; I ha I ,Q?nhnQ VV Qinhman X 11V VUX V11I1U T T UtVllIllUll VOL XVII. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, V. C, APRIL 22, 1886. HO. 27 ' "" . . fc . II READ THIS COLUMN CAREFULLY. Meroney & Bro's. THE GRAND CENTRAL FANCY AND DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT OF SALISBURY. v. They Won't Trouble us Long. ETTA WARD FIERCE. -:o:- Fof this season their line of Dress Trim mings is unapproachable. A full Hoe of Rosary Bead Trimmings, fanctfBalhvanijl Crescents for Lambrequins. Special bargains in Hamburg and Swiss Embioideriea. . . Large varieties of Buttons, Targe and -MliFwitii iMM to match. Largest and cheapest line of Pearl Buttons in the -city. Below all competition, they have the best K. nf Laces, in all widths, ot Ji-scunal, ananiah Black and Colored, Oriental, Xcvpiian Cream and White. Arisene and FUlasellc Silk Floss in all hades. L . Thibest 50c. Corset ever sold. A fall line of Warner's Corsets. Parasol s frojh 15c. to $6.00. Tint bargains in Kid and Silk Gloves and Mitts of all shades and quality. A complete line of Undressed Kids for Ladies. An Unequalled assortment of Ladies and Misses Hose at all prices. RIBBED 1IOSE FOR CHIL DREN A SPECIALITY. Gent s Silk Scarfs from 25c to $1.00. Justithe place to get ''White and Colored Cuffa ap.d Collars for Ladies. If'ydu want Straw Hats, Fur Hata and Shoes for Gentlemen, Ladies, or Boys, you can fluid them here. The more careful you read the more you will be fcoavinced that they have the best stock iu town, and will sell-to you at prices to compete with any onc. They wont trouble us long these dear little girls With noisy song, and rough tangled curls ; Nor these wild boys, who oft through the day, Weary our souls with their boisterous play. Soon, no breakfast will have to wait For dull, slecy eyes that are always late i HOur shoulders will bend, 'neath no weight of care, When we move from our tables an empty chair. After awhile, there'll be time, and to spend ; No little aprons to iron or to mend ; No weary bodi8 to dress or undress, No cherub lips to claim kiss or caress. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, April 12, 1886.jj It is to be hoped the creditable work done by Congress during the week is an earnest of what is to follow for tjie next three months. When the Senate voted to erect a building for the Libra ry of Congress without one dissenting Quantity lot Quality. The man who takes a Northern or Western paper in pfeference to a North Carolina paper, because it is larger, re minds one of the man who selected the largest pair of boot in the box because they cost no more than a smaller pair that fit him. Exchange. It isiK) with many of our citizens to- Saagerl A neglected cold or cough may ad to hrwui noii l-U'onsumpi ion or other fatal dieae. Strong-' Pectoral Pills will cure eolit as by music. Best thing for dyspepsia ,1 m aigcsUon,skk headache as tlssaiand. S3E No noisy feet to reprove or keep still, No dinner basket to hunt up or fill; No heedless hand to throw down their toys, No merry voices to keep up a noise. Life claims themo soon, and takes them away, Nothing on earth goes so rapid as they ; Like stitches raveled, from nitted bands, They glide unperceived from our clasping hands. Only day, and their play will cease, Then there will dawn for us reign of peace ; A reign so still, we fain would see, Those oft-reproved children again by our knee. Then there'll be leisure time, and to spare; Too much rest, and too little care ; (Too much peace, and too little mirth, Too much room at the table and hearth. We'll w isho be worried, harassed and vexed, Wish to be over, tried and perplexed ; And the tiresome frolic, we dreaded to hear We'll long for as music most sweet to our ear. But alas I never more can childhood return! Youth's lamp is unlighted, or ceases to burn : No more will it brighten our pathway so drear, And fill our lone heart with gladness and cheer A home without children! A starless night! A brook without water, a lamp without light, A verdant garden without fragrant flowers, A barren spot in earth's