- - Y Mm I - . I FlhE and LIFE INSURANCE - Heprsenting a line-of Com nahies equal to anv in North Carolina. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, Tornadoes or Cy clones. Policies written on short no tice at lowest possible rates; Be sure and call before insur ng your LIFE or PROPERTY. Royal Fire Insurance Com pany "of Liverpool, has the larg est net surplus of any Fire In surance Company in the world. All losses paid as soon as ascer- tained without the usual tiis count for cash payments. OflhW. next door to A. C. Harris'. Feb25:lv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rfrim fiRUCK. L. B. CLEMENT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attorneys At Xa Jalisburv, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1881. NERVOUSOEBILITY Organic Weakness nuflanrajrf n umerous HARRIS' obaCureQisense?, di- ;nuthful iadlseretion. A Radical Cure foh loo free indnbeence, or over brain work. Avoid NERVOUS I the iaspoettioos pta tiuus mmAn for thrse DEBILITY, ItrouWet- Oct our r rc Circular sad Trial Pack M.and lr.nl in-.DOrtanl Brranic Weakness, f PHYSICAL DECAY, I fuels before taking treat ment euownrre. nxt a SI-BE Rf.M F.IY that HAS CURED thousands, duel not interfere with attest tion to btaiat, cr cause pernor "tncorcTon rnce m ssry way. rounded on scientific metiica 1 princi InYounat 6V Mlddlel Aged Tested for over Six Years oy use inmanyI Thousand Cass ples. By direct application to the aeat of disease ita specific influence is felt without delay. The nat j now i: tee TRIAL ural function sot ice no man organism la rsstorad. The animating element of life, which have which have been TTtEATSlETrT. wasted aresrrven oactuana ihnnrifBlbecomcs cheer One Month. - $S-OOl two Month". - 6.00 rrnraoXoaUta. ooj Hal and rapidly ?a ins both strength sad aaxuai rigor. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M foChemjets 306 Is . Tcntfl BT., ox. bVUWi saw. IIDT FOUTZ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS So Ilsasa will dlt of Colic, Rots or Lrxo Fa ir Foiitra I'lm iwra are used id time. itz's Powders will cure and prevent Hoc rnxi.TtA. itrt Powders will pre veil t Gaprs is Fowia. u Powders v. w lncroae tho nimntav o( mint gad ere urn twenty pw cent... and make the butter fins nrt meet. . Fonts' row dors will scire or pre rent almas svsBT PtSeask to whieh Norses and Cattle are subject. fbVTS't HoWPi R8 VT1U. oiTk HATiaFACTloX. Old everywhere. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor. BALTISZOEE, MD. J. II. Enniss Druggist, Agent. H In em We In Ph n ndet nhja at the NewKpnper Adv5r- YKR 4 SON. oar miiwrUed ACRES f corll laud, 6 miles from Salisbury, tn the Concord road, tern; s reasonable for cash. 81:11, Pixkxky Lcdwick. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED 2i FROM POSTERS 2s bis as a barn door down to most delicate XSTXNG AKDS. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BU SINESS CARDS, -PAMPHLETS, IRICE 'LlSToY Jk3ST BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Court and Mas:. sterial. totdcrsi siclted and sMtetactWB suaranteeu AGENCY i Sw THIS PAPER M. N. W. A SO y -C ri Greatly Bxelted. Not a few of the citizens of Salisbury linve recently become greatly excited over t lie astonishing facts, tlmt sereral of their friends who had been pronounced by their physicians as incurable aad beyond all kope suffering with that dreadful monster con sumptionhave iieea completely cared by Dr. King" New Discovery for" Consump tktft, the only remedy that doe positively cure alf throat and long diseases, Coughs, Cold, Asthma ami Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Kluttz & Store, large bottles 1. Co." Drug AU1UUX SVUU OStVAAlg OM.vm.vj . It. isn't the man who makes the most money who saves the most, as was shown in the case of the Boston sales man who onee received a salary of $18, 000 per year and was recently sent to the poorhouae. Two brothers worked in the same store. One was the head porter, with a yearly salary ot $1,000, and the other was a salesman wno re ceived $6,000 per annum. The last mentioned had only himself and wife to support, vet he was always poor, owing to expensive habits, while the ...... mm a i , hrst, with a family ot eignt or nine children, grew gradually rieh, and lent i t 1 1 tiirv t l nis extravagant Drotner si,uw, which he found hard to get back. This is a practical illustration of the old fable of the hare and tortoise. JSoston JSuaget. Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hovt & Co.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome, tia.. says: We have been gelling Dr. King's New Discoverv, Klejtnc Bitters and Buck ten's Arnica Salve for two ears. Have never handled reme dies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some won derful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured bv use of a few bottles of Dr. King,s New Dis; coverv. taken in connection with Electric Bitters We guarantee them always. Sold by Kluttz & Co. An account of a curious case, pain 11 m iniiy suggestive or a narrow escape rroni tne norrors or a living ana con scious burial, comes from Jaffna, Ceylon. The taxidermist of the Victoria Mu seum, apparently dead from the bite of a supposed venom less cobra, contin ued perfectly conscious while artificial respiration was practised on his body tor nine hours. The poison seemed to have paralyzed the nerves of motion for he could see, hear and feel, though incapable in giving the slightest sign ot life. His taculties were restored temporarily, but he died in four days, Simmons Liver Regnnlator. is what the name indicates a "Regulator' of that most important organ, the Liver Is your Liver out of order? Then is vour whole system deranged, the breath often sive, you have headache, feel languid dispirited, aud nervous, no appetite, sleei is troubled and unrefreshing. Simmons Liver Regulator testorcs the healthy action of the Liver. See tliat you get the trenumc, prepared by J. II. Zelin & Co. H;lin. On the authority of Mr. W. T. T Dyer, ah English botanist, a remark able tree of South America, a Rhojxria growing to a height of about twentv feet, is said to be absolutely indestiuc- tible by tire, thriving in districts which are burned twice a year with the anni nilation of vegetable life. A journal devoted to matters per taining to fish and the fisheries from a -scientific and not a political point of view is being established by the National Fish-Culture Association of Great Britian. "Consumption Can bs Cured." Dr. J. S. Combs, O kTcnsvi lie, Ohio says : "I have given Scott's ICnutlsion of Cod Liver Oil with Ily pophosphites to four patients with better result than seemed possible with any remedy. All were hered itary cases of Lung disease, and advanced, to that stajie whon Couh, pain in ,the chest, frequent breathing, frequent pulse, fever, and Emaciation. All these cases have increased in weight from 16 to 28 lbs., and arc not now needing any medicine. I presenile no other Euiulsiou of Cod Liver Oil with lly pophosphites, Lime and Soda but Scott's, believing it to be the best.'' Careful experiments on the sense of smell in dogs have been made by Mr. Geo. J. Romanes, who has communi cated the results to the Linnean Socie ty of London. He finds that not only the feet but the whole body of a man exhales a peculiar or individual odor which a dog can recognize as that of his master amidst a crowd of other per sons; that the individual quality of this odor can be recognized at a great distances to windward, or in calm weather at great distances in any direc tion; and that even powerful perfumes L X.I 1 . T . may hoc overcome mis ouor. let a single sheet of brown paper, when stepped upon instead of the ground and afterward removed, was sulhcient to prevent Mr. Romanes' dog from following his trail. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Sai.ve in the world for Guts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever bores, Tette, Chapped Hands, Chilblain Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures rues, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisfaction, fr money refunded. Price 25 cents nes box. For Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:1?. Commissioner's Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the Surtcrior Court for partition among the heirs at law of Samuel Linn, deceased, the under signed, as commissioners of Court, wlH sell on the premises, on Wcduesdav the 9th day of February 1887 the following uecriDca traci oi iana: About (107) one hundred and seven acres, situate about one mile from China Grove and known as the Samuel Linn place. Fair dwelling and out houses and about forty acres of heavy timber. This sale will be confirm ed by the Court, if it brings a fair price. Terms of sale, one-third cash and the re maining two-thirds on a credit of nine months, with interest at eight per cent ou the deferred payment. Title reserved un til me purehu.se money is paid. u. a. usnr, 1). W.Bostian, jConfrs Jan. 3d 1S87. lLtds. - . Scientiic Miscellany. INFLUENCE OF FOOP-Kl PPLT. A veritable plague of Brazil, accord ing to Von Ihering, results from the singular increase of burrowing mice of he genus Hesmromus, which, are ordi narily very rare, become alarmingly abundant at irregular periods coincident with the flowering seasons of the herba ceous plant which furnishes their chief food. This plant, a ViWmma, readies maturitv and flowers only at regular intervals varying front six to thirty years. In May and June, 1870, the mice appeared in prodigious numbers at Lourenco, where m a few days they totally demolished the helds of corn, potatoes, rye and barley, invaded houses and destroyed every tiling not too nam for their teeth, and even ate fat swine, and removed the wooden shoesfroni the cows. At the natural rate or increase A a i 1 . a the roenv of a pair of mice would reach 23,IKK) individuals in a season. and if their multiplication was favored by an sbundaut seeding of their favor ite plant every year tbey would soon drive all other living creatures from the country. ELECTRIC PHOTOGRAPHS Not long since were recorded some interesting experiments in which Hons. Ch. Zen ger secured photographs in the darkness of a moonless night through the imperceptible phosphorescence of certain objects which had been bright ly illuminated during the day. Hons. u. lomassi nas now described some even more remarkable effects under the euphonious name of " effluviographv." By an exposure of a few minutes' du ration, be has impressed upon a photo grapher s sensitive plate an image of an object through which a silent dis charge of electricity was passing, this result being obtained eveu when care was taken to ensure perfect darkness and with a current of too low tension to give any sign of light. The theory of the experimenter is that a body under electric influence emits " electric rays" analogous to the dark rays of the spectium. 1 THE IfoRLPS GREAT LENSES Astronomers have witnessed during the past decade, as Prof, young remarks a greater advance m optical jiower than ever before in a like period a 1 i r Among tne great retracting telescopes constructed are thedlMnch ot Fulkowa the 26-inch of Charlottesville, and tLe 23-inch at Princeton, for which the lenses were made in America by Clark of Cambridge. A 27-inch telescope for Vienna has been made by Grubb of Doublin, who is at work on one of 28 inches for ths Greenwich Observatory The 19-inch telescope at Strasburg has been turned out by Merz of Munich mi tt ri ii r t me nenry orotners oi rails nave made a 2'J-inch object glass, not yet mounted, for the IN ice Observatory while Clark has nearly finished the giant lens of H 30 inches in diame ter: for the Lick Observatory. Up to lbbl the greatest refractor in the world a a ft i I -V 1 J"". a was tnat or tne rsaviii uuservatorv at Washington, with an bbject glass o I 1 -sail" i I zo mcnes, arui up to low tne re was none larger than the 15-inch of Har vard Observatory. DEFORMED AND COMMUNICATING FISHES. Among many thousands of newly hatch ed trout and salmon examined at the Royal Aquarium at South Kensington during 1885 and 1880, Mr. August L tarter found one case of deformity m everv thousand, and one of monstrosi ty such as twin and double-headed fish in every four thousand. His observations have convinced