I i - in 1 - i n n - ft.- - v ine Larolma Watchman. . ! - . ! x . , ; i , a , d JL a yOl XVn.-THHU) SEEIES. SALISBXJBY, N. C., MAT 20, 1886. ' . I HO. 81 i A pD THIS COLUMN CAREFULLY. ffcroneij k Bro's. THE GRAND CENTRAL FANCY 1 AND DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT OF SiVLISBURY. 'r, m -:o: this season their Hod of Dress Trira- Ijazsis unapproachable 1 1 fuii line of Rosary Bead Tn ixrv Balls and Crescent for Laml Hamburg minings, irequins. and Swiss Grand and Heroic Poem. On the train that bore Mr. Davis and his party from Montgomery to Atlanta, a let ter was handed to Mr. Davis, which he read long and earnestly. Handing it to Mayor Hil yer, he said: 'This is from Paul Hayne. It is a grand and heroic poem." Mayor Hilyer then read as follows : The sounds of the tumult have ceased to ring. And the battle's sun has set, And here in peace of the new-born spring, We would fain forgive and forget. Forget the rage of the hostile years And the scars of a wrong unshriven, Forget the torture that thrilled to tears The angel's calm in heaven.. fancv Ha" An'ecial bargains in E0lH-"i,ieric8 , . j LfCe "(jUes of Buttons, lame and j ,U ith clasps to match. Largest and j !Lu.-st line ol Pearl BuMnsin the city. fae nf Laces, in all widths, ol Eseuiial, Ssisk' Black and Colored, Oriental, faiptlaa Cream ani W hite. Arascnc and Fillasclle Silk Flogs in all jkries. -1' Xe best 50c, Corset ever sold. A full line of Warner's Corsets. - Parasols from 15c. to $6.00. ' tr:.i I talll. r!l. .. .... - Kfft MrfMIW 1" IVIU Bllil OMR unnco wd Mitts of all shades and quality. A complete line of Undressed Kids fr i tdies. 1 An U'eq trailed assortment of Ladies and ; Hisses Hose at all prices. RIBBED HOSE FOR CflIL-i I) REN A SPECIALITY. jOent's Silk Scarfs from 25c to fl.OO Just the pUce to yet White and Colored Cuffs and Collars tor Ladies. Jfyou want Straw lints. Fur Hats and flsnt'sfor Gentlemen, La.lies,. or Boys, you cid find them here. The more careful you read the more you fillh? convinced that they have the best tuck in town, and will sell to you at pri es b compete with any ne. Forgive and forget? Yes; be it so, From the hills to the broad sea waves; But mournful and low are the wind that blow, By the slopes of a thousand graves. We may scourge from the spirit all thought of ill In the midnight of grief-held fast ; And yet, O brothers be loyal still To the sacred and stainless pastl She is glaneing now from the vapor and cloud, From the waning mansion of Mars, And the pride oi her beauty is wanly bjwed, And her eyes are misted stars 1 And in a voice that is as sad as i In all the recent popular shutlis of DUESS GOODS fhfy have all Wool Nun's Veiling at 25c. Btiotes.and Embroidery t match. Embroidered Etonrine Robes, Einbroid reJ Zephyr Robes. Full lino plain Eiominc Dres-i"ds, Combination Wool liolie Dreas Good, Brocade Uombinution uress uooas, Mpetl Combtimtjor. Dress Goods, Boo. lay Ctnvass Plaid Dress Goods, Shcppard Piaid Jres Goods, Cotton Canvass Dress Goo.lsr IJc Satteeiis, Crinkled Seersuckers, Gii - In Wane G.io is you cannot plc.ted better any wh rc; thcyjhavc Linen Dc Da It, India Lin. n, Persian Lawn, Victoria Uwn, White and Colored Mull, Nainsook, it all juices. " All Shades ol Cheese Cloth, Calicoes. 58 ilS at 5c. per yard, Cassiuieis lor Gent's wr. all prices, Cottonades from 12c to 30c tadies and Misses Jerseys, a lull line. Cur ilia Goods in Persian and Russian Drapery, Curtain Holland in all shades, Oid Shades. 