I j - 1 . The i i , - - Carolina Watchman. A 1 7 4 - A VOL XVH. THIRD SEEIES. SAUSBUEY, H. C., JULY 22, 1886. HO. 40 1. l KEAD THIS COLUMN t?AREFTjf.LY Meronei) & Bio's. . r, . XTT. pnYn,n T a "xrfi v u ULX 1 t-n-TA T3f T C X-TlVr M HT S 1 A OllOrliVl JiiN 1 OF SALLSBURY. :o:- For this season their line ot ureas Trim- ; . i . w Mc '!'? .9TlnSt apLui - -6 TrSetie of Buttons, large id ' dasp8 to match- Latest Snd cheap It line of Pearl Buttons in the city, Below all competition,, tbej 'have the best line ot Laces, m an wiains, i escarps , Suanish, Black and UJored, unentai, Ttr'vhtian Cream and White. rns!ne and Fillasell Silk Floss in all lhades. ! The best 5Qc. Corset ever sold. A full line of Warner's Corsets. I Pgrasois from 15i. to f COO. t P.re barirains in Kid and Silk Gloves and Mitts of all shades and quality. I . A complete line of Undressed Kids sfbr Ladies. An unequalled assortment of Ladies and Misses Hose at all prices ftTiniT.MA imc!!? T?rM rxjTT j HUpif y1:. diu;n a speciality. Gent's Silk Scarfs from 25c to $1.00. Just the place to get White and Colored Cuffs and,ollars for Ladies. If you want Straw Hats, Fur Hats and Shoes for Gentlemen, Ladies, or Boys, you can find them here. The more careful vou read the more you ; emor 111 IS Maj. C5. M. ringer, Of will be convinced thatt they have the best Catawba county, the present Superin ock in town, and will sell to you at prices tendeilt 0f pubiic Instruction. He is a to compete with any one. gentleman every way reliable, though Iu all the recent popular shades of t-vt- -mc oi s - Tk C3 JJliJlOO yjT Kf J-J O They have all Wool Nun's Veiling at J5c. Batistes and Embroiderv 4.o match. jSnioroiucreu fiConnne uooes, xmoriu ercd Zephyr Robes, Full line plain Etomine j Ores- Goods, Combination Wool liobe Dress Goods, Brocade Combination Dress Goods iStrrped Combination Dress Goods, Bouclay fi Canvass Plaid Dress Goods, Sheppard Plaid Dress Goods, Cotton Canvass Dress Goods, tic Satteens, Crinkled Seersuckers, Giug- liams. ; j ' ' -WITE GO O DS. I ; In White Goods you cannot oe pleased ! bcttler anywhere; they have Linen De Ipac 4 c, India lanen, Persiail Lawn, Victbria Lawn, White and Colored Mull, Nainsook, fr at all prices. .. L All Shades o( Cheese Clotji, Calicoes, 58 ' (y,l at 5c. per yard, Cassimers lor Gent's .wear, all prices, Cot tonades from 12c to 30c Ladies and Misses Jerseys, a t'ulj line, Cur ! tain Goods iii Persian arid Russian Drapery, Curtain Holland in all shades, Oid Shades, in all colors. Curtain Poles iiul Fixtures, Linen Lap Robe? 75ci to 1.50. MERONEY & ;BRO. ; 10:Gm SALISBURY, N. 6. v s Pi i rrts- BEST SEMEDY KNOWN FOB. SORE MOUTH SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. PURELY VEGETABLE REOUIRES NO INSTRUMENT. UCarj3 waarj others failed to give relief. Dr.B. B. Davis, Athens, Ga., says: "I suffered JBtt Catarrh Ave years. Bat since using CERTAIN 6ATAIWH CLUE am entirely tree from the dis ease" W. O. B. Howe, Athens, Oa., says: "CERTAIN CATAURH CURE cured jnef a severe ulcerated fcre throat, and I cheerfully endorse It." Miss Lucy J.cook, iteoSnee Co. Ga.. writes, Sept . i"Ui, iss:,: -one bottle lot your remedy entirely eim-d me of Catarrh wftn .which I had suffered greatly for ftve years." ki.U. AlijfooJ, Athens, Ga.rwrlfes Sept. 8, 'S5; "I spvemson- throat, idorc than two weeks; Was fmmy cured by CEIO'AIN CATAURU CL'KE ln ueaay." . . - I CAN YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? ViE THINK NOT. Only a few of bur many dertlffcates are given here. Wgri cm be outainedltroai your druggist, pr by WdressiBg r . L- 3 C. CO., ATHENS, Ga. Pqr-Salc by J. U. EXISS, Salisbury N.C. nay. : -1 . I certify that on tlve 15th ol Febru- arv-I conninicncfd ving my font 'Children, asred 2 J 4. 6 and 8 Vcaf. tespa'tivelv, Smilirs Woriii Oil, and! ni within six flays there were at, least 1200 worms 4x petted. One cSrildj upasseu over 100 lft onje rrrht. i-. . - s - t a .... i Hall Co., February lj 1879. Sru: My cliild,;five years old,had 8yttiptomg of worms. I tried calomel and -'other Worm Medicines, but fail e(l to expel any, Seeing Mr. Buin'gJ certificate, I got i vial of jour Wornii yhh, an4 the first dose brought forty wornis, and the second dose so manvi re passed I could not count thenf S. H. ADAMS. 