The Carolina Watchman. yOI, XVn.-THIBD SEBIES. SAUSBUEY, H. C, JULY 8, 1886. ; HO, g BEAD THI$ COLUMN CAREFULLY. & Bro's. TflE GRAD CENTRAL FANCY ANi DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT OF SALISBURY. -:o:- f Vnr this scauon their line of Dress Trim ming! is unapproachable. A full line of Rosary Bead Trimmings, fgBcy Balls add Crescents for Lambrequins. Special bargains in Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, Large varieties of Buttons, large and mall, with clasps to match. Largest and cheapest line1 of Pearl Buttons in the city. Below all competition,, they have the best line of Laces, in all widths, of Escurial, Spanish, Bfeck and Colored, Oriental, Egyptian Cam and White. , Arasene abd Fillaselle Silk Floss in all hades. The best $0c. Corset ever sold. A full lint of Warner's Corsets. Parasols Iron 15c. to $6.00. , Bare bargains in Kid And Silk Gloves and Mitts of all shades, and quality. A compile line of Undressed Kids for Ladies. I . . An uncqtalLed assortment of Ladies and -Misses Host at all prices. - RIBBEf) HOSE FOR CHIL DREN A SPECIALITY; Gent's Sflk Staffs from 85c to $1.00. Just the place to get White and Colored Cuffs and Cjollars for Ladies. If you yant Straw Hats, Fur Hats and Shoes for Gnflemen, Ladies, or Boys, you can find tjliem here. The mote careful you read the more you will be coo vi need that they have the best tock in town, and will sell to you at prices to compete with any one. In all "the recent popular shades of DRES S GOODS Theyhav all Wool Nun's Veiling at 25c. Batistes and Embroidery to match. Embroidered Etomine Robes, Embroid ered Zephyr Robes, Full line plain Etomine 'Dress Gonitis, Combination Wool Robe Dress Goods, Brocade Combination Dress Goods, Striped Combination Dress Goods, Bouclay CanvasstPlaid Dress Goods, Sheppard Plaid Press Goods, Cotton Canvass Dress Goods, 15c Sattdens, Crinkled Seersuckers, Ging hams. ! Jn White Goods you cannot be pleased better anywhere; ey have Linen De Dac ca, India! Linen, Persian Lawn, Victoria Lawn, White and Colored Mull, Nainsook, at all prices. JUI Shade of Cheese Cloth, Calicoes, 58 x63 at Be. per yard, Cassimcrs for Gent's wear, alii prices, Cottonades from 12c to 30c Ladies aid Misses Jerseys, a full line, Cur tain Goods in Persian and Russian Drapery, Curtain Holland in all shades, Oid Shades, in all colors, Curtain Poles and Fixtures, Linen Lap Robe: 75c. to $1.50. MERONEY & BRO. i 16:6m ' SALISBURY, N. C. il i s re iti STe O a i- A 3 O m " ;" " 3 P n " C 3 S 2. SB' Ki.JO r 3r da.S bis;" 3Q ? 7 : IT JUyaUi, n la m T3 BE3T EEMED Y KNOWN FOK CATARRH PORE MOUTH SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. WRELT VEGETABLE REQUIRES NO INSTRUMENT. It Cares where others failed to give ! relief. i Or. B. B.1 Davis, Athens, Ga., says: "I suffered with Catarrh ttve years. Hut since using CKKTAIN cat a it ill I CURB am entirely freetrom the dls Mse " Dr'.O.B.Ilowe, Athens, Oa.. say "CERTAIN CATARRli CURB cured uie of a severe ulcerated sore throat, an I cheerfully endorse It." Miss Ludy J. Cook, oconee Co. ua writes, Sept. Hth, I86:r"0ne boMe of your remedy entirely cured me jof C;Uurrh with which I had suffered greatly lorttlve years." J. H. Altfooi, Athen3j.Oa., writes Sept. 8, "85; "I aaa severeore throat more than two weeks; was entirely cared by CERTAIN CATARRli CURE In one day." CAN YOU DOUBT UCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT. Only a few of our many certificates are (riven here. others caa be ootalued from your druggist, or by addressing 3 0. CO, ATHENS, Ga, For Saleiby J. H. Salisbury N.C 21:ly. 1 certify that on Uie 15th ol Febru- Ify I commnicnced giving my foui 'Children, aged 2, 4, and 8 years, respectively, Smith's Worm Oil, audi and within six davs there were at least 1200 worms excelled. One child! .passed over 100 in one night. J. E. Simpson. Hall p., February 1, 1879. SiRi My child, five years old, had! symptoms of worms. 1 tried calomel .nd ather Worm Medicines, but fail SUtOcxnel unv. See in" Mr. liain'Rl certijftcate, I got a vial of vour Wornii Oil, and the first dose brought forty' wrdis, and the second dose so man yj were passed I could not count them. : 8. 