10 all colors. Curtain Poles and Fixtures, LiuenLap Robes 75c. b $ 1 50. MERONEY & BRO. M:m $ALIBUUY.N.C. she steaks death, "There is duty still to be done, Tho the trumpet of onset has spent its breath Ami the battle been lost and wou;" And she points with a tremulous hand below, To the wasted aud worn array Oi' the heroes who' strove in the morning glow, Oi the graimeur that croWued 'the Gray." 0, Godi they come not as once they came In the magical years of yore ; For tue trenchant swotd and the soul of flame, Shall quiver aud ttash no more; Alas ! for the broken and battered hosts4 ; Frail wTecks ironi a gory sc i, Tho' pale as a ban.! brum the realm of ghosts, Salute them 1 they fought with Lee. ' And gloried when dauntless Stonewall marched Like a giaut o er lieid and flood, When the bow ol his spienJiu victories arcneu fhe tempest whose rain is blood. Salute them ! those wistful and sunken eyes Flashed lightnings of sacred ire, When the laughing blue ot tue oouinianu skies, Was blasted with a cloud of fire : Salute them! Their voices so faint to-day, Were ouce the thunder ot strite, In the storm of the hottest aud wuuest iray That ever has mocked at lite I Not vanquished, but crushed by a mystic iaie. blind nations against taem hurled, By the sellish might, and tue causeless nave, Of the baudtd aud rutmess- w oriu . Enough ; all Fates are the servants ot uou, An 1 follows ihs em ii..g naiii A' h:tll ne some dav trom tne cnasicuer a rod, Shall waken, and understand! iJut hark, to.thc rast as sue murmura There is duty still to be done, Tho' mnte is the drum, and tne uugie uumu, And the battle is lost aud won I Hi i u i'J' 'tO t a If t pf-3 I- X . t D e x : ' 111 c rr r- 5 - n 'St 'r IT CATARRH SORE MOUTH SOBE THROAT In all forms stages. MRtLY VEGETABLE R0UIRSNO INSTRUMENT. h Caroa wher i others failed to give rcHef. w.B. B n&via AthAQS. (la..: sarie "I Buffered KUUrrU Ave vears But since using CERTAIN VKiH CUU1C am entirety free from tne Uls- "f-0. B. Howe. Athens. Oa.. says: "CERTAIN WT4RKI1 CUKE cured me ot a severe ulcerated wuroat, and 1 cheerfully endorse It." MtaBl.u.'v J. Cook. conee Co. Oa.. writes. Sept 'tk. Mi; -one bottle of your remedy entirely me of C.itirrk) with which I aadsuiTered Pttt'r fnrtlVH rvirs, " ! Wvere sore thro.it moti- thin nvc w;ks; wta Urety cured by CEHTAIN CATA. Ra CUKE In CAN YOU DOUBT WCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT. ?lr x tew of rur m mv certiflates are el veu here. 2? caa ae jouui'J from your drogiflsL, or by wsslns: h 1 3 C. CO., ATHENS, Ga. 'rSale by J. II. ENNISS, Salisbury N.C. 5l:ly. . The N Drthern System. Neva Observer. The river and harbor bill which was in the old days regarded by the demo cratic leaders as unconstitutional legis lation, even when the appropriations ere limited to worts of general impor tance to commerce, is now made to em brace every little creek in the coun try, and the House has just passed by a log-rolling scheme a tremendous bill appropriating about fifteen millions of dollars for these purposes. It is supposed that in the Senate the amount of the bill w4U be increased to twenty mil lions. We hope in any event that President Cleveland will veto it As bad as that legislation is, it pales into miserable insignificance before the abominable scheme to increase the pen sions. increased. Senators and Kepretienatives declared that the additional cosf would not amount to $46,000,000. The ad ditional cost will as a matter of fact approximate $460,000,000. Now a sim ilar statement is made that the addi tional cost of again opening the flood gites will be a pihry 36,fl00,( XX). whereas the actual cost will doubtless be nearer $360,OO0ARH). Southern represnitatives heretofore have eiluer voted for these pensions or have remained quiet and allowed the northern representatives to deal with the subject at their ple rsure. No great er mistake could have been made. The purpose has been to gain the northern soldier vote. For our part we do not want votes that we have to buy. If northern soldiers put up their political influence to the highest bidder, we do not want to be oiie of the bidders. But we believe this suggestion is a foul slan der on the northern' soldiers. They ire not offering themselves for a Pi ice. s of soil for every varietv of crops, from wheat to cotton; that she has every va riety of climate, from the sunny south ern coast to the chills of the highest peak of the Appalachian range; that she has water-power enough in a single river to spin and weave the whole cot ton of the South, and tLat her lands are nearly as cheap and her climate better than the West when these facts are weighed in the scale of intelligence, the momentous