fairest bowers. Yoice, the Senators were so much grat-l day. Thev look at the Quantity and ified that many of of them were seen to j not at the quality. These large West- mne. esn aim iNortnern miners are filled nn Thirteen Democrat Senators voted with advertisement that do not nor against the admission of Washington could not be of benefit to our-Sottthern Territory as a state, after paying the people, such as houses for rent, houses female voters out there a good deal and lots for sale, servants wanted, or of attention. Senator Eustis feared situatious wanted by competent appli that when the women became U. S. cants, &c. &c. There is what is cener- Senators thev would tell all the secrets ally called a supplement of from two to connected with executive sessions. Sen- four pages, which doubles the size of In all the recent popular shades of DRESS GOODS Nun's Veiling at 2oc. They have all Wool Batistes and tinlrroidery to match. Embroidered Etouiinc Robes, Embroid ered Zepbyf Rubes, Full line plain Etomine Dress Goods, Combination Wool Kobe Dress, Goods, Brocade Combination Dress Goods, Striped Combination Dress Goods, Bouclay Canvass Plaid Dress Goods, Sheppard Plaid Dress Goois, Cotton Canvass Dress Goods, 15c Sattens, Crinkled Seersuckers, Ging hams. In Whitie Goods you cannot be pleased better anywhere; they have Linen De Dac ca, India 'Linen, Persian Lawn, Victoria Lawn, White and Colored -, Mull, Nainsook, Ml all prices". All Shades of Cheese Cloth, Calicoes, 58 x63 at Scj.per yard, Cnssiuicrs for Gent's wear, all prices, Cottonades from 12ctor30c Ladies an Misses Jerseys, a full line, Cur tain Goods, in Persian and Russian Drapery, Curtain Holland in all shades,"Qid Shades, in all colon, Curtain Poles and Pixtures, Linen Lap Robes TSe. to $1.50. MERONEY & BRO. lo:8m c 3 c 6. 2 a a C v t. o J C E t 3D - o o o A . SALISBURY, N. C. n 2 s n "3-n C ' P 3 2. C "J n s a 5 B- 2. e as 3 2 o s At Eventide. Crimsou and .gold and russet, Against the blazinpg sky: The trees stood up iu the'1 sunset As the winds "went wandering by. Crimson and cold and russet; And a drifting haze of rain,' Caught up the western glory, And gave it back again. Just so when life is sinking To the twilight time of tears, Worn with the fret of ft?vr. The turmoil of the years. Light from the land we're nearing Falls on the path we tread, Like the smile we see, through weeping, On the faces of our dead. All the Year Round. ator Beck held that the women would never be old enough to come within the constitutional limitations to the age. The newlv aoDOinted Senator from California, Mr. Hearst, was escorted to the Capitol bv his millionaire col league, Stanford. After being swbrn in, he took his seat on the Democratic side, and cast his first vote against the admission of W ashington Territory. Mr. Hearst makes another addition to the already long list of rich men in the Senate. His dailv income is said to be about $1,200. He has been represent ed bv his enemies as simplv a man of money, though there are probably few men who depend less on wealth and position than he. He sunk a good deal of his money in order to give the Detn ocrats of his state the San Francisca the paper, that contains nothing but extra advertisements. If vou are a close observer you will get" as much news in a condensed form in your weekly home paper as you do in the "great advertisers 1 of the North and West; besides you get all the local news and most important advertise ments and are patronizing home enter prise. We merely make these com ments to show that every locality has its local interest, let it be North, South, East or West, and we hope that our citizens will give this a passing thought. Morganton Star. L.