1 lie Carolina Watchman. I a VOL XWn.THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1837 - - , X 1 11 4 . e - - . -. - . --.-..wfMaiM NO; 33 - . -i t What He Low'd. He lowM he caret! not for the train, , 1 j u:f ..iv - lint dimply low'd, as he passed on, 1 'twere cheapo for to" walk. I He low d he cared not for the rain, he a. - - ll 11 warn t a sicKiy ieuei And on the crosshe sot himself, with a gingham uin-bre-rella. He low'd his dinner time was nigh, he low'd It with a sigh. n I 1 11 T l. ,.1 ...JL.l '.1 ; 4 iut wuy .buouiu i u , : n it i .i mo nn rvirr l rt 111 CHI He low'd he'd rise and walk the track, he was behind the time, But the engine come, that '"coon" was struck, ' and he's gone the new air line. For ten or twelve years I have been severely afflicted with Catarrh. Never before found such decided relief as from V.lvU Cream Balm. I consider myself cured. J. W. Buffixuton Mcchanies ville, N. Y. (Price SO cents.) "Do you think," she asked dreamily, as he snt beside her in the circus, "that this is the same elepitaut I saw when I was child?" "No," he answered, with scornful candor; "yon know ele phants only live to be 2B0 years old.' It won't be this year. Detroit Free Press. LOOK OUT! Compare this with your purchase: As yoii value health, perhaps life. -examine each package and be sure you get the Genuine. See the red Z Trade-Mark and the full title on front of Wrapper, and on the aide the seal and signature of J. II. ZeiUn A Co., a in the above fnc- simile. Remember ther no Other geuulnc- Simmon Liiver Regulator. P IEDM0NT MADI HICKORY, N. C. CAN'T BE BEAT ! The r ennri uMinvn Tlinv nmMiT to, right square AT THE FnSNT! It Was a Hard Fight But They Hava Woa It ! Just - read what about them and if people say vou want a wagon come quick lv and bin one, either for cash or on time. Salisuuky, N. C. Sept. 1st, 1SS6. .Two years agvl bought n very iiht two harsc Picamopt waon of the Agent, Jno. A. Bwydea; have use-1 it ne.tr'y all the time inee. have tried it severely in iiauliiiu saw lojs ant other heavy luails, ainl' li.ive not liad to pay o;ic eeiit lor repairs. I look upon the Pied.itont waon asthe best Thim ble Skein wagon m ule in the United States. Th : timber used in thein is most excellent u I thoroughly well seasoned. Tckxes P. Tinm.vsox. S.vr.isr.uitY. X. O. Aug. 27th, 1S8G Alout two ye trs a'jn l hoalit oJno. A. nylen,ao:ia-horse Piedmont vai(iii which h:w done tnOeh service and no pai t of it has broken or given a -vay and eoust quen ly it h:u eost npthin Ibr repairs. John D. IIexly. SALisncnv. N. C. Sept. a I, I8sC. Eighteen month? ago I Umht of John A. Boyden, a 21 ,y. U Thimble Skein Pied mont wagon and have used it pretty mm 1 M t!ie tune and it has provetl to he a Hrt rate wam. N:thin abont it has iiven way a id therefore it has required no re purs. i T. A. W.viro.v. Sept. Mill. WC. mrtntiis airo 1 boimht of tin? Aent, m S tlisburv. a 2J in Thimble Skein Piedmont wagon -their 1 1 htes!; one-horse w:ion uve kept it in atnust constant use and during the time h ue h in'e I on it at lea. t loads of wood and tUut wiihont any ' leak i-e or repaits. L. R. V.i, ro.. Restlesskess. a stuictly cocei,i Hfl& FAULTLESS FAS'.ILT IRS; feodum? B&S5S, A. PrTlLArELPHlA. WM Price ONE Dollar BH WAGONj AT A Beautiful Story. jfAiuAin riwM a mkkch of hen. ci IAKN A- battle, at tu-cumbia. . Danng the waiter of 1803-64 it was yas. QC v . my fortune to be president of one . , the courts martial of the arm North Virginia. One bleak December morning, while the snow covered the ground and the winds howled around our camp, I left my bivouac fire to at tend the session of the court. Y uid- for raile3 aloftg nnccrtttia paths, . . . . i I at length arrived at the court srroudd. at liound Oak Church. it. x. .1 i - . J.. . i. if "a xj.iy uicr u.iy ii uau oeen our uiuy to try tne gumni S:,ldiers of that army charged with violations of military law; but never had 1 on any previous- occasion been greeted by such anxious spectators as on that morning awaited the opening of the court, Case alter case was disposed of, and at length the case of "The Qon federate States vs. Edward Cooper," was called charge, desertion. V low nuirmer rose spontaneously from 1.K 1 Itl J the battle-scarred snectators. as a vonns? .n V n P artillery manrose trom the prisoners beDch, and in response to the question "Griilty, or not Guil y?" answered "Xot I auiity;' The Jtfle Advocnfe