in i in -a i A FainM Poritro. X rtiafi tHth a ipriiiiful expresaidft fcf Vountenance sat oft a tf'Kxts box. '"Are you ill? 'sortie on asked. 41 Wave yn lot aMning ?M s,Nevef had anything to lose. '"What's the iiarfWrMl vI'm sittin on a wasp." "Why Ha't yoti g&qg "Walllhat wu my first ltfipiilse, tt fat is think-in1 that i wuz kurtih tfee tra1 as badly lus he wok 4nrti' we, an i conchided to frit here -;wltito, 'specially as I am tired. I 'thongbt too, that I ought to be thank- fill, -for this is about the easiest seat I "What have yea been leiag is so painfiri? iervin' oft a jury in a prihift &Mm-&pe7hK "fterv tow. ,. r it ii n n t j i Lieut. Gen. D. H. Hill Confederate States Army, wsis invited to repeat his raf&tos on "1 he Confederate Soldier in UalfiftMffe m 1k erenmg of Memorial ; Day in that State, .Tone's. J n response j Gen. Hill, who is president of flie Mifc- ry and Agricultural Co lege , Mil- ladgeville, Ga., writes that his subject will be the "Old South, an address he ! naa previously ueuvereti, uv .-. 'rtruy 4Vin nor mir hi4 pnomiM' llflVP Since the war our 'late enemies discovered a new island or a new coun try, which they have named the 'New South. I have some acquaintances but rno friend in this freshly discovered re frin. I wish ta Vre entirely conserva tive and l ya1 in my tali coniflsteut with the theme." Tl tntiil mimltcr known to hnwerinheil "in Hc HtAning disaster at Naaaitno. B C. 4 af whmu ki were Ohiese and 107 For worn-out." "ran-down." debiEt-rte whool tear hers, inilHncra. seainBtrcssos. bouse jcpeMn. and ovcr-workotl women generally, lTtercP'a Favorite Prcperiptioo hi the test of oKmrfomtivetanics. It is not a" Cure-all, bntadmirRblv fulfills a singleness ?f parpoae, bolnz most potent feneeifee t- all those Chronic Weaknesses vatA Itsseases peculiar to women. It is a powstnl, general as well S3 uterine, tortlc aod owvine, and Imparts vijror -ndtrenrth to thUxle stera. ft promptly ures weakness of.Atomat'Jt. i.Klisregtion. bloat ing, weak back, aervous prostration, debility atnd aleepleasness. bt HCkU sex. FwvorUe Pre scription Is sold ly!nLrSsW wyrur past ure Qwirantte. See wraipper around fcotttft. JPrlee $1.00, or rtx bottle f or kWMU A la ore treatise on Diseases of Women, pro fusely illustrated with oolorfxj plates and b jnerous wood-outt. wut frr 10 cents hi staTups, Address. Wohij Dispkssart Mrjoreut AsaocttAaTOJf, eta Main Street, Huffalo, N. KICK HEnifHF, Bilious Headache, and Constipation, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. 25c a vial, by drujr.irists. HIU ML T A TT7U may Ik- f-miwtn -flic nt Ot. ivrtlxiB2 Burran (10 Burner iit.). where ftdri-rnnTiu? V W r. Rowpil & Co's Newspaper .untracts ntagr bM raarto for i: IS NEW V'Oltti.. 171Tnm JB lit A Life Experience. Berrarkable and Quick cures. Trial Pacxaffes. Bend Ctaop Tor sealed particulars. Address fir. WARD C CO. Louisiana, Mo. ranger I A neglected eokl or coughs may ad toVi'Uiuouia.t'ons(miyt)tm fr tlier tatal A esse. Strong's Pectoral PiOa i 1 cu. e a wild as by iuaitie. U tiWim for lvspepsia,iu amesliQH. iWk fcarfaebe us tbousaitda testify. SO A jRES ol good laud, 6 mik-c from &uUsbury, cn the Concord road, terms reasonable for cash. 51:tf, PixKxtY Ludwick. If Ton Wish a Good Article Of Tobcco, ask your dealer foi "Old Rip." If you vaat talceep up with the times! (lake the Watchman you can't be left THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED FROM POSTERS as litjj as a baru door dow a to moat dcUcate Listing ahds. Letter and Note Heads, Hill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, mm lists, TV I) l OF JU.L KINDS Court and Magisterial. 