their crops of this weed. Since the fine warm weather has come, news has fled ; we have had some marriages to make us glad during the winter, but painful to relate, quite a number of deaths of trood and excellent citizens to make us sad. On last Saturday iuunroe isarger, a very excellent and worthy citizen, was burried. He was well known to you and a host of others, hence I will let you and nt.hnra sneak of his merits and worth. K. l . feniCK oi iuoores Judge Bennett's Snapping Turtle. "Bennett, of North Carolina, criti cised the first section of the bill which authorizes the President to employ three persons not in th public service, and two persons who are offices in the service, not more than three of whom shall be adherents of some political i 1 i ii i i - party, wno snail constitute a commis sion for the purposes of this act. Why should not the whole commission be of the same political partv, asked Mr Bennett. Were not Democrats the best exponents of Democratic policy ? Were not the Secretary of Treasury and Secretary of State as well qualified to deal with this subject as men who were uhalf horse, half alligator, and the balance snapping turtle ? ' ( Laugh ter.) "Is it a crime to be a Democrat ?' he exclaimed amid an affirmative cho rus from the Republican side. The individual rights of States, the doctrine of Jefferson, is waning, and that of Hamiltom is waxing. The great aver age of the Democratic party in 1884 who lifted up their voices in one grand chorus and pointed to the standard bearer of the partv as an ideal Demo crat, supposedthat his election meant a Democratic victory, and that all legitimate consequences would follow. (Laughter.) Continuing, he said thus the Democratic party had been preach ing economy, but the spectacle was daily presented here of that party in creasing the public -hurdens. An in stance of this kind of legislation was found in the first section of the pending bill, which would increase salarie3 for the purpose of giving some gentleman who had the advantage of being a political Hermaphrodite a place in the public service. He had no sympathy with the doctrine that the spoils were to be divided among the v mviuished; (I,. i..t-, .rj iicioMi the sixjiIv." - w ni wlw-n uttered oy Marcv, anu &i 0.arieman who thought that in the South that was not bod s yxvspel truth, had set his sights too high tor game. (Laughter.) jand stronger legislation, and Congress jwill rise to the requirements of the emergency or a Congress will be elec- elected that will. The whole Question lies rurht here. The "hnpendinff conflict " like that be tween free and slave territory, will be decided in accordance 'with the verdict of the people, and as in that case we now all admit the verdict to have been a just one, so in this, Wa need have no fear but what the controversy will be adjusted at least upon equitable principles, oecause it win be as the peo ple direct. There may be trying episodes to pass through there may even be danger pus uprisings to contend with sus pensions of traffic and industrial cat astrophes in consequence but sooner or later the patience of the people with the in ant combatant will be exhaus- and in their thoroughly aroused nd consolidated patriotism the coun try will find a safe anchorage. Wash ington Critic. Public Opinion as a Power. Some of the members of the House of Representatives who voted tor Mr. (V Neils- Arbitration mil seemea to think it necessary to state that they ' I AA an under a soTT. Of nrotest. Hilt Tuesdavs. Kev. r . 1 . reniCK oi ;uoore- - , . z , iiiesunjs, ivc. j. . i i i i i u-k r if.w tur sinv such ,.;n .lit.. i . n hisi'hi'Ntifln excellence anu kjuh ...v, , than mine will mealv-mouthedness? The bill is not .M iw, " r I . . V i -i -l write vou. - pertect by any means, put it cenainiy Clod-Knocker! well ne nas inaweu h raent enough to claim either open out it seems during tne warm peu t or opell opposition, and we see about the first of March, and from the r V YY ' , ......r v mita lnn lie must have been in a I I1U " v BEST ES.Mi!DY KHOWN P03 CATARRH SORE MOUTH atnte of hibernation during the winter And as he-claims to be a strong believer nnd advocate in and of the Dr. Woodrow and Darwin doctrines, so while in Ms se clusion and dormant state, he may have Osrre: trom member should feel called upon to apologize ior giving t