was proceeding Lto open the prosecution when the Capri, observ ing that 'the prisoner wits unattended by counsel, interposed and enquired of the accused, "Wno is your counsel?" lie replied: "I have no counsel." Supposing that it was his purpose to represent himself before the court, the- Judge Advocate was in structed to proceed. Every charge and specification against the prisoner was sustained. The prisoner was then told to introduce his witness es. He replied, '! have no witnesses." Astonished with the calmness with which he seemed to be submitting to what he regarded as inevitable fate, I said to liim, "Have you no defence? Is it possible that yon abandoned your comrades and deserted your colors irr the presence of the enemy without any reason?" He replied: "There was a reason, but it will not avail me before a military court." 1 said perhaps you are mistaken; yon are charged with the highest crime known to military law, and it is your duty to make known the cause which influenced vour actions." For the first time his manly form trem bled and his blue eyes swam in tears. Approaching the President of the court he presented a letter, saving as he did so, "lucre irenerai is what aid it. l ipened the letter and in a moment my eves in led with tears. It was passed from one to another of the court until all had seen it, and those stern warriors who had passed with btonewall Jack- son tnrotijfft a nunureu oatties, went il 1 1 t Villi - i like children. Soon as I sufficiently recovered mv self-poessiou, I read the letter as the defence of the prisoner. It was in these word: My Dear Edward: I have always been proud of you, and since your corir nectton with the Lonfederite army 1 have been prouder of you than ever before. 1 would not have you do ari' thing wrong for the world; but before God, Edward, unless you come home we must die! Last night I was moused bv little Eddie's crying. I called and said, "What's the matter Eddie?" and lie said "Oh, mamma, 1 in so hungry!" And Lucv, Edward, 'Otir darling Lucy; she never complains, bnt she is growing thin ler and thinner eveiy day. And before God, Edward, unless you come home we must die. Your Mary. Turning to the prisoner I asked, "What did vou do when you received this letter?" He replied: "I made aj pilcation for furlough and it was reject ed; again I made application and it was rejected; a third time 1 made applica tion and it was rejected, and that night as I wandered backward and forward in the camp, thinking of my home, with the mild eyes of Luy looking upon rae, and the burning words of Marv sinking in my brain, I was no longer a Confederate soldier, but I was the father of Lucy and the husband of Mary, and I would have passed those lines if every gun in the battery had fired upon me! I went to my home. Mary ran out to meet me, her angel arms embraced nre, and she whispered, 'O! Edward, I am so happy! I am so glad yoli got your furlough!' She must have felt me shudder, for she turned as pale as death, and catching her breath at every word, she said, 'Have you come without your fur lough? Oh, Edward, Edward, go back! go -back! Let me and my chil dren go down together to the grave, but (), for Heaven's sake save the honor of our name!' And here I am gentlemen, not brought here by mil itary power, but in obedience to the command of Mary, to abide the sen tence or. your court. Every officer of that court-martial felt the force of the prisoner's words. Before them stood, in beautifie vision the eloquent pleader for a husband's and a fathers wrongs; but they had he3ii trained by their great leader, Robert E. Lee, to tread the path of duty, though the lightnings flash scorched the ground beneath their feet and each in his turn pronounced the verdict guilty. Fortunately for hu ni;yiity, fortunately for the Confeder acy, the proceeding -of the court were reviewed bv the Commanding General and upon the record was written: - Headquarters, 4. N. V. The fitidinr of the co-art is approved. The prisoner is pardoned; and will re port to his company. R.E. Lek; Genii. During the gecond battle of Cold Harlor, when shot and shell were fal ling "like torrents from the mountain clo il," my attantion w udirecte 1 1 the fact that 033 of o ir b itteries wa$ beinsr siieac3i bj tns c i3i:itratei tirj of the namy. Whan I re ichaJ the battery ii. ' j every fpiu out one liatL oeen UlSUl Ul tied, and by it stood a solitary Con