11 I'. J I i Caroliua Watckmai LOCAL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1S87. jfvsi mttntf f r Inform itiooon m iltersatl Ti lin- ii- i wr UImw i-iy-"AaverUstd Kc.iAman." . - i S it) 3C ription Rates. fU...tiliici-iitioii rates of the Uaroltmi WakhMiin area hittmvs : I'"' ? A I :n 1 vear, paiu m auviuice, fifiM iiaviirl delayed 3riW2.00 1(a Bi't del'ed 12 uio's2.oU 'oltim J Yjgo, Wartace aud Thomas McNeely entered College at Davidson. have j lYof. Joe Denek', who is rripr u icicd ' her. as i he finest planut this town ever ucaru pci-forn. is giving recitals ut Abbe ville. There is never any trouble for hi in to get att audience in Salisbury. The Baptists of this jrfaee have not yet called a pastor to take the place of Rev, Mr. Tuttle, resigned, but will probably do so in a short time. Mr. Tuttle will re turn to a former charge at Norfolk, Virginia. If the whole of Mr. Theo. V. Kluttz's building is to be in keepiug with the foundation, which is now about comple ted, there will be no more substantial edifice in this country. Have you notic ed that there is more attention paid to building better and more substantial residences, especially frame work aud bundation, since the earthquake of 1886? some good work on our side Total Revenue collections for the 5th pUtrict for August $113,?27.54. Business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. to light. Al: members will please attend. rDt. Crawford and his street worker tst doiag u-ilk.v distress Lavisa Lyerly, of Enterprize, Am . is visiting Mrs. W. X. Kluttz of -j - sii is place. A general opening of the town schools look place on Monday. Mrs. Coit's, Jas gill's and the Graded. Bt. Rev. BjpT$lmfi, of Charies- t; S. C, w1frpreae$ 3 the Church of the sJacred'Heart next Sunday. Mr. John A. Boyden and M. C. Quinn lave formed a copartnership for buying cotton and selling fertilizers successte the cotton part of it. We havea communication headed Onr Missionary Day with no post mark, and sve do not know where the Missionary meeting was hcJiJ, we omit it. Watch for the advertisement of the new firm Van Wyck and Schultz next week. Their goods will be all in then and they will have something to tell you. of the colleges in the state hav opened the full terms with flattering pros peetH. The attendance is larger than us ual at the hegining of the term. Our convicts under the supervision of Bridge Inspector Rohiuson is doing tome good work on the Lincoln ton road. W ulit to have nau tins system 10112 ajro Mrs. Joe Person, ' of kiftrells N. C proprietoress of the famous blood purifier "Mrs. Joe Persons R.un.uly, ' Mr. Editor -..As yoask for Items from tb different sections. I take pleasure in mpoiKtiiijfftoiii'r'ttriu-tii-oVe. Tlie far m being r.,st im;oruiu. .-, elaim my at tention tir.t. I;' you have not .een thruff h th.s com utiuity during the pres ent dccadV, uud i-ememtM: how the u.rai appeared in l7y, a trip now would be gratifying to you. Where the old black teuce, covered with brush and vines then stood, we now featve the best corn, cotton, &c. Where you then saw the barren field, you would now sec clover, peas and buck - wneat growing as a vegetable fertilizer. Besides this many of our farmers now have much better dwellings than you sow ten years ano. Ai for stock, it would w - - -J -t MINING DEPAETMEKT. I It f t4TflI 1 T. K. BIUNKli UlifTOK. RALIOU. K. C. BSI NRB CUfTOK, UALEIUH 8. A. & N. W. R B. The SoutV Atlantic North Western Railroad is not dead, says Mr. Risley in a letter to C. J. Cowlcs of Wilksboro, but on the contrary the bonds have all been placed to the amount of $7,000,000 and work will begin on or before the 1st of October at Smithville. We sincerelv hope this is so as the proposed road would do Salisbury lots of good. "2 The Gold Hill Mialnj Co. Limited. The shareholders of file old Hill mines, in this county, have Jheld an im portant meeting in London, for the pur pose of hearing reports from the mines and for raising money for the prosecution of the work at that place. )K, great deal of money has been spent at Gold Hill, srocrssoR to BARUCH, WiTTMSKY & ' Cluvrlotte, JV. C. HAS ONE OF THE but the worst enemv of the place will not osviirwl ' : 3 1 .. . r""""4 " v m ywur rwyuere 10 y that it was wisely spent. The trou- uear Home one reau tnat stock has im- u 1 u 1 ti i A . i proved ereatlv under tho SStt SvtZ b,e has WfT due tothe ignorance of fences. Some agreed that when this of ne men iu charge. This does not system would come into operation, stock mean that they were ignorant men, or woum oe scarce and high, and a poor that they were not educated in ft general man Ann H iw.f flRrrl tn ..... . ..1 . 