& B i Si Mi Hi Send Pledges to Salisbury. The "Audubon Society" for the pro tection of birds, was founded in 'Febru ary 1886, and the central office is 40 Park Row, New York City. The local Secretary for Lenoir and surronnding territory is Mr. Penrose Baldwin, drug gist. Lenoir. Its objects are to prevent (T) the killing of anv wild bird not used for food, (2) the taking or de strovine ot eces or nests of anv wild birds and (3) the wearing of the feath- PIAIMQ AND ftR&ANQ or of wild bird ftn tn tliA itrno-atnrv IftRUW MUEJ UlTUMIlW and sign one of the pledges. Lenoir Topic. lOO To be closed out Regardless of Cost. Our Annual Closing Out Sale, Preparatory to Inventory. Listen to the Story. Important. We have seen the following para graph in several of our exchanges and as it is doubtless equally applicable to this countv we copy it. How manv Examiner, a daily paper in sympathy men, when they lift a mortgage, think with their views. His only son lias to walk over to the clerk s office and chosen journalism for his profession, have the record of the same cancelled ? After familiarizing himself with its We are told that a large per cent, of details by beginning at the bottom of the paid up mortgages of the the ladder, he expects to take charge of his fathers paper. The House of Representatives also voted for the ' Congressional Library, voted to pension the Mexican veterans, ail that is left of them, and besides passing half a dozen bills of more or less importance, defeated the Bland bill for the unlimited coinage of silver. That probably settles the silver agita tion for the remainder of the session, leaving the question where it was at the beginning of the winter. An employee of the Government Printing Office surprised me by saying the demand for speeches on the silver question for campaign purposes was greater than for those on poHticial sub jects. The largest order received this session by the Public Printer was for Wiliam L. Scott's srjeech in sunuort of how much you ought to give to the par- a compromise on the silver questioh. son. Who decide every dispute they hear Mr. Scott isfrom Pennsylvania, he is a of and tell who is in the wronc and who Democrat, is the wealthiest man in the j -. r . t yV i 1 "Uurious People: u yes, mere are lots of them everywhere: People who want to take care of your business if they must neglect their own. Who say he country 'stand to-day upon the books without anything to show that they have been settled. There is no danger in them, however, more than that they may serve to injure a man's credit, and no one wants his credit impaired wrong fully 1 g Alchohol from Wood. The manufacture of alchohol from wood has increased rapidly within a few years, and it is said to be used largely for patent bitters, ginger extracts and other alchoholic compounds whose strong flavor makes it unnecessary to use a better quality of spirits Wood alchohol is a dangeroue product, and sometimes gives rise to serious disturb ance of the brain and nervous system. The Mugwumps seem to be in hiding. Isn't it about time for them to be fix ing a date for a national conference? The earth is turning regularly, the seasons come and go, the sun shines and the moon as well as the stars are all on deck and doing duty, a Mug wump at the wheel. rmla. rress, Bep. Dr. W. H. Boyd, who is now in jail in Camden county, Ark., on the charge of horse stealing, has made a written confession that from May 6, 1863, to July 12, 1885, he had been married to eleven women, in Virginia, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Choctaw Nation and Texas. Not many women are blacksmiths, but all of them will undertake to shoo a hen when occasion seems to demand it. A young girl who has had both af flictions says that a broken pocketbook is worse than a broken heart. Phila delphia Herald. The worst calamity that can befall labor is to make its products insecure. Kansas City Journal. Stock Taking is the time for Bargains. Then we clear oat generally, and start new. 200 Pianos and Organs too many; on band. Must part with them. Some used a few months only; Some a year or so; Some five years; Some ten' years. All in prime order, snd many of them Repol ished, Renovated, Restrung snd made nice snd new. Each and all are real bargains, such as comes along but once a year. SPOT CASH buys cheapest, but we give Very Easy Terms, if needed. WRITE for CLOSING OUT SALE CIR CULARS, and MENTION tliis ADVERTISEMENT. MEDICAL KEN ! WHAT TWO PROMINENT PHY SICIANS SAY OF A NOTED REMEDY. BARGAINS IN SMALL in the right. Whose eyes and ears are always open to catch up neighborhood talk, and whose tongues whisper it around ami tell you about it." is BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOB ATARRH SORB MOUTH SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. MWral7NSTRUEHT. give It Cures wh3rj others failed to relief. - Dr. B. B. Davis. Athens. Gai. says: "I suffered vith Catarrh live wars. But since uslne CERTAIN iCATAKlUI CUKE am enUrely treetroin the uls- MiH " f . I' T)r.O. B Hwe. Athene. Oa., says: "CERTAIN CATARRH CURB cured mc of a severe jileerated sore turoat; ana 1 cheerfully endorse It." Miss Lucy 3. Cook. Oconee Co. Ga., writes. Sept 11th. iks.1: -ohe boitic or vour remedy entirely cured me of Catarrh with which I had suffered creatly for tnc years." T i. H. Alleoodi Alliens Ga., writes Sept. 2, 'S5; Sad severe sore- throat wore than two weeks: was ntlrely cured bv CERTAIN CATAUUU CUKE In one day. YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT. Only a tew nf our many certlflcates are lven here. Others can tie obtained from your druggist, or Dy addressing 3 C. CO.. ATHENS, Ga. fox Sale by J. II. EXNISS, Salisbury K.C 21:ly. I certify tbat on the 15th of Febru- I ! ... arv 1 cummmenced civmcr ray ioun cbildrSni aired 2. 4.6 and 8 years,. respcctitcly, Smith s Worm Oil, ami within six days there least 1200 worms ex pellerLOne child! . passed over 100 in J. Hi. tMMPSOS. Uall Co., Febwary 1, 1679, Lower House, and he has been men tioned as a possible successor to the sifk Secretary of the Treasury. The nett largest order was for Senator Beck's no- to "say nothing table speech on silver, which has been called tor by both parties. Despite the fact that the President has been warned by physicians since Secretary Manning was stricken dowh. He takes no more rest, recreation, or exercise than before, but keeps hard at work. His habits of labor seem to be so fixed as io admit of no change, arid he tells his friends he knows what he can: do, and that there was no use talking to him. Mor cfran.gova have visited Wash ington during the present season than any previous one. They come in crowds to the White House daily, arid Mr. Cleveland's hand shaking recep tions, every other day, are attend ed by hundreds. Miss Cleveland's re ceptions throughout the season were very largely attended. Some of thehi were such crushes that the crowd wajs, at jtinies, admitted three or four abreast and extra guards were employed i& keep the people in order. Curious incidents have occurred ojn some of these occasions. For instance, a White House usher was assaulted by two women because he would not ad mit them fast enough. They were tall, muscular women, and they bruised the i i -i Ti. Ai ; Usner DaaiV. ll- was me iuicuuuh arrest the offenders, and they were poin ed ont to a noliceman, but on second 4-kkii.k4- f Ka Tnitfr was nllowpd to . LIIIIUKUV Lill iiiinuvi " - . ine rorpoise. Mrl TWnd bore her narirclurimr jLU.l-7U V j-, The Norfolk Virginian gives an in- the it social season witha great deal teresting report of the Porpoise fishery credit to herselfShe showed much on the North Carolina coast near Cape good sense na a goou ueui m- nearreaness. av ucr iul icccuou, A cotemporary is bewailing What it pleased to call "hard times" says "it pervades the entire community, and leaves its blighting influence upon every profession and business;" and then asks "what is the cause of it?' We have told the story of an old Rowan farmer who sU b "lldn. - ; ii " t i i i r ' know anytning aooui naru urnes old it twice or thrice. Does any one want to hear it again? Bless yon,- man, it is as simple as an old shoe. The old Rowan farmer raised his own meat and bread and a little to spare; made, his cotton and wool and a little to i i i. i- j i:j.h spare; raised nis own irucK. aim u unit: to spare; wore homemade clothes and made no debts. Every year was alike to him. The "hard times" never touch ed him; and he left a good farm clear of mortgage, to be divided among his