Carolina Watchman LOCAL. THUUSpAY JtTXE 2, 18S7. o4vt9 .rrtttnif loo on matter ad . in tils pper will plo-we ujr-''at vertised file siiuacrtptlou jnttes of the Varvlina I tdrn"" aw ns follow : 1 year, paid i" advance, fl .50 " pavm'tdelavedamoVS.OO " rmC deTetl 2 moV2.50 J Mr. C. R. Barker is visiting friends in Winston. ' Coinmencement at Trintyollcge next week, also at Wake Forest. MeXeely & Tyson and the Racket gtore are putting up new awnings. Foard A Rice are going to put up a "modern elevator in their Factory. The usual 30th of May showers came lt Monday and drenched the paradors. The early gardens are now yielding bean. How such things do diminish the beef bill. The" Kmg's Daughters" are getting ready for a Japauese wedding to be giv en in the near future Connelly Springs and Blowing Rock will be the principal places of resort for SalUburiaus this summer. Travel over the Western road is le giiming to assume its usual summer pro portions. Every train crowded. The new schedule on'the Wi X. C. R. R. went into effect last Sunday by which the mat hound train arrives here at 7:30 p. in. The editor of this paper has been too unwell this week to perform his usual labors and craves indulgence for short age. ltev.C. W. King has been confined to his room several days with slight illness, but is now convalescent and will be out toon. On Monday evening, about 7.30, some one fired a pistol in front of the National Hotel and ran away.. We could learn no particulars. j . The Methodist Sunday school picnic, which was to have taken place to-day, was postpone! luuenimeiy on account oi s n -i ". l a. .J? -the weather. We (have had delightfully refreshing showers this weck-s-fiue for sweet pota toes and all growing crops but perhaps not so good for wheat. Fifty tons of i-1 o' boj ler iron is here for the water works stand pipe, and wc ex pect soon to be almost deafened by the . noise of its construction. "Draughts'7 has made its appearance in Salisbury, some of yiir citizens have it pretty bad. It seems to be quite conta gious and moves in cycles. The Old flickory Club rooms are to be repapered, repainted, audotherwiscovei hauled at once, by an artist of considera ble reputation iu this State. We aotico in the Charlotte Chrgnicle that. Mr. 0. B. Vanwych, of Anderson, H. C, will move to Salisbury to deal in paper. Welcome, Mr. Vanwych. Bishop Key, of Alabama, instead of Bisthop (j ran berry, of St. Louis, will at tend the Methodist District Conference to be held in Salisbury, last of July. fiev. J. Rumple, D. D., assisted Dr. Smith iu couiln union services last Sun day at Oreensboro. Uis pulpit here was filled by Rev. Albert Plumb, of Bos ton. - - Brick have been put on the ground for the foundation of Theo.-Fr Kluttz's resi dencc, on Imiis street. The plan be speaks a handsome structure of modern design. .---.- Mr. Jno. Shuiuan had his hand pain fully cut in the machinery at Meroucy's hop Tuesday. We learn that ho will loMooe finger. His father was hurt by the same machine. We regret to. announce the death of Mr. Michael Albright, an aged and highly respectable farmer of Locke township, in this county a consistent member of E. therau church. A team of mules hitched to Mr. J. S. McCubbiu's wagon tried hard to give us local yesterday but they wore stopped before they got far, and before they had i chauce to do auy damage. W-V. W. Byrd preached a sermon before the Baptist school, at Lexington, oa Sunday night; while Rev. Mr. Fisher, fthe Rowan circuit, occupied' tho pulpit be Methodist church here. There will be a mwu party, by the Mission Band in Mr. SH. Wiley's grove to-iuorrow; afternoon, weather pennit ! It is for a good purpose, and wc nPe every one that cau, will go. The thed recently put tap on Main f in front of business houses, will 'CBa protection against the rays of nnmer's sun. but. from tin orn.-iinent.'il tandpoiut, they add nothing to the ap- rwance of the street. Tl... n vommeucemcnt at Livingstone vouece twA- . . were numerously attended- and of aiuiuteresting character-. Rev. JM. Price, president, fcr oue of the West men of his race in t his eountry. Wt are in receipt of an invitation to ""d the thirty-fourth annual coin "eaeemcnt exercises of Roanoke Col li, Salem, Va., on the 14th instant. to Ui- M Wa,ld,l f Wilmington, ia deliver the oration before the literary oeties. Mayor Heave will begin in a i shoi t time to remodel his residence on Main street, by tearing away that part front ing the street, and replacing it with new work of snore modern architecture. r. Sid Hearnc of Albcrmarle was iu