4 T FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY a Reprsentin a line of Com pinics equal to any in North Carolina. Insures against loss 0- damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, Tornadoes or Cy- 1- lones. Policies written on short no- tieo at lowest possible rates. Be sure and call before insur- i-tgyourLIFE or PROPERTY. Koval rire Insurance Urn D injrof Liverpool, has the larg A net surplus of any Fire In trance -Company in the world. All losses paid as soon as ascer t ained without the usual dis count for cash payments. Office, next doori to A. C. II arris'. V Pcli23:ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K Kit K CRA.IOE. t. II. CLEMENT CRAIGE & CLEMENT. .ttornoys .jAMSBUItY, N. C. Ph. 3rd, 1681. NERVOUSDEBILITY OBOAKICWZAKKEfiS IWbt nnil numerous HARRIS' I lobscureaiseaees, uai fllnsthe Bkilled phy sicians result fram outhful indiscretion. A Radical Cure FORI oo Ires indulgence, or wnrlirainwork. Avoid JOSRVOUS the imposition ot preten tious remedies for th-se trouble. Get our Free Circalar end Trial Pack, age. and learn important! facta ! before takinz treat ment tls-whTe. Take a, SURE Rem unr that n.8 CURED thousand, doea not interfere with atten tion to business, or cause pain or inconvenience ia any waj. Founded on e i entitle medical princi ple!. By direct application to the teat of disease its specific influence ia felt without delay . The cat unl functions of the hu debility, OrraniG Weakness, PHYSICAL V DECAY. InVouncAMiddlel Mgea men. Teireo for ovenSrxl Years bv usi in manyI Thousand Cases. IHOUSAN tee TRIAL man organism Is restored. The animating elements of life, which nave been vtnted are given back.a n ci the patient becomes cheer fulaad rapidly pains both strength and sexual virr. TREATMENT. One Month. - $3 001 Two montns. - e.noi Three Months, 7.00 HARRIS REMEDY CO., H'FCCKEKJSTS 30ex N. Tt.ntb St.. ST. LOUIS. KO. D I I DTUREO PERSONS! Not a Truss. FYk W a Ask for Urrns of onr App.iance. WS CSrXVXJ TRIAl FOTTTZ' S HOR8S AND CAT'.LL POWDERS .tic m r t.ir. nT r i.cho Ks Kmirifi. t"r.ailcr art- m in i'". Font' t'oivflpfpu ili-i!rf :in nrt'viit tl' J ' imi.ltirA. rtHitr' rosr w") nw.V.Tr T" - TV r'nULS. fVHt's Pnw.lejn ill tii-ri :i e the qt'alttfiy of milk IM T"atn iwvtirv P'"T rent., nwi inaki- the jmttcrCrai ttvi swert. - FftttV t'n "''"r - i 'T;rc ir w'-"i:t h!tnt etkbt Dii aki to Wsisrli .r irrl i ;iilli- nre !ii''i.vt. iM'iri PottlK RK jnlVli SrAT I S- ACTUX. PV aT V. "T", Proprietor. J. II. Enniss Dm ryist, Agf'Ht. THIS PAPER !b OS file In Pbtlndelpkia at the Newspaper Adver tisina: Areno' of at earn. N. Wi AY t a ON, oar aaUsorised aganU. Cfl AjRIS of rtfd land, 6 miles fjlj fro n "Salisbury, on tlio Concord road, V" terms reasonable forcanlt. 5I:tf, PlXKNliV Ludwick. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS THOROUGHLY KQU! PPEt) 7AEEWT Of POSTERS as Ms as a barn door dow n to mest dcJlcate Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, fjtlCE LISTS, Sefcaol an Hartg frogrammls, of all kixis Court and Magisterial. "JiltTSi 3'iCllCd and S.ltltiu J'Utt: liUvrt JMMcCfllflUr. TBS. II M t riiinnn FROM BLANKS Simmons Livar Bsgnulator is what the name indicates a "Regulator" of that most important ocgan, the Liver. Is vour Liver out of orderr 'men ts your whole svstm deransed, the breath often- ve, you hitve headache, feel languid, dispinted, and nervous, no appetite, sleep , is troubled and nnretresntng. fcjiramons Liver Rcsrulater restores the healthy action of the Liver. 8ee that you get the Genuine, prepared by J. H. Zelin & Co. 14:1m. U Bingham's Reported Capture. R tleigh, N. C, Jan. 20. Governor Scales has received a telegram from Knoxville that a detective there has irrested Bingham, the deaf mnte mur derer of Miss Turlington, but is unwil ling to surrender him until the Legis lature has passed a bill, now pending, to increase the reward for his capture from 8400 to 700. This news needs c no linn at ion. Watciiman. , Good Results in Every Case. T. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he win seriously afflicted with a severe co'd that settled on his lungs; had tried many reme dies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. Kinu's New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the expe rience of thousands whose lives have been saved bv this "Wonderful discovery. Trial bottle free at Kluttx's Dru Store. Favorable to Admission. Washington, D. C, Jan. 20. The House committee of territories to day reported back favoAbly the Senate hill for the admission to the Statehood of Washington territory and a portion of Idaho, with an amendment admitting Montano on like terms. Another amendment requires the constitution of the new States to include prohibition gainst polgamy. An End to Bond Scraping. Edward Sheperd, of Harrisburg, Bl., says, Having received so much benefit from Ehctr.c Bitters, 1 feel it my duty to let suneung humanity Know it. nave nati a running sore on mv leg for eight years; my doctois told me I would have to have the bone sera l ied or ler amputated. I used. itisteio, three lottle of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck I en's Arnica Salve, and mv lei: is now sound and well. Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bott le, and Ducklen's arnica Salve at 25c per box at Kluttz's Drug Store.;, Explosion at Newport News. Newport News, Val, Jan. 20. One of the large grain elevator boilers of the Chespeake and Ohio railroad explod ed about 3 o clock this afternoon, tear ing the brick boiler house to pieces At the time of the explosion five men were within the building. Samue Robinson, assistant fireman was killed; W. Mcliae, fireman, was terribly scald ed; David Scott, LI ic hard Jordan and Wm. Narceise, colored laborers, were badly burned. The damage to the ele vator is $S,000.- " Canstunption Can bo Cured." Dr. J. S. Combs, Oirensville, Ohio says "I have given Scott's Ktiiulsioii of C Liver Oil with IIy)o)hosphites to fbjhr patients with better result than seemed possible with any reined v. AH were hered itary cases of Lung disease, and advanced to that 8ta'c when Coughs, nain in the chest, frequent breathing, frequent pulse fever, unit iuuu iat ion. All these eases have increased in weight fron; !Gto2Slbs ami are not now needing any medicine. I prescribe no other Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, Lime and Soda but Scott's, believing it to be the best."' Giving With a Grudge. THE PASSAGE OF MEXICAN PENSION BILL. Washington, Jan. 17. The House today passed the Mexican pension bill as it came from the Senate byan over whelming majority. There seems to be no doubt that the President will ap prove th bill. It provides that a pen sion of 8 a month shall be paid to all surviving officers and enlisted men, in clud ng marines, militia and volunteer of the military and naval services of the United States, who being duly en Kstei, actually served sixty days with the army or navy of the United States in Mexico or on the coasts or frontier thereof dr enroute thereto in the wai with that nation, or who were actually engaged in battle in said war and were honorably discharged, and to such oth er officers and soldiers and sailors n may have been personally named in am jesolution-of Congress for any specific service in said war, and the surviving widows of such officers and enlisted men: Provided, that such widows have not remarried : Provided that every such officer, enlisted man or widow, who is or may become 62 years of age, or who isor may become subject to any disabilities or dependency equivalent to some cause prescribed or recognized by the pension laws of the United States as sufficient reason for the allowance of a pension, shall be entitled to the benefits of this Act; but it shall not be held to include any person not within the rule of age or disability or depen dency herein defined, or who incurred such disability while in any manner voluntarily engaged in or aiding or abetting the late rebellion against the authority of the United States, Section 4,716 of the Revised Statutes is repeal ed, so far as it relates to this Act or to pensioners under the Act. Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve. The Debt Sai.vb in the world for Cut, Bruises. Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rhetlm, Fever Sore. Tctte, Chappeci Haiuls, Chil Mains Corns, antl all Skin Eruption, ami positive ly cures Piles, or no pay reiajred. It is ftiarantwi ro jnvc pericct satit;irtion. r money reuitirlcd. Price 25 cents pes bx. Fr Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:K. FOR SALE. One pood second hand Dean Sinking Pump, in eood order. Apply to The Nrw Hoover H114, Gold Minis Co, Hoover Hill, N. (V I 11:2m. : Sowing Tobncco Seed. Now w the time for sowing tobacco gel, and those of our farmers who .mifpmnlate raisini? this weed sftonin ..l.. u;a -.nrt nnd not delav it , t u f transplanting in L Unnnln, fl.s ,Hnn. "-o ry1- of tobacco all farmers not thoroughly skilled in its management are alwttvs rea(lv to learn all tbey can that will I ,.,f..,ra r,mt 17 R Davis of Hickory, who is a successful planter and a practical man in every way, gives the following hints in re gard to the preparation and care ot plant beds. To the planter an early and abun dant supply of tobacco plants is the thing of prime importance, lo secure this the seed mav be sown at any time between the 15th of December and the 15th of March, the earlier the better, and alloting 100 square yards of seed bed to everv lU,uuu plants tnat wm oe needed. The ground selected for the purpose should be virgin soil of sandy texture, rich and moist, with full ex posure to the sun, but sheltered to the north and west by rising ground or growing timber, against the cold winds of early springy Such spots can be readily found m wooded hollows, at the foot of hills, and near to or along side some water course. Other things being equal, the farther into the woods the spot selected is the better in order toscape the potato bug. Barninu the riant lied. 1 he ground having been well chosen, the next thing is rake it cleanly, and then bum it thoroughly so as to kill all germs of vegetation. The burning can be at a single blast, if done with dry brash. heaped upon the entire bed a height of some four feet. A better but costlier method is to burn with wood laid upon i i i green poles, winch serves tne pur pose of ventilation, in ease the wood should be piled the whore length and s I O i 1 or convenient tvidtn, sav six reet, ana after the pile has been well kindled it should be allowed to burn some two hours, or until the poles underneath are burnt up. The burning wood and lire coals should now be moved by using old hoes fastened upon long handles, and again spread a convenient width and fresh wood added, which should burn until the ground underneath has been burnt sis thoroughly as before, and so on until the entire bed has bnru't over. So soon tis the ground has cooled enough to walk upon it, and without removing the ashes, it should Je broken deeply and finely with the mattock, care being taken not to invert the soil, and then chop ped with weeding hoes and raked until clean of roots and well pulverized for which reason land should never be burnt when too wet. Sowing the Seed. The bed is now ready for seeding. The variety of seed recommended is Orinoco. The quanti ty sown should be one and a half tablespoonful to every 100 square yards, and in that exact proportion for each fraction of multiple thereof. Great care should be taken to sow the seed as regularly ns possible, so us to prevent some spots from being too thin, and. what is worse, other spots from being too thick. To do so the seed should be carefully measured and then thorough ly mixed in a convenient quantity of dry ashes, and the mixture divided into two equal pirts. The bed should be marked off into convenient sowing breadths by lines of four feet apart, and sowed entirely over with one-half the seed in one direction, and then over again with the other half and in the opposite direction, the sower re tracing his steps. The seed should be left upon the surface and neither hoed or raked into the soil, but trodden in with the foot, or pressed with the back of a weeding hoe, or better still, by passing a light roller over the bed. To prevent drifting or puddling of the seed by washing rains, where the ground is rolling, trenches slightly inclined and two inches deep and four feet apart should be made with t lie mattock across the bed. Where the ground is