Carolina Watchman LOCAL. THURSDAY JVXE 3, If f-" vj i-rttinif tor Information on mattersad- , IrUsed la t ila S i.-,r wHlpsMSB s iy -MdvcrUstd " C ,1- .i .Inn in S ubscription Rates. Whew ! wasn't it hot. Yesterday was the longest day of the ye:r. - Dealers in milk shakes and soda water have been popular men this week. , Business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. to-night, members are all requested to attend. The opening ball at Connelly Springs monies off to-night. Salisbury will be well represented. Mr. Evans' house, on Main and Frank lin streets, was broken into Monday night and provisions stolen. lt is reported that there are nine hun dred teachers in attendance upou the annual meeting at Morehead City. Capt. Brown reports having had ripe tomatoes from his garden a week agof Mr. A. L. Johnson U selling ripe tomatoes. Col. AB. Andrews of the R. & D., and Col. R. R. Bridgers of the Atlantic Coast Line, passed through town Friday going west. Not one summer in five do wre have as warm weather, as has been felt here this week. Fortunately, it does not tarry with us. Rev. Mr. Byrd will return from More head this week, and the usual services will be held at the Methodist church on Sunday. . Mr. Ryan, the plumber, is kept quite busy equipping stores and residences with piping preparatory to supplying the same with water. - Wilkes county has voted a subscrip tion of one hundred thousand dollars to the exteusiou of the N. W. 2s. C. R. R. from Winston to Wil.esoro. Notwithstanding the heavy clouds there was a good turnout at the lawn party at Col. lleilig's, last Monday night, uiid it was a very enjoyable affair. How we did long to see the cold wave signal go up last Sunday and Monday uui it could not be as tne appropriations do not come into ctiect until J my 1st. We used to think that the noise made by hammering in Capt. Brown's tin shop was uWiut, but we don't hear it since the bo der '-makers have been at work, on the stand-pipe. The wheat ami oats crop is better in this cuuutv than has been known for years. Some of the farmers say that there has never been such a yield if small grain. Mr. Cringe declines to be interviewed on the number of applicants per day for positions in the Kevciiue service. We nave been told, however, that the average is about thirty-six. There has been a big improvement in priees of tobacco during the hist two weeks. At the Banner Warehouse yes terday lots sdld for $12.50, $15.00, $25.00, $3 1.00, $35.00 aud $3S.O0. Fourteen men are employed in build ing the water works tank. According to the American system of industrial economy it takes hit y more to look on and see how it is done. Mr. Burlingame says that within a mouth tne facilities for laying the dust about the business part of town w ill be at hand. Rain will be welcomed, but not necessarily for layiug the dust. Beall & Co. have got good uuder way in their smokiug tobacco enterprise. Taey have 5,000 pounds granulated and reaiy for sacking, and they expect to ship almost eutirely to. the uothwest. At citizen of Salisbury and one ol Moeksviile purchased a ticket joiutly in a Ucraiau lottery, aou drew a prize ol fifteen nuudred dollars. The express aeai- acre delivered the money to the parties on Monday. Weldon took the lead in the sufli c.itiou race scoring lOU in the shade. Ctieraw came in second with a rec-drd oi 103, Raleigh aud Charlotte tied for third place at 102 and Salisbury and Uolds . noro were a good fourth at 101. Work is being pushed on the water works stand pipe, out the workmen tell us that it will take about eight week to completsit. The pipe, laying has been completed aud water will be. lorced into the stand pipe as soon as it is ready to it. number of our young men have agreed to meet in theiayor's oflicc to night and organize a hose or reel coin pcuy. Their intention is to make this a ntodel branch of our fire department and second to uo similar organization in the Mate. Every one; that lias agreed to join J re requested to meet promptly at eight ox-lock. Ne notice among the voting men just graduated at Roanoke Colli ge, Va., thriseubcrry A. Brown, ol Salisbury, ana l'uillip E. Wright, of Enochville. Among lle scholars of distinction are AV'ilhs Alex. Denton and James McCartney Den ton, of China Grove. The decree blaster el Arts" was conferred on Rev. Henry A.; 'frexler of this county. The subscription rates of the Carolina I Watchman are as follows : I 1 year, paid in advance, $1 .50 I pavin't delayed 3 moV2.00 I " pavnrrdelVd 12iuoV2.50 ft is said by peroft who were present I at the iMvid.soJi College Commencement that the Historical Address delivered by Kev Dr. Rumple, was most wtiuirably I prepared, was replete with historical I facts, and devolved much eredk oti tLe speaker. We. wish to jog the memory of our farmers and call their attention to the amount of wheat lost last vear in this county by being left in the fields too long, sustaining damage by rain. Don't put j it off a day longer than you can help but haul it in. The Nameless base ball club of the North and West wards have accepted the challenge of the No Names ofihe South and East wards, and we wilfcro bably have the pleasure of seeing a game, that will be a game, of base ball on the Fourth of July. " We are promised the names of the competing players for our next issue. Collector's Office. Mr. Craigc, our new Collector, received telegraphic instructions on Tuesday to open the Collector's Office in Salisbury ou the first of Julv. Death of Mrs. J ames H . Enniss. Mrs. James H. Enniss died at her resi dence, No. 119 North Salisbury street, yesterday afternoon at S o'clock. She was the wife of James II. Enniss, Esq., who for many years has been a booksel ler and publisher in this city. She wts the daughter of Che late Geo. W. Brown, Esq., and was born in the town of Salis bury, N. C. She was in her 54th year. She leaves a husband, six children and two brothers. Mrs. Enniss has been an invalid for twelve months aud her death was not uuexpected. She has been a great sufferer and death was a great relief. Slje mored to Raleigh about eighteen years ago, after her husband purchased the old North Carolina book store and has been a resident ever since. She was the mother of Mr. Geo. 13. Enniss, who was local editor of the old Daily Xeu-s before the consolidation of The News and The Observer. Raleigh News and Ob server. Davidson College. The commencement exercises of this institution came off last week and were of adiighly interesting character. The salutatory address was delivered by Mr. J. A. McLauchlin, of Wadesboro. Subject Science versus Christianity. The oratorical contest took place in the hall Wednesday night, and was partici pated in by representatives from the Eumcnean and Philosophical Societies. The committee appointed to decide the contest awarded the medal to Mr. D. N. Mclvcr, of Winder, Moore county, N. C. Rev. Geo. Summey, in a brief but very appropriate speech presented the medal to Mr. M elver. Prof. Martin then announced the fol- lowing names of students as-having been piaecM on tne roil ot nonor tor punctuali ty and scholarship. Punctuality F P Hall, who had not missed a single College duty in the en tire four years course. W S Wallace, Leonard White, W P Nisbit, J A Harris, S A Edmunds, Ed McKeithan, J A Walker, XV S Ilollingsworth, D D Mc Brydc. Scholarship J A McLaughlin, F P Hall, M K Avery, R G Sparrow, W J Martin, Jr, W II Baker, W P Nisbet, LR M-Kee, R R StinsOn. The graduating class consisting of vtfie following named gentlemen, with their degrees, were then presented by Prof. Mar. in with their diplomas: wrrn the degree of a. b. Robert Morrison Avery, of Morganton, N. C, Owen Neal Brown, Davidson Col lege, N. C, Crawford James Cooper, Ox ford, N. C, Hugh Alexander Grey, Hun tersville, N. C, Franklin Price Hall, Garibaldi, K. C, Jos Kirk land Hall; Garibaldi, N. C, Arthur Newell McCal lum, Mineral Springs, S. C, James Argyle McLauchlin, Wadesboro, N. C, Robert Edward Nicholson, Central, S. C, Luther Albertus Oates, Rock Hill,S. C, Henry Neal Pharr, Garrison, N. C, Clarence Rankin, Asheville, N. C, Eugene Leoni- das Silcr, Franklin, N. C, William Seward Wallace, Monticello, Fla., Leonard White, Sumter, S. C. WITH THE DEGREE OF B. 8. William Samuel Moore, Davidson Col lege, N. C. DEGREES CONFERRED. The announcement wa3 then mad that the degree of A. M. had been con ferred by the college on the following: Rev J J Anderson, of Michigan; Prol W D Fleming, of N C; M L Anderson, N C; Edward Mack of S C; and A C Mc intosh, of N C. The degree of I). D. was conferred on Rev N W Edwards, of SC, andlRcv L C Vass, of N C The degree of L. L. D. was conferred on Rev A W Miller, D. D. of Charlotte. VALEDICTORY. The valedictory address was delivered by Robert Morrison Avery, of Morgan ton, N. C, who graduated with the first honors of his class. His address was a modest, appropriate and touching one an appropriate ending to the day's pro ceedings. The following were awarded