A Oil! Kerosene BY THF BARREL AT ENNISS' Drug Store. July 9, '85 tf. FRESH TURNIP SEED I Tlie Earliest and Best Turnip Seed for ale at ENMBS'. i TRUSSES duced price, at - Of all kind, at ENNISS. Fruit Jars! CHE PER THAN EVER. ALSO Rubber Rings for Fruit Jars, jgg, SCAR'S PRESERVING POWDERS for sale at ENNISS'. - THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINE OIL Far Thresher. Reapers, and Mowers at ENNISS'. PRESCRIPTIONS ! If you want your prescriptions putrup eaeaper than anywhere else go to ENHISS Drug Store. JVy. 6 '85. tf. Enniss' Blackberry Cordial, yoa Diseuterr, Dtarrhcca-Flnx, &c, for sale At ENNISS Drag Store. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business In the U. 8. Patent ome attended to lor Moderate r:ees. oar ofllce Is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents In less time than those re mote from WashlnsrloB. end Model or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge; and make ao charge union) ae Obtain PaUut. We refer her" to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Dlv., and to officials of the U. S. Pat eat office. For circular, advice, terms and refer ences to actual clients in vour own State or county, wrlteto O. A, SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent Office, W asliington DC. Oet.tl.'ss. tf FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY i OF J. Saffl'l HcCnbblns, Jr. Keprsonting a line of Corn North antes equal to any in arolina. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Lightning, AVind Storms, lornadoes or Cv clones. Policies written on short no tice at lowest possible rates. Be sure and call before insur ing your LI FE ou PROPERTY. Royal Fire Insurance Com pany of Liverpool, has the larg est net surplus of any Fire In surance Company in the world. All losses paid as soon as ascer tained" without the usual dis count for cash payments. Office, next door to A. C. Harris'. "eb25:ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. atCRR CRA.IOE. I . H. CLEMENT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attorneys At Unw, Jalisburt, N. C FebiSrtl, 1881. . NERV0U3OEBILITY QnoAincWsaKxzMS Decay .fend numerous HARRIS' obscurodineae, baf the skilled Dhr- iciaae, mult mm outhf ul indlatretioB, no f re iod ulirence. or A Radical Cure ron over brain work. Avoid the impocaionot preten tious remedlat for Uwml trouble. Oet our t ree Circular and Trial Pack- nco. ana learn important PHYSICAL fartt before taking treat W DECAY, ment ebewhere. Take a SURE RcNr.py that ij as CURED thouundt, duel not talerfert viut atten tion to biMinee. or cauo pain or inconvenience in any way. Founded on cicntifle medical princi ples. By direct application to the arat of diteafe Iri apeeita kifluene la felt without delay. The nat ural funetionf of the hu man organism i restored. InVotincAMkMli Ageq wen. Tested for over Six Years dy use in many Thousa mo C ases. The ai.imatmc el I of life, which hare been TJtEATMEnV. wasted arerrm bac k.an i Ons Month, - $3.0O the patientbeeomes cheer iful and rapidly pains bot! strcr. Tth ami sexual vigor. Tliroe If onths. 7.00 HARRIS REMEDY CO., M FC CHEMIST 3 80Cv( N. Teotb &U. ST. L6-OT3. MO. PIJPTUREO PERSONS! Not a Truss. !Vr .. Ask for tern-,8 of nr Atrrllance. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS o nr. wHl lie nf cotie. Pot r Leu Fb- vbsb. ii rooax a I O W ft . I-. a nui I- ilm. L0"". fpwtirn w ill cure mt prvnt RseCBoutBA. Feaara Powdera win rreTeot Gaprs U Fowls. rw1trs will lnre the ntlV of roilk a -T Prr erm., ana make the battel) "rouua Powders will car or nrer.nt - -- DSSSASlr to Which Knnn inH l.tt',. .' v, . EAVlOr.FOUXZ.Prortntsr, BALTIJIOnE.D. J. H. Enniss Di'uggist, Agent. HADED '-s OT c:eln PWlndHuMa P NSRvOUS TBII.ITY fouieti mm T .Din Davit. New York Star. Gold mark's music, rendered by a magnificent orchestre, was reverbera ting through the Metropolitan Opera House on Monday night, the first score of the "Queen of Shefaa" had begun, the parterre boxes were filled with the haughty dames and the beautiful daugh ters of plutocratic New York, when a party of ladies