I Kerosene a BY THF BARREL AT ENNISS Drug Store. Jo.j 9, '85 rf. FRESH TURNIP SEED? The Earliest and Best Turnip S-l for sale at EXNISS'. TRUSSES i educed prices, at Of all kind, at ENNISS'. Fruit Jars! CHEPER THAN EVER. . ALSO Rubber Rings for Frujt Jars, SCARE'S PBESMIUG POfDES For sale at ENNISS'. . THE BEST AND CHEPEST MACHINE OIL For Threshers, Keapers, and Mowers at EJN1SS'. PRESCRIPTIONS ! If you want your prescriptions put up cheaper thau anywhere else go to ENNISS' Drug Store, Enniss' Blackberry Cordial, a ! FOR Discn terv, Diarrhoen, Flux, &c, for sale At ENNISS' Drag Storcf PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights . Obtained; and nil otuer business In the U. S. Patent otnee attended to lor Moderate Fees. oar office Is opposite the r. s. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patent 8 In Less time than those re mote from Wasiil nut on . Send Model or d rawing, wp advise as to patent ability free ottharge; and make So charge u .,. re Obtain Ptttt. Wereter herp to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Dlv.. and to officials of the U. s. Pat? ent office. For circular, advice, terms and refer ences to actual client s in your own stateor county. write to C. A, SNOW A CO. opposite Patent Office, Washington 1). C. oct.ii,85,-tr - I FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY OF Reprsenting a line of Com panies equal to any in. North Carolina. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, Tornadoes or Cy clones. Policies written on short no tice at lowest possible rates. Be sure and call before insur ing your LIFE oh PROPERTY. Royal Fire Insurance .Com pany of Liverpool, has the larg est net surplus of any Fire In surance Company in the world. All losses paid as soon as ascer tained without the usual dis count for cash payments. Office, next door to A. C. Harris'. Fcb25:ly. PROFESSiatfAL CARDS. KERR. CRA1KK. i if. CLKMEXT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attorjicys At Ija I l LJalisbumt, K CL Feb. 3rd, 1881. HARRIS'! ERILITV OiiOANic Weakness Decay .and numerous flinn the skilled phy Hcians, remit frsm outhf ul indiasrsticn. ao free indnlnnea. or obacuradiaaMM- h.f. A Radscal Cure FOFi NXRVOU5 over brain work. Avoid DEBZLITY, 0rgasic Weakness, PHT8ICAL DECAY, the imposition ot prcttn tiotu remedies for these trouble. Get oar Free Circu.ar and Trial Pack nffcand learn imnnrttnt facts before taking ttcs.1- tnent elsewhere. Take a SIRE RJEUEDV that HAS CURED thousands. Wa lr Young A Middle ten. not interfere with atten tion to butt neat, or causa pain or iueonvenimcc ia y way. Founded on i over Six! YIARS BY USE IN MANY! IK scientific medical princi ples. By direct application to the scat of disease ha speciS influence ia fell without delay. The oat oral functions of the he. man orpajusm is restored. The animating elements of life, which hare been wasted are (riven back .and the patient becomes cheer Inland ranidlwaina K...W OtoM HAR Konth, - $3 00 Mon-ha, . s.oc. 7.001 Ictmurth and imti v4n'. nrtrcro KtlntuY CO. V. Tenth St.. WCO PEPSOKiS OKS! MonT?uat, 3? O XT T 22 fc3 HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Li A . o K 's will Hi,, or ( CMC p, t. or j r. rontz !. ,!..., -m ,;,.1N; M SSSS P"T ri nt- n"kr t,K; bV PqaaMcr. r Iff rr r .j, 1CV1IXX UMutAS tojrttli-n R jumI utlcnrc ?it.vrt. Iavit r. rnrrze, Proprieter. T. IT. Enniss. Dru-jraist, Ai'PHt. It is .observed that the marriaieable girls talk horse because it is the lan- Bu.lgCftl,;i;wm.-T,W-. rial VII J. Sam 1 HcCaDbins, Jr. "Josiar. I nerer kin for? t the day ThiU we went out a-walkin, An' sot down on the rirer bank, An' kept on hours a talkin'; He twisted up my apron string, Anr folded it together, Aft,' aid he thought forharrest time iforas cur' us kind o weather. The siift went down as we. sot there Josiar seemed uneasy, An' motbv she began to call : " Loweeiy ! O Loweezy ! " An' then Josiar spoke right up As I was just a-startin:, An' said : " Loweezy, what's the use Of us two everpartin' ? " It kind o' took me by surprise, And yet I knew 'twas comin' I beard it all the summer long In every wild-bee's hbramin'; I'd studied out the way I'd act, But la I I couldn't do it K I meant to1ii.de my love from bim, Hut seems as if he knew it, An' look in' down into my eys He must a seen the fire, An' ever since that hour I've loved An' worshiped my Josiar 1 Brief Wisdom. Keep what you have got. Plautus Love is a paradise on earth. Amphis. A nickname lasts forever. Z im mer man. Tears may soothe the wounds they cannot heal. T. Paine. When two quarrel both are in the wrong. 