r r" 1 1 ' em. i 1 P ' Kerosene Oil ! BY TJIF PARREL AT BKTKISS' Drug Store. Julj , '85 tfl FRESH TURNIP SEED I The Earliest and Best Turnip Sewl fr al. t ENNISS'. TRUSSES Of all kind, at ENNISS. redoeed prices, at Fruit Jar&! CHEPEK THAN EVER. ALSO lubber Ring for Fruit 3Jn ENMs.v. SCAR'S PRESERVING POWDERS For sale at ENNISS'. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINE OL Fer Threshers, Reapers, and Mowers at ENNiSS'. PRESCRIPTIONS ! If yow want yoar prescriptions pat up heaper tuau anywhere else go to - " ENNISS' Drug Store, jtfj, 6 '85.-tf. Enniss' Blackberry Cordial KOR Disentery, Diarrhoea, Flux, See., for sale At ENNISS' Urag Store. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and : . la topyngnis 0uinert, and all other business to the V. 8. Patent Offloe attended to for Moderate rees. Our fflce is opposite the V:9. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patent In less time than those re mote from Washington. Sand Model or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free ot cnarge; and make Ao chary u.a tee Obtain Patent. We refer her to the Post master, the Supt. of Money order i)lv.. and to offliMalsof the U. S. Pat ant office. For circular, advice, terms and refer ncesto actual clients In your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW A CO. Oppomc Patent Office, W atsuliigtun D. C. Oct.Sl.'w. tf FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY -OF J.Sffl .Jr. Reprsenting a line of Com panies equal to any in North Carolina. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, Tornadoes or Cy clones. Policies written on short no tice at lowest possible rates. Be sure and call before insur ing your LIFE or PROPERT Y. Royal Fire Insurance Com pany of Liverpool, has the larg est net surplus of any Fire In surance Company in the world. All losses paid as soon as ascer tained without the usual dis count for cash payments. Office, next door to A. C. Harris. Feb35:lj. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. at BRR CRAIOK. L. H. CLEMKNT. CRA1GE & CLEMENT, Attorneys A.X Xj. Jausbuky, N. C. feb.Srd, 188J. HARJEwXS obscured Ue aM. bf. flinaLha akilll lKt. sieiana. revolt frcm youthful indincreticn. A radical Curs 20ERVOUS too tree lndnlaanea. er over brain wort. Avoid tne unpotujon ot prttit t;otu rcnuuiet for thru troubles. Oct ear Krt Circular and Trial Fack afa,aad Warn important facta before taking treat, m-nt elarwhere. Taks a SI RE P.CMKHVthati!A9 CUBED theaaaada, duca not tntrrfrrc wiih atten tion to biuiucaa, or caaaa pain or Baasanswlaass ia any way. rounded en actCBtiftc mdiral princi p lei Bj direct appucatioa to the scat of diaeaaa-its PPCifte influence ia felt without delay. The sat. unl function of the hu. man orjranion i reatored. The animating element! DEBIXJT7, Crfanic Weakness, J PHYSICAL DECAY, IrYouna; & MltidSc TtsTso Fon ovRR8rx Years by usi i n man y( Thousand Cases. 1. TRIAL TPK.lTJZiT.VT. lof lrfe. which Ime been 3 waned areciven bar ar.l One Month, $3.0O 5'wo Montna, - s.ori fhreo afontha. 7.ooi tine pat icntWome cheer ful ar.d rnpidlTBaini bf! tmrth and acxuai vif or. KARRIS REMEDY CO.. MFDCRFJQT3 El U PTll? PSRSlk: ' Uch n Truss. OJT Afk fir teg 5 f ot AWier rr POTJT5 HORSE AKD CA K t :rrr? r?f nna w Xis. - atru'r P Ypaw I'ot r. fonour l' ''" ft-i ' xit-aaa. 