4ra?rssljiicd aai s.tts;ai-tou narantetd. XfgfcM : BLA , Children ,Kftea eei sotne safe cathartic ani tomfc t uni-f annrnai-hrTiv pickllPSS OT 40 fflP ! , fcv -- '!' ! .. S .. . i -c : i: creation-, dysentery and the ts incident to childhood. Let -the oMddron take Simmons Liver Regulator ami leceip veH. ft is purely vegetable, not jrlea an t to the taste and safe to take alone or in Connection with other medicine. The genuine bus our Trade Mark "Z" in red on front of wrapper. J. H. Zeilin &. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. - Frayin-j With Children. The loving instruction of a moifrec raiy -seem to have been thrown away but it will appear after nwiiy days "'When 1 was a little child,'-said a good aid Buft, oiy mother used to bid me kneel kw Lesirte her, nnd placing her fraP1, J1 wfcile she prayed. W enough to know her worth site diet!, and 1 was lelt too nincn to my own guidance. Like others, 1 W;S inclil?eA to evjl passious, bt oftew ft.U mvaelf checked, ano. as it were, dr.lWS baek,1)y a Kit hand upon wiy heud W4w,n a ocug myn i firlteJ m itnd8 u41(i waa exposed to .temptations; but when 1 would hfm; that same hand was upon l d d r Was saui 1 seemed t -f j its piessure as j.n the happy days of ,nfancv; .iKd sometimes there came ! . It that was olxvei: l,0, do not this wickedness, God." my son, nor sin against Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Ukst Sai.vk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sire, Lficcrs, Salt liln um. Fever 8rei. Tette, Ck;t pped Hanflii, ChiiMair.a Cornr, and all Skin Eruptions, and jxsitivt - lv cures Piles, or no uav rcquirejd. it i guaranteed to uku perfect sa'. isfactioti, ut raoaey refunded. Price 25 cents ies box. - For Side by Kluttz & Co. 8:ly. Bioh Men "ith Poor Id' emeries. If is very singular indeed the effect of money on memory. Jay uoukl can tell afl about the mouse trap ne in vented wtan a boy, but he remembers nothing about Black Friday, his specu lations in gold and his manipulation o telegraph -stock. That is because b was poor then and rich now. C. P. Huntington can tell all about his youthful struggles, but remembers lit tle or nothing of the means he em ployed to get certain railroad schemes through Congress only a short- time ago. Charles Francis Adams can talk for hours about liis grandfather, who was President, but he can hardly re member a thing about his illegal prac tices of t he railroad ftf which he is the chief executive officer. Most unfortu nate man 1 Post Express. Siace Up. Ton are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with headache, you arc fi Igetty, nervous, anl generally out of sorts, ami want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have lor their basis vary cheap, bad wfttsky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then lea'c yon in worse condition than belore. What, you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy, action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and -jive renewed health" and strength!, Such a medicine you will find in Elect) ic Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at K- :ttzs Drug Store. Spotted His Han. A small boy reported to the district attorney's office during the present term of court at Asheville, claiming to have been summoned as a witness in behalf of the United States. No sub- j poena could 1te found among the papers to show that he had been summoned. The by insisted that he had been sum moned. The district attorney remark ed impatiently, "Who summoned you anyhow?" The boy replied, "Guess it must have been a revenue officer; he was drnn.t."-Asheeille Advance. Thsir Bashxs Booming. Probably no one thin has caused such a revival of tra . at KluitzV Dru Siore as their giving way to their rufoiiiera d gi many trc- trial tKttles ot Dr. Km-s New Disoovyy far C nu aption. Their trade is sitnpfv e oriiious i;i ih:s very vn'uabie artic.'e friwt the fa -t that it uiwavs cures and never dijrppbtts ('oaf lis. Co ds, Asthm-1 B.