and gentlemen entered box No. 11. One of the ladies was dressed in blue, her corsage of modest cut, a sprig of blue flowers in her brown hair, a huge bunch of pink roses in her hand. Perfectly self-possessed, entirely at her ease, she drew a fleecy cloak from her well-shaped shoul- ders, seated herself in a; chair gallantly placed for her, laid her bouquet and her lorgnette on the cushioned rail before her, and in a moment was absorbed in the story of the beautiful queen and her royal lover. The scene ended and the whisper went about that the. self-contained young lady was Miss Winnie Davis, the daughter ot .Jefferson Davis. 1 hen for awhile one opera glass after another sweeping the house rested on her long- ter than perfect politeness would war- rant, one was not beautiful, certainly ; her photographs in the show windows . . . . a would not 'set men raving, because no photographer could catch the expression of her face. In repose she was full of hauteur, in conversation her amiability was tempered by a certain dignity One had to look at her twice, and tiieji he felt whv Southern men and tfbmen love her. not alone for her father's sake, but for own.1 TheLife of Man. THE DAY OF DEATH IS BETTER THAN p THE DAY OF 2?E S BIRTH, Man, born of woman, is pt few days and no teeth. And, indeed, it would be nioriej in hisipocket sometimes if , he had less of either. As for his days he wasteth ne-third of them, and for his teeth he has convulsions when he cuts them, and as the last one comes through lo! the dentist is twisting the first one out, and the last end of that man's jaw is' worse than first, being full of porce lian and a roof-plate built to hold black berry seeds. Borne bruises line his payway to man hood. His father boxes his ears at home, the big boys cuff him in the playground, and the teacher whips him in me school room. He risefn early and siteth up late that he may fill his barns and store house, and lo! the ehildren's lawyers divide the spoils among themselves. "Ha, ha!" He growleth and is sore distressed because it rameth, and he beateth upon his breast and sayeth: "My crop is lost!" because it raiueth not. The late rains blight his wheat and the frost biteth his peaches. If it be so that the sun shineth, even among the nineties, he sayeth, "Woe is me, for I perish," and if the northwest wind sigheth down in forty-two below, he crieth out, "Would I were dead. If he wear sackcloth and blue jeans men say, "He is a tramp," and if he goeth forth shaven and clad in purple and fine linen all the people cry, "Shoot the dude." He carryeth insurance for twenty five years until he has paid thrice over for all his goods, and then he letteth his policy lapse one day, and that same night fire destroyeth his store. He buildeth him a house in Jersey aud his first born is devoured by mosquitoes; he pitcheth his tents in New York, and tramps devour his substance. He moveth to Kansas and a cyclone carreth his house away over into Missouri, wliile aprairie fire and 10,000,000 acres of grassnoppers fight for his crop. He settleth himself in Kentucky, and is shot the next day by a gentleman, a colonel and a statesman, "because, sah, he resembles, sah, a man, sah, he did not like, sah." Verily, there is no rest for the sole of his foot, and if he had to do it again he would not be born at all, for "tlie day of death is better than the day of one's birth." Hints as to Health. An elaborate paper copied into the North Carolina Medical-Journal for October upon the exercise of the mili tary-dnll is unfavorable. It is not the amount of exercise but the posture of the soldier that is objected to. It is very essential to obtain exercise for health, and it is probably true that the nest way to secure it is not by the mill tary drill. The women of the South do lot as a general thine take enough out door exercise. They frolic enough, but that is not healthful. What they need is regular outdoor exercise, and the best is walking. It is much more invigorating aud health giving to walk two miles than to ride six miles. It is really wonder that rich and fashionable