- . : SIPS LI , 1 .1 school teachers, mill! hfc kceoertt una otct-ww; . .. .1? . v vJL 'Oare-aU.' -.r si: reforn.rivc np 1 1 " betaf; .inrir and etrewrth to the wnoic ayw- ! cures weakness of stomach, indlcestion. btoat toaktaSek, nervous pntrauon dcbimy and steepJeesne-s. In ettfacTBn. jg JWiptlontosoW hr drnjrriws "T'k&TT tiWfiWrtmn'w. See wrar arom twttte. p.i.. ai.oo. or six bottles) lor A lar treatise on Dlscaaeajrf Women pro ftlvmnstroted with colored plates and nu SSSm woKuts, sent for 10 rents in str.mps. 1 iSI saTThlTrTf DISPKK8ART MEDICAL aoa Main Street. Buffalo, N. Y. 1MT nrtnACHfci JttnouB mwiauuc and Constipation, promptly curea dj id c Dr. Fierce s renew. , by drugytots. THS WILMINGTON STAB. ABDUCTION IN PB1CS. Tho Dally Star. One ye.vr Six month Three months One month 6 00 3 00 1 50 50 -:o: THE WEEKLY STAR. One year - - -Six months - -Three-months $1 oo 60 30 :o: : Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely increased, and it is our determina tion to keep the Sta up to the highest stin dard of newsiwper excellence. Address, WM. H. BERN ARD- Wilmington, N. C. I LEXINGTON, KY. t HWmkItmi1 splinot in the State : two younfr iaie 10 me room; pimuu w rlea iecner. n orpins mu .uuuaj uber. For particular or Catalogue!, aadresa jr,'T. PmBaOS, Tn Lexington. Km. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only S3 SEAMLESS Shoe Lb Um world. Finest Calf, perfect fit, and Md Lee. all sty Its toe. As warruniea. oni:ress, iuu'u stylish ami durable ai those routine $' or S6. W. I. DOUGLAS SMJW SHOE excelB the S3 Sin ms adver mod by other riiis. W -9' rw tUtmpti aa kMuatat Mk Bbw.l VTt all wear the W. I.. DOf TGLAS Hi SHOE. If Tour dealer does not keep thflBi. send vour uameou post-J to W. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. 32Uy and Whiskey II no It cored at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars pnt FREE. B. M.WOOLLBV. M.R. Office f&i WhHehaii SU njt II TQ Tt A T'T7i'D mav ! founrt on file nt Gtx XHXO JT OJT AO P. Rowrll & Co s Newspaper ArlvertUlnK Brfu(9 8pruce'StA where advertising to&tracts may madiB for U IN NEW VOtth.. SliRWlbV B3ALEorl 1WKAK.W8S WaiLinSFFE21ALEJ BECAl A Lifo Experience. Rerrarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Or. WARD A CO. Louisiana. Mo. Danger ! A neglected cold or cough may 'eau to llietimoiitit.i'onsumption or other fatal disease. Strong's Pectoral Pit la will cu; e a eoWl aa by maptt-. Kest tiling for dyapepsfa Jit digestic 4, sick beadache-as UiousiUida testily. THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED ?0S SfSSY TOtRlSTY m Oil - I. OS i .. i' . oo f iniitug, FROM POSTERS si bis as a turn door down to roost delicate CASTING AKDS. Letter and Note Heads, . Bill Heads and Statements, BUSINESS CARDS, PAMPHLETS, PRISE LISTS, S.-hjjl iai jirtj rogrammts. OF ALL KIXES Court and Maeristerial. - . - W ' O.ilc s .Mjei a.ud catl-tuctiia. .i.ai ;.t.t:tc3. CUrrmiC WWHtnrww f.irZ. -roll u women. It to a powerfuU general . weU juf Gfr v pn am inirai at iipium Atluntu, 6u. BLANKS 131 Typhoid, Scarlet and Yellcw Fever Mtasbs, Diptheria, Small-Pax, wnoiera, etc ,4 JJarbys Fhopfiatc w - . i . a a 1 j tne infection oi a ievers nu iuicchuub 7? r:ii i .u- UZ. r aiseases. win Keep iut- nmjuspucn: yt . nnv air-t-room nUH and wholesome. ab- sorhinur and dtsstrovinir unhealthy affluvia and contagion. Will neutralise any bad it i . m. i j! t.nr snieit wuuiever, iui uy uisguiwiijs by destroying it. Use Darbys Phosphatic Fluid in every sick-room. Young Man. Hold On. Hold on to your tongue when you are just ready to take God's name in vain. Hold on to your hand when it is about to place that to your lips which brings misery and death. Hold on to your feet when they are about to take you into places of sin. Hold on to your heart when evil as s ciates seek vour company and invite a you to join their revelry. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Saf.ve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt It It cum. Fever Sores, Tctte, Ch:ied Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pes box. For Sale by Kluttr & Co. 3:1 y. His Affection Pat to the Test, j From the New Orleans Picayune. It was midnight, and an impassioned lover in an up-town drawing-room 4tneeled at the feet of his heart's choice and exclaimed : "Gerty, I will do anything in this world to make you happy." uDo you meau it, George?" UI do, I do, darling." "Then for heaven s sake go home and let me go to bed.,1 An End to Bone Scraping. E Iwiird Slieperd, of Harrisburo;, III., savs. Having reeeivutl so uiucli benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have hair a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctois told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three Ixtttle of Electric Bitteisand seven boxes of Buckling Amies Salve, and my leg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are soltl at nftv cents a bottle, and Bucklen's arnica Salve at 25c. per box at Kluttz's Drug Store. There is another fresh evidence of race prejudice in the great North ine aucipui vrcter ox roresters nave served notice that negroes shall not bef permitted to enter their organization. You cannot break down by denuncia tion or legal enactment the preiudice.- of race, or caste. They are iuterwoveu into the very texture of society and are as lasting as time, and as inexorable as fate. Christianity did not come to de stroy caste or race but to make people holy. It is not a revolution but an evolution. Laws, customs and distinc tions will continue to prevail until the book or time clones. Wilmington otar. Good Scsnlts in Evsxy Case. IX A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer f Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he w seriously afflicted with a severe co'd that seined on ins lungs: nail trieu many reme dies without benefit. Beinir induced to trv Dr. King's New Discoverv for Consumption did so and was entirely cured by the use of a tew iMittles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Couuhs and Colds with ltest results. This is the expe riencc id thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful discovery. Trial bottle free at Kluttz's Dru,i Store ' Pretty Jennie Winter-causes a sen sation in Rockland county," New Jer- sey. How? Hy marrvms a neirro If there is no race preiudice in New Jersey why should this "cause a sensa- i.: o" ixr- l ii i ... vtuu r w e suspect tne aarKey got the worst end of the bargain and the "pretty Jennie will not do to tie to It is a poor sort of a white lassie who "will take a negro husband." Wil mington Star. Make your home the brightest place tm eann, ir you would charm your chil dren to the high path of virtue, and rectitude, and religion. Do not always turn the blinds the wrong way. Let the light which puts gold,on the gen i tian and spots on the pans v. nour infn your dwelling. Do not expect the lit- ue reel to Keep step to a Dead March Farmer: "Going to try for a pension hey? Then you were in the warV' lramp: "No; but I had ter read ther war news ter me grandmother an1 it in jured my eyesight." j Lnless the habit leads to happiness, the best habit is to contract none. Zimmerman. The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it. Emerson. Should le esotl a tw: month before coofiavemcnt. L4 for book " To Morass?," maUed free. J fa k nriz-zi Hsmvuam Co., Atlanta, Qa. IRlEMB From Where I Am. August 10th, 1S87. Editor Watchman-Dear Sir: By Voar request, I will trv to give yoi you L t i ...ua t note from where I uui and what L . i Tl i e what J kuow. it is useless ior me 10 tell vou that the corn, cotton and gweet potatoes are si m pi v good but im V ' ! mense. l never saw lust sucn a crop i in mv lire, l speaK ior part oi iiocxe, js T 1 a ! T , . .Ira Frank in and Unity. The season is i j 4Ai u a ii A gooa ana proin.ses to oo u, , tuc , , . . . ... . low and sowing oats with all their miirht. A good many h.ive sown tur ? j l- I. .. .i i i.: ...it W,w0iqUwuruuu.sinK wC1. I K..4 K ....... .. :;..', Ixw.trc I fftr fill- llLLIf HJUlILU . 