A- ; - ' Carolina Watchman "local. HP'S E r uipw -iai Mdvertlsed I Collector's Office. Tlwlacc of tbc'Fifth Internal Revenue district is fully orgatfl ed and miming smoothly with itsargular routine of bus iness the same a iT it had been situated i Wrecked on the Km Coast. A communication wm received hygiene Of our townsmen from Mr. Will Boinay who his been on the coast of Africa tor ; some uiue teiii iir thnt he had hneir shlo- in Its i resent quarter and under the same wrecked and lest lw monkey, parrots head for a hundred years or more. I Vld elsehat he whs bringing ,,,, . .. . . . . home to liiy friends here. We from ctniv roe counties eoinDrisin the wesent vr v .1 Xt fifth district are the following: Alexan- ecount of the shipwreck : 'A MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BliCXKB EU1TOK, RALEIGH, K. C. Bi? Russell Mine. p ...r.UUUll 1 Tsabscription Rates. . hHioxr rater or thvCii rpf n.; I veil aaM ' advance, 1.50 I 1l: V. .at.l.ived3iuo,K2JK) JcVHi'tdcred I2 iuoV 2..'iU i ,f r V Smith had some fine fish )lr. -" ' Hotuc-m ide watermelons are now plen tiful 011 the streets. Mr. G. W. Kerby, of Richmond, Va.,U viWoldfriends- -Luinber is being hauled to MrC. A. Bice's lots for building purposes. Mr M. C. Quinn and family left Satur fryfor Shelby duriug the hot season. Col. A. B- Andrews went up the West ern North Carolina road Tuesday. Tuesday's storm took all the telegraph tires down between here and Charlotte. Hr Walter Balis, from Concord has teu charge of Ihe'R. & D.-yard engine here. , It is reported that Robert Ford, a col ored boy. died from sun stroke last Tues day. The annual masonic pic uic will be held at MocksviBc oil the 11th of Au- Soda water and all iced drinks were in deniaiul while the thermometer register ed above 90. ' Mrs. W. S. Frost returned from Ashe ville Tuesday where she has been- visit ing some time. Mrs. Edwin Shaver, who .went to the mountains early in the season, we learn . A. has been quite 111 recently. John A. Hedrick, Esq., is the weather observer here now, and posts, in three or four different places, the reports for each day. W have had some very hot weather during the last week. Mr. Watson of the firm of Julian & Watson reports chickens being sunstrnck in tho shade. The back bone . of the hot spell was brjken on Wednesday afternoon by a good rainfall which extended into the night, with the temperature reduced to seventy degree.-. Mr. A. L. Johnston is still shipping to matoes but he reports this as the poorest :yearlor early tomatoes he has known in a longtime, on .account of roUeuiug at the .blossom end. The Water Work-i stand pipe is grow - ed this weather- One of the hands reported the temperature " 123 inside ol tak last Tuesday. The Institute for the white teachers will begin on the 1st Monday in August nd continue two weeks. Prof. Noble, from Wilmington, and Prof. Moses, from Raleigh, will be the instructors. The next thing that should claim the attention of the town council, is the ques tion of building a market house. A town, with the papulation that Salisbuiy ow has, isentitled to better market con veniences. T der, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland Davidson Davie, Forsythe, Gaston, Graham, Hay wood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lin coln. McDowell, Macon, Madison. Meck lenburg, Mitchell f Polk, Rowan, Ruther ford, Stanly. Stokes. Surry, Swain, Tran sylvauia, Union, Watauga, Wilkes, Yad kin and Yauey . The office is very pleasantly situated on the second floor of the Boyden House, occupying five rooms and organized as follows: Mr. Sterling Ruflln, of Orange, Chief Deputy, D, C; Mr. M. O. Sherrill, of Catawba, Cashier, D. C; Mr. Gilmer Brenizer, of Mecklenburg, Bonded Acct . , D. C; Mr. Jerome Dowd, of Moore, D. C, in Stamp Room; Mr. G. AV. Micheal of Catawba and Mr. J. C Tipton, of Lin coln, D. C, Brandy and