1 i Bdaaty Against Tcbacco. the young ladies of Newton, New vleraejare taakia a crnsade against t h $utt eu who dnnk and smoke. They hAve entered into ft solemn agree ment that breaths that smell of vhi3 Wev shaft not touch tbir lips, and arms, that lift cocktails rotn the bar counter. shtiH ndtencircle their waists. A resolution was also passed against those who smoke, but as this practice is so universal among the young men i:i that section there is a disposition among the majority of the girte to dis regard thfc ride. Atchison, Kansas, does ah Annual min business of $5,500,000. . WjmI nkttv-rv and rood jfalr tkia. buoyant rpMts, vital strength, and toundneaa of constitute- wia We eataDiianea. Golden Medical Discovery cures alt humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or erUptiotv, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poMon. O bectally has it proven its efficacy in curtnc ShTrbWim or tetter, r overrv Hlp-nt 4arjrd Glands, and Eattng 5 tcert. - GtSkm Mctlicnl Dfcfcrrywrii fWn (which is Scrofuhi of the Lttflbyaig wOBderfnfl b-pnrifyinjr. lnvOTihnjS tnffrf Blood. Shortness Of Bth PrwWji ftwre CoHjrha, Asthma, and ktodreaffleo tions. it w a gorereijrn remedy. It promptly cures the severest Coturhs. For Tomid Liver. BiliousnesR, or Llj-er Omplnint." DvppePia an! J 1d KfS"on-n an unequalled retncCy. SoW Oy drugKiate. DB. PIERCF PFIif .KT Antl BUIon and Cathartic. 25c a vial, by druggists. ltoj coi cpr LEXINGTON, KY. k ThebMt eqoipTxH -ti1 in the State; aeramaodatioaa KTKU7 BFWVCimsi!: HIn oy nram inu UKnwu KHf only two yonnr Iviins to the room; sp end 1.1 focultr of riperknreil Hcrhen. Session begins tnd Monday in September. Tot particulars or Catalogues, address JT. t. PA TTJBMSOxV, Frt., ZecUmfn, Km 47:2m W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE. The only SJS SfeAMI-ESS UUoe la tan world. M.t C.1f fit and wairaatiMl. Oonsress. Bui dm and Lace, all styles to-. As jy LT those co-tin $ r W. L. IMUOI.AS :.ro SHUKexcen Uie t S!i..-.s adver tised by outer trius. tunnd m hotMm of Mcb Sao.. Bora all rr IhetV. DOUGLAS 8 SHOE. It tVsu dMaifir Wats not krep them send roar name on aortal to YY. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maaa. xstal 32: ly QPIUM and Whiskey Hab it cured at bone with out pain. Boonnrnw tlcularent FREB. B. M.WOfLLET. U.TK ufflce Vt Whitehall St. aw B TO t A tT?T? rn5 he Tpnnn en Wo ct Geo. tunuacts niay "a "w Is IX NF.W VOBH. lWiUia8 kit A Life Experience. F;rrarkablo and quick cures. T; ir.l Ps-e a&s. Send etarcp for soil rjartkniiara. Address Dr. WA3 & CO. Lcutsiana, Mo. ranger 2 A oeslsefcsl or cough ma. Va l ll i'li -il!OHl:i.'lHluHiplitM "r ti,er ?ittal diase. Strong's Pectoral Pi la will ctre a ahlaa hv u-.: stilnKfroypppahtJii 4iestiou,bcK. kadoeh us tUousauds testify If you want to keep up with the time take the Watchman you can't be left THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED KROil POSTERS aa Az u a bara door down to most dcUc&U LISTING 8 'AKDS. Letter and Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, !QE LISTS, BLANKS OF ALL KISrs Court and Magisterial. ,cl aaJ sat Israeli n iurcfctna. Wy cleanse the blood, which is the I Vlth. by using Dr. Pierce's Gold- t.wrv, nnrl rood diffCStton, n II AM! HH 1 1 rf'JTi FMfN alfir Cv aw a rax cc x.s w ..ikini -x - r -r .- ? ob rnitmg, y i wu Often need some safe cathartic and tonic to avert approaching sieknes or to re lieve colic, headache, sick stomach, indi gestion, dysentery and the com) taints ,thAuComJ: incident to childhood well. It is purely Vegetable, not unpieas- ant to the taste and safe to take alone in connection with other medicine, i'b commie has our Trade Mark "Z" in red on front of wrapper. J. H.Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A Straight Bribe. "Boy, are you acquainted around haw?ri. : skwl of a M on Michismn 1 A -T 1 avenue. ----- - r-f " Yes, sir." kit I crunf tn RnA CivUixA ( 'nrn wo ! a - v ' (tii'i a a s sasw. works." Never heard of em." Hut it' Hi Jd eornpr. There's a hit siim oh the l-oof." r-o . . . I Oh. vou mean lialvanweit i. ornice i work. It s ritrht around that corner. 1 Bud, did I say civiliied?' "Yes, sir." 4,nd the proper word .-. gaivac- ized?" ' That's it." "Here come here. Here ,. a dime i for won and vou iust keen mum about i . . what has nassed. 1 m firoini' to run for ---- o . ., ,1 supervisor this tall on the strength oi J heihiT a self-made man. wbosrot his edu-1 qHom Iv iKa I itrht. of a wrnoh candle I . . . J .. cl... . ,. ! and don t wan t the internal onposi- f ion fo wt hold of the fact that the candle went out on De.roit Free Press. me too soon1. Gift for AE In oruer to give all u chance to test it, and thus be convinced of Us wonderful curative powers, Dr. King's New Discovery- tor Consumption, Uottgna ami Loius, win be for a limited time, siivcn awav. This oner is nut oniv isoerai, nuc snows uip-1 . a a a. i a . a bounded faith m the merits ol this flreat 1 remcdv. All who suffer from Coughs, CoMs, Consumption-, Asthma, Bronehiftis, or anv affeetion of Thfont, Chest or Lungs ire especially requested to call at Kluttz's Druir Store. and ret a Trial Dottle Free La-ge Bo tha $1 It is said that a Baltimore man oas invented a loot measuring macnine which he savs measures i.i.. iccunueiy i every inequality of the foot, adapts ltS -'it u lilt' I'll overjornes the vvs ot the instep, and difficulties heretofore ia obtaining a good fit'. enniteref; The iiv..':him pr.::uce. i i e snape anu 1 . ; w ize of the foot on a diagram, with the diameter and- circumference of various parte. the! Banews Her Youth. Mrs. Phoelic Chcsley, Peterson, Clay Co Iowa, tells the foil win remarkable story .i j.s .a as a .a i he t rut a i wnicn ia voucneu mr nv me residents of the town: "I am 73 years old have been troubled with kidney eomp'aini and lameness for manv vears; could not drew myself without help. Now lam free from nil pain and soreness, ami am a';le to do all my own house work. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having re newed my youth, and removed completely all d isease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50'. at Klattz Drug Store. A late observer, Mr. E. Sanford, re ports having made a common snail carry a load of 2 ounces up a perpen dicular wall, its own weight being but a quarter of an ounce. A snail weigh ing a third of an ounce drew a load of seventeen ounces on a horizontal table, and supported four ounces while crawling on the ceiling. It even climbed a thread with another snail on its -back. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bust Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tctte, Chipped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction, or mohev refunded. Price 25 cents pes box. For Sale bv Kluttz & Co. 8:ly. Bird's Eye View of the Flower State D Florida is the State where the people live on oranges half the year and on sick) Yankees the other half. West Chesteh ( Pa.) News. It is stated on good authority that one of the richest planters in the prov ince of Rio de Janiero, Brazil, has de cided to set free his 3,000 slaves and settle them on his own plantation. Gov. Hill has approved the bill which requires hotels and restaurants using the substitute for butter to hang up cards conspicuously bearing the in scription : "Oleomargarine Used Here." Samuel