him that certain fish, such as the carp and perch, have the power of communicating with one another. TUMBLE WEED. A common eastern weed, according to Prof. C. E. Bessey, is modified by climate on the western plains and prai ries into a compact plant, whose stout curving branches give it an approxi mately spherical form, and which is called 4tllmble-weed,, from the fact that when the stem is broken near the ground by the autumn gales the upper part goes rolling and tumbling before the wind, often for miles. In the east the species, Amarantusalbm, is a strag gling herb, remaining rooted long af ter its death at the close of the season. ICELAND S WOOD. While the bog-wood of Iceland proves the former existence of extensive growths of large trees, the present ft rests consist ciefly of dwarfed birches, and trees fifteen or twenty feet in height are said to be rare. The de crease of woodland is not a result of climatic change or volcanic outburst, but has been brought about by the im provident destruction of trees by the inhabitants themselves. The bill doubling the number of per emtory challenges allowed the state in capital cases has passed the Senate on its final reading. should he n lev.- tcopUi before cOnCncmcLt viI tor book. " To Movhet."," r.diiod froc iia 1 aLkroB Co., Ailiiits., Ca, II PIBHD .MAKES Ss K II I I bm t: J C A Fifty thousand is now the number o workmen in New York who ref iso to handle coal or freight. There are miles of deserted docks aud tons of merchan dise waiting to be moved. The rail roads and ocean steamships are em bargoed- The Knights of Labor ask aid from all sources to maintain the strike. POlSQfi IN THE ASHES What the 3It. Lebanon Shakers Found Incident in the His tory of a Quiet Community. The Mount Lebanon (New York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively new disease, growing out of the conditions of modern life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments, and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus: "If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which remain after the life giving elements of the food have been absorbed, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right. Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (Seigel's Syrup) in less complicated though similar diseases, they resolved to test it fully in tli is. To leave no ground iot doubt tbey prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable with perfect success in every instance where their directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the people of this countiy suiter from it both sexes and all ages. In no countiy in the world are there so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, all resulting from this alarming disease. Its leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; bad breath ; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat; a seuse of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach ; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the need of it ; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in tlje mouth, especially on ris ing in the morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet ; constipation ; dry or rough skin ; inability to fix the mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible crroup Shaker Extract (Seigel's Svrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (theashesof life's fire) which uuremoved, poison and kill, are expelled from the body through the bowels, kid neys and skin. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed by the purified blood. As the result, health, .with its enjoyments, blessings and power, returns to the suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband oned all hope of ever seeing another well day. One ood second haud Dean Sinking Pump, in pood order. Apply t& ' The Nrw Hoover Hill Gold Mixing Co, Hoover Hill, X. C. lL:2irL Ml Country Boy. The country lad who is trained to simple ways and homely virtues, and who learns what a dollar is worth by actually earning it, under the laws of imperative necessity, has a tremendous advantage over the town boy. The country schools are far inferior to the town or city school, lut this is counter balanced by the fact that the country boy is trained to work from the iime he can pick up corn-cobs to run the kitchen stove until he goes out to his own home. The country boy has a mile or so to walk to and from school, whieh gives him vigorous appetite and health. The country boy or girl is face to face with practical realities. He sees how. slowly money is made on the f arm ; he is taught from youth up, the need of economy; he has the nature of saving first explained to him every day in the week; he is not exposed to the temptation of the saloon or the ball room; he is not tempted so much to be a lady's man before he has an ccasion to use a razor on his downy cheeks. He may be a trifle rude, he may not feel easy in company, but in the long, contested race of life it is the chap that trudges to school barefooted in summer and in stogas in winter, whose mother cuts his hair with the sheep shears, that leads the chap that goes to the eity school with the starched shirt front and fancy slippers, and whose head is shaved with a lawn-mower in the barber-shops. Such has been our observation, and we think we know what we are talking about. Speaking from experience, we never read any books with such avidity as those we devoured while the horses were resting at the end of the plow land. The boys we envied forty years ago, because they wore cassimere and laughed at our jeans, have dropped so far back in the race that we have almost forgotten them. The chaps who had plenty of money at college, and the city bred fellows, have not been, as a rule heard from much since; while the country boys, who wore plain clothes and kept close to their books in the old college, are leading the thought of the iTay. An English inventor claims that bells made by soldering together pieces of bent metal give a much greater vol ume of sound than cast bells. newn's CL BITTERS foml.inin? TROX with WILL VEGETABLE TOXICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES and KNiiK HKS TUB BLOOD. Quickens tie actios of the LWcr and Kidney . Clean tea complexion, makes the akia smooth. It dors not imjarc tha teeth, caaso headache, or prodace coat stipailo-ALL OTHER IR05 KEDICI5ES DO. Xhriciana and Drusg if r s ererj where recommend it. Br. R. S. Rcggl's. of Marina. Man. mrs: "I rcotnmcn:l Brown's Irou Bitters a aJiiab!o tonio far enriching the blood, nnd removing all ifpeptio Ejinptufns. It does not hurt the teeth." Dr. R. M. Dirr-srix. Reynolds. Ind, A;-a: "I hare prescribed Er-.nvn s Ircn Bitters in cases of anaemia and blocd disesses. .also v. hen a. tonio has seeded, and it his proved thoroughly fatisfactor)-.n Mb. Wx. B yp.ns, 26 St. Mar? St.. Not Orleans, La., cays: " Brown's Iron Bitter relieved me in a case of blood poisoning, and 1 hoartUy commend it to those needing a blood purifiec Mb. W. W. Monahan. TWomlK Ala., ssrs: " I have been troubled from childhood with Impure Blood and eruption on my faco two bottles of Brown's Iron Bitten effected a perfect cure. I cannot speak too highly of this valuable meLcine.n Genuine has above Trade Mark and crocsed red linos on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by liKOH.-. CJIlllllCAL. CO., UALTIUOUE, AID. . - SBBBLVSSBBTVBISBB1 experience in Drenaration of l than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the United States and Foreign coun tries, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy rights, etc.. for the ITnited Status, and to obtain patents in Canada, England. France, Germany, and all other countries Their experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through MnnnACo.ars noticed inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patents understands. This 1 arge and splendidly illustrated nswspaper is i ub I is lit d WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is adn.it'.od U. be the best paper devoted to science, meruNnics. Inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for ons dollar. Bold by all newsdealers. If yon have an invention to patent writ to Mnnn Co., publishers of Scientific American, 61 Broadway. New York Handbook about patents mailed free. IS CENTS OR SAMPLE SPY sf THIS It! I 1 1 1 r I ROOK. It gives tlx-LAKCUAEC and ssslisMsl sl tvery Flswcr ir.fi Sarah. 