Tobacco; Mr. J. P. Matheson, of Alexander, and Mr. M. P. Anderson, of Iredell, Clerks Bonded Aect.; Mr. J. H. McRee, of Iredell, As3es- ment Listt, D. C; Thos. Earnhardt, of ItoWan, Messenger. - All the above were in Collector Dorvd's office with the exception of Mr. Ruffih, who was Chief Deputy In Col. Boyd's office, the old fifth, and Mr. Earnhardt, who is of Salisbury. The magnitude of the business done in this office can be appreciated when it is started that there are over three hun dred blank forms used, over fifty differ ent record books kept and the collections average over $-',500 a day. Four stamp offices have been establish ed: StatesviHe, Asheville, Winston and Mt. Airy respectively. A Mid-Summer Storm. CUAnLOTTK VISITED BY AX ELECTRIC STOltM LAST TUESDAY. The storm last Tuetday although it did not amount to much here did considerable damage in Charlotte. The Chro.ticle speak ing of it says: At four o'clock the wind rose to the ve locity of about 30 miles an hour and pretty s )on the ruin commenced tailing in vol u ne. The storm lasted about one hour, at the c:id of that time, the people came forth to to find the streets drenched" anil strewed with trees ami fragments of tiinbs. The nu merous crashes heard daring t he progress of the storm led our citizens to believe that mot C; serious wotfc than the shattering ol tree had been wrought throughout the city, and so it proved. The fust easua'tv reported was at corner of Sixth anil Poplar streets, where a h bouse occupied ly colored woman rained Suan Brotvo, was very seriously injured. The-fluid utiUi k the chiainoy, shattered two . locks on the ui:;ntie, split up the floor, sel he Iwddinu on fire ivnd wound up by run nUr over the bod 1 f a colored woman. burning her severely and tearing oft her i'liies. The fire whs extinguished by the iieiffhlmr, ami Dr. Williams was sum moned to at teed the injured woman. Slu .iras uaeonscious for several hours, but finally showed signs of improvement, and at a late hour last uiuht it was believed she would recover. Other occupants of the louse were stunned, but not otherwise in jnrcd. The house is badly wrecked. It n-loivS to Mr. it. H. Jordan. A house leloniinv to Mr. John W. Wa ls- w rtli, on Eig f i, between B and C streets.. was Btrmk and fired, hut the occupants ex tinguished fire the before any considerable lamage was done. A street post on th corner of B and the The steamer proceeded on her course, at what is called cn homeward voyages "full speed" (about eight knots uu hour), from eleven P, M., June 1, to five min utes of one o'clock A- M., June when she struck, being then about half or three quarters of a mile from shore. BCEXB3 OF TKKROR. The concussion was appallinu a fear- ful crash, followed hv straining and grind ing sounds and a peculiar upheaving of tne vessel, tvery oue was w ide awake in a moment. Sme ran undressed into the saloon, where the lamps were still alight, showing four and tables covered with broken glass. Others, hastily dres sing, rushed upon deck, where all was in wild confusion. This was ehieftv owinir to the Kru ship hauds and. the black pas sengers, who were unite beside them selves with terror, and when the boats were lowered it was they who endeavored to seize and monopolize the boats. I he whites kept cool throughout, and they secured the safety of the women, children and sick before seeking their own. lliey lowered tliem into the first boats, which had to be manned by ship's iuru men. i nese icllows proved trouble some from first to last; and in one boat, at least,. grew mutinous, threatening to throw all the whites overboard, naively reniarking, "Black man waut to save black man; no cave for whites; throw 'em into de sea." HORRORS OF THE BEACH. When the longed for dawn appeared it reveaieu new and unexpected dangers. Great numbers of natives were seen hur ryiug in antlike lines alone the beach to ward the