Woodworth, author of the "Old Oaken Bucket," was a journeyman printer. That Mr. Cleveland will be re-nominated next year seems to be a settled fact. Wilson Advance. BooGid nc used a fow raon&v before confinement. Send for book " To HoTara,' msiled froa, Batrui.r RpcmTon C . Aita, Qa, MSB! Ill Fums Hew Cholera Travels. I The disease is best known in Europe under the names, of cholera; cholera net m-' morbus, Asiatic cholera, since the e Identic of 1817 to 1819, itt which the 1 the Marquis of Hastings during a war against the natives, was renderw ihfit for fighting and almost annihilated, But cholera had never visited Europe! until the present Centrvv when in 1330 it appeared in Kussia and spread to JrV lann, wnere war was prevailing, since tnat tunc, sometimes at longer ann I . : B a . ,e. I shorter mtefvalchofera has appeal-tain Europe M l - - V - I L- - a 1 Hie question why r cholera mained a thousand years m India before - . at . sf h 1 first began to ungrate is one of great interest, uu t one which cannot be satis I principal to be that ime when .1: LlAs, tactori ly answered. J he consideration appears to me the event happened at the time intercommunication m all directions, i i i i ii . i i 'i-I.. oin ov water ami land, nad hecorae more rapid. 1 he hrst steamship atH peared in Indian waters at the beenn- a .. . I ning ot the decade of the present cen- l o :i t- r ' . V u d y "cwv.ru. uie- tvushtaus bossioiv iook i i i . t i- . .? . . 1 cumera irom inaia, Arabia, Atgnanis- I'l Z iL 1 IV lswin or pt rsiti, t lrougu couriers ana stage-coaches, it soon became clear! lit i. .. .. I tnat cnoiera, tne specihic cholera-2erm. . . , I wu in ome way or otner propagated along the paths of human intercourse, and it also became evident that unless I 1.1 i J J l -i . I n germs lounn a suitaoie sou witnm pi certain time thev did not nourish, Oljservers discovered that cholera was I more prone to appear m certain rejnons I A 1 1 "... I anu to aaect certain localities, whue it .,.,.,.! A 1 1 rmi t - , 5HU1UIW uiiifr itisirrcwi: ana. acain. ,.1 . a - ... w . I tDat otner regions were only visited at intervals of many years. It is also a of Charleston, 8. C, complains to the inter fact that Asmtic cholera never vet ap-1 state commerce commission that he and neared at a nla whtVlt hmA nf nM . r- f,v viously been in communication with a : a ii retnon wnere cno era. nrPViiiM- nnrl further, that, the .rliaa fV in fected locality never yet passed on to another place if the journey lasted a Certain time without interruption. The large intercourse between India and hurope, more particularly England, by means oi snips which sailed around the wjui uuou nope, nau never sue- www m curving cnoiera irom inaia On L'nn...J D J o-.- w uugiouu. x upuiui oi itnvr Momnaj. The Sensation of the Dying. It is doubtless the case that in many instances and perhaps they are the s si ..'II majority dying persons lapse gradual- Iv into an unconsciousness that. Pnrls their bodily pain, and saves them from the anguish of the final parting with those they leave behind. It is not un common, however, for clearness of comprehension to persist to the last. and perhaps it is still more common for some of the special senses to preserve their activity. We think it was Ernst Wagner who, in his "General Pithology," dwelt particularly on the preservation of the sense of hearing in many cases long after the apparent oc currence of unconsciousness, and who tenderly cautioned his readers that this possibility should be borne in mind. The following touching account of the late Dr. Wilson Fox's last moments when his friend Dr. J. Russell Rey nolds was at his bedside, is given in