Caroliaa Watchman. TMCRSDAY, JUNE 16, 18S7. Nor.h Carolina Teachers. Tbo Charlotte Chronicle, of June 14, in all editorial on North Carolina Ttuf Iits. k:i s : The SWtti Carolina Teachers As sembly one of the largest and most ferefttf edneatiotial organ is itions in the Suthern S aites wrll meet at Mo e iieid City to-day and the Assembly will be formally opened to-morrow with un add rem of welcome by Hou. 0. It. Thomas, of Beaufort, to which Presi dent. Alderman will respond. This is the fourth annual meeting and will he in session until June 30th. Its meet ings heretofore have been held in the mnimfjiiiiu l td I iti 1 M ; r i il i (: t 1 VP; 1 r Ml wi . , m ' . , , . . . - . . - . is one of the most delightful on the whole Atlantic cotist. This assembly of North Carolina teachers was the in spiration of Mr. Eugene G. Harrell, the present .secretary of the assembly, a man of rare energy and great adminis trate ability. The, assembly's prime objects were health, rest, recreation, social tiequaintances, and mental im provement of the teachers of t he State. Tbe object have been most pleasantly attained. 1 he hrst session of the as sembly was held at Waynesville, and 865 teacher attended. After complete organization its popularity grew rapid ity The second session brought to- j r ? get her 670 members, and the thirds 72 K Both of these were held at Black Mountain. In the past twelve months interest in the assembly has increased mivi riLt 1 vl i oml -3 - eiL' ,i t f m tvl 1 c( membership is 2.000. Although an nual fees are charged for membership, jet the assembly now ha? a roll nearly as large as that of the eight summer Normal schools of the State, which hare no charge for membership. Such a phenominal growth of the educational body, uniting in its ranks the cu iee or u.. :.. ik .i. ; . ...... ..ik.. mic pnncssivii ill mc oil i if, is win my of record in North Carolina history. All the expenses of the assembly are met hv thp tinnn ! frw :ind not a rnl j ...... . , - has been asked from the Sta'e or given by it, or received from any other source, l ne programme tor tnis ses- i . . . i. , sion is exceedingly attract. , an i tie entire work is to be done by JNorth Carolina teachers, thus illustrating the great proficiency of home instructors. Membership in the assembly is now eagerly sought, and its social character is Irprtt hicr:i hv th f nf th it. nn person is admitted to membership who is not well recommended and or good report in every way. The assembly k..- ..t n... :.. :i -.c u iiv- tTAtcuuevi nie privileges in me iiiuci ship to friends of education and to teachers from other States. Quite: a number of Virginia teachers will be at the Morehead session, as well a.s mem bers from Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Ken tucky. About 1)00 have announced i ii i ii -ii i i 4 l positively luaiuiey win oe present, at the close of the session 300 members will make a six days' visit to Washing ton. Bar. E. A. Alderman, of Wold air. rj. a. . merman, or woius- , is president of the assembly; Mr. , Harrell, of Raleigh, seeretarv; Mr. R. S. Arrowood is treasurer. boro unci Mr Collsatjr's Office. ' - ' We congratulate Charlotte on hav ing the Collector's office moved to that place. We would have liked to have hid it here, but it seems it could not be as the location of it was fixed before tbe consolidation of the Fifth aud Sixth districts were announced Col. Boyd in an interview with the Charlotte Observer said that a number of advantages were offered by Charlotte which Influenced the authorities at Washington in coming to the decision. Geographically, the city had little to oJer to induce them to order the change, but this disadvantage was overbalanced by her superior nil road advantages, tulorf.i nlm iinninifiiiMu Ivtntrinor f.iib tits, and l ist but n t least, because Charlotte h regarded as tl e principal and leading trade te a're ot the State. . These wt re the reasons that brought forth the order to mate the office. Col. Boyd also said that he had never dreamed of eticii a thing until he' was informed-by the Washington authori ties' Chat the consolidation had been made, and