Carolina Watchman local" THURSDAY, IJEC. 30, 1S86. r pftRSOXS writing for Information oa matte js a- rrttaed In-thls paper will piease say u In the Watchman." j Subscription Rates The subcriptorj. rates of the Carolina Watchmkn are as tonows : 1 yeartpMd tn advance,! 1.50 payru't delayed 3 tno'82.00 r payiu't del'ed 12mo'e2.50 J We saw a fine wild turkey (15-lbs) on the Street Monday. Jt was killed at tne mouth of Crane Creekf, The flags and instruments for our leather signals are all here and we hope lit will not be long before they are in op eration The mining matted prepared" by the mining editor is, for lack of room on this half sheet, reserved fernext week. Wf. M. 8. Brown roooses to connect with his splendid Clothing House a Mer chant Taloring Establishment; but the necessary arrangements will not be made before Spring. The weather flags and signals, procured for Salisbury through the energy of Mr, T k. Bruner. have been turned over to Mr. Buerbaum, hiss place of business beingcentral, and will be shortly display ed from there. i L. Isenhour was adjudged insane by a board compose of Magistrates Brinle and Heilig and Dr. Trantham and sent to jail-for safekeeping until, he can be otherwise provided lor. His disorder did not seem very serious, it was thought by gome, hia greatest hallucination being a belief in spells" put on him by others, or by thedevil. He will probably be good crazy by the time he gets out of jail. Master William Arthur Carter, of Statesviile was the successful candidate in the competitive examination for Con gressman Henderson's West Point Cadet ship. Rev. Mr. Murdoch, one of the examining board, speaks very highly of Mr. Carter, predicting his graduating from West Point with honors. Rowan, Catawba and Iredell were represented by the applicants. The young folks of this town without regard to color or previous condition, had a livelytime Christmas, and no mistake. It is worthy of note that horn music and Are crackers seemed growingjn populari ty, and kept the peaceful atmosphere in constant vibration day and night. Best of all, there was no sad accident and no fights. Whiskey fafled to get in his ugly work this time. Mr. H. Overman is on a visit to Ash land, Va. Pr.Gfriffith has gone tovisit friends in Forsyth county. Mr. Bain, of Philadelphia, is in the city the guest of Mr. A. J. Mock. Mr. J. F. Schenck, of Shelby, N. C, spent several days here recently. Mr. Dorch of Goldsboro. was in the city last week Jn the interest of the "Mer chants Protective Union." Mr. O. B. Van Wyck, and daughter, Miss Lydia, of Anderson, S. Ct, are the guests of Wm. H. Overman. Miss Stone, a charming and accom plished younglady of Greensboro, is the guest of Miss Linda Rumple. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Potts have taken the residence on Fulton str. left vacant by the absence of Mrs. S. A. Wilson, y Mr. E. R. Overman spent Christmas with his parents, in this place. M.m a general favorite here, and his friends are always glad to see him. He left Sunday night to resume his duties in the office of the R. & D. R. R. at Washington. Lots of Salisbury's boys who are en gaged away from home, spent Christmas with us, among them were Archie Young, Will Young, Douglas Brown, Tarn Mc Neely, Earnest Sbober, John Wilson, Clarence Murphy, T. K. Bruner and R L. Crawford. Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson, took the 11 BiJiPvitLE, N. C, Dec. 25. 1886. Dear Watchman?-The following dinninc from a medical almanac is so agropot to the Uhot at her as she ran, missed, her then "rotation" dis u&simi now I'oingou in vnr coin una that 1 must -mad JU to you. B ope yon can find room for it neat week. Youra liespecJUulIyy Politiciak: ''Colne-now, Mr Granger. I want you to do whnt vou can to heir m to represent joojr town in the legislature this winters Farmer Wal, I dnnno: old Golding'S heen thar for ten years or so, and's done first rate's fur's I kan diskiver." Politician "Yes. Mr. Goldinc is an ahln roan; but you don't want to keep one man in office forever. Why. it is iust the same in public office as it is in farming. You believe in rotatioMn planting, don't you?" "Yap; but then, don't vou know I ain't a- gom' to plant last year's pertater field with skunk cabbaee this year, just for the sake o' rotatin'. D'ye ketch my idee Mr. Brown?" It is to be presunied that Mr. Brown did. At any rate he did not stop to argue the matter further. Hogtetter for 1887. 