Carolina Watchman TIICttSD AV, MAY lfv 1887. It is staled mm i eartnqtiKP in in the reports of the northwestern Mexico that in one section whate there was no water, water has appeared in abOrid lanee: and it is awo menuoueu uim iue nnnvnlainn nnOHPfl t WO lnrf2"9 ?old VeM. Tks Ertaquak3 m iiexiso. and f urtber, ihat men were rushing to Dreadful reports of the earthquake these openings to locate claims. The ttti Mav 3dv are coming from nortn- indomitable white man ot iNorcn wMt.rn Miico. The State of bonora America (the yankee) is he who is k.aj tjti-riblv. Hmre fissures in the! aoina for the sold, and he'll get it re-1 UMu V- ' 5 . . l.-!" V m ' - "earth a crust swallotved up nouses, roeas gardiess or. Yoicanoes. and people. Houses everywhere were destroyed. It was a day and mgtit or The Government printing office at terror ana siaugnier. t Washington w the largest printing es- outinthe mountains and sent their Uaoinnt in the world. The Jmild- red hot lava pouring down we siaes . , . ft atld including into the valley destroying everything court rf in which are the engines in their course, uue enure Vina to driv. the machinery, cover a ground Mr Nanaimo. Ifnatestimal was completely wiped out, and forests were burned up like tinder. Many peop'e lost their lives. S. A. & H. W. R. R. The County Commissioners of Wilkes county, N. ft, have ordered an election . a.' 1 1 ft 1 ft - - S- to be held on the 4tn oay oi Auguw, space of 53,025 square feet. The office " 1 11 ll I J is divioeo into an cue ranuus uruan- ments of printing Mid binding, and give employment to about 3,000 men, boys, and women Mr. Cabell Hairston. of Walnut Cove. N. C, is in Richmond for tht for the nuroose of giving to the yoters purpose of inducing capitalists to un- of said county an opportunity to vote dertake the development of the semi- for or against a subscnption oi one bituminous coal beds of stokes county hundred thousand dollars to the capital All the requiremente for a successfu frvL- nf the Sooth Atlantic & North iron business are in close proximity to Wtern Railroad. All honor to the the coal beds referred to. and there three public spirited county corairiis- is little doubt but it will be improved. sioners ot WUKes. iinej nav; um and perhaps oecome a seconu oirming- nlaced the opportunity witnin me ham. reach of their people of placing them- wlves qn one of the great trunx lines of he country. Voters of Wilkes, vonr county commissioners have done thAir work, come to me ironi wan ' mm ; - t u mihserintion to the S. A. N. W. Railroad, and the shrill neigh of the iron horse will soon reverberate irom mountain to mountain and bring you prosperity and wealth. The Charlotte Chronicle notes the failure of the water to flow from the nozzels of the hose atihe McNinch fire, Sunday morning last, although there " -p- " ; .. rv; horses, Wilmington, N. C, as seen by an exhibit which the 5tar presents, ha exceeded Norfolk, Va., Savannah Ga., Charleston S. C, Mobile, Ala., Peters burg, Va.,' Vicksburg, Miss., Forts- mouth. Va., Columbia, S. C, and Ral eigh, N. C, in the growth of population since 1870, having ip 1880, an increase of 3,940. Total population at the lat ter date, 17,350. It is not estimated to exceed 20,000. FORTT-SETHN' WOMEN MADE WIDOWS AND A HUNDRED AND THlftfY CHIL DREN atPHAjrtD A CITY IX SACK -CLOTH. Victoria. B. C. May 7. The telegraph wires between British Columbia and the south were down yesterday. Lat night's telegrams from the CWoawr ISanainao correspondent state that 101 white men and 75 Chinese were in the mine at the time of the explosion. Ferty -seven women have been made widows by the disaster and 130 children orphaned. Some Chinamen refused to place the dead in coffins and had to be compelled by force to do so. Many homes are com pletely broken up and the city is in sack cloth and ashes. The stores st ill continue closed and little business is being done. Flags are at half-mast. All hope of sav ing the men now in the mine has been abandoned. It is absolutely impossible that any can have survived. Most of the men were from Cornwall, Yorkshire and Wales and a few from Nova Scot ia. Dr. Herbert B. Battle. The wisdom of the University in estab lish in nost graduate courses lemon-' to hi" In r degrees has tor some time leen jus tified. