Carolina Watchman. UocXl7 i i THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1886. ' - . a I'll Do not fail to advertise your iionuay goods liberally. The Watchman offers exceptional advantages to advertisers. Its list has bee" steadily increasing for several months. Cotton receipts are growing. The Salisbury market is improving. Mr. Mott a Hit 2,. 1, , I iiiiiTrfiM in lAiiAn Tlw SKSlSrtW receipts should not be less than 100 bales a day from now until Jan. loth 77. Itis reported that another foundry and machine shop is to be built here at once. The land has been purchased by Davis & Davis, of Lexington, and the enterprise is to. be pushed with all possible vigor. The various denominations will unite in a thanksgiving service at the Metho- la tue Watchman SnbsoriDtion Rates. fan... .,K-,.ir,;i. rates or Hie wrvunu 1 iioauuovni'v'"" : Watchman are as ioiioww. fed.iinos.uu ed 12jno' 1 vear. nai payni'tddav! " oavtn't del'ei a. 'olina J Head about the weather service. mnrt next week, Judge Boykin on thej bench. You can't boy cot religion-remember you must die. KMrinuins to search for 1 lie -r "do ole coon," and his cousin the o pos- j I . for the A Festive Entertainment The young ladies of the St. Cecilia Club, and the Ladies Aid Society, pro pose to give on next Wednesday even ing, in Meroney's Hall, a grand entertain ment. The proceeds to be devoted to church work. Thev will offer a protrac ted programme of music solos, duos. trios quartetts and choruses, instrumen tal solos and a few elaborate tableaux. All of this part of the programme will be of the highest character, and of the thor oughly enjoyable sort. After this intel lectual feast, the wants of the inner man will be treated to a sumptuous oyster feast. The bivalve will be done up on the half shell, stewed, scalloped, broiled, and in feet, in everv possible wav to MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BRUNKfl, EPITOR. i M Monran. is the bill poster (Wen's. He has made a successful trip for them. Above all things becharitable in speech. When it is necessary to accuse know that the accusation is true. The State weather service correctly reported the recent cold wave. Salisbury must have this service. Wagons from the, far western counties of this State are becoming frequent visi tors tathis mart, f The many friemfeof Mr. W. P. Negus ere pleased to sin him last week. He is here for a short visit. Mr. G. E. Botian, long known in the mercantile circles of Salisbury, passed away on last Friday. The Ogden's failed to meet their en gagement here, owing to delay of train, which was 30 minutes late. Remember the orphans on thanksgiv ing day. A collection will be taken for their benefit. Conservatism may be old "fogyish," dist church, it having the largest seating tempt the appetite, and will be served by capacity, on thanksgiving day. Give all the children a mite to contribute to the orphans. So far there has been no organization of the young people for the winter season of 86-87, in Salisbury. There should be a euchre club, a pleasure club and a musi cal organization in the town. the "beauties of the town". Uniform prices.' Admission for adults, 25 cents; children under ten years of age, 10 cents. Doors open at seven, curtain at 8 o'clock, sharp. Oysters from 9:30 to 11:80. Do not fail to attend this grand holiday entertainment. Opportunities. At thp fin! ri' k nf thf ravil war At- nn.. l- i ii l i. I l and not so well known. It happened to become the terminus of two important railroads and after the war an enter tym oinrr o n rl rrr aKoo1 cn! nil I rr! tllA 1 Tonrirtiic iti tine it a iq imhu W ill tli vv nen you reaa oi ine uurnam nre you i anu nave uiem center ax meir iowu. will be astonished to learn that they nad w hat is tue result ? 1 o-day Atlanta is no water works. Salisbury will be well acknowledged the most progressive place protected when her water works are com- in the new south. She has a population some time ago, of heating the Court room from the offices on the first floor, using Latrobe heaters. It would make the room a great deal more comfortable and would be an eopnominal way of doing it. A Word of Caution. We have it on good authority that with a view of selling a certain rather unfavorably known gold mining property in North Carolina to certain New York and Chicago parties, the property in question is being " salted " with tons of ore carted from another mine an argil- aceous slate, whereas, the mine being thus salted only produces quartz. N, Y. Financial & Mining Record. It is strange that the Record should be so reckless as to use wholesale terms to cover an isolated case. There is consid erable activity in mines in this State just now and the Record? " word of cau tion " may be strained into applying to any trade now being conducted. In this sense it becomes an outrage against every honest transaction and may be the cause of breaking up important sales. This is plain enough. There is but one way out for the Record and that is to name the mine! Every honest miner ia North Carolina wants to know what mine is being salted. If the Record has not the back bone to give the names of parties, and