4t THE Miss Turlington. DEAD BODT OP THE l.AUi' FOUKD A- BOCT ONE MILE WEST OF CAHY. Cart, N. C, Dec. 24. 1880. The body of Miss Turlington was found this evening about 2 o'clock at a point a bout one mile and a Quarter west of Cary, near the residence of Mr. Wiley Boughcom be. The body was found! by a negro man earned Prank Marsh, in a niece of woods about one quarter of a mile south of the North Carolina railroad and about the same distance from the country road leading from Raleigh to Durban?. It was found lying on its back, with hands crossed on the breast and one bullet siiot through the head. The body was found about one hun dred ya ds from, a path loading out of the main rnar nnd ft Kwni that tih mnrrl.r4'i' o'clock, train, Tuesday a. m. last, for At-J made no effort to cover u,p tne body It lanta, Ga., accompanied by her eldestxseems that a larger number of the searchers son, Mr. John Wilson. lady had'jumpedrfrom the buggy and tried to escape. It is presumed that Bineham Her three sons, John, Ed. andWm. all have business engagements in Atlanta, which may hold them for sometime, perhaps permanently, and Mrs. W has gone to be with them. Their absence creates a void on Fulton street which will be keenly felt by numerous friends. A Christmas Story. Fire cracker boy Mule joy Fire cracker shoot Mule scoot. Pocket Book Lost. Mrs. M. E. Taaffe had the misfortune to lose a pocket booky Christmas, about 6 p. m., at the Racket Store, containing three $o and two $10 bills. Don't know how or when it got away from her, nor who was made richer bv the loss. ii Fine Carpenter's Work. We are informed that Mr. -Small, con tractor and builder & this citv. has iust finished some work at the residence of Mr. Clement- a mantle piece which will compare with any seen at the great ocn 'tennial exhibition. 1; Hog Cholera. Capt. James Crawford, of this vicinitv, has sustained a heavy loss in hogs by cholera, and the disease is still diminish ing his herd. "Copperas, charcoal, wood-. ashes and turpentine are to some extent worm destroyers,"atid may be given to either growing or fatteninglhogs," says a writer in the N. C. Farmer. The hog cholera is believed to be caujsed by woiims or parasites, and anything that will de stroy them without injury! to the hogs may be given. For the Watchman. j On Friday, Dec. 24th, inst., at each of the churches of the Bethel pastorate, Rowan county, we had our Christmas tree services. It was a pleasure to the pastor to be present and to conduct the exercises at two of the churches, viz : St. Paul's and Bethel ; and we would have enjoyed very much meeting the good people and childrennround the Christmas tree at Christ's church, but were hinder ed by heavy rain during the evening. At these services of course the children were but iu full force, to be made glad by receiving the many presents from friends and loved ones. It does the heart good to go into a large congregation and see so many bright eyes looking so intently upon a Christmas tree. Certainly seeing the children rejoice is sufficient in itself to repav us for all nec essary trouble and expense-. And we know of no better way than this, to in terest and encourage the children. And it is the duty of christians to take care of the ".Lambs of the Flock," and to co-operate with the pastor in all his efforts to attract, please, and draw them, for if a congregation refuses to do this, it will soon have a blank history. The interest thatr is taken in the children to day will be the power of the church in the future, and will also tell on the eter nal shore when Jesus maketh up His Jewels." In this connection it gives us pleasure to state that most of our people seem in terested in the Sunday school work, and therefore it was no great tax upon them to give a suitable present to each of the 450 Sunday school pupiis in the charge. Leaving them still m a condition of heart ana purse to remember tne parsons family with quite a number of handsome presents. from the tree in St. Paul church the pastor's wife received a beau- Mlul purse well ulled, ana is now puz zling ua with the ouestion as