prizes as dwbatora, essayists and deelaim-ers : Debators Society D N McLauchlin, of the Philanthropic Society and C G Va: -dell, of Hum can can. Essayists R G Sparrow, of the Phil anthropic and Luther Oates, of the Eumcneau Society. Declaimers R R Stevenson, of the Philanthropic, and J K Smith and A. Dick, of the Eumcneau Society, the two latter having tied. The attendance was lurgeand probably exeeedid that of any other commencr- iment. .Ik-low we give the fall appointments' of this district fr holding of Superior' Courts : Jim (salisbukv) mttritct. JUDGE CLARK. Ledefl-r-Aug. 8, 2 weeks. Rowan Aug. 22, 2 weeks. Davidson Sept. 5, 2 Weeks. Randolph Sept. 19, 2 week. MontgomeryOct. 3, 2 weeks. Stanlyr-Oct. 17, 2 weeks. Cabarrus-'-Oct. 31, 1 week. Rowan Nov. 7, 2 weeks. Iredell Nov. 21. 2 weeks. Davidson Dec. 5, 1 week. Musical Entertainment. The second concert, or closing exer cises of the Neave Music School, to which but a limited number were in vited, took place according to announce ment oil Friday evening, the 17th inst, in the parlors of this far famed school of musical instruction. The entire program, which prudence und forethought on the part of the Iri-j the output is a question toal all are in cipalofthe school, had been arranged j terested and from aU that 6an be ag. wim a view to tne com tort oi a crowueu house on a warm evening, requiring a lit- tie above au hour t-o- render. There were a few selections of which we would like to speak; but forbear mentioning names of performers, or even the title of the pieces, for fear our judgment might be at fault, and that we might do injustice to others equally deserviug. If there was one thing above another thaf attracted j U3 must, it was the strict regard paid to perteet time by every periormer, trom tne little ten year old to those of more ad vanced age. Playing aecompanimenis to instruments unlike a piano, in the hands of masters is a severe,' but a sure test of time keep ing in music, aud none, save those who have had the ad van t a ires of sunerioii training can attain to it. The test was applied on this occasion, and the pupils acquitted themselves in a maimer that dieted hearty applause from the entire audience. There was nothing "trashy' on the list but all of the selections were of a higher order of music, and rendered accordingly. Decision in the Sloan Case. Below we give the digest of the Su preme Court decision in the case of State vs. Alex. Sloan, convicted of murder in this county last November : Where instructions are prayed and re fused because the judge thought their substance had been embraced iu his gen eral charge,' the instructions prayed as well as the charge should be put on the record on appeal. But a certiorari to have a copy of such instructions made a part of tlie record will not be granted where the case on appeal does not eon tain the evidence showing their perti nency to the facts of the case. The fact that a sheriff in summoning a special venire, summons only white men, tne accused oeinr a nemo, mere being no prejudice or improper influence imputed tojhe shewn, is no cause lor a challenge to the array. Challenges are not allowed to enable a selection ot favorable jurors, but to eet I "d of obnoxious jurors and have tin i pauei impartial ami mil luiuueu. ine law knows no distinction among the people of the State in their civil and political ri jits and correspondent obii gations, and no such distinction should be recognized by these charged with its ad ministration. The number of jurors the State ma stand aside is a matter of discretion, and the Judge should state no particulai number, bu reserve his discretion, and interfere slould the Staie carry its privi leges to an" unreasonable or needless extent; but it does not constitute error for the Court to state what number might be allowed to stand aside at lirt. To the farmers of Cabarrus and neighbor ing counties : Farmers Institutes have been recently held, for the first time in the history ol the State, at Ashboro, High Point, Ral eigh and Greensboro. At once they were recognized as an efficient means for the education of the farmer, and the upbuild ing of agriculture. Besides their value in these rcspectsthey afford opportuni ties of elevating social intercourse and entertainment forthe farmers and their families, so lucking in the isolated lives they necessarily lead. In those already held the interest grew as they continued. I attended the one held at High Point, and was so impressed with their