the Lancet's obituary : "On the next morn ing when obviously and consciously lying, and after his eyes had been fixed for a few minutes on the angle of the room, and some gray streaks of dawn were entering it, he said suddenly : 'There is areat light, a great glare ol light, I feel so strange a glare of light. What is it Rey nolds?" The reply was: 'It is the peace of God.' He grasped his friends hand firmly, and said, 'God bless you." New York Medical Journal. How Titles are Manufactured. A Western paper explains how so many people in that section bear titles. "About these titles, now," said a new resident of Kansas to a native. "1 want to know something about them. There's Col. Woodchuck, for instance; how did he get his title?" "Don't know, but he registered that way at the hotel when he first came, so we suppose it's all right." "And Capt. Duster?" "He's captain of a base ball nine." "There's Judge Snoozenberry?" "He was a judge in a hog-guessing match once." 1 Commodore Sandbar?" "He runs the ferry boat." "How about Prof. Bilk ?" "He is a pugilist." "And Senator McTuff?" "Oh, he gets mud md wants to fight if we don't call him that "And the Hon. McRridt.?' "He rau the Legislature once." "And Gen. Carpetbagg?" "Well ,you see he is a leading citizen, and we kind o' give it: to him in recognition of his public services. Oh, we came by our title honestly. They call me 'Captain' be cause I ve lived in the State twentv five years, and if you'll just walk around sort of straight and give ii out that you're a major it will be all right." r A wonderful variety of asparagus, 8 ays the London Standard, has recent ly been discovered in Central Asia, "the stalks of which are affirmed to be nearly as thick as a man's arm, and to attain a height of five to six feet One of them indeed is said to be large enough to supply ten Russian soldiers with a sufficient meal," while the flavor is very highly commended. j Arecent estimate places the value of the dairy products of this country in 1880 at'$780,-W5,688. , bag - A Flat Contradiction. Some one has told you that your catarrh is incurable. It ia not so. Dr. S. lire's Catarrh Remedy will cure it. It U pleasant to u?c and it always does its work thoroughly. We have yet to hear of a case in which it did not accomplish a cure when faithfully nsed. Cartarrh is a fii.-t-u.se which it is dangerous to neglect V cerfwn t me ly i i in Mil n ' Avail yourself of it before the to wmuiair.1 assumes a raere sen W- AU 5t"Uf!-: Trrv. J- J nr.. Chh I ThJf troonc iftn aprvp to nroteet them from their enemies, but with beevp1"1? purporting to be signed by (urm nuiii mnr riicuiic especially the Honey, or Hive bee t , the afottroach of winter, the Drones or males are no longer of any nsvand are killed ofiE by the sting Of the worker, to save the stores of honey they would otherwise consume. With many of the wasps their stings are food pre5 servers. The large wasps which maktt their holes in the ground, and some oees, use tne tjarpenter ueea which cut circular no es m ooaras or o.ner wood, deposit an egg in one of weee - e a holes, place food for the grttb that will I . Wr J A ,-, .....- t-v -.