his vote least of all to admit that he did so for fear of being boycotted. Members who really believe the measure to be a fraud, or a barren ideal Color Line in the Jury Box. From the Newbern Journal. In Jones county, last week, two col ored men were put on trial in the Su perior Court for capital offenses. In he first case the j ury was composed of white men of intelligence. The evi dence was entirely circumstantial, but notwithstanding a very strong case Was made out by the State against the prisoner and public opinion was almost unanimous against him, yet the jury thought there was a little doubt ac cording to the testimony, and they very Readily gave the prisoner the benefit of it and returned a verdict of not guilty. In the other case the jury was com posed of nine white men and three col ored men. The testimony-was direct and positive. The jury could not agree; the nine white men were in favor of Returning a verdict at once, but the three colored men were obstinate and insisted on a verdict of not guilty. I The good people of Jones are loud in the condemnation of such conduct. It b charged by some of them that these dolored men went on that jury with their minds made up to acquit the prisoner, and it is further alleged that one of them made false statements when Challenged for cause. There is also a report current about Trenton that a riarty who interested himself in behalf of the prisoner approached one of the committing magistrates and reminded lim that he, the magistrate, was a Re pjblie;in and should Hgg. Jlispjbeqpje fiighat.y:! the proposition, and informed the over-zealous partisan that tye was no longer a Republican if such Were the requirements. ! Sneh nroeeedintrs are simply dis- f o graceful, and should receive the sever est condemnation from all good citi zens, whether Republicans or Demo crats. When the colored people draw tjhe color line in the jury box. they sjiniply prove their utter incompetency to serve as jurors in a court of justice, itnd when olfice seekers go into the Courts and try to further their interests jjy aiding criminals to escape justice by packing juries, they too, should be put down as dangerous men, and the good oDle of the community ought not to esitate to condemn their conduct and hold them up to public gaze. Vance's Speech. From Specici&l Cor. State Chronicle. - Every Democratic Senator and a number of representatives, especially several members of our own delegation, who went over from the House side of tha Capitol to hear it, warmly congrat ulated Senator Vance when he resumed his seat. Senator Hoar, of Massachu setts, went over and sat immediately in front of Senator Vance and listened intently while he spoke. A Senator, who is considered the best constitutional lawyer on the Democratic side of the chamber, said, that as a legal argument it was unanswerable. Senator Vance had no occasion to go over to the House the morning after the delivery of the empty nut. Beauty is a great thing: speech. He was immediately surround- beauty is a garment, house, and funn ed by Representatives, many of whom I ture are aw dry ornaments compared he had never spoken to before, and re- Wltu domestic love. All the elegance ceived quite an ovation. One hundred in the world wttuot make a home, thousad extra copies of the speech have and I would give more for a spoonful already been ordered. Representative oi real hearty love than for whole ship-J Henly, of California, has ordered 10,000 loans ot rurniture and all the gorgeous f or distribtion among his constituents, ness the world can gather. Oliver W. The New Orleans Times-Democrat Holmes. ordered the speech by telegraph, the night after its delivery. A friend tells The Democratic party is the only me that benator Vance has received sure bulwark of the people against the 6fty letters already from politicians woman suffrage business and other outside of JNorth Carolina congratula- heresies of a kindred character. States- ting him on the courage and ability ville Landmark The Beautiful Home. I never saw a garment too fine for a man or a maid; there never was a char too good for a cobbler or cooper or a king to sit in ; never a house too fine to shelter the human head. Elegance fits man. But do we not value these tools a little-more than they are worth and sometimes mortgage "a house for the mahogany we