21:ly. CATARRH July 12, 1880. Look here ye groveling, growling sons of the soil, especially those of you who have a hankering and think yourselves I smart enough to represent your County I the verdict from " lhe man about the WU1W; "w 1 . . ""T .weeks Watchman. This wise acre knows , yuu m auu turtc uyi uuc u . xx- uicx uu wn...aF uut uiuic vuC or two in i the county that could draw a; i Din worm a cent, ana n tney couiu get I 1 Ml .1 1 " IV 1 .'t e uruwu wuuiuu t u sen ciiuugu w uw upu i-au v "u.juu . tt j- t- r a -a -v w a w i arm it w i n w in n vr n a irii dence - get - baek il, voir Ules and let tne lawyers who know your wants or at least what you ought to have, make laws for you (inference,) all you are good for is tpay taxes, attend the pri- mary meetings nominate lawyers or other professional learned men ana vote strictly for them and the party; This is American politicial freedom. Swal low, the prescription the doctor gives you and ask no questions. Pshaw just think of an old sun-burned farmer go ing to the Legislature why he would nt know how to wear a plug hat or don a pair of light breeches altogether out of his place like a fish out of the water. And another thing some of these old fogies might get to agitating the infa- mous Homestead law and train of evils impoverishing the farmers of the land, impoverishing the farmers of the and fatetoing the lawyers and Court house officers of the Country. Ulod jvnockkr For Governor. The man that can be elected Gov- very few have thought of him for Gov ernor. Think of it, and the more vou think of him the better you will like hi"! candidate for Governor. He will bear very close inspection we know him well, and can endorse him in every Lrespect Charlotte Democrat. Many of our Eastern people want a man- thoroughly acquainted with the wants and condition of the people of the whole State; they want a progress ive man; they want one who will not "shape politics" for the people of one section upon the advice of those from another; in short, they want a man for Governor who recognizes them as a part of the people of the State, and will advise with them on measures per taining: to their welfare. For such a man they are instinctively turning heir eyes toward Brazil and beckoning lhos J. Jarvis to come hither, out as the ex-Governor has his eye on the Senate, he will doubtless measure arms with the genial Ransom, and if he finds the way open to success, his East ern friends will have to look up some one else. But they have plenty time yet to discover the man. Perhaps Mator Finger will fill the bill New- bern Journal. You will find Maj. Finger all right in every way except he favors the Blair Bill, but as the humbug is dead (we hope for all time) he cannot bother himself much about it or do anything to pass it. He wduld make a fair Gov ernor to all sections of the State. But we agree with the Journal that many people are "longing" to see Jarvis back at the head oi public affairs in North Carolina. Charlotte Democrat. Tom Jarvis! yes sir, give us anothtr Tom Jarvis. North Carolina needs him badly? He was a man of the peo ple and for the people. If the east c m find another Tom Jarvis, why trot him out and the west will support him. But there are few like Jarvis; they are not4iard to find where they exist for they are as shining lights set upon a hill. Progress of the South. Dr. Melville Jackson Virginia, in a late address on the subject of South ern progress and civilization, gives some very interesting facts well worthy of consideration. The South has never been given full credit for what it has accomplished in the way of recuperation from the losses of the war. It has always been cited n . At jis an evidence or the wouderlul recu perative power of France that was able to nav to Germany in so short a time the $1,000,000,000 indemnity fund de manded of it. The South has accom plished much more. In a single item, its slaves, it lost 82,000,000,000,-while the devastations of the war were far more serious than those wrought by the German invasion