to the best investment to make of her money. Also this congregation sent its annual load of provisions to our door, while the Bethel people manifest their appreciation in many tangible ways from time to time. We mention these things because they are given not to make up a deficiency iu salary, but as a token of kind christian regard, and for this season we appreciate them all the more. C'A. Rose. Zeb, N. C. Dec. 27th, 1886. were near Momsville. A messenger has been dispatched to notify the searching party that Miss Tin Ungtonfs body has been found. Marsh was not searching for the body when he found it. He had started over to Mr- Boughcoinbe's on business. G. W. Goess. The place is by no means-isolated, houses being in sight in in two directions, and it is a matter of the greatest surprise that the spot should be chosen for the commission of such a horrible crime It appears that Bingham had driven over the road and through Morrisville as before stated, going through that village at about 12 o'clock m., and that he had taken a by-road to the left of the main road, one mile beyond that place, making, a circle outinuallv to the left until he reached the main road near Cary a second time, then turned from the left of the main road again; goins about forty yards into the woods when he stooped and tied his horse. This fact was ascer tained by the marks made by the horse in stamping Ids fore feet. The hat and reti cule of Miss rurh-igton were hanging on the bouf-h of an oak tree at that ix'int. Signs seen here indicate that the young jumped from, the buggy, pursued and over look tier, dealt ner some violent blows on her left cheek, knocking her senseless and then shot her through the' head. Ttae pis tol was evidently very close to her head when fired, her face and her hair being badiy scorched by the powder. Right here were two old rails between which was a large blood stain. From here she was dragged for about fifty yards further into woods, as was evidenced from the particles of fur from her cloak, having been caught by the twigs and brush between the spot and the place she was found. THE BODY AS DISCOVERED. When found the cuff on her right arm was pulled down over her hand and was stained with blood, indicating that she had thrown herband to head when the fatal shot was fired. Her muff was near her left side. There were four rings on her fingers and a necklace around her neck. Her Clothing had not been torn and was in good order. A part of her hair had fallen down and had apparently been pushed into the coil by some one after she had been killed. She seemed to have buen carefully placed upon her back and hands crossed upon her breast and she was lying upon a slight incline, the head being" on the higher por tion and towards the. north. It would seem from the careful arrangement of the body that the maddened and frenzied lover after having committed he horrible Crime realized his inexpressible inhumanity and had as a last and forever lasting farewell to the woman he love'.i best on earth, bestowed every tender caress and token of love opon her that was left iu his power. The coroner went up to Gary last night toView the remains. It is understood on good authority that the body will be brought here on thh 8.45 train and that the inquest will be held here at 10 o'clock. . ; DR. R. P. SNEAD, Physician and Surgeon ' SALISBURY. N. C, Most respectfully offers his professional servi ces t the public. figTOffiee in Maj. Cole' Iron Front Build ing, 2d floor, East Cor. Main & Fisher sirs. Residence, corner Main & Horah stra. Dee. 23, 1886. tf lSi III III 1 IH1l!lUl ' 2 I- J lA -THE BEST TONIC. completely ua, inmcntion, eait Blood. Malajria. C bills This medicine, combining Iron with r-nre Tegeiaoie ionics, qtncKiy ana mum. Impure and Fevers, and Neturaletau It lean unfailing remedy fur Diseases of the Kidoejr and Liver. It is iftval uable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lrres. - Xtdoes not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation etter Iron medicine do. It enriches and purines the blood, tiaruUtes the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, relieves II eart burn and Belching, and rtrcuginens tne muscles ana nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lai or Kncrry, etc., it has no equal. ' "-tT The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper Take no other. 