tivt C-amUinj Habit m a V-k tiWL ve have seen score ot printers iJTfoir ofircetv lawyers lose' their ' . . , li client, prywetue JP"f?rr MuKHfi i ie tieir (, itrtjsts 5e their ., book-keepers tot i .i 1 x 1 ; -3 wives aixi ike km of t keir families, business men loae their properly . from permitting ihemselres to gatn- The habit is prejudicial to all of tr-isiuess interests, detriittental to ai! of Hierxrv or wafessionat advancement. wad isastrovs to brain, uerreand hu-4 tixm endurance. The good gifts that Hioa maVeiTlo tuen in the way of brain, tcrt s4 ability are never augmented. are always weakened and fretted -5ajt jswav at tne gamiBg laoie, wuere men ; aire 'utimaiated to greed and broken j hw eiciteraent. Potntroy Democrat. MMMMMWM1WBWl,llppw,wlM,M, ' " debilitated efconl t rollers, minir-i seamrtreMe bouse- keepen. nnd over-wortaM women Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription i'tbe best of ai; rertoratire tonics. H is not a w Cure-aJl, vlut admirably f ulilJls a Mnirleness of punje, -Ins; a most potent Specific for all those .Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a powerful, general as well as atfriae. tonic and nervine, and imparts vigor and Unearth to the whole system. It Promptly eures weakness of stomach, indirestion. blpat tn. weak back, aervmts prostration, debility and sleepleawiess. in either sex. Favorite Pre luTtption is sold by driavists under our jvwi lire otuirtmttc. wnwpr sroitnd bortte. I'rlee $140, or clx bottles for $5.00. A larre treattae. mm Diseases of Women, pro fusely illustrated wtts enswred plates and nu merous wood-enta, seaft for lfreents m staaaps. Addreaa. Wonnn's Di8TOat Mwerxi, AsaociATtoa, OO Main Street, Buffalo. V. T ICK HE A D A CUE, ItiKons Hnsche, and ronstlpeUon. promptly cored by Dr. rkTce's Pellets. 25c a vial, bjr dr u'i'iS. STU TO T A T!m r tovnit m Sl fwt Oen. 1 UAo X AT XliU- r. Howrll a Cu'i NVwuiwper A'trrrtUbue l)tv-aa tW Spruce St. whrro AdvrrttNing Mtraeu may W mvitTCur U IX NKW YOUli. IlltOtbW miillar 3lMLin aVRllLlJIa? HCAT. A Life Ezporlenoe. Rerr arkable and .quick euros. Trial Packages. Send tamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WAjD A CO. Louisiana, Mo. rsarerl A ni5lectel cold or cough m ay 'eaa t fueitmontn.t 'ousumption ocotaer fatal disease. Strong's Pectoral Pi lawi'l cu r ew'd at hyie?ir. Ivmhnigfor dyspepsiajn' anesUoa. sick headache a tlwaasaiiiia testily- Valuable Farm FOB SALE. Situated io I'nity township, Jtonan Co., nine miles froai Salisbury, near the Wilkcs horn rnnd, adjiininr Hie lands of Jas. Holt. Catvin lltrrtsnn and others, containing 144 acres, nrarlr one half of which is SSCOKD CHEEK BOTTOM, heavily tiuiU-red. A pond dwelling house, barn, well, and out-huildins. all new. urchaser paying some cash can have in dulgence on the balance. Address - Jlns. J. C. McCOUKLE, Jerusalem, Duvie Co., N. C. 22:tf SO A ORES oi P91' land, C miles fr n Salisbury. n the Concord road, terms reasonab!e. for cash. , Pt.Nk.NKV LCDWICK. 51 f You Witk a Good Article fit Pluo Tobacco, ask your dealer foi "Old Rip." If you want to keep up with the time aake the Watchman you can't be left THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE OOPOOOOOOCOC!1 OQ IS THOROUGHLY EQl'irrKD f flb friiiting, PROM POSTERS as bis ss a btrn door down to most delicate letter and Note Heady, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, MICE LISTS, Stbtol an) pittj programmes, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Court and Magisteiia, (L pt r tr 1-Urd anrt sallbfii' tl i t:artu.Uir'! BPS rrvVaCa f i tr(e v imp XKIU Wonderful Cu 8. W. D. Hovt & Co Wholesale nnd Retail 2. . "t , - I irug;;.. m . tp; c mn- f"- Prl3SSJ2fe DS2r E'eztrk Hitler ami Bm-kk'n -Ai im-n Salvr i..r two xenr. H (lies tlittt sell us satisfaction. Tl .