meaning of a New South, with sectional tranquility as sured, may it be understood in the North as it is now understood in the Carol in as. And Thus is Valor Won. (From St. PauVs Pioneer PrevL) A billowy sea of grass, rising and Tue last time the pensions were falling like the waves of the sea, sway- ea oy tne wma. a great, yeuow oaii of lire above, and beneath nothing but the prairie. East, west, north and south, naught but this great level plain. From the east blows, a soft wind, car rying with it the echoes of horses' hoofs. Three troopers ride into sight bronzed, bearded fellows, in dusty uniforms, on which the golden buttons shine out like stars. They chat merri ly as their horses plod along, talking jn this and that, with little cure for a itrht around them. The corporal, forgetful of his rank, wits his private comrade on the girl left far away at home. The latter flushes under the bronze of his face, out makes no reply. The second pri vate hums a bar ot "Bonnie Doon, at which the other two laugh, and the orporal retorts with the line, "We're Three Jolly Good Fellows1 The men's voices sound tinejy on the summer air, and the jaded steeds quicken their slow pace under such cheering influences. A rabbit goes scurrving across their Ag.iin southern representatives may path, prairie hens rise in angry wrath, have abdicated their ruuctions in tne .dkred interest of national harmony. We cannot concur in that view either. Our representatives should vote according to right and justice. But what we wish to say is that, not great shining whipsnakes cross and re ross their trail but they have no eyes for such as these. The sunshine, the beauty of the scene, the shy caress ot the wind, have intoxicated them, and, excebt a song or two, or a word ot withstanding that the apparent purpose nome. they say nothing of the Northern leaders is to flatter the the sohLer! element, the real in tent is far more "reaching." It is-in . i it. p i pursuance ot tne dictates or a nign isLatc-Mll.umuilJ. ii tn iai nu t upuu u.- more strongly still the Northern sys TEii; it is to m iKe tdic c mquereu ooutn t ;,v still more innate to tne North, it is to f.tsten upon the noii-manutactur- mg South a yet heavier mortgage to Northern people. tlverv dollar raised bv tne tann mi- Sudden I v the horses start forward with a nervous plunge, then full back on their haunches in terror. To the right and the left of tue troopers encir iiiig all around them, rise a score of t.deous, painted savage faces. They .ise from the screen of the long dark rass like demons exorcised from the grave. Not a worn is sum on either iil fur on infltismr.. then the loui drawn, chilling w.trhoop rings out from vweuxy tnioats. iv mc souuu oi order to satisfy his mind concerning each of the cases which have thus far come before him. It is, perhaps, no more than the President's duty, but it is a duty which has rarely been per formed; and the question is, where Mr Cleveland is going to find the time for the pursuit of his excellent policy. No speech probably has been made during the present session of Congress which has created so much of a sensa tion as the one delivered by Mr. Hew itt, on Thursday, wheu he protested against any further raids upon the Treasury under the name of bounties or other benefits of that kind to sol diers of the late war. Most of these propositions are ill-considered, and al though for seventy-five years to come the South will be helping to pay pen sions to the soldiers and to the widows of the North, a Southern member can not raise a question a4o the propriety of any of these grabs, without render ing himself liable to charges of disloy alty, flippantly and cheaply brought. The reference made by the gentle man from New York to the peculiar i o;ition of Sou I hern members, who are thus embarrassed when they would like to oppose these ruinous schemes according to their convictions, was espe cially relevant and timely. He declared that the limit of endurance on the part of the tax payer had been reached and that the discontent on account of ex cessive taxation was breaking