wom en live to the ages they do knowing how vry little exercise they take. Thev at least who refuse to walk ought to have a gymnasium and they ought to exer cise with Indian clubs and take all the experience of athletes and scullers. Just here, let us sav that the female schools as a general thing: are not suffi ciently alive to the question of proper physical exercise for the pupils. There cannot be any doubt as to the great benefits accruing from a well regulated ' a l - it gymnasium, iwery xemaie so nod in ;i i i 1 ill m tne i.i ini snouia nave one and proper instruction should be given. It is be lieved that such a course would prevent many ot those maladies that prematurely afflict so many American women as r. ii .CjYery ouwiern girl or woman should make it a rule to take some out door exercise whenever the weather al lows. The English women can teach our women a needed lesson in this mat ter. The daughters of the first women in En ngland will put on shoes and laceil ign and thick as men's heavy boots, up h and will walk in rains or dews or mud by the mile. An American some years ! aero crave this account: He was at or nmiri Ana fha Pnirlioli lob-oe w o , . ,... . r " viae w uwuuijih-u utoj iijui 11- ing he saw at an early hour two female eiue5jtrians pass his hotel at a rapid nde, a man accompanying but riding some distance in the rear. He inquired who they were. He was told they were the daughters of Duke somebody, and that thef took a gallop every morning of ; 4 uLeJ. Lma l..oV 1 fast hour, Let our girls and matrons tflk mnrp hnhhtn PTPreise and tW 1 r I T I I I I II .1 I WT- llll W . kill X. KM 1 (11 PL A i take more healthful exercise and they will hav less us for the doctors and ! for trips away. In malarial countries 1 a4- fhnm nrr i,l 4- Via ! rrVkf nit trwl fVlA IV V tUVUl U1VJU tllV 111KUV UU MIU 1.'- midday sun. Take exercise early in the J morning oy 8 o cioctcsay out always take a cup of tea or coffee and some ight food before going out. Evil of Indorsing.. I affirm, says J udge Waldo Brown, in toe Boston l ravel lev, max trie sys tem of indorsing is all wrongs and should be utterly abolished. I believe that it has been the financial row of more men than, perhaps, alb other r a 1 a a eanses. l think that our young men especially should study the matter carefully in all its bearings, and adopt some settled policy to govern their con- dust, so as to be ready to answer the man who , asks them to sign his note. What responsibility does one assume when he indorses a note? Simply this: He is held for the payment of the amount in full, principal and interest, if the maker of the note, through mis-; fortune, mismagetnent, or rascality, fails to pay it. Notice, the indorser assumes all the responsibility with no voice in the management of the busi ness and no share in the profits of the transaction, if it prove profitable; but with a certainty of loss if, fr any of the reasons stated, the principal fails to pay the note. . What an Egg will Do. .For burps and scalds nothing is more soothing than the white, of an egg, when poured over the "wound. It is softer as a varnish for burns than collodion, and, being always at hand, can be applied. It is also more cooling than sweet oil and cotton, which were formerly supposed to he the surest ap plication to allav smarting paki. It is the contact with tne air which gives the extreme discomfort experienced from the ordinary accident of this kind and anything that excludes the air and prevents lnliamation is the thing which should be. at once applied. The egg is considered one of the best remedies for dysentery. Beaten up slightly, with or without sugar, and swallowed at a gulp. by its emollient qualities, to lessen the intianiation of the stomach and in testines, and by forming a transient coatingfon these organs, to enable na ture to resume her healthful sway over a diseased body. 1 wo, or at most three eKgs per daywould be all that is required in ordinary cases; and since egg is not merely a medicine, but food as well, the lighterthe diet otherwise and the quieter the patient is kept, the more certain and rapid the recovery. Betting Him on a pair of Deuces. From the Chicago Mail. A capital story is told of the slavery days of ex-Gov. Pinchback. When a mere lad he belonged to a rich old Southern or who was very fond of poker. nis master was once traveling on a Mississippi river boat, and had played cards m the cabin all night. Luck went against him to such an extent that he lost every penny he had on his person. 