- - .me... Have .never 'handled reine- well, or gfvaancli nni versa! icne Imvc been wmic woir- deiTitl cures effected hv th r medicine in this city. beveral cne f pronounced Consumption have lnen entirely cured ly use of a f-w Unties 4 Dr. Kiaz,s Sew Dis covery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters- We gti -trait toe thcui alwava. Suld by Kluitz ic Co. A. 3 Cm fox Youaf Mea. Young men, p iste this in your hat and read it every day : Attend well to your business. Ue punctual in your payments. - "vu wvisiiWiuJuio& re to do right Bnry no raaH. b aithfully perform your duty. uo noi in me natn or vice. Have respect for your character. Know thyself. Lie not, tor any consideration. Make few acquaintances. Never profess what you do not practice Occupy your time in usefulness. PostjMine nothing that you csin do now. Quarrel not with your neigher. Recompense every mini for his labor. Save something against a day of trouble. Treat everybody with kinduess. Use youself to moderation. Villify no person's reputation. Watchfully guard against idleness. Xamine vour conduct daily, ifield to superior judgment Zealously pursue the right path. k never give up. Greatly Excited. Not a few of the citizens of Salisbury have recently lietottte ureal ly excited over. the astonishing tin ts, that sev ral of their Ineuds who had been pronounced by their physicians as incurable and U-yond all hope suffering ivilh that dreadful monster con sumption have lieen completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, the only remedy that doea positively cure all throat ami liui diseases, Coughs, Cold, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Kluttz& Co.'s Drug store, i trge hot t lee f 1 This is the way Col. R. G. Incersoll expresses himself in regard to the al- ieett struggle between labor and capi tal : "Here is a shoe shop. One man in t he shop is always bu.sy at work dur ing the day always industrious. In the evening he goes courting some good .fice girl. There are tive other men in :tie shop who don't do any such thing. These spend half their evenings in dis sipation. The first young man by and try cuts out these others, and gets a ooot and shoe store of his own. Then lie marries the girl. Soon he is able :o take his wife out to ride of an even The five laborers, his formed ing. companions, who see him indulging this luxury, retire to a neighboring saloon and pass a resolution that there is an eternal struggle between capital and labor." Children OAen need some safe cathartic and tonle- to avert approaching sickness or to re lieve colic, hetidache, sick stomach, indi gestion, dyseutery and the complaints incident to childhood. Let the children take Simmons Liver Regulator and keep well. It is purely vegetable, not unpleas ant to the taste and safe to take alone or in connection with other medicine. The genuine has our Trade Mark UZ" in red on front of wrapper. J. H.Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Just to Amuse the Baby. A few days ago two ladies, one f whom carried a baby, entered a Boston carpet store and signified their desire to look at some carpets. It was a very warm day, but the salesman cheerfully showed roll after roll, until the perspira tion literally streamed from every pore of his body. Finally one of the ladies asked the other if she did not think it was time to go. "Not quite," was the answer of her compauion, and then, in sn undertone she added : "Baby likes to see him roll them out, and it is "not time to Jake the train." Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The. B&st Salve in the world for Cut?, Bruivs. S ores, U cer, Salt Hlu uin, Ftver Suivs, THte. Ch:pKHl Hand, Cliilhlnir. Corns, snil all Skiii Erupt ions, and positive lv ruren Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to aive erleet aatisfaetion. or money refunded. Piicc S$ cents pes box. For Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:ly. Catholic and Protestant Bibles. That translation of the Bible known is the 'Vulgate, which was the work of Jerome from 385 A. D. to 405, is the version authorized by the Roman Cath olic church and used? by it. Protestants use the King James version, which was made from many ancient manuscripts and versions. An ounce of alum will purify a whole hogshead full of fowl water. RADFIELD'S regDLATUH. A SPECIFIC FOR Woman's Diseases Painful Q-pprtiied Trsaala rofu 9 can r y and A MENSTRUATION or ONTHLY SICKNESS. If taken during tbe CHA5RK OF LITE, great offering and 'tangcr win be avoided fWSraQ ; i book " Men AOS to Wom," m.Ucd free VnaertrLC Hscvlatob Cx, Atlanta, Ca n D Order. Where's toy bat? Who' men my knife? - Who turned ay coat wrong side 6ut and slung it under tke lounge ? There yoa go, my ly. Wkea yoa came into the feovse last evening too flung your hat across the room, jumped out of your shoes and kicked em right and left, wriggled oat of your coat and gave it a toss, and now you are annoyed because each article hasn't g it he red itself into a chair to be ready for you when you dress in the morning. Who cut those shoe strings? You did to save one minute's time in unty ing them. Your knife is under the bed where it had rolled when you hopped, skipped and jumped out of jour trows ers. Your collar is down behind the bu reau, one of your socks is at the foot of the bed and your vest may be in the kitchen wood box for all you know. Now, then, my way has always been the easiest way. I had always rather fling my hat down than hang it up; I'd rather kick my boots under the lounge than place in the hall; I'd rath er run the risk of spoiling a new coat than to change it. I own right up to being reckless and slovenly, but, ah me! havn't I had to pay for it ten times over! Now set your foot down and determine to have order. It is a trait that can be ac quired. An orderly man can make two suits of clothes last longer and look nicer than a slovenly man can do with four. He can save an hour a day over a man who slings things helter-skelter. He stands twice the show to get a situa tion and keep it and live times the show to conduct a business with profit. An orderly man will be an accurate man. If he is a carpenter, every joint will tit. If he is a merchant his books will look neat. An orderly man, al ways a prudent one. If you should ask ine how to become rich, I should an swer; "Be orderly be accurate" Southern Progress. The circle of improvement and de velopment in the bouth is constantly enlarging, until it will very soon in clude the entire South. It is like a stone thrown into the water the waves which it causes spreading in every di rection, until they include the whole pond. Starting with the mineral dis tricts of Alabama and Tennessee, the spirit of progress and development, the improvement in industries, the new factories built, mines opened, companies organized, the advance in prices spread first to all the surrounding portions of these States and thence to Mississippi and Louisiana. Now Arkansas feels this impetus, and the lutest news is n veD W l?)omj.,,& and that there litis been maaed improve ment in Louisville and other cities in the business done, in new factories es tablished, and cousequently in the price of property. Fort Smith, Ark., in the far west, has enjoyed for a month past a decided "boom," due to the rich mineral finds in the vicinity of that town, and the sales of reservation lots there have placed the large sum of 500,000 to the credit of its school fund. At Hot .Springs also, which has been long sus pected of being a rich country niinera! ogically, valuable finds have been tn;:de and a mining company of immense proportions organized. Mansfield, La. fexarkana, on the borders of Texas ami Arkansas, have also seen consid erable activity in business and improve ment in prices, and one by one the Southern towns send in the encourag ing news that they are throwing off the thrall of depression and entering on a new era of industry, energy, ac tivity and promise. Age of Steel. Four Kieh New Yoiksrs. In a cheap restaraunt on Park row four shabbily dressed men seated them selves at different tables and called for "coffee and cakes" price ten cents. 