-iic'ii js, Croupand all throat and iun- dis iisL quick. y eied Ymi can test it efV.if buying by g' t iiiji a t r;n bottlc frce, latere zc 1. Every bottle warranted. Butter Test. There is a qualitative test for butter so simple that any housewife can put it into successful practice. A clean piece of white pstper is smeared with a little of the suspected butter. The pa per is theu rolled up and set on fire. If the butter is pure themell of the burning paper is rather pleasant; but the odor is distinctly tallowy, if the butter is made up wholly or-ainpart of a limal fat. RADFIELD'S regDLATUiI A SPECIFIC FOl Woman's TIiseases Painful upprtrnd Np- rofuae cnt7 .ud A""" MENSTRUATION cr ONTHL7 SICKNESS. II taken during tbe ClfASCK OF LIFE, creat iiiffenoz and OaHgr will be avoided t5?!;uu let Wok " BaMuaa to Wok.n," uuitol tree. SAJrULS UcovLaTUK Co., Atlanta, Ca. n D Divided. I An e$ty sky, a World oi hentWi, I V. rple of foxglove, yeHow broom ; We two among them wading together, Shaking oai honey, treading per fume. Crowds of bees are busy with "clover, Crowds of grasshoppers skip at on r feet, Crowds of larks at their matins hang over, Taunting the Lord for a life so Flusheth the rise with her purple favor, Glewet h the elett with her golden ung, Twit; the two brown butterflies waver, Lightly settle and sleepily swing, We two walk till the pnrple dieth And short dry grass under foot is brown, Butqhe little streak at a distance liet-h Gaven, iike a ribbon, to wak tlie dowfj. U 7 Over thegrass we stepped -onto it, And God He knowth how Withe we were ' Never a voice to bid us eschew it : liev the green ribbon that showed, so fair! Hey the green ribbon we kieeled be side it, parted the grasses dewy and sheen; Drop over drop there filtered and slided A tiny bright beck that trickled be tween. Tinkle, tiukle, sweetly it sung to us, Light was our talk as the faery bells Faery wedding bells faintly rung to us Down in their fortunate parallels. Hand in hand, while the sun peered over, We lapped the grass on that young ling spring; Swept back its rushes, smoothed its I clover, And said, "Let us follow it wester ing." Ill A dappled sky, a world of meadows. Circling above us the black rooks fly Forward, backward, lo their dart shadows Flit on the blossoming tapestry Flit on the beck, for her long grass parteth As hair from a maid's bright eyes f blown back And, lo, the sun like a lover darteth His flatteriug smile on her wayward track. Sing on ! we sing in the glorious weather Till one steps 6ver the tiny strand. So narrow, in sooth, that still together On either brink we go hand in band. The beck grows wider, the hands must sevef Oueitiier margin, our songs all done. We move apart, while she siugeth ever, Taking the course of the stooping sun. fie prays, "Come over" I may not fol low; I cry, 'Return" but he cannot come: We speak, we laugh, but with voices hollow; Our hands are hanging, our hearts are numb. IV A brpathing sigh, a sigh for answer, A little talking of outward things, The careless beck is a merrv daneer. .Keeping sweet time to the air she sings. A little pain when the beck grows wider; "Cross to me now, fur her wavelets swell "ktnay not cross," and fche voice beside her Famtly Feachgth, thotigh heeded well. jNo second crossing that ripple's flow ; "Come to me now, for the west is burn ing; Come ere it durbna" "Ah, no an. ;:o t" Tlien cries of pain, and arms outreach- msr- vine beck grows wider and swift and 4 deep ; issionate words as of one beseeching t The loud beck drowns them; we