1 hen he offered to play slave, to the ex-(.TOvernor, against So, 000. On this basis the cards was dealt. The young lad watched his master's hand eagerly. The old South ernor looked at nis cards, and raised the ante. He was met, and promptly raised again. At this moment a gen tleman who had recently come up, attracted by the young negroe's looks, called him aside. "Whose boy are m a -a . . w v - aa V you f he asked. "Ue Lord above only knows, sah," answered Pinchback. anxiously. " I use' ter b'long to Mars' C " v , but he done gone an' bet me on a pair ob deuces' " Bet you on a pair of deuces ?" "Yes, sah; an' I dun no whose boy I is now. But de ole mass a he's bluffin' like de mischief an' I reckon I'se gwine ter stay." The bluff won. Modern Maxims. Simplicity is often the offspring of incapacity. Whitehall Times. The humble man never has to make apologies. Boston Courier. It's a wise sardine that knows its father. Boston Budget. Home is the anchor of the soul and happiness the hanker. Boston Courier. A rolling stone gathers no moss, but it doesn't get left. Pittsburg Dispatch. Contentment is said to be as good as money. Both are hard to keep. Kite Orleans Picayune. The wise man takes the bandage off his eyes and puts it over his mouth. Washington Critic. Man is a paradox. He prays for the millennium and acta to prevent its coming. Boston Coureir. It is singular, bnt true, that straight ened circumstance do not tend to make i a man erect. Hartford Sunday Jour nal. - Kever borrow if yon can possibly avoid it, but if you are compelled to, then borrow enough to make it pay you. Puck. The difference between fame and money is that one covers a man with glorv and the other with good clothes. Washington Critic. Vheu you got a shweet oxbression on your face it vas eofer a good many freckles ahoud vour eoundenauct. i National Weekly'. .ar Earthquakes, floods, droughts, short crops, disastrous epidemics, cyclones, Ii.ihKn nwiAfifu;iB A -t'. .jww ms Mua I l - jj. " 1 l 1 l i t ii soorx euminjs ana DacKSiiams 01 tnis people are being set down against them., 1 - Lenoir Toptc. ,ra nf hi5 She Waited Forty Years for It From Eugene Field's Talk. An old maid of this city recently ft wz. w . - t J6? . Iiere 10 her nrst ride in a sleep She was nng-car. obIJged .to gg W J. TOg JW mlddle of the night she ... . - , Me ml(te OI, 11 startled the whole car by startled the whole car by a series ot fortissimo shrieks. The porter ran to i her assistance, and in answer to his in- . 1 1 1 t 1 1 il j co er aisl ne Sg? forty years of patient waiting her worst tears were realized. Arouse the faculties, stimulate the cir culation, purify the blood, by using A$er Sarsaparilla. Only Ono Way. Amateur tenor (who has been a broad) Ah my man you are an eye doctor, I understand." Omaha occulist "I am an occulist, sir. "Yes: well, what I want to know is whether there is any way to prevent the eyes from filling with water while singing." "None that I know of except to steel your heart aginst the suffering of the audience.'1 Omaha World. The most reliable article in use for re storing uray hair to its original color and promoting its growth, is Hall s vegetable Sicilian Hnir Renewcr. X " A Well Worked Scheme. "Don't you like Telly cake with frost ing on top, Mr. Featherly inquired Bobby. "Oh. yes," laughed Featherly, "but I thought I Jiad eaten alout all the des ert I ought. However, since Bobby is so polite about it, Mrs. Hendricks," continued the young man, "I believe you may give me a small piece of the jelly cake. "All right," said Bobbv. "and I'll have some too. Ma said I could have a piece if she had to cut into it." Excitement in Tezas. Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable recdverv. of Mr. J. E. Corley, who w as so helpless lie could notJ-urn in bed, or raise his head: everybody said ho vvus dyinir of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. Kin New Discovery was sent him. Findin relief, he bought a large bottic and a box ol Dr. King s NewXite Pills; bv the tune he had taken two boxes of Pills and tw bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Kluttz's Drug Store. Bartholdi's statue is spoken of as that of "the Goddess ot Liberty." It would be just as well to drop this designation of goddess, not exactly because it was born of the old heathen idea ol the duality ot God and its consequent polytheism, but because it ex prerses what has no cxistancc. It is butter, we think, to speak of"the statue of Liberty," and leave the goddess to attend to the household duties of the "god" whosever wile she may- be. The statue is a statueof Li'.erty not a statue of a god or a goddess. The term is every way misleading and ano malous. Ex. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist. Rippus, Ind., tes tifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man ,is)trok six lottles, and was cured of liheuinn tisra of 10 years' standing. Abrah am Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms 'The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitter!." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidney or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Kluttz's Drug Store. Snn Spots and Terrestrial Phenomena. Prof. Young in Popular Science Monthly. While it is not at all unlikely that careful and continued investigation will result in establishing some real in fluence of sun spots upon terrestrial meteorology, it is also practically cer t in that this influence, if it exists at all, is very insignificant and so masked and veiled as to be very difficult to de termine. There is no ground or reason for the current speculations of certain newspaper writers who ascribe almost every great storm in the eastern part of the United States to some sun spot or other. The strange connection be tween solar disturbances and magnetic disturbances on the earth has however, become more certain, if possible, than ever before, and is no longer disputed anywhere. Sam Jones and the 'Quake. (Extract Atlanta Constitution.) Sam Jones sas, ''The 'quake is an awful thinjj a visitation that is alarming, but it will help the meeting. People will stop and think for a little while, lor I tell yu that sinners are cowards. Nobody en stand the earthquuke ngue but a Christian. That is an ague tliat Simmons Liver Regu lator can't cure." But for Ague, Dumb Ague, Fever and Ague, Swamp Fever, intermittent Fever, and Chills and Fever in a word, Malarial 'Quake. Tho one sure preventive and cure, positive in its results and speedy in its action, is Simmons Liver Regulator, a purely vegeta ble preparation, preparedbv J. II. Zeilin & Co., of Philadelphia. It strkes at the sent of the disease by regulating the I.iTer. It produees a healthy, vigorous condition of the liody in place of the general debility which accompanies Malarial Fevers. A cloud of w itnesses nuniltcriiig the best and noblest of the land, will attest the truth of this assertion. Map Bakina Powder, Manufactured by F. Davidson & Co. SALISBURY, N. C is put up ana sow mTin cans, aat it reertmmonds ; lu?t theJu,? t0f "enth, xrsiroxxirr. arm ruau qtwiiTiea. it h a:s ) ei-onotiilctil and wweaM. tjr ask yi'ir trrocor ror the 3Inyl Unking Powder. 