1111.11 Vll." wen. IS IIOL - i more of the weed raised for I think that it will bring a good price. The molasses making has begun, Mr. John Powlas is at work and makes a good article. But we are sorry to say ri i . it. mere is a grocery near uy w.cie tuc . the tipler can be supplied The health of the community is very good. Mrs. Nancy Thompson was very low, but she is better at writing. We were sorry to see in the Watchman that the uMam about the Couuntry" was in feeble health, hope he is better. Sorry "Gen. Agent" has nothing to say. We saw Esq. Tarrh book up for life, Mr. Thos. Luniss and Miss Liliie Graham at his house on the 6th inst nt 9 o'clock p. m. T4i'e colored folks have a revival at Cedar Grove. Those in quest of good flour can get it at "Kepley &. Lyerly's nun, or at rost s, uavis. Mr. Ii. Bailev is doing good business in his line at Wood Leaf. We were pleased to see Prof. McNeill at the Normal, he looks like he has grown eight inches all over. ' By the way the the Normal was a success this time. And whatever happens to the Pro fessors they may always feel that they have made a lasting impression on the writer. We were well pleased at an incident that occurred with some little boys anuH the Professors. While the boys wbr- ried Prof. Moses, Prof. Nobles worried the boys. We call that tact. Our country is on the go-ahead. Not far from here, (the school house) is a steam saw and grain mill, store, molasses mill, grog shop, country doc tor, and we have a cotton manufactory with one spindle, not run by steam but by a woman. AH seem to be actively at work. Mr. Isaac Lyerly and family havedU.,,,! lim w n ttlways be -proud got back irom Asnevuie, e gives it a a t n 1 bad name. He said it was so quiet down here that it put him in mind of a burying. I think that folks do best where they are raised. ,1 know that a a lot of them spend money that they always feel the need of. 1 was glai to sie Mr. Harrison, on the small farm principle we talked it to our friend McCubbins long ago. Who will be the hrst to trv it? . Could the old Confeds be induced to turn out some tiuwin October or No vember? We would be glad to see the 8th N. C. S. T., especially Co. K. . Long live the old Watchman and its aged editor. Your most old servant, Errant. Indians Studying Medicine. An Indian girl from the Hampton school is soon to enter the training school for nurses in New Haven. She is engaged to the son of a Sioux chief, who is studying in the Medical college at Philadelphia, and when they both graduate they will be married and re turn to the Indians and give them the benefit of skilled treatments Demor esfs Monthly. "Waiting and Watching.'' 0 ne by one the great men of the nation are coming to the candid support of Cleveland. Thurman, McDonald, Sunset Cox, Sickles, Henry Watterson, Senator Eustis and others; but Kitchen still stands out and the country breath lessly waits his coming. Goldsboro Argus. At the alleged request of the war de partment, Gov. Curtin, during the war, pardoned and turned out of the Pennsyl vania penitentiary a noted criminal to come South on a secret mission. Now Mr. Davis asks what mission was it that Gov. Curtin thought that criminal was to perform for his government. As a mat ter of fact t he war department repudiated the alleged request, and Gov. Curtin re voked his pardon. But on letters pur porting to be from the war department, Gov. Curtin did issue the pardon for the purpose that the man might come South on a secret mission. Now what was the secret mission? A friend at the North warned Mr. Davis at the time that the object was his assdssinatiou. Saleiah .Observer. Close economy is a better lesson to learn than how to make a large expen diture wisely. But this is a lesson that must begin at home. If a father teaches his son to be a spendthrift at