0. If. Bitmap. Every man desires to live long ; but no man would be old. Swift. A man who only eats, drinks, and sleeps, is not a man. Mencius. Did universaVharity prevail, earth would be a heaven, and hell a fable. We never know how much we love until we try to unlove. Mrs. Stotce. Let us consider the reason of the case; for nothing is law that is not reason. Sir J. Powell. I have an especial admiration for a truly and thoroughly independent news paper. M. Halstea. Genuine is the gold in the mine, talent is miner who works and brings it out. Lady Blessingtoi Many a keen, capable, alert free thinker does nodare speak a word of hisreal opiiHnis. Lea land. Nothinrr ffives an author so srreat pleastire as to find his works respect fully quoted by others. Franklin. An able man shows his spirit by gentle words and by resolute action; he is neither hot nor timid. Chesterfield. For present grief there is always a remedy; however much thou sufferest, hope; the greatest happiness of man is hope. L. Scheffer. In the man whose childhood has known caresses, there is always a fiber of memory which can be touched to gentle issues. G. Elliot. I have often wondered how every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others. Apottodorus. It is not a piece of paper, it is not a few abstractions engrossed on parch ment, that make free governments No ! the law of liberty must be in scribed on the heart of the citizen. H. S. Legare. Secrets of Eeanty. "Virginia," in St. Louis Chronicle. Girls, if your skin be dark, be satis fied to be in the category of the nut brown maidens if for no other reason than that uthe leopard cannot change his spots." Let the sun kiss the dusky cheek, and add to it the ruddy glow that belongs to the dark skin, and which the rouge pot cannot supply. Of course you cannot change your features. But you deedn't trouble your self much on that score. Some person has said that if "our Mary" could put some of her beauty of feature into real every day prettiness she would be loved where he is now admired. The towering nosed maidens among the proud daughters of the Nine was the beauty of Solomon's day, as was the woman with no nose at all in the time of Tamerlane. In the "land of the free" there is no standard of beauty on the nose question. The American nose is a type all to itself. But at all events your nose is a foregone conclu sion, and all the sleeping in clothes pins to pinch down the too prominent nostrils, or stroking with the lead pen cil to subdue the obnoxious bump, isJ so mucu lanor thrown away. But when it comes to the mouth the would-be beauty has a more promising subject to deal with. Although the shape of the feature cannot be altered, if the lips be kept fresh and the teeth in per fect condition, very much is gained If the stop where love seals its vows be of an exaggerated size don't be constantly on the gnu, as that keeps the muscles on the stretch. Cultivate a r " vs,Vj v pose of feature. Keep the mouth shut when asleep for more reasons than one (Don't snore.) Never bite the lips to make them red or for any other reason. Bathe them occasionally in water, with a little dissolved alum or borax, and aPply-glycerine and tincture of KThis will -i- - 'r- "wis luoKing. 1 he only harmWv wav i, xi retl is hJ contrast with the teeth which should be milk white I AgoodtootltbcaatUlori3p0w1,red "J " aaccp Uiem sulphur, which is also an excellent tooth preserver. This may be nsed daily. For occasional use, say once a uam. um. i . week, the following is a good recipe; Ptimicestone, one ounce; becarbonate soda, one half ounce; powdered talc, one nnnt Wb ln'okW W clean white teeth . "TT 1 ' - , . and a Dream une sweei irauhin.cuoc, aloe and myrrh," will raajce up for many a deficiencv in feature.1 If tne ear De mg ana oDirusive, a loose arrangement of the hair or a few curled locks brushed carelessly back . .. . -j - s i i t will help the objectionable organ won derfully. NTever comb the hair straight back from an ugly ear. As for the eyes, better leave them alone. Trimmed lashes often refuse to grow again. Dark eyebrows and lashes are a great promoter of beauty, and it yours happen to he lighter than your hair, especially if that is red, I think you might just touch theai lightly: with a sponge dipped in black walnut bark boiled in water with a little alum, or apply simple walnut juice. The eyebrows may be given a slight arch, and the fine line so much sought, by simply pinching the hairs together be tween the fingers several times a day. But it is through the complexion that you have the largest scope for beautifying. If every pore in your skin is stuffed full of "lilly white"' you must expect those dreadful pimples and hor rid black specks. To the girl with the ugly skin I say, you must take a two or three mile walk every day; you must wear shoes big enough for perfect comfort, and if the skin be thick and oily, you must eschew fats and pastry. In the spring it would be well to try the sulphur remedy, and at the same time yon ntay rub sulphur in a little, glycerine on the f;ice at night, washing it off iiv warm water and a few drops of ammonia in the morn ing. A little camphor in the water will remove all "shine." And remember girls, all face powders are( snares and delusions. No Genuine Granite at All. Cincinnati Sun. "There is no true granite in America as geologists understand it,' was the rather surprising remark of Expert de Loss to a little gathering on 'Change the other dav. He was asked to explain himself further, and he went on thus: "Well, Mr. Dana, the celebrated geologist, says: 'True granite is com posed ofquarte, feldspar and nircn.' I believe those are his exact words. Now. this is a fact; then, I repeat, there has never been a block of true granite dis covered on the American continent nor anywhere else in the world that I have ever seen. All accepted granite has a portion of hornblende in it. This is admitted by the modern German lithologists as a natural component part of the great paving stone. The more hornblende that appears the hard er is the granite. In tact, all hard American granite is called hornblende j granite." What it Takes to Build up a Town. Grit. Push. Snap. Vim." Energy. Churches. Schools. Colleges, Morality. Enterprise. Harmony. Industry. Cord iality. Advertising. Cheap property. Healthy location. Good country tribu tary. Talk about it. Speak well about it Help to improve it. Advertise in and read the town paperi. Patronize its merchants. Faith, exhibited by good works. Honest competition in busi ness. Welcome manufactories and rail roads. Welcome macadamized streets with plenty of shade trees. Make things look bright and attractive. Help along all public enterprises. Elect good men toothce. bpeak well of its public-spirit- el, enterprising citizens, and be one of them yourself. Kemember that every dollar invested in permanent improve ments is that much on interest. Always cheer on men who go in for improve ments. Industrial South. The Pot Hunters. Lookout for the idle town and country pot hunter.fram now until winter puts an end to their wild frolics. If your land is not posted post it at once, and then enforce the law upon every one you find tramping around with gun and dogs upon your premises. These gentry pay no regard to your vested rights, but bang away right and left, regardless of what may be in the way. Over fences and through gates they go, not stopping to close the one or put back the rails tiiey tumbled from the other. They would lief fish in your private pond or shoot your tame turkey for a wild one as any other. They do not respect law, but tresspass around with impunity, and are insolent if you warn them off. ' Near the towns they have become a great nuisance, and thev are hoi unKnowu i Heine more seiiiea sec tions of the country. Lan4 owners should baud themselves against these people. Farmers should act in concert, have their farms posted, and when a gang of these hunters gomes around, assemble in a squad and warn then! off or tiike to &' magistrate. Of course those who come and politely ask permission to hunt or fish, and will demean themselves with becoming pro priety and regard to