3T:tf I To a Young Housekeeper. One of the best roles ever given ttTifSSS i v i uwri ww i . iii. i-i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ir w;i a- w v see every part of vour house from gar ret to cellar at least once a day; the servants get to know this, and couse auently thev never throw things into corners, or leave untidy closets."' This is especially good advice concerning the kitchen; Make a point of opening pantrv drawers, lifting the wasbtub lids; take a look into the refrigerator every morning, and see what difference it will make in the cook's neatness. A good mistress can always manage to do this while she is giving the day's orders, and in such a way as not to offend the etrTs feelings; for some- and the best irirls are very sensitive about being watched, or rather a hav ing their ability to keep a tidy kitchen doubted. At the same time, the know ledge that her mistress is more than likely to take a look into the refrigera tor at any time will greatly influence the cutting awav of provisions ana keepsng the waste pan empty. Harp er s Bazar. It is Unlucky struck by lightning To be M on on day. fo sit on a buzz saw in motion on To break the mirror vour wife' innthpr iJive her. To fall down stairs with the parlor stove on Tuesday. To speculate with other people" money, and get caught. To tret wet when you fall overboart while boating on Thursday. To bill collector over your righ shoulder on Saturday. DXiRiLEliA . dnii)rer" r.s vr-.' liVressinij rnmplaint. If aeiclecteu. it t ton !. by a t.'itntiuti, cue up- pressing tlie t-me ot lilo ijt.ejl, 10 truparo mo wngr for Rapid Ueclme. BESTTQK1& ? Quickly aDd coir.olet'.'ly l'isr?a t;. . .ii'.-p-iin in all ita forma. llf iM'.m :i. 1 eVliing. Telling the Food. etc. It eiuiclie-? au ! .lUririeatTic I .ood ttimu lats the npjivti'e. tn-i i !.i ibo nffdriilacicrn of fotid. Rev. J. T. Rossitkr, tuo !;enred Duster of the First Reforms 1 Church. B' himr.ro. 'd.. says: " Having ummI Brown! Iron bitter for Dyspepsia and Indi.Kt'-;: u l t ko gret pliuiarcre in recom mending it highly. Ai: o consider h n uph zidid toi.to and invig orator, and c(;ry itTvngthaaicaf" HOW. JOSEPH C. SUIT. Judgo of Circuit Court, Clinton Co., Ind.. any: ' 1 beer m-.st l i.eerlul teeti mony to the crficary c.f T,rorr Iron li.ttar for Dyspepsin, and a to-.r" Gonuini' !ia .1. : . 1! irk and cr'sv.-d rrd linos on wrapper. Ttike .i;'T. iiri1a i nly by The Watchman is devoted to the best interests of the people of North Carolina; to the development of the State's indus trial resources; to her farms, her forests, her minerals and her water-powers. It should be in your family. Subscribe for it. mm RKAMkSS i'iB A T-iifo Experience, cuiclt cures. T: isJ. Rorrarlotble and ELamp for seal&d particulars. Address Dr. YAftD l CO. Louisiana, Mo, Garden Seeds given away at Enniss' Drug Store. If yon buv on e-dollar's worth of garden seeds or drugs or medicines. Dr. Ex.niss a v ill give 10 papers of IVesli garden seedsf-i'ee. ALSO Tobacco seed free for oOeis. worth of garden seeds or medicines 19:tf. ESTABLISHED 1! (Wound on White Spools.) A full hue fiV this celebrated THREAD WHITK, FAST BLACK ami COb OlfcS for ssle at wholesale ar.d retail bv MERONEt & BKO, Salisbury N. . 44::hu. GENTS rCR SAMPLE COPY el 7hS BEAl TirCI. KOOK. Tt civpsttif LANCUME at'.l Se;tlmBt ol Ever Flower aad Surub. 3000 3 dilfert-iii kiiuia. AImi all the Kiowa BuUirt Fllria Ilea with Glove. Para tel. aadkercaiel and Fi. Ii is tur ami coasaitla work of I lie khifl e er pub lislieil. Sk-rul Fifteen f'ent in -cim for a sample copy, also our price in axeniK. Aajenta wartil iwnriiii. .1 l. CO.. 17 Kofth Tea'.h Iratl.Tlum'a. Fa. SINGER Ci7 A 9 BAIS' TK1AL. A Fall Set f WAKRAXTKU Yonrs. Snsl f r Clrcnlav. E. C HOWE CO., 8. etb St., ftUls., I MJ tesKs? i2rs m I If I Issfeiffi I 5 VAW all 15 AMEHICAN PUB. maw Dtngor ! A neglected cold or cough may eaifki Ti'neumonia.OonsumptfvHi or other fatal disease. Strong's Peetoral Pills will cure a cold a by ma?ic Best thine tor dyspepsiajn digestion, sick headacho as thousands testify. WEAKIUNDEVELOPED l , !.,( thSKUM VN H.U'V KNLVltKI).li:V-.U , ;. uMl'.iN .Ml NH'.ff.. inlntratlaa:d. lona run in our ninr, in irpn 10 innui- riivr-will y Hiat t hre is no evi'lenoc of hombng tttxvi' thia On tt'W rontrwrv. th grivrtiyTy nro TPry bi;iii-- in-l.