flat and subject to being sob bed, it should be thoroughly drained, as nothing draws more easily than the tobacco plant. For the three-fold purpose of warm th moisture and fertility, the bed should now be top-dressed with a covering half inch thick of good stable manure broken fine, the fresher the better, but in any case free of grass seed. Wheii-such stable manure is not con venient, then from the hen house or hog-pen will answer, hog hair also making an excellent tnp-dressing. It neither of these is at hand, some strongly ammonized fertilizer should be applied at the rate of half bushel of it to every 300 square yards, and raked into the soil before seeding. The bed should be thickly covered with fine brush to prevent both drying and freez ing of the soil, by which the plants are either checked in their growth or lifted out bv the roots. Commissioner's Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court for partition among the lieirs at law of Samuel Linn, deceased, the under signed, as commissioners of Court, will sell on the premises, on Wednesday the 9th day of February 1887 the following descrilnd tract of land: About (107) one huudretl and even acres, situate about one mile from China Grove and known as the Samuel Linn nlace. Fair dwelling and out houses and about fortv acres of heavy timber. This sale will be confirm ed by the Court, if it brings a fair price. Terms of-sateotttnird cash dnd the re maining two-thirds on a credit of nine months, with interest at eight per cent on the deferred payment. Title reserved un til the purchase money is paid. C. A. Linn, D. W. Bostian, ) Coin'n. Jan. 3d 18S7. ILtds GOLD HIL AT A BARGAIN ! A 5 stamp cold mill and 4 copper plates, 40x20, all good as new and but li J little used, for salv at a bargain. Address T. K. Bruneb. Salisbury, X. C. vHAlk.t.uilOI.? The Average Length of Life De- creas'ng Not Pestilence ' Kjt Famine -All oar , own la nt. Modern Cooking and Mod ern Living have brought it on. It comes upon us una wares. The patients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort ot sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite'is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while .a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud denly. The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty mid high col ored, depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre quently a s it ting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended with palpi- f tation of tne heart and Asth- msfttic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, with spots be fore the eyes; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn pi-eseut. It is thought that nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Roots (Sei gel's Syrup) changes the fer ments of the Digestive organs so as to convert the food we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, and food health is the consequence The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, find when this cue trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, i r tl,oy are but syiiipton of te redl malady. Testimonials from thousands of people t?;ealvincr highly of its curative properties prove this beyond a doubt. Sold by drusrgists. . . EXHIBIT Of the Clerk of the Board of County Committsioners for the County of Rowan, to the firt Monday in December, A. 1). 1880. Amounts and items audited by the Board to the members thereof: Thos J Sumner, er diem u " 7 days extra service " " mileage C F Baker, por diem, " 4 days extta service W L Kluttz, per ciem " " 4 days txtra service J S 3IcCubbins,per dit m " 1 day extra service L W Coleman, per diem " mileage H N Woodson, Clerk, per diem $20,00 14,00 9,00 26,00 8,00 2G,00 8,00 26,00 2,00 24,00 12,00 26,00 $207,00 Total Distances traveled by the members of the Board in attending 'the sessions of the same: r Thomas J Sumner, 180 miles L W Coleman, 240 4i Horatio X. Woodson, Cl'k. Dec. 1st. 1887. 