'i ' ;; ik f.,i. pi c-, atrtt, Nittarfsra ii - i!rt. rantr'i r- . . ) 'd'Orrjip aid i PMKAaar t0 . . FiC: -.' i'r-'t . i Kk ss.r a !. r . Trcrriefcr int. A int. 1 : J H. Ennfi , I, girls ttlk horse teciid it u tiie iau puag of the groom. - TiH-S'?.: HcCfllns li. 9 lAVIASJ j '3 S POWDERS . As to Tickets. Raleigh News-Obsenrer It mav be rteil at this time to state how election tickets snouia oe pre- fc - -V- . ,- 1 111 - . I Fill k M . . . I i n.' names or uie viuei ju'w s . . m . 1 J t Associate Jpstices ot me oupremc Court, of the seven superior Lourf Judges and of the Solicitor for the Di- trie, on one ballot. The names of the Congressman.; shall be on one ballot. The names of the Senator and Mem bers of the House ot JKpreeeniatrves u shall be on one ballot. Th immM of the 1 reasurer, Kegtster of Deeds, Surveyor, Coroner and Sheriff hal be on one Fallot. The name of the Constable shall be on one ballot. Use only white paper, and discard all "cuts." Items About the State Fair. Governor Scales will deliver the open ing address. Exceeding fifty-nine hundred dollars in cash is offered as premiums The Cattle Show will exceed any thing of the kind ever seen in this State. The excursion rates are so low every one can afford to take a day or two of recreation and pleasure. Money spent in attending the State Fair will be a profitable investment. If you are of Northern birth, and desire to attend the State Fair, it will be to vour interest to correspond with J. T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immi gration. We hope all persons in this county, who were born in Northern States, will attend the State Fair, so as to meet the Northern editors and home-seekers, and speak to them of the advantages this section has to offer. They can be of great benefit to our native people at the Fair and Northern Settlers' Convention. Fairs in North Carolina in 1888. Catawba Industrial Association, at Hickory, October 19th. Roanoke and Tar River Agricult ural, Weldon, Oct. 19th to 22nd. North Carolina State Agricultural. Raleigh, Oct. 26th to 29th. Fair of the Carolinas, Charlotte, Nov. 2nd to 5th. Elizabeth City Fair, Nov. 3rd, 4th and 5th. Cumberland County Agricultural, Fayetteville, Nov. 9th to 12ch. Edecomlie Agricultural and Mt chanical, Tarboro, Nov. 2. id to 5th. Rocky Mount Agricultural and Me chanical, Kocky Mount, Nov. 10th and 12th. Eastern Carolina Agricultural and Stock Association, Goldsboro, Nov. 3rd, 4th and 5th. Good Pluck. Mr4. W. Hood. holds the office of Postmaster in this county at a little country office, which of course gives him more trouble than profit; and he is also chairman of the county Demo cratic Executive Committee. Well, the great Postmaster General of Cleve land's administration notified Mr. Hood that he must give up one or the other offices, whereupon he told Postmaster General Vilas to get another postmaster, as he (Hood) intended to work for the success of the Democratic ticket in this county. He did right, but ought not Vilas and Cleveland to be ashamed of themselves for trying to intimidate country Postmasters. Charlotte Home Democrat. Clover Seed. The Rowan clover seed' has been on sale in Statesville this season. It is pronounced cleaner and betrer than the Kentucky seed and sells for less money. Yet at $5.00 per bushel, here are $5,000 dollars made by the Rowan farmers on even 1,000 bushels of "their seed, and this money is kept in North Carolina. Our Rowan neighbors are setting a commendable example. Our State ought at least to raise its own clover seed. It ought to raise and make a great many other