property, should be dealt with- differently. It is not the value of the game these people capture, so much as the petty annoyances and trespasses they are guilty of, that make their presence so undesirable. We say give them no encourage ment. Enforce the law. At the same time we would advise that you proceed with all due caution and regard to law yourself. There is no need that you assume the belligerent attitude or speak as a lord to his slave. Be cool, calm and They wm nofc mole yOU when they find you are roaster of of yourself as well as master of the situation. Warn them off for the first offence; enforce the law for the second. Jtural Messenger. mm W - n neip icursen. Youner man helD vowrseif ficrht your own battles. Ask no favors of any one, and you will succeed five thousand times fetter than one who is " r. jji 2 o . always Deseeeumg some one s inuuence or patronage. No one will ever help you as you can help yourself, because no one will be so heartily interested in your affairs. The first step will be such a long onepeihaps ; but carving your own way up the mountain, you make each one lead to another, and stand firm while you chop still another out. Men who nave made fortunes are not those who have had five thou sand giveii to start with, but boys who have started fair with a, well-earned dollar or two. Men who have acquired fame have, never been thrust into pop ularity bjf puffs bogged or paid for, or given in friendly spirit. I They have outstretched their own hands and touched the public heart. Men who win love do their own wooing, and I never knew a man fail so signally as one who induced his affectionate grand mother to speak a good word for him. Whether yon work for fame, for lova, for money, or for anything else, work with your hands, and heart, and brain. Say UI will," and some day you will conquer. Never let any man nave it to say, "I have dragged you up." Too many friends sometimes hurt a man more than none at all. Keep Some For Home. Why is it that we so often treat those we love best with indifference ? Is it because we are ashamed to show our love, or that we think they must know how we feel towards them, and it is unnecessary for us to give them the little attentions that we are careful to give to those for whom we have but a slight regard? If we only knew how frequently we hurt the feelings of those whose happiness is more to us than our own? happiness, we would weigh well our actions, or, more prop erly, our 1 ick of action. If we have not time to do acts of kindness and consideration for the general PI! IJilC and our own loved one,-, by all that helps to make life worth living, lot us neglect the general public, and care for those who look to ais for happiness and "consideration. When we are away from home, and time is limited for correspondence, do not give that time to the one whom you fear will lye annoyed if yon do not write, but to the one who waits lov ingly for the message of remembrance, and who if it does not come, will invent scores of excuses lor its non-appearance, and give no expression to their disap pointment. There are -souls whose affection, like some flower, flourishes under neglect. - But many friendship buds of bright promise have never reached maturity because they were not prized, not cared for properly. But who can tell of the love that has been blighted in our own immediate . circle, of the heart-ache? carried through life oi the ones who have drifted ont- f'1"e t home and kindred tor the sympainetic courtesy ana attention that was denied them because "they are one of ourselves ' Do not be afraid to show your love by acts of kindly attention and thought- i fulness, and learn to value fully the love within your grasp. Christian Union. Scarlet Fever From Milk. It is now s; id thntr ecarlet fever is from the cow just as smallpox is. This is the discovery of an English physi cian. It this be true, then, as the Mobile L'fuisier suggests, the milk fori -l.MJI l. a. i i I -l i ar uuiiureu oagiiL 10 ie uoueu. many dyspeptics cannot drink unboiled milk. Raw milk to many is a positive poison. The Savannah Netrs says: k'The man vho discovers an antidote ) for scarlet fever will render as great a service to humanity as the physician who discovered the cause of