7:4t. "nii si wb till t "OO V J.ttOH 3 a-JlKYUHVAs tvihi tma Tlr sruxiiiu u '.mm wijii mm mtm u " tad anmif PT assejisisaa poiiiww binaSt v ciu tHM n Ai.id jno nu ' kv 4;dmiSH soi Bdui)s at nm3 UM pn inll -qnd J miw ai) o H tom s,t;4ste-) isesirnt OHV vest- s-jsj a05 int. asj(l Mil J isaiai ITS w nt Jsaasnj a is ltaasum pun a93iiri "tt,A' it 1 hit SIsUPMN U The Baron and the Treasury Girl Th 3 story going the rounds of the press about the pretty Boston girl who became the - wife of the late king of Portugal finds a paralell, though in a less degree, in the marriage of a pretty government clerk of this city, says a vv asnington letter to ine imcaco yewn. About ten years ago the name of Camil la Woodford was borne on the rolls of the treasury department as a clerk in the redemption division. At that time Miss Woodford was scarcely IS years old. She was the younger member of of an old Southern family that had lost their fortune during the war, and was a gentlewoman by birth and education. One day the Baron Von Havre, the Bel gian minister, who was visiting the de artment. chanced to enter the room where Miss Woodford sat. It was a case of love at first sight The btiron inquired her mime, and through the chief of the bureau requested an intro duction. He called upon her several times, and at last proposed marriage. The lady then informed him that she was already betrothed to a fellow-clerk in the department. He urged her to cancel the engagement, but she declin ed, although admiting had she met him first that her answer might have been different. Finding her obdurate the baron resolved to leave America hoping in the distractions of some Euro pean court to forget the pretty Yankee girl who had refused his suit. Me went St. Petersburg, but within 90 days, re turned to Washington again. This time the lady smiled more graciously upon him, and sn the end consented to become the Baroness Von Havre. Shortlv after their mnsriage, which, I sy O ' am told, has proven a remarkably hap py one, they removed to Brussels, where they still reside. What became of Miss Woodford's former sweetheart I have never head, but he probably accepted the situation philosophically, lis W iu.t poor government clerk would not when nobleman with an income of $50,000 he had a rival in a young and handsome a year. - TIRED OUT! At this Reason naartjr every "ne urcis to ue aotsa Bert nf tonic. IKON enters tr.to nin-- t -y ph) -aician's prescription for those who need bmlcirs; u. THE BS5TT0H1C For W edUncf, l.assiJ nd, lack of Enercv, etc., it HAS NO JiQVAl., and is the only Iron jr.edicine that 53 not injurious. It Enriclic) the Uloedt liiYicun.u-s tLo System, Kewtore.s Appetite, Aids l'isrcsl iou It does not blacken or injuro the teeth, cenve head ache fir produce constipation uihr? htm mlicimrt ! Dr. O. H. BtJfKlXT, a leading physician of Spring field. Ohio, saj-s: " Brawn's Iron Bittors is a thoroughly g?od medi cine. I use it in my practice, and liod its action ex cels all other forms of iron, la Treakue. ora luwr con dition of the system, Brown's Iron Bitters is OFual.'y a positive necessity. It is HI thnt is claimed for it." Ds. W. N. W ATE 1X8, 1219 Thirty-second Street. Georgetown, D. C, says: "Brown's Iron Bitters is the Tonic of the aise. Nothing better. It creates appetite, gives Ktreusth and improves digestion." i Gennino has aboro Trade Mark and crossed red tinea ou wrapper. Take do atlicr. Mndo only by UKOU. CIlKUiCALCO., UALTlXOttiC, MO. SEEDS! SEEDS! Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain and Potatoes, Garden and Flower Seeds, Vegetable & Flowering Fiants. Prices quoted on application. Descriptive Catalogue mailed free. Correspondence Solicited. T.W.W00D&S0NS, SEEDSMEN, NO. 10 S. FOURTEENTH ST. Mention this paper. Rti imoN D, v. After Forty years' experience in the preparation of mora than One Hundred Thon-and spplications for patents in Slates and Forestro coun tries, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for Datents. caveats, trade-marks, conr- risrbta. etc.. for the United Statea. and to obtain patenta in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other-countries Their experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable- No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through Mnnn ACo.are noticed tnthe SCIENTIFIC A MKRIC AX, which has the largest circulation and is the m..