walk and weep. A yellow moon in splendor drooping, A tired queen with herstute oppressed' Low by rushes and swordgrass stooping. Lies she soft on the waves at rest. 1e desert heavens have felt her sad ness; Her earth will weep her some dewy tears; Tfoe wild beck ends her tune of glad ness, And goeth stilly as soul that fears. We two walk on in our grassv places jther marge of the moonlit flood, With the moon's own sadness in our . faces, Where joy is withered blossom and bud. VI A shady freshness, chafers whirring, i A little piping of leaf-hid birds; A flutter of wings, a fitful atirring, A cloud to the eastward snowy as curds. Bare grassy slopes, where kids are H tethered Ilound valleys like nests all ferny lined ; Round hills, with fluttering tree-tops feathered, Swell high in their freckled robes be hind. A rose-flush tender, a thrill, a quiver, When golden gleams to the tree tops glide; A fishing edge for the milk-white riVPT The beck, river-with feliH sleek i'A tlde' h-j onJ L:k rj-'i-tt-l flxaiUvr Broad and white. odjpoitf lied as ariwr. Oa she gtfes nnder frnit-laden trees; Sunk in leafage cooeth the culver, And 'plaioeth of love's disloyaltiea. Glitters the dew and shines the rivets Up comes the lily and dries her bell; 6ut two are walking apart forever, And wave their hands for mute farewell. rn A braver swett, swifter sliding; The river hastetfe, her banks recede Wing-like sails on her bosom glidrng Bear down the lihy and down the reed. I Stately prows re rising aiad bowing (Shoutsof Mariiien winnow the air), And Jevel sands for batiks endowing The tmy .green ribbon that showed so fair.. V4i!e, O my heart ! as white sails shiver, And crowds are passing, and banks str tch wide, How hard to follow, with lips that quiver, That moving speck on the far-off side ! Farther, farther I see it I know it My eyes brim over, it melts away : Only my heart to my heart shall show ij;, As 1 walk desolate day by day, VIII And yet I know past all doubting, truly A knowledge greater than grief can dim I know, as he loved, he will love me dulv Yea better e en better than I love him. And as I walk by the vast, cidm river. The awful river so dreaded to see, I say, "Thy breadth and thy depth for ever Arc bridged by his thoughts thai cross to me." Jean Tngelvtc. He Went to tha Circus. "No. my son, you can't go to the his circus, hat. he replied as he put on "But, why father- "Well, in the first place, I can'1; fool place, things awav niv money on things like that." "Ves but I have enough of my own." "And in the next place it is a rough crowd, the sentiment is unhealthy and no respectable person can countenance such thiugs." "But fab" "That's enough, sir. You can't go ! I want you to enjoy yourself but j-ou must seek some more respectable amuse ment." An hour later a curious thing occur red in the circus tent. A boy climbed to the top flight of scats and sat down beside a man who had just finished a glass of lemonade and wtis lighting a cigar. He had his hat pushed back on the back of his head and seemed to be enjoying himself hugely. It was father and son. The father had gone straight to the ground from dinner and the lad ran away. Tiiey looked at each other for a half minute, ant. then the boy got in the first blow by whi -peri n g: "Say father, if you won't lick me, 1 won t tell m a you was here! The father nodded his head to the agreement and the great spectacular parade in the ring began. The members of Pickett's Division Association litis been anxious to erect a monument at Gettysburg to mark their heroic charge. They have visited the battle field with this end in view and naturally desire to place tiieir monument tit the point within the Feeeral lines that the division