The Carolina Watchman. - - ? I , ; ; ; j L- - SALISBURY N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1887 NO 82 mgmmgmgmggmm VOL XVIII.-THIEI) SERIES TheAppstite of Birds. Of all auitn;ls, birds possess the Brave Texan Bangers. T1IF KLI1ER-8HERIFFS WHO THE FRONTIER. PROTEl T Of the whole frontier line separating the republic of the United States from !... ,nHfm the most energetic pinition, and the warmest hhod,and they consequent lyunddrgo the most r-mul change of substance and need the most food. Although tew creatures are : the rep5,blic of Mexico there is no por go pleasing to the aesthetic tastes of a ion better' policed than that which es noeticallv inclined person as birds, the nds from the Gulf of Mexico to El breeder "knows that most of them aie ; pago ex. This is in a great measure to be looked upon as hearty or excess- due to the fact that from the gulf to jve eaters. Any one who closely ob- thi3 little southwestern town the bonn serveis birds and their conduct will, ary between the two republics is a soon remark that their thoughts and natural one, formed by the muddy efforts, aside from the few days they tream of the Rio Gran le. But more sjiid in wooiug and their short periods especially is the security of this part of ot re-ting, are directed to getting some- the border due to the courageous and thing to eat. With what restless ear- j untiring efforts of that portion of the newness do titmice plunge through the ! State troops of Texas known as the and trees. Not a leaf is uiun- Texas Ranirers. There has not been a vc.-tigated, every chink in the bark is ; period in the history of Texas withH examined for whatever eutauie 11 may oe ; which the romantic name ot rangers hiding, and a sharp look is east into j mis not been more or less intiaiateljy everyPj )int of a branch. Haw indus- 'connected. They were rangers who triously does the oHsel turn and thrash fought against Santa Anna, and who the leaves on the ground of the woods fe n the desperate conflict at Alamo, alLthe day long, spying its game with und jt was dying rangers who bequeath a glance of its sharp eye, and snapping ! e(j to their childaen the task of ven i: up on the instant ! After oL- geanee which still inspires the Texan in erving a few such incidents we can every border conflict with the rallying easily believe the stories that are related crVi "Remember the Alamo." of tlie fish-eating powers of the cormo- The corps of rangers formed part o.e and fruit-eating Dims in. . ire t'.ie troops that, rought against the to consume three tunes their Union during the civil war, and indeed rant able weight - every hcericc iiiaaiui - PURELY VEGETABLE. lt acts with exlraordinary efficacy on tha TIVER, (irEYS, J - . and BOWE,S. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Bowel Complaint m. li I-11, Blck Headache, ConsUaUon, HiUousm vs, Kidney A 'lectio is-. Jaundice. "Mental Ieprcion, Colic. Ho Household Shoold be Wit&oo. It, unrt.liy tiotnKkeptea(ly for immediate use, will nave many ;in lioiir of snlferin nnd many a dollar in timo und"3octor' bills. - THERE 19 BUT ONE SIKMONS LIVER RESULATOR See that you gel the genuine with red Z" cn front of Wrapper. Prepared only by J.H.ZEILIN &l CO., Sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. 1UCE, Sl.OO. I IEDMONT MADE WAGONj AT HICKORY, N. C. CAN'T BE BEAT ! s . '.'... . - W They stand whore thoy ought to, right square AT THE FaiNT! It Was a Hard Fight But They Have Won It ! they were the nucleus around winch gathered and were disciplined the wild frontier men of Texas who were, under General Kirhv Smith, the last to lav down their arms, long after General Robert E. Lee had surrendered his sword to Grant. It seems strange that though Texas was the last of all the 'States to submit, she really suffered so little. Texas to-day owns her public lands, and her mineral wealth is not controlled by the general mining laws of the country. Moreover she has to day, as in older times, her corps ot rangers, solely controlled by the State, and yet maintained in active military service. This is a unique privilege and one which no other State in the Union enjoys. There did not for some , years after the war and during the reconstruction period exist any State force in lexa.