of France, be cause thestruggle lasted so in uch longer and penetrated every portion ot the I South. Yet from these losses, which destroyed nearly all property, which were fourfold as great as the injury inflicted on France, the South has fully recovered todav. It has, indeed, ad vanced in wealth and prosperity, not only wiping out the last vestiges of the late war, but establishing new indus tries and a new civilization. Today the South compares with any portion of the country. Dr. Jackson shows there are 44 paupers among 10,000 people in New England to 13 in the South, showing that even if the former is the richer section, wealth i mnrp emiallv distributed here. In ! the matter of crimes, llire committed I it New England to 8 in the South, and I cnlv 4i anions the whites. " morally nd otherwise, the Southern States today rank with any portion of the United States and of the world. Mame Record. H H r i East and West for London. Citizen has a verv gt rid in its issue of the 4th, lnst - on tne importance of iNorth-Caro- linas repre(ielltod at the London- An3encan Exhibit, to be opened in i,oncion next year. By all means this should be done. The views of the ati a0nf;W hf rnA xrv. (JaroUha make the same exhibit at the eommg exnibition that she did at Bos- . . m - . . JXArf &uXRJ?Z her people. We want immigration, but we cannot get it until we have first advertised the wealth and resources of our State. Sach an opportunity will not again present itself. Now is the time, for quoting from the Citizen: "Great Britian is; industrially in a pe culiar position at present; a condition of change, of doubt, of uncertainty for the future, of distress in the present, of depression in agricultural affairs, in manuf acturing interests, in commercial operations, sociallv and Doliticallv dis- A. fc- tured, and most anxiously casting eyes 'around for places of refuge, of quietude and of prospenty. C hange and motion are in every contemplation. Is not now the time for North Carolina to speak, to act, to be present among those agitated elements and quiet them by demonstration of her characteristics that she lean provide for the seeker after quiet, comfort and freedom, all he may desire." North Carolinais exceedingly rich in her material resources. At the Boston exhibit slie showed a larger variety, finer quality of native woods and val uable treasures from the earth, with a fairer collection of cereals, tobacco, fruits, cotton and other products than any other State there represented. Her exhibit attracted more the attention of Northern capitalists and foreigners than all else there. This is an impor tant matter to the State. It should not by any means be neglected. Too much economy in this matter will do us great Harm, while the liberal expen diture of money will be of great good to us. Let us advertise our wealth, and this is the way to do it. Washinqton Prog ress. J Here is a Picture. South CoroHna is quoted by one of the leading papers; of the State as a section singularly remiss in the use of its advantages. Having uuder their control resources which should enable them to feed the United States, the people of the State do not raise enough food to avert a famine, if the railroads should cease running for a few months. Nearly one-half of the area of the State is available for the cultivation of wheat; nearly every pound of flour consumed is made of wheat grown a thousand miles away, and comes taxed with the the profits of the farmer, the miller, the cooper and the railroads for the long haul. A large portion of the beef cattle are brought into the State on trains that run over the native cattle at every mile of their progress. Corn can be grown anywhere between the mountains and the sea, but is imported at great expense in sufficient quantity only for the people and their Kentucky mnles; there is none to spare for the hogs, and hence bacon is imported. Thoughpou!try thrive in all parts of the State, turkeys are brought from Ten nessee; spring chickens are never plentiful), and there are parts of the State where , geese or ducks are un known. A similar neglect prevails with regiard to fish food, though the