bring into it ? I had rather eat my dinner off the head of a harrel, dress after the fashion of John the Baptist in the wilderness, or sit on a block all my life, than consume all on myself before I got to a home, and take so much pains with the outside that the inside was as hollow as an Buzz. Buzz. BufUL THE BUSY BEES HEALING TH I NATI0N8. ft the Mountains to tho mi Come Waft ed f o r B . B . B. had B. B with which he handled the subject. Dont Wear a Collar. The Raleigh News and Observer of a re cent date has the following : "The Democratic party of the South de sires the passage of the (Blair) bill and its wishes should be heeded. If Democratic Congressmen from this section fail to do their duty in the matter they must ex pect to take the consequences of such lack of party fealty." That sort of talk won't do. We have been laboring in the service of the Demo cratic party for many years we do not claim that we have done much, but we have at least worked faithfully, honestly and unselfishly but we don't wear a collar, and wouldn't give a "continental" for a member of Congress, member of the State Legislature or any other of our public servants, State or national, who would wear a collar, and there are thou sauds of them throughout North Carolina, who never asked for office and want none, who cherish just these sentiments. We are sorry to see such doctrine from the organ of the parly at the capital of the State that "party fealty" requires a man to vote and act against his honest and deliberate covictions : and we think that threats, indulged In by a Democratic newspaper against members of its own party, are in very poor taste, to saj' the least of it. ray. Observer and Gazette. , i "GWpe is in creasing. Germany sent out 103,657 emigrants last year. The monumental fraud of the age the Senate that considered all nomina tions in secret session, demanding per fect publicity of every paper in the hands of the President. YV ilson Advance. The Chinese population of San Francisco is larger now, it is stated, than ever. There are in 22 States 308,478 more women than men. Dakota has 29,415 more men than women. L.& B. S. M.H. MOTHER AND SISTER. B.B.B. Co.: My mother and titter ulcerated throat and scrofula, and B. cured them. E. O. TINSLBY June 20, 1885. Columbian. GOD SPEED IT. B. B. B. Co.: One bottle of B. B. B eureil me of blood poison and rheumatism- JHay Uod speed it to everyone. W. R. ELLIS. June 21, 1885. J Brunswick, Ga. TWENTY-FIVE YEA.R8. B. B.B. Co.: One of my customers. J. B. Rogers, was afflicted 25 years with a terri ble ulcer on his leg, but B. B. B. has nearly cured him. R. F. MEDLOCK. June 22, 1885. Norcross, Ga, BAY HORSE. B. B. B. cured mc of an ulcer with Whisk I had been troubled fifty years. I am now as fat as a bay horse, and sleep better thaa anybody, and B. B. B. did it all. R. It. SAULTER, Conductor C. R. R, RAILROAD TALK. Four bottles of B. B, B. cured me of a severe form of rheumatism, and the same number of bottles cured m v wile of rheuma tism. J. T. GOODMAN, Conductor C. R. B. lOO PIANOS AND ORGANS To be closed out Regardless of Cost. Our Annual Closing Out Sale, Preparatory to Inventory. Listen to the Story. . ' ai -J i . a A een iransmogumcu .ut .. Mu;frrt fbf kind nr inn the intense and ravenous way ne tries ny ui , . , " to devour County Commissioners and word, regard it as a piece or Stock Taking is the time for Bargains. Then we clear out generally, and start new. 200 Pianos and Organs too many on hand. Must part with them Some U8ed a lew months oniv Homn n .... . , j r . i- All in prime oroer, anu many oi mem Repolished, Renovated, Restrung and made nice and new. Vanh niul nil are real br r 'ains. such as comes alone but once a year, bl Ol CASH The createst deoth of the ocean IS I buvs cheapest, but we give Very Easy said to be 7,7UO fathoms London has over 10,000 policemen, or one to every 407 of her population. Ti-rins. u needed WRITE for CLOSING OU r SAL.K U1K CULARS, aud MENTION this AUYUK TISEMENT. MAGICAL, SIR, The use of B. B. B. has cured me of mueh asifferinsr, as well as a cse of piles of 40 years' standing. Although 80 years old, I feel like a new man. B. B. B. is magical, air. GEO. B. FRAZIER. WONDERFUL GODSEND. My three poor, afflicted children, who inherited a tenible blood poison, have Unproved rapidly after the use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend healing balm. ' , - MRS. S. M. WILLIAM8, Sandy, Texas, EASTSHORE TALK. We have been handling B. B. B. about 12 months, and can say that it is the beat LLOYD & ADAMS, June 23, 1885. Brunswick Ga. cakd. BARGAINS SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. PuVWlsTRUMEHT. 