1 he poorest looking of the four is the President of a pie-b,iking company and owns stocks and real estate represent ing $5,C00,0L0. The second of the quartet is a builder worth at least $2. IAK),000. He sat next to a peddler of collar button j, who looked as t hough a bath would be beneficial. The build er started life as a brick layer. He grumbled at the diminutive proportion of the cakes. The third individual of note is the proprietor of a lare eooner- age and litis all he can do to spend a i ration or ms income. His estate is val ued at over a million, kt one time he drove a truck. The fourth man in his day owned two gambling houses on Ann street. He is engaged at present in missionary work for a confidence es tablishment on Broadway near Eighth street. Wis victims are numerous and his commissions large. His clothes are rusty, but his pockets always well filled. As he chatted with the proprietor he appropriated a cigar with- ou: paving tor it. It costs the oie man less than $10 a week to live; the builder something like twice that sum: the coojierage man not more than $12: and the ex-g;mbler nothing at all if lie caii help it. Mail and Express. Blood Will Tell. There is no question about it blood will tell especially if it bo an impure blood. Blotches, eruptions, pimples and boils, are all symptoms of an impure blood 'due to the improper action of the liver. hen t his important orjjan fails to oro- pcrly perioral its function of purifying and cleansing the blood, impurities are .carried to all parts of the system, and the symptoms above referred to are mcrclv eviJcnccs of the struggle of Nature to th row off the poisonous genus. Unless her warning be heeded in time serious re suits arc certain to follow, culminatinr in liver or kidney disorders, or even in consumption. l)r. Pierce's Uoldeu Medi cal Discovery will prevent ti cure these diseases, by restoring the liver to a heal t hy commiou. j Never speak evil of any one. Be 'just bjuro yod'kre geuorSus. bome -Advice to Wive. Remember that you are married to a man and not to a god; be prepared for imperfections. Anticipate the discovery by your husband that you are wonly a woman;" if you were not he would not care about von Once in a ivhile let .ycrar husband I have the last word; it wall gratify him . and be no particular loss to yon. Be reasonable; iris a great deal to ask under some circumstance, but do try; reasonable women are rare be raw, Remember that servant are made of the same material as you are; a little coarser grained, perhaps, but the same iu essentials. Try and forget yourself; as to your husband, forget that you married him, and remember that he married yon; he will then probably do the re verse. Let him read the newspaper at the breakfast-table; it is unsociable, but then, it is only a trifle' after all, and he likes it. Let him know more than you do once in a while; it keeps up his self respect, and yon are none the worse for admitting that vou are not actually infallible. Read something Tn the papers be sides fashion notes and society columns; have some knowledge of what is going on in foreign countries. Be a companion to your husband if he is a wise man; and if he is not, tn to make him become vour companion Raise his standard, do not let him k-. -er yours. Respect your husband's relations especially his mother she is none the leas his mother, because she is your mother-in-law; she loved him before you did. Brooklyn Magazine. A happy home is the brightest spot on e irth that the eye of God looks down on. Love and peace in his home send sunshine aronnu a man wherever he goes; disorder and trouble there is misery everywhere. There are few worries of which a man cannot now and then shake off, but who can shake himself free from the skeleton in the closet, from the worry in the household, and the blister on the heart? A