town last Tuesday and reported that from private advices from Dr. King, at Wilmington, work would commence on the S. A. A N. V. fc.t on June 1st. . Bo mought it be. The Annual Address of Rev. A. II. Plumb, D. D., of Boston, Mass., at the commencement exercises of Livingstone College yesterday, was pronouueed by parties present to have been a very supe rior effort of it kind und highly appro priate in all respects. - Those of our citizens who attended the National drill, at Washington, returned delighted with the trip, and the many things taken in while there. Not least among they being the panorama view of the second battle of Bull Run, known South as the second battle of Manassas. We have a quaint friend(L. S. K.) who though but a few miles from town, calls but once a year about the 20th of May He loves to joke has been a close ob server for many of the 68 years he has passed on earthy and remembers well what he sees and hears. In his last visit he dropped out this; "I have never been mad enough at a man to hit him but once in my life and then it happened that there was a fence between us and I couldn't; and I have often wondered since, whether or not I would have hit him if the fence hadn't been there. No no, a man behaving like a gentleman will not have much trouble in this world." It is said that the object in view, in cutting down the number of revenue dis tricts in the State to two, was to make the system of collecting the revenue less expensive a saving to the government of one hundred thousand dollars annual ly; The intention, we learn, is to occupy the Government buildings at Raleigh and Greensboro, thereby getting rid of enor mous rents heretofore paid for offices, and making these headquarters for the Eastern and Western divisions respec tively, A later report says that Greens boro is included in the Eastern district. If so, the collector's office should be lo cated at Salisbury, it leing more central, acccssablc by rail and telegraph, and con venient to the mountain and sand hill counties. This would entitle us to a gov ernment building sooner or later. J. J. Rbi'NKR, Eb. Editor Carolina Watch man : Dear Sir : In your nncr of the 20th instant, yon say that 4thc Mansion House corner hi gotten to be a loafing place for idlers and 'tis hardly decent for Indies to pus that side of Inuis street;" You can readily see that this is calculated to injure u- aud our place of business. If you fid not Mi intend it we would be glad if in your next issue you will make some explana tion that the public may understand that it was not so attended, aud that we do not keep an Indecent place or that our store is a loafing plaee for idlers. Yours respectfully, Wkiuht A IIeilig. uo not readily see" wnat is so difficult of perception. The paragraph in question made no reference to persons doing business in the old 3Iansiou Hotel. Every citizen knows that they are no more responsible for the mixed crowd" of whites aud blacks occasionally seen about the corner than the cock sparrows on the roof or the old gray rats in the walls. It was the street crowd, gentlemen, not you, that was the subject of that notice. You were not even thought of as in any way responsible, and your assumption in the premises is only creditable as a means of obtaining a free advertisement. Low and High Priced Tobacco. (Mir warehouse men tell us that the prices realized from Rowan county tobac co is high for the grade. They say that the tobacco raised in this county last year, owing to the poor seasons can only be used as manufacturing goods, and there is more of that on the markets of the State than there is wrappers to wrap it up in. Caswell, Person, Granville aud Bun ooinbe counties raise a thin papery tobac co that is used mostly for wrappers and good wrappers being very scarce, hence the seeming big prices paid in those counties. They also tell us that tobacco bought on this market and shipped to other markets has repeatedly brought less than one half the price paid for it here. Mortuus. The noble bird of several uliwtc, men tioned in our last as having slipped his fastenings and escaped to the clouds, could not remain there long, but must needs return to the beautiful green earth for foodrsupplies. It is to be lamented that 'JBeiihadnd" was not popular with the lesser feathered denizens of the for ests. The crows, especially, had cruel malice against him. One or two of them having accidentally seen him come down from his aerial flight and rest himself on a large tree in Town Creek bottom, like mischief makers in general, went"1 out