reached. After consultation with the Gettys burg Memorial association, however, they have decided not to put up a monument at Gettysburg. So we learn from the Richmond State. It appears that by a law of the Memorial Association which that association has no power to infringe, it is especially provided that no Confederate monu ment shall be erected within the lines forces. That is the whole of it. Some bloody shirters have made much of the incident in the hope of fomenting bad feeling but it re mains that the best of feeling has al ways prevailed and still prevails be tween the northern and the southern associations. Strong friendships, in deed, have been made between their members. As the State puts it : "Gettysburg Association controls the battlefield. It has a right to make its own rules and regulations. And the ex-4Jonfederates, if unable to agree to till these regulations, have a right to keep away. That is just what they have done." Xeus-Observer. The W. . C. R. R. Company has had a great deal of trouble with the ctving in of the Swannanoa tunnel and it has been decided to arch it over with masonry. A large number of hands are at work and the brick sire being made at Morganton by Messrs. J ohn I I . Pearson & Company . T here are three brick yards actively at work at Morganton which furnish employment to a considerable number of mechanics. McDowell Bugle. Little Dot: "What d es Mr. Kice fellow go to your house so often for?" Little Dick: "He wants to marrv Nell." "Is they engaged?" " o." "Did he say he wanted to marrv her?" "No." "Then how do you know he does?" "Oh ! he acts so like a fool." Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, disgusting everybody, but use. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. tn one week Kly's Cream Balm opened f Pfssa m oiuoail through wluch 1 had not breathed m three years, Bubdued an iatlamation in my head and throat, tl,e result of Catarrh. Colonel O. M. Nl,ILL1AY 0 N y. (See adv.) . ' " ' '" They Hit Together. - , Munich, May 13. Another tragedy has jusCljeen enacted at Lake Starn- Two young ladies of Munich, Haroness Anna and Baroness Louise, of Guttenburg, rowed in a boat to the spot where King Ludwig, of Bavaria, met his death, and deliberately threw themselves into the water ami were drowned. Next morning the boat was missed and a search wai made. The bodies were found Iving in soft clay. WHAT KILLSAMERlCftNS. Fast I.lviu RecMess Xaina--Ytarl Drink ! Poor Sleeping Social Jealony PvUtiml Aiii jiiioi: V lolent I'aaaiona T'ac Usee :Vr .'Money. Tlie alarming tiisease o this country is negvovis debility and prostration. It goes under many names bnt it ig essen tially tue same complaint. Hospitals and private institu tions for nervous patients are crowded. Tlie average of life in the United States is de creasing every year. Sudden deaths from nervous collapse among our business, profess ional and public men are so frequent as scarcely to excite remark. The majority of sui cides, committed witliout ftp parent reason, or under so-called "depression of spirits," are really prompted by nervous prostration, which is a fruitful source of insanity and csinie with all their grief and horror. These facts are startling. They threaten the very life of the nation. They fiSsail the springs of its power and pros perity. They wreck manhood's strength and woman's useful ness and beauty, ! Every one should know the causes. What are they The answer is easy and terribly Elain: Our vicious personal abits ; our careless an d lawless eating and drinking; the in tense mental and physical strain arising f roni our mad race after money, position and influence; the fears and struggles of pov erty ; the use of narcotics and