-.. and the present organization of rangers came into being in 1874, when Gov ernor Richard Coke was in office. The whole force at the present time does not number more than 250 men, yet it has been found amply sufficient to thoroughly police the frontier A Texas Ranger, strange thdugh it may appear, is not usually a Texan by birth. The rangers come from every part of the Union, and quite a number ot them are voting adventurers, eastern boys of good families. It is impossi ble for a poor man to join this State force. He must have, as a preliminary to enlistment, a horse of his own, a Winchester rifle, all the necessities, or camping out, and about 100 invested in his outfit. He joins for a term of six months, and receives 30 a month tor his services and Sll for a ration for his horse. The State provides him with all the ammunition he may care to fire away, and under such circumstances it is heedless to say that every ranger is-a dead shot, both with a rifle and revol ver. A corporal receives $35 a month, a sergeant $50 a month, a lieutenant $75 a id allowance for two horses, a captain $100 a month and allowance for two horses. There is no higher rank in the rangers than captain, though when two or three companies act together the senior captain is com mander. The Texan Ranger is a curious com pound of a soldier and a police officer. He .s a htate police officer and a soldier - m at tin same time. In the tormer capacity he performs the duties of a denutv sheriff in eVerv county in the State, find is authorized to arrest iugi- tives from justice without a warrant A list of these fugitives is furnished from time to time to every ranger, to- Paso. learned that one of the Bacas was clerking, in a small store in the Mexican town of Saragossa, directlv opposite on the other bank of the river. Without making any application for extradition papers, Gillett went to the corporal of his companv, and, selecting another ranger,. the three agreed to go across the river and eapture Baca. They got to the store unobserved. Gil lett covered young Baca with his revol ver and called upon him to surrender. Before the people around knew what was up thef gangers had their prisoner behind one of them on a horse, and they made for the American side. For about two miles and p. half they were chased by indignant, Mexicans who had mounted, many of them with out saddles and with only a rope around their horses noses, the rangers kept changing their prisoner from one horse to another until the river bank was gained, and the pursued and pursuers exchanged slots all the way. When the rangers reached the middle of the stream the Mexicans gave up the chase and returned to Saragossa. uillett was afraid of his action not being ap proved of and so he went up to Socorro and turned his prisoner over to the sheriff. The next day the indig nant populace hung Baca up to a Cot tonwood tree. Another example of the manner in which border officers dispense with the nice formalities of extradition papers is furnished by the tacit agreement which exists between the Mexican officers at Paso Del Norte, Mexico, and the rang ers in El Paso, v Texas. When the rangers know that the man thev want w ill rim nuiarri hnrlmrvl of fln Affvif:m town, they Jo over and inform the chief of police that they want such a mail. The Mexican police arrest him on some trival charge or no charge at all. They bring the prisoner to the midd!e of the street car bridge, where an "imaginarj line divides the United States r-rom siexico. l lie cere meet them half w;-y. cans give the; unfortunate wretch a shove that sends him over the imagi nary line, and he finds himself a prisoner under the laws of Texas. Of t:ourse whenever the Mexican officials require a simitar favor, the rangers are only too glad and willing to extend it. And so extradition goes merrily on without troubling the State Depart ment to any considerable extent. i This extraordinary force of soldier sheriffs is distinctly remarkable for the absolute ioyaity the members bear each other. They have taken for their motto, "God h:des coward?,'1 and they live up to it. There is hardly a mem ber of the force who lias been a ranger for even a single year that has not gone through experiences that other men would crowd intoatife time. Despera- loes, cattle thieves, Indians and fence iter- hardly leave an idle day to a I." T-V i 1 company or rangers. jjunng tne strikes on Jav Gould's Southwestern ystem, it was due to their energy alone nat passenger traffic was not wholly