to spread the news and in a very short time Bell's life became a burden to him. About two hundred of the black rascals surrounded bhiii aud with the advantage of numbers, heaped upon him all the hi dignities known to the profane code of crow-ethics. By no means a model of sweetness himself, when found in the situation - described by Mr. Will Barker, he was sitting bolt upright watching his numerous adversaries, w ho very discretely kept out of reach of his ponderous black bill, although they would swoop down by platoons just near enough to miss him, screaming aud snapping their jaws just as crows alone can do. They point ed him out to the sportsman as an object of terror, only worthy to be destroyed, and, sure enough, M r. Barker leveled his gun at "Bcnhadad'' -instead of the crows, and soon after came marching into town with the body of the dead king. VaJk in ptce, Bate BalL Two colored base ball clubs, the Clip pers and I lardscrabbles, played a match game last Monday on the old fairgrounds. Below we give the score and summary of gamv : Clippers ........ .20 liardscnibblea 12 Earned runs Clippers 13; I lardscrab bles 9. Two base hits Clippers C; Hard scrabbles' 5. Three base hits dinners I; llardscrabbles 2. Home runs Clip pers 4; Hartbsc rabbles 1. Struck out Clippers 4; Hard scrabbles 5. Stolen bases Clippers 2; Hardscrabbles 3. First base on balls Clippers 3; I furdsc rabbles b. Errors, mutts and wild throwing too many to count. Errata. It is not often that memory fails us to the extent of putting the wrong man in a particular transaction, but Dr. Summerell cornered us in such an error last week by denying that he was ever mesmerized. But the Doctor pleasantly helped us out of the dilemma, however, by informing us that the kite Dr. Alex. Henderson was the man who, with Dr. Whitehead; tested mesmerism by a personal experience, under the operation of Prof. Williams. Dr. S.'s memory of some of the most in teresting incidents in connection with Williams' visit to Salisbury, is clearer than our own, as those who choose to in quire of him will find it to their amuse ment. The object of this paper was simply to snow tnat JNortn Carolina was 40 years ahead of the Parisians who are just now convulsed over the operations of Minna t , the mesmerizer.' Salisbury White Graded School. The Salisbury white graded schoo.l closed a very successful session last Fri day. The exercises on that day opened with singing, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Byrd. Mr. Murdoch, in behalf of the scholars, then presented a handsome gold headed cane and other articles to Prof. Kizer, and testimonials to Prof. Over man, which were appropriately acknowl edged by the recipients. Mr. T. F Kluttz then presented diplomas to the following scholars who liad completed! the public school course with honors : Hat tie Crawford, Annie Ruth Crawford, Mary Julian, Mamie Keen, Nettie Marsh, Carrie Lowery, Maggie Swicegood, Katie W. Wralton. Louis Swink and Cinnic Warner. The exercises then closed with sing ing and benediction by Rev. Mr. Byrd. Prof. Kizer and his assistants are en titled to a good deal of praise for their work this session. Enochvilie Items. We are soon to have another clergy man resident, Rev. C, B. Miller, who is servina Concordia E. L. church four miles north of this place. " The Reformed denomination have be gun preaching here with a view of build ing a church. We have had plenty of rain, though not destructive at all to growing crops. Crops look fine and the farmers have no time for loafing, if they mean to con quer the grass in their crops. Dr. Register is erecting an office whic gives us one more building. Died in this adace. May 22ud, Ella Florentine daughter of J. D. and Delilah Overcash, aged 3 mouths. Mr. E. A. Propst is still confined to his bed. June 1, 1887. W. A. L. HOMICIDE IN ASIIEVILLE. Hon. J. L. Robinson Critically HL Specin 1 Cor. of Xewi and Obserrer. Asheville, N. C, May 30. Saturday nieht at a festival held by negroes at 'church three miles from the city, Walker Foreman was shot and instant ly killed by another negro named Cornelius Morgan The evidence innkes a strong case against Morgan aud the verdict of the coroucr's jury charges a third negro named Aiken as accessory before the fact. Both are iu jail. Morgan was head waiter at the Grand Central Hotel, this city, and was found by the sheriffs posse concealed in the basement of the hotel. Much excite ment among the negroes iu the vicinity of the tragedy. Foreman was shot through the head and died instantly. KeWs has just reached