- xi i I 1 hatch from this eggy to feed upon and J s. I when this grub has made its growth, it coes into the chrvsalls state, antl in time cornea out a perfect bee, or wasp, as it may be. But, vou will ask, "what has this todo withthesting'r"' Agre:it J I 1 i.1 a.. .III., m. IUa. inuai o a deal. If the caterpillar or other insect, m i I intended as tood tor tne young oee or wasp, were dead, when stored away, n would decay and be useless, lheeltect . . . V ... of the poison of the sting is to Keep it in . . . ..i: t.. a:ti semi-rorpm existence, h.. u. f .... aormaiii, ana tnus prtirci e tne iuw m 1 . i proper condition to oe eaten uy tne uee - " T .1" L I or wasp, minis respect we cnn -. that the sting Dlavs a very useful part . . . . w . " 1 1 but when the stinz is empioyea upon , sr -r . "l .a J ourselves, we rail w see wna guuu end is accomplished. Even when a Wkwwr ia doins his best for the . . tm- 1 1 Al comfort and weirare oi ins oees, uin will often turn unon and sting him. most needlessly and painfully. Atneri can Aa tcnltuj i&t ,. i,v T.,-a w u n,ur,i p,,! fl anil IHi,i t WllV - . w w . s a . a -ws onHi pa(ltor of the Mt. Zion M. E. church I several numbers of his congregation. I, j . -i .s-C havin' Durchased first -class tickets over the Gcorgi-i railroad from Atlanta to Charleston, were forbidden entry to the aL. . . aU . a first-class coaches, ana comncileu to rule in a dirty uncomfortable car, one-half ot which was the smoking car. The weak man is he who forms many purposes and drops one after another in u V ut rnn cr a he who forms a tew purposes, but in i.AOfA nf al I onnoaition. carries each I . rr one through to successful issues. A Russian engineer says that he has discovered a process of reducing petro- leum to tne rorm oi crysuiis,wnicn may 1 L I A r F a. 1 B a be easily and saieiy transporter to any distance and then reconverted into liquid form. "Linnaeus, the botanist, is to have the finest monument in Chic: igo. It is to cost $50,000, and will be erected y the Swedes residing in that city. Rain f elisor ten hours on a spot of ground two feet square in Augusta, Ga.. recently. The phenomenon caused much excitement among the negroes. He ate preen cucumbers; They made him quite sick; But he took a few 'Tellets" That cured him right quick. An easier physic You never will find Than Pierce's small "Pellet," The Purgative kind. Small but precious. 25 cents per vial. Baltimore Market, July 2. CORN. Southern White " Yellow 65 a 40$ MILL FEED. Winter Bran is quoted at $14 per ton. City Middlings at $15 ton. FLOUR. City Mills Super $2.503.00; Howard Street Extra at $tf.25(rt,3.S0; Howard Street Family at $4.00(4.50. BROOM CORK. Green Hurl Broom Corn 4i(4I Green Self-working Broom Corn i(H4i Green Short Broom Corn 5 (a Short and Medium led tipped Broom Corn 3J Crooked Broom Corn 2j(a COFFEE. TOR RIO CARGOES AND INVOICE?. Ordinary Fair Good Prime Fair to good Santos I7ja 18a 19al9$ al9j FISH. Receipts of new Mackeral have been vjry light. Sales of plain No. 3 were m ide at $9.50 to $10.00. PROVISIONS. Cxt lots bulk Shoulders are steady at 6a6r ct.; long clear Sides 81 c; and clear Rib do. 81 cts., strong; crude Western Lard 771 cts. RKFIXEb SUGARS. The market is fairly active and firm. We quote : Cat Loaf and cubed Powdered Granulated Yellows 6'n6 ja6j 4ja5J TEAS. IMFB1AL. Common Good Common 17 to 20 22 to 25 Medium Fine 30 to 35 42 to if MOLASSES. 23a28 Porto Rico 25a30 New Orleans CRACKERS. Cuba Barbadoea 28a35 35a55 Assorted Cakes Coruhill Cracker Meal Ginger Snaps Cakes Lemon Biscuit 101 9 6 Pilot Bread G " " Ex. 6 SodaBUcuit, Ex. 71 SJ " X 5 7 1 Sugar crackers 8 8 W. Crackers 6 6 Extra 7 Oyster, X PAINTS. Lewis Para White Lead, in oil Peerless " " Patvxent" " " 44 French Zinc, ; Amer. " " Pntty -a6 a 6 a5 OJalOJ 6 2 a2J OILS. Raw Linaecd Oil Single Boiled Oil $18 a49 50 a5I 53 a53 37 a 39 33 2b Double Boiled Oil n;. t--- uotton-seea mi. crude " M rfircd S. vd'c 44 4C 1 M Tk U T a r: ! e letter oinif the rounds of the pa . m hire to be a forgery The fruit prospects along the Hud son River districts are said to promise more fruit than the farmers will know what to do with. Sevprsil olive otowpm in Southern California