heirs. A fellow can't "splurge" much by following this example, but he will i i i i' make it up in good sounu sieep ana a pervading sense of independence. Not Drowned. We notice in some of our exchanges that three men were drowned in the Yadkin River last week by a boat cap sizing. We take pleasure in saying that the men were not drowned. I4 rom what we can learn, Mr. John Hanes and his little son, Jimmie and another man went up the river to raft some logs, and while returning the boat cap sized. The man swam to a flat and Mr. Hanes caught his son, placed him in a place of safety and took off after the raft swimming twa miles before he overtook it and succeeded in landing it at Fulton. Darie Times. 9 "9881 '6 H0JK '8tHTC U!tt 2uipbu0 luoiiAV :sjoavoj pun 'sonj osjojj smja l'9llAV uotitst? j pjo sosduronx osiv Musical jnstr nenls MARK DOWN SALE TO REDUCE STOCK. The knife put in deep. Times hard. Stock too lanje. A $20,000 8tock to be Retailed at WHOLESALE PRICES. An Actual Fact. Sec these prices: ACCOIiDEONS. Six Kevs. 50c.: 8 Keys. 65c; 10 Keys, 90c; 1 Stop, $1.25; 1 Stop, Trumpets and Clasps, $2.25. BANJOS. Calf-Head, 4 Screws, $1 75; fi Rrrnws 2 7f! Xiftkel Uim 19 Screws S- name, screws, I VIOLINS, With Complete Outfits. Bow, Case, Strings, Rosin, lust motor, $3.50, $5, $7.50, $10. EUPUONIAS. With 4 Tunes, Only $6.50. The latest Automatic Musical Instrument. ORGUINETTE and ORGANINI MUSIC. 50 feet for $1.00 post-paid. Our selection. Crafwordvillc4 Ga., Democrat. B. B. B. is without doubt one of the moat valuable and popular medicines knows to the medical science, and has relieved mors) suffering humanity than any other medicine since it came into use. It baa never failed in a single instance to produce t lie moat favorable results where it has been properly used. Physicians everywhere recommesa it as doing nSl it is claimed to 'o. The fol lowing certificates are from two prominent physiciaus, who have done a large and suc cessful practice for many years, and upon whose judgment the public can safely relv: Crawfordvillk, Ga., July 13, 1885. -Editor Democrat :-For the past ten years have been suffering with rheumatism in the muscles of my right shoulder and neck. During this time I have tried various rem edies, both patent medicine and those pre scribed by physicians. Last summer I commenced uping B. B. B., and could ten an improvement by thetime I had taken one bottle. I have been takintr it at inter vals since last summer, and can say it is the best medicine for rheumatism I hare ever tried. I take plcasurejn r eco turned - ing it to the public. J . W. RHODES, A. M., M. D. Crawfordvti.le, Ga., July 15, 1885. Editor Democrat : About November of last year I had what I supposed to be a cauliflower excrescence on right side of neck. I used" local applications, which effected no perceptible good. I commenced the nse of B. B. B. and took it regularly twelve bottles, and in due time the tore healed over, and now consider it well. I chee fully fecommcd it as a fine tonic and alterative medicine. S. J. FARMER, M. IX Guitars, Cellos, Donble Basses, Music Boxes, Orguinettes, Organinas, Tamborines, Drums, Cornets, Trimmings, etc, all Re duced, Down, Down. Terms CASH WITH ORDER. No Credit. Money refuuded if goods do not suit. Handsome Illustrated Catalogue (65 pages) free to all. MUSIC GIVEN AWAY. Send Ten Cents in postase stamps, and we will mail you, free of charge, FIVE PIECES of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, full sheet size. Also, Catalogue of our 10-ccnt Standard Music A poetical Congressman, it is said, is about to issue a volume or. poems en titled ''With Reed and Lyre. Every body knows Reed, but who's the other Congressman? Phila.Xeirs. The title , mu- .ntological, but possibly the last part is lntenueu i l nr gressmen in a lump. Boston Post, Don. NOTICE, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Alexander county, obtained in a special proceeding by the administrator of Edmond Burke, dee'd., against the heirs at law of Edmond Burke, I will offer for side to the highest bidder on a credit of six months on the premises on the 1st Monday of June, A. D. 18S6. a small tract of lan Rowan countv, on the waters ofThird Creek, adjoining the lantJaoT the James Cowan, Henry BurkcHtnd others and con tains, by eujntffion twenty acres. Bond withajjprrtved security for the purchase money, anu no line io ue iiimuu iu me jiui chaser until the sale is confirmed by the Superior Court of Alexander county. Henut J. Bprkk, Adm'r. of Edmond Burke, dee'd. March 25th, 1886. 