1. 1 . ...!.! 0 ui auviu iu uiuviuc ui 1 mult? I i i : u..i :a ' . i 1. - iuiuiuk euse, oui il meauB xnai ine phets! Good beef and mutton sometimes ld H"' property cannot be successfully go begging at 5 and 6 cents per pound: treated in the ordinary way. It must be k in tho i arrest was in of- her tovu this vjck edicine. The Western brin i al..i 1 oYMountain tourist--, every day, whp are homeward bound. Tliere has n3t bean the usual BUtnber of visitors to the "Land of the ty" this summer. ! The )irt l'il nf nou- cnHnn ums hr.-nnrht J ' lotown la?t Tuesday ly Geo. L. Kluttz. m strict midland; weight' 451 puu:idx and brought lOetsa pound, ft was bought tlbydea & Quinn. With a supply of ho3e, and a well or 4pnized reel company, with the present efficient hook and ladder company, the days of big fires in Salisbury will he a thing of the past. Dr. Rumple and family returned from Blowing Rock last week. Tne usual vigor and earnestness, which charac terizes Dr. Uuniple's preaching, was man ifest in his sermons hist Sunday. The Raleigh Sewerage System is esti mated to cost One hundred thonsand'dols- Jars! but she is going to have it all the ame. It is a settled fi'u. f, that seweraRe isa necessity, where ever there is a water apply from a stand pipe or reservoir. The reduced fare to pfell idelphia nest week, tickets "irood for ten davs. Will no doubt induce a large number to attend .fte Centennial exercises.- Several Sal is- borians have signified their intention of nsiting the Quaker City during the to-do. )So less than seven bears were in town Ust Thursday evening. Three different two wheeled carts with donkeys attached Md bears chained to them came in, driv tnby a rough looking set who-from per- wnal appearance, were as brutish as the" four footed animals. . A society for the prevention of cruelty to animals would be a good thing iu Sal- ttbjiry. We often see horses driven trough the streets that are so poor that . - wejr can hardly get along. . A Society "hat would make it their business to push these cases would be a good moye. ' ; Owing to most of the colored polls fine Sena rat p from th white noils in two of the township books we got' the dumber wrong. Atwell shouldltave been colored polls and Steele 52. This wiR ke some difference in the figures but much outside of the polls.; - there will be a meeting of the Methc wts from the surrounding count ry- at Uncord, begining on Friday the 9tl will be Present, .and ivill nrnh nn ftnn- . , ..... r . ..... Tb(i new. president of Trinity Col Rev. t'rowell. will also be present Attention Cotton Buyers. We give below an act that was passed at our last Legislature and ask every per von who buys seed cotton to read it It I mav aivs tKnm Sfimri t An acCjo regulate the sale of teed cotton.' Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to buy, sell, deliver orreceive for a price, or for any reward whatever, any cotton in the seed where the quantity is less than what is usually baled, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The persou so buying or receiv ing seed cotton as aforesaid shall euter upon a book to lie kept by him or her for such purpose the date of such buying or receiving, the number of pounds in each lot, the person or persons, from whom bought or received, aud -the price paid for same per pound, and shall keep said book open for inspection by the public at all business hours of the day. Sec. 3. Any person buying or receiving seed cotton, who shall fail to keep the book as aforesaid, or shall fail or neglec t tj make therein the entries aforesaid at the time of such buying or receiving, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine not ex ccedine nftv dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 4. In all prosecutions under this act it shall only be necessary for the state to allege and prove that the defend ant bought or received the seed cotton as charged, and the burden shall be upon t he defendant to show that tho nrovisionsJ of this act have been complied with. Sec. o. This act shall be in force and effect from aud after its ratification. Ratified the tth day. of March, 1887. aud there is a much better suppIv Of irood butter, and a razor-back, pine-rooter is an extinct species of grunting genius. The wtieai ana oats crop