11. ADAMS. Mcroncij A Boy of ye Olden Time. I have heard of a boy .who lived long ago For such boys are not tound now-a-daya, you know Whose friends were as troubled as they could be Because of a hole ibis memory. A charge from his mother went in one day, And the boy said " Yes,'' and hurried away, But he met a man with a musical top, And mother's words through that hole did drop. A lessen went in ; but, ah me ! ah me I For a boy with a hole in his memory ! When he rose to recite he was all in doubt; Every word Of that lesson had fallen out. And at last, at last oh, terrible lot! He could speak but two words: "I forgot !"s Would it not be sad, indeed, to be A boy with a hole in his memory? Puffing. They that do write in authors' praises, And freely give their friends their voices, Are not confined to what U true ; ' That's not to give, but pay a due ; Foe praise, that's due, does give no more To worth, than what it had before ; But to commend without desert, Requires a mastery of art, That Sets a gloss on what's amiss. And writes" what should be, not what is. Sam. Butler. All those who do but rob and steal enough, Are punishment and court-of-justice pffipr, And need not fear, nor be concerned a srra In all the idle bugbears of the law ; But confidently rob the gallows too, As well as other sufferers, of their due. Z 7 If the man who turnips cries, Cry not when his father dies, Tis a proof that he had rather Have a turnip than bis father. ' Dr. Johnson. aw Model Editor. A man who runs a paper Should know every human caper. And hold up the torch of knowledge like a gleaming midnight taper. He should be profound as Plato, Pliant as a boiled potato, And as humble to his patrons as a street and crossing scraper. He should honor in his journal Every captain, crank and colonel, And dish up their proud achievements in a -hodge-podge cooked diurnal. He should puff the hardened liar C?lub3 and concerts, cbyirch and choir, With long adjectives, sonorous, sweet, seraphic and supernal. He must write the funny column That makes all his readers solemn. With the fashions, frills and flounces, furbelows and what d'ye call em"? Quell the copy men's wild revel, Squelch and massacre the devil, And pot on a brow of thunder that shall petri fy jand appal em. Ie must be a news reflector if the lyceum and lectur', And rain down his taffv torrents on the vete ran milk inspector. He must be a prompt adviser To each foreign king and kaiser, And keep out his key-hole telescope to dodge the bill collector. ' Lynn Union. Mitchell county is thoroughly prohi bition; having given 1,850 votes for it, and only 350 for license. ' There are but 15 miles between Ben- nettsvjille, S. C, and Mt. Airy, N. C, on waicn no railroad work has been done. The speed of our boat races is not generally known to be as swift as it really is about three times as a quick moving footman a mile in five min utes. Prohibition goes into effect in lanta today. All the saloons in At- the city, (sixty-nine.) will close at once. wihati will become of the thirsty lows! : fel "By the sea," and "Ho for the moun tains," are now the watchwords o those who have money to spare for the pursuit of summer pleasures. By the way, there is water enough right here at home to satisfy reasonable demands, the rains of Monday and Tues day having filled up all streams to the onm. i A poor woman carried her dead child wrapped up in a tattered shawl t the city hall in Baltimore to ask the health officer to bury it. The people where she lived would not let her depart with out carrying off the corpse with her. The strikers on New York railroads and in other lines of business, are los ing their places. It is just as might be expected. Men who cause trouble and loss to their employers will be very apt to reap as they sow. The day of re- ward may be delayed for a while, bu it-will come. The wet weather of late is affecting the grape crop, slightly, only, at pres ent; but we shall learn this year what varieties can best resist a humid atmos- i -. phere! and a wet soil. The Prohibition party in Pennsylva nia claim to be a power in the State. . and will demonstrate it in the campaign. , nex The Prohibitionists of Delaware are leaning On the strong arm of the Re publican party they are sustaining each other. - "Didn't know it was loaded" and for that very reason handle a gun or a pistol as if sure it is loaded. "Didn't know it was loaded"' has been the death of many a beioved friend. Twenty-five days was the average time for ships to cross the Atlantic in 1830. The average time now is about 8 or 8 days. It has been done in 6f . But it is supposed a great reduction will yet be made, and the trip accom plished in about three days. Is leaping off the back of a horse which is running away just the thing to do ? Advice on the subiect will not be paid for, because it will not be re membered or valued by those who may have occasion to consider it. Bracing Hews for Democrats. Washington Correspondence Philadel phia Press. 