3000 dinVri iil kind. A No nil the Kssws Raisssf Flirta tion with Clovt, f raisl, Rasteftkislisaraa. It isiliesasat casaaJrtt work of the kiltd ever pub lished. kvimI Fifteen Cents in stuiNns for a Hitiilpie eopt . iif so our price to figeiitH. Agents waniMl tsscistaais. Ad. Tsstk Sttsct.Ftilad'a. Pa. AaCRICJW PUS. CO.. n Nartb SINGER 1 $17 1 TRIAL. THIS STI LE it- DAIS' I Hi A Fall Set or IV Attachments. 5WABRANTKB Yoarts. Scad for ajfreulaut. m t . aawsvaz. aw. v. v., S.6tt.SU,FUila,,Pav. SIBLEY'S STESTED EE DO SEND7IHi!ifiW CATAL .f,'f tauie. r lower, rieiu s Plants, Bulbs Iinniem'is. A El El E? B t tT oy mall on anolicabon. TX Es Ei Don't neglect writing tor It. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. 12-11 r. dark ft. K2-6 2. Uaia St. f HI si iKlKTISO OURaW OGUE DS f - Mi. ii i niiaaWWii -,- - W.UIIEH A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Sand stamp for sealed particulars. Address Or. WAD A CO. Louisiana. Mo. Danger ! A neglected cold or cough may 'ead tu lueii!:oui.vrmsruptiori or other fatal dNase. Stronr's Pectoral Pills will euro a rold aa bv mnsu-. bnt ihiue for u ypovsia,lu digestiou, sick headache as thousand testify. ORGANIZED 1859 A Home Company SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE. Cash capital $300,000 Total assets $750,000 Insures all classes pro perty at ae quate rates. Losses promptly ad justed and satisfactori ally settled without any litigation. J. RHODES ESC V' ICE, Presi WM.C.C0AET, Sec. J. Allen Brown, Agt., Salisbury, N.O. 24:9m: PIBDM01TT AIR LIKE. Richmond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina Division. Gknekai. Passknokk Def't.) ASUEVILLK, K. C, Nov. 6, lti. ) CeLdensctl Scbedulc, taking effect Xov. 7. ltS6. Read Read Vp. WEST. EAST. 1 38 pm Leue C 5 42 il oo " 5 is a m " T 4-') Arrive 2 3 j a in Leave 7 3' 9 1.1 Arrive New York Philadelphia HjlUmore Washington Lynch bui'ff Danville RhllUioutl Danvlile (.reensboro (Jo tlrxro Kaletoh Oreenslxiro Saltbury Cliarlotte Sjli.sbtirv' An ive 3 20pm U 35 p m 10 03 a in 2 00 Leave 11 40 p in Arrive 5 30 a in 11 so p in Leave 9 so rriro iTitTa in c so i 9 47 p ui Leave t oc 5 oo p ni "Lea 1 00 a ui 9 oo Arrive 11 20 6 45 p m Leave S 01 Arrive Arrive Leave 1130 am 1 1 00 p lu 11 St) a 12 39 p 1 44 2 15 2 3d il 30 I 33 02 6 47 6 '5 7 as 9 M 10 00 3 10 l ioa 4 id m Leave rtaMabury m Arrive Statexville Arrive is p in 5 08 4 07 3 40 2 55 2 V5 1 tt ii 51 a m 11 09 10 51 10 16 5 20 t to 6 50 Newton Hickory Connelly S -rings Morganion Marlon Black Mountain spar!. June. Aslicr-illo Aiexantler'a Hot Springs raint kock I eave Anlve Leave m Arrive Morristown Knoxviiie 3 13 Leave l 45 MURPHY BRANCH. 8 00 a m Leave Asherllle Arr 5 OS p m 10 13 p-m sir Wayiiesville ... 1 4S it 55 Sylva 12 ii 12 or. p m. Webster 12 oo m l 40 Charleston 10 so am 3 04 Bushnell 9 19 4 39 Jarretts Leave 7 43 75th Meridian time used Kast of Paint Rock. 9ot h ' WeX " Trains on Murphy Branch rua daily except Sun day. "hrough Pullman sieepeison sooth bounfl train lavlnir Salisbury at 11 p. na. for Atlanta and New Orleans. Throujrh rullman Sleeper on north bound train leaving Salisbury ai 8 06 p in. tor Washington, Pullman Sleeper on same train from Greensboro to Klchinond and Grct r-oboro to R .lcigb. loes not leave noklsliom fHindav nlglit. .Does not leave Greensboro Matur'day night. JAR. L. TAVl.OS, O. P. A., ,.. . Washington, 1). C. W, A. TUKK, a.C. P A, Aftlievllte, N. C. TTTTR P A P"rt!T? mar ljo funrt n flic at Oso. -- r. Howell r-o's Nc-n f pauur AdvortisiaK liurui(lO Sprue St. I. whoro advert is,'ri i .-acts may b nj-j-'o for it IN NEW VOltli.. SEEDS! SEEDS! Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain and Potatoes, Garden and Flower Seeds, Vegetable & Flowering Plants. Prices quoted on application. Descriptive Catalogue mailed free. Correspondence Solicited T.W.WOOD SONS, NO. 10 S. FOURTEENTH ST. Mention thia paper. Richmond, va- SON aW - tt, -'l -s- Jf , JOHN LINIMENT PARSONS' TM"' 2 uiaooverT NoTtlaers relUvo all manner d , "1' " free. Sold wenns-hera. or aeat by mail for aits. finendan-s Condition oit rated. Oneounc.i a pound or "TT""" as. a as!, aw ovner xina. It j-,.. ...liHMu, mou aw as SB sft Mldsvnia bjIissu, or asat bjr saafl tor SB m eau V, jwoss, Sasi, oEoS RUri n sW It- HIP HI Sal mWB. !iiunni mum rh -m mm m u wort - y L. 2 BEST EEMEDT ENOWN POa SORE MOUTH THROAT In all forms and stages. PURREOUVRESTNOLNSTRUM --. . It Cures where failed to gir. Dr.B. B. Davis, Athens. 0 a., says: .suite, With (Jntarrh rlv rassa r.k vt.. ,,, r(. f W C ATAR KH CV RE am etiUrelV l?e ironi the Dr. O. B. Howe, Athens, Ga savs: certm. CATARRH CURE curedmeo severe 1c5rat2 sere throat, and 1 cheerfully endorce it ra,t Mb Lacy J. Cook, Ooaire Co. Ga.. wnt-s Sen. I7th imm "Oncbo.tle of your remedy ViSnw cured me of Catarrh with which I hadsufferZ greatly for five years." rrr4 J. 11. AlllfOOfl. Alliens (la.. Mm - ht - i. i : had severe sore throat more than two weeks. entirely cured bv .-khtaiv i itiucii .r:..7, one day." ' "Ma CAN YOU DOUBT SUCH TESTIMONY? WE THINK NOT. Only a few of our many certificates are elven h addressing11 obtainea Irom wS orTy 3 O. CO., ATHENS, Ga For Sale by J. H. ENNISS, Salisbury jfC 21:ly. I certify that on the 15th of ir-i ry I conimmenced iivincr m 'children, asred 2. 4.0 ami R . cv B" V MAR k a ! 1 a-1 . a 1 , reaiivciivcij, ommrs Worm Oil, and and wit (tin six davs thr .l toast i suo worms ex Del led. Oih-.,.i,;i. 1 S ' VH . passeu over iwj in one niht. ' J. E. SlMPflo.V. Hall Co., February I 1879. Sin: My child, five years old. had4 symptoms of worms. I tried calnme .anil other Worm Medicines, but fail ed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Hai.'J certificate, I got a vial of vour oihvi Oil, and the first tlosa brought forty' worms, and the second dose so mnri were passed I could not count them. S. U. ADAMS. 21:ly. WEAKUNDEVELOPED PAHT8 of thsHUMAN BO AY KNLH(JkI).I)K'vFI sMassjasiaaaaat u.K.ie... Is su 1ntroiiiv as WKtiw.mnt long run in onr nnper n r-plr tiinqj ri.wwill .st thx thsrs t. no vrTZmntx. J t,,.n.M!E about thia. On th routrsry.thw. lvwrthi)rv si-r 3 Khlv md.irxl. Ornl.n. .ivngallDart.CT.Iars. h sJivJaTliI WBDSCS1.UO.. BttBnalo.N.Y1-TolloKv,niB, rW. " GERMAN CARP:- I can furnish cart large or email, lo an; .111 inlttV- fVbtMl-lu nnnit. tsn - J - - W.I . . r--- . iciuw, nuurvjaa w.n. rit.Ai.Bi.sal lsbury, N. C. jo Ju prre qtvq wan oi ajanaoj asaop jtaai y 9Ai 11 u snu 4VOM B.ifUOJIS JO tsapaoo iRKj q Ain vwSauTaj 'uouaaiis u',.P!s jojiovq tiinivd aaAti P'dJOi'aapjovip saemoi9 'ajjj-ipwjq mj& .sjaos jo Tuo, i HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at Granit Row. D. A. ATM" ELL. Agent for live ' ' Card wellThrceher. Salisbury, N. C, June 8th tf. Subscribe now for the Watchman. PATENTS fliroo Ic Tttodri Unslr anrl v-uv oato, i i cue mai no auu Copyrights - Obtained, and all of her business in the V. s. Tateat Odloe attended to for Moderate Feef. Our onice is opposite the l S. Patent Office, a4 ire can obtain Patents iu less time tbun thoss re mote from Washington; H.-nd Model or drawing. Wo advise as to patent ability free of charge; and make So chary r Obtain iHttrut. We refer her to the Postmaater. tbe upt.ot Money Order niv and to officials of the I. s. Fa' eut office. Kor circular, advice, terms and rrfer ences to actual clients la your own Mate or countj, WrlUU?4 . C. A, SNOW A CO. opposite Patent Office, vfashinrton 1 C. Oct.m.'ss.-tf WANTED. Evcrybotly in North Carolina who ar not already subscribers, to send t heir ad dress on postal card, for sample copy of the WEEKLY NEW 6 AND OBSERVES and special oner during December. NEWS AND OBSERVER. Raleigh. N. C. s ANODYNE PILLS MAKE HEW. &ZCS niLOoiv then in the world. Win oosltiTely euru ot box is worth ten times the cost of u boz or lstapoT PrVl. a use Din a aose. illustrated panpu a., ga. Its vrsa niusrsta4 CATARRH SORE 4 H ft OO.. g C.H. St.. Bosxon. s . . i A oantataPt, aMih ...tm .... . Y."i..

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