14 0 ares waors ot&srs failed to give relief. Dr. B.B. Davis, Athens, (Ja.. says: "1 suffered wttU Caurrh Uvo ye:uv Butstnce using CKKTAI.V CATAKitU;CUUE amenUrely tree from the Uls- nr. O. B. IIowe, Athens, Oa.. says: "CURTAIN CATAKKU CUKK cun-d me ot a severe ulcerated sore throat, and I cheerfully endorse It " Ml9aLucy J. cook. Oconee Co. pa., wntes, Sept. ITth, lass: -one bottle of your remedy entirely cored me iof Cut irrh with which I had suffered mm! It frtrHvp vta:tr?l " J. H. AUiiool." Athens, Oa.. writes Sept. 8, '33; "I T P' and it, annears mat ne inouimt v. a x" j; . "-i tlovt his seclusion wuis only tor one nignt, months airo. and was in full n he retired. No J. P. was publicly advo cated for the Commissioner's place, but an legislation, should have had worthless the cour- i There should be a place provided at every court house where all public doc uments, Supreme Court reports, and laws, etc., should be preserved, and be it all times accessible to the citizens of the county. These books are sent to the counties by the State, but they ire not taken care of and are soon lost To all who are sufferine from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, ctc.,I will send a recioe that will cure you. Free op Cuabok. This great remedy Was dis covered by a missionary in South America Send a selt -addressed envelope to the Kev .Toskph T. Inman. Station D. New York City. 4-iy IN SMALL Weekly. THE age of their convictions like the twenty nine men who bravely put themselves on record in the negative. There is no doubt, however, that a very large ma- old and near neighbor of his, who is not inritv of those who voted tor the bill a J. P., was spoken of. But when his eyes a-a s0 honestly and in the conscienti ' . 1 1 11 1 1 . 1 . t - n MM became tnorougniy opeueu u iook. uut uiief f hat it would prove Ot ettecti ana saw Kreeii iiwiich uuiw w Li ...1 u i service. also green yegotaui, w uc f, ... . . k appears to nave cnangea into a nippo- auc vr.v . .rr. griff, with an intense hankering after eventually some legislation of a much clover and vegetables ; and then to a m0re stringent character will have to Sphinx, from his intensepropensity to adopted, but for all that the O'Neill ftrTDTJ AM UTTT T 1?1?RtTT T 7 IT K gormandize and devour. Perhaps he will . , in,linir. As the New nHAM DULL rMllillMiil . i i l . x i ...... i nil l ao n : i mm w ww SLrSSrSSSTiSSirf York H'oWdsays: "It jrill doabtless ri o e.. nnmmra tn hfLVR Ua of pxeat value as a law m conse- aa many head as a Hydra and as many qnence of the moral obligation it will faces as a Dodecahedron, from tne nypo- jmpose 0n railroad companies and their bolical way he writes. But with all that he , fc consent to arbitration and is a right good kmd oi leiiow, ana wneu - c 1 daeidnn " he frets that 200 feet square with wall 50 abide by the decision. , j. n. .Mitfooj, Lueus, mra "i , i i " . . , iL i u u Knitr with Then there is a certain aegree 01 hwl severe sore throat more than two weeks; was feet high brick tobacco barn built witn men uiere i wiu ucg enured cured by certain cat ak it u cuke in that oom horsepower hydraulic dry steam suy-o-estiveness in the bill which should An trine in it for curing nis -uo acres 01 he nst. sicnt ot. woservers oi an r . , , il: - : l - ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR' SSALE OF LAND! Pursuant to a Decree granted by the Su- . . . c i , .. ...... . . - .u Kiruoiirr. oi nnwau uiuuu, mc i-.o. Holshouscr, Adm r ot Paul per of CU risen bury 1 , , i i ,i e or anu are svuii A' ,A nvi.l Ilolshons- If there is a county in the State that . nnd oeVs, I will expose to public out- makes any pretentions to keeping tnese ooks we do not Know 11. frnwMw one day CAN YOU DOUBT $UCH TtSTIMONY? WE TrllNK NOT. Only aew of our many certificates are (riven here. Others ca he uut.Uuei from your druggist, or by addressing 3 C. CO., ATHENS, Ga, For Sale by J. II. ENNTSS, Salisbury N.C. airly. H I certify that on the 15th of Febru ary! commmencen giving my ioui I children, aged 2, 4, 0 and 8 years, respectively. Smith's Worm Oil, and! i and within six days there were at least 1200 worms expelled. Ouc child! passed over 100 in one night. J. Cj. SIMPSON. tflall CoM February 1, 1879. i ; ; Sia: My child, five years old, hat symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, but fail-. 