fed- crate Sohlier, with the olood "streaming from his side. As he recocnized me. i he elevated his voice above the roar of k..nl :.!. i "t i oue shftl, Mt. M mtk . M 1 ' , mm muu. urtMierai. i nave honor of M and L , l niised I my hat. Unce more a Confederate shell went crashing through the ranks , of the enemy; and the hero sank by his gun to rise no more. Heaven knows; mv countrymen, I loved the cause, but this in which we are now ' engaged, is no less sacred, i We will do our" whole duty in this Mmiuuitu, tilin, II UV., Ill lilt! T ? i n p . . . ? . . T campaign, and, if need be, in the rao- uieiii oi ueain, nre tne last shot in our batt for th homr of M d jJllCy J . J -,, .. . , .. 1 1 ms little srory is so good that it will do to reproduce once a year. It Does Not Pay. It does not pav to have the mother and children of twenty families dressed ! 1 1 . t mm i in rags ana starved into the semblance I carpenter and butcher shops, will be of emaciated scarecrows, and living in quickly transformed into the most deli-lfovels-t in orderthat the saloon-keeper's ; cate instruments of the surveyor's art. wile may dress in satin, and her chil- uren grow iat ana neai ty, ana live m a bay-window parlor. It does not pay to have ten smart, intelligent boys turned into hoodlums and thieves to enable oue man to lead an easy life by selling them liquor. It docs not pay to give one man, for a trifle, a license to sell, liquor, and then spend an enormous amount on the trial of Tim McLaughlin for buying that liquor and then committing murder under its in fluence. It does not pay to have one thousand homes Wasted, ruined, de filed and turned into hells of dis order and misery, in order that one wholesale liquor dealer may amass a fortune. It does not pay to keep six thousand men in the penitentiaries and hospitals, and one thousand in the lunatic asv lums, at the expense of the honest, in dustrious taxpayers, in orderthat a few rich capitalists jfnaiy grow richer by the manufacture of whiskey. A saloon keeper sold a drinking man one pint of new mm, making fifteen cents clear profit. The man under the influence of that pint of rum, killed his son-in- Pi ll i ii- law; ana h:.s apprehension, eoniine ment in jahY execution, etc., cost the county more than one thousand dol lars which temperate men had to earn by the sweat of their brow. It does not pay ! The loss sustained by socie ty, morally and financially, the sorrow and suffering, the misery and destitu tion, produced and augmented, and what is infinitely a greater considera tion than all else, the destruction of soul and body, the inevitable result of using and trafficing in intoxicating liquors these all attest the truthful ness of the verdict it does not pay ! Reader, it does pay to lead a temperate life; to be an honest and upright citi zen; to exert a pure and holy influence upon mankind and to honor God by a righteous use of all His gifts. We be seech you, then, for your own soul's sake, and for the sake of suffering hu manity, "touch not, taste not, handle not, the unclean thing." VA Literary Cariosity. The Royal Library tit Stockholm con tains a remarkable literary curiosity, called thedevil's code, which is said to be the largest manuscript in the world. Every fetter of this gigantic piece of work is as beautifully formed as if it were minutely and carefully drawn,and it seems almost impossible that it should have been "clone by a single human being. The devil's code was brought to Sweden from Prague after the Thirty Years' War, and the Deutsche Huus- f ratten Zeltung tells the following story of its origin : A poor monk who had been condemned to death was told that his sentence would he commuted if he were able to copy the whole of the code in a single night. Relying on the impossibility of the task his judges furnished with the original, pen and ink, and left him in his well-barred prison. A drowning man catches at a straw to save himself, and the unfortu nate monk begin to try his last impos sible task with the vain hope of accom plishing it. Before long, however, he saw that he could not save fiis life by i i i i -1 i nis own wean exertions. Atraiu or a cruel and certain death, and perhaps doubt Ug the promise of a better life hereafV-r, he invoked the aid of the Prince of Darkness, promising to surrender his so'ul if he were assisted in his-task. The dark spirit appeared as soon as he was called, c