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy has ju9t been conferred upon Mr. Herbert B. Battle, chief assistant chemist in the laboratory of the State Agricultural Ex periment Station. Mr. Battle has been for some time past more than two years we understand, prosecuting studies in chemis try and geology. He lias passed very sat isfactory- examinations, and submitted a Thesis which has also been approved This Thesis comprises original work on some important question of agricultural chemistrr. more csncciallv the power ol certain soils to cause a "reversion" of sol ptios. acid. In due time, we trust, it will be published. The University is now able to -offer these advanced coarses, we are in armed, more efficiently than ever before. As the matter stands, a residence of two years at the University, after complctin tire regular coarse, is rt quired of candi dates tor advanced degrees. Aewa and Ob NOTICE TO DKUCOIStS AXD STORE . . . KEEPEJM. I guarantee Shiiner3 Indian Vermifuge to destroy and expel worm from the hu man body, where they exist, if used ac cording to directions. If ou are author ized to sell it upon the above conditions. David K. l out, Proprietor, Baltimore, Md. i The Statesville Landmark sayi: ThcTi aro persecution of negroes who vote the Demcranc ticket is a disgrace to the race. One of these was surrounded at the second ward polls on Monday uy a crowd with drawn knives-who seemed to wih to cut him to pieces. Another was struck on the head Tuesday morning with a rock bv one of his rare, tor the same offence, and bled freely. 1 he air has all week been full of thrcatemnes against the neirroes who voted Democratic in the municipal election, and life has been a burden to them. The radical negro tninks when he votes the radical ticket he is doing ex actly right, and that when he attempts to kill a democratic negro for voting the democratic ticket, he is doing God services. That is the way they are taught. Think of a steamer of 17.600 horse power equal in power to 5 nines of six feet apart, tour abreast. and the cause assigned ror it was ut ThijJ to , ft ves8ej of 500 eet the plugs were choked with mod and ienKth, 62 feet width and 43 deep. It rocks. Now, we are having water ..f r o qaa tnn8 Such are the works erected and expect to have at D 0 vi least 85 feet of water in the stand pipe; tsbrwon in England for the New York and we neneralk have plenty of mud 7T, J - - .m I Ll llllt . and rocks mug arouna near tne piugs, ... 1 1 a1 . nhn h rum ne rn navp inpn ilJIU JW WM1 ' - . ., .,, L cnvsni miru auiu v -v. A rr j vr..o have no steam engines to take the "ie cauemy, iUe ,y. Oak The be delivered bv place of the pressure of 85 feet of water Jj af ref T v Sll 1 ' ! n ' k ; Plir. VV. G. Burkenhead, Esq., and the An IB liUC BUtflU l"l'c w vww ' - 1 r mi TJ I lott. We shVll have to keep the mud nual sermon by Rev. Thos. Hume, Jr and rocks out (of the plugs, or our water works won't be of much value at afire. Do you keep the Sabbath in the manner required by the Word of God? If not, why not.- Is the command ment less binding than others in the decalogue? The Goldsbdro Messenger came to hand Saturday in double sheet form, after the fashion of the Baltimore American and New York Star. It A. A. Shuford, of Hickory', proposes contained more than a man could read to build a $30,000 cotton fitctory if the in a week, with nothing else to do. citizens of the town will build a $15, JU-the-wav, large double and tripple 000 hotel. It is likely that both will ' n 1 . 1 1 1 S , sheet llewpapers are of very doubttui be built. utility. There is not one in a hundred wilting to search through them for the vork on the Hudson river tunnel grains of wheat they m y contain. An nag been resumed after a suspension of 01a reading taay once ssna to us in re- four vearSi it ,9 designed to be a rail siiect to a very small daily : . "1 would road connection between New Yc not have it larirer for I Jiave neither the time to spend, nor the inclination to orive attention to everything that happens in the whole world." and Jersey 6ity. York Thomas-Techy was whipped by a mob. near Cory don. Indiana, nearly to death. Cause : not nrovidint? for his mi 1 L l.ill J 1 l .