'ed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain' certificate. I got a vial of your Worm t ( Oil, and the first dose brought forty' warms, and the second dose so manvi were passed I could not count them gold leaf weed, and has every tnipg in complete working order, then we will go and see him iu his unity nome. vumc to see us Clod. An Esq. n 21-ly. S. II. ADAMS. Result of Democratic Economy. The reduction of public debt for March was $14,087,884. Last March the reduction was less than $900,000. For the nine months of the current fiscal year ended yesterday the reduc- tion or the debt was over t ,wv,uw. For, the corresponding period of last year the reduction was $45,000,000. These comparisons show what a Demo cratic administration is doing to reduce the great national burden as compared with the preceeding Republican re gime. The net cash in the Treasury to-day was $70,881,099, an increase of $4,082, 896 since March 1. The store of silver dollars is now $174,700,985, or about 3.000.000 more than a month ago. , There has been a reduction during the month in the interest bearing debt of $16,000,000 3 per cents under the last ' ! matured call, and the total interest riotous demonstrations in this counyty have noticed how speedily they quail at the sight of a Federal bayonet. A corporal's guard of United States troops nmiiSa ill n n o ii ruie is more cuitiitiuuo uiau a Manufactured especially for Bright Tobac co. We guarantee every pound amoun ted with Genuiue Peruvian Guano. Will hot fire the plant in dry weather. Insures a quick and vigorous growth and a large, bright, rich waxy Tobacco. Indorsed by the" pleanters wherever used. Remember Borne Peruvian Guano is almost absolutely necessary to grow large rich tobacco. This is the kind of tobacco that is id such de cry to the highest bidder, OIN 1 lit, I'lit. MISES ON SATURDAY THE 10T1T DAY OF APRIL, 1880. the following described real estate, situate in Rowan county, ad joining the lands of Henry Peeler, Jeremiah Kulltz and others, containing eleven acres, being the land conveyed by Eli Holsh user to Paul Holahouser, by deed, dated Nov. 5th, 1885 and registered in Book No. 54, page 201 of Public Kegister's omce oi uow an county. TERMS of Sale: One halt cash and the balance on a credit of six months with interest from date. Chrisexbcry HoLsnousEn. Adm'r of Paul Holahouser. March 8th, m 2l:6f Musical Instruments MARK DOWN SALE TO REDUCE STOCK. The knife put in deep. Times hard. Stock too lare. A $20,000 Stock to be Retailed at WHOLESALE PRICES. An Actual Fact. See these prices-: ACCOUDEONS. -Six Keys, 50c.; 8 Keys, 65c; 10 Keys, 90c; 1 Stop, $1.25; 1 Stop, Trumpets-an d Clasps, $2.25. BANJOS. Calf Head, 4 Screws, $1 75; 8 Screws, $2.75; Nickel Rim, 12 Screws, $3; Same. 24 Screws, $5. VIOLINS, With Complete Outfits. Bow, Cse, Strings, Rosin, Instiuctor, $3.50, $5, $7.50. $10. EUPHONIAS. With 4 Tunes, Only a nu Tim latest Automatic Musical In strument. ORGUINETTE and ORGANINI MUSIC; 35 feet for $1.00 post paid. Our selection.: VERY DECISIVE. The demand for B. B. B. is rapidly in creasing, and we now buy in one gross lota We unhesitatingly say our customers are all Well pleased. HILL BROS., June 24, 1885. Anderson, S. C. TEXAS TATTLE. One of our customers left Wa bed for the first time in six months, altar Using only one bottte of B. B. B. He had fecrofula of a terrible form, that had resisted all other treatment. B. B. B. now takea the lead in this section. LIEDTKE BROS., June 10. 1885. Dexter, Texas. R.T.HOPKINS ISXOW ATTHB Corner of Kerr & Lee Streets, with n full line of DRY GOODS awl GROCERIES. Also keepH a First Olaaa BOARDING HOUSE. Call and see bin. 28:plv. ORGANIZED 1859 SOMETHING NEW! that HT LAMP CHIMNEYS will not. break bv heat, lor sale at ENNISS' as rhole regiment of militia. It is not THE DURHAM BULL FERTILIZER for cotton and corn 13 acknowledged, by necessary to explain why; the reasons leading planters throughout tne atate, as are obvious: and the analogy holds the best Guano for the price ever used. , .,1 n i ii i i i.