things which it now buys elsewhere. Statesville Landmark. Drummers' Tax. The State derives a revenue of shout $80,000 annually from thedrummeraMicense tax. An Attempt will be rasde to abolish this tax. We find the above item in the State news column of tlie Monroe Enquirer 2&gre. Wo would not vote for sn.r man, nor advise any any bodyeh c to vote ior an man, for the Legislature, who is in tavort sltolishin; this just tax. Now is no time. when the people are expecting s reduction in the tax on their real ami personal prop erty, to be talkinr about saddl in" them with $80,000 additional for the benefit of the mercantile establishments of the i;reat cities, which have no interest in os hevond what they can make out of us. Land-mark. Deception in Gems A mortifyinsr discovert was made in a Jeweler's shop, in Stamford, N. Y , this ummer by a wealthy ladv from New York City. During her visit to the vicinity of Stamford she had occasion to have some trifling repairs done to the setting of her J 1 anaa. niamoiiu earrings. J her were very costly articles, the stones being of large 'size, so the lady took herself to local inv.i.r Probably with the view of impressing hi ui wiiu me value ot the gems intrusted in his care, she asked him what he considered thev ... . i. at.. z. . . wvic mum. eaaiuinea iiu-m critieallv for a moment and said that thev might have cost five dollars. ".Wra dollars!" aid the lady. Why my bualtand gave twelve hundred dollars lor them." " I hen he as cheated," said the jeweler, laconic-ally- These are crystals, not diamonds." An investigation at the house in New York at whi.h they were iturchssed confimurl the statement, ami thefirm discovered that the earring had ben stdd by a dishonest clerk, who pra ketel the difference tnt ween tUH value and the price paid The firm, to pave it$tepututio4i. replaced thc .rvstals ? "?im nwv. i he latly now wears '"YjTV restoieti conOtlencaj. but y " " " yreauer pleasure man tte- j KdsuniHii; Willi HiflB SO 1 n sly belt, ved them gtvuine. That is the '!! !! p .rr.od n.ii,1 ii .' - it u ma tin I. t- yi w i.s , 'in to i uan.elos character, rc.utar eiiu )... ,i, .r i, i. f j charity. i.. luwrwuraaui! Obituary. Boy, Gun ; Joy, Fun. Gun, Bust ; Boy, Dust. He threw hi right arm Round her delicate waist. And itle froin her lip .Just a very slight taste Of what sti'tued to be A red-colored paste. Aexident lie set. The Augusta Chronicle savs of the Jeff Davis letter. "Sherman will not reply to Jefferson Davis. He is struck dumb. Jeff. Davis has furnished an antidote for 'March ing through Georgia' Let every thoughtful Democrat re- iienil-er that IndenerfuVntism and Lib- eruiism means tuu ami com ion 10 uie i Republicans. Those who are not with us are against us. All Independents are disorg.inizers, anu OHorg-mizeers are enemies. Representative Willis of Kentucky,; who tried to force the lilair humbug educational Bill through the last House of Representatives, was repudiated by his constituents, and tailed of a renom- mation. Served him right ; and other humbugs of that sort ought to have been served the same way. Charlotte Home-Democrat. People who don't pay their little debts give an excuse the scarcity of money, but just look at the thousands of persons who travel on Railroad Excursions, and then the thousands who have traveled about the past Sum mer and this Fall for pleasure then quit talking about the scarcity of money, but speak of a general indis position to pay. That's the difficulty. ome-Democrat. - . - - Umbrellas, when wet. should 1 placed with the handle downward b drain. iiie moisture thus concen trates t the tips .