1 was informed to-night by reliable authority that the President emphat ically told some Southern and New York Democratic politicians Saturday that he was going to change his tactics. "You think," said he, UI am not re moving Republicans quick enough do our Well, wait, and you will see. f I don't turn out Republicans quick enough for yoii during the next six months let me know. These gentle men came away from the White House almost hirlarious. Their Democratic bosoms heaved with expectant joy, and ater in the day they gave away a good deal more of their conversation with the Chief Magistrate and of his with them than Mr. Cleveland suspects. There was a happy party of Democrats in Washington that night, and many a bottle of champagne was opened and nianv a toast was aruiiK to uieveiana and his bride. The account of the little episode came to me direct, and more of the particulars could be given. It is significant in many particulars. The Man of the 12 th of May. From the Atlanta Constitution. A correspondent asks us to give the exaet fact of Qxe occurrence of the 12th of May, and asked if General Lee ever indorsed the account of that heroic action. Our correspondent states that the Bacon men in his neighborhood say that General Lee denied that any such thing ever took place. We pre sent the full history of the occurrence as taken from the nistory of Gen. Lee by Rev. J. Wm. Jones, D. D.: On the 12th of May, 1864, the Con federate lines were broken near Spotts- ylvania Courthouse; the Federal troops poured into the opening, ana a terrible disaster seemed imminent. As Early s old division, now commanded by Gen. John B. Gordon, was being rapidly formed to recapture the works, Gen. Lee rode to the front and took his position just in advance of the colors of the Forty-ninth Virginia regiment. He uttered not a word he was not the man for theatrical display but as he quietly took off his hat, and sat his war-horse the very personmcation of the srenius of battle, it was evident to all that he meant to lead the charge. and a murmur of disapprobation ran down the line. Just then the gallant Gordon spurred to his side, seized the reins of hishorse, and exclaimed with deep anxiety: "lien. Lee, this is no Dlace for vou. lio go to the rear. These are Virginians and Georgians, sir men who have never failed, and and they will not fail now Will you bovs? Is it necessarv for Gen. Lee to lead this charge?" Loud cries of "No! no! Gen Lee to the rear!" "Gen. Lee to the rear!" "We always try to do what Gen. Gordon tells us, and we will drive them back if Gen. Lee will go to the rear!" burst , W from the ranks. While two soldiers led Gen. Lee's horse to the rear, Gordon put himself in front of his division, and his clear voice rang out above the roar of the battle: "Forward! charge! and re member vour promise to Gen. Lee!" Not Napoleon's magic words to his Old Guard, "The eres of your empe ror are upon you !" produced a happier effect; and these brave fellows swept grandlv forward, drove back five times their own numbers, retook the works and converted a threatened disaster in to a brlliant victory! How Actresses Kits. A CONTRAST OF TWO JULIETS. New York Sun. The last time that the beautiful Ade laide Neilaon played Juliet in New York she had bade Borneo a lingering farwell and was turning away from the baleony, when a sudden whim seemed to seize her, and, wheeling about swift ly, she caught his face in both hand and. leaning forward, gazed into his eves. The house was still as death The audience, already seriously wrought upon and parched, arid and uncouth leaned forward nervously. Two thou sand eyes were riveted upon the ac tress. There was a long wait: then she slowly pressed her lips to Romeo s and seemed lost to everything around i ii mi r at 4 her. lhe people sat liKe stones. programme floated down from above and fell athwart a woman's bonnet and v i -l ai m . she did not raise tier hand to remove it. A spinster coughed. J uliet raised her head slowly and glided away, look ing back over her shoulder as, she dis appeared with an expression that no man who saw it will ever forget. There was a long silence and then the play went on. But no one paid the slight est attention to it. One by one the people relaxed their strained and intent attitudes and leaned back in their chairs. There was no rustle or noise. The woman did not notice the pro gramme on her bonnet until the cur tain fell. Miss Anderson played Juliet there when she returned from London re cently, and in the forth act she kissed tunneo. As she approached the event the bald-headed man in the orchestra who habitually dwadles