-i "o lmrwt"l ixivin imny pet aealfxl circylani piving ai) narticuian. hy .1 ki"-i, c.i , i '.lio.N.'i . " ' t a P ORGANIZED 1859 A Home Company SEEKiNQ HOME PATRONAGE. Cash capital $300,000 Total assets $750,000 Insures all classes pro perty at a equate rates. Losses promptly ad justed and satisfactori ally settled without any litigation. J. SH0D23 BBOWHS, Prert. WM.C.COABT, S33. J, Allen Brown, Agt., Salisbury, N.O. 21:9m. After Fort v rears experience in the preparation-sOf more than One Hundred Thousand applications for patenta in the United Statea and Foren conn tries, the pulil inhere of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, t rnde-niarks, copy rights, etc.. for the United States, and to obtain patents In Canada. England, Irance, Germany, and all other countries Their experi ence is uneyualed and their facilities are unsur passed. . ... Drawings and specifications prepared and nlea in the Patent Othce on short notice. Terras very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patenta obt ained t hronph M un rut Oo.axe not iced inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICA, which has the largest circulation and is tlie most intluantial newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee underJianda. Tbia large and sn'endidlv illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is adn iti-d to bo th best paper devoted to science, meu-inics, inventions, engineering works, and other uepartments of industrial progress, pub lis :ed in anv country. It contains the names of all patentees" and title of every invention patented each we;-k. Try it four mouths for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers; If you have an invention to patent write to Munn Co., publishers of Scientific American, 9BI liroadwav. New Vork Handbook about patenta mailed free. Richmond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina Division. General Passer ger Cfiice. ASHEVILLK, N. C.-Aug. Si, 18Rj. Comaienclns Aug. 22. the lolluwlng Piissengcr Train schedule, will be oiionit(.a over UUs di vision. TUAIN NO. .v.' WEST. Arrive I Leave. TRA-n NO. VA EAST, Vrilve i Leave. Main Liiie i m . '.2.55 2.10 S.43 3.in 8 . r. 5. 2 5 : 5.52 6. -29 7.52 S.4:i 9 21 lo.;: 10. 10 11 V2 :toA'i 5 I'M Salisbury Statesvllle Newioa Illctory Icaid Morgantou Marion old Fort L'tiUiul Kuub. . . lil.iL'!c Mounuitn. AsUevlllo Alexanders Marshall 'A' ;i riu Springs. Paint Poo v 5 1J'M P. M. 1 12 3 10 2 MS 1 ra l 'S 12 27 I !;6 11 40 10 r2 9 .'i0 9 16 S 4 T 20 4 12 i 3 10 2 43 2 iC 1 28 12 27 TH 11 r,7 11 40 10 52 ,10 01 9 li 8 40 7 47 7 OI'Ail ' 10 2 43 3 :si x Vi r. 2 5 52 6 29 4:;' 10 20 TRAIN NO. 50. WEST. Arrive. I Leave ii l ies TRAIN No. 51. EAST. Arr Lvp. I L a c .M. 13 ."i ! 33 I;.) 1 9 36 i-n 07 00 IS so 2SPJ 25 1 iopii Sjiiishurv . . . I 40 II ::9 10 SS ie 12 9 :o 9 2J s ;i'j 7 59 7 6 21 : 1 4 4.1 4 01 1 35 i 41 :? : l :ti 5 09 " 41 6-9 7 :; a 2V 9 o. I loos I" 4S' 11 :;o us r- m. .siat-esvile 'Newtcu F'.lekory Heard i uorganlon . . . ' Marion 't)l(! Fort" . .. itOllilll K !)!. 1 iil.u k Mount ! -slieville ... Ale;n,IVrs . . Marshall .... ' i'ann spring : I'alnt Koek . . II 110 9 - 9 , n 7 r, 4 ) 200 i i. TI! IIV TKAIN No. s EAST A. M. U 11 12 31 :0 AM AshriUIe 11 12 Turnpt)e 12 40r.M v.j oef vlllc I'. M. 2 15 i lj 12 2f,PM t 00 2 S3 2 41 3 3 4 25 r. m. iSylva .NVebsfr . . . VV-hmier . .. '. ri irlesion Jnrr'M 10 2! .n 15 9 SS ' S 25 10 27 ,10 16 j 9 : -S 15 A.M. . G ':0 2 4' 3 :5 4 20 OS Meal Sl lllonS. Trains No's. 50 anLVl run solid 'jetween LotiNvIlle a.nd Sullslniry earrjjrfnS Pulun-in sieepens bf 1 ".veeD (iQClnatli; Loulsnlle and Knoxvlile also between Warm Sprinirs and Ooldsboio. Train? No. 52 and 5.1 run solid bet ween Morrlsiovvn 1 no Salisbury earn Ing Letchton Sleeping cure !; iwern (;hnit.inoiga an'i Asheviljp.. W. A I IM'K. a'. G. P. A. ArdieviHo, N. C. c. w. cure i;s, 4 . a. p. a Klebrtond Va. v. E. McltlvE. SUiii. Ashevlile N. V. rTITTTQ 13 A TU'T mnylic founrt e-u fllo f.t Om. LtllO r&riLlS, r. !lr.