-mi falls iioin I hi edge, iu.ttati of gutli:'r;n into ioids of the iinlrvli.. .:mi thus quicker :nJ tin. fabric is fjeUer served. The O;eoinurrarine law Loes into eff ut Nov tO tCt 111 JL iid x-:ites. 1st. The iiiiv is destined v.iy wtt. autioiu ttcl uy tus The Philadeipliia Kccord says: "from taicn iniormation as tie has obtained Commissioner Miller expresses the opinion that the tendency of the law will be to largely increase the domestic sale and consumption oi oleomargarine for butter, thus accom plishing just the opposite of what the authors of the law intended." The character of a true woman is so exquisitly beautiful and glorious, that, to paint it truly, and display it in match less colorings, you must take a feather from a peacock s narrative, dip it in the dyes of sunset, and paint it upon the wings of a thousand butterflies. Wil son Mm'vr. a 1 a , t Kisa Me, Too. A young lady sat in an alcove at an evening party with a bright young mil itary man, her little niece on her knee to play propriety. The company was suddenly electribed by the exclamation of the child: "Kiss me, too, Aunt Alice !" But the sudden shock was succeeded bv a feeling of relief as Aunt Alice calmly replies: 4You should not say "Kiss me two1 dear; you should say, "Kis me twice.'" I Bagel They all decline. Dr. Mot-t, chairman of the republic.in executive committee, declined to call a State convention of that party this year. J. C. L. Harris and Thos. B. Keogh declined to submit to the action of the republican executive committee aud called a convention. Judge By mini was nominated for Chief Justice of the Supreme court, and he followed both factions of the party and declined. Gol. Hargrove was appointed chair man of republican executive committee. No. 2 and to show he was in thorough accord with all the factions he declined. And to prove that the whole party is in a decline the people of the State will on election day decline to vote for any of their nominees. News and Observer. Yes," Pid the Chairman sadly, "our tem perance meetinu last night would have been more successful if the lecturer hadn't been so ab-ent minded." "What did he do." "lie tried to blow the foam from s glass of water." Nne York Sun. A pupil read the expression in a very vague fashion. "Arms of the Ma What do you mean anything given in rhttritvf1 "No", rn'm." "Fire-arms, perhapsT" "Yes, in'm. " Wil I you tell me t hisyst her impatiently any explosives from the eta!" "Shells." He was sent to the head in language. tschool Studies. "Gi mine a glass of soda," aid a tramuish looking citizen, as he leaned up against the counter in the r.bbitt House drug store. "What syrup?" asked the fizzioion, with bis hand on the throttle of the instrument "htrawberrv and nectar cream." The order a tilled, and as he tasted it testingly, he remarked: You get your water from a factory don't vou?" N, ir." said the clerk indrgnsntly, "we do not. We charge it oursclv." The '.ramp inuirfd it all down and smack- t d his lips ciilically "lo vou mean to tell me that you charge It right here ia this store?" he maum-d a : gaiu. "Oertainlv I do. ... ,,... . very wen, just , curse it. uooJ cven- ing." and he aHd out. Work every hour, paid or unpaid ; ' see only that thou canst not escape thy : reward. Whether