-it- I T - . - . o . inree negro ooys were an iea mst weea famiiv. mid oeneral worth essness. a r:i j. : i c r .. 0 at v liuiuigLon ai a mugie me vi u y uu 1 j I ..i 111 t L . ,1. .A. . oy a negro uoy a u sieus uisuim-e. TK. A TW,lrt l linpfl warn ti i'a luirs frmn 1 A tr 171 . sitting on a log a,ug to ue w acrua munication Jnsiy made through Water w r Mm r i i u'liun ivi-'iiib. ruwi. niiiii ruir i . . v, ..uvviiv. Witn0afc md 0f Wire negro poy, caipe up wim a gun ana hailed them with "look out there." raisins his min and firincr at the bovs Charleston has recovered from the o i the log. Three fell dead on the disaster of earthquake, and looks almost spot and the other two were wounded ke a new city. - oue of them severely. The case was under investigation of the coroner and his jury, for a day or two, with the result o committing Grant Best to prison for inai at tne next court. Prince Leopold, of Russia, arrived at iew York on the Uth. Filibusters, it is reported, have land ed in tuba. Between 75 and 100 people, men, women and children, mostly the latter. and neaiiv all negroes, who were crowded on a wharf in Van of Integrity. New Haven. Conn.. Mav 7. The Kew Orleans. Register to-night prints a remarkable Sunday last, to witness a baptising con-- story of financial integrity on the part ducted bv a colored Bantist Drencher. Southern capitalist which stands , ,' wtthnilt, DHi'fl I1 tn t.h oniminoFiul hia u'uni unMan i' n 1 1 n rtari intn t in nvnv I . .... ,a , V, T X. ' iB "iL tory of the country. The names of the oy uie nrcaaing oi a nunng againsi principals are withheld, but the which they were pressing, it is not eminent resncctib itv of counsel in thP - . :r-w -r " r: " Kjiown how many were drowned, but case, ex-Judge Luzon B. Morris, of this the number is believed to be large, in- city, is suftlcient guarantee of its t ru in cluding a number who were damaged l"1: The ster says that at the ir killed b, the timber fulling on th B!Sffm7, TJSlXLLfiSZ wjio were pwp, unner me wnan. h,g young book-keeper into partnership, ' . 'dM9t m Ifeanng that his property would be confis- Beu Haft, if colored man, was lynch- fated, decided t goorth. He told the JUaJBaft&H M ih ftkb inf ftrlOOOK.-KcePcrA tne property, valued IE "ttmt r-. , ' " at aoout aftuu,uw, as he thought best, sissaul ting a school girl as she was re- and that he, the merchant, would rely turning trojBffchooi. ne sprang upon upon the book-keeper's honor for a set- her from tile nushes naked. He was I tlemeni at some fatwr time. The mer- defeated in his nuroose bv an alarm chant then cauao North, uod settled in trivpii l.v fhp tAr Kmu11 wimnaninn ww years ago. Pondering y it. wnai nan oecome oi nis estate in the wbo ran away from the scene scream- South, the merchant placed the matter ing. xjtu was xwn urresieu, ana to tn the hands of Judge Morris, with in- prevent lynching tne ant Uonties sent st ructions to investigate and collect, i him 30 miles awayHo another county, there was anything to collect. After But a crowd went for him in the still- wrrndence with thebodk-keep- crai iae douiu, inc uuier iorwaraca an acknowledgement of the claim and an in ventory showing his indebtedness to his employer to be $648,000, and expressed his desire to return the property, but re quested tune to perfect this arrangement nc uegan remitting several years ago. ana last weea lorwaroeo tne last pay ment, including interest, thus wiping out tne oeot oi nonor. judge Morris de clined to give the details, further than . 1 4 Ll f . . ' .... tnat uis cuent is a gentleman listed as a millionaire, and that the Southern gen ueman is now a weaitny oaiiRer. ness of the night and bung him up to a nmo. - It was just a little remarkable that two negro men who got into a leaky boat at Wilmington, near the spot where three negro boys were killed and t wo wounded , on the day before, were t rowned within a few feet of the shore. The boat unk and the two men went down with it never to return alive. The boy who. were killed and wounded the day before, mid these two men. were all employes on the same farm ao :o t'.e r.ver. "A prominent nurseryman iscredit ed witn saying