useful ness, and value to our agricultural inter ests, that I made arrangements with Dr. J. R. Parker, of Trinity, Randolph coun ty, who has the honor of their introduc tion into the State, and who has so suc cessfully conducted those already held, to hold one in this place on the 11th, 12th and 12'. h cf August next. Dr. Parker will arrange the programme and secure the essayists and seakers, all of which will be duly announced through the public press. The subjects to be treated will embrace everything pertaining to the farm and farm life, and the best practical talent in the State on the various topics will be secured. There will be no long "w inded addresses. The young la lies and gentlemen of Concord arc organizing a chorus to en liven the occasion with excellent music. Special railroad rates have been secur ed. The hotels of i he place will reduce their rates for board for the time to one dollar per day, and we are certain that the well-kncAvn reputation the citizens f Concord and vicinity enjoy for hos pitality will be more than maintained. The latch-string will hang outside of every door. Everybody invited to attend; as the In stitute will be given "without money and without pi ice. ' Respectfully, C. McDonald. Concord, June 16, 18S7. Salisbury's Tobacco Business. From citizens of Salisbury who w ere in the city yesterday, we learn that the to bacco interests of that town are brighten ing, antl that the lnanufecturers are doing a big business. Messrs. Foard & Rice. w hose factory was receirtry started, are running 50 liandrf. They say that the ieat is advancing and future prospects are good. J. D. Gaskill & Co.'s factory em- ploys 100 hands and are doing a booming hT u TZV Z c- e - - -e -..v...w ... the onward maivh of pro Aress.Cna, lotte Chronicle. A man naimed Caaper Strombach ha.' ? f , 77 T " been anestea at Salem, III., and it is said wal e:lS lt H4U,:)st M:y- MaJ 11 that he hacwi(Vs.wUtlK' murder of the tllele !ll ,u Ru "J,,r' ,fc Ls ht Kahway j.iriv .wound will bv qtire!y he-led, MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. UUCXEK EDITOR, UALKH.II. 31. CV The Co??ins, . , , , , ,,. i or Appalachian mine, in Montgomery (ftMlltV linj !lf hut ll."!l fitf.l etlt u-trh n ' ... . ...... ... spleuded plant Of improved machinery, i which has been put iu at an excess of ex- ' pense, but which is claimed to be very j , , - . . . superior. The plant so arranged as $o j make the handling of the ore as nearly j automatic as possible: indeed it is not touched from the time it is loaded in the shaft until it goes into the tail race. The ore is hoisted from the mine to the dome of the tower where it is dumped into shoots which feed the crushers, and thence to the bins which feed the stamps. With thi.-i plant of machinery, and with a very good Trade of ore the mine should vield reasonable returns. The nraminr of certaiued, there is no reason to look for disappointment. Whether the amount of the output will pay interest on the cost of the property and the expensive plant, the writer has uo means of knowing. RICH KNOB COPPER CO. rri i - , , Al , i i uirtciwrs ui llie ItlCIt j Knob Copper Co., mines in Ashe county, X. C. at a regular meeting, held at the executive office in'New;'Ybrkl, on the 7th inst., declared an "Irish divjdend" of one cent per share, which must be paid in before 16th of July. This probably means that interest in the mines is to be revived this fall, and this is to give those who desire to do so, a chance to forfeit their stock. The property, in Ashe t . . couni uas some interesting leuturcs, wnicu may claim attention later. STEELE MINE. Reports are beiug circulated of the con tinued success of operations at the old Steele mine in Montgomery county. It is a matter of importance, since the suc cess, (if it is such.) would prove a stimu lus to surrounding property, which is said to be just as good as the Steele. If the management would report the output in bullion regularly it would greatly in crease interest iu mining in that section and would give confidence where it is now lacking. The Hoover Hill people always published the output, and se of all the really regular producers. BURTON MINE. The Burton mine, near the town ot Liucolnton, in Lincoln county, is being operated on a small scale by Mr. A. S. Haynes. He has been experimenting with a 3-etamp battery, capacity of 15 to 18 tons per week. He claims to be able to save very closely with the "celebrated Williams concentrator." He is enthusi astic over