thy woik be nne or coarse, planting corn or writing epics, so only it be honest work, done to thine own approbation, it shall earn a reward to the sense as well as to the thought. No matter how often de feated, you are born to victory. The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. WOMEN Wm4Ib renewed utrenfth, or who aaffer f UlrmlUe imlUr to their hi, akould M " BE5T TONIC Mmhinaa ban with Mrs saafcas to&ics, and 19 invalunble for Diseasi peculiar to Wstaaeau aad an who lead aadentarr Ut. It Eat riches and I'uriflei the Wood, Stimulates tha ADDetitp. Stretist liens the illnw- en and NerTea in Utt. thaxuhw J uvigoratex. Clears the om It drift not hb nplexiim. and makes tne sum rrr.i 1 smooth. arodaoa constipation all other Iron nedicirut do. Mas. Eliza bit a Baird. 74 FarwaU Are.. Milwaa kaa. Wis., aara under data of. Dec. aet h. .1884 : t " I ha naad Brawn's Iron Bitters, and it has been asaee than a doctor to aae, bavin cured ma of the waaknoea lad me hTa in life. A l ccred nieof Ln gtaaEssalMaa Mas Locsaa C Ba ao don . Bast Lock port N V an: -1 hare saBerad untold miaorr from Female Complaint, and could 1 1 Oat 1 rohef from nothiag weept Brawn's Iron Bittera" Oefniao baa above Trade Mark and crossed red linei on wranuar. Take BO other. Made only Ij BitOW.N CllkllCAL CO., ISALTlMOiiK. 1 If 'out of sorts' with headache, stomacn disorder, torpid liver, pain !n back or side, con stipation, etc , neglect mav be fatal. One dos i )f Stroa .a Sanative Pills will giro niXfk 4 few doea restore to uew heaii.li and vljor If you want to keep up with the time tavke the Watchman you can't be left teMMlSMONER'S SiLE OF LA'D. in i) l'SU:ltl II l... ; t. an nr of the up -i ior a! Ahus term ' Foa.-I IJ P. C : t H. iiM ' Mm 1 i I M I i nblic ; i . i hf-lo; low -ui K i count I : 1 : lsdts ' j h ! , 1' Mi I .V tj V - Ill i t ! h 111 'I! lb as Kim ii t loo " sit:;. amis" and J G Kien.niii g lauds" adjii'min-j J (1 K in.ii "' North, M.o Carson on h E ' -1 . .1 ' 'ii (';!' "15 ;:! "e PowlK'-on .he : .i Ii. Mud .1 i) J.Int n and w f e d I)i li R A o d on the YVet Con- latntuu or.i hundred ami twenl'-otic acres, together with eight acres more r Ic8 known part "f Ki pat ick lands, adjoin ing J S i homp-oii and Iloboon's Heirs and E. L Johnston. Terms of sale cash. L. II. CLEMENT. Com'r. Datt d Se, t. 23 .. 186 49:tds. SOMETHING W ! ty-LAMP CHIMNEYS hat will not break b heat, tor sale at ENNISS'. DIAMOND DYES - All colors yon wish at hX.Mw DON'T FORGET to call for Seed ot til kinds at ENNISS. Call and -,e the Flower Poi at. ENNTSS'. " r. " V O 3 t. c 3 K r. -l o 3 " er lS .3" t Bl" B s "I r v. r. r i ca i . 3 5 I3ST3 iiiKjiLY KNOWN FOE CATARRH SORE MOUTH on. SORE THstOAT In all forms and stages. PURELY .VEGETABLE. ' RtQUIRcSNU INoinUMfcNIa It Cares whara others failed to five relief. Dr. B. B. Davis, Atliens, Oa.. says: "I suffered with Citarrti live years But siacoiiilns t.h . l Al L ATAlti.il CViiE am eatlrely tree troai Llie dts tiann Dr. O. B. 110W, Alliens, ea., aays: vaionm CAiAtMtli CUitK cured me of a severe ulcerated acre tin oat, and I cncerruny ei.aorr e n Miss Lucy J. Coo, vieouce Co. writes, Sept. 17th, .s5: "Uueboitlc or your remeay entirely sared: me ot C ittrrh wltu which I Uad suffered rreatly tor fire years." . J Si Alufood, Athens, Ga , writes Sept. I. '5; "I hai severe sore tliroat more than two veeks,- whs entirely cured by CKUTA1M catakku utittin one day. ' CAN YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT Only a tew of our m tay certtflcites are given here. otars c.a oe ojulaei froja yoar druggist, or by addressing 3 O. CO., ATHENS, Ga. Far Sale by J. II. ENNISS; Salisbury N.C 21:lv. I cortifv thst on the 1 5th of Febru ary I cammmrnccd giving my loin 'children, aged 2. 