will this year make oil in- 8tead of pickles from their crop. TllA Uswjl'na rxt Al -tl PMnflM AMo oknnf to dWterted at gan FnnQi!tco and guibDeii qu iJ ac VllllllC 1 ina for final interment. r Ah fTi9-i f aT propnated $12o,000 to maintain fish- enes cruisers. a ' ' ' a vrf i i 1 a micnigan man, aged sixtv, wno is a grandfather, hsis lust been admitted to the bar. gix new w miQM haTe di . i ,i. .L . . , cuvrreu rreenuv in uie eastern uiirt ot r . n H f p- . ' For ten or twelve vears I have been severely amictea wiin ijatarru. Clever VI - i Af , av before found such decided relief as from biys cream uaim. 1 consider myseli cured. J. vv. Uufkington, Mechanics ville, N. Y. (Price 50 cents.) Unusually low wnter in Lake Con- stauce has been bringing to light many valuable and interesting relics of the prehistoric lake-dwellers. A new adage "Make hay while the sun shines." IMHaTaiLSTiu NATION? The Average Length of Life De creasing Not Pestilence Not Famine All our own Fault. Modern Cooking and Mod ern Living have brought it on. It comes upon us una wares. The patients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy ; the mouth "has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep doe not seem to afford any rest After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud denly. The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty anil high col ored, depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish task; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, with spots be fore the eyes ; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present. it is thought that nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Roots (Se.i gel's Syrup) changes the fer ments of the Digestive organs so as to convert the food we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, and good health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions ot bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases tinder various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. . Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of hi curative projierties prove this beyond a doubt. Sold by PeTwt. 3 . 1 Valuable Farm FOB SALE. 9ltantd in Unity township, Rdwan Cm, nine miles from Salisbury, near the Wilkes boro rtiad, adjoining tlie lsnds of Jas. Holt, Calvin Harrison and others, contaiuing U4 acres, nearly one half of which is SECOND C?sEE2 BOTTOM, hcavilv timbered. A good lwelling house, barn, well, and out-buildings, all new. Purchaser paying some cash can have in dulgence on the balance. Address Mas. J. C. McCORKLE, Jerusalem, Davie Co., N. C. SSctf Cfl 8RE Kll froin WU term, re, OV. ACRES of eood lauv miks salisimry, cn the Concord roao, rcasonao'.e for enhh. PlNKNET LCDWICK. If You Wish a Good Article Ploo Tobacco, ask your dealer foi "Old Rip." Ot State Of North Carolina Rowan County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT George C. Eagle, plaintiff, i vs Mattie Eagler defendant Civil action for divorce from the bonds of matrimony. To Mattie Eagle : Ydu are hereby required to appear be fore the Judge ol our Superior Court, at a court to oe nem tor tne county oi Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury on the 2d Monday before the first Mou day oi &epieinoer, isa, anu answer, or demur to the complaint of the plaiutitl J. M. HORAH, JClerk Superior Court. gJune 6, 1887. 