that nursery practice i respect to peach trees "has weakened the vital power ot the trees, and that they will not lust like those grown from seed a fact which a plain farmer f this county, (Mr. J. A. Kluttz). dttcoven-Q for himself years ago. tetter. A Desperate Negro. lticlimond, Vs., Mnv 7. A dispatch from Parniville says: A drvadtul affair happened at Cumberland Court House yesterday evening. From the incaure information which can be gotten the tacts are as follows: A negro man named lorn Armistead, nu unsoned tor burularv, was nicking at the wall With a chisel, trving to effect escape As Deputy Sheriff Agee started in the door to take the chisel away from him he drew oat a large knife and gave Ayee a deep ound in the arm. Kin" Adams and Com i ion wea It It's attorney Lancaster ran to the rescue, w hen tho negro gave Adams severs deep wounds in the lung and breast, and cut Lancaster in the abdomen and let i b.iwels out. Sheriff Aimistead and Mr Flanigan ran up, and Sheriff Armistea succeded in getting a blow at the uegroe's head, knocking him senseless. Adams and Lancaster tare in a critical condition it would not be a surprise if the negro is lynched to night. President Cleveland has appointed Col. S. JtlcD. Tate of Morganton, National Bank Inspector. The Morganton Star says the comptroller of the currency waa in need of a man to fill the office of .Na tional Bank Inspector, and among others his mina was direct ect to col. rate, l ne Col. having a fftate and National reputa tion as a shrewd financier and an expe rienced banker, and in consultation with Senator Ransom it was agreed upon that Col. Tate possessed all the necessary qualifications. He was telegraphed to know if he would accept the appointment, and agreeing to accept, President Cleve land at once made the appoint men t. much to the gratification of all the Col.'s friends. The salary, we learn, is $3,000 per annum besides mileage and expenses. to Gain Fl:fn and Strecffth. Use after each meal Scot i EmitTa! -m with Hypophosphites. It is as palatable as milk and easily digested. The rapid ity with which delicate people improve with 4ts use is wonderful. Use it and try your weight. As remedy for Con sumption, Throat affections, and Bron chitis, it is unequaled. Please read : "I used Scott's Emulsion in a child eight months old wit h good results. He gain ed four pounds in a very short time' Thos. Prim. M. D.. Alabama. I gave Scott's Emulsion to a gentleman G5 years old troubled with Chronic Bronchistis, with the most excellent results." J. C. Cason, Broken Arrow, Ala. 19:4t. ROYAl ti adn Ifacto or m Having acepptod the Agency for the aslc ol JOHN WAKAKASSB'S CelsDratei Clotlie, Philadelphia, I am prepared to furnish Suits at LOW PRICES, and on short no tice. Call at my Store, and see samples of Goods and get prices. Sjits JIade to Order. -:o: I have also on hand a choice stock of Family Groceries. Call and sec me. C. J. BINGHAM. 22:2m LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. C, for the -week ending May 7, 1887. W D Mclver Tomo Bertaien Katie Cregg N L Carter Maggie E Davis Eve Dixon Peter Groves T R Green (2) Jennie Mavues Daniel Marshall Frank Peck E S Prossen Caroline Peck P H Salisbury (3) Dauiel Seafrit Warren Steele Addie Todd Maude B Whirst P W Kibler Please say advertised when the above letters arc called, for. A. H. Boyden, P. M. LOOK OUT ! Come in Time! One of the Finest. jnew i ork. way lhc ponce au thorities had an unpleasant surprise when they learned that one of their own officers was carrying on a regular policy and lot tery agency at his post of duty and in his uniform, lhe policeman s name is Mor ris Colbert. He is assigned to a post at the Mercantile building in lower Broad way and thought he could increase his income somewimt oy scums lxmsiana lottery tickets and polics' gigs. One of the detectives ingratiated himself into the confidence of Colbert . He bought a policy gig oy wnicn ne won zi.o. When Colbert had paid him he arrested him and took him to Supt . Murray. The superintendent called for a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut the brass buttons off the policeman's coat. The st ripes were ripped from his trousers and his badge was