of this summer i? good and the present prospect for corn and cotton is as fine as we ever had. Farmers used less commercial fertilizers this year than common and have smaller store accounts. J heard one sav the other day he would lnmll v know how to behave this fall When he would sell his cotton-! and why? Because ali the mon ey would be his. Poor fellow. In short I think the farmers prospect is good. I really believe the number of farmers who carefully studied and a clear comprehen sion had of the occurrence and. character o f t he ores, together with the most availa ble and economical metallurgical treat ment of. the rather refractory ores. All these things go into the make up of the man who will succeed at Gold Hill. He must be an economical student, an earnest seeker after the means necessary to the ultimate success of the mine.' The company has arranged to raise the finds needed, and the work is to be con are deepty interested and highly proud ducted with a view of-mktity$'the 'mine five miles from here a raau is offered $17 fcperiere for his laud, which was consid ered dear a few years ago at about one nair mat price. Another piece was bought a few years since at $14 per acre and now the owner refuses $20 for it. This all goes to show farmers are being improved or that money is more plentiful where is the mat; that will any it is the latter? I almost forgot to say fruit is scarce and melons plentiful. As for China Grove itself: it is improv ing in appearance and that is a sure index of its business status. R. S. W. Sechlei has lengthened and heightened and other wise improved his store. D. J. Carpentei has up a. new sign, painted and placed by a Stilisburian. Patterson & Corrihei are recovering their brick store. By thi way, if any of your readers intend to put on a tin roof, let me advise them not to adopt tne plan on which this hou. e was covered. They are changing the plan The roof was put on in 1881. J. M. Wine coff has his new store covered. M. P. Cline, Winecoff & Eddleman and Patter son & raiterson are maxing no improve meats ot which 1 know only in the wav of high prices for country produce and low prices for goods. The chicken trade of this place is a big thing, about 500 being shipped daily. Lape s oeet stand on tiic common is a new thing. If you want something that is really first class just send out on Tues day moruing. Mr. Lipe is just about as successful 'in producing and selliug good beef as at canvassing for the Watchman. China Grove Academv, under the man agement of Rev. R. II. Cline, is m sue eesoful operation. Rev. Robt. . Petna will preach in the Lut hern church next Sunday. ; C. W . Cokriher China Grove, N. C, Aug. 9, '87. LARGEST STOCKS OF CARPETS . In the South, AN1 OFFEK8 THEM AT PRICES, WHICB AN NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY THE LARGEST DEALERS IX NEW YORK. CPON APPILC'ATION. ESTIMATES furnished without charge 46:lt. V . .. . MECKLENBIM fa ¬ ll IRON WORKS. V . mi - CHARLOTTE. N. C. County Commissioners Meeting. - The Board . of County Commissioners met according to adjournment on Mon day, Sept. 5th, '87. Present T. J. Sumner, W. L. Kluttz, C. F. Baker, J. S. McCubbins and L. W. Coleman. The following is the most important business transacted. J. F. Robinson. Bridge Inspector, was ordered to examine the race across the public road leading from China Grove to Orgah Church, at Dr. Phillips Mill, and if practicable to have it nlled up and to examine the creek ou same road near the James Koseman isriCK House aud it a good ford can be made to take the old bridge away. An appropriation of $15 was made to ward building a bridge across Sechlers spring branch in Atwell township Ordered that J. F. Robinson, overseer, work the convicts ou the public roads trom 7 o clock a. m. until 12 o clock m. and from 1 o'clock p. in., until C o'clock p. m., except on Saturdays, he is to stop them from work at o'elock p. m., aud further ordered, that he keep said convicts in custody from the time they are taken from jail until re turned to the jail. Ordered by the Board that J. F. Robin- sou overseer be paid $1.50 a day and al necessary guards $1.00 a day. - Lieense was granted J. W. Ham mill to retail spiritious liquors, wines, Ac., by measure not to exceed one quart until the first day of January next. ".. , ! The Petition of Maj. S. W.Cole to have i - ' il : t i : a ? j'- a reauciion in me valuation ior taxes or the First National Bank stock was not granted. Ordered