wreck. The Kru hands man ning the two surf boats perhaps claim ing Kinureu nere at once innae a move for the shore. The two surf boats con taming tne wonojEP, cinniren and nu in valid missionary priest were the only boats that landed, as the Europeans in the other four prevented their black crews followiug the lead . The gig put out sea ward, and the other three returned to the wreck, to which the gig also came back later on. No sooner hal the surf boats touched than thev became the prey of the natives Swarms of almost naked men, women and children quicklv pillaged them of the few things they contained, and fought like hungry dogs over the fewhandfuls of bis- FOR 10 DAYS, MECKLENBURG Considerable interest' attaches Go this mine, situated in Montgomery county, this State. It is owned and operated by an English company, and has been pro ducing constantly for some months. Just how much this amounts to the public is not informed. The management shipped to London 47 ounces of bullion for the fortnight ending June 4th. this year, and this may serve as a guide to the average yield at this mine. 9940 Cor two weeks work is not a large yield for the proper ty, and those who are familiar with it may feel that it is small, yet there is one point about it which should not be lost sight of, and that is that the ore supply is immense and if the company are mak ing the present work pay there is no end to the ultimate result, at least for years to come. Few -mines in the South have such a loue 01 ore ana it only requires economical and persistent effort to make it an almost endless job to work it out at a profit. GOLD HILL. The London company are making another effort to revive interest in this property. There are conflicting opinions as to the wisdom of this undertaking: some thinking that it bus. been worked to a point where it will no longer pay to lift ihc ore, while others think that indiffer ent mining and poor management are the causes which have proven disastrous to the mine during recent years. Capt Harvey is in charge of the work going on there now. It is exclusively prospecting in the old levels and drifts of the mine and from his last report to the London stockholders it seems that he has not been altogether unsuccessiul. Work has not progressed to sufficient extent to enable a just criticism to be made, but unless more money and energy is in troduced the mine will hardly be opened this .season. SALE OF MINERAL LANDS IN CHEROKEE. A company of Nashville, Tenn., capi alists have made a large purchase o cuits. Next they turned their attention mineral lands in Cherokee county. They to the shivering passengers a sickly as- have selected a very large tract of land sembly of whites and blacks, males and hfcA . i h , d females, sick and hale. Archdeacon 6 Crowthers hat was instantly knocked off 111(1 11 ls thfclr intention to develop the and appropriated, while his wife and the property ns soon as the ruilrcaJ prot- othcr females were relieved of watches. pects, which are bright, have become an chains, rings and other jewelry with asureti f.lct celcritv that would make a professional k . ... . ,. pickpoc!:et stare. Another company of Atlanta capitalist: saved from m s aore BY cbaxcp. have made large purchases of talc land. BEGINNING YPTil JULY 11, I will have a fine line of ROLLED PLATID BRACELETS, NEW AND FANCY DESIGNS IN B RE ASTPIN3, E AR -RINGS AND BOBS, which I will offer 10 per cent, cheaper than the same article can be bought for, regularly. Call early and make your selection before the best styles are taken. All goods warranted Jor five years. Respectfully, W. H. REISllER, The Jeweler. iron WORKS - .. : CHARLOTTE, N. C. 27:ly. Uaiversity of Narth Carolina ! CHAPUL HILL, N. C. NOTICE ! ! Notice is herel y given that the Beard of County Con mission ers for Rowan County, will meet at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 