the city from Franklin that the condition of lion. J. L. Robinson is exceedingly critical aud that his death is expected within a few days. Happy Homes. Much has been written and said about how to make homes happy. The moral ist and the preacher have hack-ncyed this theme until it would seem nothing more remained to be said. .0ut the phi losophers have gone far out of their way to account for the prevalence of ill-assorted couples and unhappy homes, and have orcr-looked the chief cause.. Most of the tin happiness of married life can bo traced directly to those functional derangements to which women arc subject. In nine cases out'of ten the irritable, dissatisfied and unhappy wife is a sufferer from some "female complaint." A trial of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will pro duce more domestic happiness than a million sermons tr philosophical treatises. It cures all those peculiar weaknesses and ailments incidents to women. It is the only medicine sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufac turers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. See guarantee printed on wrapper -enclosing bottle. LI3T OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. Ci, for the week ending May 28, 18S7. 8 J Davis, Gustruss Hill, Lizzie Hob son, Marry Xeely. John Poindexter, J M Steel. Please say advertised when the above letters arc called br. ' A. H. BoYTbi, P. M. It takes the first thirty years of n young mans life to find out that it isn't the man with the shiniest hut who draws theb:jjijvst (:ln?ck. Cull. PhihMphhi MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. Bllf.N Kit EDITOIt . 11ALEIOH, N. p. Dan River Exploration. The Dan River coal field, as it Is called, was explored iu 1883 by Dr. H. M. Chance, and with very discouraging re sults from bis standpoint. The good peo ple of Stokes county, how ever, disagree with this man of science, and they have raised a considerable fund to be expended in the examination of the entire coal bearing area. They announce that they propose to lay book science on the shelf and go to digging. The Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad has crossed the territory, and affords ample facility for transportation. A syndicate composed of some of the railroad people aud the land owners in Stokes county, headed by Dr. W. A. Lash, of Walnut Cove, has been organized and will undertake the de velopment of the district. The work will be commenced this summer, and will be of the most practical nature; .sinking shafts and driving levels, and probably some deep boring with diamond drills. The hands at work on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., in Surry county,. reported to have uncovered a workable' bed of coal. This is the next county, adjoining Stokes on the west, and the discovery of coal has stimulated exploration in that comity. This is an entirely new field and is beyond the limits qf the . mesozoie formation iu North Carolina us outlined by the late Prof. Kerr. . - ! , Dr. Lash and his syndicate, are also giving considerable attention to the lime stones in the; Dan River section, They have found bold ledges of blue limestone, suitable for making commercial lime They have also fouud some fine white marble, which is said to'have a fine grain and admirably adapted to the demauds of the marble men for ornamental pur poses. SANDSTONE QUABBW The sandstone quarries of Ansou cotin ty, near Wadesboro, the county town, arc- rapidly growing in importance. Recent ly a northern syndicate purchased a large quarry and they propose to take out quantities of stone for shipment. Prof. Merrill, curator of the National Museum, at Washington, was with the experts iu the examination. They report that blocks of stone forty feet in length may be successfully taketi out. This syndi cate proposes to spend $-00,000 in a steam plant for quarrying and dressing the stone. They express themselves as sure of a regular market. The quality of the stone is excellent . It is of a rich reddish- brown color, compact, close grained, works well, and has the reputation of withstanding tbje action of the severest climate. There is an abundance of this material in Anson county and much of it is just as good, if not better, than the place pur chased. The formation is extensive, aud lnts the advantage of ample railroad facilities. " . ...i, . PLUMBAGO MIXB. The Plumbago, or graphite -mines, in mhkc eouiuy, nescnoeu ia, tms paper sometime during last March, has attract- -.1 ll... i. A? f eu me aiienuon opsonic t?t. Uouis capi talists who arc now negotiating for the purchase of part of this immense deposit In the first volume of the geology of orth Carolina the following languagi .1 . wt.. . 