State is covered with a network of rivers. With regard to fruit and veg etables, thousand of apples rot on the trees or on the ground in the Piedmont section every autumn. A month or two later apples are bought by the barrel, or by the pound in sliced and dried forijn, from Fensylvania and New England farmers. Peaches, small fruit and many vegetables are neglected, the the consequence being that the differ ent varieties are largely imported as canned goods. The people of the State need morfe than anything else to learn the lesson of the value of small indus tries and j to put it everywhere into practice. The South. Does not some of those South Caro lina faulty lap Over the N. C. boundry line? Is Rowan perfectly free from all resemblance to this South Carolina picture? ,It is a rather gloomy, un progressive and altogether undesirable aspect, yet; it is not overdrawn. Let each reader set about trying to remove all resemblance so far as he and his is concerned and times will get better. Practice economy in both time and material. Save what you have and save it in the best and most desirable form for marketing. If there is no ready j sale, use it in your own family and sell something else. He that will give himself to all man ner of ways I to get money may be rich; so he that I lets fly all he knows or thinks may by chance be satirically witty. Honesty sometimes keeps a man from becoming rich and civility from being witty. The Valley of Death. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. The place known as the kValleyl of Death, or the "Poison Valley' is oft the island of Java. It is the most re markable natural example of an atmos phere loaded with carbonic acid gas1 in existence. It has never been fully explored because -of the danger of re maining more that a few moments in its poisonous atmosphere. It is a hol low near the summit of a mountain range, only to he reached by a king climb up the hillside. Approached through an opening between the hills, it seems to be as oval-shaped vallev. about a half a mile across. It is about j j -.i iii VTA .w strewn with m lT,rc ! n JM .lA.lA..X. mm .It i 1 i Throughout, the surface, is almost J covered with the bleaching bones of, ... - , , r ' animal tigers, pigs, deers and others all kinds of birds, and also of human i . it i ii ii ucings. xixpiorers o-ne vaney seiaom venture beyond the borders, although it has been proven that the deadly air j aoes not immediate! v altect human beings. This is because the carbonic acid gas, being heavier than the atmos phere, settles to the bottom of the valley. Dogs and fowls thrown into it fall senseless and die in a few min utes. No craters or fissures are visible on the floor of this valley, and it is thought that the openings are near the base of the rocy hills surrounding. A Notable Marriage and Divorce. Social circles are freshly agitated over the news of the divorce of Minnie Tunis from her husband, Dr. Norcop. The divorce was obtained in Virginia, j upon the grounds of cruelty and neg- lect, alleged in the bill of complaint. Dr. Norcop resides in New York. He is an Englishman by birth son of an English naval officer. He is handsome, highly accomplished, a graduate of J : . 1 n j ai lueuicui colleges, anu a genuemanoi tc iiiufci, eiigiigmg plaintiff is young and beautiful and the possesor of a t large fortune left her by her pndmother funis, of Norfolk, Va. She is the daughter of Mrs King, who was a Miss Henderson, of Rowtn county, N. C, a lady of extraordinary beauty; thrice a widow, residing now with her daughter in Norfolk. w T . r . m . i-'I. HUItUU CtUU iUlK) 1 UUU If CI c married at Hickory, iu 1882, and sepe rated the following year, after their return from Europe, whither they went on a bridal tour. Dr. Norcup built in I It v".l.i.. i- I i . I A.T I ii ma . Asnevine a Deauiirui resiuence ior nis 1 1 mi in -vr-i 1 A 1 111 1 i ft 1 bnae. I hey arrived trom iliurope one effulgent brightness amid the very summer morning; spent an hour in their darkest hours of adversity and niisfor home together and parted, never more tune. Like a pure diamond, shows its to be reunited. The story is quite richest