topped. They are a distinctive class of niei, even among frontiersmen, and have in the highest degree all the virtues of the: rough wild southwestern life, with scarcely one of its vices. I was spared from taking." The singer grasped the hand of Hie Southerner and said with great emo tion: "I remember tho night very well, and distinctly the feeling of depression and loneliness with which I went forth to my duty. I kuew my post was one of great danger, and I was more deject ed than I remember to have been at any other time during the service. I paced my lonely beat, thinking of home and all that life holds dear. Then the though Lof God's care for all that he has created came to me with peculiar force. If he so cared for the sparrow, how much more for man created in his own image; and I sai.g the prayer of my heart and ceased to feel alone. How the prayer was answered I never knew until this evening. My heavenly Father thought best to keep the knowl edge from me for eighteen years. How much of his goodness to us we shall be ignorant of until it k revealed by the light of eternity, 'Jesus, lover of my soul,' has been my favorite hymn: now now it will be inexpressibly dear. The accident related in the above sketch is a true one, and was related to the writer by a lady who was one of the party on the steamer TRIBUTES TO WOMAN. "Woman's Devjtion. TURKEY The Saltan's Harem. HOW THE VEILED BEAUTIES OF ARE GUARDED. Iii speaking of the Sultan's harem, a Gem 3 from the Po?t, Preachers and Sage3 of Many Lands. Woman is the masterpiece. Confucius. Woman is the crown of creation. Herder. Women teach us repose, civjlity nnd dignity. Voltaire. All that I am my mother made me. John Quincy Adams. Shakespeare has no heroes he has onlv heroines. Raskin. Woman is the most perfect when the most womanly. Gladstone. In wishing to extend her empire, wo man destroys it. Cabants. Nature meant to make woman its m asterpiece. L ess i n g. There is a woman at the beginning of all great things. Lamartine. If woman lost us Eden, such as she alone restore it. Whittier. I wish Adam had died with all his ribs in his body. Boucieault. To a gentleman, every woman is a lady in right of her sex. Bulwer. What is a woman? Onlv one of na- CASE IN WHICH LOVE WAS CONSTANT THROUGH DARKEST DAYS. A dispatch from Nashville, Term., says: Eighteen years ago the doors of the State prison closed upon Frank Riddle, of Maury county, who had been sentenced to life iinprisoamet for mur dering a Germ in pddter. Tiiere were doubts as to the guilt, of Riddle, who refusing to acknowledge the crime and accept a term of fifteen years, insisted upon a plea of not guilty. The trial resulted m his conviction, and the de fendant appealed to the Supreme Court granted a new hearing. which second verdict against Riddle was ren dered, and he was sent to the peniten tiary. Year after vear passed, one after another of the life convicts died, and Riddle almost abandoned hope of obtaining his freedom. While Governor Taylor was seated Helpful Hint I would iell the mothers that kave the care of small children that I have found it is not atways needful to call a physician when tha little ones are ill. In the first place, a great deal of wateh ful care is absolutely necessary. The clothing, of course, is the first essential point: "To be always comfortably clothed and ready for the variable changes of weather, we are apt to have 1 through this region. I have learnedjthat ouions are a very good remedy for colds: Take half a dozen large onions, place them in a piece of thick browu paper, well wet with water to keep from burning, wrap up well and ro;ist in hot ashes. Another very good Temedy is salt pork and onion, chopped up fine and applied to the chest. For sour mouth I use sulphur, by putting itsniall portion on the tongue every few minutes. It will be found - in hi. office to-day aVwoman walked valuable in cases ot diptheria. Baltimore American correspondent hire's agreeable bin udersT Cowley. Ml . ill 1 savs: ihe women are watcned over ov i , , 0V,w,,i,: mwnKrnMupfuiu Ahandsouie woman is a iiuuu num. in in a 1 1 eiimi I f. ituui jewel ; a waited upon by negroes of their own ' sex, all of whom are natives of Egypt, ! a fishionable woman is always in trained from infancy for this special iove with herself. Rochefoucauld. Texas offi The Mexi- fTll A. 11 service, inese negro women are tan and robust, with