home, he must not be surprised if he is a spendthrift at college. Inde pendent. State Democratic Conventions have, without exception, we believe, heartily endorsed President Cleveland's admin istration. Are you sad, despondent, gloomy? Are you sore distressed? Listen to the welcome bidding "Be at rest." Have you aches and pains unnumbered, Poisoning life's Golden Cup? Think not there's no balm in Gilead, and "Give it up." A Golden Remedy awaits you Golden not alone in name Reach, oh, suffering one, and grasp it, Health reclaim. Thers is but one "Golden" Remedy Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I It stands alone as the great "blood-puri-I fi3r," "streqgth-renewer" and "health-re-i storei ," of the age ! The Liver, it regu flates, removing! all impurities. The Lungs it strengthens, cleansing and i nourishing them. The whole system it builds up. supplying that above all o her things most ncededVpuro, rich Blood. Dirt as a Great Healer. I very much doubt if anybody with Yankee blood in his veins can ever be come the society dawdler our novelists are so fond of serving up in black and white for the delectation of their pes simist readers such as Ho wells and J James so aptly sketch with a free, hand; K.ifr T kflA . i fe h - 4-1-1. if L'l V , -u:- nrm UK. iiiiiiiiii - .iiiiii a a ill i v ( l i i i i i i i i would eradicate the disease ever, m its w -.rpvWv--.yr WUI8C SlciKrOi A BUI il ill men . g renh by their contact with . . , , the earth. Dirt is ti great healer, a great health giver, a many h child knows as he recalls his m,.inir d,. It is th hasp of an v ..... . -..j - j i,rl .n Mil niii'Lililo iov ii'' UllliUliUll i... i- l fl- Tl' eier oi ciass-aisiirifuouf. mis repug nance tu the pari of some people to own their plebeian ancestry is a human weakness which honest people despise and avoid: for if there is anything of which an American ougnt to be proud rimnM.af dlWpnt his nlehpian independence. One's forefathers may " 7 vT X T IT r not nave been voyagers in the May flower, or have stood among the "em a ... c a a jk . , 1 battled farmers of Concord, or have had a hand in the drafting of the con stitution: but I have no doubt that in some humble way they served served the common cause. It is enough to be of American birth in these days of growing civilization. Sylvesters "Prose Pastormls. The Order of Secretary Lamar With drawing the Indemnity Lands. Washingtou, D. C, August 15. Secre tary Lamar today revoked the order of withdrawal of the indemnity lands for the" benefit of the Pacific R. R. Co., and, in a letter to the Commissioner of the General Land office, directed that these indemnity lands be restored to settle ment under the pre-emption and home stead laws. He stated that between 25, 000,000 and 30,000,000 acres are involved in this decision in the ease of t he At Ian tic & Pacific Company alone. The above order also applies to all of the otherrail- roads named in the Secretary's rule of May 23 last, except the St. Paul, Minne apolis & Manitoba, the Hasting & Dakota, the St. Paul & Sioux City the Sioux City & St. Paul and the Winona & St. Peter's. These are still under consideration and undecided. John L. Sullivan has been presented by his admirers in "the Hub"' Willi a Itelt ol beaten bras, begilt and bcjcweled and inscribed "To the Champion of Champions." He has been worshipped long, but this is liis u nut lii-osis Hh is altont to visit ftriMm and happy to say that he belongs to Bos ton." That Boston also belongs to him, by virtue of his sTong right arm, it might le thought invidious to say; but certainly there's passing strangeness in the fact that the hero of the modern Athens stands' forth a bruiser. Ritleigh Oberccr. Gen. Neal Dow says that the prohibi tionists in 1888 will have their national con ven .ion and their national candidate. Cold water and woman suffrage mixed, he says, may be part of the mosaic Hoof ing ot the platform. The Kentucky militia at Morehead, Rowan county, believing prevention bet ter than cure, have seized and confiscated all the arms of the desperadoes they could find. A Tennessean named John Elder claims to' have discovered perpetual motion. The reader will never hear any more of it. Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self- control, these three alone lead sovereign power. life to tollable Towa Prapely for Sale By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan county, m the case of Hendersou N. Miller and others vs. Cal vin L. Miller and others, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, at the Court House door in the town of Salisburv. on Monday, the 5th day of September, 1887. the following tracts of land belonging to the estate oi uaiviu J. Miller, deceased : One traet situate in the Great East Square of the town of Salisbury on Ceme tery street, being the land conveyed by Mary L. Hudson and J. W. Hudson to Calvin J. Miller, by deed dated 17th May, 1881, and registered in Book 89, page 196, of the public Register's Office of Rowan county. Also another tract situate in the Great East Square of said town on Kerr street, being the laud conveyed by Benj. F. Fraley and wife to Calvin J." Miller, by deed dated 19th March, 1885, and regis tered in Book 64, page 508, of public Register's Office of said county. Also another tract lying on Kerr and Lee streets in said town, being the land conveyed by Benj. F. Fraley and wife to C. J. Miller, by deed dated 5th August, 1881, and registered in Book 65, page 740, of the Register's Office of Rowan county. Another tract situate in the South Ward of said town, on Lee street, adjoin ing D. A. Davis and others, being the land conveyed by M. L. Holmes and wife to C. J. Miller, by deed dated 11th July, 1872, and registered in Book 46, page 330, of the Register's Office of Rowan county. Terms of sale One-half cash, balance in 6 months. S. H. WILEY; Commissioner. By Craioe & Clement, Att'ys. July 28, 1887. 6t FOR SALE. One Brick House and lot, on the corner of Fulton and Kerr streets, about . one .acre in lot. One Frame House aud lot on Lee street. One Frame House and lot on Main street. Also shares in N. C. R. R. Enquire of Mrs. H. E. and Miss VIC TORIA Johnson at their home on Main street. 40;tf Wheat Wanted at Salisbury Roller mills. Will buy, giving the highest market price for Wheat; will exchange, giving from 30 to 40 lbs. of Flour per bushel, owing to grade of Wheat and the grade of Flour wauted, or will grind lots of 25 bushels and upward, giving the Flour made from such lots when preferred. If first class work, good results, or high prices arc desired, call at Mills. Respectfully. 41:2t. P BROWN. A TtaTMe S uracal Operation A FATAL MISTAKE. The Cleveland (Ohio) Press, of February 23d, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal surgical operation which caused a great commotion among med ical men throughout the whole country. Dr. Thaver, the most eminent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It appears that a Mrs. King had been suffering for many years from some disease of the stom ach, which Lad resisted the treatment of all the physicians in- attendance. The disease commenced with a slight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a peculiar .indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling that lias been described as a faint "all pone" sensation, a sticty slime collecting abo"ut the teeth, causing a disagree able Taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. After a while the hands and feet became cold and sticky a cold perspiration. There was a constant tired and lan- guid feeling. Tlien followed a dreadful nervousness, witn gloomy forebodings. Finally the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was held, when it was decided that the patient had a cancer in ie stomach, and in order to save the patient's life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 22d of February, 