included the contract, sat down like any, copying clerk, and next morning the devil's code was finished. Pall Mail Gazette. Ko HDps of Enlinj th Siriks. Pittsburg. Pa.. June 3. The failure of yesterday's conference b?tweeu oper atives and strikers to agree upon a set tlement of the coke lockout, U regarded as fatal to all hopes of ending the st ike. H ere are !3,0U0 m?n out. ry The Fate of Old Saws. A cart, heavily 1 den with a peculi.ir and apparently miscellaneous assort- nient of rubbish, was making the way 1 laboriously through a west side street the other day when it attracted the at- ' jtentiou of an inquisitive passer-by. I ! A closer investigation disclosed the fact igation disclosed the fact that the rubbish consisted of broken, distorted and worn-out saws of every 1 description from the cumbersome cross- cut saw of the lumberman to the finest and most fragile of the cabinet-maker's instruments "What do yon do with this stuff?" was asked of the good-natured driver ! who sat on his lofty perch in imminent danger of being bisected bv the teeth of a villainous looking cross-cut" be hind him. "Come along, and I'll show you," he replied. The stranger mounted the wagon and was driven a short distance to a large manufactory not far distant, which be longs ton well-known Fulton street firm. The so-called rubbish was dumped into the yard, and after being quickly a sorted by workmen was carried into the building. The mystery of the proseedings was then explained by the superintendent as follows : "This apparently worthless collection of refuse," said he, "has a value beyond calculation. These old nieces of steel. which have done years of duty in the The material of which saws are formed is of the finest and best-tempered steel and is just suited for our purposes. If yon will step this way I will show you the result." The superintendent then led the way to a room in which stood a caseinclos- ! iug a collection of sextants, compasses, graduated rules, etc., all highly polish ed and of exquisite workmanship. "This," said the speaker, "is what becomes of old saws." New York Neics. It is Well to Remember That anxiety is easier to bear than sorrow. That talent is sometimes hid in nnp kins, audacity never. That good brains are often kept in a poor looking vessel. That an insect has feeling and an atom a shadow. That the most brilliant roses bloom among the sharpest thorns. That the time to bury a hatchet is before blood is found upon it. That no mm is born into the world whose work is not born with him. That mistakes are often bought at a big price and sold at a small one. Tht leisure is i very pleasant gar ment, but a bad one for constant wear. Thut the best way to keep good acts in memory is to refresh them with new ones. That if it were not for emergencies, but little progress would be made in the world. That it is often better to go a good ways round than to take a short cut across lots. That the statement so often m ide in print that "rest makes rust" is the veriest rot. That the lightest of labors are a bur den to those who have no motive for performing them. That men often preach from the house tops while the devil is crawling into the basement window. That contentment is a good thing until it reaches the joint where it sits in the shade and lets the weeds grow. That tears shed kipon a coffin will not blot out the stins that may have been cast in life urion the stilled heait within it. That many a man sets up a carriage only to find less of enjoyment in it than he has had in holding the ribbons from his "one boss shay' That if we would do more for others while we may we should have less re grets, when too late, that more had not been done when "it might have been." Good Housekeeping. Hot? Did You Liks the Sermon? Let us, if only for the sake of vari ety, change this trite commentary on our Sunday engagements. How did von eniov the Prayers? How did the reading of God's Word effect you ? How much reality did you teel in con fessing your sins? How many of your sick, weary, sorrowful and sinful friends did you remember m your knees? How much did your thoughts go with the hymns you sung? How much did you pray that the servant of God might be blessed in his word, and that your own soul might be humbled and assured in the love of Christ? And how far has the prayer been answered? Oh, but you say these are really private questions. Then put them to yourselves, dear