an abundance of wool ly hair, broad, fi it noses and black, shining skin, in marked contrast to the men, who are peculiarly shaped, their stout, short disproportionately long legs giving them a grotesque Woman is last at the cross and earliest at the grave. E. S. Barrett. No man can either live piously or die righteous without a wife. Richter. All women are good good for noth- The free use of glycerine is also very (f. ui.'l in nij IqVv aas uij v 1 1 bonietimes the little ones get very sick with chills and fever, caused by au C attack of worms. They are generally speaking, the child's worst enemy. L have found no remedy so goodas the common burdock, and it is the iest of most every farm. I take the leaves and wilt them-in hot water and cover all over the body until it sweats readily. For weak kidneys, I use that noxious weed, mullein, by making a weed tea and letting them drink it three or four times a day. If you will try these remedies for the children, and sometimes they are .very ippearance. This is the more conspic- iug, or good for something. Cervantes. Just read what people say about them and if you wailj a wagon conie quickly and buy r toe, either for cash or on time. Salisbuky, N. C. St'pr.- 1st, 1SS0. T.vo years ao I bought a very-light two hrc Pui.lmnnx waoti of the Agent, Jim. A, Boyilcn; have used it'y all the time W'. have tried it severely in hauling saw '"ianu other liiavv loads, and have not nat to pv one cent lor repairs, I lHk uPln the Pic.linont wagon as the bestThim- 'cjki'in wagon maile in the tiut.'. States. W umber used in th.'in is most excel lent M tlurronirhly well seasoned. TlTHXKK 1'. TlIOMASOX. Samriiukv, N. C. Mg. 27th, issG -Vlnut two years ajro I bought ol'Jno A J?Je, aoiitj horse Piedmont waijon which 3tn in at: 1 1 serviie and no jiait of it brokin or given away and conscqnent '.v ' liauo nothing for repairs. John I). 1Im,v. A.R i-iue IAIS1ICKY. N. C Sept. :;d, issg. months ago 1 bought of .John Hiynen, a 2V in, h Thiml.h- Sk.-in Pied ont wagon ami have used it pretty nvm h a" tllC time and it b nmvnil ln lii-":i lirst- - " r- : . .: , away pirs. Nothing about it has given and therefore it lias required no rc T. A. Walton. IS wtlishu il, N. C. Sept. Sth. 188fi. Months a0T bourbt of tho A wilt, in a - J in I himble Skt-jn Piedmont t!ieir4iglitt onediorse wagon I '!)( If. in .i!ii..-t ..i.ftft 1 'ether with their descriptions, and it is hisdntv to commit it to memorv. 1 lie services that this body of fcdate troops lias rendered to Texas are incalculable. While alt New Mexico and Arizona have been for years past overrun by hostile Apaches the frontier of Texas has never suffered. The manner in which the rangers utterly exterminated the Lepans and Kickapoos as well as Jie toinanches is a lively reminder to the Apaches and Navajoesjiot to cross the Hio (I rande where it borders on the Lone Star State. Here is an incident which threatened at one time to lead to serious inter national complications. A young east ern man named Conklin came down to New Mexico in 18S0 and started a pa-i)5i- at Socorro, fie was a nice young fellow, and soon became very popular simon" fehe few Americans in that thoroughly Mexican town. On Christ m as eve, 1S80, there was a kind of -I 1 .: 1 Ul,l .lm I"1 iilrlin Clilircn TesMvai ueiu, ol hiu v""n-" was mauiger. While it was in pro gress two young Mexicans namedrha,a made themsetves very noisy in the room, and as they refused to keep quiet Conklin expelled them. One of them, a young fellow about 23, got a revofver, land as Conklin was going home with -his wife one of the brothers pulled him aside and the other shot him dead on the spot. The murderers got off, a'though the whole town turned out to chase them. Nothing was heard of either of them for several months. Une dav Sergeant Ciillctt of Captain Bay- A Remarkable Incident. "Cover nay defensclcs head With the shadow of thy wing." A party of Northern tourists formed part ot a large company gathered on the de.k of an excursion steamer that moving slowly down the historic Potomac one beautiful evening in the summer of 1771. A gentleman, who has since gained a national reputation as an evangelist of song, and been de lighting the party with a happy render Inir of many famili ir hymns, the hist being the sweet petition so dear to ev ery Christum heart, "Jesus lover ot my soul.' The singer cave the first two verses vith much felitig, and a peculiar em- Dhasis upon the concluding lines tnat thrilled every heart. A hush had fall en nnon the listeners that was not broken for some seconds after the mu sical notes had died away. then a frentleman made his wav from the out skirts of the crowd to the side of the singer, and accosted him with, "Beg vnnr n;irdnn straiisrer. but were you jV. -7 -j i tyt actively engaged in the late war? "Yes sir, the man of song answered courteously; '"I fought under Genera Grant:' 'Well the first speaker continued with sonitfthim? like a siirh. 