the disease. a nd it is probable that his fume will be greatest. There is an antidote. The eminent Dr. Holcombe, of New Orleans, Pre sident of the Homeopathic Board of Health, says that belladonna, if taken in time, is as much a specific in scar let fever as vaccination is in smallpox. That is to say, as many would be cured by its prompt use in the one disease as would escape small-pox from vaccina eion in the other.'disease. Wil. Star. When heaven has taken from us some object of our love, how sweet it is to have a bosom whereupon to recline our heads, and into which we may poor the torrent of our tears ! T. Jef ferson. If 'out of sorts' with heartache, stomacn oisorder, torpid liver, painhi backer side, con stipation, f te , ueglect mav bo fatal. One dosi of Stronir's Sanative Pills win agive relief, A few doe restore to new health and vigor. UHIYER8ITY OF 0RTH OA?:- OLiNA. The next session opens August 26th. Fifteen Professors ofier a wide range 01 instruction in Literature, Science and Philosophy. Thc Law School and the Department of Normal Instruction are fully equipped. Special higher training in all the departments is provided for graduates of the University and of other Colleges free, of charge. Select Library of 20,000 volume; Keading-Iioom of 114 Periodicals. Total collegiate expenses ! $88.00 a year. Beard $8.00 to $13.50 per mouth. Sessions begin last lnursaay in August. For full information, address President Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., 3Shlin. Chapel Hill, N. C. If you want to keep up with the times iake the Wat: ilm a n- yon can't be 1 o-ll. wm THE BEST TONIC. ri This medicine, combining Iron with pure rentable tonics, quickly and completely Cure Dyspepsia, In disc at Ion, Weak ness, Impure Blood, Malsrle, Chills avmvd Fevers, stxatl Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tho eK'dney and Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lires. Itdoesnot ininrc the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. it enxioncs nml purifies the Mood tftmnlates the appetite, aids tho a.imilatiou of food, relieves Heartburn and llelclilug, and ircirihcns the muscles and nerve. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lac A ot Unegy, etc., it bos no equal. tV The frenuine has a hove trade mark ami crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. aas aarij y MOWS CUSBIUU, CO. MaLTUOBK, KA A im In st ators rla e Real .stat3. of In pursuance of a decree of the Superior Court of Ho wan County, mno!e in the spe cial proceeding entitled D. M. Barrier, Ad ministrator upon tho estate of John S. Hyde, deceased, r. E. J. Hyde and E. J. Hyde, Guardian ad litem of Maggie Hyde, heir at law of John Hyde: I as adminis trator upon said esttf, will on .MONDAY', THE 23d DAY OF AUGUST,' 183G, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in SaHsbnry, the following de BCjibed real estate, to m ike assets, viz: About 40 acres of land situate in Steele township', said County, adjoining the lands of S. H. Harrison, William Gardner, and others, and known as the "Axiam place," the same being the land conveyed to John S. Hyde by it. J. M. Barber by "Deed regis tered in Book 5; on page 774, in office of the Register of Deeds of Howan Cnuntv. D. M. BARRIER,' Administrator. 40:6 w. SOMETHING- NEW! LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not break by neat, tor sale ENNISS' at DIA2IOXD DYE3 wish at All colors yon ENNISS' DON'T FORGET to call all kiuds at for Sccd of ENNISS', . TO TEBE Ij A D B LG S : Call and see the Flower Pots at ENNISS'. CENTS F0R$f5?t. CCPY ci itilS liEAVTOTI. BOOK. It piveKthr LfcaiGUficK foirt Sesjtiacat of Florer iBd Sanib. : O cliflVrtMH kimla. Alw all tlie Kawa Rales at rilrtl tiaa wlUi Sieve. Farisol. Kacdkcrc'tiitl mat Fsi. It e most cMwtetc woi U ol' the kiiwl ever pnb llshl. Snul Fifteen Ceats In tainps for a sample ropy, also our price HKciits. Ajter.is i ftacntun pbg. CO.. n Kcnii Ttmh gtrstt. t isu:. r! niffl everswfcers. Art. SINGER 7 15 BITS' TK1AL. A Fall 8c of Atinclinirnfs. 5WAB1USTED TE"o5,:sri. Send for Circular. E, C. MO WE a CO., 2 H. Ctii St., ritiia.. Pa. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE - s mf wSfiaS ' ' ' ' " IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED ?0E aWBBY m ob f) rinttng; FROM POSTERS as big as a barn door dovn to most delicate Listing 'Sakos. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, FKiCE LISTS, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Court and Magisterial, j-oruera solicited and satisfaction guaranteed THIS P APES sf, t?H?la ?l0 o. AdvcrtlRlafr Duiaaiia Rpruco StA whrr iaivrrtiaBa r Hill! :-:irta ma' l ... H ."t... .--.. .tl?l aVi lili ilii mm only a quick. perbpb;kt. certain core res Visor or Development, Caoand by indiscretions, exroaxew, to lnatsla a 4 MAM W klllUttER BlUT! A Life Bxparionce. Rerrarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send b tamp for soiled particulars. Address Dr. WAttO fc CO. Louisiana, Mo. ORGANIZED 1859 A Home Company SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE. Cash capital 8300,000 Total assets $750,000 Insures all clashes pro perty at a equate rates. Losses promptly ad justed and satisfactori ally settled without any litigation. J. RHODES BROWNE, Prest. WM.C.CGABT, Sao. J, Allen Brown, Agt, Salisbury, N.G. 24:9ui. For Sals at tiiis Office : Land Deeds. ...Real Estate Mortgage Deeds Sheriff Deode of several dlfUeretit forms ; Chattel Mortgages Mortgage Sale Notices; Magistrates' Summonses, Executions. Subpoenas Witness Tickets Trangerlpts, 4c. Bastardy Warrants and llonds.... State Warrants, Ball Bojds ...Peaee Bonds Appearance Bonds, Appeal Bonds. ... Prosecution Bonds Ejectment Write summary Attachments.. .Bonds to make Title. 77. Sale Notices tor Administrators, Trespass Notices A full line of Solicitors Indlctmrut forms. Numerous blank forms tor superior Court Clerks. . . Several forms for ne of Attorneys And knny Miscellaneous. All which will be sold lo'.v BIa$ksof any and all kludsTU-lmed to ci der in ! ctLryJear.d on gcod paper at very lew figures. VI vols, of Scientific Amcican, 1 No each of Jones' Law and Equity. 2jO lbs. Bruc 's second hand Bouigeols tied up. 25 or 3o Fonts advertising display type, lo Jobbing Konis.r loo lbs. lrge Border type. j3T"One complete stock of Print li.g material for a Ave column paper and Job oftlce, presses Included. fMany of the above Blanks and nearly all the printing stock, will be sold very clicnp fcr cash or on short lime. Riclimond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina Division. General Passenger Office. ASUEVILLE, N. C. Aug. 21, 1SS6. Commencing Aug. 22, the following Passenger Train Schedule, will be operattid over this di vision. TRAIN NO. 52 WEST. Arrive Leave. Main Line lTRAIN NO. 13 EAST. j; Vrrtve Leave. It 35a..,, Salisbury. 5 1SPM P. M . . 4 12 ! 4 12 f!2 STpm Staiesville. 2 to 2 4! H31 Newton s io x to Hickory 2 38 2 43 Icard 1 58 2 lti Monganton 1 2S l 2S Marion 12 27 H2 27PM Old Fort 11 56 11 57 Wound Knob. Tj 40 II 40 Black Mountain.. !0 52 ;H r2 AsUe lllc 9 50 ilO 01 Alexanders M 9 18 i 9 16 Marshall " 8 40 8 40 Warm Springs..1 7 20 j 7 47 Paint Pock j 7 wam TIlAIN NO. Mai l ice TKArN No. EAST. W EST. 51. Arrive. I Leave. Arrive. I Leave A.M. 2 43 9 5ti 4 33 o oa 5 44 6 '9 7 36 8 00 9 07 10 00 10 48 11 30 12 2SPM 3 25 120PM Salisbury 12 40 2 41 3 56 SUUe.-sUle. ill b9 11 23 10 17 : 9 11 9 12 j 8 4.0 7 80 6 57 6 3:, 5 29 4 31 T3 43 3 01 1 2 00 ; 1 15 New ten Hickory Icard Morgmton Marion Old Fort . Hound Knob Black Mountain. : AslieviUe Alexanders Marshall .. Warm springs. .. Paint Book ,l8s 10 12 50 9 26 S 30 7 :9 7 20 12J 5il 4 43 4 01 J!35 ; 431 509 :4t I 6 '-'J 7 3; 8 2.V 9 07 iioos i04S ill 30 3 05 P M. THAIN No. 7 -w tka;n No. s I Arrive ve I Leave -lF-J Arrive U I Leave 10 ISam slievUle .. 11 12 Turnpipe... x 20 IS 11 11 A. M. P. M. 2 15 12 31 12 4'ph Waynesvllle 12 26PM 1 00 1 35 2 4". 3 H 4 20 7 06 2 r 2 41 3 ?K 4 25 lylva Webster Avnntler cliatrlc ston .. 10 2 !10,15 9 28 8 36 10 2T : 10 i5 9 s.y P 45 A.M. 6 0 p.m. JarrKts.. Meal ."tallon.-. Tr. JnsNo'8. 