particularly Of the mine which is being doctered, let its editor for ward the information to the Watchman and it shall be given to the public. This pleted. It is au investment that the town will ever be proud of. Why do not some of our enterprising fellow citizens get up a stock company for the purpose of establishing a wagon factory here? We have, the timber, a genial climate and cheap living. These are points worth considering. An enter- prise of that kind would succeed here. Do the people of Salisbury realize the importance of improving the present The future of the town depends on the action of the present . If our people had acted wisely ten or twenty years ago, how much better would be all that pertains to the town. Act now for the re- hut conservatism of Speech rarely leads future. one into trouble. Rev. W. S. Creasy of Durham Station will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday Sunday evening. We are gratified to learn that the early .sown wheat is coming up and making itinc promise of a good crop. Remember that you do not contribute often to the orphans, you should there foregive liberally on next Thursday. Mr. D. A. Hampton, Atwell township, killed two pigs recently, at 5 months old, Weighing one 152 and the other 162 lbs. The Rev. F. J. Murdoch, preached his first sermon in the new church, St. Jude, on the SherriU's ford road, Sunday last. Live consistent : be true to your self, and you will find that the slander er's foul tongue cannot reach or harm you. Prices for tobacco are beginning to improve. Remember that Salisbury has three large warehouses and that the best prices rule here. Mr. A- H. Craige, the well known sportsman, of Philadelphia, has joined some of his Rowan eounty friends for sport among the birds. The new schedule on the Richmond and Danville railroad, starts northwanl from here at about 2:30 a. in. instead of 6:10 a. m. as heretofore. Don't come to town thanksgiving day. Salisbury will be deserted look as deso late as it did in April ;6o when Stoneman and a few friends entered. The Homestead law is the father of the chattle mortgage, and the offspring of the chattle mortgage is poverty. This is a short, but true story. There are hundreds of mortgages in Rowan. They are driving our people to want. Let the next Legislature repeal the homestead law and the chattle mortgage will go. Some sportsman, who knows not the marks of a wild turkey, has killed two belonging to Cornelius Kestler. They range some distance from his house. Luther Lyerly, is a pretty good shot, and sometime ago succeed in getting four fine turkeys out of a flock belonging to Dolph Earnhart. Sportsmen should be careful. of sixty thousand ; her growth has been marvelous and her business immense The ad vantages of railroads cannot be Over estimated from a business point The advantages Atlanta derived from her competing lines of railroad contributed almost solely to the phenominal growth aud prosperity of the place. The rail road facilities-were an incentive to capital and labor, to manufacturers and mechan ics, to all, who wished to " grow " to go there and do business. Each new comer became impressed with his duty to the town, new railroads were systematically encouraged and Atlanta became a rail road center. She held the keys to the traffic of the South and southwest and became known as the " Gate City." Why so much about Atlanta? Because Atlanta's history serves to show what may yet be accomplished in Rowan, and in Salis bury. Action ! Action I is wliat our people want. These things will not come for nothing or for the asking. There must be concerted action. No town cdn afford to allow a railroad to pass it by. This town has "been thai " and we know that it is a bad policy to let a road pass. Remember then fhe importance of this vital question, vital to the material growth' of Salisbury and the prosperity of the adjacent country, and embrace every opportunity of encouraging progress Vote for the railroad. BISD. At 2 o'clock, p.m. Nov. 7th 1886, the angels came and carried to the Saviour's bosom the soul of Franklin Howard, son of Dr. J. B. and Mrs. M. E. Gaither, aged four years and nearly two months. On Sunday night before, he was at tacked with croup; but no special alarm was felt until Thursday night, when it was feared that a membrane was form ing. This fear was confirmed by the consulting physician, who pronounced it ''membraneous croup." Little t ran k was naturally timid, and hence never showed the real affectionate- ness of his nature to others than the family. He could not bear the thought of inflicting pain; and would often throw his arms around the neck of those he im agined he had hurt, saying: "me didn't go to hurt you." Even while laboring for breath it seemed to distress him to see his mother weeping, and often would ask "mamn, what's the matter?" X It was mv privilege to be at his bed during the last twen-four hours of his earthly life, and never have I seen such patience shown by so young a sunerer. As we closed his little blue eyes on earth, we have reason to believe his spirit was borne to Him who said, "buf fer the lytic children to come unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God." J. A. R. MECKLEiNBUM IRON WORKS CHARLOTTE. N - - If Yon Wish a Good Article Of Plug Tobacco, ask vour dealer'for 'Old Rip." ENGINES, "Mr. George Achenbach, who has been living here thirteen years, has returned to his native State, New Jersey, and will make" it his: future home. The Salisbury meat market is very good. This town needs a fish and oys ter dealer. Can't some of the enter prising butchers undertake to supply fish and oysters this winter. The members of the St. Cecilia Club Are earnestly requested to meet at the Rectory at 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Business of an important nature renders a full attendance necessary. On Tucsdav of the second week of court some good speaker should enlight en the people in regard to voting a subscription to the new Railroad. A wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen and loaded with apples, cabbage, chesuuts, &c, all the way frora; Caldwell county, was on our streets this week. The drouth threw the farmer behind with sowing wheat and ijt was thought at one tune that a full enh) would not be put in; sown in but an Rowan. average crop has been Lt. Richard Henderson has returned from Washington, D. C.,jwhere hehas just passed his flnal examination, aud has been promoted to a Lieutenancy in the V. S. .Navy. Joint services at the Methodist church on Thanksgiving day. All are invited to attend. Sermon by Dr. Rumple. Music suited to the occasion. Collection for the Oxford Orphan As,, 1 im . A red nose bespeaks low teinperaturc, hence the red noses and cold weather this week. Looking at it from from another stand point, a red nose is an indication of the constant presence of a high tempera ture. Dr. Trantham has been confined to his room several days, suffering from inju ries received last week, when he acci dently fell through the opening to a cel lar, from wiiich the grate or covering had, through carelessness, heeu removed: Who is to pay damages? Don't send away for any thing that can be bought or made at home. The business of this place could be made so much bet ter, were this rule universally applied. The reciprocal relations of the communi ty need overhauling and repair. Look about you for what' you want, and thus help home industry. Dou't send away for a pair of shoes, a spool of silk, a bar rel of sugar, a kec of nails or a 1000 bill heads. Get them in Salisbury. Green Troutman of this county, has a bad shoulder. He was wounded at But ler's Tower during the war, and every two or three years since his shoulder has broken out with a running sore. It is supposed that the bullet, or part of one of those double bullets, yet remains in the shoulder. This" might be called one of the living issues of the war. It is an issue which gives Mr. Troutman much trouble. Some petty thieves have been commit ting depredations on the merchants of this town for some time. The police cap tured Allen Hairston and Jno. Miller, two negroes, who had stolen a cloak aud per" haps other goods from Knox & Co. Hairston was jailed for concealing the goods, but there was no evidence of the guilt of Miller, so he escaped jail. They are connected with the theft recently committed at Kluttz & Rcndleman's store. A negro woman gave the police the points on the men. Some of the bovs of a mischievous size and nature have been dealing in a rather dangerous and very impolite species of fun recently. It consists of rocking camp fires and those who sit around them, during the- earlier hours of the night. On some such occasion the team sters will make a rade on these boys, which will result in the administration of a summary and perfectly deserved chas tisement. The Mayor should have an ordinance passed at the next regular meeting of the board of commissioners, instructing the police toTun in the boys after 8 or 9 o'clock. This would have a good effect generally on the morals of the boys who habitually loaf on the streets after candle light. There, was considerable excitement over a yellow dog, which was supposed to be mad, in town this week. The canine was the property of Lee Hcilig, and it ungratefully snapped its master, Jno. Rusher"s4)aby, Luther Misenheimer and others. A party of bitten people went to Charlotte on Tuesday night to nave a maastone -applied, rue dog is supposed to have been crazy, not mad, as it was struck some time ago. a severe blow on the head- with a stone. Some one ungallantly killed the, dog with a stone. A mad dog should be decently shot, and not subjected to so degraded an euding. Murder at Mill 3ridge. A brutal and uncalled for murder was committed at3Irll Bridge, this county on last Saturday evening. The victim was a respectable, cpuiet and industrious citizen, named Victor Freeze, and a cousin of the student recently killed by a negro at Chapel Hill. In this particu lar it is a coincidence, for Victor Freeze laid down his life, taken bv the hand of Alex Sloan, a negro. The weapon was the negro's favorite a deadly razor These parties met at a magistrate's tria on Saturday evening, and the quarre arose troin the tact tnat the negro per sisted in disputing an account. The lie