stimulants; our fashioD of turnino; day into night and night into day; and, briefly, our desperate willingness to pay any price for an hour's pleasure or success. . Sj$ we burn life's candle at both ends and fill the lunatic asylums and the graveyards. The disease from which we -uffer and die is, in plain Eng .ish, Nervous Dyspepsia, as it is seated in the Nerves and in the organs of Digestion, Assim ilation and Nutrition. Healthy digestion being impeded or des troyed, tlie whole body, nerves included, is literally starved; even when there is no emaci ation tx tell the pad story. Neiroui prostration sends out its warnings: headache in the morning ; a 'persistent dull heaviness or aching at the base of the train ; wakefulness ; loss of appetite and disgust with food; loss of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without any assignable reason; eructal ions; bad breath ; foul mucous on the teeth ; occasional giddiness ; palpitation of the heart; sal owness of the skin ; coated tongue and gradual failure of strength and ambition. The remedy is a total aban donment of the habits and cus toms which cause the disease in each individual case, and the use of Shaker Extract of Hoots (Seigel's Syrup) to cure the mischief already done. This great remedy, prepared by the Shaker Community of Mt. Leb anon, N. Y., is especially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys pepsia. To do this it acts directly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex peHing waste matters from the system,and purifying the blood. Upon the nervous system Shaker xtractSemXsHjmp) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone and strength through its wondeiful influence upon the function of nutrition. It is safe to say more nerv ous dyspeptics have been re stored by it from tbe depths of misery to a fresh enjoyment of life and labor than by any or all other forms of treatment combined. NEW FIRM The uaden-ig led have entered into a co-partnership tor the purpose of conduct-, injr the GROCERY and PRODtCK COMMISSION business, to date from March 28, 1S87. Consignments eaiccia2ly solicited. McNEELY &. TYSOX The undersigned tnkesthis opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friends; for their patronage, and ask the con tinuance of the same to the NEW FlttM. He will always be on hand to serve tlwi pa t rons of t he XEfV FIRM. 27:tf J. D. McNEELY; 13 Would like a position as Book Keeper in the town of Salisbury; have had an ex perience of eight years at the business, system Double Entry, and would reppeet iuliy rtcfer io F. li. Oiiwouj of Gibson's Station, in whose employ I am now and have been for four years; also refer to the following gentlemen of Gibson Station : L. B. McLaurin, W. H. Morrison and D. 1). Gibson. Yours Respectfully, 7:1 mpd JAMES S. PIPKIN. m FOK SALE. Situati-il in Una . t'v. n:-i:in, R.'.nah Co. line miles I'roin Sa:ii-u.;.. n. ..; the Wi.US !oro io i(i7aljoii,ii) li.t- land of Jus. Hi"li. Calvin Hiritson awl otlu-is euntai.'iiu 144 acres, nearly one lout ci v. hi Ir is SECOND CZlZ BOTTOM, lieavilj; timbered. A good dweiiu.1 liousc, oarn, well, and nut-buildings, nil ne w. Purchaser paving some cah tan have in dulgence on the balance. Address ilus. J. C. McCORKLE1, Jerusalem, Davit Co., n'. C. 22:tf a v p fix)?. ur .'Jlil-.; ' fiidmmd eii Daaville EM Co. Western North Carolina Division. CIRCULARfeO. 183. Gkn'l Pasbenuke Dep?t.. ) Asijeville, N. C, May Gth, 1887. i i ae uniowing rassengcr i r;!in H"i:e:ui- between Ashevillf ai!l SpartanbUrff, Is hereby annoonced, to take t ffeei May 6th, is.s; : TliA.X NO. 53. Leave Asheville li ra a. m. A'.lievUic-Junctlon 1140 Aitlea lsjs p. na. 1-ietcUers U',ttt IKudersunTUle u.ii " ; Flat Kock lii65 " Soiudo 1 t0 ' " Melrose IM Tryoa 1.5s " IyOudtiims i..ii " " t:oaiioteilo iiti " " lninoa " ' Caui)ton i,i6 Arile Spdrtaubm-g s.