with the base viol rose from his seat and looked over the footlights. Everybody knew the kiss was coming, and the actress lean ed forward frigidly and resolutely placed her face in the immediate prox imity of Romeo s, the house was all at tention. She leaned back again. The deed had been done. The bald-headed man in the orchestra sank back in his chair, shivered a bit and turned up his collar. The lights flickered. An usher sneezed and, tiptoeing softlv to the door, he put his hand across the crack to see if he could find out where the chilling draft came from. Then a howling swell rose from his seat, blew open his fingers, pulled on a fur over coat, went out into Thirteenth street and wished audibly that he was dead. Fish Traps. When Mr. Cox of North Carolina introduced a proposition in the com mittee on rivers and harbors to abolish fish traps in the Yadkin river, it caused some speculation. JNo one could im agine what was the reason for the pro position, and the mystery was deepen ed by the fact that Mr. Cox appeared to make it a personal matter between himself and the fish traps. Again, no bodv could what business he had with the fish tramps in the Yadkin river, anyway, as that stream is not in ns district, but in that of his colleague, Mr. Cowles, with whom he seemed to be on the most friendly terms. The matter has finally been explain ed, says a correspondent of the Cincin-, nati Commercial-Gazette, and it is shown that Mr. Cox was really acting in the interest of his colleague, and en deavoring to aid in his re-election. "It appears that at the time of a re cent "fresh in the Yadkin, a United States letter carrier was trying to ford the stream with the mail. His horse was in danger of being swept away, and he was borne down by a huge bag containing the speeches of Mr. Cowles, which that gentleman was sending out to his tar-heel constituents. To save himself he cut open the bag and dump ed out the larger part of its contents. The carrier, as soon as the act was known, was arrested and put in jail, and the case reported to the govern ment authorities. Mr. Cox, when the matter was canvassed, reported that when the people living along down the river below the ford where the carrier crossed, went the next day to examine their fish traps, they found them full of Mr. Cowle's speeches and other con gres. i nal eloquence, statistics, steis, etc., and were greatly surprised and not thoroughly pleased at the nature of their catch. Mr. Cox, then pro posed to abolish these fish traps on .the ground that they interfered with the free circulation of current literature and congressional eloquence. He thought the man who threw the matter into the river was doing only his duty, and that the fish traps were the real offen ders. He pressed his point but finally had to compromise on the release of the mail carrier. As long as the fish traps remain, Mr. Cowles will continue to circulate his speeches by muteback and buck board as heretofore. Boston Herald. Haunted to Death. three months ago About three months ago a woman named Eva Hebron died at Bound Brook, N. J. Just previous to her death she obtained a promise from her husband that he would never marry again. He soon forgot his promise and his wife had been in ner grave scarcely six weeks when he sought to soothe his sorrows by wedding Mary Chandler, a buxom widow of some 40 years. She was a Roman Catholic and Hebron immediately renounced his con nection with the Methodist Church and embraced Catholicism. Shortly after his second marriage, acquaintances be gan to notice that he acted queerly. He seemed ill at ease, and had the ap pearance of a man haunted with some secret trouble. He said himself that he was troubled with insomnia. One night he arose from a troubled sleep to watch the burning of the Episcopal church in this place, which was on fire. Suddenly, while watching the flames he started back with an excla mation of horror, and in spite of all his wife could do to arouse him be ap peared as though held by some strange fascination.. Then he shrank back, placed his hands before his eyes as though to shut out sonic horrible vision all the while trembling in every limb. J He called upon his wife to see the spirit of his dead wife, which had come to haunt him, ahd remind him of the broken nroinise he m;ide her on her Amnih vm. He also declared that she brought an army of ghastly creatures to end his life ten thousand devils, who jeered and jibed at him. He then fell to the floor in a dead faint. From that time Hebron believed he was a doomed man. His dreams were hid eous, and his wakeful