by the Board that all neces sary, water works and aparatus necessary for cleaning the county jail be put in as soon as possible. . Dr. J. J. Summerell, Sup't of Health, and Adam M. Brown, keeper of the poor each made their reports, and said reports were accepted and filed. LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. C, for the week ending Sept. 3, 1887. & F. C. Co. W To preach. A special car passed through Salisbury wi fctaturday with this placard ou each ,u 1 Ins is a car load of Missinir Link Solid South Tobacco, manufactured rJgust, 188MSpr H. Hanes .J Winston, N.C.,- exprefslv for wagener & Co., of Charleston, S. uers of a good chew. Try it." r ... ujucrw, auMiorizeti agent tho Oxford Orphan Asylum, is in the Jghborhood with a two horse wagon K1"g up contributions for the asylum. W ?oes out ... v v 1 1 i j ..uki ni- ln8that the people will givJ him, then Vu tne railTOHit and shin-i. nin no wnai rn v can "ktuution Trading Ford Items. sepi. tKi, i&h The farmers are done breaking land and readv for sowing wheat and oats. There has been too much rain for cot ton. Mr. Geo. Long has comp'eted his store and is now furnishing it with new goods. Messrs Abraham Miller & Co. threshed 7820 bushels of wheat. The stand pipe in Salisbury can be seen from Trading Ford Curch a distanee ol eight miles. The protracted meeting at Bethel church closed on Wednesday, Messrs. Dr. Bobbit and Rev. Fisher, officiating. 1 he meeting was attended by a large and appreciative audience; and very ap propriate and eloquent dn?cotirses were delivered. Old Joe. in shape for permanent operation. All who are Interested in mining In the S ate, hope for the success of this vei ture. OTHER MIXES IK THE DISTRICT. There are six or eight mines, immc diately adjoining the Gold Hill property. that are about to be placed on the Eng lish market. The property included in this scheme are the Hunnicutt, Stockton. Standard, McMackin, (old Union.) Town send, Trout man and Mauney mines. Thte is probably the finest group of mines that could be gotten together iu so limited an area, within the borders of any of the Southern States. They are not mere prospects, but are proven mines of value. They have been worked to sufficient ex tent to prove in a degree their worth. We hazard nothing in asserting that no such group of mines have been offered-on any market at such ad van ; age as this pro perty, in the present instance. The Hand-Books-of the State speaks, in flattering tjrins of all these mines. REPORTED SALE OF THE SAM CHRISTIAN. Rumor has it that the Sam Christian mine has been sold to an English syndi cate for $1,000,000 ! One million dollar.-! There is not a true friend to the -mining industry of the State but wishes that this is not true. If it is so, it is a great ei fraud than the Stanly Freehold, grab But we incline to the opinion that there- is a mistake, tor 31 r. Armstrong, wno is iti charge of the mine, told the writer that the mine was about to be placed for $200,000 on the English market. . This would have been a reasonable price and w'ould have given sufficient capital for the development of the property. These wild schemes, or grabs, are', the bane of mining in this State, and have been for vears. It seems that there is no desire for legitimate work, but an inordi nate and insatiate desire for speculative gain. It is wrong, and the mines of the State cannot prosper until this spirit drives place to honest energv and skilful work. COMBINED WITH GREAT REDACTING POVKB. Thty art a Transparent and Col rlets as Liht Jttelf. And tor softness of en-lurance to tbe eye can not j be e c etiea. en iDiiutf ine. we trer w reaa ior aoura w. tn ui fatigue, in iact, they are . ferffect Sight Preserver. FROM THE QOVERXOR OF LOUISIANA. Baton Rouos La.. Jan. H..1NS, 1 MR. A. K. Hawses: Dear Mr I desire to testify . to tue great superiority of ourCrystalllzed Lenses. rney eomntae great DruiiaBcy whu soilness ana i itleasantLe to tbe eye, more tbau any I Uave e er J foubU. 