2d Monday in July next, (it being the 11th day of the month), and remain one day or longer ii necessary, for the purpose of revising the Tax Lists and valuation reported to them for the year 1887; at which time and place any and all persons having complaints as to the valuation of their property, or the amount of tax charged against them, can appear and be heard by the Board in regard thereto. HORATIO X. WOODSON, Salisbury, June 29 1887, 2t. Clerk. Notice 0 Pensioners. The soldidcrs and widows of soldiers residing in Rowan county, to whom pen- ions have heretofore been granted bv i he State of North Carolina, and the widows of .soldiers whose husbands died interest is beinar taken in the mineral of disease, while in service, and whose or, as they put it, "Ship., touch we coun- 1 mds of the tramontane section and that PIHatUma were rejected, but who are One ring resisted every effort to le in the tame county. They haverganized move it, but the savage, more fertile of the Atlanta Talc and Soapstohe Mining ind Manufacturing Co., with a capital 01 sjU,uu . i ne mam omce is i t zo So ith Prvor st., Atlanta. Thev propose to operate the mines on a large rerle and eventually go into a regular manufac turing business. resource than tbegraduate of Seven Dial proceelel to chop the linger off the poo. worn n'i hand who possessed the ring. Ilie It w: s noticeable that no other instance oecurreel ot rings sticking after tins. ' Having stripped the strangers of almost everything the savages assembled, cl whom a few spoke English, made them understand that everything which touch ed their land thereby became confiscated. The session is divided into two terms : .he first beginning the last Thursday in August and ending at Christmas, the second beginning early in January and nding first Thursday iu June. Tuition 580.00 for each term. For room rent and ervice, $5.00 per term. Those unable to pay tuition are allowed to give their notes, secured if possible. Tuition in the Xormal Course free. Past Graduate is struction also free. The Facultv is .low sufficiently strong to give iustruc-; ;ion in a wide range of studies. For terms in the Law School apjdy to j Hon. John Manning, LL. D. For Cata- logues apply to W. T. Patterson, Chapel Hill, N. C. For special information ap-1 ply to ; KEMP. P. BATTLE, LL. D. 36:1m. M,.rS Pi-' DS mamm U W j Corn,shPurnP kavM mmj Charlotte m . . l a I 1 This shows that more than, ordinal v try, ebheryting belong to we. Mr. Ramsey, an American passenger, wa practically leader of the party, and trieo ais powers of moral suasion and concilia tion. He shook the natives' hands with .ouching warmth, smiled on everybody did made as light of the sitUiition as pos sible, and by these means brought tlu savages iuto a better mind. But sudden ly the ship's gun and several pistol shot.- were discharged from the steamer, lhis c.iused great alarm and excitement among the natives who crowd -d around Mr. Ramsay and angrily demanded why What has become of the much talked of coal yard that was to be established L- ft ' nu . . - . 1 I rer 1 ne quantity ot coal consumed,! T4ird 8trccts, was struck, shattering PNweuvmana ior it laic in me winter, 1 .r t nfoms, thmfrnm the - I ' ' ' " - - - - ml(l certainly justify some one iu keep- Alu e,,tt.re. the house oc up'id by Hattv PB.Nippiy on nana. Wells, colored. It played strange pranks .We commence the publication in this there. Striking a bureau, it cleared it o Paper of a series of articles 011 the Tariff its confeiCs, then ripped up the carpet in nd Internal Revenue. A nortiou of our in ihc roi tilers desiring to gain information on wese important public measures are ad nuri tn ro,t ii arcu. ii-i. w.i, ;ii k! corner 01 ropiar anu runrin streets, were DftB in tVin 'imi i-n tf tc tic vr fniv rrL o The Auaual Convention of the Rowan unty Sunday School Association will hehl ait the Lower Stone