taken from him. He was then placed in a cell. The money won by the detective will be turned over to the pen sion fund. Tennessee. Chattanooga, Mav 7. The Roan Iron Company commenced operations in this city to-day with its tcel mill. It is the largest Bessemer steel plant ever built in the South, the investment representing one million dollar?. It starts wiili a capacity of 50,000 tons of steel rails, and employs over six hundread hands. Two Bcssimer steel mills are now in operation at Chatta nooga, the only ones in the South. The Soul hern Express Company and the Baltimore & Ohio Express Company, in competing for strawberry shipment Irom Chattanooga totheNorth, have commenced a warfare and rates are being slashed by both, and have been reduced over -0 per cent, already. Chattanooga fruit growers arc reaping the benefits. Mccormick mowers, (The Best in the World) Discovery of a Gan j of Train Bobbers. Chicago, May 7, The Rock Island Rail road has discovered and located a train robber organization in the town of Lake, from which the road has suffered heavy losses during several months. The thieves took anything they found, from gram to general merchandise. Whtn a raid was made upon them by officers they were steal ing hides. They were equally ready to shoot or steal, and one officer was badly hurt. Five of the gang are to-day in cus tody. One known accomplice is still at lib erty. They are professional thieves and out in the employ of the railroad. Are now selling very rapidlv, and cvervbodv who wants one for this sea son use had better speak soon so that a larger shpply may be ordered in time. Last year many people were disap pointed by coming too late and the PRESENT SUPPLY WILL SOON BE EXHAUSTED. Read what Rowan farmers, who bought oi me iasv year, say. luese are only a few of the many certificates I have. JOHN A. BOYDEN. Ag't McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. April 9, 1887. I have tried several other mowers but the McCormick beats them all. Smytheyt SrxiN. May 6, 1887. I am better pleased with the MeCor- mick Mower than any machine I ever saw in a meadow. Levi Powless. May 7, 1887. The McCormick works more to my sat isfaction than any mower I have ever tried. W. F. Murph. Mav 9, 1887. Last year I bought of John A. Boyden, Ag't, a McCormick No. 2 Iron Mower. After a thorough trial I found it to work more to my satisfaction and with less power and slower driving than any mower I ever had or ever saw in opera tion. I tried it on wet, muddy ground, where the grass had been badly overflow-, od and was dirty and flat on the ground and cut it all right. It has no equal. 8. V. Caix. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of nur.ty strength, and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in competition with the multitude of low lest, short weignt. aiuin or puospnate powoeis. soia oniy in cans. Royal Baking Powdek Co.. 106 Wall st. N. Y. For sale by Bingham & Co., Young & Bos tian, and A. C. Harris. Railroad! Railroad!! Every citizen in the town and county should be interested in the New Railroad. It will double the value of property, and increase our business. But you can make money before the llailroud gets here, hy buying your Shoes, Hats and Trunks From the One Priced House Of J. SCHULK, Who has the largest stork of BOOTS and SHOES in the county, and selling them at unprecedented LOW TRICES. If you want one of (he latest style Straw, White or Pearl StilF Hats here is the place to find it. MY 8T0CK OF Ladies', Misses' and Children's, Ziegler Bros, (not Geo. H. Ziegler) Shoes, Slip pers, Tics and Button Newports is com plete for the Spring trade. Have just received a lot of Gentlemen's low quartered Kangaroo aci Alliaatar Shoes, SOMETHING NEW AND NOBBY. Don't buy uutil you see my stock. where j'ou find XL AVE YOU Heard The Latest News ! JULIAN& WATSON Have opened a FIRST CLASS STORE in It. Murphy's building on Fisher street, un der the Watchman office, where they arc offering an entire NEW STOCK of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, &C. 23jP"At very low prices for cash or barter. They buy all kinds ot produce and pay the highest market prices in Goods or Cash. Do uot fail to give them a cull. Your