that he h id been retained as Collector. Hi next information was that the office must come to Charlotte, and he went to .Washington and used his greatest efforts to have the order rc voked, but without avail. He was very raueh averse to moving, but as he is given no choice in the matter he says he prefers Charlotte to any other place that could have been mentioned. -Stuce the above was put in type we have been most agreeably surprised to learn that our townsmair Mr. Kerr Craige has bten appointed Collector in stead of Mr. Uoyd. We think it is needless to say any thing on th? su'ije t as we all know Kerr Craige aud know that the office will be honored by its head, and that the business will be -transacted in a masterly way. Our community may thank our energetic and faithful RepresentatryerHon. Jno. S. Hender Hotijj for thjs result, for we are satisfied that ho did a bitten if not more thau any one else in bringing it about. Our congratulations Mr. Craige. ' - ' Hints to Swimmers. Under this caption a writer in the tic'&niijic Anierican ahows that it is loss or presence or nuna wnicn results in drowning. hen, tuercfore, an ac- ; ht'trtmn scut.meut in North Carolina eident is about to befall you, remember j is growing, and growing fast, is blind, that ibe water its jelf ,is your best help- third party nhontejt1 fjl her. Make er, if you can ouly use it for that pnrja tote of this, ove. -zealous gentlemen. pose. Frantic el irts iu the water are! . mm., jiiure toalrovn you. One tingei reding Tt Ej iscopal carhedral is to be on a pede,. board or other ilo.itmg sub- Mtirtcw Vrh citv. A!-.-re than Stance may you, uui non t at- tempt to ride it. Keen your body deep, as von can and live, and a very 1 1 . k .,u - ,.;u ui.. nin ... o..j-.-.v ... 1 V(u Out oi uaiiaTi. " . .J.' '' 'V , T a. . The Newton State Formal School. The Session f the Nwton Normal School foi 1S87 will open JulvoJi am closes the. 28 Ih. Tbe fJcuItr'for ilii.!- iV- NQrth tarolmi, sooU year is couiuosed of teacher of Inelvh. . i i- .J n. Ta . .a- ii.i.i - rep ion. and tLecctning session buU fair to be tue best ever held in Newton. The folio win j ditjngiiiKhed teachers to rn part of the faculty: M. C. S". Noble, Superintendent ol Wilmington Graded Schools, Sup't and Teacher of Geogiphy and History. E. P. Moses. Siipenntendent-of Ral eigh Graded Schools, Reading and Language. Vs. C. Branson, Superintendent of Schools, Athens Ga., Teacher of Arith metic W. R. G invit. of N.whjvilb Tenn.. Lecturer on the history and Methods ol Teaching. J. A. Foil, Principal of Catawba Col lege, Newt;n, N. C, Teacher of Alge bra. Miss Metta L. Graham, Newton N. C Teacher of Music. Besides the above, there will be an expert Primary Teacher in charge of that department, a fine Lecturer on Physiology an 1,' and other Lecturers cn special" and general sub jects. Extensive preparations are being made to accomodate the Nbrmalites with hoard and lodging &e., and to make the Normal this year a grand success. The climate isfino, the loca- tion convcr.ient, ana iaciuties unsur- passed. Those wishing-particular in- tormatiou in regard to hoard ice. should write to Rev. J. A. Foil, Secre tary, Newton. N. C That is a very loose fitting Demo cratic garb that admits that it may be a clever thing to have in it a body oi men who may, upon occasion, (of which they are to be sole judges of its ntness.) withdraw from its ranks and join the enemv. While ntmiinallv democrats tney are in tacr, only spies on the proceedings of their fellows, ready to betray and desert them when ever they difter with them ready to transfer themselves and their friends (who may be willing to follow) over to the enemy, rather than submit then opinions to the decisi m of their parly associates. A party thus bound may be- said to hold together by the strength of ropes .of sand. The facility wit!: which discontent could be foment- l i s - 1 i on a be hunted by the restless and rrr . passion of mn. Thev would snliut off on m:'ii as wed as measures snlinf a methods or non-essentials as easily .is on essential-. It would be like an army in which desertion was at a pre mium and fidelity and