1883, the opera tion was performed by Dr. Vance in the presence of Dr. Tuckerman, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Arms, Dr. Gordon, DrrCapner, and Dr. Hidliwel 1 of the Police Board. The operation consist ed in laying open tLc cavity of the abdomen and exposing the stomach ami bowels. When this had been done an examin ation of the orgaiu was made, but to the horror and dismay of the doctoi-s there was no cancer to be iouud. The pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the medical men discovered that they had made a terrible mistake ; but they sewed the parts together and dressed the wound that they had made, but the poor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hours. How sad it must be fur the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a surgical operation that ought never to have been performed. If this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration (for this was what the disease really was), she would have been liv ing to-day. S ii a k. Kit Extract of Roots, or Skigels Curative Syrup, a remedy made ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, has restored many such cases to perfect health after all other kinds of treatment have failed. The evidence of its efficacy in curing this class of cases is too voluminous to be published here ; but those who read the published evidence in favor of this dyspeptic remedy do not question its csonvincing nature, and the article has an extensive ata EiY-s catarrh CREAM BALM Cleanses the Head. A l lavs Inflimma tion. Heals thePWPFEYER Sores. Bestorei the Senses of Taste, SmallHsaring. L quickReliel A positive Cure HAY-FEVER A panicle la applied into each nostril, and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at rtruarjrlsts; ry mail registered. 60 cents. ELY BROS., New York Office 235 Greenwich Street. HAY FEVER Is an Inflamed condition cf the lining membrane of the nostril-, tear ducts and throat, affecitnjf the lungs. An acrhl mucus is secreted, the dlscbarge Is accompanied with a burning sensation. There are severe spasms ot sne zlnjr. frequent attacks ol headache, watery and inflamed eyes. Ely's Oream B ilm Is a remedy that can be depended upon to relieve at once and euro. r-.t. BOARDERS WANTID Mrs. Metlernaeh will take a few table boarders at $9.50 per month. GOOD FARE. T'p stairs, next door to Miss Jones' Milliuary store, Maj. Cole's Build ing. May 12th 1887. If You Wish Go ,d Article Ot Plug Tobacco, ask your dealer foi "Old Rip." aSSt 'fia'-in AM VSfA Mrs. J. P. Bou:ehd. "... I JaV nee Miss M. C TAAFFE.) Bgs leave to say to her frl nds and the lady public that she Is talrly well settled In heraew place, east i end ot Main street, and ready to serve them In her specialty with best possible attention and sldll. Po 1 .i-.aai mt OO the favor to call. January , 1887. Administrator' Kale. Having taken out letters of administra tion upon the estate of David Morgan, I will sell the personal property belonging to the estate at the late home of David Morgan, on Tuesdaj', the J6th August next, including a buggy, wagon, harrow and household and kitchen furniture aud farming tools. Terms of sale, cash. All persons indebted to the estate of David Morgan are requested to make settlement, and all persons having claims against the estate are notified to present tnem to me on or before the 21st day of July, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JACOB MORGAN, Adm'r of David Morgan. 83:6t. !.'V IS! EL? tiring Ad-moy of N. W. AY ER SON. our authorised asenta. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXSJUf? TION. By virtue of executions directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Rowan county, North Carolina, in favor of Lewis II. Cole & Co., and Gates & Brown against J. D. McNeely, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on Mon-d.