8- D. -atCKNEKY, Got. of Louisiana. HE .0 MM ENDED BY GOV. IRELAND. Austin, Texas, Aug. ?, 1S85. To Mr. A. K. Hawkkb: Dear Sir It gives me pleasure to say mat i nave oeen using yourgunses forkome time past wlib much sattsf action. For jleai ness, softness, and for ali purposes intended. tney are not surpassed uy any tnat i nave ever worn. I would recommend them to ail who want a supe lor glass. I am very respectfully you is, J i mi. ii;r.L.i.M). Governor of Texas. Ei-GOVERNOR HUBBARD 8AY8. Austin, Tkxas, March 3, 18SS. Mk. a. K. Hawses: Dear Sir am much pleas ed with tbe puniiscoplc glasses you so perfectly adapted to my ees; with them I am enabled to reau, as in my youin, tne nnest print wnu tne greatest ease. I caeerfully recommend tbem to the public. R spectfu:ly. jf. n . mnn.iiiu, ( Ex-G jvernor of Texas) Minister to Japan. Sight Improved. New Yoke City, Apiil T, 18S4. Mr. A. K. HawkeS: Dear sir our patent cyt- jlasseB received some lime since, and am very m'icb gratlfl d at the wonderful change tbat ha- . . . .. V. . ........ 1 I..,,.,-. h.I.jI ... ld glasses, and am now wealing i ours. ALEXANDER AGAR, Bank Book Manufacturer and Secy St.Uonets Board of Trade. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed by I. E. STEERS, Druggist, Salisbury, N. C. These glasses arc not supplied to peddlers at ny jrlce. fctsm - '- . .- - i '.' -'.-.', WtM I as z hL Hi I 1 0 Corn,hPump prmmct McWUnburqrcn "rk S S pmmmJ CrtoHorta W f CHEAP! CHEAPER!! Correspondence Solicited. JOHN WIL ES, Editor Watchman: In your last issue you set down the number of coloredcpoles in Atwell township as four.i This is cer tainly quite a mistake, and you got mix ed up again and need to correct. Your strictures on the valuation of horses and mules I think are not just to the owners nor the assessors. Did you notice that iu e'even of the townships the' average value qf horses is remarkably ti ni form and in the twelfth (Salisbury) it it is not great'y in excess of the common average. Now this was not the resu't ol any prearranged rue. but is .the sworm verdict of thirty-three assessors. The taxable value of a horse or any article of property is not what A would pay B for it, but what the owner or the State could realize for the property in case it should become necessary to sell a number of horses or a large amount of land at one and the same time. You remember an instance when the Federal govern ment had the big mule sale here after the war. B. CHEAPEST A PME Coipr. SEEKII G MISCELLANEOUS NOTES, j : Frof. W. K. Ilulden is conducting an examination, aud some little mining, near Anderson C. H. in South Caro lina. He is taking out corundum of a good qualitv, and in quantity to lead him to expect better returns in a short tune. The Garrett Land and Jdve Stock C with headepjarters near fcpruce rme, in Mitchell county, this State, are preparing an exhibit of the various minerals and other products of their possessions to be p'aced permanently in New York city. They are large dealers in mica, and othei commercial minerals. Samuel Smith G H Smith SC Smith Julia E Hcilig B N Murfie Charlotte Murphy Maggie Hargrave Geo Bush W E Glossell SutiaHall ' London Krider Mary Lilly Neely Maul us Nicholson M A Fl era in or Clarence Brown col Thos Slater .Hoy fof this Mrs Sam'l Smith J A Bernhardt E A Bnidshaw John Brice Julet Carter J G S Earnhart Adline Garrett Bettie Shores Mary Steele col A J Stine Liser Caldwell A'ice Williams I) C Warner Francis Womaek Please say advertised when the above letters are called for. A. H. P.OYIEN, P. f. A new Protet4iut Episcopal church is to ut built at Charlotte, iu which tbe rdoirhzafton known us St. Peter's will ' . Manning. N. C. Mr. Ed. WatehnSan-Pyrpiit me a few lines in your paper m order to cornet sotnc inistukis that the Host Mill eorrvjKndeni has made. In the In Rt, place he made a tn is take in. the postmaster. - I don't flunk there rs any ly that name a;i reronl. Tin next is atMtut Cobble's cotton, if he makes eight bales he will do well. The a xt is about the Miv-innurv Jubilee at Salem. If the ladies of this neighborhood e-omt'S out with their baskets full of nice cake 01 the 2d of NoveiubeK-they will be fooled. There is no J obi Ice' at Salem on that thy. Mr. M. S. C seems to run ahead s une two imniths of the time. I would advise Mr. C 10 yo an I see the post master and lesM-n hi. ame before he writes again. Always be sure you are right and then .o ahead, so as ilie writer. Yoqrs, A. E. B. MThen let the moon usurp the rule of dav, And winking tapers show the ' sun his way ; For what my senses cau perceive, I need no revelation to believe." Ladies suffering from any of the weak nesses or ailments peculiar to their sex, and who will use f)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription acording to directions, will evperience a genuine revelation iu the benefit they will receive. It is a positive cure for the most complicated and obsti nate cases of