old friend D. R. Jui.iax will be on hand to wait nn you in his usual pleasant way. Salisbury, April , lbb. READ THE Following Facts AND FIGURES Which will tell you beyond the expres sion of language where to place the er POTENT CASH. Try it once and you'll see the mighty stuff thus used will double the things gut on the old antiquated credit plan. AND MARK YOU THE WID3 AWAKE BUYERS ARE FAST FINDING IT OUT. Painted Cuspidores, 10 cts. Large Ova Painted Foot Tubs, 50c. C Qt. Handled Tin Buckets, 10c. 10 Qt. Solid Rinzing Pans, 23c. 14 Qt. Solid Rinzing Pans, 29c. " 17 Qt. Solid Rinzing Pans, 33c. 8 Qt. Covered Strainer Pails, 29c. 0 Qt. Covered Strainer Pails, 23c. Large Japanned Dust Pans, 10c. Axle Grease, gold yellow, 7c. Large Quart Dippers, 5c. . Splendid Adzeje Cast Steel Ha ro om IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT And Greeting Of ' ; McCubbixs Corner, One Price to all. Assault and Attempted Bobbery. .Shelby Ntw Em. While an eighteen year old son of Mr. E. Baxter Long, of Logan V Store, was returning home by the Morganton road last Friday night, he was stopped by two unknown white men, pulled off his horse, axked for his money and then assaulted with knives, lie was cot several times on the head and his coat was cut across the breast, lie happened to have no money with him, at which t hcv are sup posed to have gotten angry. The assail ants fled and have not since been heard of. We were shown on Saturday by Mr. Geo. W. Banks, of Panther Branc h township, who lives on the old muster ground, a peck of Indian arrow beads, lound in a toot square, about eijjh t inches deep, on his farm. It is strange they were never found before, as the land bad been in cultivation three different times in the recol lection of Mr Banks. Near is a tine spring and Mr. Banks very naturally thinks this must have been a place or popular re sort for the Indians, State Chronicle. . jA similar pocket of arrow heads were found a few years ago near the top of a mountain at the Narrows, in Stanly a x r i . - . county, by Mr. u. A. underwood. We ought not to be too anxious to eu courage untried innovation, in cases of doubtful improvement. For a quarter or a century ir. bage's tiatarrh Itcinedv has been before the public and passed .i i .i . . . mrougn me severest test ana is pro nounced tne most reliable remedy for that disagreeable malady. Thousands of testimonials of its virtues. CO cents per bottle. By druggists. Newberry S. C, May 7. A Young Men'b Christian Association has recently been or ganized here, and promises to flourish. Money is be in.: raised to erect a building for the use of the association, and already more thau $2,000 has boen secured. Respectfully, J. Z. SCHULTZ. 28:tf GOLD MIIL AT A BAM ! A 5 stamp gold mill and 4 copper f dates, 40x20, all good as new and but ittle usedfor pale at a bargain. Address T. K Briber, Salisbury, N. C. CatarrH SLY FINE ENGRAVER, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER lapresentlngrnvself before the people ot Salis bury and vicinity. I would say that it Ia my inten tlou to locate tu your midst to engage in the Jewerli Business, Which 1 hope to conduct in such manner as to meet with Lle hearty approval or all. TFM jrmrt s You will liud that w hat I say can be relied upou; not because honttty Is the best policy, but irom pr nelpal. Seooudl-1 do nothing but First Class work lu ill rue branches ot my business, conse quently but on price. Tlaircl S ' hat I engrave as fine as any JE a tutu iu tne Stale, tlierefcre t have no com pel iti.n. Lastly, if you have a Fine Watch and want It re paired in askilltul mi ner and put ju strteiiy nisi class order, or ii you have a C'loi-.K that does nol give satisfaci Ion and wish It repaired la the right manner, or a piece of Jewelry repaired and made like new. or a speelal design made to order In Bracelets, cuff Burtons, collar Buttons, Lace I'lns. Scarf Pins, Jersey Tins. Monogram Pins, Ac., lu gold or silver, bring them to me and 1 will do as nice a piece of work as caa be done la our large cities. I Ci imi-jint All 3Jy Work To give entire satisfaction, or make no charge. Asking your kind indulgence, and a liberal share of your patroaageI am yours very respectfully, W. H. KEISNER. EU.Uctween Smithdcal's and Buerbaum's i7:ly ; nier, 4 sc. Legal Tender Cast nnd Excelsior Steel Haiitt Saws, 47c. Wire Bound can't-break-em Slatei 5c. 3 antP4 Qt. Dairy Pans, 5c. Plain and Fluted Goblets, each, 5c. Wi.lf fJallnn Tin f!nn 1lfb Gate City Brooms, best made, 30 and 47c. Lower Grade Brooms, 19, 24 and 25c. Dark Blue Dado Gilt Window Shades with spring fixtures, each, 49c, worth 75c. Large 13-inch Japanese Fans, 5c. Smaller Size Fans, 3c. each, or two for 5c. 6 5c. Large Palm Leaf Fans ait EACKET C. 0 D. STORE. 