4,6 and b years,. resp ctively, Smith's worm OH, and' and within six days there were at. least 1200 worms expelled. One child! pased over 100 in one niht. 'Hall Co., Febrnary 1, 1879. Sin: My child, five years old. had Fsvmotoms of worms. I triea calomel kand other Worm iledi ints. but fBl- "ed toexpel any Seeing Mr. BaM ' certificate. I uot a vial ol your N orm. i Oil, and tin first dot brouylU forty worms, and the second dose so man were passed I could not count them S. 11. ADAMS. 21:ly. WemaCordial C JtBS DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT Invljormt ing and De lightful to take, and of great value as a Medicine for weak and Ailing Women and Chil dren. TT .rive NEW A. LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Musdea, Ton ing the NERVES, and coropletelyDU gestiug the xooa. CONTAINS no hurtful Minerals, ia com posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicines, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Plc&aact Remedy. A Book, 'Volina, by lead i ng physicians , telling how to treat dis ease at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Heliotype process, on receipt of xo a. For ml by til Draftf Miit Orarcra. 8''U Ik d0r uMf M not kp TO ...NA IOKU1AL, ttult fl.00, i fvJl turn beUU will b hui, duria uuL FKUTJUU) OKLT ST Volina Drug and Chemical Company,, ALTLhOKX, as., u a. A. 15 CENTS rO"?SKPLC espveirms Ki ll 11(11. BOOK. 1 1 avwithe LANGUACC and featiaest of Cvtn riswar and Sana. 3000 dtftV-mu kinds. Also ail the Ksown Reltiot riirta tlea witn Glovt. Parasol, ssaasrdilet sad Fas. it ia the bmsI complete work of the kind ever pub lished. Bend Flfteea Cents In atamrs for a ka 111 pie copy, also our V AND K.IRTMC Bl price to HKnta. AsrU wauled twttwaw. At SBICIUC&M PUB. CO.. 17 Narta Tcata Street, 1 hi. lad'a. Pa. SINGER W7 THIS STYLE wJ5 1 2 15 DAIS' TRIAL. A Full Kct r Attaeiimnte. WAttKAKTLD v.. a' 31VV22 Sr. ESTABi.IUED 1312. (Wound on White Spoyds.) A tuWiine of this celebrated THREAD Wtrtrr, FAST BLACK m l C(H4- OI - for -aie at wholesale and retail by ME!?ONEY & BHOS, -aiisbuiM N. C. 44;3m. The Watchman ir devoted to the best interests of the people of Xv)rth Carolina; to the development of' the Stale's indus trial resource.-; to Ircr farms, her forests, her minerals and bur water-powers. It should be. for it. n yoar family. Subscribe THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS TIIOItOUOHLY KQU1PPKD ?0E ?AFJfT C? finting, V FROM POSTERS as big as a barn door down to most delicate Listing akds. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, I SIiESS CARDS . PAMPHLETS, fRICE LISTS, Scal anil gartj Jrogtamrats, AND BLANKS OF ALL KINP8 Court and Magisterial. 3aTOrdere solicited and satisfaction guaranteed! 1 WmTM Sob il THSP n. wTayi nPR ia on flleta PLilrutrtnlafsi Al ttlkt t&e Nrpapnr AAv-r- Using Amm of Maanra. car tuuabruaa asua. MEN ONLY A QUICK. Pf R1!"