brilliancy when the shadows of romantic and sensational, and has for , trouble are drooping around it. Wil- years been a topic or conversation in Asheville. where both parties are well known and are favorites in society. Washington Progress. c j . . . . can imagination JUil , This is perhaps, hardly the correct form of question that the British and Colonial Druggist puts to itself in dis- cussing the death of the young woman at Hackney uuder circumstances in which Meating s insect powder largely figured. As the powder appears hv Dr. Tidy s experiments to be perfectly harmless, the suggestion is not unnatu rally made that the deceased, who was possibly of a hysterical, highly imagi native turn of mind, took the powder in the Hull belief that by its means her death might be accomplished. The writer of the article in our contempo rary, we think wrongly, brings forward two remarkable instances of what may be regarded as practical jokes with melancholy terminations. In the case of the convict delivered up to the scientist for the purpose of a psycho logical experiment (the man was strap ped to a table and blindfolded, ostensi bly to be bled to death; a siphon containing water was placed near his head, and the Jluid was allowed to trickle audibly into a vessel below it, at the same time that a trifling scratch with, a needle was inflicted on the cul prit's neck; it is said that death occur red at the end of six minutes), fear must have played no inconsiderable share in the fatal result, and we do not know whether all the vital organs were in a sound condition, though they were presumably so. The old story of the case of a college porter is also one in point. The students entrapped him into a room at night, a mock in quiry was held, and the punishment of death by decapitation decreed for his want of consideration to the students. It is small wonder that, under the do minion of fear and belief in the earn estness of his tormentors, the sight of an ax and block, with subsequent blindfolding and necessary genuflexion, a smart rap with a wet towel on the back of his neck should have been followed by the picking up of a corpse. Jjancet. Col. Junius B. Wheeler Dead. Raleigh, N. C, July 10. Col. Juni us B. Wheeler, brother of the historian of North Carolihr, Col. John H. Wheeler, and formerly professor ;at West Point Military Academy, died at jjenoir, Caldwell county, in this State, yesterday morning. He was a veterian of the Mexican war, and after being retired from West Point made Lenoir his home, as it hid been the home of his vouth. The Prodigal The prodigal was peculiarly exposed to temptation. Because he had money i 5 wjodta far. a .torn to be XSdSJSSVnSS: ana when the devil, finds a man idle he ests. We are pleased to note the good always finds him something to do. rtune of a brother journalist Charlotte No one ever applies for a job at his . Gkronl shop without obtaining immediate em- ' W. R. Wilson, a popular voung engin ployment adapted to his ability and eer on the R. A D. road, died about noon disposition. The devil never says, "We to-day i at Danville. He was running one are full iust at present, call ftyftin ?f the consolidated engines, became over- and th W;i nov mOOJ u ' sack. , " , P. . J lhe prodigal had monev: for better had it been if he had entered ; that far country without a cent with nothing but his hands and brains; but he had money, and therefore he would I hofiona1 nn1 v . . ..11 i i j : ii nrofessin to feelMinnnred bv c. I quaintance, and all eager to share in the spoil. Such friendship certainly i , has wings, and knows how to use them " iou poor simpleton! When your nAc i . i. fi ii 1 L1,cxluo an tucy can uui oi yui and plucked you as bare as a goose ready for the spit, if they sud- ueiuy leave you uon i comptain. A Piano made of Pretty Girls. A strawberry and ice cream festival was given in the North Avenue M. E. church, Alleghany, last evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' society, for the benefit of the Woods Run M. E. church. A novel and very taking feature was the "humaniphone," which was kept a great secret from all who were not willing to place in