devotion at a discount. L:ke a church whose members-were governed by social relations rather than l; fixed? principles oi doctrine and belief. Clever fellows who would work with us today and work with the devil tomorrow By common consent of well organized parties the world over, these sort of men are denounced as unworthy to be the members of any party. By com- r l a. ' i ft i mon consent it is airrceu ttiat men , , , . , ... . .. . . ! onJ.t tw m ;ko thtr betwewi fV I Srt h!?ld1ane ". j??" thfirA f:" h Wi S,1L ning tiaelity and truth. There can be no reliance nil party as a means of prevent in ; or correcting political evils unless its members are held together by great principles, and not likely to be broken up oy questions ot mere policy. Deserting soldiers of an armr, incut such terrible odium .'is to subject them to an extreme fate. The church man who trifles in reli gious matters lose cast in society and his own self-respect. And shall perfidy in po'itics be re garded as a peccadillo. Are they the men who save the State from evif. It is said that the Grant monument fund, instead of growing, is at a stand still. The Monument Association have thus far raised only $125,000 rf the proposed $1,000,000, aud a member of the monument committee says, "There does not appear to be a popular senti ment now as there was at first in tavor of a monument or other memorial." So it will probably be a $12,000 monument unless Congress can be in duced to make up the deficiency. The celebration of the 4th of July at Rocky River Springs is expected to be grand and glorious. Rev. H. W. Battle, vf Wadesboro; Rev. J. C. Ro we, of Albemarle; D. A. Covington, Esq., of Monroe, and Rev. C. H. Mar tin, will deliver speeches on the occa si u. Music by a brass band and a so ciable at night Mr. William Whit ley, of Stanley who is 114 years old, will oeon the grounds. Three thou sand people are expected. The George-McGlyun land doctrine as expounded by the reverend father inhere given in his own words : "I would bring about instantly, if I could, such changes of law all the world over as would confiscate private property in land without one penny of compensa tion to the miscalled owners." .What do you think of it, working inch of Howan ? Ot tiie 8100.000 appropriated an nually by act of Congress for distribur tioa among the several States and Ter ritories to arm and equip the militia North' Carolina will tnis year receive $1J,XX. - ; - Hie m ;n ino can uot see mat p:-o- i hi have !i4reiidv een siibsenhed T'-e CSer'-Hr OWi-rif h- -l ..t Vviv.r.-.te v.avi vtt iiafs crone o . i - y. r .? t . -e-.i.:. i y. .! ,i... r i ... , i T tV i ",..u ",uHO.ngnt thj momin Ly the arrest of . n. ijv:ih i ctiine him 1 'r.C;or Out of the class of 64 recently grad uated from West Point, John H. Alex ander, a negro, attained the 32d place; . , , , , ii. i j i collection is givcu a prominent place near A young lady stands at the heal Mthe public entrance to the buildiu-, and a class of nine physicians graduated at thp Syracuse University Medical School. State Oleaminis. The Shelby .Yen- Era says: Mr. A. G. Gamble, who lives en Pcrsin:mcn Creek while in a fodder house on his place last Thursday, found a large rattlesnake with its teeth in his trousers and wrapped around his lest. He finnllv succeeded in t,kil!ing the reptile, which had three rat tles aud aajutton. Lexicnton Dinxttch: Last Friday, while Mr. Jefferson Craver's cbild was -playing In the yard, at Reeds Cross Roods, it was bitten in two places on the hands bv a copperhead snake. The child's parents at once hastened to town for medical aid, but the child suuercd so much that it wa thouirht it would die. At last account however, it was improving and was in a fair way to recover. A telegram to the Xecs-Observer, dated Washington, X. C, June 8th, says: Mr. Paul Lincke, a former resident of Raleigh, and for the last few years over seeing the interests of Col. Shaffer, in the lower part of this county, was shot and killed while asleep in his bed at home hist night by Wm. A. Potts, Jr., who nakes a confession which probably im plicates Lincke s wife. Mr. Potts is a young lawyer of