-.y, the 22d day of Angust, 1887, at the Court House door in Salisbury, at the hour of 12 M., the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at the West Corner and intersection of Inniss and Corbin streets, in the town of Salis burv. and runs thence with Inniss street W. 45 N. 53 feet, thence W. 45 S. 22 feet, thence W. 45 N. 20 feet, thence W. 45 E. 6 feet, thence with the middle of the brick wall E. 45 S. 73 feet and 3 inches to Corbin street, thence with Cor bin street E. 4o N. 28 feet to the begin ning, to satisfy said executions duly is sued upon docketed judgments which are a lien upon said real estate. C. C. KRIDER, Sheriff. Julv 14th, 1S87. 4t:pd 50: ACRES of -oi;1 :in,, G miU from Salisiiui'v. r.n the Coneoid road enns reasonable lorcasli. 51: VlNKXkY LCDWICK. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RDUTE. Richmond & Danville Railroad. IN EFFECT JTJT5T24, 1887. Trains Run By 7n Meridian Time. ! DAILY SOUTHBOUND y,r n Lv. New York 4 4' A M , 4 P M Philadelphia 7 6 57 " " Baltimore 43 " 9 tl " Washington1 11 21 " ll oi " " Charlottesville a 35 P M 3 mi A M ' Lynchburg 5 60 " 5 03 hk-hmond I 3 lc " , 2 30 BurkesvUie 5 17 4 25 Kevsvil e 5 66 5 04 Drcke s Branch-: 10 " 5 21 Danville 8 50 " oi Greensboro 10 41 " 9 4S Goldsbojo 3 so t l P M KaMgh 5 m tl 00 A M Dur'aam 6 41 " 2 37 " Chapel -'111 ts 00 ' HUlsborro 7 40 3 32 " Salem I t7 20 " 6 30 " High Point 11 is lo 16 " Salisbury 12 39 AM ll S3 nr. S 'tes U'.c 12 31 I'M Ashevllle 5 38 ' lP)t Springs 7 33 I.v.Concord 1 20 n r.9 A M Charlotte 2 25 " 1 00 P'M " Spar lunurg 5 36 " 3 34 " t ree n Ule 6 ro " 4 is ii Ar. Mia ti 1 20 P M 10 40 " 1 DAILY. NORTHBOUND! x "xo 58. Lv. Atlanta 1 T tu c M 8 40 A M Ar. tireenville 1 04 AM t 31 p M ' Spirtanhurg 2 18 " a 46 " Charlotte 03 44 i 6 23 44 Concord 6 01 ' 7 93 44 4- Salisbury 6 43 44 si 44 " Illsrli Point 7 5 ; 44 i 9 is 44 ' Greensboro s 2s " 9 40 44 ' Salem 1 30 ,l ti2 30 AM HiUsboro 12 07 P M ' 2 23 A M " Durham 12 47 43 30 44 Chapel Hill 1 20 44 44 U i 1- u 2 10 " t 30 44 o.dshoro 4 30 4 1 ;o 44 Danville luwi AM 1129 PM 4 Drake's Itranch 12 41 P M 2 44 A M 44 Keysvllle l 00 44 3 02 41 44 Burkesvlile 1 40 44 ; 3 53 44 11 hmond 3 r 44 6 13 " 4 Lynchburg 1 in P M ! 2 o " 4 1 harlotusvllle 3 40 " 4 lo 44 ' Washington 8 23 4- s 10 " ' Bi'limoie 11 v5 44 1 to on 44 Philadelphia 3 A M I 12 35 P M ' New V01 k 6 20 " 1 3 20 Dally. t Dally, excoot Sunday. t Mondays, Wedne days and Fridays. SLEEPING-CAB, SERVICE?- On train no 50 and 51, Pullman Buffet Sleeper belweeii Atlanta and New York. On trains 52 and 53, Pullman Buffet Sleeper be tween Washington and Montgomery; Washington and Augusta. Pullman sieener bet ween IMchmond and Greensboro. Pullman sleeper between Greens boro and KilelKh. Pullman Parlor Cur between Salisbury and Knoxvllle Through tickets oa sale at Principle stations, lo all points. For rates and Information, apply to any agent of the Company, or lo Sol. Haas, Traffic Manager. J. iv F its, Dir. Pam. Ajt. Jas. L.Taylor, Gen.Pa. Agt. Richmond, Va. - TRADE ECZEMA ERADICATED. Gentlemen It is dae yno to my that 1 think I am entirely well of eetemti aftri haviA, taken Swift's SpeeiOc. i have been trotitiied with it very little in my fare since last 8irin?. At the bejrinnine of cold weather Ui fall it made a siiirtit appearance, bat went awi.y and nae never returned. S. S. S. no doubt broke it u: at least it put my voteui in ;ood t onditioti and I gut i 1 It ala benefited my wife vr atlv in of sick headache, aud made a perfect cure uf a bretdstuK out OA mv little three year ufd dau.'l.ter lat mitimcr. WatkiMvflkj, tia., Feb. ft, J8M6. Ksv. JASli V. M. 3IO"TfJS. Treatise UW and Skin Diseaae mailed free. L J Tuk PROFESSIONAL CARLS. atERKCRAIGE. L. H. CLEMliK CRAIGE CLEMENT, Attorncvs A.t X- vcv Jalisbukt, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 188!. - NEW FIRM. -0- Thc Undersigned have entered into co-partnership for the purpose of comhtet ing the GROCERY and PRODfcp COMMISSION business, to date fron, March 28, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. McNEELY & TYSpx, The undersigned t ale h this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friends for their patronage, aud asks the con ti nuance of the same to the NEW FIRJ, He will alwavs be on hand to serve tta patrons of the XEW FIRM. 27:tf J. D. McNEELY. THE STAR A Xtwaanprr BMaHlag the Principle, .f a Democrat U- A tlmiuisl r:i I Ion. Published i n the City of New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER. Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, An Eight-page Newspaper, Issued every Wednesday. A clean, pure, bright aud lutc-rcatlng FAMILY. PAPER. It contains the latest new, down to the hour of going to press. Agricultural! Market, Fashion, Household, Financial and Commercial, Political, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Departments, all i:nder the direction of trsiael jiiurnallatN cf the hihcrt ability. Its column. be found crowded with good things from beginUngta end. Original stories by distinguished American anil foreign writers of fiction. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS. Free of Potaie in the Cnltad States anl Canada, outside lb limits of New York City. ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. clubs of 10 to tl." same P. O. address, ath an additional copy to orgnn aer of Crao, . . $: FOR THREE MONTHS, on trial, 25 cents ftpectnl terns and extraordinary Induce, n 'nii in agents and cauvaaaera, Scud lor Circular. THE DAILY STAR. TftB Daily Eti contains ell the nevrs of the dsy 'a an aitriclitc form. Its specta I correspondence by rabli from London, Paris, Ucrlin, Vienna and Dublin, i , a e.- nm en dable feature. At AV.ishlngton, AH-sny. and other news centers, the ablest correspondent?, fpeclally retained by Ths mis, furni!i the latest news by telegraph. Its lit' rary feature" are unsurpa??ed. The Kinanclal aud Market Keviews are unusually tS.l and complete. TERK5 CF THE DAILY STA.t TO SUBSCRIBERS. Free cf Postage! O the United fiat-s and Canada; out- sMe Hue liuiitsof New Vovk t lty. Every Day, for on e y ear 1 includiug Sunday), 7 (Q Daily, without Sunday, one year, . . . (' Kvery Dav, fx nicnths, . ... 350 Dinlv, without Sunday, six months, . , . SO) Sunday, without Daily, one year, ... l.fjfl Address. rr j x M ' SIX Alt , Crcadwy and Park Place. Kew York WEAKlUNDEVELOPED .''.I- I j s 5 ': K l.tUHKH t'KVIU 1 'Ph I ' . 1 K N. I H I N ' l. I i.- - ; ' ; ii,- rir.TruTT that thryruTg?TTnce of hnm''H at'QT th'. t'n tri. r-oiurnrv .thn't'i ier or v r. Clri-nlr. gi .ti.: hi 1 1. VI n-'il r. n i...lr -11J I M MicaT)TosTr,?!7!Trrott' aemn.g " If 'out of sorts' with headache, stomach disorder, torpid liver, pain in back or side, con tipation, etc , neglect mav le t:tal. One dosi of Strong's Sanative Pills will give relict, A. few doej restoie to uew Leallh and vizor. GERMAN CABP: k can f Ornish carp ikc or s-niiill. In any auunt it v .for stot-klRK ponds Forteiins. address W. K. FRALEY, SaU labury, N. C i;:lf (HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on tire utvdersi'tied at NO. 2. Graiiit Kow. D. A. ATWELL. Agent for the "CardwellThreshcr. SalibUury, N. C, June 8th tf. Subscribe now for the Watchman. PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obtained, and all other business In the V. H. 1'utent OIli"f utt ended to for Modeiatc Fees. Our offlct- Is opposite rite I', s. Patt nt Office, and w e can obtain patents in less time than tbet-e re mote from Wasblr.gtcn. Send Model or drawing. We advise as to patent abillty free of chaigc; and make Ao c.aioe w.i.r ' Obtain I'atrnt. Weiefcr her to the Postmaster, the SnptrOf Money order Wtr and to effl.-lalsof the U. 8. Pat ent office. For circular, advbe, teims and refer ences to actual client s in your own si ate or county, write to C. A, SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent Office, VVahlugn n D. C. Oct. si.85. tf MARK. Swirr Spsctwtc Cn., Trawer 3, Atlanta, Us.

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