soon passed and Freeze pushed the negr with his open nana, when there was flash so quick that those standing by knew nothing of what had happened, but Victor Freeze staggered to the door and fell. The negro was pulled away from Freeze and was seen trying to hide a razor under the bed clothing on a bed in the room. Freeze was cut seeminglv at a single stroke. The "blade marked his neck on the left side, cut through the collar and padding of a heavy overcoat and other gjurment to the shoulder, rdown the arm to the elbow, where it sank deep into the flesh the arm was bent and leaving the arm it struck the thigh on the side and moved downward curving to the front, and came out just above the knee. All this at a single stroke; what a deadly, gastly blow. When the razor struek the thigh it must have buried it self, judging from the depth of the wound. This murder was entirely unprovoked. The negro was not alone, he had his father present; there were two officers and two magistrates present and there was no provocation demanding any such defence of his person. It was a deliber ate and wanton deed. Coroner Atwell went to the scene as soon as notified and held an inquest, re sulting in a verdict of murder. The negro murderer, Alex. Sloan, is now in jail. His case will probably be settled at' the next term of Rowan court. Dr. Gaither was called in the case, but three hours had elapsed before he could reach the side of the wounded man. When ho arrived he found the man had no blood in him the losses from this terrible cut had exhausted all the blood of his body. There was nothing to be done but relieve him as much as possible until the end came which was some twelve hours after the cutting. Nothing but the man s courage kept him alive during those hours. Most men would have given up and died in an hour, says the Doctor. This is the second of the Freeze family in this county to die at the hands of a negro; aud within two months of ouch other. Both are to be deplored: both actions in this State is unjust. Record copy this ? Blue Wing Hews. The Big American Reduction Co sumed operations in their copper mine on the first Monday in this month. The Big American is only a short distance from Blue Wing, N. C, and is one of the Blue Wing group. The work now being done sinkiug the main shaft is of the utmost importance, since it is to prove the mine at a greater depth. The ore is of the bornite character and has been de scribed in these columns. It is rumored that this company will erect, at an early day, smelting works of considerable ca pacity. Something of this kind is needed to hasten the development of this region. Another thing is being done, which has been the greatest barrierto the unlocking of earth's rich stores, and that is building a railroad. The Durham, Blue Wing and Clarks- ville railroad Co. are now pushing work rapidly on the Clarksville end of the ine. Grading is being rapidly completed between the copper mines, (Blue W ing, P. O.) and Clarksville. Several miles of this work has already been completed. and between 75 aud 100 hands are now on the work. The purpose of the man agement is to complete the road in the near future to Blue Wing and then on to Roxboro and Durham. This road when finished will furnish an egress to the many copper mines of this locality and will enable them to place their output on the leading markets of theworld with something like an equal chance to com pete with other large copper producing regions. As it has been, cartage, let alone freight, rendered this imiossible. Mr. C. W. Edgecombe, Supt. of the Buckeye copper mine, reports no changes EXCELSIOR IRON WORKS (INCORPORATED,) No. 100 Clinton Street, Chica go, Illinois, Manufacturer's of Mining Ma chinery of all kinds, also Ma chinerv for the treatment of GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD BOIL lilt AND ALU XINDS OF MACHI JtLi MINING MACHINERY, STAMP MILLS, CORNISH PUMPS. Correspondence Solicited. JOHN WILKES, ORES BY FOR RENT. An clecant new cottage on Main street, witli conveukut outbouses. Apply to 4:lf. J. W. IIi'mpls. were unprovoked, wanton murders. unjustifiable cold, PKKI1APS NO LOCAL disease tiaa puzzled and battled the medical profession tnore than nab-d ca ts n h. W lu u- hot ii.: met i mi el v ratal It is u monur the most rt 1st resslntr, nauseous and dtapwUag His the flesh is lieir to, and be records show very few or no casf of radical t urn of chronic otnreh by anv of the multitude of (nodes of treatment until tl.e liv troductlon ot Eiys Cie .m Ualui a few years ficro. The suc:38 orthis preparation has been'iaostgr it ifyln aniisurprUiins. in the regular work in that mine. WORK IN Bl'RKE COUNTY. Work is nroffressiug at the Carolina Queen, in llurke county. Dr. Lighthill, of Boston, Mass., president of the com pany, has been spending sometime on the property, studvintr the many phases of the mining problem as it relates to the Queen. He has determined, perhaps wise ly, to introduce the Chillian mill. One of these mills is to go up at once, and, should it prove as satisfactory as is anti cipated, others will be put in. While this method of extraction is slow it has other good points