ekufch Tucs- oay an 1 U'eduesday , August 2d and 3d. Q the Anniversary of the Rowan ty Bible Society wijl be held at the Mie place on August 3d. The program "out and the exercises will be"' very in- uug. All are invited to attend. in the region named there seeins to be rush ior the host lands. rso more dattering prospects in bargains of thit ;ind exist in the State. The eountrv is full of prospectors and the gist of the mailer is inai neroKce is not tar from a 000m. S.VM CHRISTIAN MINE. entitled to pensions under the law ol 188, are hereby notified to inform the Merk of the Superior Court of Rowun ountv, whether or not thev are still en titled to receive their pensions. And any soldier or soldier s widow en titled to a pension, and who has not ap plied for the same, can no so at any .inie before the 20th day of August, 1887. J. 31. HOKAH, Clerk Superior Court Rowan Countv. i58:2t Correspondeaoe Solicited JOHN WILKES, Adminislralop's Notice. Having qualified as Administnitor of Mr. Chns. Armstrong, h; superintend ent of the Sam Christian mine, l as goiu white man try shoot black man ''and he to Philadelphia to consult with the partially succeeded in convincing them (owners of this famous old property. T e that the shots were signals ot ditns. 1 immediate cause of the visit, ia tmcnhlo the estate of Miehael Alhriuht. deceased. r 1 1 I 1 . J 1 1 I ' 1 . . ttaa a oiacK oeeu ouuie ue e . UtiAt. A . Hn Amnltm. notice is hereby given to all persons hav ttmt the party wouiu nave peen massa- -----. - 1 in- claims aiaiiiiat sakl' estate to present creci. 1 ne savagesurrounicu me party - - " -cui 4iiai mvy rh,,m to the un,iei-sirticd on or before the and by voice and gesture appeared bent rented a portion of the mine and worked ;th day of Julv, 1888, or this notice will be the ringleader was a gi-1 it; the results not comiiur un to exnectn- olead in bar of their recoverv. All per- sons indented to said estate are notihed to make prompt payment, l'ETKK K. ALBKluHT, Adnrr of Michael Albright. July 7, 1887. 6w Commercial College of Ey. Univenity, Lexington, Sc The Cheapest and Beat College in the World for a Practical Business SacatiO.- Highest Honor Diploma sf Honor and Geld Medal at World's Expoeitto! for System of Book-keepi ttg and fieaeral Business Education over al' CoHtfoa. ta4BU tmin at mmj a a nay tm bnncvti toaWaaaHa, by W IfdMW. K FULL COURSE 1 mbnm cztcoalve and prmotical Ksok-keeoina, BmImh AnthmrSc, Mercantile Compon1rae, nanciBi. rrmeaet. uenra. mc.. ac. S S5S A at Is rtuairM from i to ' nx: o oamUW the run nfln ww i wk cmi IME AND CUT joo. which Incluiei Toi( Boota, m!' i.kkl f.Uf. Wtam l - men ntm iLctkVr radaettas V ft U milr ft cm on- tuition So rhrr Hv i-ctp1d! Con;. ASnKAtMV. TYfWiTn.11 TaXicnnA w iSrSSXXXit - - I. 1, trmm ior rpmalbder of tcwio onitr Iw Df 1 Utt in iu.-lutr UN jru. KrXack Vfi.tr.nv Dtplaaft. oader ttd, prMrntad Iw MMknM rr . 1. s u.,k SO nnn lnl.,iunt- I, loautiro). heltK,. tiU.ricl, h4 ouilr tk ili.t7iirKdi from th Nor. Hoato, KtH ui Wt Y cUn il(M jnffS ft. HMITH on mischief. , , ..(In .1 I, ,i- lrliii i n : I 1 f i , i i f a tVtA tioiinl machete wore a long bowie knife in a "on they entered snit for misreprcscnta- ahbard of wild beast skin around his tlon ot the facts. Mr. A. says that they leek. Mr. Ramsay's soothing arit I are not likely to train anythine bv thi Mrs. Welitaai Caldwell and her daughter, Miss Bertie Cdihvel I. who resides on the ladlv shucked n&d blinded, and the voun adv has nnee-lfoen suifarin" seriously from the effects of the stroke. Mr. Charles Wilson, who was walking abm Third street. was knocked down bv the concussion lrom a stroke that shattered a post with in a lew steps 01 linn, out was not injured, 'though for sometime afttr wards suffered from dizzin8sand we; k ivess Miss Jnc Farringtan, wlw was sewjn-: in the rear room of T. L. Seigle & Co's. naip 9iVL . j ; store, was slightly stunned, but soon re ov- The base ball frvr simi'U UinrMR. eied woOre. The Champion base hall uiiie A colored mm driving a dray an Seventh an urgauizailOU last r rioay Wlin iwrcct, tww iiauiv nu vu a qhmj tuai ood Kinder as captain and the follow- he tumhled from bis scat to the street, but Players: Scott Lindsay,S S Blaeknie-, wa? not hurt. dosI '.,lfA. ivr.. t ,.r . u i .. 