!? CURE FR iffor or n i k, in.liunt flBi. xcetta, aw osiwuv. in iiacrel MtUr Yn r. n.Tlr within a month. No Deception day; taara nwaaur, 12J -t- intion mmi rHH - , AIE 3,ACZH3, FOB CO OSTI n tnd othfr g coituraa ana NO p 1 itowiii 1 nt rrin liri- price of 75 etj. p4r bavrrc . R. J. HOLMES. DtiODOK 44:2 ORGANIZED 1859 A Home Company SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE. Cash capital S300,000 Total assets $750,000 Insures all classes pro perty at a equate rates. Losses promptly ad justed and satisfactori ally settled without any litigation. J. RH0D33 BROWNS, Prest. WiT. 1 COART, Sas. J. Allen Brown, Agt, Salisbury, N.C. 24:9m. Fit Sals at this Office : Land Deeds... Heal Estate Mortgage Deeds Sherl Det-de of several different forms ; Chattel Mortgages.... Mortgage Sale Notices; Magistrates' Su.ninone4. Executions. Subpoenas : Witness Tickets Transcilpts, At Bastardy Warrants and Honda... State Warrants, . Ball Bo.ids Peace Bonds. .:. Appearance Bonds, Appeal Honda ...Prosecution Bonds Ejectment Writs summary Attachments. . .Bonds to make Title Sale Notices fonAdnilnlrit raters. Trespass Noll' cs A full line of Sollcllois Indictment forms. Numerous blank forms :or superior Court t leiks.. . Sevcr.il forms for ase of Attorneys. . .'. And many Miscellaneous, I All which w ill be sold lo... 'Blanks of any and all Kinds printed to order in rt'H style end on good paper at very low figures. V: vols of Scientific Aniercan, 1 No each of Jonea' 1 aV and Equity. fi 25o l'av lirucr-'s second liahd Bouigeols- tied up. 2u oi 'Mi Font advertising display type, lo Jobbing Fonts, loo lbs. Large Border type. jyOae complete siock of Printing material for a Ave column paper and Job Office, presses Included. rMany of the above Blanks and nearly all the printing stock, will be sold very cheap for cash or on snort lime. Richmond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina Division. General Passenger Office. ASUEVILLE, N. C, Aug Jl, 1SSI. Commencing Aug. 22. the following Passenger Train Schedule, will be opcratt d over this di rts on. riiAIN no r.i W EST. Vrrtve Leave I UA1N NO. :3 EAST. Main Line 1, nlve Leave. r m. 12.55 i.l 2.43 3 56 5.i2 " 33 5.S2 6. 2 7.3! 8.43 2 21 10. IT to. a 11 13a "S i isbu.y. 12 r.pii statesville... 5 l. v r. M 4 12 14 12 2 10 2 4 : .1 3i 3 0 r. o i 5 ?,3 5 2 -i9 7 8 43 8 .1 10 20 Xewton . . w... . ii tckory .. . . 1. . . . lend . i.vtorganXu .Marlon OU Voit iffouad Knob. Black tiounudn.. Asue Ule 3 10 ' 38 1 53 1 28 12 it 11 it 11 40 10 r.2 9 50 3 10 2 43 i 16' 1 23 12 27TM 11 S7 11 40 ! i2 !0 01 9 16 8 40 7 4 7 II AM I Alexanders..,. ..I 9 i i Marshall I 8 40 j .v.irrn Springs, .t 7 20 Paint I'oc ij- TRAIN NO. 1 Mfti T 4irt ' 1 RAIN No. 61. Arrive. 1 Leave. l! ii r . iH 40 .! 11 i.9 . 1 10 3 -iiieii . I 9 50 U 9 2 . I 830 . I 7:9 v e A.at. 1 20p i (Salisbury .... 2 44 ! States lie. . .. 3 ' 4 31 5 09 S 44 -9 7 37 Newten Hickory... ; I card . . lorg.inion I'. Marion Old Kort 8 25 i Hound Knob 9 07 ' Black Mountain.. 7 20 -i . 5 M 4 43 4 01 : 1 35 .. 6 4 3 43 IO08 41 ?0 i.V r m shevllle : Alexanders Marshall 10 48 11 0 j 1 2 28PM 1 H Warm Springs. a 25 Paint Book .... Tli AIN .No. 7 WEST. !' TBA..N NO. 8 m 1 r i Arrive i Leav Arrive Leave a M. i !0 lAM ; vslievllle U 11 il 12 JTurnplpe j 12 Si i 12 tora j:Vaynesvllle 2 35 S 35 IjsylTa 2 41 j 2 4 ,.Vebter 3 i 3 3 iwtiiitler 4 20 i 4 25 :t har!eston .. I IN ! r. . ii.'arretts :i so S 15 P. at. 2 15 12 irt; 1 00 1 ' 10 26 !'0 15 9 28 S 3C '10 2T i!0 16 I I 8 45 I A.M. ; 6 00 Meal .