the prospects of that section as a profitable auriferous field, and will enlarge his capacity for handling ores. AS OTHERS 8 EE Cr. It is remarkable that every mining man and every man of science who visits thife State is deeply impressed with what he sees. They compare it with the richest fields in California, and of foreign lands, and they all enthuse ortr the prospect. Such reports are sure to follow each visit. Sjme of the leading men in the country, mining experts, are referred to, have omc and made the most flattering re ports, and from some of these the most outrageous speculative schemes have grown. Whose fault is it? Are the ex perts dishonest, and do they sell favora ble or unfavorable opinions, as the case may be? These flattering reports have long since been repudiated by the home people. They have found out by ex perience what they may mean. Again there is a class of investigators who treat subjects fairly and with evi dent care in their statement. Many of these are residents of the State. They have made a special study of the terri tory and will only give a conscientious report, no matter what the issues. The names of a few such men were about to be added, but they- are not hidden, and need no commendation from any source. There arc many others in the State who are reckless and allow their en thusiasm to carry them away from facts. tl e Collector Craige in the City. Collector Craie arrived in 'lit- city yes terday, and iinuieJiate'y upon his arriva. here, he proceeded to the office of Col. 11. C. Jones, the district attorney, to have hb iond certified, us rcj drcd by the I nited States laws. Mr Cruise gives a Uoud oi $100,000, which is secured by eitieus ol SaMsbuiy, a partial 1.8! of bondsmen having !xen printed in yesterday's Chronicle. Though Ids bond calls for o:i!y $100 000. Mr Claire's suretiis can j.uUy foi the sun. of $300,000. ' Mr. Craige intimates that he will make but tew change among the otlic r . and mat when lie funis a ma: who h is been com pi t ut i ml ciipublc, he will !e. retained, provided Lis ftk-c is a necessary oiv. It b also believed that Mr. Craige will con- inuu the stamp office at Chariot'. Mr. Craige was met oil the s'.rcct yes tcrday by a yreat many of his personal friends, all of whom congratulated him upon his appointment. The opinion i. general that his selection was a splcndb one an I that lie will make an excellent of ficer, one who will lefl ct credit upon tin Democratic party. Charlotte Chronicle. LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at! Salisbury, N. C, for the weekending Ju:ie IS, C Brown J A Hoffman Jennie Harrison Carrie Harman J L Jaeobj Mr Tiiayer William Williams Abender Bcrrj- i Railev j Julius Gobble I Kufus Gibson j John Gallagher j JJ llopsoh. . say advertised when the above 1 ietors art. eallen for ieuers drt -.uicn lor - V . 11. 1 iOYDSJS, P. M. n a, Ui- Senator Ransom Declines. A Washington special to the Richmond Ihtjt'itch smvs: It hnving hecn decided that Secretary Lamar -hall be associate! justice of the supreme urt riee Justice) Wnods, (!.-, t:wu. the position f S eretary , a . a -SJ t oi tne interior was oiirrcti senator it iiisoin. , u decllBtl, I i.e this on hi?h au- . . i f. r,., o -. . C t. - i. .. ' ii:ornv. i ne wntunr s iricmiF snv mm ne feels that he can be of more sen ice to ibv democrulic party and the administration in f he Se nate ,aiV in iln.-Caldiu t. AUo that ne nan ai-.vavs given nis services to ine MlMie wUn , ,c int,r. ets and welfare of North Carolina. I Tlu-v say that it is certain he can serve his State better where he is than in any other capac ity whatever. DIED. In Franklin township June 17th, Mr. Thomas D. Fraley, aged about 65. OBITUARY. It is seldom we are called upon lo notice so sad an occurrence as the death, in less than two weeks, of two members of Mr. H. T. Sprinkle's family. His old est daughter Mary, died on the 9th inst., of that dreadful disease consumption, and on the 20th his little daughter Lucy llorah, was called to join her sister to gether with the heavenly host in sing ing praises to our Heavenly King. It is hard indeed to see the tender buds around which our hearts have turned droop and j:- Rllt ..U... Wond Ihp rrmvP and consider the ioys to which they have gone we may still our rebellious hearts with the reflection that our earthly and temporary loss is their eternal gain MARRIED. On the 19th of June, at the residence of W. F. Fry, by C. H. McKenzie, J. P., ; Y . H. Ayersto Mrs. Amanda h.. Kodgers, all of Locke township. CARRIAGE PAINTING. 