moments fright ful. One morning he came to some of his friends with a countenance more ghastly that ever, and told them of a dream he had had during the night. He said he thought the skeleton of his first wife lay beside him, and when in terror he sprang from the bed, the specter followed him. At length it Pinioned him to the wall with one of its long, ghastly fingers, and he felt his life blood ooze from his pierced heart and drip to the floor. Then, he said, the specter licked up his flowing blood, screaming: "So I stop the vitali ty of my 'false husband!" , This story convinced Hebron's friends that he was insane, and they were tak ing steps to place him in the asy lum when one morning of last week he was found dead in his bed. He had died from fright. A Little Patti Gossip. New York Star. From Swansea, Wales, comes the hews that Mme. Adelini Patti was married there toSignor Nicolini on the 9th inst. This is the third time that Patti has married Nicolini. She was divourced from the Marquis de Caux about eight years ago, and in 1878 she married Nicolini in a Greek church in Russia. She was married to Nicolini again in Paris about four years ago. On Nov. 8, 1884, Patti's divouree from her husband, the Marquis de Caux, was made absolute by the new French law, and last Wednesday the diva for the first time became NicoJini's lawful wife. The Marquis de Caux made no objec tion to these proceedings, as he is a man of large fortune and always has been. Nicolini was divorced from )hs wife in 1882 after he had married Patti m a Greek church. His five children are kept by his wife, who receives pay out of Mme. Patti's treasury. When Patti was over here last year her fond- ness tor jNicoiini was more maraea than ever, and she seemed anxious that be should inherit her Drooertv. She owns an estate in the South of France valued at $400,000 which she feared might become a matter of litigation at her death. Nicolini has therefore fallen into an extremely soft thing He is as faithful as a watch dog with Patti, guards her as he would a child, cooks most or the dishes of which she is particularly fond and has cracked his voice in singin" uie praises or uie woman he adores! Patti is married again. This was the wedding hymn: Lliaflwer wynwes hen gwontawe A cherduorol dan; A chyd rloeddiwn croesaw idds ranun hoff y gun. Literal lv translated, this beautiful anthem signifies: "Patti cake, Patti cake, Marry me again ; take the cake at marrying, Take mcj I pray amen !' A Cave Found. Correspondence of the Asheville Citizen Messrs Editors : Persons having formerly visited the Warm Springs will no doubt remember the mound in front of the old hotel on which stood the oavalion or music stand. Yester- bay men were put at work to remove this mound in order to level off the lawn in front of the new hotel, which obstructed the view towards the rail road depot, and in the excavation of the lime stone rock was discovered the mouth of quite an extensive cave, from L which vapor arises, supposed to come from the hot water at the bottom of it. This cave may prove a very im portant discovery, both on account of the interest as a curiosity, and also tor its usefulness, as the vapor arising trom SLi BjTJail -ttZSZ ' fj C7 nil vt A 1 i , "v iv vl " . I t 1 1 M 1 f i t Ika nova uml its extent will soon be ascertained. J. M. TlEBNAN. Dictation vs. Liberty. In these days, when the old-fashion ed doctrine of personal liberty seems to be undereoii revision by the very class that it might be thought would chtrish it most the working classes it may not be amiss to ask whether the . i ... i . ii principle and restraint mignc not De ex tended beneficially, in directions hith erto uncontemplated. Suppose, for in stance, leagues should be formed requiring working men to give account of bow they expend their earnings, and even to dictate, in a measure, the nronortion that should be devoted to certain objects, wonld not this invasion pf the privilege of the individual be at least as conducive to hts welfare, and to the welfare of society, as the dicta tion of the terms-on which they shall work and the listing of tradespeople with whom he shall not deal. Most nersons would probably prefer the maintenance of the sort of liberty con temDlated in the Declaration of Inde pendence; still if another principle is to be substituted it may as well be in terpreted beneficially as injuriously. The SoutK. Gibbs So the man was killed at the hotel, was he? Squibbs Yes; shot right in the ro tunda. Gibbs Great Scott! No wonder killed him. That s a terrible place hit a man Lhitaqo Kambler. The Expulsion