out in riots, dynamite, and death. "Those who wanted to dive their hands down into the Treasury," said he, "take ad vantage of the delicate position in which the Southern men are placed, being subject to the charge of disloy alty if they resist the steal." But no one could make this charge against him he would make tile fight. NOTICE TO DRCXJGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS?. I guarantee 8hrifier's Indian Verm ifuge to destroy and expel worms from the hu man body . where they exist, if used ac cording to directions. You ire author ized to sell it upon t he above conditions. David E. Foutz, Proprietor, Baltimore, MO. L& B. i PIANOS AN To he closed out Our Annual Closing Oi to inventory. Listen tl o - ORSANS .''arlieM of Cost. Sale, Preparatory the Story. MEDICAL MEM ! WHAT TWO PROMEM PHY SICIANS SAY OF A NOTED REMEDY. -t Stock Taking is theltirae fir Bargains. Then we clear out generally, anu stait new. 200 Pianos anl Organs too many on hand. Must part with it hem. Some used a few months Tear or so; Some five only; Some a years ; bom ten VPftfll 7X7 . . i i' ArNin prime order, and many of them n 1 t-r-J M . 1 f 1 a. 1 . nepousnea, iveuuvaieu, nice and new. Each and all are real comes along hut once a v huvs cheapest, nut wd TiTins. if needed. WHITE tor CLOSING OUT SALE CIR CULARS, and MENTION this ADVER TISEMENT Restrung and made oanrains, such as ear. SfUl UASH give Very Easy If you yaht to keep up with the times take the Watchman'-you cau't be left. FARMERS COME AND SEE No palace is here for the heroes nccas, With its shiiiinc portals apart; Shall they find the peace of their -Invalides U, South ! in your grateiui near i r a. : .1 i i. ii. l . .i . l. . poses upon tne nou-niiiuuiiictuiiii. porai, man to tne umi, giip um .-iir, South at least two dollars at mortgugt with a yell, charges the devils ahead of tax to the manufacturing North. Ihelhimr His comrades are hy Ins side. sold BARGAINS a mm a Ins IN SMALL Crafwrd vi lie, Ga., Democrat. B. B. B. is without don ht one of the moat valuable and popular mcuii im s known to the medical science, and has relieved mom suffering humanity than any other medirin since it came into use. It has sever failed in a sfngle instance to produce the most favorable results, where it has hten properly used. Physicians everywhere recommend it as doju all it is clai ined to do. The fol lowing certificates are from two piomii eat phyaieiaus, who have done a large and tm cessfut practiee for many years, and upon whose judgment the public can saielj reiv: . . . CnAwroitDviLLE. Ga., July 15, 1885. Editor Democrat :-For the past ten vears I have been suffering with rhesniatism in the mpsclcs of my right shoulder and neck. During this time I have tried various rem edies, both patent medicine and those pre scribed by physicians. Last summer I Commenced u?ing B. B. B.. and could see an improvement by the time I had taken one bottle. I have been taking it at inter vals since last summer, and caa sav it is the belBt medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried. I take pleasure in recommed ing it to the public. J. W. RHODES, A. M., M. D. M :COitiHCv"S lt)iO Improved No. 2 iers have already received as pen- "Out," "slash," here and there, the sharp L ue-a' ftA.uui Vvj il.K iL. d J.L I .il . J....il, l . .....I IMlll'l sions i ou, raj.uu. yjJ. mis ine oouiu i cracics oi pisiois, ue;nu Kuigics nm . r i i iet rvrv. ill " ..ll I: has p.nu its snare, aoout ;ou,wuu,uv. low groans commingle, aua tneu an i directlv to. the eovernment, and in ad- Isull. dition'has paid $500,000,000 to the Three riderless horses gallop away to Northern manufacturers. . the west. The saddle of one is drench- Li the next decade, without any ad- eJ with blood. Hidden by the wins ditional legislation, the same figures pering treacherous grasses, three forms will be repeated. The .Northern states- chut in blue lie witfr races turneu up to . n ills m i i manship which aims to keep the ooutn the skv. lhe corporal s race is aision- -if VT dirpa to establish at some in a state of perpetual mort3.ie to tne ed with wrath; the prn ate wnose oiun ' ' .7 7 . ... i . . .. t , J-KT.il i- .1 tie. anti I Wort hem manutacturers ana worxneru i came so quicKiy lies us n usieep, nu n- ivfd.hin factory where thev can pur-, soldiers is too patent to aamu oi an row in nts ureast. ne wno sau " J J . - . . . i T-W i i ? l x l nrru-.v-l mid nersiiu mon timlwr, 1 Question, feouhern statesraitnsnip on "nonnv JJoon was siasneu tnrouii .iiisov Vivfc, w I Jl .t. i.;l-rv w-dimf and ash tim- 1 tlte other hand reel mres that our re- er would be purchased by tneni in a presentatives snail re.tsi. io tne uuiws . . . ..