1 am doing tin.; kind ot work at my place near St. Luke's Church, seven raiks i south of Salisbury. I am un experienced ' and well instructed painter aud warrant 1 satisfaction. My prices are moderate. :o: Eaady Hada Walnut Ccfflns. In order to provide for a large district of southern Rowan, I have determined to keep on baud a full assortment of Ready Made Walnut Coffins. The finishing will be done according to order. The public is invited to call at my shop and inspect mv work. R. R. LENTZ. June 22, 1887. lm:pd Administrator's Notice. Having taken letters of administration on the estate of the late Mrs. Emma J. Cannon, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to pre sent them to me for payment on or before the 2b"d day of June, 1888, or this notice will he plead iii bar of recovery. Those indebted to said estate are re quested lo make immediate payment. C. F. Baker, Admr. Salisbury, June 23d, 18S7. 36:6t WATER WORKS. Parties desiring to use Water will make early applications at the Oliice of the Company. Connection mains should be made bei'ori Wi'Il .10 '.he vv.:teris iii the order li v have sc- on. Services will be put i; of applications. The Comp jured a thoroughly eumpeteut ptumber and arc prepared lo do first class work of ' every kind, including setting of bath j .ubs, water closets, yard fountains, &e. Office on Main street, first door below Lhe Bovdeii House. 'E. H. BURLINGAME, Sup't. Salisbury, N. C, June 0, lbS7. 33:3 w Mrs. J. P. Eouche. nee Mlsi M C T.VAFFE.) 3egrs leave to say to her frl- nds p.Kd the lady ptih;i( that she Is fairly well settlt d in Uer new place, ear eavi ot Main sticet.and r a ) to berve iLtm lr. bei 4pc-talty with best possible atteutioaand sUlll. I ihe favor to call. January 6. 'SSI. IO WANTED. Mrs. Medernach will take a few tahh boarders at $'J.50 per month. GOOl FARE. Up staiis, next door to Mis Jones' Milliuary sto.e, Mnj. Cole's Build in Mav 12ih 1SS7. GOLD HIIL AT A BARGAIN ! A 5 stamp gold mill and -4 copper plates, 40x20, all good as new and but little used, for-sale at a bargain. Address T. K Bruner. Salisbury, N. C. I Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon- m m t tal of VERTICAL PISTON. Tie A. MECKLENBURG - : r - - ' IRON WORKS. It A -Jt ' ' ' t ' " & ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. - ' . ; V'- '49 ' . it it - - "-- ' Qu i co sag nrs H I aft c Correspondenefe Solicited. MOT. AW A 3-HSgl.. Commercial College of Ey. The Cheapest and Best College in the r - . . . . . r Its Uraduatts tne most ouccessiui. ouuu viraauaics in Business. Highest Honor Diploma of Honor and Gold Medal) at World's Exposition for System of Book-keeping and General Business Education over al1 Colleges. B t ltd c nU can brain at as FULL COURSE In at any time, m tbtr arc Inntnictad !,. M re antile CAtKKpendance, i mm m aain AeT a rcni'c" from 1 to S montha to eomplrt I6e roll BMn urm at a itai ei oi aoeoa I iWl C, ANU JOI a !i0. which Inclo ! Tuiiicn. Bis, an.l B.jail Id a fn,i). Wbm of marv nut (ocethor a reduction ot . Is m' nn . -h one' tuition. So eharf for ri-rtewlng CoorM. I'MONOOKAPHV. TVI'K. WRITING and TKI.ICGR A I'll Y aaa tpaciaUlea 1 fcaraapaeUl Ngarssaj .aaarala roama. Lltrratry Conrae frea for ramatniar of aeuian ondar 10 prafefora Orar 500 tneow frooi 1 Riaiaa t4 Faraia Coua Maa la attradaacr lvt yaar. Kentackr rnWcrritr Dltlnnia, nnor !, ptmiwl lu tudentacn rradaalfoa. 1 .,tI,i k cnntaini nrarla 30.000 lr.bahita,nt, ia haaotifal. haajthy , klMiricai, and aaatljr aaeaaalUt, bates "teiatil an Ik Vaadiug rl-nad. Iron, vua Kortb. Scuth. Eart aud Weil. For Uraulara adaraaa 'y. gMlxB riSrmitn. Uf HnMS Compsnj, SEEKIl O HOSE Mmw. AGENTS Id all Cilics, Towns and Villficfs iu the Soutk. total rnmm J. Al LEN BROWN, ReBittentj Agent, Salisbury, N. 0, i in ia niiliii mmm i every variety ana 1 Regular Horizontal Piston. Jh .:-dSjj3 V v - w m9m tmm PfS)fmmVS!SmSmVAtti ' 1 Tho most simple, durable ami ofitetive Pump in the market for Minos, Quarries, Refinerie?, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty aud general manufacturing purposes. 3?" Send fr Catalogue. S. CAMERON STtAM PUMP W Foot op Kast 2"v.u .v r-)iltlM1fillTri - WSLHES, Univeraty, Leangton, B, World for a Practical Business Education. ... AAA a ! n 1 . in4iiJaUT, Ij 10 tesc'jen. No racatloa. BaokiDir, Practice, Utnum. Ac. Sc. J- . ASTROBBCoajaij PROMPT ! J, RHf)UE8 BKOXK,' JJcts.tttnt. WitLuaC. ( oas-t, - -$750,000 capacity. VERTICAL PLUKGER. llit? V V