-t influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is t ubli-ihed WEEKLY at S3.00 a year, and is adti it .! to be the best paper devoted to science mecumica. inventions, engineering works, and other uepartmenta of industrial progresa, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn Co., publishera of Scientitio American, 861 Broadway, New York Handbook about patenta mailed free. SIBLEY'S TESTED 0EED0 waS cmiQGUE Vejretable. Plowt-r. fiki a r- f r t'.anls. holbs lmn!r.m-,.3 G. BT D ET C iauil on "pl;catlon. rv aW Ci Don't negU ct wrtUnir for It- HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO. ILL. 13-Ii V. CUri St. WJaT tSa Ki k-M F :2ZJ E BBL I V b J rV.i SvaH m m m M m the United 1 SkBWU. aSALEsfH ttmfcfttiS TOR! A Life Experience. Rerrarkable oud quick cures. Trial Paciagea. Bend eta rap tor sealad particulars. Address Dr. WAiiD & CO. Louisiana. Mo. ranger I A neglected cokl or cough may 'end to meumotila.Consumptioii or other fatal diase. .Hiww's Factor PiOs wilt cuie a nM a by iiisil'k-. lwt ihtuK for ayspepslH Jh digestiou', sick lieudacue ad vhousjiuds testily ORGANIZED 1859 A Home Company SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE. Cash capital $300,000 Total assets $750,000 Insures all classes pro perty at ae quale rates. Losses promptly ad justed and satisfactori ally settled without any litigation. r J. RHODES BROWNE, Prest. WM.C.COAET, Sec. J. Allen Brown, Agt, Salisbury, N.C. 24:9m, PIEDMOiTT AIPw LINE. Eichmond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina DivisioD. Oksek.w. Passencek DEr'T. ) ASHEVIIJUK, N. C, Nov. 6, 16. Caudensed Schedule, taking effect Nov 7. 1S88. Head Down. Bead Up. WEST. EAST. 4 30 pm Lw c 6 r,9 14 9 a it eo " 5 ir, a m " 7 45 . A r.ve 2 3J a m Leave 7 S-t 9 41 ' Jirriry 5 00 p"m "Lea'. 1 (Waai 9 00 Arrive II 20 4 p m Leave sol Arrive Jl 30 a m Leave IB 39 p m Arrive 1 44 New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Lynchburg Dam'h: Hiclii!iO'n1 Danville Green six fo Goidhboru Halclgh Greenworo Salisbury Chariot te Salisbury Ar.ive S SO p 111 12 85 p m " id t3 a m " t so 2 00 Leave ll 40 p m ill live Leave Arrive Leave 30 a m 3 1 'jo p m 9 ae 1 1 20 a in 6 50 s 47 p m 8 03 1 Salisbury Stttesville Newton 2 15 2 3S -3 30 "4 33 6 02 f, 47 6 55 7 88 9 39 10 00 5 JO Hickory Connellys rings Morgan ton Marlon Black Mountain Spirt. June. J shcvillo Aiex.inder's Hot Spilngs Paint Uo:; leave 6 00 Leave ' " Arrive 50 1 10 a m Arrive 4 48 Morrtstnwn 3 13 Knoxville Leave 1 45 MUnPUY RIlANClL S 00 a m Leave Asieville ioi3pmrr Wavnesville 11 M Svlva 12 05 p m. Webster 1 4.1 Charleston 3 04 Bunnell Arr 5 00 p m 2 45 12 11 12 00 m l" r,o a m 9 in Leave 7 45 4 39 Jarretts. . . 75t!i Meridian time used Kast of Paint lirck. 901 h " ' ' West " " Trains on .Murphy Branch run dally-except Sun day. "hrourh Pnllman Sleepers on sonth bounfl train leaving Sails bury at 11 p. m. for Atlanta and New Orleans. Throuirh Pullman Sleper on north bound train leaving Sail-bury at 8 ; p m. for Washington, Pullman -Sleeper on sime train from Greensboro to Hlchinoncl and Grcens-boro to Ualelgh. Dors not leave Goldsbom Sunday nlr,'ht. JDoes not leave Greensboro Sat uiiay night, JAS. L. TAYl.Ori. G. P. A.. Washington. 1). C. W, A. Tci:k, A. O. P A. Ashevllle, N . C. fTTTTTC T A T5TJ'T? may Jio foujwi n file r.t Gcx AmvitHs'.tir bun'CCtidO spnice St.i. wlirn SMiierfi-trg COW i J. s. IS BUYHIG Com & Cotton Ofllce between A. C. Harris and Blluttz & Rendleman. BRING YOUR COTTON TO J. D. GASKILLr. V VI' js - itNv V" T" CTTSE8 Dlphtherl HQS f aarseseaa. Tnfl DtsMThqsm. Kidney - vwsmsm wcsaaes. Arrive 12 3C a m ' Leave 1 1 00 p.m Arrive fi 18 pm 5 OS 1 07 8 40 2 5' 2 25 1 20 11 5U m 11 19 10 51 10 115 8 SO , ON 68 .vY.W" yftV Be MiaRHaaEZEl 119 a x - V a.V . fa Bl BBMB M illl Efi M BT Li111m1.11 1 PERSONS' t-Mrej.lim,n.. H.. iJ nooirTTS '.iinnfTr 11 inewma. win poaitlTeiy cure or i,i IS w-?1?LliH2S!?h nnsa10B around oaeh box ia wui th tea Umea taVoojt. of o box of fi-oe So S rlthJllS- y yU lr3ra be tl.atiitful. OaeJetll uose. f.ustrated paaphltt is d r 6erTwhere- ortcat by toMI forare. in atc.mps. Ur. I. S. JOjWSON it CO.. 23 C.H. St.. Uoiton. fowdcr la absolutely i-urc sun nirn.y cmt rated. Oceo la worth a ponsd . any oilier kind. Tt t.i triotly a medicine to ssamssai witn Itwxi 9010. fforywhetwo ceat by pp.U for 2B ooBte In mx ossua 3y axiaroaa, y.