day will tell how many a man carried that, without wincing, down to the grave. When a husband and wife are help meets to each other in the best sense, when order, love and goodness prevail in the house, then the man who has a hard battle in life to fight can leave his struggles behind him when he enters there. With all onr faults, we are the most home loving of people, and that is the reason why we are the greatest of people. Whatever helps home-life, is a national bles-ing; whatever hurts home life, is a national curse; and the greatest curse that can't touch these blessings is what would tamper with the home. T. . The latent craze in New York so cial circies is portrait painting on China. "Now, when papa e its his din ner," says the New York World, "he finds a slice of rare beef reclining on his better-half's plump cheek, and her well-preserved locks plentifully be strewn with green peas, while her right eye regards him tenderly through a him ot gravy." Baltimore Market, May 28. COttN. csoutheru Wbito Yellow 51 fa. 52 48 MILL FEED. Winter Brnu is quoted at $17.73 per ton. City Middlings at$ 17 p ton. FLOUR. City Mills Super $2.50:23.10: Howard Street Extra at $3.25(0,310; Howard Street Family at $4.15(4.50. beoom coax. Green Hurl Drooni Corn 41 (77.4 j Green Self-worKing Broom Coru K'; Grceu Short broom Coru It dhort uiiJ .'.tedium mi tipped Urootu Cora 4 e.4j Crooked broom Corn 21 (a, 21 COFFEE. FOS CIO CAKOOE3 XKD INVOICE?. Ordinary 21.-i2U TUTl 22ja22j 23r23J Fair Good rrime Fair to good Santos FISH. held Mackerel are held dull, 1885, No. 2 at $8.50(Vt;10.00 to Eastern and Western Dealers. provisions. Car lots bulk Shoulders are steady at 6u6 ct.; long clear Sides Sets.; and clear Kib do. 8 cts., strong; crude Western Lard cts. REFINED SUGARS. The market is fairly active and firm. We quote : Cut Loaf aud cubrs Gja6Jl Powdered Cla'U Granulated aS Vellowa 4la5 TEAS. IXrKRIAL. Common 1 7 to 20 22 to 25 Medium Fine 30 to 35 42 to 45 Good Common MOLASSES. Cuba 23a28 25a30 Porto Rico New Orleans 28a35 35a55 Barbadoes CRACKERS. Assorted Cakes Corn bill Cracker Men.1 Ginger 5 naps Cakes Lemon Biscuit Oyster, X 10 Pilot Bread 9 " " Ex. G Soda Biscuit, Ex. ai " " x Ik Sugar crackers 8 W. Crackers 6 " Eitra C U i 7 PAINTS. Lewis Pure White bead, iu oil nd Peerless " " " " ay Patuxent" " " a5 French Zinc, " OJalOj Amer. --oS Putty 2 a-.'J OILS. Raw Linneed Oil $ .6 a :s bingic Boiled Oil 48 a4S Double Boiled Oil 50 a 52 Sftirild Turpertine 39 a-'. 1 C4tvarcil Oil, sni le ?s 035 n tire l S. yellow 44 nii. b'. wkitt 4 aij 4 Kow YnrV is heromine alarmed at the rapid influi of pauriers and, crimi-j tipl from Europe. T1 great increase j in the number of insane i the State! is attributed to this cause. The United States has become an asylum j not only for the oppressed of all mr' tions but for the criminals and paupers i WH- When lightning struck the chimney of tbe residence of George H. Ander son, of Ocean Grove, it divided into three parta, one of which struck the piano and drew everv wire out of it, whih? another knocked the family about the dininz room, and the third passed out of a window, shivering the frame. and sash into pieces. WHAT KILLS AMERICANS. Ll ln-R rck Um Vm n n -H ard Ort nk- i- Four MIms4mc aetnl Jfrimr- rlltieI AwMHm-tlilNl 1 Vk9 Itace for Me. The alarming disease o tliifl country is nervous debility and prostration. It goes under many names bit it is essen tially th same complaint Hospitals and private institu tions for nervous patients re crowded. The average of life in the United States is de creasing every year. Sudden deaths from nervous collapse among our business, piofess ional and public men re so frequent as scarcely to excite remark. The majority of sui cides, committed without ap parent reason, or under so-called "depression of spu-lts," are really prompted by nervous prostration, which is a fruitful source of insanity and crime with all their grief and horror. These facts