the door keeper's hand the magic bit of silver which opened the door to the ante room on the right. Upon entering the ii -v ii i. yo ladies Were visible above a : j,- i n, c room tne heads and shoulders ot nine screen extending the length ot the room. All the young ladies wore masks and from their necks hung suspended a cord on which was printed a musical note. It did not take the audience long to discover that the "humaniphone was simply a human piano. It was played b NelHe geye Wifch awaJnd walked back aJa forth and each lad uttered a different note a8 Jhe tbem with a wand In this novel manner Miss gch 1 uHome Sweet Home," "Yankee Doodle" and a nuraber of pleasant melodies.- tM,h... 57 nu iitoiui ii ivmrnci nut vjiitiic True. There is in every true woman's char acter an inextinguishable spark of l i rt .ii heavenly hre, ana it blazes up . with son Mirror A Heart Throb. A wife's tone of endearment lingers 1 1 1 o in tne cnamoers or memory torever, j and -j.g gwee and blessed echoes make music which never dies. Often, amid the sleepless watches of the night, they float o'er the senses like the sweet old ' strains of some recollected music, and ! they bring a benediction as pure as that j which follows earnest prayer.. Wilson Mirror A foot rule Don't wear tight shoes. Another washout on the clothes line.,. Desirable quarters Twenty-five cent pieces. The only man who has the Presi dent's ear Mr. Cleveland. The century plant burial of Wash ington's body servant. It is not considered necessary in sociy ety to return a bill collector's call. Money and trouble are something alike. People will borrow rather than not have them. The Boston girl never says "it is raining pitchforks." She says "it is raining agricultural implements." The orator at-the political meeting may do the most talking, but it is the men who cry hip! hip! ' who roar. "What does boycott meanf" inquired the teacher of a frisky youngster. The little fellow, remembering an unfor tunate excursion to the pantry, replied: "A bad licking." A Chicago landlord shot one of his boarders for joking about his butter. His interference was unnecessary. It is said the butter was strong enough to take its own part. - Paul Hayne once described a cy clone, which he viewed from the win dows of his cottage, as "the untransla ted blasphemies of, hell' Landlady "The coffee, I am sorry to say, is exhausted, Mr. Smith." Hoarder Smith "Ah yes, poor thing. I was expecting that; I've noticed that for some time it hasn't been strong." Professor in astronomy "Mr. J., can vou tell me which constellation the sun will enter next?" "Can't sir." Pro- fWsor. "Correct, the constellation of 7 Cancer." St. Louis, July 14. Hugh M. Brooks alias W. H. Lennox Maxwell, convic ted of murdering Charles Arthur Prel ler was sentenced this morning to be hauged August 22. t Mr. David M. Vance, well known in eS' and has & Charlotte, with his wife have sailed for U Mrs. v ance is of English birth neated from the eflfects of which he died verv sudden v. H 1 j. . . BmtWhA t i.-.,.., nu..i... Division Jfo. 84, was about 35 years of age d was highly esteemed by his lnanv freds connected with the road lb, T, J- - , 4 ii.un ihmi. ui it UitV "'III turnish us with iovs more nleasins? than ten thousand triumphs. To rejoice in another's prosperrly is "ignc tunaciu w yum uvu jut iu tint ' igate another's grief is to alleviate or disnel vonr own iu"ra Ju, He that waits for repentance waits for that which cannot be as long as it is absurd for a man to wait for that which he himself has to do. None are so fond of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them; such persons covet secrets as a spendthrift does money, for the purpose of circu lation. When the mpst insignificant man tells us we are in jerror, we should listen and examine ourselves and see if it? is so. To believe it possible we maybe in error is the first step toward getting out of it. When the man, listening to his con science, wills and does the right, irres pective of inclination as of consequence then is the man free, the universe opens before him. When the heart is full the lips are silent; when the man is full it