1. nr., i uscu . iu me h county neas are the most extensive, as well as the best known graphite beds in the State. They extend in a northwest and southeast di rection for a distance of sixteen or eigh teen miles, passing two' and a half miles west of Raleigh. There arc two beds apparently, forming a sharp anticlinal The thickness is two to three, and occa sionally four feet. It is a bed of quartzitic and tnlco-argillaceous slates and shales, which are more or loss graphitic from twenty or thirty to sixty . ri'i a . a .. . . percent.' i ne ucst ot this material is of good quality and may be used in the manufacture of pencils, crayons, &e. while the majority of it is useful in many ways; in foundarics for mould faeinx stove polish, crucible, furnace linings Ac. TIIK DUNN MINE. The Dunn gold mine, in Mecklenburg county, aud nine miles west of Charlotte is to lie reopened and regular work re sumed this summer. A mining engineer and expert from Fiance has quite recent ly examined the property for a foreign organization, aud has reported faHtrally. A large sum has been set aside, it' is said, for the work, and k is expected that-this work will be begun at an early lk-it is also expected that thi traftsjictipu will stimulate other foreign trades now pending. ' We were shown some very rich free jo'd ore, last Friday, from a new mine in Cabarrus county; said to be a twelve inch quartz vein, and only four miles from-the Richmond & Danville Railroad. If what we saw was a fair sample (and it was represented us such) wc predict for the owners a bonanza of bonanzas. A Cyclone.- Calcutta, Mhv 38. A cyclone which vis ited this section of the country yesterday ven vt ry deatrui tivc. A local steamer, with 750 persons nl'0:irl, nnscaught in the cyclone Hiid is uHssint'. It is feared she is lost with all on bt.anl. , 'I'll.- district of Orissa Was cmp!ctety tleV:ist:itcd by .'the cyclone. The flrt pri.c in the iriiioiMl ilri!l ;m! to Alabama ami the third and trflh' prizes SCO to Texas. The second prize po;-s all the wav to Minnesota ami thv fourtli. to u VVashin;t mi f 'i.lttiitic Mm- I ? !? i It laaitS mt do not ( in to come in nnvwht re iu-sr the "in ''in i , ' ' vi 1 i i"in top m the award lut we are proud of tin m nevertheless for their plm k and cretlita heating on all occasions. Xitrt und Ohtvrter. Tlio.?e who can coiunund thent.ielves The Statesville Landmark of the 19th savs: "At last: at last! I he work ot cen structing' the Tavlorsvilfe Railroad commenced this morning. It i- under the direction of Capt. M. O. Haw kins. The loree is small yet, ct.usitu:g ot four bosses and three hands at the begin ning of business this morning." The It. & D Hailroad will do n lift 1- work throw-a fe shovels of dirt and per- laps lay arross-tie or two just enough to keep lji:iii-y in a good humor, and get urn to make a tew ueeche in W likes, on the extension of the N. W. Ji. C. Railroad. The Itichumnd & Danville Kail road, never thought of extending its line from Winston to Wilkesboro, until Mr. Hillheimer began surveying, then corps were put ont to run inesto ilkesboro, Farmington,and Elkin. Iron was carried to Statesville to build the Muac-biig" road, and tho stockholders of the N. C. Midland Railroad were called to gether, and that part of the road from Wimton to Alocksvillc was to lie built in a hurry work to commence in "ninety dViy" because tiny wanted to head off Isdhei- tncr. It the boutn Atlantic and ..North western road should fail to build, we will never hear of the extension or completion of anv road that the It. fc D. controls. Our oulv hones, und the hopes of the people of Wilkes county, for a railroad, are in the building of the South Atlantic & North westers. Datie Timet, May 97th. DIED. On June 1st. in Salisbury. Ellen, infant daughter of J. R. and M. Gordon. Aged about 18 mouths. . . PROF. WM. BARER - OF tatars &usU CHARLOTTE, N. C. Will be in Salisbury a few days longer. Those wishing their Piano's well tuned will do well to avail themselves of his services. He is perfectly reliable Or ders left with Prof. W. H. Neave or Mrs. J. Rumple will be promptly attended to. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only S3 SEAMLKSS Shoe In the world. Finest Calf, perfect fit, and nrnuiKQ. vongrraa, isuunn ami i .ace, ail styles toe strlisli and durable ; those costing $r or $6. W. L. IOt:J!.AS Si.S0 SHOE cxceU II if S3 ailvcr- tiled by otuer nrius. pint wi pn MuHtMmnfiHklbM. Boys an wear the TV. T.. DOI OI.AS S3 SHOE. If your dealer doci not keen them, send your name on pcMUl to W. L. DOUGLAS. Hrockton. Mass. COXEINED WITH GREAT EEFRACTIRG POIEE, They are at Trantparrnt and ColorUte at Light lttelj. And for softness of en lurance lo Ihe eyp enn not excel led. en ibUnjr the we tier to road or li urs without tatlyue. Iu fuel, they aic Perfect Sigkt Preservers. FROM THE GOVEKNOK OF LOUISIANA. Ba.tcn Itocon, La., Jan. K, i-s!. Mit. A. K. Hawkks: l. ur S.'rl desire to lestlfy lo tliejjreat stitctiorit of ouro ystalllzed Leases. Tbey combine great brilliancy wlih Mrtn s and pleasantness to the v-yi.-, more any I have ever found. S. U McKXKKY. (;ov. of Louisiana. RECOMMENDED BY OO'V. IKKLAND. Austin, Texas, Au. S85. To Mk. A. K. Hawkks: sir It gives me pK asun- to siy that 1 have been u.slng yourglatweh forpoiae time past with much itisfactlon. For clearuem, Moftuejw. and Tor ait purt'Oscti intended, they are not MUvaMWd by any that I have ever worn. I w ould recommend them to all who want a Hupeilor glass. 1 am very resiacl fully yours, JOHN IKKLAND, Hover nor of Texas. EX-GOVERKOR HUBBARD SAYS. Acstin, Ti x as, March 3, 188i. Mk. A. K. Uawkks: Dar Sir 1 am much pleas ed with the pAntlscoplc glasses you no perlectl. atttpted to my ees; with thein I am enabled l read, as In my youth, the Unest print with th greatest ease. I cueerfully reeoinmeud them t Uie public. Respeettully. If. B. HUBBARD, (Ex-Covprnor of Texas) Mlntslei to Jap.m. Sight Improved. Nkw YOKK I'lTY, Apill 7, 1SSL- Mk. A. K.'flAWKKs: Dear Sir Your patent eye jrUmes received some lime since, and am very much jfrailnd at the wonderful change that ha come over my eye-sight since I have discarded ray old glaiwes, and am now weiring yours. ALsXANDKH AGAR, lixnfc Book Manufacturer and Sec'y Sltloaeis' Board or Trade. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed by L E. STEERE, Druggist, Salisbury, N. C. Tle-6 glares are not supplied to peddle rs at ny price. scrcm. rm AS Tjr V" PW Jf. wl M I Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICIL PISTCJI. I MECKLENBERG - - ' - ' J- 6 ' - -tu . - ' . IRON CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 dm 31 S ' Lga" ylB"'" "" '-"'B 2Kb"-''' i i iii n Bttiwl hn J. HS jEl Ml SS 0m yZ 2S - . Ajg uyr Hp CO V V Charlotte sws '- U U I co Correspondence Solicited. JOHN WILKES, tayaaawKXMrraanaiii i m i arnii iniin mgt - .rnim.ii mm m ggaasj gaawa ! C bmmerdal College of Ky. The Cheapest and Best College in the Its Graduates tne ssosx sncccssiui. ouuu uraaaaies in ousiness. Highest Honor i Diploma of Honor and Gold Medal) at World's Exposition for System of Book-keeping and General Business Education over al CoRegee. PHI aam I9CB nihr-ps tiwiiiivc ami prctlol Bta tt- at mmj time, u Ucj an lattnctM r W S mm WWli tiaa I,. Mercantile ( orre.iwndence. Literary Courac free fm reajaiader of aeaalaa under 10 trie la attca lanci Ian Tear. Kent ork r I'nWenlty Diploma, l , -i..n. VTt. cotitalni near I r SO.OOB Inkalittanf. ia the Uadin lauTiUdi horn the or lb, South, Kaat am Weal. A HOME Company. SLLKIl G HOME Patron. AGEKT3 In all Cities, Towug nu.l VillHgrs in the South. TOTAL ASSETS, tsnthar a radaeUaa or B U mmAr on each ono tuition. No eharw for reUwinf Coorae. SSASraw ataiFv TTPP.WBITISU ...I TKLF.KRAPHY are .DrclaliWf aa I TWU tm, WTJM WWVJ f0. which raclu'les Tuition, Boon, ant Hoard in a gitiaBifca ' 4a14 mmmvmmT J. ALLEN BEOWff, Boiident Agent aB m s jT& JLWM. JELa Regular Horizontal Piston. J tlSSSMirateawa Sssfll LeaimBmaSaa9mmLiaal Th3 most simple, durable and eillctive Pump in the market fur Mints, (.Juan its, Refineries, Ireveries, Factories Ail inn wells, Fire duty and general manufac turing purpos s. K3.'n fr Ci.ud;ue. ft i &' CiOflH STsAM POM? 90313, Foot ok East uo kekt, Nkw Vu'jtftl WORKS. University, Lerington, By. World for a practical Business Education. laatTMaany. J n leaeBOT. n wwmmum Book-kerpiat, BudntM Arithmetic, Promaaiblp, naaciac. PraeiKc. Lactam. Sc. ptet the rail Ba.lae m Coar at a faal a I mt imt awe raniiij lhatDelal prafei n. . O rer MS MaAraU IM II BtatM mmt PSWSJi under aval, praaaataa IU atadeau aa msaataaav beaaUfal. heaithT. hlaiorleal, and eaaUj For ettcalan aSStaaa jjfrggggfr BHITa ASTRtJNG Company . PROMPT Relive! Lileral! -)- RHODES CROWXrV 0rt s of nt . William ('. Coast, - $750,000 00.1 , Salisbury, N. ft! JLT JP VERTICAL PLUNGER. -SJ - ViBLmmm. P ''Mm C mW . ' ' Vataatl beia .Iwated aa AY ' On . -'S-gl 1 4 t ... -1 ... comiuaiid others.

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