- it. - n.iiranteed free fnm all Pirey Amoniates good th Federal legslahpiu It car- materials of every kind. These nes with it a weight that city ordman- . Hrpfnst becomming the leader where- DIAMOND DYES wish at All DONT FORGET to call all kinds at colors von ENNTSS' for Seeds o ENNISS1. Guitars. Cellos, Double Basses, Musiif Boxes. Ormiinettes. Orgnninas, Tamborines, Drums, Comets, Trimmings, etc, all lter duced, Down, Down. j Terms C ASH WITH OKDEK. o urenil. fonpv refunded if coocls do not suit. V m - m i A Handsome Il'.ustrateU catalogue l.oo page; free to all. MUSIC GIVEN AWAY. Send Ten Cents in postage stamps, and , .. -i pnrf we will man you, nee oi niumi-, oai A Home Company ris and State laws never do. There is 0,i uor,tnM thev cive the best field vvv - - - . i rt U9W w-v, m c on thine-in this country ' which the rilr When von buy DURHAM BLLL npnnle hold in wholesome respect the lit TT i . J 01.1- i 1 TT -i 1 ill 1 L power is so in me uniieu otaies, uui for the same reason hat it is in Ger many or Spain, because it typifies a a centralized despotism, but because it represents the public sentiment, the concentrated moral force, the universal common sense of the country. Hence it i3 that Congress is invoked to find a remedy for existing labor troubles, and it is far better that the Government should interpose with stat utes than stands of armr. The Arbitration may not be all that we could wish, but it h a reflex of pub lic opinion. Should it prove unaVail FERTILIZER you get value received, you are not having water and sand. Every ton of our goods is warranted to lie just as represented. For nle by dealers at most rail road points in N. C and Va. LOCAL AGENTS. L. C. Bernhardt, Witherspoon & Gibson, IR. L. Goodman & Co., Hoover & Lore, Salisbury N. C. Statesvi lie N. C. Moorcsville N. C. Concord N. C. TO THE LADIES : Call and sec the Flower Pots at ENNISS'. WANTED IN SALISBURY re:t uiuuiiiu vi. n, I . ... - , J . , bearing debt U now $1,210,681,462. ing. public opinion will demand other Apply to any of onr Agents or write di- fo us ror Flemings i realise ou i"- bicco and Leaning planters ceruncaies testifying to the superiority of our Fer t lizcr DURHAM FERTILIZER CO. 13;2m. Durham N. C, n enercetlc business woman to soil- 'it and take orders for THE madam GRISWOLD PATENT SUPPORTING CORSETS, 'i nese rorseis nave oeen extensively advertised and sold by lady canvassers the past ten years WlllCb, "With tlXOiT SUpO" rlority, has ciited a Large Demand tor them throughout the United States, and any lady who gives her time and energy to can vass- . f, , (ham rail MP11 r t r FT, i . t. I . t lng lor tn m i h,lldnPS.o Tur are not sold bv I mwuami iVi"e cve exccus.ve TiaaiTO; y rfte- ebv giving the agent entire control ot these SU PE R ' O CORSETS In the territory as S her We have a large number of f gents wno $?S$m a grand success jjelltoj r the goods. drairtt hi ii iii .vvi " mv. mu. ir onv " " . . tvt' ' a. as wo,, fS;lua. ! SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE. PIECES of VOCAL aud INSTRUMENTAL 0L nnm'fol nAAAfl MUSIC, full sheet size. Also, Catalogue pi VaS 11 Oil pi Lai OOVjUUll Total assets $750,000 Insures all classes pro perty at adequate rates. Losses promptly ad justed and satisfactori- ally settled without any litigation. J. EH ODES BROWNS. PrwL W-C.C0A3?t 830. J. Allen Brown, igt, Salirary, H.C our lO.cent Standard Music. Better Bargains from us than any North ern Music House can give. Order Trade a Soecialtv. Customers in all the Southern States. . Letters promptly answered. Address J Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, Sav'h, Ga. 1 PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights 24:9in. Obtained, and all other business In thet . 8. Pat eat Office attended to for Moderntf Fees. our office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, ana we can obtain Patents in less tune than those re mote from Washington. Send Model or drawl npr. e advise as to patent ability free of ehargv; and make .No charge uu ttt tee MWereSnher to the Postmaster the S;pt.et Monev Order Dlv.. and to oDVlais of the U. 8. Pat ent office For circular, artvlee. terms and refer ences to actual cllcni In your owr i State or county, wrlteto v. A.asuw vw, oppoeuo riimiuun r, n uius 0 t. 1. ss. i I 1 II if? 1MI I i t: r 1 I 1 I