brilliant attainments Tarpin Hairston a'colprod man who live at or near Walnut Cove, seeing a crow in a mud hole near the road and making considerable fuss, thought he would see what it was doing there, iroing near he found that the crow did not fly. lie then went into the water and caught the crow, and upon pulling at it he pull out a large turtle holding to the crow's feet. IVUton Seetincl. The Hams-Democrat says: We saw iu the Museum at the University of North Carolina, last week, ninety-two specimens of different kinds of Norlh Caaolina birds. They were killed near Chapel Hill and Stufied by Prof. Holmes. The varied and bright plumage was really wonder ful to behold, and the neat manner in which the birds were "put up" reflects great eredit on the Professor. Asheville Citizen: On Friday evening the wife of Mr. J. H. Carter was sitting an her porch in conversation with Mrs. McDonald, when a violent quarrel broke fut iu tiie street between two negroes. One of them lired a pistol at the other, !ie ball of which struck the wall of Mr. Carter's hou-e, burying itself only a few Inches above the head of Mrs. C. The trrownes of her escape makes one s'.iud ler at th imminence of her danger. Nevs-Obaerver : It appears that a cer tain club of South Carolina baseballists has come into our State and "goose-eg;-ed"' everything that has stood up before it. Now we rise to ask if the young men of North Carolina are going to permit a continuance of that sort of thing? We bave no clear understanding of what a "'goose ejrg" is, but presume it a bad egg, and we do not propose to have the bad ggs in the matter of this latest invasion all moving in the Same direction that is to say, against the fair fame of the State if it can possibly be avoided. What are our North State basc-ballists thinking about ? Does the tar on their heels pre vent their running the bases? Perish the thought! Let our bovs get some of the tar on their hands and so make a inutl impossible. - air Kerr Craije Appointed Collectcr Siecial to the Charlotte Chronicle. Washington, June 14. The consolida tion of the internal revenue districts re aiainsna ordered by President Cleveland xseveral weeks ago, but there is a mighty change in other respects. -f- Mr. Kerr Craige, of Salisbury, has been appointed collector of the new 5th District. i The appointment was made this after noon by President Cleveland, and settles the business so far as Maj. Dowd and Col. Boyd are concerned, Kerr Craige is collec tor of the Fifth District and Mr. Yar borough is collector of the Fourth Dis trict. The fight over the collector-ship was brief but hot. Senators Hansom, ami Vjmce aud Hon. John S. Hendersou strongly endorsed Mr. Craige aud urged his claims successfully. This turn of al &ilrs was quite unexpected, as everybody siened satisfied that Col. Boyd would establish his headquarters in Charlotte, indeed, Col. Boyd had gone so far as to yisit Charlotte and examine several hou-cs with a view of selecting a location for his offices. All this will probably go for naught, as it is believed here that Mr. Craige, the new collector, will locate the ofnec in Salisbury. However, there is some uncertainty about this, only the probabilities point strongly to the loca tion of Mr. Craige's headquarters in Sal isbury, lit? home. Arms for the South. Washington June 10. Regulations have been framed by the war department for the purpose of carrying into effect the act of Congress making an annualjippro- pnation to provide arms and equipments lor the militia of States and Territories. Under the apportionment of $400,000 ap propriated last session, the following sums go to Southern States: Alabama, y.216; Florida, J,6S6; Georgia, $11,059; Ivuusiana, $7,373; Mississippi, $8,21)5; North Carolina, $10,138; South Carolina 68,293; Tennessee, $11,059; Virginia, $11,059. Possible Homicide, at Oxford. Oxford, X. C, June F. Kivett, son of A. J. Kivett, of Henderson, aged about sixteen years, was fined to-day be fore Mayor T. D. Crawford for stabbing Dr. J. 1. Williams' fourteen year old son, Buxton, last night. He was put under a thousand dollar bond for his appear ance at court. Young Williams is still alive, but is in a critical coudition. The trouble was the result of a boyish game. Coffee Market Verging on a Panic. New Yokk, June 13. The eoffee innrktt iapt-ned excited this morning at 1 20 points ndow Saturday s c'ose. The market is tferging on a panic with rumors of failure r b tcli cannot "t be confirm d. At 2:40 p. in., it was announced at the coffee ex change that !. G. Arnold & Co., one ol the bigL.ect in the trade, havi failed. - i A Poor Pellow Pays Another's Penalty. ! 