-..I. ,..if mn Kurt.ws liivniLT same hvim'v atteniut to uiace um iuc utnv llHUIllUK vvv.. " O I J ft .. , .vill please correspond. ot our people any greater burden. L. A. Turner, ot A Refuge of welcome, with living halls; And Love lor its radiant aome, Till the music of deaths reveille calls The souls of the warrior s home I Items from State luuniration Dep't. Messrs Morton Bros, of VVaverlv IRON MOWER Brant Lake N. i desires to nurchase near some thriving - . . . . rnwn in North Carolina, a 'ood buildings with not exceeding 80 L.nd: he nrefers farm ot from - , v. V - 1 30 to 50 acres. North Carolina. A. K. McClure, Ed. Philadelphia Times. North Carolina is now single from and through, an ugly corpse. lhe wind murmured as sweetly to them as it had half an hour before; the sun was just as bright, the air as fresh; but they were beyond it all. Twenty red devils, with hands drenched in blood, crept swiftly away like snakes, leaving no ....... i - i rr tr.ice behind but their work, inree bo fhr rooontrncted States in hav- col 1. stiff faces saw ni;hr come on, I T . V . kj it. .tot. t.mnra Vinv rpcentlt I o ttmiJ urAoXv hv the efforts of I welcomed the stars and tireeied the OOlliU llilLH l.MUIl.lo"'v - ' .: 1U UHVIMUVU) , I - , , . t . . I ' : . , i t . I i " . rj ...1.4- . I . . settled near Hickory; iev have purf-1 her own people, a higher degree oi sun at rising nigns aiter uigm, ua - a . m I . -.. I Mi 1 . . . . , I - ., . chased farm in ir lands and it they make general prosperity than was ever betoe utter, any, year arrcr year u.i n 'cic e..i fba Unffh iron-1 nr intrirv Slio li is :i win nniurht but a handful ot bones, a SUCCCSSlul iaiiucii w r i .iijaiiicu iu . ...uv.j. ' i o . . . ; . ii.. A r......K.j b.ia lwipn benefitted I .. i .-. i ..vnh and thriftv neonle to-I rnstv sabre handle, the Visor 01 r ill i iiiinkii im iiuj w h w v i in ii i , in vft.1 rv w t - - - , v..... , I . . , p bv their settlement.- I J . . . air If. J : I " W. Ii. Allen, ol Monroe, aie., uesires there lay Uian at any period of the past, and dier's cap, to mark the spot. Sn ihere is more capital employed and le.-s a soldier's death, and thus is valor information concerning the upper YauU ,ebt, State and individual than at any km river country. He wished to loeati time in the last half century iexas in North Carolina during the comini has surpassed the old North State be fall. He would like parties to addren j cause of her large influx of immigra- him as above and will give prompt at- j tion and wealth; but Morth Larolma has fewer foreigners and a more com pletely homogenous population tnan a sol- Such is won. arded as the most perfect one ever run ted. It h is many point f eKcellenre m mend it to the American Farmer. Some ol whu-h are as loiiows: ;4ta in enlar ed wheels it has quite an eni draft. The weight has been reduced several nundiil pounds. A lead wheel in front of the shoe earnes the weiLdit ot the eutter bnr and prevents anv tendencv to choke with loose y rasa. Tlie lead wheel forms a perfect protection to the pitman and ran beset higher or lower, as may be required in bottom or t,.nv lands, where often a change from the ordinary cut is very desirable. Another important feature in this Mower ; tu.it tin. nnttin r annarntus is Kent in 13 I I HI V viiN- ..-- I I ft triet line with the pitman, so that anj frie.iioii or binding is rendered iinpntsil1e. k nf)int in most mowers, ami vcrv often overlooked in purchasiny though the defect reveals itselt ny use. T "is provided with the same kind wooden pitman as described particularly n tne retnarKs muiut mv icnii MOW Ell. It is a Machine that will -tand the sever ..e ..ata uml never aiSttDDOini Hie i.niuci V.