'b-ayl MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS 1 i 'viifii" ..?f"'W, "ft fj . '-?ter-- CHARLOTTE, N. G. PAV YOUR DOCTOR. Dr. I. M. Taylor having left his ac counts with me for collection, all persons indebted to him are advised to call very soon and pay the same. Jas. H. McKenzie. Dec. 21, 1886. 9:6t. XATIlil lit ix Illlkllll'l H X INFORMATION Christmas Trees at Salem Church. There were 690 gifts arranged on tw o trees at this place-, which were distribu te to the children by Mr! Elliott, the snnerinteudent of the Sabbath School: These presents werq of almost every size and quallity: from valuable garments down to doll babies, candy and nnts. The children were made very happy, and It was joy to older people present to witness the scene. There were com munion services on Sunday, the pastor, Bev. Mr. Shive, preached a j good sermon from 1st Gor. xv: 27, 28, 29. I An Old Anaintiance. yve are indebted to the editors, T. S.l Arthur & Son, of 92Q Walnut St. Phila delphia, for a copy of the January No. of "'Arthur's Home Magazine." It was highly esteemed years ago as one of (the best monthlies for the family; and a rather hastj glance over this No. sus tains the opinion that it holds up to its former standard of excellence. We have M SkL! f . it m .jusuion or saying -no good comes of fooling." This book tells a splendid story illustrating the same idea "no good from practical jokes,." mi Barn burning has resulted in a dange rous state of feeling between the whites and blacks near Memphis, Tenn., wbicfi may break out into war at any moment. Secretary Manning has issued a call for W millions 2 per c. bonds for redemption. There were four suicides last week a rich old farmer in Virginia, a dissolute young man at Asheville, a younsr married woman, and a young married man. the vwo last citizens of South Carolina. The Pope and the Italian Government. Rome, Dec 25. The Pope reserving Christmms Congratulations from the College of Cardinals, spoke at some length of the position of the church in Italy, lie protes ted against the movement .vhieh is being carried on in that country and said that the Holy See was now despoiled- ofitlie last remnant of its patrimony. The only liberty left to him was that held by theHonian Pon tiffs in the earliest aaes. The Italian j.ov ernmeut, Be declared had assisted the Laity in unduly interfering with the ad ministration of the church, had expelled religious bodies and tolerated an organized hostility against the Vatican. As head of the church be must continue to protest against the position in which he is placed. NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. I guarantee Shriner's Indian Vermifuge to destroy and expel worms from the hu man body, where they exist, if used ac cording to directions. You are author ized to sell it upon the above conditions. David E. Foutz, Proprietor, Bultimore, LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. C, for the week ending Dec. 25, 1886. - A M Fisher 2 S A Smith F K Smith L M Kluttz Burrell McWilsm Sally Brown Louis D Peeler Daniel Peeler James Holmes Rev Wm Boyle JT Barber Deisey Boggan Earley Clarke R P Carroll Jennie" A Dart , W M Freeman M A Murneoudes W P O'Brien I W B Parker Frank L Penny Drl Sumnors Prof R Slater ' Mary Ford G H Ereoin Dorah Earn heart Eller Elrich. A S Grason Gertrude Gordine IID E L Hill Grannie Kin Mary Kimbo HammetC Kennedy P P Kirk C S Jridey Newett Moore Rev Mr Lewis Sallie A Lincoln Carrie Shoaf R Smith J H Summerson James Wilson Thos C.Watson Denny Wilkin Ar.nie Sconet Please say advertised when the above Tetters are called for. A. H. Boyden, P. M. MANY PERSONS this season suffer from -f either Headache, yeuralgia, Rheumatism, Pains in the Limbs, Back and Sides, Bad Blood, Xndlaest Ion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Coittt i pat ion. & Kid, u y Troubles. VOLINA CORDIAL CURES RHEUMATISM, Bad Blood And Kidney TrbnhlM, br cleansing tha blood of all its impurities, strengthening all parts of the body. "- VOLINA CORDIAL CURES SICK-HEADACHE, Venralgia, Pains In the Limbs, Back and Sides, by toning the nerves and strengthening the muscles. VOLINA CORDIAL CURES DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion and Constipation , by aiding the assim ilating of the Food through the proper action of the stomach ; it creates a healthy appetite. -VOLINA CORDIAL CURES NERVOUSNESS, Depression of spirits and Weakness, by enliven ing and toning the system. -h VOLINA GORDIAL CURES OVERWORKED and Delicate Women. Puny and Sickly Children. It is delightful and nutritious as a general Tonic Volina Almanac and Diary, for 1887. A handsome, complete and useful Boos, telilnchow to CTRE DISK asks at HOME In a pleasant, natsral way. Hailed on receipt of a Sc. postage stamp. Address VOLINA DRUG A CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO., U. 8. A. NOTICE! VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. In accordance with a decree of Rowan Superior Court, had nt November Term 18S6, the record of which may he found by a reference to the minutes of said Term, I will spII at public auction for cash, at the Courthouse door, in the town of Salisbury, on the first Monday in Jannarv 1887, being the 3rd day of January in said year, two houses and a lot. together with convenient out buildings and stables, the same being described as lollows: Situated in the Great South Ward of the Town of Salisbury and constituting one town lot therein, it being the lot on which is situated the dwelling house of C. T. Bernhardt, together with a number of convenient out buildings and a tene ment house in the rear of the dwelling house. This lot has a frontage ot 99 feet oh I nn is St, runs back on Long St 396 feet ttiid contains 144 square poles, more or less, it bting the same property the deed lor which is registered in Book 64. page 32 of the Public records iu the Office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Rowan and State of North Carolina. The title to this property is perfect iD every respect and the purchaser will be secure m nis rignrs unaer a aeeu given because of said sale under said judgment or decree in the civil action of James W. Rumple, Receiver, vs. C. T. Bernhardt and wife. JAMES W. RUMPLE, 6:tods. Commissioner. If You Wish a Good Article Of Plug Tobacco, ask vonr dealer for "Old Rip." M i M ( ENGINES, If you want to keep up with the times ake the Watcitma n you can't be left . EXCELSIOR (INCORPORATED,) No. 100 Clinton Street, Chica go, Illinois, Manufacturer's of Mining Ma cfiinery of all kinds, also Ma chinery for the treatment of GOLD, SILVER, COPPER BOILERS AND ALL KINDS OF lw JL JT3L JrJL JL iJ JtLi i MINING MACHINERY, STAMP MILLS, j . ' CORNISH PUMPS. Correspondence Solicited. JOHN ICES, 2ind LEADlM0RTGA6E SALE OF LAND in Scotch Irisli Township, Saturday Dec, 18, 1886. ORES BY l I The Hair May Be Preserved To an advanced age, in its youthful freshness, abundance, and color, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. "When the hair is weak, thin, and falling, this preparation will strengthen it, and improve its growth. Some time ago my wife's hair began tojcbme out quite freely. She used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor, which not only prevented baldness, out also stim ulated an entirely new and vigorous growth of hair. I am ready to certify to this statement before a justice of the peace. H. Hulsebus, Lewisburg, Iowa. n two ocoasions, during the past twenty years, a humor in the scalp caused my hair Ao fall out.. Each time, I used Ayer's' Hair Vigor and with grati fying results. This preparation checked the tyair from falling, stimulated its growth, and healed the humors, render ing my scalp clean and healthy. T. P. Druinmond, Char lest own, Va. About five years ago my hair began to fall out. It became thin and lifeless, and I was certain I should be bald in a short time. I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. One bottle of this preparation caused my Hair to grow again, and it is now as abundant and vigorous as ever. C. E. Sweet, Gloucester, Mass. I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for years, and, though I am now fifty-eight years old, my hair is as thick and black as when I was twenty. This prepara tion creates a healthy growth of the hair, keeps it soft and pliant, prevents the formation of dandruff, and is a per fect hair dressing. Mrs. Malcom