3It. Sterling, Ky., June ll.-Thoiact .'a. lUiat an iunoceut man was sent to prison .t!...u. u jj, j r , r where nc died for another o crime came i . uvui James Thompson, a noted, horse thief. Wasiinjton Correspondence. Washington, D. , Juue 10, 1S37 Your correspondent spent an hour in tbe National Museuai thin morning look- Vug at the Grant reiW; recently . placed j there us a loan from MrS. Grunt. The ; is varied, valuable, and Very handsome. Many of these articles were presented to t Gen. Grant while aoroad on his tour around the world, some from Congress, I and the -remainder from corporations ami : individuals in the United States. I will r .i enumerate some of them Freedom of the city of Glasgow, gold casket; freedom city of Ayr, gold casket; casket for address and welcome of Strat ford -on-Avon, "made with mulberry wood from the tree planted by Shaks peare at New Place, Stratfo;d-upon-Avoiii" freedom city of London, gold easkct ornamented with a view of the Capitol at Washington, Grant's mono gram, arms of the Lord Mayor, view of entrance to Guildhall, figures represent ing city of London, and other designs; freedom city of Edinburgh, silver casket; beautifully engraved invitation card ana silver envelope for grand ball, San Fran cisco; several other cards of similar na ture in gold and. silver; gold model of the table on which General Lee signed the articles of surrender at Appomatox; gold medal presented Grant by joint resolu tion of -Congress for the victories oi Donelsou, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, ami other places on the Mississippi, intrinsi cally worth more than $600; one gold and one gold-cnaincled cigar case; number ol Lgoht headed -and other canes; four swords with jeweled hilts and gold scabbpards; marble bust of Grant; beautiful Mexican fonyx sideboard, presented by citizens of Pueblo; Japanese embroiderea picture ol cock and hen worked iu silk on white silk crape a line piece of needlework; bronze and other vases, rare old bowls, curious and ancient ware, etc., etc. Upon the wall near the glass cases which hold these relics is a large oil painting ol Grant and his family, and a little further along arc several cases filled with relics of Washington but I wil not speak ol them here. T. II. Items cf Trading Ford. There is much ado here now. The golden grain is moaning beneath the cutter's scythe. Crops are line. We have in our vicinity two churches, two stores, a steam saw mill and a cotton gin. There are two sabbath schools carried on by able superintendents during the summer months. This is a healthy locality and popula ted by a people ol line morals, and intel ligence. The farmers here understand their business and know exactly how to tun; gold out of the ground. There is an academy well furnished here where a good school under the su pervision of Prof. A. W. Owen has been in session for some time. Friday 10; h it terminated. A lively debate was anticipated on Friday night, but nature grew sympa thetic, and wept for the side' she knew would be. defeated, thus Hooding the earth so that the debaters were kept away. Miss Jenny Klnttz has returned fron Mt. Pleasant where she has been a: school, also Mr. C. Windsor from Y. M. S. Academy, of Stanly county. This is a splendid place for a village. Very respect fully June 13, 1S87. Amicus. The Hostilsa. Chicago, June 13 A linns pci inl from fiicson, Arizona, ?a : The hostile m supposed to lie in t lie end of the Sunt a Ctal tun moiinfiiil.b as their signal snn ke has been distinctly een. The troosol cavalry nre operating in ihut locality. Over one hundred rih!ii) bucks are out, all well armed. The chicl of the Avarapia Apaches says there will lie a lug Indian war; that ni" ro than lour hundred warriors will socn be in the Held, all with oot tins and plenty f amniunat ion. Nearly all his omig bu-ks joined the hostile. Allot the mountains have been tired The Indi ans say this vr as done to sto. the t rop from iiHinti the hclioyiaph siMiid 'The crest id the Santa lasl uiht was abiaze for 15' miles. Heavy Loss in a Sug&r Befinery. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 11. A fire broke out at half jmst one o'clock this morning in Havemeyer's Green Point Sugar lle finery. The flames spread quickly and by time the firemen arrived the entire building was in flames, notwithstanding the fact that 16 engines, four trucks and two fire boats were present. The flames could not be conquered until the entire building was almost completely destrov ed. Loss estimated at $1,000,000. Buying Mineral Land. Lynchburg.; June 15. Maj John W. Johnston, of Birmingham, Ala. in connec tion with Kichinond lapitalists forminc a nyndicnte. hn purchased a Inrre tiael of.inmeral laa "s nevr Buchanan, Botetourt county, Ya. .Nvuhern men intensted in building .thp Yirginia Western Railroad have also faken an option on immense bodies of mineral properties near the same place. Carlisle Pa., June 9. An attempt was made to:day to wreck the 4:30 p.m. Westeijn .express on the Western Mary land Railroad.,, A yjwmg man was walk ing along t tic track between Shippenburg and Cliamberburg and found four tics piled across the rails. The train was in sight going at full Foeed. He opened his umbrella and waved it frantically. The enginer saw it,. put on tne oraKes ana succeeded in stopping his train within a few feet of the ties. There was a large number of passengers on the train. The officials are making strenuous efforts to discover the perpetrators. Memphis June 9. At Barlett, Tenn.. yesterday, while Dick Smith, a ten year old eolored boy, was left in eharjre of an infant by his fioBter parents he look a double barreled shot gun and blew its brains out. It is supposed he did it out of revenge for a flogging administered to him yesterday morning. He says he don't care what they do with him so long as they don't bang him. The boy is in jail. To 'lreain of a ponderous whale, Erect nn the tin of hi tail, Is t he fcin otann (If the weather ia warm). Unle. it should happen to tail. Dreams don't amount to anueli. anyhow Smesins however are ini'ailialde. If you aro eoittttipated, with no Sppelite, torture i nilh sick UcUche and billions symu.ouu. , se siiiU iiidiCiife lliiit T.U nre i Dr I rne I'u -ant riiriritivc n urns. in . . . - t . i ', . - ? a ei tire on. All drugiM. 1 NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS AND STOP.!- K EE PEES.- r I guarantee Shrir.erV Indian Vermif age ! to destroy and expel worm from the ha- man body, where they exist, if nsed ue-j cording to directions. You are author- iized to sell it upon the ahove conditions. David E. Foul, Proprietor, Baltimore, M l. , ""ii r I SJ".UWM " " SSSStStu 1 1 l lce W : Tlw pnbhemnft liave been sitting down on barbed-wire fences. '1 wo wire fence U ... 1.1 A ... .1 . manufacturers have recently made assign ments in the West.'' Chronic Coughs and Colds, And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, can be cured by the use of Scott's Bmnliion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypopbos-phitc-s in their fullest form. Is a beauti ful, creamy Emulsion palatable as milk, easily digested, and can be taken by the most delicate. Please read: UI consider Scott's Emulsion the "remedy pr.r excel lence in Tuberculous and Stromuous Af fections-, to say nothing of ordinary colds and throat troubles' Y. 11. S. Con XELL, M. I)., Manchester, O. '"I am us ing your Emulsion Cod Liver Oil wiifi Hypophosphites for an ajfTection cf my throat, and the improvements were beyond iny expectation." D. Tayi.ou, M. D., Cpdsawatte, Ga. COSIEINED WITH ErBEAT ?ME, They nre us Transparent and Colrhsat Lig'.l nd for softness of en lurancp to Uie rye r.ol w i-!Ci:eiled.n ibllny i i veii ci t reail for hours .TilUout I.itlue. fnfavt, Uie mv P-irfaet Silit Preservers. F.tOil THE GOVEICNO:: OF LOUISIANA. BAT..N lidl'UR l.a.. Jan. i3. rS6. Mr. A. It. IIawkkr: Dr-ir sir i xlcsire io le.