-ft, .vJ - . in its work. It can lie suddenly stopped and as suddt-nlv started again in the most diffi nlt plates in a nu-auiw, wi iKtckinif un to clear the guards or give speed to the knife. ical Instruments h mm DOWN SALE TO reouos st:ck. The knife out in di4D. Times hard Stock too lare; A $26,000 8tk to be ReUiled at WlIOLESAlE PRICES. An Actual Fact. See these ACCOKDEONS. Six 65; 10 Keys, 90e.; 1 Si Trumpets and Clasps, $2i BAN JUS: Calf Head 8 Screws, $2.73; Nickel Itim, 12 Screws, $3; Same. 24 hcrews, fa. VIOLINS, With Comp Cse, Strings, itosin, Iniuctor, f3.50, $5, 7.')0. 10. EUPHONIAS With 4 Tunes, Onlv C 50. The latest Automatic Musical In strument. OKGUINETTE and OIGANINI MUSIC. 50 feet lor $1.00 post-paikl. Our selection Guitars, Cellos. Double Bases, Music Boxes, Ortfuinettes, urgaiiinas, Tain bonnes. Drums, Cornets, Trimmj dueed, Down, Down. Terms CASH WITH ORDER. No Credit. Money refunded if l'0u!s do not suit. Handsome Il.ustrated Catalogue (Co pages) tree to all. MUSIS GIVEN AWAY. prices: Keys, 50c; 8 Keys, op, $1.25; 1 Stop, 25. 4 Screws, $1 75; Mention to all communications. I .certify that 011 the l5lli ot Feurfb lrJ I eoinuimenced iriving my four: 'children asred 2; 4. 6 and 8 fears., respectively, Smith's Worm Oil, and! ia within si iIavp there were at ! ea'st 1200 worths expelled. One childl vpasseu over 100 in one niylit, ' J. E. SiMrso. 'Hall Go., February 1, 1S79. The Blair Bill Means Hore Taxes. As the discussion of the Blair -bill crows wider, the people are begin niii to see the tall v ot it. JNot wry long a) the average man thought of it s a convent :nt distribution of a lot bi nionev wnich the Federal governmebt does not ueed. Now that the people are beffinninz to timlerstand that flor other" State of the Union. &nce the rescue of thetate from the tempest of rfOftiigacy tirat swept over it after tb v ir, taxes -ste lily diminished, and tie sch )is have lncreitsed until they prol fer education to every child in the .inmonwp;ilth. rerardless of coio;. tier legitimate debt is steadily reduced; 1 L I.. .. UT ner treasury nas a iare suiuius, 1 u mane institutions, conducted with il care and outlay tor both ntcts pvpit da hir that can be received bv the States from the Federal govefn ment considerably more than tljat ..mount must be naid bv tne people into the Federal treasury, the enthu siasmforthe bill hat naturally waned. L st.filltess internty, and thrift and thorough manner, and that if the bills au a ... 1 11 ire monuments- of credit: ner puouc improvements have kept pace;with the o-rowins Wiints oLher people; her au- taorit reflects the pride of the State in its staimess iuiksjiiwy, uu a,m , , o -7 ' . i.-ft KUo.-r. had o-nt throtiizh both Houses there I IMIIiTIlL (11 K. UAW V. V- ft-Jk- 1 ft ft v ' - 1 ly " WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correpondnl.J Washington, May 10, 188G. Some of the President's latest work has been that of carefully examining private pension bills. He was suppos ed to have work enough to do already w thout assuming any new bnrdeus; hut it seems he feels the necessity of taking a hand himself in the retrench ment o iinnaiyrn which Mr. Hewitt and X, - f-) some other influential Dernocr.;ts have begun in the House of Representatives. Mr, Cleveland's predecessors have gen erally reg irded lite as too short to spend in examining this class of legis lation with special care. They have contented themselves with sissurance that Congress hid opportunities for .r. of be vestijating the claims in the most if OI?:-My child, five years old, hadJ f Ajoi)toiii8 of worms. I tried calomel i other Worm Medicines, but fail" ; to expel aiy. Seeing Mr. BairiVl certificate. I not a vial of vour WorjWi &nd the first d se brought tort I Oil. A Warainj to Girls Who Sinj Parents aud teachers have murm to an swer for in permitting young girls to fofce their unformed voices at school