friend. Ex. A Hey7 York Man Oats 20 Yeara. New York. June 3. Morris Marx, convicted of manslaughter in the tir.t decree in having poured vitriol over ' his landlady, was seateuce 1 to-dav to . ,i 2 year in the State prison. Mini Healing and Mini Reading. A physician in extensive practice was hitely asked: "What proportion should you say of those people who send a servant flying to your office with 'Come right away!' or make jingle with, 'Come as can!' are suffering chief!' the telephone quick as you can! are suffering chiefly from miagi- nation?" Stroking his beard, the learned medicine replied: " Well I might i safely put it at two-thirds. When I arrive, the mere announcement that it is nothing serious allays the fear. While I am writing the pre scription and chatting pleasantly on some other topic, the last stage of con valescence has been nearly reached, and when I say, in assuring tone 'Take this and you will be all right in the morning,' the case is settled." In this connection the doctor was asked what he thought of "mind cure," which is now making such a furore. "Medical ly speaking," he replied, "it is a hum bug; bnt with patients whose supposed sickness is 'all in the mind,' it may work." To this the respondent sum moned the courage to ask: "Well doc tor, if your estimate of the number of lackadaises and hypochondriacs in the community be correct, why is not the mind healer a useful member of society, seeing that to those who have faith in him he effects as ood results as yon minus the drug?" Here the doctor abruptly cut off further debate; but to the mind of the untutored layman, the latter question seems not so entire ly out of order. Bozton Globe. Odd Discjvery of an Invasion. The way in wjiich the process of vul canizing rubber came to be discovered by the GooJycars was told to a Times, reporter some years ago by John Dix on, one of Goodvear's employes. The mm had a haoit or cnewmg ruooer 11 11 Ml It much as the modern school irirl chews gum. Unci day, while Uixon and an Irishman were carrying some rubber on an iron handbarrow to the oven, the Irishman was taken witl ing as he passed a barrel of sulphur, and involuntarily spat out his rubber cud. It fell into the barrel. Setting down the barrow, ho made a grab for it and recovered it. 1 he sulphur, how ever, adhered to its moist surface, and he threw it down with an expression of disgust. It fell upon the barrow, and was put into the oven with it. When the barrow was taken from the oven Dixon saw that the little piece of rubber had put on a new appearance. He examined it carefully, and became convinced that he held in his hand the key to the discovery Mr. Goodyear had been searching for. He took the little thing to Mr. Goodj'ear, who, when be saw it became much excited. Dixon told him the circumstances under which the change had been effected, and Mr. Goodyear set his son and Dixon at work experimenting. It was several months before they succeeded, but they finally learned the secret of making vulcanized rubber. New York Times. Louder, Gabriel! One of the best replies ever made is sail to be that of the brilliant but erratic Tom Marshall, of Kentncy, in answer to one who interrupted him while he wjis speaking to a vast audi ence in Buffalo, N. Y. When Mar shall was eloquently describing the glorious liberty, and each sentence fell from his lips as chaste and beautiful as the marble block that couios from the sculptor's hand, some political op ponent in the audience cried out: "Louder? Louder!" Marshall did not at first tumble to the trick, but on being interrupted by the same crjr, he paused in his magnificent flight of eloquence and said: Mr. President: On the last and final day of this, our" mortal earth, when the angel Gabriel shall take his departure from the blue dome of heav en and, placing one foot on the rolling sea and the other upon the land, shall lift to his Iq s the golden trumpet and announce in his clarion notes that time shall be no more; when amid the gush ing melodies of angelic choirs he shall announce to the pale formi of the res urrected dead that the day of immor tality is at at hand, and the souls of men shall rise from the tomb, I have no doubt but that some d d fool from Buffalo will start up and cry out: "Louder Gabriel, Louder." A Brooklyn m in who was looking about Dakota last fall came across a deserted sod house, and on the door was written with