1 o., . t-..ii . i: i " iuv ji ill till. . mi iia.a ui iv r. i tzviiaiLi i i t . a .fyi.jiuti h nil n i iiv,u. mi PJ . , I - louiig, J Young, W HCran-ford and South chureh"street, was seriously juid per AHoh. hnn fatuity injured tv a bolt of lLhtninji I tl" uic .Nameless. n Nnniea. C mm. winch fUrin-k lier house. Tun hi !.!.. - h filit foot and Stugcer clufes all in who were in the house- u ith her vverewasted on this monster, who sulkily refjised his protlered hand and re turned frowns for his smiltfS. He wa urjiiug the crowd to deeds of violenci wuen the king arrived at the palaver. THE KRU KINO PtlOVES A FUIEXP. The King was an old man, dressed in iecaved frock coat, and wearing a i.ai lered -ilk nat upon his gray head. He uppea c tt take a very IrieiMly view of the .tuation suit, as the evidence is overwhelming to the effect that the machine is at fault He says . that the tailings left by the machine show very nice "colors- in the pan. He has evidence of crooked deal ing on the part of some of those con nectcd with the working of the machine, but it will be best to allow this to come A PME Conpaiij. Executoi's Notice. The undersigned having been appoint d Kxecntor of the last w ill and testa- nent of John Yost, deed., this is to notify those having claims agaiust the estate of the eleceaseel, to present them to me for payment, on or before the 7th day of July, field were we can expect the afr on the ball stunned. Croun.l t.'L. . ... - . . . w ne lanaea into a frazzle before season is over. 'Bit. The nui I struck tre bv the score. An el n in front of the r&ddeuce of Mr. If. C Irwin, on enurcu sireec, wan iniverea. a was also a tree in front of the residence o Mr. Josi'ph Siler, on West Trade street, s tree on Seventh street, one on Tyson street. Nearly every limbs ami District Conference. 1L . i iae district Conference, for the Salis- m district, wUl convene at tllcMetho vhureh horo ti.u.... k oitk iiml flue da Ninth slret A. Cnrdbal ;n. ua: x- 1. 1 -vai'd in town was strewn with ded to all of our citizen who are iu twi twisted off by the wind rt with ihc spiritrof an aaseinbly of The large sign of Hargraves & Alexander character, and who desire to sec hele to the pavement with a crash, bring- ETW tne Lord prosper,, to . attend its ! g down the telephone, electric light am telegraph wtnta in Us . tall. The street show-caiia tSf Tlr. Van Nes was twisted '' 'HH-llill.y : MI 1 i . 1 ' r..a..r!na ,1... I. A,l a- . "6 oeivicu Wall oe aX.ieU - anl li"Ui .iwninua nun uwum if atoms on I 1 o cloek on 1 huix'.av m,.niug, and j the pavement. The a ms of the telegraph, attendanceat thfs service, parttcu- electric light and telephone companies w ere J ,s desirrd. " ' J bidlf wrecked, hat at night the electric - aW . . on. which will continue four davs. "UUinn " - r-m 1 s - Th. notwithstanding the eloquence of the yiant, out in the progi-ess of the trial, which 8SS, or this notice will be plead in bai Persons indebted to said THE REYNOLDS MINE, md shook hands with Mr. Kamsev, who it is hoped will not be in the distant fu- thruugh an interpreter, at once j la ed h:m ture selt and party under his protc tinn- a stroke of diplomacy which appeared tn lii.i tli.. .: h i n:n tliix tiit.tt Imlh tl.c I " ,.r .1. i t-.i., t a natives teased to trouble, and actual! v U1 uu-u PMPVi niueii to say lent" one of the sun boats to the Kru 'i the past, is now claiming attention by ship hands, who lowed the whole party La party of Investors. The property has bacK to ine wrecw. in is wa altunvarila iMinni fl lo its u.k. - - J I ;.. .v T.T-- . ..