of the Princes. Paris, June 23 Prince Victor and in cluding the most pjomioeot adherents, incl tiding the Mrquis of Vah-tte and Baron Haussmann, started to-day for Brussels. The train bearing the party left the station amid crfes of 'Vive rEmpereur,n MAu re voir." and shouts fr "Vive la Republiqne." There was some hissing. Several persons were arrested. Prince Napoleon (Plon Plon) is going to Geneva. The Count and Countess of Paris and their- sop. Prince Iuis Phillippe, after receiving their friends tomorrow, will em bark at Treport in the afternoon. . They will arrive at Tunbridge Wells, England, on Friday, and will take up their residence there. The Count will issue a manifesto, protesting against his expulsion and out lining the monarchical programme. One thousand persons called at the Chateau d' Bu today and inscribed their names in a book. The Conipte du Paris shook hands with each one and briefly ex pressed his thanks. Most of the royalist senators and deputies intend to witness the derture of this. Count do Paris from France. Count Foucher de Carcil, ambassador to the Austrian court, has resigned in protest against the action of bis government in cx pel I i n g t he French princes. It is believed that 11. W add ington. French ambassador to the court of 8t. James, will resign inconse quence of the expulsion of the princes. His resignation is momentarily expected. The Rpyalist press pronounce the pas sage of the expulsion bill the forerunner of the downfall of the republic. The moder ate republican papers generally criticize the measure as unjust. The opportunist journ als urge the government to discard the demand of the irreconcilable and radicals, and they demand a firmer republican pol icy. Near the Red Sulphur Springs on Friday a young lady and gentleman eloped from the lady's parents tor the purpose of get ting married. The flying pair were in a buggy and made good time until Indian creek was reached. The creek was verv high, but an attempt was made to ford it. When midwav of Uie stream the vehicle was washed over and the occupants thrown in the water. They lodged against a broken tree in the middle of the creek. The young man caught the young lady as the rushing waters were earning her down and held her. Fortunately just at the root of this tree theHl was sufficient foothold for the young man to stand, so that the water only came up to his armpits, but on either side nt mm it was too deep and the current too strong for him to venture to reai-h the shore. He held the voun ladv in his arms for two x-fore they were discovered. The position was made more unpleasant by the hot sun pouring its rays upon them For tunately when the bugirv waa overturned an umhralla was thrown in reach of the young man, and he managed to open it and hold it over the lady. Novel as was the catastrophe, the rescue was even more novel. A young man. although the risk was g-eat, swam a strong horse to the place and the imoerrilled ladv aud ccntleinan hung ol to the animal's tail and were brought back safely. Virginia Paper. An old Scotch lady was told that her minister used notes. She disbelieved it. Said one, u6o into the gallery and see." She did so, and saw the written sermon. After the luckless nreachor i had concluded his reading on the last page, he said, uBut I will not enlarge." The old woman called out from her lofty position, Ye. can n a, ye canna; for your papers give out!" A. CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, Khke of Ciiarok. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America Send a self -ad dressed envelope to the Hev JosEru i T. Inman, Station D. New York Vity. 4:ly PIAEtO and ORGAN OUT SALE. Chance to Secure a Good Instrument at a Bargain. uome up ouyers. nere s your cnance. ivu i uiiios iuu Organs! to be closed out regardless of vapue. A genuine lear- 4ance Sale to reduce stock. These our regular stock; must get our SOME ARE new, not used a day; some months or a veansome used from two to struments taken in exchange and thoroughly as iooa as new.s IN THE 200 there are Square Piano, gans, and Parlor Organs, from over twenty K N A lit. MASON & HAMLIN. HALLETT & JAVIS, M ATHLSHEK . VOSE, BURDETT, ARION, GABLER, PELOUBET, TIIONIGER, ESTJ5Y, AND BENT, y DESCRIPTIVE LISTS are printed, antfa as well as by person. Instruments are represented precisely as lliey are, and u pur chasers arc not suited we reiund their money. TERMS EASY Pianos 1 10 per month; to Spot Cash Buyers. Write, and we will OVER TWENTY of these Instruments are 200 left, which must go in the next Write quick, if you want to secure one. clear out the lot. WRITE FOR Piano and Organ Clearing tisement. Write AT ONCE. Address LUDDEN ft BATES SOUTH ERNIMU SIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. The hian whowornes about things that cannot be helped is sawing timber for his own coffin. NOT SEARED. h. Bat lhe Heart-Throbs Of j True Jflanhood. Sparta. G a., Sept. 22 1885. To the Cam- l . . m . - . 