' - - SALISBURY V. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Id, 1887. 0 47 The Carolina atchman. VOL XVIII,THIRD SERIES, SSS9t WKSSaMBiMSe&i Tiu' k':"S lritc the best of i: e, rr j i A MOUNTAIN HABBIA0E. f 1 1 JS lllill lll Unfailing Specific for Liver Disease. ttffiflDTAIIfif ntM v l4 UUs In OIlTir lUISlOt mouth; tongue -oa?nl wliitt'orcov'f'n'd with a hrowu fur; rutin in tiii' huclt, sldo. or joint often in Utauu n fur KUoO mutism;- hour atomitch: Iomh uf iviputite; sometime ntua a in I water I, rush, or 1 adltrostien ; flutuleni-y and acid eructations; bowels alternately ivnitlvi; r.i id lax ; headache ; lotus of memory, w Ith a painful KeiiKatiou of having failed to do n m-tliiuK which ought to have been done; ; debiUtjr; low uptrita: a thick, yellow :tu jiearanee of the niln sod eyes; a dry rouch; fJWfia restleMn-a; the uriiif is ranty unHKh colored, arid, u allowed stand, depflftiw a aedhuenfc SIMMONS LIVES REGULATOR (PURCLV VEGETABLE) I j-enerally used in the i-Wroth to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with sxiraordinary efficacy on the iver, Kidneys, AND Bowel Complaint, Thoroughly demise the. blood, which Is tho fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce. Gold en Medical Discovery, and jrood digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of constitution will bo established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humor, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the -worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Es pecially has it proven its efficacy in curingr Pntt-rhnum or Trttor. Fever-pores, Hip-Joint Disease. Scrofulous Sores a ndT Swelling En lanrcd Gland?, and Eating Ulcere. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump tion i which 13 Scrofula of the Lungs), by Its wonderful Hood-purifving. imiprorntingv and nutritive proportiPS, For Weak Lungs, Spit ting of Blood. Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, .Severe Crtajjhs, Asthma, and kindred alfec tions. It fera sovereiim remedy. It promptly cures the wriagl (.'ouetIis. For Torpid Titver. lilionie?s, or " Liver Complaint." Dyspepsia, and Indigestion.1 It is an unequalled remedy. Sold by druggists. DB. PfFHCTS PFf.f.F.TS - Antl BiliotiB and Cathartic. Sic. a vial, by druggists. laria. Vyapepsla, tuck Head actio, ConHtipatloD, lULhiuaneaa, Kidney A flection, Jaundiee. Mental loprosioi, Colic Endorsed by the use of 1 Millions of B :Je-, as HE BEST FAMILY EC.C in. fur Adults, anj foi the A (t'l. ONLY GCNUINC has our Z Stamp in n.-J on frunt ct W'npper. J. H. Zellin Sl Co., Philadelphia, Pa., sol FKorKiaTons. l'r'.e'. Ms.ow. i m Wilmington star. T2io lOrtily Star. One -?at - -Six montlis - Threc'tnonths f - - - One month - - - 00 00 5 0 50 -:o: THE WEEKLY STAR. .Lie year Six month 8 Three months S 1 GO -:o:- IEDM0NT WAGON HUB AT HICKORY, N. C. CAiTT BE BEAT! They stand where they ought fcv right square AT THE FA3NT! 11R a Hard Fiht But They Have Won It ! Our Telegraph News -service has recently b?en largely increased, ami it is oar determina tion to kee the Stati up to the highest stan dard qf newspaper e:;ce-.lcn( e. Adurc&i, WM. n. BERNARD- Wilmington. N. V. Dififerens. The king can driuk the best of wi: e, rio can I; And has enough when he would cine. nave I; And cannot cn-der rain or shine, Nor can I. Then where's t he differ snce let me sec Betwixt my lord the kiajand iae? Do trusty friends surround his throne Niht and day? Or make his interest their own? No, B6t they. Mine love me for myself alone 'Jfeleas'd be they. And that's one