1 did mv i c firrhfinor ni Hi ntlipr sidf. and think " indeed I am quite sure, I was near you one bright night eighteen years ago this very month. It was very much h a nhfiV as this. If I am not mis taken, vou were on guard duty. We of the South, had a sharp business on hand, and you were one of the enemy. 1 crept near your post of duty, with my murderous weapon in my hand; the shadow hid me. 'A you paced back and forth you were humming the tune of the hymn yon have just sung. 1 raised my gun and aimed at your heart, aWl had been seleeted by our company for the workbecanse J was a sure shot. Then out upon the night rang the words: nous from the fact that they generally travel upon small Arab horses, their feet nearly touching the ground. In the harem the women spend their time in comparative idleness, the bath and toilet filling the hours not allotted to eating and sleeping. Some few of them smoke cigarettes, and singing, with a harp aecompaniaraent, is not unusual. Their indolent natnres make them averse to exercise, and they most ly recline upon their divans. In fine weather they are permitted to take a drive, a certain nurnlier at a time. A half-dozen carriages stop at the harem in the early afternoon, and are filled with occupants, four being the comple ment -of each c.irriage. They wear very thin lace veils, which permit any one having '0(k sijht to distinguish their features even at a considerable distance. But one must be very careful in ap proaching too near these veiled beau ties, else he may receive a stroke from the lash of the driver. One wonders often why these women wear such thin lace over their faces while the free women of Constantinople, are muffled in thick cotton veils, with ouly a small hole for one eye. The harem carriages ire mounted upoil heavy springs, paint ed in vivid vermillion, and highly var nished. They have golden ornaments and are drawn by two horses. 1 he driver is a eunuch, as are also the mount ed o-nards. one at each door. VV hen There was never a fair woman but she mouths in a glass. Shakespeare. The sweetest thing in life is the un clouded welcome of a wife.- N P Willis. All the reasonings of men are not worth one sentiment of women. Vol taire. Handsome women without religion are like flowers without perfume. Heine. A world without women, would be like unto a green-house without flowers. A lion. Women are a new race, recreated since the world received Christianity. Beecher. But one thing on earth is better than the wife that is the mother. Leopolu hchefer. A passionate woman's love is always overshadowed by her fear. George Eliot. Between a woman's "yes"' and "no" I would not venture to stick a pin. Cervan tes. Earth has nothing more tender than a woman's heart when it is the abode of 1 pity. Luther. For where is any author in the world -ohakespeare. Woman is the Sunday of man; not into the apartment and presented the Governor a petition for executive clemency, signed by tho lessees and every officer of the prison, who stated that Riddle's long incarceration had served the ends of justice. Accompa nying the petition was a letter written by the woman who bore it. After the Governor had read the documents the lady rose, and addressing him, said: "Governor Taylor, when that man was accused of murder I was engaged to bo married to him. I did not believe him guilty and did not break the en gagement. During the two or three years that the trial was pending 1 still believed in him. Daring the eighteen j c"7i "uu years of his confinement I have stuck ! ?Qod tor 8roTn ?P.le' lt V11. to him. His parents have died. His brothers and sisters are all dead except I 1. i: . i. r , rr-r i ' iisisici nihiini's out i esr. i ne people whojvere interested in the case then haveall forgotten him. I am the only friend he has in the world. My life has been wrapped up in him. I believe m him . ,i i i j i 1 1 i I. iiuu nave ioeu nun inrongii all tnese long, weary years. 