exhibi- bitions. How melancholy it is to hear little girls singing songs that require understanding and the vocal culture j ol m.ti..v "TIT. : " I: I State to the kirgest measure ot pros beyond its capabiUties, if it be not utterly evef in all and .nJnnl often becomes disagreeable at the I ii .i. e xt n. n...i: i Here is uoi a sou ui aiuiiii vnwifft her people. For this exceptional record there are many able and true men to whom North Carolina is indebted; but it is no injustice to any to say that to no one is she so much indebted as to Thomas J. Jiirvis, the late Governor. His term of :fx years, ended only by the mandate ofrthe constitution, has brought the largest measure orois, and the second dose s. manyj ere passed I could not count them i 8. H. ADAMS, ruined, often becomes disagreeable at the time when it should be a delight. Moth rs should impress upon their dauhtevs that the voice should never be forced either in speaking or singing. Bet'er that a trirl should never recite or sine' in nublic than that her voice should be roughened or forcad, .vho doss not ,share in the gmeral pride of more than rebabilated com monwealth. When it is considered that North Carolina has every import-1 " 1 t - 1 1 1 F t ant mi 1 1 1 . - -vl 4" 1 1 T- K .-.11 -1 must nave oeeu sume iun " cm. A few days since a rumor about the Capital, to the effect that any further raids upon the Treasury would be corn batted by the President's veto, created considerable sensation. President Cleve land is the first President, it is said, who has undertaken to scrutinize private bills. But he became alarmed the reck less way Congress was rushing the pea- sion business. A fortnight ago the Senate alone, in one day, passed over 450 such bills, after merely reading their titles. This hurried and csireless way of taking mor out of the National Treasury struck the President as emi- IH lift ftltftii ft. Cft ftftftftftrvr ft J ill J neral witfiin her borders, irom j nehtly improper ,and he began sending ?H to iron; that the ha every varit,T to the Pension Office for the record ,n A SINGLE, LIGHT REAPER llv for those who own farms. It U a center cut. one wheeled ivnncr. cuttinir live feet wide, having the ,..in wheel on a line with the small yrain .-i ti.,. .lv.ntjtuihi ol which can be ren lv the easo with which it can I. ...t 1 .ir hirnnl iiiu ivt-'i - . Bv the use of one lever, both ends of the i iu, mimJ nr' lowered to anv piationii i"iii "ft- '. -j, ;i;r,i he'lllit of cut. while anotheMever ilt the euttin ed-re to lhe an-rle. required to hick up leaninir or fallen grain. These K i mii i-an lie 111: ide bv the driver in tdiniipv - teat, with the maciiine in iuwu. Tur.. ; mi ner .eurin'T in the main n'lu.i-1 to iather dirt and straw, a the nio tiona of cearinu, rakinir, a d tripping de vires are all well timed and positive, en ..i,i;,w, 1 1, i.iii r.itor to ize the Imodlet to .in in- - - - . . tin. rrr:iin its W hole operation will be nu-.v "v- n. , . .... f.iinil Kimole. noBitivc and reliable. Knt of his manv Improvements McCOR vtTi-tr STEEL HARVESTER AND BINDER is the acknowledged Type and D.ittnt r.tr nil Ilarvestinsr Machines and 1 HV ' C- umls unexeeled. nnenualed and unri valed in its design, construction and value as a RELIABLE HARVESTING IM PLEMEST. Its points of excellence are too many to enumerate here nd must be een to be appreciated. JOHN A. BOY DEN ) K & D A. AT WELL. ( Then with these we sell the Newark Ma chine Go's. FlAV RAIvE. simple, strong J and effeciive. any youth can w-wk one. j Mav 8. 