-stations. Trains No's r.o and 51 rwn solid between Louisville and Salisbury carrying Pulijann Slep'r8 between Ctnclnattl: Louisville and Knoxvllle also beineen V;rm Springs and GoldKboro. Trains No. 52 and 53 run solid between Morrlstown ano Salisbury earning Lelghton Bleeping cars be tween Chatt mooga and Ashevllle. W. A. ITIiK. A. G. P. A. Ashevlll. N. C. C. W. CHE ' R8, a. o. r. a. Klcbmoud Vs. V. K. McBEK. Supt. AbhevHle N.C. fTTTTTQ T A DTXD mv b founa n fl n Own. lUlO r nJL LiD v. Ilowell & Co hiwRpapar Advt-rtMsic buroau 1 10 Spruce St-V whert- aatvprtlJnf tontrftcu may to iuad! for U IN SEW VOliK. BaMaaM Trial JLfiKACE. laatM to pa- irmrw tianu a lsrea proportion of whom VK.k a fall treat attaaaalaatatl MnW HtnmnOi and Visorooa HaalUx. lo those who anfler from tl.o many oOxaarauaaja) RUPTURaTB PCRSOWS can hsv PZ j LVJL a?y " a a tlvAcedUen. Ujoaiind caa9 t ruK.4 and brokm wrfiirt nd full HARDWARE, 4 v--.- V WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the DBdermitmcd at vn Row. niiffifM A5oat for the 'CapdweUThre, , 8aliabury, N. C, June 8th tf. Garden Seeds given away at Enniss' Dru., Store. If you buy one doMart worth of gartlen seeds or dim or medicines, Dr. Enniss hrS give 10 papers of fresh garden free for 50ets. worth of -garden seeds or medicines. To fXrc i trrw'.'-r : ! ten Biti-i s ii- i--&tr-rtrti' :.s I -.-Lr.iCt the .-.:yf.-... i ful inTf'.ieie. it u i. malarial pjver, c.-u?. , ( 'lilthi'iilly stimulate' it--bladd"''. and rurieiicfl a the blood; When ovrrc. r . WhethT mental or ptiy ic .ii , and debilitated find i; a -):.: renewed etrt-nirth ami com;'t: 1 by ail Drugziti and Oeakid gt-un. SRiR H y'V '. 1 23 YEA?23 m USE. Th Groateata: .l T.-:"rr.Eh of tha AfeJ TORPID LOVER. Leaner; ppiUCi liuirelacpBt.TC, i aiula the beaiii with a ds'l svaatisn ia tl taci; part, ?uin nadsr rhe ahonlder blaJc. I"ai2ucas after eattsz, irith r. ii Indication to exertion of body r.r tnlzi. Irritability eft ?tnper, I.ovr apiritL.. rita nfociiJset'lK.Tinff Uv'Icr.tcd come dntr, ear'arig, I!z.i;Incc?, Ftutterine at tLa Ocart.po:s befaretko ros, i-cuia'so over thi riikt eye, Kcaileaenca, with Ctrulalri itn a. Ii:?b!y cnlsrcd t-rtsc, i XTJTT'." AJiLi-3 uro cspecitlly cdairt tn cacti ezrte-r, c:.q d "X etfects a:: ccaag -nfJcc i-ir- -;to:. -trt-.L Ut:.t suC 9'h-y Ie-eia tii'v .retiientLj.eau to. t 'J'.' a- ': a-" ' t " Hlwii'i Aoaiii'ai t.r it.v .h Tcf?t? Atl do lii-r-5,'- Cie-.n. ,.ejri..r-'."tioc Ero-t- I i - -. ..;. '. K tS'XVTS-V ft.. t .i (I :.-.v v :.:.;. rMnt.r.-. '. t; t CL"i-'. T ;.:. ot V - in o KVi;!:: t L-r!;!..-i-.' . , ;" ""1 ? Tirrf. r tr '-! .'.ft i 1." !iiV:f.riir' pow for the "Watchman. IF VOU WANT TO FILL TOUR (zAMS BAG, AND MAA.E BIG SCOPES, USE i HP ON IFLE-?-AWP- SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.REMINGT0N&c'vr,4i Sporting Arrr-, and Amnrjn lion, 281 &. 283 Broadway. NEW YORK. W18TEEN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., 78 Suit: Street, Cbico, DL ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, 8COOP3, SPADES. AftE id THE BEST tflElTiT.-mia WaWKt KIERSEI THAT 6U3 6090S ARE ALWATJ KlUMi. On Piece of Solid 6teel. HO HOLES OR RJVETS TO WEAKEN THE BUDt send ron circulars. EEMfflGTOrAGBICOLTDRiL CO., IMON. lt. Y. Yrk 0cev 1 IS CWra Htre-. Rslf Aoid to ii.'r aion at pi-."- r i .n . m v kir. FoorJd 'an .eientifle mlwl prlMtpka. By Tonaion of th tautii omnlaM rorn ttii.iieAia ifii a ltiiv ;., - BaaBaaaawaBS "-idiyatma aottaawajfc T8EAT18EMT. 0 Mwta, Wltw. t& Tim, If HARRIS REMEDY C.jJI0WTt, Trtml f our Appliance . Afc tor Tvmmi . a- b ta b9 al fc aU 1 it a 1 a m t. . . . as

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