1 do not ask you to think him an innocent man, but for the sake of two lives that may yet be happy, I emplore yon set him "free." Without waiting to hear the Gov ernor's decision she arose and left the ohVe and the canitol. When his Excel ency had cleared his eves of tears he said to Bishon Gran- berry: "Such devotion and constancy I have never seen, and whatever Riddle may have deserved, it does look like that woman ouirht to have :i eh ineo sit. happiness." ii m? necessary to call in a pnvsician.- Fbrencc Summercille, in Farm and f reside. When You Study, Study. i Lord Macaulav. the celebrated histo rian, was a great student and when he stndied, he studied. He used to get up at 'five o clock, and study tiil nine or en. He got so that he could read Latin and Greek right off-hand the same as yon can this. He had the power of putting his whole mind on his book. Many people put part of the mind on their work, and the rest on something else. But all this is wrong. Play when you play: and when you study, study. In study, all the facul ties are needed; reason, to judge of what you read; memory, to recollect it and so with all the rest. Macaulay became one of the most, distinguished writers of his times, and it was mainly by dint Attorney General Garland f:'vs that - T , n I i I if ue means to retire irom puniic me ar die end of the present Administration. de does .not .covet a seat on the Su- i .ireni- Bench, and would not accept it hvhatevex it is that we do. and only f it wereLoffered to hiru. JSeiv 1 ork World., of this early habit of his, of putting his entire mind at the disposufif the work before him. All cannot study alike, but we can all be deeply in earnest in downright earnestness will cause us to succeed in life. he women visit the great bazaar, a teaches such beauty as a woman s eyes ? kind of market where all sorts of wares are sold, the carriages drive up in line l.lf . i i. . ... ..... .I.e. ueiore rue euu.iuce, u. K..i-- lis repose onlv, but his jov, the salt of mount turnmcr their horses over to the , . . .. , ... r , care ot tne an vers, anu accompany ux his life. Michelet. women through the bazaar. Solid Tiuth. Every thinker knows that the man who would succeed must do more work woman is born tor love, ana it is impossible to turn her from seeking it. Margaret b uller Ossoli. A woman may be ugl ill shaped, wicked, ignorant, silly and stupid, but ECZEMA ERADICATED. GOTtlomrn H I dne yon ti my that T Ihink I am entirely wcU of cm after 1. v inj taken Switt'e -p.cif:c. I f.uvi! 4eeu troubled with it Tory little in my face aiuce laft epnnjf. At the beginnin of eold weather last tail it made a Blight appearance, but wpt awy and ua never returned. S. S. S. no doubt broke ii up: at least ii put my Rood condition and 1 imt well It also benefited my wife greatly in caw of sick headache, and made a perfect tore f a brj-aking out on mv little three year ofl kiughter last unim r. WatkionvUic, Ga., Feb. 13, IS16. lU:v. JAMKS V. M. JtORRIS. Treatise on Clooa and Skin Dicase-- maUed free. Thk Swit PEcrno Co.. TVrnwcr 3, Atlanta, Ga. than he gets paid for, in every profes- hardly ever ridiculous. Louis Des- Aug. 28, 168G. ly 1 1 . A. . I .4. . . .. ..,. sion, and traue. ueiahe n iui iuinru that the man will do only $20 worth of work a week because his salary is but $20 a week, tor the simple reason that he has never shown his employer that he is worth more. We figure it that an employe who means to succeed has to do from ten to twenty per cent more work than he gets actual pay for. This he has to do until he reaches a certain point, having reached that point, he will find that by as much as his income has increased, by so much has the demand for the amount and in- noyer If the whole world were put into one scale and my mother into the other, the worM wouid kick the beam. Lord Landsdam. There are only two beautiful things in the world women and roses; and only two sweet things women and melons. Malherbe. 0, women ! in ordinary cases so mere a mortal, how in the great and rare events of life dost thou swell into the i a. Ma: Sl l-$il v- r.x.y ltr pi ai i ii r m tr rra - . KOTlV 'li 1 HI1 JLUO Si U 1 ATI ui liuiiioii a f uiitrstvt :nt end varo rotorcd to je.u bi uao ot ng?f.SHMrHAl PASTILLES A IiadiolCcrfcr Nerroasolit7,Orrcii IViaBXIiflBl Pn Jih-.' r.l rV: in Yoannr aT Ca AredMcn. 