to recommend it: It is reliable and does not easily get out of order and is the cheapest mill to be had. When turned by water power the ex pense of reducing ore is brought to the minimum. THE REYNOLDS. The activity of this section of the "gold belt" keeps up the expectations of those who watch gold mining. There has been no change fn the operations of any of the active mines, except at the Reynolds, where circumstances have forced one of the owners to offer a third of the entire interest for sale. The property is paying handsomely for the amount invested, and has been paying for months, and promi ses to keep it up. There is a bargain for some one. J. C. Bruton has made a new discovery in Hollingsworth township, same county, which bids' fair to become prominent in the near future. REDUCTION WORKS AGAIN. There now seems to be no doubt but that EmmCns, et. al. will build reduction and smelting works at or near the Silver Valley mine, hi Duvidsoii county. This is the same party who was to build at or near Gold Hill, in Rowan county. Their sudden abandonment of this first plan has been a mystery Jet the mill site or location of a great plant, such as was contemplated by Dr. Emmcns is not of so much importance, provided, of course, that it is easily accessible. They have probably chosen a favorable location, and they were in albprobability influenced by the abundance of the silver and lead ores of that immediate region, as thwy are in dispensable in smelting. There is another plan to erect reduc tion works at Charlotte. N. C. This scheme will embrace a reduction mill and chlorinating plant, and will perhaps not differ materially from the works now in operation at Salisbury. .Mr. John Jacobs, supt. of the Chlorina tkra works at Salisbury, is kept busy with ores sent from four of the Southern States. He has recently shipied a lot of bullion which was remarkably clear of impurities, as was demonstrated by the fact that in re-smelting it only lost one one-hundredth of au ounce. Mr. Tregellis, one of the stockholders and manager of the Gold Hill Mines Lim't., in this county, left on last We 1- nesday night for Ixmdon. Eng. NOTICE! RAILROAD ELE Milling Smelting or Concentration GTION process. Estimates, plans and specif! cations furnished for Metallur-1 gical Works. Manufacturers of the celebrated NOTICE is hcretoy given, ThaX there vriU be an i election held In Rowan couott"on Tuesday the istday ot December, lssu, Idr the puriioseot sub ) mlttlnc to the qualllled vfltere of sahf county, a i propositioQ tosnbac-rlbeone hundred thousand dol lars to the stock of the South Atlantic aud North 'Western Kallroad Company." In five per cent. I bonds of the County" of Kowan. to run forty years, , with the privilege of paying any or all of them at the end of ;teb years, or at any time thereafter that the Board ot romnussiOBers oi saia loumj umy elect.. -'Those who wish to vote in tavor of ;iid pro position win vole a ticket with the word "Sub-crip-Wm! upon it; and those wishing eo vote against said proposition, will vote a ticket with the words ",Vo Subviption'' Uiwn lt. An entirely new "registration of voteis has been ordered, and no person will be authorized to vote unless his name shall be on the new registration books. By order of the Board of County Commlsslonerrs, THOMAS-J. SUMNER, Chairman. IIokatio N. Woodson. Clerk. November 1st, 18C. CHEAPER & LARBEK Duncan Concentra tor AN BAKER HORSE POWER New York Broadway. Office No. 145 30:tf J. S. largest McCubbtns has just received th and most complete stock of new SPRING AND SUMMER. joods that lie hns ever. offered to the pub lic: Consisting of Dry (ioods. Notions, liwots and Shoes, Groceries, Drugs, flats, Clothing, Provisions, Crockery and Glass' ware, and a full line of high grade Fertilize SheriflH Notice. In accordance with the foregoing notice, the polls will be opened at the usual polling places in Kowan county, at the time, and for the purpose, therein specinod. C. C. KRI0ER. Sheilff. Nov. l, lsss. ' 4 4t aTo CasflJH Mill Stones, Winftaw & Door Stones. The undersigned owns and works a granite stone quarry six miles South of Salisbury, and is prepared to fill orders for anything in his line Mill Stones and all kind9 of Building Stones, a specialty. Will give large orders special terms and prices. Jamks A. Hitcoir. Nov. 18, '80. Gin: Imp. For Cotton and Tobacco, offered very cheap for Chattle Mortgages. Don't fail to ofind sec him at No Murphy's Granite Row, Salisbury, N. C. f whirl) it urter, or good i. FOR SALE OR RENT g Small IIu April 1st, 188C. Applv to S. McCUBBINS, Sr. 24:tf- Look at This! ZZL'Zz inf and cooking ftoves of all kinds. The best in town. New "Lee" cook ing stove is one of the best stoves made ia See my stock before huyinr. n America. 51:2m. WMS. BROWN. THE Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. 9 . VERTICAL PLUNGER. I Regular Horizontal Piston. "LTClff ' : . -yj,- The most simple, dural le and effective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. jgg"Send for Catalogue. Tie L S. CAMERON STEAM PUM? WORKS, Poor of Eaw 23kd Street, New iqk. HI - 1 1. j

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