-iMo lo thegreal superiority o oui (1 L-.-a-es i aey coiniili): brim ney vnh soiii(.ss n.n;-. to tUe-tye, tuore l'.unanv I havpcvei 'oana. s. n mcIcxkrv. Cow. oi L.iuibiuna. RE JO M.: EX DEO RY ROV. IREI.AXO. AfSTIN, TfcXAS, Aug. IS8?. To Mi'. A. K. Mav.k.S: Dtir iir It fives m-.leastii-'. los'iy 1 u pu using j oui .i.s.-.c .- Lorso ue time east vvtiu imiea a tislaotlou. J'ci lleainess, softness, aau lor ail pui-,iot,es uiteud'u. i.liej a iv i.oi sur,assd liy any tnal 1 hxve cvei vvoro. I woum rt comint ru; tin m io ail who want a saOiior j;lasi. 1 atu veiy res.tei lullv youis, Joi.N li;El..ND. Govorr.oi oi Tc.a.. EX-OOVERXOR HUHlt.MMl SAYS. Acs-tin, i x.-s. March s, is?;. MR. A. K. Hawkfs: O nr.lirl amamch ptoas:- d with I'm-; tuiu.-op;c s.a.-sea you so p'Tlc, il id.ipU'il to my c es: .vi litiieml am cnalul read, is In uiv omii, iiij Unobi julut witli the rre.iies! p l ci vrfully rfi-oainieuU Uu-in to tUt I-. U hUHR i;r. (Kx-Oovernor of Texas) MtnLsu i to Japan. Sib-t Improved. New Vokjc city, A.p li 7, is-j. Mt. A. K. H wk::s: bir tyr Your patent eyc 1 it vs r.-eelved some lime' since, -anil i ta very ii'l'.-ii rr ilUl d at tlie won lerful Lliaiijre t!iat lias jom over niy 1 have I'.lcirJed my !d slasses, and am now wcrtrnr e :-. AI.kXAX. K't ATAIf, nxnt Hoftf Manufacturer and Scy st.m-jae:B' lkKini of l'r.i c. All ees 3ttf-1 an l trie ;i: sfnarr-h'oct; Xry I. S. STUZRE. r racist, S 1! 'i in . X. C. Thee. ytasses are not supplied to peddlers at . ny price. '2j:'jm. o . a O 4 fifs&i rfAMuXx ifmStt tii&jtti dg i t) 11 S 11 O it S 11 O E SN' fVIExO H S U () S O II S II O 121 VI1 ii-It O S T O T R () S T O O O -T . . i-' W 11 II s O R S 11 tv' r s o r 5R O 1 u ( M r r rr o i .. v ' v r s u Kf . fcT f VG R O S T O O O T S SH S R O S T O T S O R S vXl s Vfi II n C T C f T O If t)T O H S R O S O R S 11 O (36 E O If S R O R S II O R t&A kri a trrrVtJ Vk 1 IVVil.vJllrmri & Knan-w . . " The sentence BOOTS or SHOES in the above square can be read in over Different ws ys, but a Greater Number of DOLLA1W can vou? be saved in a vear as REWARD For baying BOOTS or SHOES at the close prices always made on reliable goods by J. Z. SCHULTZ, The O,'I0 PRICKI) Denier SALISBURY, N. C. XfcCuriJiN's CoHNEK. 28:11' A GOOD 0FFEE! m I will GIVE AWAY Ictal ,fA7"-A.X,OI3E: OXIITNT. Warranted to stand and hold its eolor. with every Watch left to be repaired that amounts to $1.23 and over, during the month of JUNE only. I GUARANTEE ALL MY WORK FOR ONE YEAR, And to Give Entire Satlsfaeliop. Manufacturing of Cold and Silver Me dals, Badges, Wedding Rinjs. and Jewel - ry of all kiuds, and Engraving clone in an artistic manner. Uocus ordered bv eati- logue and selection, packages of Watches ' I and Jewelry v. ill receive prompt-alt eu- ! ! tion. Call enrly nnd seeure Ai's baifafn.. R-?spee?fuHv, W. II. REL1NKT? ' The Jkwj:t ::p ; TV,Hetween Fmithdf-nl and Uuorbaum';'cDa .'-i Absolutely Pure. Tlits powdernerer varies. A nsarvel of er.ty. strenztn ani irlinlesfmieness. More economica than in-ordln:inf kinds, and cannot be uld In .niiviiilon with tiie multitude o! 1 w test. lirt weiffUt. alma or p!iosihate powderR. -col(! or-iy in as. Koyal Uasisu r,owiEni;o..Jo6 all si V. For sale by Bingham &. Co., Young & Bos tian. and A. C. Harris. ELY'S CatarrH CREAM BALM G.ves Relief at ouee and Cures COLD in the Head CATASRH HAY FEVER. Xot a Liquid, SituJT or I'oirtte . Frit from I up. riuiis Driict.i m l Ojfimii odor. A nartlcleof tbeltalrh la aip i d intoeacn n'ni is agreeable to u.v and Is quickly absorbed. II ctu ill . cleansing tbe mis il pass.igtsof catarrlial virus auslnz bealtliy sc reiions. It allays pun an1 infl irnfttlon. pi-otef s the uiem bran tl linings oi tbe li ad from addlOot al colds, -oinpletely iie;.lrs the sores aiul te tores t':e ' ise r taste and smell, it. re uits are re..ll2 d a tew iinpl!. atio. s. A thorough treatment wi'l rurt. Prl -e -,o cents it iirjrits; by mail, registered, 60 cents, t'ir altars sr-nt t f-. ELY BUOTnE.tS, Dragslsts, v-wego. N. V. 4w.ll i YOU