-. uy in iuc oiaie. x ne vein is two leei thick and free gold is visible tjo the ... . . i.. ., ,. OI rtCOVtTV. estate are requested to make immediate payment. John i . aiukpu, r..i.. T too" IU1J 1887 :Gt. Executor. SEEKII G HOME Patmnaie. AGENTS In all Cities, Tow ns and Village in the South. TOTAL ASS iSTRQMi LWUhlj H Reliable ! LikalJ J. RHODES BROWNE, JJr r h Kent. WltLIAM C. Coast Sktrnln-v. $760,000. 00. J ALLEN BE0WN, Resident Aent, Salisbury, N. 0. TTTI "BT "W m. ir ,n iv,. l i .-. .... w I nil hnfi nrosnpcf tar Riirvrccfiil tvitntntr o& a a I ar " - - . - - - - x s v .. v lUlii ( a," 1 owners. HPIEVES OF RAPINE OX SHIPBOARD. On the return of the other boats tD the Palu'al rt rfetri rof it. . It -It wreck Uuptaiu Brown's party held a con- traceable for a long dlslauce and ia sup- suitation as lo best course to pursue, nosed to be continuous. The onlv woik e . . l I " r - DOD- vvn wr uuihuj w in wdiwh donc s0 far is but make-shift, being and uoing south to the nearest settlemeut: , , . . ,, v, ' . . I others for stavimr bv the ship and keen- conducted as most all tne preliminary ----- - . r a I , ... ing the natives ott bv force until succor worK in mat country is, wunont any arrived. machinery, save a small chillian mill f a. xl ? i? VJ - l p to ui sume on y a iew savages nan for jeduciu- the ore. The material known that the whites meditated lenvine ,ia!? H,,m " "5" '-v MU nuM,u UI c I . i . 1 a . . . r- the wreck many hundreds of eavaacs treaimem unu promue-s ooner uiiuga ior started from the shore, whetc more than t ie future. a thousand had a; ready collected. The tore part ot tne ship was urst invaded. and then eusused a scene of indescribab e LIST OF LETTERS. f' JtT attacked the List of letters remaining in. p 11 'in': st P .inn trtln (Mh na hnmlinnr in a doors, sinatbinu windows, chonoin. no Salisburj, N.C.. for the week ending ' ... . 7 m I a - A,-a- the woodwork with knives and hatchets July lo, lbiw. and breaking in pUfecs every fragile ar- Jane A J A Rass, un aeizeu ine oaggage, j R Aikill, - ji C Rol erts. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. Regular Horisonial Piston. f.' Villi I-.a n-r il Urw?' - ! fl:ihrd asj-uai. ancl .-ill nf-hiT u ima t- r y v v. . . 1 m, nfmy - i & . - m r: - - . .. -jin town were in order. tide. tearing opeu boxes and scattering their contents abroad or easting them over .he chip's side. Quick V growing in number and daring, they pressed back upon the state cabins anel sa on, where for a tiire they w'ere kept at bay. Finally, some bolder tuan tueir fellows made a rush for the windows and quie'kiy . demo ished them, thus finding entrance to the sa oou ami cabins Within. Resistance was futile so the whites "retired and the savages, a-ith shouts and ha'f de irious with ex citement, proceeded to wreck e.verythiug before ihein. Tbcjr .uick y wrene-Led ott'the brass woiki laiUnga; tray stc locks, lamps, &c., w hi e others haeked the chairs, tables, cotit lies and presses to pit -is and chirped otTthe gilded nuuld ias with knives and eut'asses. A 1 be r 1 51 Ca 1 1 , , J C , A gher. Mrs L Mowery, Jennie NV hitev Rev W J Murdock, W H Jones,. ; -S M Odien, Tom'Walser, Albert Parker, Abe Lucky, Mag Basiuger, Lock Craige, MRJC Earle-. Pleaso say advertised when the above letters are called for. A. H. BoYpEN, T. M. SS5SBSBBBE!S!BB5SSgBSgB55SH3BB DIED. ' Iu Morgau township! June 28th, Eliza beth Morgan, relict ot the late David Mor ':in,'ncrd v ar?. 1 fifes VERTICAL PLUNGER. 1 Tho most simplo, duraMo nrrij f-fl) ctivo. Pump in tho market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factoriesrr' Artesian wells, Tire duty and general manufacturing rirpc- JrSend f?r. Catalogue. Tie A. S. mvMW SfsAS PUMP WORK, Foot or Lact "33an Stkeht, Xtv. Ykk. Ji m 1 m n At :

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