is dif- erent. The mart? who never does anv harm might crawl into a cave and stay there years without being missed. By taking revenge a man is but even ith his eneniv, but in intssmsroverit he is superior. Mn Her, a German chemist, has fed animals ten, weeks With flry and with steeped unbound Indian corn. The former showed an average increase in weight of nearly seven pounds more than the latter. M CARD. To all who are sufferinff from the errors and indiscretions of vouth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c.,I will send a recipe that will cure you, FliEE of Cii.vugk. ' This great remedy was dis covered by ii missionary in South America Send a selt-ad dressed envelope to the Bev JosEPn T. Ism ak, Station D. New York City. 4:ly By virtuejf a decree of the Snnt'iior Court of Afexiinder county, I will resell to the highest bidder on a credit of six moriths.on thq premises fin the lt Monday -in August. 1B8G, it bein the.Sddav; a small tract off Land in Rowan --county, on the waters of Third Creek, adjoining the lands of James Cowan, Henry Burke aiul others, and contains by estimation twenty acres. Bouri jwith approved security tor the purchase money and no title is to be made to the purchaser until the sale is confirmed hy the Superior Court of Alex ander countv. I IIkxkv J. Buhkk, Adm r. S of Edmond Burke, dee'd. June 29th, 1880. ;i7:4t. am Your Chance to Secure a Good Instrument at a Bargain. Come im buyers. Here's your eh ance. 100 Pianos! 100 Organs! to jbe closed out regardless of value. A genuine Clear ance Sale t4 reduce stojek. 1 hese our regular! stock; must get our t . SOME ARE new, not useil a dav; some months or a venr; some used from two to live struments tnken in exchange and thoroughly as uood as new. IN THE 200 there are So lime Pianos, rans, and l'arlof organs, troia over twenty KNABE, MASf)N Sc HAMLIX. HALLETT fc IDAVIS, MATIIL8HEK, YOSE, BURDETT, AION, G ABLER, PELOUiJET, TIIONgNGEK, ESTEY, AND BENT. DE3CRIPTIE LISTS are printed, and a as well as by person. Instruments arc represented precisely as they are, aud it pur chasers are not suited we refund their monev. TERMS EASY Pianos $10 per month; to Spot Cash Buyers. Write, and we will OVER TW NTY of these Instruments are 200 li Jt, v. liivh must go in the next 00 days. SFrom three Write quiek, it jou want to secure one. This advertisement (in clear out the lot 4 WRITE FOR fiano and Organ Clearing tisemcnt. ritq AT OaCL. Address LUDDEN ft SATES SOUTHERN r Ten Xbdhuand TriiJ p. n s a lsns ti rorort i on A kaoaa mailed to pa-. of horn took a fall treat 1 restored to health by use of s oCtnlflHL rno I ILLLlo. I flnre I at K arrona DebUitrTOrcan! BSpiWI MM rVrif r d Decay in Young cr Mid aw Aged Men. thousand casea i Yeats in ajsed and broken To those who suffer from the many obsoanvtaeuw brout about by Indiscretion, Ex-osure, Over-Ur :in Work, or too tree Indulgence, waaak that you send u3 anrl Till Min vKFn Ih. you r name with statement of yowr tfoabla, ana seenrs TBIAL PACK AOEFKEK, with Illusfd PamphlJte. Ilii AUBAVJ2C lull., Wiul i I lUUv U I tl.il'Uit .it . RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE men t and mmr PROP. The man who worries about things that cannot be helped is sawing timber for his own coffin. Kilt i the Heart-Throbs Or True Mn n hood. SjjrARTA, Ga., Sept. 22 1885. TVtfc Con xtltutint, Atlanta Were I to practice decep tion in a case like this, I would think tltst my heart had become seared beyond recog nition. ; To be guilty of tearing-false testimony, therein- imperilling the lives of my fellow-m-n would place me beneath the dignity, of algentleman. - Tie facts which I disclose are endorsed and vouched) foe bj the community in which I liv, and I trust they may exert the inftu enceSn tended. For twenty long years I have suffered untold tortures from a terrible pain and weakness in the small of my lmck. Tvhich re -.