24:6t. ; soods ojdBj joti seods ojdujY Jou sajxtt jtfjdoj ou aAUT put? 'soi impair tjuitoji?3 qio Aq ;nq spjAUOO Ainu; -uojiaoj ;Cq opcui oa oiu Aoqx : SH3HXO nv &o piJ0 III AUAVU AVOU 8U4)Di iuowpnj pjfDuqjpj 0TH PlIU l13 HI uv"1 jnoAvv v a 110 io jo pauoq joao ooi.id ;soavo oi i ih?av no.i Better Bargains from us than any North ern Music House can give. Order Trade a Specialty. Customers in all the Southern States. Letters promptly answered. Address Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, Sav'h, Ga. "Meal Bag on a Bean Pole." Elrertox, Ga, June 1, 1885. My brother has a sou that was afflicted with rheumatism in one of his legs until the knee was so badly contracted that he could not touch the ground with his heel, and had scrofula. He took only two hot ties of B. B. B., and scrofula and rheuma- tism are both gone. Mrs. M. A. Elrod came ta my house the past summer almost covered withcarbuno les and boils. I got two bottles of B. B. B, and before she had got through with the second bottle she was entirely well. She was also troubled with awoicn feet and ankles, and have been for twenty year. All gone no more trouble with swolen feet now. 1 was troubled with bleeding piles since 1858. I used one bottle, and hare felt nothing of the kind since taking the medi cine. The clothing that I was wearing when I left Atlanta fitted me about the same as a meal sack would a bean pole 1 have on the same clothing now, ana they are a tight fit. You can do as you like with this; aa for me and my household, we- hink three B is fully orthodox, and will do to swear by. Respectfully yours, J. M. BARFIELD. HOW TO S JLTIE rVMy child, five years old, hadj lyin proms of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm Medicines, but-fail ed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Baiu'tl 'certificate, I got a vial of your Woruii I Oil, and the first dose brought forty' worms, and the second dose so manyi were passed I could not count them. S.'II. ADAMS. 21:Iy. Hatteras, from which we take the fol lowing: Every part of the fish is utUiMfkhot a scrap coins to waste. A soon as caught the hides are taken off; the blubber extracted apdrhe remainder of the carcass is either smoked for the dis tant markejtr worked into fertilizers. The finand tail are worked into glue, he bones converted into phos- lates. The blood is saved and sold for tanning purposes, and the hide is tanned and placed upon the market in the form ot a superior quality ot lea ther for which fancy prices are obtain ed- The fisheries are attracting con siderable attention from Northern capitalists, and we are assured that ..a - - r , i i the new industry is prohtabje as it is novel. a she had been shaking hands witih thousands, and was necessarily very tired, the published hour for closing fb hmis arrived. There was still long line of people waiting to pay their respects. T&cjmards started to close the doors, but Jhe ordered them left open until all who had come had been admitted. SOMETHING- NEW ! that LAMP CHIMNEYS will not break by heat, for sale ENNISS'. at l-oj iC32ng snquinpoQ aqi fq opuxu osoq; Siupnpui i 4 bozis puu spui xiu moq; siibjoj aq ioj TimLV t a no no uv.a. noA ji THE DIAMOND DYES - All wish at DON'T FORGET to call all kinds at colors vou ENNISS' for Seeds of ENNISS'. TRIPLER A GAM ATOR I ATENTED. Mr. John M. Bernhardt, who was at Blowing Rockast week, reports the snow 4 incites, deep on top of the mountain Friday morning, the ther mometer as low as 20 degrees above zero and the wind howling. At 100 yards; on this side of the ridge there was ho snow at all. Lenoir Topic. Honor to Bennett. It