50 and 51 ran solid between Louisville and saaSbu Irj carrying Pullman Slfejjera bftween Louisville and Knoxviilc.also between ancluattl Warm Siinntrs and OOidsboro. ana Salisbury earning Leigbten Sleeping csrs be tween Chat ncoga and Ashevllle. Trains .o. 52 ana run soua net ween .Momstown W. A. TURK, A. O. P. A. ABhevilBe, X. C. C. W. CHE AKS, a. o. p. a. Rlchlno .d Va. V. E. McBEE. Su.H. AtflieviUe .V. THIS PAPE?:" la on file in PTaUavdrlpklai the NewMWDer Adver- N. VV. AY ER SON. our tntborUnd scents. tiaizur Atrcner of Meeam. A. XALAflilil nf B hnm anna- iTfnll wmtl were reatorod to health brouotV lo those who lbahrStn brought about Bs Indiscretion, Ex-xwure, Over-Brr.ia isutfer from diseases "on, or 100 rreo Indulgtmoe, wb ask that Jon send roar nam wtth atatauoMt ot roar troubka, suuiaWOT aTJUAjj RUPTUREO PERSONS can have PRCE PATKAOK Fill E. with llhurtM 1(1.17 10 20 ' 10.40 i i a a - ss eh -v x HARDWlSfc. " - ' sy S3 . WHEN YOU WANT HARD WAR AT LOW FIGURES Uall on the undersigned at NO 2 n, Row. j). A. ATWEune Asnt for tu-j CardweUThreg h Salisbury, NC, June 8th tf. Garden Seeds given away -at Enni.s' Drug Store. If you buy one dollar! worth of gar. Ion seeds or dru or medicines, Dr. Exxiss wfll give 10 papers of fresh garden sceuMia'. Ullurj lOUaC'CO ;eed free tor oO cts. worth of seeds or medicines garden 19:tf. To the needs of the tourist, commercial traveler and new settler, Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters is jecuiiarly adapted, Bince it strengthens the digestive organs, anil braces the physical energies to unheal!!. ftxl inlluencs. It removes and proven malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsia, 1 ialthfully stimulates the kidneys anj bladder, and enriches as well as " nurifis the blood. When averoome by fatigue, whether mental or physical, the wearj and debilitated find it a reliable source ot renewed strength and comfort. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, LLS 25 YEARS IW USE, ! Greateat jisdical Triumph of tho Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of 11 ppct lie, Dowels con ii to, Pain Is the head, with a dull sensation In the back parr, Pain ender the shoulder blade, Fallnesa after cation-, with adis inclination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, I a: vr spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some dstr. Weariuess, Dizziness Flutterinir at the Heart, Dots bsfarotho eyes. IXcadacbo over the risht eye. Iteeticssness, with fitful dreams, Hishly colored Urine, and CCM3TSPATION. TUTT'S rilXS are especir.lly adaptedT to such rases, cm do etrc-cts such a ehang of fee! to nstonlslitlio sufferer. Th:y l2t.reaso 2 Ai" petite, -nd came tho body ti 1'atie oa Sicshutrius tha ( 1 ncm V otrl3:H. ; "l -by ih rTonic Action on the l.Jscii l vrFissnm-l2.r ti.oolsr.ro 1 u i 1 r.r.vT IT --: (? Wi.'-.-iSsi-.a char.ated to a Cvw7 SLC hy a sin;-i-i spiill'J'-lion ct t':H Dvr:. 1 1 i y zr' - r, :i:iturl color, r.c! ii?lar:-ir.r;: 'v.- S.-.M Y-y r.rtvrnif'" cr iftbvw ;-r,ici r.fifrtcf tl. C CfHcc, iSilv-emr i:t. f'oxy Ycrk. SubtcribeLOW for the WATCHMAN. IF YOU WANT TO FILL TOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BIG SCORES, AND SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. ' FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Rebhngton&Sons' Sporting Arm and Ammunition, 231 & 283 Broadway. NEW YORK. WESTERN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., 73 Stele Street, Chicago, Ht. ARMORY, - - - ILION, NT Y. NGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. ABE IN THE BEST HASKEit, BY SKILLED WQBKIEI. REMEMBER THAT CU.1 GOODS ABE ALWAYS RELIABLE. One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADL SEND FOR crftCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICDLTOSiL CO., II. I ON. N. V. tmw York Office. 1)8 Chambers Street. AVroid tha iinpcai-ion of pnsantVous reint aKsaa-inn. ssoaavsayssM u ynaca.. wnose (miy aim iito dk.-co ineirrjo- GUkXI) t' onjaiids, dues oci lntatfera wbh atteiuiuTi to buatcras, or cause pain tim. issa SUlUS Kcsxmr enn has r lueon vemtnee ,n any rar. rosmoea arirattfis medical DrinciDies. Br direct ueoeeis felt without delay. Tieaaiurai ns of ti.o human orfeaniani raatured. The iwitinn in th arat of diaeasa ita saaeifle SSaSSS SSSSawJjal eitnauM ortitearegrsen bach, the pataent beeomes cheerful acdrspUiysinsbothatraalth and JssssB TBEATMEMT.-CM t&Xtt.Tn MocBC Tires, 17 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mrc Chemists, Trial of our Appliance. Aek for Termet SOCK IT. Tartth Street . ST. LOUIS. HO. 0 KuEirai SITTEBS USE IIIFLES REM 63)w roR Sn 4laBaaMaasnns'.Mi

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