-ted .all modes' and manner of treat ment. For a long time the horrifying pangs oi an wtin-r cancer of my lower lip hasadded to m j misery and suffering. Th encroach in?, burning and painful sore on my lip wit pronounced Epithelial Cancer by the prom inent! physicians in the section, which stnbtioroly resisted the best medical talent. About, eighteen months ago cutting, piercing pain located in my breast, which couUl not be allayed by the ordinary modes of treatment. These sufferings of misery and prostra tion became so great that, on the 18th of July, a leading physician said that I could not live longer than four days, and I had abouf given up jn dispair. The burning and excruciating ravages of the cancer, the painflal condition of my back and breast, and tjbe rapid prostration of my whole system combined to make me a mere wreck of forfner manhood. While thus seemingly suspended on a thread between life and death, I commenced the ufe of B.B.B., the grandest blood med icine,4o me and my household, ever used. Thf effect was wonderful it was magic al. fTIie excruciating pains which had tormented me hy day and by night for twenty years were soon held in obeyanee, and peace and comfort were restored to a suffering man, the cancer commenced heal ing, strength was imparted to my feeble framcl and when eicht bottles had been used I was of the happiest of man, and felt about as well as I ever did, J Allfpajn had vanished, the cancer on my lip h(ia!ed, and I was pronounced cured. To thbse who are afflicted, and need a blood remedy, I urge the use of B.B.B. as a woijdcrfully effective, speedy and cheap bloot purifier Aeleh Ukajjt. Pr.CnTA. G t., September 22, 18851 saw Mr. Afllen Grant, when he wa suffering with epithelial cancer of under lip, and after Using the B.B.B. medicine, as stated abovca llind him now almost, if not per fcctlyfcured. Signed, J. T. Andrews, M. D. Spaiita, Ga., September 22, 1885. We take pleasure in certifying to the truth of the alfove statement, having supplied the paticift with the Blood Balm. Signed, RoziEit & Vakdemajj, Druggists. SpaIita, Ga., September 22, 18851 often aw Mr. Allen Grant when suffering from Epithelioma, arid from the extent of the capeer thought 'he would soon die. Ho now iijrpearK perfectly well, and I consider it a nfst wonder! id cure. Signed, It. II Lewis, Ordinary. -A BOOK OF WONDERS, FREE. All whip desire full information about the cause and cure of Hlood Toisons, Scrofula and scrofulous Swellings, ITlcnre, Sores. Rheumattera Kidney Com plaints, catarrh,-etc., can seeuee by mail, tree, a copy of our page IUust rated Hook of Wonders, filled with the iriost wonderful and startling proot ever b;-fore known. Adiress, BLOOD BALM CO- Atlanta, Ga. TTf Cf T A TJ'F'D nar lo found mi f.l At Geo. -ilJ-9 OJLIUlX v. Rowll S-Oo-8 Newspaper contract inuy Ik- mode -for it IX A'm-rti-un; uun-auuo spruce St.). whi-ri-at!vrtln .. ,......'. ...... 1.. ......... :, ..- V I'll" 1 'V . .r If you wantjo keep up with the times take th(jWATCHM yu can't be left. ORGAN CLEARING OUT SALE. - Instruments are over and above money put of them. have been iscd a few month?; some nicd six years.- ?Some are rood- Second-Hand In npairtg, renovated, reiwlished and made Upright Pijiinos, Grand Pianos, Churrh Or- omerent juuKers, niciuoing uivtt.J!itii, purchase can be made ly correfspondence , j Organs per month. Great inducements offer bargilins that will open your-eye;-- were sold during Centennial week, but there to five are sold daily. 50 good papers) will Out ale jfircular?, raid nirntjon thie adrer- MU3IQ HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. Avoid thk imponttoo oi pretcotioui tvrnc din for lix-r- troahta, and all Vre. muy aim It to bleat wrar no Take a sn mi mutes that 11 as ITIKCEi l' RED thatuaadt, dou not Interfere i k aitentioa to busmen, or eaoK Bala) FOR OOKientifle medical prinelpfea. By ' pptlration to the Met oldlaeafjjti specifla hieiictia fell mittuiut detay. TheaatuRl nn. nt the kiimAfi orflbkiu restored. The or inconvenirarc D any y. Fwtnwtd waned Miijtatlng ejeroenta of lifts are dvvn heck, the patSenl becomes cheerful and rapidly gain bett urencth and health T REATMEMT. 0n Msat W . Tto McxtS. Ttot. 17 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mrc Chcmists, 1 WWTl . w i Trial of fur Appliance. Aafc for Term! SOOff N.Zwasawei.iMuia, jaw. - -m 1 "I

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