difference which I see Betwixt my lord the king and me. Do knaves around roc He and wait To deceive? -" Or lV.vn ami flatter when they hate. And would grieve? ruei pomps oppress my state iiy my leave? No heaven he t hanked ! and here. yon see MurVtlilfetfenees.v'twFift the king and me. He has his fools, with jest and quips, hen he u play; He h3 his armies and his ships Great are they; But not a child to kiss his lips Well-a-day! And that's a difference sad to see Betwixt my lord the king and me, I wear a cap and he the crown What of that? V . I sleep on straw and he on down What of that? And he's the king and I'm the clown Happy I and wretched he, Perhaps the king would change with me. Charles Mackay, A French company are raising Ara bian horses iu Dakota. How the Brave win Fair sometime give to the world a new though t, truer an i grander, because Wilis of Wilkes. THE UN POETIC NATURE OF SOME UiiyS TAINEEBS AND THE HOMELESSXESR OF IGNORANCE. J. W. Hays in State Chronicle. One half of the World, we frerjneut- were heard, uncertain cheers and strange SrHlttdfL and flip Rrivp wiil!el into IB th6 f rribfii" fmni t lio tnnilM if J-.l I ll TP ' cirrhf r nea m.irn urnVkblinn alnna iVa i from her breit engirt with mountain , road fiom oue side to the other. His 1 arm?. He stands silent. Whence come spirits were high now, he was returning j these dreams that have no place S thank well-wishers, and was glorious S words 8 Why swells the heart like a : ly drui.k. ... ,.-.,.,..,. !. J I J tears come, and we long to throw our- 1 selves into Nature's arms and say i v fnVi' i!0 f lore vnn F im vmiN llyhea knows not how the other half He is silent: ho is touched; there i Hives. Wealth is not often Poverty hnn for thU nAm!o tln R,,f he spesiks. W-a-M-l t liars? ar a riant ur c II LEXINGTON, KY. The beat equipped nchool In the State; accommodations utrletly flmt-class; hea.ted by steam and lighted by paa; only two yountr ladlen to the room; splendid faculty of rx'perlenrot teachers. Session begins 2nd Monday in September. For particulars or Catalogues, address J, T. PATTXHtSOy, Pre:, Zexlnoton, K. ;;7:2m W. L. DOUGLAS read what people say thenl and if you want a come quickly and buy one, eitner ior casn or on time. Just about wagon Saliscup.v, X. C. Si'pr. 1st, lsec Two years ag I bou.ht a very iiht two litir.se Piedmont wagon of tlic Agent, J.m. A. Boyden; have used itaeur'y all the time nc.f. bave tried it severely in hauling saw lugs and other heavy ltfaWt and have not had to pay one eeiit for repairs. I look upon the PieTajtt wagon as the hest Thim ble Skein wagon m ide in the United States. The timber used in tliein h most excellent and thoroughly well seasoned. Tukxeu P. Thomasos. HbtT Km Qi ran 9 83 SEA1ULKSS ISEI i t.Uo world. F HB'JC 1 '. perfect fit, und W&B- i sti-k-a !. As ,s C" S&-S- vs 4 TllD on Sho Fiasst v.Mi mntt;. - and f Jtce, sryii-ti miiI i t!oso costing W. L. POt &:.no shoi tile si ti:!'i l)V firms. tun r f teb fwl Ir5 a'l Trcar t3ic W. L. DOITLAS a SHOE. If vnr tcaiT docs not Ui.-i I In in eml ronr name on postal to W. L. iOLiLAS, Brockton, Mass. ?:iy UM and TThlatey Ilatv- Itaccred at home wita out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FRKF,. - SI . .'.i . .: n.i.r. i . .. i . i . . Office 65 WhiteUaU St Saisbckt. N. C. Aug. 27th. 13!?G A.hout two yetrs atro I bought of Jno A. Buyden, a one horse Piedmont -wagon which lia- done much service and no pait of it lias broken or given away and consequent ly it lias cost nothing for repairs. Joun D. IlrCNLY. fTTl A TJlTl? iar bs; fmnd on flic pt Geo. i XIAO XT ri. XUX r . Ito-vvoil & Co s N'eW!Faper 4(ivi'rtisuig Purc-axidO Spruce S;. vhere advenlslnj ton:.