is a pleasure to know that there are men in the South and men in both Houses of Congress although lew in number, who will nbt bow down and worship the Golden Calf or vote for appropriations they believe to be wronjg in principle, violative of law. dangerous as precedents, and far reaching in bale ful results. All honor to men who aije faithful and true to a fair, consistent, grammatical, logical, strict construc tion of the Constitution of the Union ! Of all these not one has shown a more devoted attachment to princiciple or a more conscientious devotion to duty thah Risdeh T. Bennett of North Carolina. Wil. Star. TO THE LADIES : Call and see the Flower Pots at ENNISS'. WANTED IN SALISBURY An energetic business woman to soli cit and take orders tor THE M AOAM nmawOLD PATENT SUPPORTING corsets. Theae corsets have been extensively advertised and sold by l;uly canvassers the pas ten years which, with tlxoir supe riority, has created a Large Drmand lor them throughout the T'nlted States, and any lady who trlves her time ana energy tocanvass can soon bund una PERMANENT arid PROFITABLE n,.h.nt and we GIVE EXCLUSIVE TERRITO- III CIV llilU kOi - - T m M v thereby clvlng the agent entire control of ihm tttMiMR corsets In the territory as- stencx: her. We have a large number oi agents m mnkinfr.1 erand suocess-SQidng tnese .i-o Aatirf such In ev ry town. 023 H'rrty. i . x INOIiNlilV inn nf silver plates so ns to represent a large amaifsv rapidity anl efheacy, whicb has not hitherto been accona- . a a t z i. ; t no itiji n - i r AAissiiavai ve represents tne mucin ae in wwwjfWH., ' . - 1 .. .... At X. IMAM 'lTBA .itec fitted together, allowing a space uanwu T .,. w ular, connecting with Jt wo horizontally inclined. The jpulp PATENTS Caveats, Trade Mark Lopyngnis nd lng tor them it Obtained, and all other business In the r. 8. Patent office attended to tor Moderate Fees. our office Is opposite the U. 8, Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents In less time than thos re mote from Wttfshington. - send ModelV drawing. We advise as to patent ability tree of charge; and make So charge Mutes ve All, latitat f we refer here to the Postmaster, the Snpt. of Monev order Plv.. and to officials of the C. S. Pat ent office. For circular, advice, terms and refer ences to actual clients In your own State or county, wrtUt0oppos,ta PatXi TWMtSSVTc Oct. tl. . This machine is a coml mating surface, working plished. The drawin of four corrugated n ntea nrn nornendu; di-ti1nrlv!iliroiiBh the nlates, whi 11 win iu uaicij 1' " 1'"- J c . . , , . . i . motion, fusing the free gold to impinge on each sme, nen l' horoidntally inrlincd plates, which act as fiffies, catching any earaned gold both on top lottoni. The plates discharge in a circular pan at t ie eim wmcn is given . ' " a x ' 1 . 7. . I ... .... II .lit AM W III 4 motion, thus concentrating the heavier portion oi tne miinpiyr .....v. if necessary. At the top of the machine ii a mercury cup which feeds automatically : i f, .i.iim in 'irtivt! force. ally n uiicii uiciv.uij iu rlcji iiiu l' 1 1 .. - - , , . ThisTachinc is especially adapted for plaeer mines. It can lie worked with or without water; it requires no mill for pulverization, it only leing necessary to s.ft tho sand, which can be done at a trifling cost, o that low grade ore can be worked priU- blv. This machine has been practically tesiea TZZTiTm Randolph coanty, where it met with such tuccess as to warraut the belief that it wUl be of geeat value to the mining interest of this State. This machine ha an electrical attachment by which the mercory, thould it M aitjk. ened by the various causes to which it is liable, can lie instant y restore,. w c ... . . w. nf this machine on nlaeas? Inspection is inviiea. x.timates piveu i ...v, - . - and other mines; alao for all other Mininach.nery by the nrsigned A B THll'LKit. Ilannersvnrr, vUUUlJ, Or to TIIE TRIPLER AMATGAMATOR & MANUFACTURING CO.,ol KifTrt BenJahw Lewis. Set y and Trea., 1S MntaSe St.. Brooklyn, N. . t . tpw Hi is 'fV.

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