'J'pst.l forl;.TlitVcara in rr.rBT RTpd and hrpr d n men to Oie Irll ejocto? mnart and full ManiyS'reniythand Viaoroua ilsalth. To thD3OTh0BUr froTn 1 ho nny obcnrodi'a.''' rurochtaboot i7 Inlicrio, j"orar,0er-i:a WorS, or too f mo J ndnJp-, tto a; that you can't us TnrtRrD5-!!7Tie-itor jrrccrtreri !, ana bcct.t TA ti V rKAO". h )U;-?-M I'f-nnh UrJ- a i-.s : . i;tr. n 01 ptcteaxiow nan -tri i:i li.r : irouoist, Jr i whoB only oa i-fcohlirf thslrt-fn. ' Unu. Tako CM RMET that OAS .oKEU t.iotBamii. duel rnt rtm wh tutection to -iuinj, cr eautc d.i oriaconveniente in hit wbt Frdc ! einic rcdica.1 prlnipW By dirtrt Influence it ff't i.-'.taout drier. Theun.l wiecirr.:n5f l.-Tncn nf lift la flirn In i "a . till jttli a becomes ceerTul aca npidi y fcsine both eep Lad TBEATHLfT. C3 Hcsth. $3. Tr?o m.55. Zts. O HARRIS REMEDY CO., fir C:nST?, Sevj W.TtStrrt.BT..CTn ro. RUPTORSO PCRSOSfS can havo FRCil Trial cf our Applianco. A:i tor Term.! . . . a , ft If If I I . . . tensity of his labor diminished. To angei : ouiwer ujwnw. put this theory into tigures wesay tnat j Womeu have more strength in the r 25:1y a man receiving Z) a weeifnouiu ao $30 worth of work; a man receiving ?30 a week should do 40 worth of In.. .i 4i i ti r i 1 1 , ; ... a.-, i inic m "itis oi eivc lutulcJ on it ut Unt&t woihI sr.i v. 'uhjout any HjMi.s. L. Ii. Vai.:o..-. hn-'s compiiny of rangers, tlieu station el at a little town called f.sleta, on the PJo Grande, about six miles cast of EI 4-(!ov4-r ray 'li-niist'lis head With lite shadow uf thy uin." Your prayer was answered, I couldn't tiro, after that. And there was no at tack on your camp that night. I felt autre when 1 bCanl von nai' mis even ing, that vou were the man whose life looks than we have in our laws; a. d more power by their tears than we have by our arguments. Saville. A beautiful woman is a practical poet; taming her savage mate, plant- . I l ll 1 K . .1 n-,.1.1- mvll'l L J.......r lw.,t atnl riAlinili 111 IS tO Siiy, aOOUl COU WUIIU "J. viiv ih l,eilU-i UCM, ii-jjv; u vvjii m stit fv his employer. Labor brings its U whom she approaches.- Emerson. market value, and is seldom overpaid, f tener underpaid. It is the experience, work, and so on until, say, the salary reaches 72, and then the laborer can rivn himlf Komewhut of a rest, that ' v Misfortune sprinkles ashes on the heart of the man, but falls like dew on the head of the woman and brings forth gems of strength of which she herself h id no conscious possession. -Anna Cora Mowatt. the "Know-How," that brings the money. Manufacturer Gazette. Man wants but little here below, But wants that little strong. This is. especially true of purge. The average man or woman does uot precisely hanker for it. as a rule, but when taken, wishes it to be prompt, sure and effective r , there are others who eppose Hr PiArr' Peasant PursatlVC Pellets , eXISI., aua ii-c Jn leave nothing to be desired in ioint of efficacy, and yet their action is totally f. ee from any unpleasant symptoms, or disagreeable after-etTects. Purely vege table, perfectly harmless. There are s nue persons wno onp.?e cipital puuishment simply bseansa it A mitrailleuse is being tried in the Austrian army which will fire 1.0C0 bullets in ninctv second vp3 that are theoretu allv ttrtA 5Ptl timn tally honest, but which nr . lackimr in pmctical sens.. Hang ing, they say, is barberou?. But it is nol more so than murder. It is a mode nf mi'iishment which has bu udopted to discourage murder, and it is about the best discourager yet nevr?ea. uki mttti Co::':nrrchK CASH AGAINST CREDIT FARMERS Look to Your Interest. . One Dollar in casli or barter at J. Rovan Davis1 store, Mill Bridge, Kowaa county, will uuy more goous liian one uouar ana nity cents on a creuit with stores .wliicli sell on mortgage, lt you uon t neiieve it ti v one vear and MS what vou will Ktve. Come and examine iny eelleut lice cf Goods. Just received Dry aud Fancy Cccds, Shoes, Hats I am now in reteirtt of the best Hue of Swing a Ami especially the Prices. Piece Goods, Hardware, &c. GROCERIES Ever in stock, couiting of Syrups, Coffee, Bacon, Roller Mill Flour, Xevr Orleans Raw Sugar, aal to any other things net mentioned. trcsh Cnr.dc Sco t lor 1S"5. . wye iac ca:i. uespectiUiiy, 1 - J. ROWAN DAVIS. I 1 e1i 5 1 3 A i

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