are startling. They threaten the very life ot the nation. They rssail the springs of its power and pros perity. They wreck manhood's strength and woman's useful ness ana beauty, i Every one- should know the causes. What are they ? The answer U easy and terribly Elain: Our vicious personal abits ; our careless and lawless eating and drinking; the in tense mental and physical strain arising from our mad race after money, position and influence; the fears and struggles of pov erty ; the use of narcotics and stimulants; our fashion of turning day into night and night into day; and, briefly, our desperate willingness to pay any price for an hour's Eleasura or success. So we urn life's candle at lxth ends and fill the lunatic asylums and the raveyanls. v The disease from which we suffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, Nerwtt iJy.fjtcpsia, as it is seated in the Nerves and in the organs of Digestion, Assim ilation and Nutrition. Healthy digestion being impeded or des troyed, the whohibody, nerves included, is literally starved; even when Miere is no emaci ation to tell the sad story. Ne:vous prostration sends out its warnings: headache in the morning; a jpei-sistcnt dull heaviness or aching at the base of the brain ; wakefulness ; loss of appetite and disgust with food ; loss of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without any assignable reason; eructations ; bad breath ; fov.l mucous on the teeth ; occasional giddiness ; palpitation of the heart; sal lowness of the skin ; coated tongue nnd gradual failure of strength and ambition. The remedy is a total aban donment of the habits and cus toms which cause the disease in each individual case, and the use of Shaker Extract of Hoots (SeigeFa Syrup) to cure the mischief already done. This great remedy, prepared by the Shaker Community of Mt. Leb anon, N. Y., is especially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys pepsia. To do this it acts cLirectly and gently but power fully upon 1 he disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex pelling waste matt ei-s from the system,and purifying the blood. Upon the nervous system Shaker Ex t refef (SeigeTsfty rup) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone and strength through its wonderful influence upon the function of nutrition. It isafe to say more nerv ous dyspeptics have been re stored by it from the depths of miseiy to a fresh enjoyment of life and labor than by any or all other forms of treatment I ,commea. . NEW FIFM The undersigned have entered into a co-partnership for tlepurjoseofco4uct in the GttOC'EBY and PRODUCE COMMISSION bu.-j.ines. to date from March 28, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. - " McNEELY & TYSON. The tuidecftHpod takes this opportauity to return t banks to his uuwerou friends for their patronage. ad asks the con tinuance of tbcsaine to the SEW FIRM. e will always be on hand to serve the natrons of the 'XEV FIRM. 27:tf J. P. McNEELY. WANTED. Would like a position as Book Keeper in the town of Salisbury; have had an ex perience of eight years at the business, system Double Entry, and would respect fully refer to F. 1$. (Jibson, of Gibson's Station, in whose employ iam now and have been for four years; also refer to the following gentlemen of Gibson Station : L. Ik McLaurin, W. It. Morrison and D. I), (iibson. Yours Respectfully, 27:1 mpd JAMES S. PIPKIN. State Of North Carolina Rowan County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. George C. E.tgle. plaint ill" ) vs Mat tie Eagle, defendant, ) Civi! action for divorce from tbe bonds of matrimony. To Mattie Eagle : You are hereby required to appear be fore the Judge of our Superior Court, at u Court to bo held for the county of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbuiy, on the 2d Monday before the first Mon day of September, 18S7, aud answer, or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. J. M HORAH. Clerk