-cp.d, tor $&.itQ. HQlIsri HsilPiaa H riYic MHIffl. Ill nifv" n 1 ofHisi en bu vm vm m mm v. h fai n stf S) tr - "I a ts I i ir Shi - - &a a 5 fi 5 sS til J 2 C.S5 3 BEST P.EMEIY KNOWN FOE SORE MOUTH SORE THROAT In all forms and stages. PURELY VEGETABLE REQUIRES NO INSTRUMENT. It Cure 5 whara others failed to iv ' : s a t.ici. Dr.B. B Pav!, Athens, Ga.. saj: "I suffered with Catarrh tlve years. But since using1 CEKT iv CATAUKU CURE am enUrely free from the a iZ ease," Dr. O. B. Ilowe, Athens, Ga.. savs: "CERTAlv CATAKHH CIMIE cured me of a severe ulcerateri sere thioat. and.I ebcenully eaflor--e It." MlssJ.ucy J. Cook. Oconee Co. Ga., frnfs. Sent 1 7th, )8S5: "One boitte of jour remedy entirely ured me of Catarrh with wlileh I had Buffered greatly for are years." J. 11. Allgood. Athens, Gar, writes Sept. t. r had severe sore throat more than two weeks; was entirety cured by CKKTA1X CATABatU CUIlEln onedajr." ... - u CAN YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT Only a few of onr many certificates are given herp OthH cxn be obtained from your druggist orhr addressing " ' UI 3 O. CO, ATHENS, Ga For Sale by J. H. ENNISS, Salisbury N C 21:1 v. I eertify tbat on the 15th of Febrn. ary I eonimuienced givintr my tout t.S1 3 A A n ... i. in. tn i n, iifji-u a, , o ana o vears rcp tively, titli s Worm Oil. anril and within six davs t u re . o least 1200 worms expellerl. Onechilili passed over 100 in one nijfht. J. E. Sisirsox. Hitll Co., February 1, 1879. Sin: My child, five years old, hadi (symptoms of worms. I trud enlmne and other Worm Medicines, but fail ed ; to expel any. Seeing Jlr. Bui certillente, I not a vial of your Worm. Oil, and tilt first dose bronchi forty worms, and the second dose so mani were parsed I could not count thcni. S. II. ADAMS. 21:3y. WEAKUNDEVELOPED j5E5 of thsHO HAN BOlty KNLAROjSD.DEVBlT OeKI. KTBKM. THKNKD.r.r . i nn tntoresiingaJ tbt lawmnt 'om run in our nawr. In ivplr to innnl- 'nst Mirs 1- no evidenoa of humnna chn- fl,,a ,u . .... . i , a ' " yr srn t.t s lughlvindj, -i. Antwresmd nr nwnmar r.r uir ni'intiiiiimnifimni. ot nlrtr -swlaa Erik MtDM U . . ; . . , - ; ,r - 11 GERMAN CARP'--ff-' UsJiu.iiiii uaill. quaauty.fDr stock earrr Any ocklnt' vv.i if. rur terms, aauress vv. k. tUAUin .Rai lsbury, N. C - 3rr.1t joSia nuc iitt avu o; aiuisaj saop .waj-y -JJKAJ c.u3 iha SIIM Aiiwreo e,i;uoj;s 10 isap oao in,!I ootakui j94iduTa)4 'uonitaist -uoj ' jpfs aOTjauq Uj ujeJ 'J3ai pjdjo'jopjosip latiniojs 4aq3ttpBci cswob jo ao, il WAfiE. rm o WHEI YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersiur.ed nt NO. 2. Granit Row. D. A. ATWELL. Ageat foptlie ''CardwellThresher. Salisbury. N. C. June 8th tf. Subscribe now for the Watchman. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Oftive attended to for Moderate Fees. our oftl x; ix opposite tile V. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents In less time than those re mote from Washington. Sn 1 MiKiel o: drawing. We advise as to patent ability frt of Chaijje; and make A'o ehetrye Ui.r ire Obtain Pat. ,.t. Weiefer here to the Postniaster,the Supt. of Monev Order Dlv..' and to offk lalsrif the I". S. Pat ent office. For circular, advice, terms apd refer ences to actual clients In your ow n Stntcorcounty, write to e. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Pateut Office, Washinglt n 1,C. . Oct. 21. '85. tf WANTED, Everybody in North Carolina who are not already sulseribers, to send their ad dress on postal card, for sample copy of the WEEKLY NEWS AND OB8EKVER ivnd special offer during December Address, NEWS AND OBSEKVER, Raleigh, N. C. 1 ari T: n . Tf I i r 1 " . nrtnartr. A7 frt KnMATl. ZTCV7. r.icn TitLGOO. othisa? on carta nU msJMacMbl Ilk It. It euro oliukeu cholera Z-A 11 dieeaaea of hctu Is worth its wvisTht iiitrold. tlluetratec I l j,'. 1 i n - atsuuna. a 1-4 Us. aiMich: tin mtmtCS by snail. IMt - CATARRH mm stts-m. SlasMllnsr at the Latiffs, mils OSu L B. JOiiKt eua aa vw.. ifcm t

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