7 : : witvtiun, Atlanta Were I to practice decep tion in a case like this, I would think that my heart had become seared beyond recog nition. J To be goilty of bearing false tcstlmoijv, thereby jmperilling the lives of my fellow men, would place me beneath the dignity of a gentleman. The facts which f disclose era endorsed and vouched for ly the community in which I live, and I trust they may exert the influ ence intended. For twenty long years I have suffered untold tortures from a terrible pain and weakness in the small of ray back, which resisted all modes and manner of treat ment. For a long time the horrifying pangs of an eating cancer of my lower lip has added to my misery and sufferings This encroach ing, burning and painful sore on mv lip was pronounced Epithelial Cancer by the protn- " inent phirsictans in the section, which stubbornly resisted the best medical talent. About eighteen months ago a cutting, piercing pain located in my breast, which could not be allayed by the ordinary modes of treatment. These sXifferings of misery and prostra tion became so great that, on the 18th of July, a leading physician said that I could not lire longer than four days, and I had about given up in d is pair. The burning and excruciating ravages of the cancer, the painful condition of my back and breast, and the rapid prostration of my whole system combined to make me a mere wreck of former manhood. While 'thus seemingly suspended on a thread between life and death, I commenced the use ot B.B.B., the grandest blood med icine, to me and my household, ever used. The effect was wonderful it was magic- . al. Thel excruciating pains wJiich had tormented me by day and by night for twenty years were soon held in obeyance. and peace and comfort were restored to a suffering jjnan, the cancer .commenced heal ing, strength was imparted to my feeble frame, and when eight boTtles had lieen used I wqts of the happiest of man, and felt alwut as well as I ever didr All path hail vanished, the cancer on my lip healed, and I was pronounced curedV T those who are afflicted, and need a blood remedy, I urge the use of H.B.B. as a wonderftilly effective, speedy and cheap blood purifier. Allen t; h ant. Sparta Ga., September 22, 1885 1 saw Mr. Allen Grarit, when he was suffering with epithelial cancer of under lip, and alter using the B.B.B. medicine, as stated above, I flnd him now almost, if not per fectly cuii-d. Signcdj J. T. Andrews,!!. D. Sparta, Ga., September 22, 1885. We take pleasure in certifying to the truth of the above statement, having supplied the patient with the Blood Balm. Signed, Kozier & Vardeman, Druggists: Sparta, Ga., September 22, 18851 often saw Mr. Allen Grant when suffering from epithelioma, and from the exteut of the cancer thought he would soon die. Ho nowjappqjira p riccUy well, and I con;iler it a most wonderful run;. Signed K. H. Lewis, Ordinary. A BCjjOK OF WONDERS, FREE. AIIho dhdre full information about the cause w(i.tMnrePrt,ood ,',smH' la And shutout swellings, IJlcnrs, mores. Klieumatlsm Kinney com. plaints, ca&rrh, etc. can aeeure by" man frees tilled with fee most wonderful and startling proof ever beforefcnown. Address, BLOOD BALM CO, Atlanta, o. TITTS PAPER mft,v 1,0 fo"n,, -n ni on. A.H.Tttsfn BurPMKMI Sprue.. St. L w h. ro adverUalac runtracts Biay be mode for it IN NEW YORE. If you vnnt-to keep up with the times lake the Watchm you can't he left. CLEARING Instruments are over and above money gut of them. have been m)ed a few months; some nscd six five years. Home are good Second Hand In repaired renovated, n polished and made Upright Pianos, Grand Pianos, Church Or different Makers, inc1iidin! CHICKENING, purchase ;an le made by correspondence Organs $5 her month. Great inducements offer bargains that will open your eyes. were sold during Centennial week, lmt there 00 days. From three to five are sold daily. This advertisement (in 50 good patets) will - r Out Sale Circulars, and mention this adver - 3 - . V: 1 .'-ft it yksJX" THEATMEKT -Om Mwtt. 13. Tto Met, 9m, 17 t SSSSS&JSSSSH HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mrc Cwmtrrt, RUPTURD PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliance. As for Terms! ' : I" 9 aiM .33S&5fiil L; JOS