-ell Co'a KPWvijnpv-r . Adveniinx Bureau U0 Sjr-iee Sw). Vk brre aJvcrUfciog; ei.utriirta may Im maH-, ioi u i;v NjiW VOUxi. BaV" r 1.1 aa Ii all Ii III laaM 11 fl IMBUCIIT x. caaa avs j u lsi ut mm wmmm acJ su it 3-DiphthPTia, Croup, , AitxnjISroii8lilti, Nralia, Rhenmrtlra, Bleadias at the tmtm, l?t,1?ftue2?a' rfMne Cpnsh, Wh coping Coiyrfc, Catavrrb, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Chronic Kidney Trouhiea, -rd SpinajJeaica.Bmpnlet frg. Dr. I. 3. Johnaon Si Co., Boston. Haaa. I awaw ax av& aa ""IwW . m. Sjr"C5TtK9 Diphtheria, Crov A-"iarrnc:n Thisae pfOm were a rondrfol uleeOTery. No T---iieve all manner of disuavo. The information pills. nd out about them and you will always 11 gg. pom everywnere, ors-jnt oy matt for Boo, inatampa. or. 1. a. JOatWBOJC CO.,nC.H. aoaron. e; ert dan's Condition MAKE HENS LAY rowoer is sbaolutely puro ana nisrniy eon mutrated. One ounce in worth a pound of any other kind. It is strictly a medictne tol b iri Ten with food. old everywhere, or sent by mail for 35 oeata IB W6 bs exureaa, brepei. for a.OO. " o BSST REMEDY OOWK P02 CATARRH SORE MOUTH E THROAT In all forms and stages. PURELY VEGETABLE RE0U1RES NO INSTRUMENT. It Cures w-iera others foiled to give relief. Dr.n. B. Darts, Athens, Ga., says: "I suffered with Catarrh live years. But slnee using CEKTAIN CATAUKH cyitK am entirely free faun the dls ease," lr. O. R. Howe, Athens, Oh., says: "CERTAIN CATARRH CURB cured me of a severe ulcerated cre tliroat. and I cheertully endorse It." Miss Lucy J. cook, ooouee Co. Ga., writes, Sept. 17th, ia5: "Oneboitlo or your remedy entirely ured me of Catarrh with which I hud suffered greatly for itve years . " J. H. Allgood. Athena, Oa.. writes Sept. t, 85; "I had severe sore throat more than two weeks; was entliely cured by CERTAIN CATARR1I CURE In one day." CAN YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT. Only a lew of our ra.inv certificates are (riven here. Others cm be obtalae-Mrom your druggist, or by addresslUK 3 C. CO., ATHENS, Ga. Fnr Sale by JTIL ENNISS, Salisbury N.C. 21:ly. I certifv that on the 15th of Febru- ary I comniuience4 pivinp; my four! ,y children, acu 2, 4,6 and years, icn:i iivcij, ouiiiun ?i mill vu, uu ami within six days there were at. 3 least 1200 worms expelled. One child! 9 passed over 100 in one night. KJ J. E. Simpson. Hall Co., Fobrnary 1, 1S79. Sg, Srn: My child, five years old,had symptoms of worms. I tried calome and other Worm Medicines, but fail ) ! t ed to expel any. Seeing Mr. T3airJ certificate, 1 got a vial of your V oriii A Oil mil tlif tii'f Jiwn lirmi.ilit fitrtv f of ra im c inl tli. v.'.'i.ni 1 ar monvi nwi inf hum i uv .jvwvvui' yov ' imui i i were passed I could not count them. S. II. ADAMS. 21:ly. SOIylBTHING- NEW! lT LAMP CHIMNEYSj that' will not break by heatlor sale at ENNISS'. DIAMOND DYES - All colors yott wish at ENNISS1 DON'T FORGET to call for Reeds of all kinds at ENNISS'r TO THE LADIES : Call and see the Flower Pots-nt ENNISS'. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Moses Lyerjy, det 'd, to prcscnU-the same to me for piajruent. on or before the 14th day of October, 1887, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. And" those in ducted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment Oct. 14 '88." Joseph M. T.ykrt.t, 51:6t:pd. Executor. LOSING OUT! The Hi in ofj. H. THOMPSON'S SONS, h ive this day dissolved co paitnership by mutual consent. They nave on h ind a large lot of wagons. Plows, Feed Cutters &c., which they otTir at cost for cash, in order that they may close up 1 he business between this and the 1st day of January 18S7. All indebted to the above firm will please call at once and settle their notes and accounts; other wise they will Inrput in the hands of officer for collection. Uespectfuify, J. II. Thompson s Sons. Tyro Shops, Davidson Co., Sept. 23d, 18 86 40 : 2 in. WIRE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigued nt NO. 2. Granite How. D. A. ATWELL. Acnt far the ''CardwellThresher, Salisbnrv. N. C, June 8th tf. Subscribe now for the WATCH MAN men DLOOD. othen i:rs them in the world. WiH positively i around eoeh box ia worth ten tlmea the cost of a ear or box or be thankful. One pill a dose. Illustrated pamphlet NothiDK on carta will make hens lay like it. It chicken cholera cad all dlseaaea of hen.. Ia worth its weight Iiu gold. IUuetrated book by a a free. S l-i IB. a n -t lirht tin oans ' "t ' ' " ' mis ua. Lb. JOKJii A 1 4 z

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