Superior Court. June 6, 1SS7. -if. 6v Info HArfcH"1 !he : A"-r- I f" I gVti.faMT Armey f i'n. N. W. AVER A OW. mili..nj-4 rwh fi-CtaoBi end EanYiile BaErai Co. Western North Carolina Division. j CIBCU1.AR NO. 4SS. Ckx'l Passenger Dep't.. ASHEV1LLE, C, May bth, 1SS7. ) Th- following PaHBCBjjcrTrsUn svliettale btwen Ashpviilf nnd Spartanburg. Is bereby announced, to take -U'-ii May th, lST : TRAiN :). S3. Lf!:( Astscvliie 11 ."a a.m. Aslirvihf Junction 11 4 " A 1 den li.W p. m. FlrU-UCrS li.16 " M nidi-raw vUlo r:i " Kial Look 2.o5 " hoiudo 1.1.0 - Mm" rose 1 MS Tryon 1.58 " Londa.niH f.io " (.'oni;Hjbollo " ' Inmon " " Cauiptr.n J.t6 " Arrive sp irt..ulmr? 3.S0 ' TRAIN NO. bt. Lfjve SparTautiurg 3.50 p. ra. Canipton 4 .! ltiui!i 4.14 " Conipobt-no 4 2 l.onOW:m-i 4.n Tron 4 i't Mo. n-. .V4 " SOiu.'.o 5.v Flat I O' v 5.W ' lifiideminviije 6 ot ' Fte'ohf'ri 31 Arrt'-n s.ia ' " Aherttlf JimetKn ;.w Arrlre Astieviile :.io JOH. L. M I Oir, O. )'. a. V. A. tui:k, a O. P. A. PIEDMONT AIR LINE. Richmond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina Eivision. Oknkhal Pakssjcgek Pr.r'T.l ASiiEVIlJJC, X. t... N.ov.6, lv. (ortdfMKd Schedule, Liking clTtct Nov 7. Read Dow n. WEST. K'sd Up. Ar:lv EAST. 4 3d p at Leave C 5t ts 11 tltt s is a ni " 7 ArrlYO 2 ; u ut Leave 7 3't 9 u Arrive New York Pbliudelphla ita I tl mure Wasuihtrion LyiK-in.ui x Dnpvllle itU'liutunu itanvllle Oreentboro GultlMboiu Haleteb Greeithooro SuliKbury Chrtilotte S;.liUtiry .HOpm t '4$ p Ul iu tn a in :o it oo 5 30 a in 11 to p ru 9 'AO Leave .rtivt Leave 5 tMi p m 1 V I M IU . ou Arrivo il g't 6 i' i ni Leave S 01 Ant e Arrive 11 t' a ru li SU t 0 17 p in Lea vie b 08 Arrive li so a m Le.iv e ll oo p in Arrive fi is p m 5 OH 4 07 11 3d it in Leave is w p in Arrive 1 it 2 15 S:tsourv KtatesvUlC Newton Ill-kory Connelly s, riujfs Monramou Maiion Black Mountain Sp.trt. .tune Lshcx-illo Alexander's 3 40 S 5.1 1 2: 1 51 a m 11 09 10 SI 10 16 2 3 rto 4 6 0? 47 ( '' 7 ?.S 3 10 00 5 t I.eara 1 10 a m Arrive 4 44 Hot Springs 8 20 Leave b to Arrive 0 BO 3 IS Leave i 43 r.tlni Boo : It 4 Morris! own Kiiosvlile MUItl'liY BKANCH. 8 oo a m Leave 10 l p m Krr 11 56 12 0) p iu. 1 4 :t 04 1 4 W Alicvli:e W onesvllle Sylvu Webster l1rlt1in Arr 5 oo p m 4" 12 11 12 ot) tn in 30 a iu V 19 l.o.Tve 7 45 P.-.nnni-ll J rn ttH 75Wt Mertitau time used Kast ot Paint Hock. 90F.U ' " Wrst 'i rilns on Murphy Bmncb run dally excepl Sui day. eiirotiKli fttllman Sleepers on south bountl train loavitifc MallsLacy at 11 p. in. for Atlanta and New Orleaim. Tltroutrh Pullman sleeper on north txjunrl irain leavlcif S.illbuiy at s on p iu. tor WaMUnstoi', Pullman Sle-per on same train fnun Oroensboro to itktiinond and (Jiecnrbovo io Halelh. Does not leave fioiiiciboro Sunday niglit. JDoes not leave Greensboro Saturday ntjfht. JAS. L. TAYLO. . R. P. A., Waslilnston. l. : W. A. Tcr.lt, . i. P. A. Aiihcvllie, N . C. .v"k. ' m u hi u i Hi b mm lelllllfli.il g CTTRES Diphtheria. Crocp Knew. InCuenca. Huetelns- aoa, Kidney Trouble . cad ThM pilU were a wonderful .recovery, reltere all manner of diaaaaa. I'hPiafnrTr, manner or iIIumh m.. t - JLZ PARSONS' Piii- j fL otI Ulem and you will alwaya be thankftU. C.ie ptil a doee. niurtrajed rP'M free. So. ieve here.oraettnrmaatorftutagpc. Dr. I. S. JOHNSON feCO..?a C w t..Bo-- f.hrirf in neZliil .v. . WUM1MWU lewder ta absolutely i-u.-i- nnu nia-niycon ifuirix-o. una oat 19 VQrth . ivi any other kir.ri it triotly a medloiue u be tlVUI with anA.1 i in E3H B earn s?ni n k leiwewi i vek.pj nan mam a1" y-s..c. .r 3t May .1, lig; PIWFESSIOXfrL CAULS. itKRlt CRAtHl. L. it. ri f. C3A1GE & CLEMENT, Allo-rvnys A.t X.w, - tL - . v . Jamskcky, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1831 J. WILLIAM BOYD, (Formerly o Bveknnan, Va ..) ATT0ENEY AT LAW Salisbury, N. C. 1 Office with J. M. Haden.-r.J8 THE STAR XtM:ifr .iiiMx.rtln: the Prl,t-iM w M DemMrutlc AUntliiLiraUon. Published i n the City New Yark. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER. KI1TQH. " Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Edition THE WEEKLY STAR, An Eight-page Newspa per. issued every Wednesday. A. clCM, iure, bright and Int.-rm t FAMILY PAPER. It contains Uie Ui esl newt, down to the hour of rota to pre. Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Financial and Commercial, Political, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Department, alt under the direction . trilwf Journalists of tbe liighcst ability. In CMUmnwai e found crowded Willi good thing from iepioiiUrt end. ( rigin.il itoriei by dUtlngulthed Amertcta ta4 fareign writers of Actios. TERMS OF THE WEEXLr STAR TO SUBSCRIBWl. Pree of Postage in the Untied State and Canada, ouUidtt t!ic limit of New Tork City. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. Clnba of lOto the ntne P. O. n-l.lrew. with an additional copr to orguiizer of Club, . . $10 ito FOR THREE MONTHS, on trial, 25 cents Hpeelnl terms and exlravordlwary induct, m vm i nscnta and eanvaaaera. Mend for CHrculara. THE DAILY STAR. Th Daily 8tj eon!r.'neall the ncw of th? day an attrict-iie fonn. Ita tpeclal correspondence by rabl fnun London, Tarl, iierliu, Vienua and Dublia, la co:n:nndaJle K-:iture. , At Vldnstor., Atl any. and ether newt centen. the ahlefit eorrr-ponrient?, tperially retained by Tan sua, farnbh thr I.-itest ncwn by telegraph. It literary features are UMurpaved. The Unwtietal and Market Review are unusaally full and compute. TEHSS Cr THE C.ILY ST.f.R TO XLTSCRJBERS. Tree of P.tai n the Cniteil fii4' r.r;d Canada, out- si'ie tbe liniitiof New York l i:v Every Day.for on e yer "includiugruaday). Daily, wltbmt Sun day, one year, . . Every Dav, nipnth D-iilv, wltho'it Sunday, six months, . , gunday, without Daily, one "year, . . 6 111 su 3 03 l.M Address. r , j K s r v I? Broadway and Par ; Place, New York WEAKfUNDEVELOPED ' V CA'.- t : nrtl! US H )i ' K l, 't ' -:' u CKl I. t KK N' j fit - N 5 !. r-n mi."-- !ii -t-T"' nt 'imtf r Ttiwir r 1 r , j . m --ij. T t . w w I ' t hn : li--'" i r:r . t i o li'int -n t.t.o-1 t h rh e fwrfg.11 ii.- s..-' i' Ir 'owt of sttTts' wit.s. hratlache, Ptninatit Jiwrcler, torpid 1 iver, pain : hack or side, ron stJpat'.oit. ic , tipjrifct inv lo lata!. Odp doi of Siron.'3 Sanative Pills iil Rive re!i t, A. Iw uo.c rusliue wuiv LvtUtb mid viur GERMAN CAIiP:- 1 rail finii rh rarp laigf or in.- II. th any nu,inin . mt n ol lu pondp. For ipiuts. isOury. S. C. audresb V. it. PKAI.t sm 3;:tt HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call in Hie undcrfcigiicri At KO 2. Gran; 5 Row. D. A. AT WELL. Agent for the "CardwellThreskcr. Salisbury, N. C June 8th tf. Subscribe now for the Watchman. PATENTS Caveats. Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business tn tbe U. f. Patfn nn- attt-udeu to for Moderate Hes. our oflice t oppuhlte tl.e I . s. Fatrnt Ofllcr, and we can obtain i'aienthln U ss tiB.e tban tUehert mote f rout WatbUqpton. S-nd Model or dmvvlng. We advise atJopalfnt ability free of cbmge; and make A ekurgt v.twt OlUsinPntcnt. We refer her to tbe Postmaster, the spt of Money order l lv., and to nft)(-)a of the L". s. r"1 ent office. Kor circular, advli e,. teims and refer- ences to actual clients iu jour own state or count J, wrltt to C. A. SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent Oflice, N ysbitit;ttii b. p. Oct. 2, It WAHTED. Evi'rybody in North Carolina w1h are not already subscribe n, to sei u iheir ai dress on postal card, for Fcmple copy the WEKKLY NEWS ANDOBSKItVEB aud Kfeciiil oiler during December. Address, NEWS AND OBSERVER. Raleigh, N. mi Ba si mum z llvl IP3 all I VP vh-.,nm. m,n. the Lrnai C Cholera Morbtn. Oyteryrooie Dr. L 8. Johnaon J CO., BoettmMaefc phiet l HEW. CICB BLOOD. Aiiimvv. ir. .v.. s,.a win MaUively cure v. "j " " ; J" ! . " . .C . .wl nf c box Nottunr w carw It cuit ,1 cholera e'amp. 31411. ! FILLS

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