B. Sturtevant, Attleborough, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumer. Perfect Health is maintained by correct habits of living, and through a proper action of the Stomach, Lives, Kidneys, and Bowels. When these organs fail to per form their functions nam- all y, the most efficacious remedy is AytrV- Pills. For months I suffered fn.n Liver and Kidney complaint. After taking my doctor's medicines for a month, and getting no better, I began using Ayer's Pills. Three boxes of this remedy cured me. James Slade, Lambertville, N. J. Safety, Thorough action, and wonderful cura tive properties, easily place Ayer's Ca thartic Pills at . the head of the list of popular remedies, for Sick and Nervous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. As a mild and thorough purgative, Ayer's Pills cannot be excelled. They give me quick relief , from Bilious and Sick Headaches, stimulate the Liver, and quicken the appetite. Jared O. Thompson, Mount Cross, Va. AYE R'S coated PILLS, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers Id Medicine. ERADICATED. mmeisnmmsMsmwmm dae ran to my tht I tfctntrl am entirely well of cessm after fcsriiu . s mc:ec. i have ucen troubled with ii wrv tit !.. n . se begrontnK of cold weather last fail it madn a alight in Ittver rrtrtrned. S. S. S. .110 doubt hrrtke. ii nn- at l.Jfi mtmUt.v0,L .1 ana I cot It also benefited hit wife orfatlv . r .4. hM,K. ...f WatklwviUe, Ga., Feb. tf, lSi& Uev, f AilSS V. M. Treatise on Slooa sod Skin Diseases mailed free. SssassssassSSS 2Li rrawcr 3- Atlanta. Go. XORKIS. Smelting or Concentration process. Estimates, plans and specifi cations furnished- for Metallur gical Works. Manufacturers of the celebrated Duncan Concentrator BAKER HOUSE POWER. 1 y New York Office No. 146 Broadway. 30:tf A tract of land "belonging to Julius Wilson, consisting of fifty-one acres, more or less, will be sold at public sule at the Courthouse door in Salisbury on Mon day the lid day of January 1880, to satisfy Jhe provisions of a mort gage given to Wm. W. Mott, Sept. 4th, 1886, and registered in Book 2, page 891. Register's! office of Rowan county. This tract adjoins the lands of Burton Mont gomery, Scott Turner, Isaac Lowery and Margaret Addie and Polly Wilhehn. Sale will take place at 12 o'clock. M. Terms Cash. Wm. W. Mott. Nov. 18, 1886. G:lm. NOTICE! All persons indebted to me by account, note or mortgage, that has been standing some time, will please come forward and settle the etone; Will take cotton and produce at market prices in pavment. r R. J. HOLMES. Nov 1st, m. 2:2m. CHEAPER & Wm THANEVEB!'. ' J. S. McCubbins has just reeenred th largest and most complete stock of new SPUING AND SUMMER goods that he bus ever offpred 'to -the pub lic : Consisting of DryGod, Notion, Boats and Shotfs, Groceries, Drags, Hats, Clotbfng, Provisions, Crockery and Glass ware, and a full line of high grade - .... r Fertilizers For Cotton and Tobacco, all of which is offered very cheap for Cash, Barter, or good Chattle Mortgages. I Drm't fail to go and sec. him at No-.l, Murphy's Granite Row, Salisbury, N,.C. Mill Stones, Winflow & Boor Stoies. The undersigned owns and works a' granite stone quarry six miles South of Salisbury, and is prepared to nil orders for anything in his line Mill Stones and all kiuds of Building Stones, a specialty. Will give large orders special terms, and "prices. Jauks A.. RiTcniK. Nov. 18, '86. 6m :1m p. FOR SALE 08 RENT O Small Ilonscs. Applv to J. S. McCUBBINS, Sr. ! April 1st, 18SC. fU-Xt M at TMs! ing and cooking stoves of all kinds. The brst in town. New "Lee" cock ing stove is one of the best stoves made ia "America, i-'ee my stock before buyin 51:2m. WMS. BROW. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal cf every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PLUNGER. VERTICAL PI8TGN, Eagulat Horisontal Piston. BBBSW BBsSmSI BBS1 EMlJlBn BBSS 'EbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS fieW'.V J The most' simple,' tlurabte and effective Pump in the market fur Minrs, Quarri2r, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesia:i well's, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. jjfSend for Catalogue. Be 1 S. CAMiBON ITLLYl PUMP W: U, r Foot of East 20hd St: eet. New Yortu X I

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