24: ly Gaskill's Corner. SALISBURY AiRKET may, 12. Cotton, good middling, i i muiuiinu, 2)&ESS M&Mim Mrs. J. P. Eousche. nee Miss M. C. TAAFFE.) Begs tea vo to say to her friends and the lady public that she is rairly well settled in her new place, east end of Main street, and ready to serve lh,t m in her specialty with best possible attention and skill. Do the favor to call. January 6, iss;. " Lt. low middling, " Low grade, Corn, new. Flour, country family, XV heat, Country bacon, hog round, Butter. Eggs, Pork, good, Irish potatoes, good, Lard, count ry, We baveiosatisfactory report ot tne Tobacco-market, though there are al most daily-sales. The grades are deter mined on t he Warehouse floors, and are so various that any quotation given can only p regarded as probable. 10 8 C5 7(1 $2 12.25 so m 1.00 9t 10 15 & 20 12 78 75$ 9& 1Q OPIUM and Watakcy H fe lts carafat h o m with nut pain. Book otnr Honiara ent FREE. B. lf.WOOLX.ET. M IX Offloe ma WattaaaU M. HAYFEVERl LP mr I Stephen Mower is meadow. Lord says the McCormick the best he ever saw . in a Philip Sowers has tried six mowers and says the McCormick beats them all. 29:lt Mrs. Medernach will take a few table boarders at $9.50 per month. GOOD FARE. Up stairs, next door to Miss Jones' Miilinary store, Maj. Cole's Build ing. May 12th 1887. NEW FIIl. ' o The undersigned have entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of conduct ing the GROCERY aud PRODUCE COMMISSION business, to date from March 28, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. McSEELY & TYSOX. The undersigned tak es this opport unity to return thanks to his numerous friends for their patronage, and asks the con tinuance of the same to the NEXV FIRM. He will always be on band to serve the patrons of the NEW FIRM. 27itf J. D. McXEELY. U.S. A HAY-FEVER Valuib'e Farm FOR SALE. Situated in Unity township, Rowan Co., nine miles from Salisbury, near the Wilkvs- br road, adjoining the lands of .las. Holt, Calvin Harrison and others, containing 144 acres, nearly one half of which is SECOND CHEEZ BOTTOM, heavily timlered. A good dwelling house, barn, well, and out-buildings, all new. Purchaser paying some cash can have in dulgence on the balance. Address Mrs. J. C. McCORKLE, Jerusalem, Davie Co., N. C. 22:tf WANTED. Would like a position as Book Keeper in the town of Salisbury: have had an ex perience of eight years at the business, system Double Entry, and would respect fully refer to F. B. Gibson, of Gibson's Station, in whose employ I am now aud have been for four years; also refer to the following genthnnen of Gibson Station : L. B. McLaurin, W. H. 3Iorrisou and D. D. Gibson. You rs Respcc-t fu 1 1 y OPEN YOUR EYES! FVEgtVIMnY fm V mm W b I LADIES ESPECIALLY! Dreat We have the largest and best selected Stock of Dry Goods. DresB Goods, Notions and i rim miliar- ever iiniuni to me Clvv. We cordially invite the trade to call and examine for themselves. You cannot afford to paf us by. LISTEN! Embroiilered French Batiste Robes, worth $4.00, for $2.0--Ret Swiss Kmbroidcrs at fifty cents on the dollar. Five cent Lawns can not be equalled; twenty-seven inches wide; fine stock. A full line of colors. a fine Assortment of 1 1 ISTAI liflOIIS 1H FIVTlPi CURTAIN RODS Brass, Ebony, Walnut and Ash. SHADES In all Colors and Quantity. Yard Wide Scrim for 10 cts. Towels at 5 ct. a piece. Checked Xanaooks at 8 J cU.. worth 12 Special Bargains in Parasols. Yard Wide Bleached Cotton at 8 cts. A SPLENDID LINE OF GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Gent's Einen Handcrc!tipf$ tit half price. Gents', Ladies", Miaset' and Children's Sboe, all grades and quality. 27;lmpd JAMK MERONEY & BRO. 2C:lf