- i it .NO. I.r.tve Spartanburg 3.5: p. c i!u;)tou 4 j ill. : 4 t .lOnoa i ; 4.1 t " Coiuuobello 1 4V9 " l.oiulniuii .ll " Try on " " Meirosc D.!4 " " SOltl.'.O i.v9 " ' Kiat Hoc ' ,W1 " lie ndeivuarlile 6 or " Flt'tc-hcrs :;i " A!'.l'n CD " Asiu-viiif .lar.ctloa 7.i:4 Arrive Ashtvtil t??n.illy except Sunday. -j JOS L. TATLOUi U. P. A. Ti i. K A. G. P. A. PIEDMONT AIR LUTE. Richmond & Danville Sailroad. We3tem North Carolina Division. MISNERAL PASSKN6EK DKP'T.l ASIIEVILLK, N. C, .Nuv.ti, lvsfi. j Cot.clon.Hcd ScUcOulc, t.iUinj effect Nov 7, lSStj. WEST. Read Ixmn. Read l'p. AtttVi; EAST. 1 30 pm Leave 6 u 9 42 11 W " 5 15 a m 44 7 4 Arrive 30 a in LeaL New York Phiwidfipnla Baltimore W:tsuiogtoa L.vnc.iliurg Danville Kk'iimond Uanmie Greensboro Uoidsboro Kalelgh Greensboro Salisbury Charlotte Salisbury 3 20 p m ' i i,y p m 44 : 10 oa a m 44 . b 2 oo Leave H 40 p m Anive 5 30 a rn 1 1 0 p u Leare u 30 Arrive Vi 'o a m i 47 p in Leave s o5 ""Arrive-'!4 3fl a m Leaue 1 1 00 p ni 7 3u 9 43 Arrive 5 tM) p m 1A I (Htum oo Arrive II 20 6 4") p m Leave sot Arrive 11 30 a nTLeave 12 :'9 p m Arrive 1 44 2 IS Salisbury Arrive sutesvUle Newton c is p in r. oy 4 C7 A 4't HI -kory Connelly S 'rings Morganton Marion Black Mountain Spart. June. Lslicvillo Alexanders 2 3S 3 30 4 33 6 02 47 6 55 IT 38 9 3D 10 CO 5 10 25 1 23 it 51 am 11 09 10 51 10 1(5 Hot Springs 8 20 Leave t o rrive 6 so 3 n Leave l 40 Leave J'aint Kock lioam Arrive 4 4 Morristown Knoxvllle MlTI.'I'ilY BHANt'U. 8 f 0 a m Leave A tieriUe . . lOftpmArr Wayncsvllle Arr 5 00 p m 2 45 12 11 12 00 m to 30 a ra 9 19 Leave 7 45 11 5 Sylva 18 05 p. m. 1 41 3 04 4 39 Webster ... Charleston Bunnell .. Jarretts 75th Meridian time used Katl of Paint Rbcfc. 90 tn 44 wt-st 4 Trains on Murphy Branch ran dally extent Sun day. '"hrough Pullman Sleepers on K-mth bounn train leaving .Salisbury at 11 p m. tu.-Atlanta and New Orleans. Through Pullman sleeper on norji ltound train leaving Salisbury at S 06 p m. for Washington, Pnilinan Sleeper on same train from Greensboro to tilchmond and Greensboro to Kalelgh. Does not leave Goidsboro Sundav r.lki.t. Does not leave Greensboro Saturday night. JAS. L. TAYI, G. P. A., . WasUlngton, 1). (' W, A. TritK, G. P. A. Asheville, N. C. M.nffWfC TII.V.L. I r-. Howsentu. Influenza, Hacking ( piarrhcea, KiCneyTroublen. tgugZSMgyjW. o cilia. WmTZZ Z V -.. iM information ' VUUUUWU Tcwder is absolutely Pure and hijehiy coa oontPttteL One ounce la worth a pound ot' fewder is abRnintoivUl B tf BTS ti M 33 "r4"" "no. it 1 aent by m.u) tof 25 cert a la Valuable .1 18 lis M iM Vf ?'"" u meaicine u.r bc.vlvea wtlt food, fe po.a every whort, or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. hi m L. H. CI.KMENT. CRAIGS & CLEMENT, -"' : L' v t Fob. 3rd, 188!. 9 J. WILLIAM BOYD, " ATTOENEY AT LAW, Salisbury, N. r jfcrO&GC with J. M.-lfaden.-i THE STAR Xemrapaper aupportlMK the Princlpn- of tt Democratic Adrntuliitratlen. Publwbed In the City of New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, y.riTcH. Baityi Weekly, and Sunday Editions, THE WEEKLY STAR, An Eight-page Newspaper, Issued every Wednesday. A ctenn, pure, bright and tntrrcttlnyr FAMILY PAPER. It contains the latest news, down to the Lour of going to Weat. Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Financial and Commercial, Political, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Department, all under the direction tit trained j u lirr.a lists of the highest ability. Us columniwill !e found crowded with good things from beginning to tnd. Original, stories by distinguished American aad foreign writers of fiction. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS. Free of Postage in the- United States and Canada, outjrfle thv limits of New Yorfc City. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. t lubs of 10 to tlie s:in O. address, with an additional c ipv to organizer of Chib, . .10.00 FOR THREE UCNTKS, ca tria!, . 25 cents Spec ial .Tim c vlrnordlDary induce, nvnia io aseiitii and cauraiMn, . itcad Toi Circultirai THE DAILY STAR. Tus THm.y Ptab contains all. the news of the day in an Ritr.iethe form. Its special correspondence by rabie rrtra l.flndon, I'hi if , Berlin, Vienna and Dublin, i. a co!u;neni:i!i'.o features. At Washington, y'.il r.ny. and other news centers, the aVeFt correrpondettf, fpceinlly tetainedy Tun Mas, furni-ti the latest news by telegraph. its literary features nr unsurpassed. The financial and Marfcet Itcviews are unusually full and corupIPte. TERMS OF THE DAILY STAB TO SUBSCRIBERS. Free of P stage; n the L'alU l ?tatts and Canada, out side tlio liinitsof Xtw York lity. Evry Pay, for : on e-y car 'iac'.udiug Sunday), 7 f0 Kaily, wiiiit.ut S.un day, one rear, . . . C Oij Every Da'r, yx monUxs, . . . . . 850 Daily, without Sunday, shcraonths, . , , 3.00 Eunuay, without Db:ly, one year, ... 1.&0 Address 'rilEi STAR, Broadway and Park Place, New York, WEAKIUNDEVELOPED I lift's of thpHUvlAN KOny KNLS.tUTKD.DEfWfT (1VKI. S'l'ltKMt I -lIKNKD.h ... i .in -n 'freeing d- yfMit iTi -nt long rm in oir"irni er. J i ranjy to tniul- ri s.w will iv timt. i hMrw - ' he, i Jnit.rei-tl cirrnlmn giv-tng all r.ariry jr.-. liv rfjt r j j j ; i If 'or-t cf wjtt.s' with, stomach disorder, torpi.l liyer, psin '.u back tr;sid, con stipation, etc , iieglrot tthV be Intnl. One dosi of Strong's Sanative Pills will give rrtiet, tew d oscs resisxe la net. healUi and rigor. HPnlifT i Jt Tl- 1 Cl!l taxnWh carp Ufl.,1. qumtity.foraiocWng R. t HALEY Sai 3T:lf l3lmryrX. C. in WARE. WHEN YOU WAST HARDWARE AT LOW FIGUBIS Jail on the utiilcrhiiu-tl ft I XO 2. O r h 1 it K"v. I). A.A'IWEll. Ajznt for the "CardwellTBreshcr. Sa!i.-';iry, N. C. Jtuic'Stli 1 1 . Subscribe now for the Watchman. PATENTS Cayeats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business tn the V. S. Patent Oiitc atvenrti-d tu tor Moderate Fees. oui'oftlce is opposite liie I . S. Patjent f'flice, and we can obtain Patents in. less lime than tlicse re mote from Washington. Send Yodel or draAvlcg. We adviae as to patent abiiltj free of charge; and make So thurie timet we Obtain Puttr.t. - Weiefer her lo the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Mont y order lMv.. and to officials of the U. i?" Pat ent office. Forcirculair. advice, terms and infer ences to acluatctlcniK In y oar own state or county, writcto C. A, SNOW & CO. opposite Patent Office, wa3ili-gttn I. C. Oct. 2i.'o.-tf Everybody in North Carolina who are not already subscribers, to send the ir aU dresrt on o.stal raid, for f-iimtile cojjv f the WEEKbVXKWS ANDOBFEKVKK and speciarofler turing Deeember. Addiicss, Xt8 AND OBSERVE K. KaleigVN. at UtOOD. othtra Iflu to th, JL wtniui .round i.h hrT v r.t. ir, .n. a 11 uround uaeh box is wortb tan times the coat or a hex .of iiiuui. u:iepiu a dote. Plaati atwd pampiii' Dr. T. O. JOHnraOWSOO.. 23 C.H Bt..Hoston. Mam Motlunar uu carui 'wul " T.e hens laj Uatf , It euro; all 1 1 . Jieii of hcr. Ia VTOtcii its woif 1- id (Fold. Iliu.trated ctafc - ib. air-tigtii ttn ctux, fj s b.r mutl, S13 S-i i. a. JO&ZtSUfi i 60.. -;4.oai 67 mitl. toi.iwt B llBriaiiHaHi : -c h?r?Tfy-Vie' -'KiiEhftnst:, filwr at tbe Inst, Mnli t-Ph ?r"1- f'o:3raHorbns. Dysentery. Chronic -1 . -.. ut, vj . , aiwwwm PILLS tsM iy 21 ,187.

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