chalk the following: "Two hundred and fifty mile to the nearest rai'r oad; one hun Ired miles to the nearest p m! -office; six and a half raiL's to wood; three miles to water: six inch? from hell G;h1 bless our home, w i f e'x f bl ks ." V o 1 -say more. And yet d er. Did he exre.t Gone to live with times coald not th.t man w is a ki to have water nht m his doorvard. and a uniformed letter carrier to deliver his mail? Denrer Tribune. Beautiful woman, from whence earns thy bloom, Thy beaming eye, thy features fair? What kindly hand on thee was laid Endowing thee with beauty rare? 11 ;Twas not ever thus," the dame replied, 'Once pale this face., these features bold, The 'Favorite Prescription' of Dr. Pierce Wrought the wonderoua change which you behold.'' Friendship b a golden coin that bright. us VI !l hthi u n:ig. Good Use for Unions. Those who are in the habit of indul ging in raw onions mav be consoled for the mature and able bodied 6dor which wraps them as a veil and causes men, women and children to flee rom their malodorus vicinity, by the fact that onions are he best nervine known. No medicine is really so efficacious in cases of nervous prostration, a:l tiiey tone up a worn out system in a very short time. Their absorbent powers are also most valuable, especially in time" of epidemic. It has repeatedly been oljserved that an onion patch in the immediate vicinity of a house acts as a shield against the pestilence, which is very apt to pass over the inmates of that house. Sliced onion in a sick room absorbs all the germs and prevent contagion. During an epidemic, the confirmed onion eater should eschew his usual diet, as the germs of disease are present-in the onions and contagion can easily result. A Holiday for the Wife. Give Tour wife a vacation. She needs one. Little cares a:e harder to bear than greater responsibilities, and she has many more cares than her hus band, and sometimes as great responsi bilities. A woman's work is never done. And modern life has increased and intensified it Cares have multi plied faster than conveniences. Life is more complex, it demanckare great er and more numerous, society more exacting. Who needs a vacation if she does not? And she cannot get it at home. The more quiet and restful the home is to you, the more evidence that it is a care, if not a burden to her. A housekeeper can no more take a vacation in her home than a merchant 1 . 1 -mm .a in his counting house h,ven though ner absence occasions inconvenience, give her an occasional vacation. . Selected. The South is full of booms, and there are many obscure places appeal-, iug to the public for favor and money, but it would be difficult to find a town which has so many attractions as a lo cation for manufactories and a place of residence as the beautiful old city of Nashville. Nashville is the wealthiest city per capita in the South. She has been unconsciously working np to her present great enterprise for a hundred years. The town of West Nashville is immediately west of the old city, and the location combines charming scenery with the most complete advailability for manufacturing and business pur poses. It will be rather strange if Jhe auction sale of lots to be held by the Nashville Land improvement Company the 2 t-lh, 23th, 2 th and 23th of this month is not a brilliant success. "3The joys of parents are secret, and so are their griefs and fears. 1 TRADE MARK. OntloiTMTi Tt1s da mm to wit that 1 taken Kwift'e Specific. 1 have Ixx-u trutilrfpu with il wry little itr mj face kiucc last ririDf.'. At the beginning of cold wither list fall it titedc a alight appearance, bat wept awi.y an-1 i.aa never returned. S. S. 8. no doubt broke it up: at least It put my system in good cftitditlcii and I pot well It also benefited my wife RKatly In rac of sick headache, uiid made a perfect cure uf a breaking out on my little three year old daughter last samnu-r. I Watk!nvillc, Ga., Feb. 1, 1836. lUtv. J.U1J2S V. IL XOHRIS. J Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swirr Srecrnc Cn., P rawer S, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 28, 1S86. ly Thonaauxl Trial . mailed to j (w Bmmmm lien taulnrcs proportion rALifiljt.in whamtuiilc u full treat cant ond troro restored vobeulth by usool V iW SEMINAL PASTILLES, A Radical Cure lor I.reroaaDebU:tr,jrran'': tie At-1 Mn. Tostod for Kigat Years in r iQuouii 4 nr.r.ri i .ley atnnmyeij itbi(tj jirmnsii .rwi j ad and broken dowa men totbofnii onjovrmat of S?rfeet and fall Manly Btrensjth and Viimronnh'aelth. Totho&ewhoeaCer from tho tnwny obwrora n neees Prnia about by Indiacrotioa.Exiorom.Ovor-ih'nin, Work, or too f reo Indnlrcenrn, wo nsk that yon eend us ypr iudo with fitateraent of yoar trouble, and aodnre XXUAXlAf JKAOB FRKS, wi'h JUcsf 'd rarai.hlet.An. RUPTURE3 PERSONS can havo FREQ 2o:ly mm CASHAGAINSTCREDIT FARMERS Look to Your Interest. One Dollar in cosh or barter at .1. Rowan Davis' store, Mill Bridge, Bowas county, will buy more goods than one dollar and fifty cents on a credit with thosestores which sell on mortgage If you don't believe it, try one year and sc what vou will save. Come and examine Spring And especially the Price3. Just received Dry and Fancy floods, hxr, Hats Piece Goods, Hardware, &c. I am now in receipt ol" the best line of GROCERIES Ever in stock, consisting of Syrups, Coffee, Bacon, Rollejj Mill Flour, Kev Orleans Raw Sugar, and many othe things cot mentioned. Fresh Garde Seed for 1887. Give mc a call. Respectfully, 'AX Southerners the Strongest Friends of the American Union. - What a remarkable man is Jefferson Davis. He liveirto witness the death of nearly all his contemjHimries under the old government, and has seen a large majority of his tradueers consign ed to the grave, ami yet he lives on and not only does not lagSupcrflu0us on the stage, but retains to a wonderful degree the brilliant and vigorous! intel ligent which has characterized Iris re markable career. W henevcr H proper occasion offers is he heard fnm; and when he puts in his blow he retires grace fully until another call is nimle-t upon him. His latest speech to the Southern boys was tot he effect that we sue iow in the Union, and next time it is broken the attempt must bo made from another quarter. A senfinent which hns been crystaiized in the Southern hearty and strange as it may appear, yet ltisja fact, thut the strongest friends of the Amer ican Union to-day arc'to bejottnd in JL . 0' ii Pi.' me oouiucru oiuies. ". i Royal Grandeur in Afiica. The author of "Notes in SoutH Afri can Hunting" llatcrthe following: I went to call on a king ,wifh (a man wno Knew u:e proper way 10 an u. We called in after a long day's shoot- 1.1 nip.n i) uiiiijr nun nun. in . lv hic um man." On arriving at a circular mud hut, we hitched our horses to a log and walked in. No one was to be seen, -so my friend set to work to shout. Fancy shouting for a real live king 3 Pre sently a hideous old hag, with a small freehold garden on kcr, and clot lied in an old skin that a London bagman would pass by in disgust, came in and told us that the chief had been unwell all day, but would come out and see us. This meant that he had been asi drunk as Chloe for a week past. Soon a blear- eyed, filthy, smelly, disgusting, old drunkard came in and sat down.; on the floor with a grant. Then he asked for F some tobacco. As we had onlr good tobacco, we said we hadn't any.; Then he asked for brandy; subsequently for a. coat, a pair of trousers, some boots, or a hat; and the interview fi'nisheif up by his trving to sell us a dozen "of his. wives for a bottle of brandy. Ql The Citadel of Chivalry! A young lady said at the recent meet--ing at the Woman's Christian Tempers' ance union in Savannah: "Cpivalryv which has fled from all other quarters, has taken refuge in the newspaper of tices." Its unnecessary to state that this young lady is the prettieki and. 11. it il imguiesyt representative or no .sex, in Georgia -Nashville Union. The stamps we pay two cen4 apiece" for costs the government seven, cents a. thousand. The government evidently wants the cjirth. Puck. ERADICATED. think I am entirely veil r.f eezem.i after haviaj dim (or there trouble, and all OwaeSm. w boss onlrajBi Is to h lead thatrri- CUUEU toossMU. dues not MB viiu attention to Luj:t.rn, er justinis oriseoiirenitDc in aer wit 7tdl n icienLise nodical ftWMM Bydlrsrt nScsnecis felt without delay. The salami tionsnf the hnmnn areanum wJst Tk i :r-;,nn 10 vie m omirti wasted subnet Inc rlezncr.rt of lifaarsciren hae, (alt paries! becomes eaearXaiaod issarflyipaas both sasjsgb aiihssltfi TSLil7EErf.--Cir8y.a,3. gco EeiH Ttst If HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Kfo Cmnrn BOOM W. Tenth Etroet. CT.LoiTM. nr Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Tcrm my excellent line ct Goods. J. ROWAN DAVIS.