1M Send Ten Cents in postage stamps, and ... . i nitft we will man you. ireeini r nance, rivri PIECES of VOCAL and EN ST RUM E MT A I MUSIC, full sheet size IA1, Catalogue ot our 10 cent Siaudard Music Better Bnrguins from lis than any North ern Music House can irivfe. Order I raoe a Soecialtv. Customers in all the Southern States. Letters proinptlir answered. Address Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, Sav'h, Ga. NO ICE. Bv virtue of a decrqc of the Superior Court of Alexander county, obtained in a spei ial proceeding by fhe administrator of Edmond Burke, iec'a. against ine neirsat law of Edmond Burkei I will offer for sale to the highest bidder on a cretin ot six months on the premises on the 1st Monday of June, A. D. 1880, aismall tract of land in Rowan county, on tne waters ot third Creek, adjoining the lands ot tne James Cowan, Henry Burk4' and others and j con tains, by estimating twenty acres. Bond with approved ,secunty lor tne purcliase money, and no title to be made to the pur chaser until thesate is conhrmed by the Superior Court of Alexander county. UK. nut J. uensa, Aom r. of Edmond Burke, der'd. March 25th, 18S0. 84:0t. Qrawfordvillk, Ga., July 15, 1883. Editor Democrat : About November of last vcar I had what I supposed to be a cauliflower excrescence on riht side of neck. I used local applications, which effected no perceptible od. I commenced the uye of B. B. B. and took it regularly twelve bottles, and in due time the sore healed over, and now consider it well. I cheefullv recommed it as a fine tonic and alterative medicine. I S. J. FARMER, M. D. "Meal Bag on a Bean Pole." Et.bkhtox, Qa, June 1, 1885. . My brother has a son that was afflicted with ; rheumatism in one of his legs until the fenee so badly contracted that he could not touch the ground with his heel, and had scrofula. He took onlv two but ties ol B. B. B , and scrofula and rheuma tisin are both gone. Mrs M A. El rod came to my house the past summer almost covered with carbunc "ft! i mu is. I i it two bottle of B. B. B- and before she had got inrougn with the second bottle she was entirely well. She was also troubled with swolen feet and ankles, and have been for tenty year. All gone no more trouble with swolen tect now. X was troubled with bleeding piles sine 1858. I used one bottle, and have felt nothing ot the kind since taking the medi cine. The clothing that I was wearing when I left Atlanta tilted mc about tha si. mi as a meal sack would a bean pole I hsjve on the same clothing now, and they are a tight fit. You can do as yon like w ith this; as for me and my household, we hink thn t B's u fully orthodox, and will o to swear by. Respectfully yours, J. M. BARFIELD. Kerosene Oil! BY THF BARREL AT ENNISS' Drug: Store. July 9, '8 tf. FRESH TURNIP SEED? The Earliest and Best Turnip Seed for sale at ENNISS'. Of all kinds, nt ENNISSV I TRUSSES reduced prices, at Fruit Jars! CIIEPER THAN EVEB. ALSO Rubber Ring for Fruit Jars, at LN N I$S SOMETHING NEW! that PTLAMP CHIMNEYS will not break by heat, tor sale at ENNISS. DIAMOND DYES - All wish At N'T FORGET to call all kinds at colors you. ENNISS' for Seeds ot ENNISS'. TO TtfE LADIES t Call and see the Flower Pots at ENNISS'. SSH. a MS MB SB S SBSBBB1 VV A PATcWTo Caveats, Trade Marks and Lopyrigrus I Obtained, and all otter b;i-,lDess In the U. 8. Patent omee attended to tor Moderate Fees, oiromce is opposite the V. S. P itent Office, and we na obtain Pat ents In less time than those rc mofip trom Washington. 8nd Model or dr.iwtnir. We advise as to palent anifty free of cliarge; and make Ac ckarge Ohmin , ,. vereter her" to the Postmaster. th 9up.of MoaVr order A.. and to omrlalsof the U. Pat ent bfllce. For circular, advice, terms and refer enHh to actual clients In .vour wrllrto C. A, SI 1 opoosit Patent Office Oct. H.'S5. tf i THIS PAPER? fviiitrafift mr mad- fur It I SEa lOTft. SCARR'S FRESER7ING POWDES For sale at ENNISS. THE BEST AND CHE PEST MACHINE OIL For Threshers, Reapers, and Mow et r at - ENNISS'. PRESCRIPTIONS ! If you want your prescription, pot up cheaper than auywheic eUe go ta ENNISS' Drugstore. 9, 85.tf. Snniss Blackberry Cordial. FOR Disentetr, Diarrhoea. Flux. Sec, for sale At ENNISS' Drug Stole. Garden Seeds given away at Enniss' Drug Store. If you buy one dolLnr's worth of ganlen seeds or drug or medicines, Dr. Exnjss will Sow' coBtyM gve 10 papers of freh garden , w'.shiDKtoni'.'c. gees free. ALSO Tobacco seed free for 50 eta. worth ft garden seeds or medicines mi. mar be f mn1 flte at. Oea. ; I fl 4 : t I t i i ! 1 ' y - ML - . - A- L i ' , Wm ....IHH.HHH I I I H I H

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