Eearil The Latest Xetifs ! Have opeiv .l a FIIIST CLASS STORE in l. Mnrpliv's biiililinL' mi Fiher Ktr et. un iler the Wr.tchmaii office, where they are in-1 in- an entire NEW STOCK of 00DS HOTIOIiS, PRCViriOKS, &c. A I verv low , ie. s fir c:;sh rr barter They liny all kitxU nt piixlnee ail ia tin highest mat kit pi ices' Mn Goods or Cash Do lud fail to uivf t In in a ca'l. Your !1 friend I). ?. Jci.i.vs will be on ban I to w ait on vmi in his usiiai iileasani w a . dishu rc. April I C.i . am W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. I CtNTXCMENi re The only 3 SKAIl.i:SS Shoe in the nortU. FtncEt Oulf, iorfHt Pi!, and warraiited. I'oiMrrcss Ktiilon aiid J.ace, an stvlca iw. As ,-lisll !'! il!iralik t!i se cixllns or sr.. .C v.'. imii' Wi.5) SHOK f et8 tl: fc! Shoes a.ivcr- l i --.i hv oilier Ui'.us. H&1B1M4 Ml MOW nf ri(k Kb'. j B its all rrcir theVT. J.. DOTTC1L.AS 9? SHOE. If iir rlea'i'i" i'os n kw; lliein. wnil nmr iiameon postal to VV. JL. I)Ol Cl..iS, nrccktun, Mass. 82: ly WAVE OPEN YOUR EYES! LADIES ESPECIALLY! We have the larjjost and best selected Stock of Dry Goods, Press Gotxls, Notions and Drn Trimmings ever . bror.jrlit la the city. We cordially invite th? trade to call and examine for themselves. You cannot afford to p u l.-v. ' . . . .. . .. s, i-i ii- Emhr.Tidered French Rxtite Robes, worth $4.00, for $2.00. Set .Swiss Etuoroidcrj! at fifty cents on the dollar. Five cent Lawns can not be equalled;, t.vcnt v-scven inches wide; fine stock. A full line of colors. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF fei i 41 ST i m I ' :i t n ,1 . . .v . . wt n r i1 wf i j I ft IV I 11 1 1 (II Ii H 1 1 . SolM wmu. i I S II 3 11 II II 1 I II T 1 1 I I II I . v m. m .a a il w II U IF U JI 11 IF I III t; II FJ CURTAIN RODS Drass.botT, Walnut and Ash. SHADES Iq all Color.- and Quantity. Vard Wide Scrim for 10 ctf. -r Towels at 5 cts, a piece. Checked-Nansooks at 8j cts., worth 13J Special Bargains in Parasols: Yanl Wide Bleached Cotton at 8 cts. A EPLEFDID LINE OF GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Gent s biR-n Handercbicf? at half rir. to ut LadieV, M;.se aiul Children's Slot', all grodes and quality. 1 T TT T "XT T x T T '1 J LVvJiA lit Y 2C:tf THE RACKET :o-- Hau just suceeetled in :0: A LAICGK LOT OP TOILET tm LitBHJRY SOAPS Away Dawn Bsdow Their TalU" And making them at PLACK THE LOT OX, THE BARGAIN COUNTERS, Do not delay to pirrchasc on account t the quantiesve have, thinking pick rtup anyTimc, for our 'fiSj sell them out fast. - W"L -:o: Ah There I Toilet 8onp, 3 Large Cuke.' in box 10 eta. ke" B.quct lO.cts. Fine Carbolic Soap per cake p)e Colossal Toilet Soap per cake lUe Cold Cream Toilet IrVaqKper cake lfto Palm Large Bar Toilet Soup, bar 1&. Imperial Toilet Soap, fine, per cake 10e Athol Toilet Soap, large cake 5c Lulu, 3 cakes, Toilet boat., in box V Turkish Balh Soap, cake 5c ' ' Fo.xhead Soap, eake 5e. Kan Ka Kee, shaving compound cake oc. LAUiN DRY SOAPS. 18 oz. pk., per bar Sc. White Marble Floating Sor.p, cake 8c Empire Olive Soap, huge bar oc Bing Dang, 2 bars 5c. Immense 4G oz. bar 15c. BROOMS. Ciood. 2 String Brooms 13c, 2 for 25c 3 String Brocins l.'c. 3 String Velvet-Trimlug, hell made 2oe. 4 String Yelvet-Trimitig, elegant 35c. These goods are all full size an splendid value, and are not picked up every day. P.ACKETC. 0 D. STOSE. Corner Main and Imiis Street. 24:1 y SALISBURY MARKET MAY, 12. Cottou, pocd mi(Idlinr, middling, Lt. low mkldiir.g, 44 Low grade, Corn, new, Flour, country family, Wheat, Country baccn, hog round, 13 utter. 10 8 r. at ; Co (ff 70 to 2 io bi) w 1.(0 10 lb u 20 101 rnui i? Pork, good, 78 Irish potatoes, good, "thtJ, Lard, country, . y 10- W'e have no satisfactory report ot the Tobacco market, though there are al most daily sales. The grades are deter mined on the Warehouse floors, and unr so various that any quotation given can only tie regarded as probable. and Walatecy Hat. Ma cured at kfatXtk out pain. Book of par Uenlara tent F BEE. B M. WOOLI.E V. Ml).' Office C&M Whitehall St. CLOSINGOUT BACKET PUCES ERYBODY TEA ! : & BRO. 1- . . .

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