leticorrheaj.exeessive flow ing. painful inenstruatiou. unnatural suppression, pro apsus, or tuning ot the womb, weak baek, "female wreakiiess,'? anleveraioo, retro vbrs.iou, bearing-down seujatioiis, -iiAinie eougesaou, inflLuima uialiou an 1 ulceraticru of tlie wumb, in flammation, pain and tenderness in ova r!ei, acewupanied f!fch "internal heat" Subscribe to the Watcuman. Work is progressing satisfactorily r.t the Catawba mine, near King's Mountain, in this State. They have been moving steadilv for nearly two years, and the -it nation warrants tbem in-the continua tion of the work. 1 hey have demon strated the value of the mine, and will -how to the public at no distant day the reason for the faith that is in them. Just received a nice line of SILVER JEWELRY, Rhine Stone Combs. Heck and Hair Ornaments, At PRICES that will astonish you. Call and sec them and be convinced. Respectfully,. W. II. REISNER, The Jeweler. HOME Patronap. AGENTS In all Cities, Towns and Villages in the Soutk. A STRONG CoipaiJ -PROMPT ! leMe! Literal! TOTAL ASSETS, - RHODES BROW'S", Ikrsi&tnt. William C. C'oabt Smctarr. 1750,000 00. J. ALLEN BROWN, Resident Agent, Salisbury, N. C. 27: ly Sut scribe for the Carolina Watchman. LU t m M : 1 1 W4L1'mIuii;m iaiid to . . . nKMUfKKi 1. : :.:.... ,1 .. "ffitr? a tuv proportion .uiuumiiiuuiiuiueai' VUMMUWMUU Of USD or w SEWiKAL PASTILLES .att n 0SO trasilfs A KmdialDarafa?KeroaaIeirilitr.U: WeakiieMnn(CbTstctIocnTin VonnrrorM mm Ared Man. Tested ior Fiebt Yoers in T T5d and broken inwn rain tnOtefnll enjoyment ot p rfee and toll Manl Strencth and Vigorona JleaKtu TO hoaa who anile r from the mnr Obscoro diseases T-rcntf ht nbout by Indiwrotioa, Ex-oiniro,0r-Brin Work, or too frao Tndn Igr pre. ro ask that you send U3 nmr tiaiaa with rt nt em en t. of roar troable. ana secure TSIAI,VAOKAOMPRJ'.K.wlh Jllcst'd Tamphlotr, I lie fortom L-nutlc. and all Onacki, vhuasoaly aim i3 voblosd their rio luin. TkllO C oL H12 PJLMKET thl U3 ICl UEO t.oacaudi. does tot lnterfcrt wuh a.tention to butts eas, cr eaafemaitr1 criw-jtivuncrre in env rsr Four i 1 Kicr.t.Co toedical HfafeG !KScrt ippiirationtn the arat ol diaeaaa it ipjcfilij Maaala felt wtthaat deter. Thaaatar l waatedaairnaime elemcrta of life are flrerfbaek. the patio. becomcacaerfalanl rapadlriiainaboth CroisthandluatU TBEATMEMTr Oao Marta. sa . finKflcW. tlree, CZ HARRIS REMEDY CO., Krx CfttKSra, soon jr.Tantnetreet.tsx.ijcrrTS. 1:0. ask ror Tertnsz RVPTURSO PERSONS cart havo FREE Trtal of our Appliance 25rlv The barvtamills in Madison county have been kej t busy this summer grind- in' that material for market. JL M. JL The mines 111 Montcomer- county are keeping up their production. There art three of them that at-e making a regular output : The Russell, Appalachian and the Genessee. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizcn-v-t&:6f every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. fy. M VERTICAL PLUHGZR. There has beeu recent enqviry for ochre. Those who have workable beds of this material, are -invited to nn.ke il known through these columns. -; The Richmond and Danvil'e R. R. will make an ex uausti ve exhiliit of the mineral and hard wood resources of their lines of road, at the approaching Atlanta Exposition. Those living along that line of road and desiring to place any thing on exhibition at tht place, should cor respond with Cunt. C. C. 31c! hail, Thomasville, N. C. Chicago, Sept. 5. A TVmcfspecial from Woolwich, Texas, saya: The house of Perry Buchanau was burued Saturday with its contents. One gir! about five years old was burned to death, another about three years old cannot possibly live, and one about ten years may recover. Mrs. Buchanan had her arms burned to the elbows. The-ten year old child wa o it in the yard out of alt danger, but 'ookin back she saw the flames surround her litt'e three year old sister, aud ran back to the tire and brought her out, suf fering the penalty of being almost burned to death for her bravery. The fire orgi nated from a cook-.tove, . Regular Horizontal Piston. w9 w MS . Sm mmm 4 The most' ; simple, durable and effective Pump in the market for Minos, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wellp, Fin duty and general manufacturing purposes. J'Seud for Catalogue. Tie A. S. CAM1BO8 STEAM POMP f OBE, Foot ok East 23iii Stiikkt, Nkw Yoi:a. j worship. The cost is estimated at ?10,000 ' - 1 1 . 1 - - 1 , 3 -

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