33:6w. THIS paper; IS '.tl ;' . iat the N. W. AVER ON. fur tutbciizcd . RisiioL Land Danville Railroad 0 Western North Carolina Division. circular xo. 488. Gen'l Passenger Dep't. fAsHEVlLLE, N. C, May 6th, 188 87. The tollov 1 iff Passenger Train schedule between Asneviue ni a spurtancui, is Hereby announced i i bkc enei i .uay sin, ist : TRAIN NO. ES. Leave Asheville ii.ro a.m. Asbeville Junction 1140 " Aiden i2.o p. m. Fletchers 12.1a " ' ITendersonTlUn 12.12 Flat Rock 12.55 " Soludo 1.20 -'j ' Melrose 1 3S Tvyon 1.58 ' " Londinma 2.10 " compobello 2.2T " " Inmon 2.38 " Campion 2.46 Arilve Spartanburg Sao " TRAIN NO. 52. 4 , . Leave Spartanburg 3.90 p. m. Campion 4 "' inmon 4.14 " Compobello 4 29 " ' I.ondiums 4.41 Toon 4.52 " Menwe 5.14 ' Soludo 5 9 " 1 " Flat Rock vvi " " Hendersonvine a 0" Fletchers 6.?i Arden .4a " Asheville Jnnctlcn 7.04 ' Arrive Asheville Mo " gar Dally except Snn-1ayg3 lOS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A. W. A. TURK, A G. P. A. PIEDMONTAIR LINE. Richmond & Danville Railroad. Western North Carolina Division. JKNEKAL Passencbk DkpT.) ashevillk, n. c.Nor.a, iw. Coi.den8ed ScUedule, talcing effect Nov T 1SS6. WEST. Read Pown. Read Up. KA8T. 4 30 p m Lea e 5f w H av 6 is a m 45 Arrive 2 30 & ui Leave 7 3 a 43 Arrive 6 uu p in 'Lea. 1 00 a m a oo Arrive 11 8Q (45pm Leave s 01 Arilve New York Phitudelpuia Baltimore W astiiDgion Lyncuuurg Dupvllle KiC-tmoudT Danviiif Greensboro Arrive 3 20 pm 1- 5 p 01 " lowtam b 30 2 00 Leave 11 40 pm Arrive 5 30 a m 11 20 p m Leave a so Uoidsboro Raleigh Greensboro Salisbury Charlotte Salisbury Arrive Leave Arrive" Leave 11 so a m fi so i a 47 p m 8 06 12 so a m li oop aa 11 .Tu a in Leave l- p m Arilve 1 it 2 n Salisbury Arrive 6 18 d m strttesviiie Newton 5 08 4 07 40 2 55 2 25 1 25 li si a m ll oa 10 81 10 16 8 .0 6 i 0 Hickory Connelly 8. rings Morgan) on Marlon Black Mountain Spa rt. June. .slievillo Aif-xanderb Hot Springs 2 3 .10 4 a o 6 47 a m 7 3S 9 3 , 10 00 S 10 raint Rock leave Leave Arrive 6 50 3 12f Leave i 45 1 10 a m Arrive Morrlstown Knoxvllle 4 41 MURPHY BRANCH. 8 f a a m Leave Asheville Arr 5 00 n m i0Upm4.iT Waynearllle .... 2 4S U 65 Sylva j i 12 05 p. m. Wcbrter 12 oo m 1 4" charlesion 10 so a m 3 04 Busnnell 9 ) 4 3 Jam us Leave 7 45 ( 73th Meridian time used East of Paint Rock j 90111 wet " Trains on Murphy Branch run dally except 8un day. ' I hrongh rullman Sleepers on south bounfl train I leAvlngsaiist.ury at ll p. m. for Atlanta and New Orleans. I Through Pullman Sleeper on north bound train leavlrg Salbbuiy at h 06 p m. for Washington. 1 Pullman Sleeper on same train from Greensboro ; t Richmond and Green tore to R ilelgh. Does not leave Goldsborn Sunday night ;Doet net leave Greensboro Saturday night. JAS. L. TAYLOi . G P. A., -. Washington. It. C W. A. Tea:, . G. P. A. Asheville, N. C. JOHNSON IMIMCIJT ( LiiaiiiiLii ' CTTRE8 Di it Trouble, and These BiUa wsm nuVii ..j ? . rslteve all rnmaimi f : . o 5m2? oZ$h 5T KSrBZK Eitt St Pr I-B.JOl.NBON rowacns abaolutelv par and highly eon- !". o- worth a pound of any other kind. It is iiMifr iiriit- I mt m unr nrra fi w GtVLIl IB b IILI1U K.I PROFESSIONAL CARLS. 1 stBRKGRAlOR. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, JALisnuiiT, N. C. Fob. 3rd, 1381. NEW FIRM. The undersigned have enteral into IU-JW..I.V.O.U!. ii me purpose of condW ng tne ukuleky and PROT T ri, )MMISSION business, to Al 7. March 28, 1887. Consignments em JSC licited. - -uy McNEkLY & TYFON. The undersigned takes this orm, to return thanks to his numer,n vlrJ for their patronage, and asks tlie eon tinuanee of the same to the vw rmi He will always be on hand to .? ' patrons of the SEW PI H Jf. lue 27:tf J. D. McXEELY. THE STAR A. Newspaper npportlnE t h Principles of a DemocriilU' Admluliiraiiou. Published i a the City of New York. WILLIAM DOR8HEIMER. ETMTOli. ' Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Editions, THE WEEKLY STAR, An Eight-page Newspaper, Issued every Wednesday. A clean, pure, brlg-ht and int ri-.t'.nj FAMILY PAPER. It eoDtaina the latest news, down to the hour of rolf to press. Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Financial and Commercial, Political, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Department, -rfl r.r.der Hie direc:ion nf t -cinft InurnalUts of tbe liiubeft ability, lis culuinn. sill be found crowded with good tilings from begini ingta cod. Original stories by distinguished American sad foreign writers of fiction. TERMS OF THE'WEEXLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS. Free of Postage in the United States isn ' Canails, outside trie limits of New Yotk C.tv. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. Clubs of lOto the sme P O. .iddress, wnh an additional copy to org :n ter of Club, . .$1.00 FOR THREE MONTHS, on trial, . 25 cents Kpelnl terms and raonllnary Induce mr nl s I o a.tnti n'.il eaawasacrs. (tend for ClrculMra. THE DAILY STAR, Tna Daily Star contains ell tlie nt'-s of thei'ay ia an attnctl.e form. Its special con espondeuce hy rabie fram London, Va i-, Ueilin, Vieunaand lublin, 1 a commendable feature. At Washington, Ait any and oilier news cer.ter. th ' ableft correspondent?, epeclally retained by 1h Tl, farni!. In e bitest new. by telegraph. Ita literary features are uxisurpaffed. The Unanel and Market Reviews are consnany full and complete. TERMS CF THE DA!Y JT.'. TO EUS-CRtBERf. Free of P.-stawci e '.ii' v''t-'. s tnd Canada, cat s; Is UieJjTi:US..f . t Vork I iiy Erery Or.y, fir on t y ear includiug Sunday), ft M Daily, wlibom Sni Uy, one year, . . . )') Kvery Dav, months, . . . o M Ddr, without Sunday, six ninnlha, , , . ;;oi Sunday, without DaiSy, one year, ... i j) Address, ni;,: g rvR, Broadway and Par.; Place. New York WEAKUNDEVELOPEQ Htl 4 t NH tW f tXlNMt.. fmm imnm n' ggsl run in n-ir - -. 1 , will haTT ier 1 ni y t li,nen O' h bn-r th'K. t'n t Me ,iiir' r. : h- 1 ert .sr ii n I j. MEDICAL- UO. HTTalO..l. . 11 r. .rtTn-1 If ODt of sorts' with headache, storr.:.-:, disorder, torpid lifer, pain!n backor s:d'- ; atlpation, etc .neglect mav be tntel. Or.e .i ; t Of Stronc's Sanative I4lls win give relic, A few doses restate to new lieatib :tnd vik-or GERMAN CABP:i cati fm n t h cat i ig oi : D""j.ll. Id an) quanlti.1! fcrstpcilrg ponda. For terms, address , ii. i'ltAi't. sl isbury, N. C. s;:t( HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGUEIS Call on the undersigned nt ISO 2. Gnu ii Row. . D. AV'AT.iVEI I Agent for the 4CardweliTtrc:btr. Salisbury, N. C, June St It 1 1 . Subscribe now for the Watchman. PATEMS Caveats, Trade Mark ac copyrights ObUlnetl. and all other business in the I '. s fcli-1 omoc attended to foi Moderott Kres. uur office is opposite tbe U. S. P.ttct Cfl't e. we can. obtain Patents In less tln.f tttn tute re mote fn m Washington. - Send Model or draw ing. We advlte ns to raitd ability free of cbaige; and make Xmthms " "' Obtain PaUr t. We refer here to the Postrraner. tl cl .Money ttrOer 1 iv.. and to e JCelj.if 01 il.i I fj" era crrlce. For circular, advlte. trms fid ences to actual ciiemur yctti cwr ts ci c(U ij. wntf to C.A.ShCW&cc-. Opposite Patent Office, i.tLn 1 1 Oct. 81.85. tf r. s AID! A"-. mr . ' fe .1 mm. a NraralPia, Bhennmtlsm. Bleodlae at the ttrea. . Catrrh, CTnoler-BCor bn. Dysentery. Chroui; rrea. Dr. I. 8. Johnson c Co., Boston. I MAKE VfTTf T T t Wmr -.., WA QLOOD. . - T lUte them in the world. Win positively cure or oT--trtd.P3i?ri-l' -sOO-.M Tl. HT..nv'-" 5j TftM hen W Ui t. tt cr ret ook It a cholera J" 11 c ti -tee orn---worth its I bOySby to aw fr Aid. 1 1 i u- . . - - 3C m. - PILLS - -

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