-tj muy - aic for i: IS NJ5W YOBK. 1 HktOl nMilgcrrV ftHEAESASS ASD HS!LITi DSCAT. A Lifa Ezperiencs. Rerrarkable and quiclz cures. Trial Paci&ges. Send etamp for ssaiad particulars. Address Dr. WAiiD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. There are 2,500.000 dogs in Text, which are sd to kill $3,000,000 worth of sheep every year. Eight 'War Governors' have agreed t ) attend the G. A. R. encampment at St. Louis. Nine caUes are used to tell the daily story of Europe to America and Ameri ca to Europe. There is a storage reservoir for irri g itio i, building in Arizona which will hold 15.000JQ00 ca'hms. The Iowa State Board of Health re ports that there are 10,000 victims of the opium habit in that State. Black rot has attacked the grapes in several-parts of France, and it is thought the losses will be immense. Mr. W. L, Gilbert, of Hartford, Conn, has given $400 0C0 to found an institu tion for friendless boys and girls in that citv. Salisbury. ,N. C. Sept. 31, 1886. Eighteen months ago I bought of John A. Boyden, a :2 ineh Thimble Skein Pied 4. moat wagon and have used it prelty nim ll all the time and it has proved to be a tirt- rate wagon. Nothing about it has given away and therefore it has required no re pairs. T. A. WALTOjr. 1 Salisbury, N. O. Sept. 8th, 1 986. 13 months ago I bought of the Agent, iu Taager I 'A neglected cold or cough may 'p:uI to mfiHi:onl.rou.snmp!ion r other fatal di ease. Strons-'a Pectoral Pi. Is will cn. e a eo'das hy niaute. H'-t iluiilof (ivsppfwtajii ."bajestie.:,sjek headache tbousaiids testify- WANTED, A good farm, suitable for stock raising. The King smd Queen of Saxony Saturday opened an international bak ery exhibition at Dresden. America is largely represented. 9- Russia will celebrate on October 30 the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of 1 er first railroad. The country hs:s now 17.000 miles of railroad. 45:1m. S. Ay. HANEY & SON, 231.J Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia Pa. I fro.n Salisittory.cn the Cwn'con v" terms reasonable lor easb. milt d mail SaUsbury, a 2 in Thimble Skein Piedmont .51: Pin kn tv Ludwick. wagon their lightest one-horse wagon I have kept it in-almost constant use and daring the time have hauled on it at least 15 loads of wood and that without any breakage or repairs. L. ft. Waltox. GERMAN CABP:-& pawn lijjry. For terms, address C. furnh carp mall, iu any lorstockiDu W. K. Fit ALLY. .Sal- 37: tt A HIE Company, SEEKII G HOME Fatronap. AGENTS In all Ci ties. Towns and Village iu the SoutS. A STRONG CoipaLj - PROMPT ! WsXi liberal! RHODES BROWXE, William C. Co1:t VOmit ASSETS, - - $750,000 00. J. ALLEN BR0W.T, Resident Agent, Saliehury, N. 0. WW rTm Thouma.l Trial Ynrwmrw unnta a larva n o -nmu KALAAuA . . , t m uum lui K.; full ira t .5 oaa wcro : estoruU to laiui ty itoo or K f .KadicalCm for NerToosOoudity,Crr&i'C ) .cabnocssi, lri-wt cc Ivcb7 i i Ycunc or Ulic A.-4Mca. Vested forFiht Year3 in in v ' fori who TOiTr Ttttx 1 1 n mr r f' iiaowiUiatainntof rorrtronhin. and saen la I.. i wi: Uoub.u.siad ail (Quacks, xaosc aim 10 tobioed taelrvic lxi.s. Tafca a t,CliE TUli EIY thtt HAS .Ci. ;1E'.J L.oacauuj, g s cut lntsrfers wi.a a.scatiou Ncsim cr caufe pain or incwven.tnec inert Tr.r Fommc i on Bcieatllie sncdirsl pTiVipfci- direct cmiri- .nn tm tVr et rl S'.aesMe i.B crciaj Bissnccis ftfi Pithoi! dclaj. ThafciiOT. 1 ;onf,t'thfc harna" ritnisrn r;tor.-d. Th vaaaMasBBnsnasaUtswssMsT iilsarrpivvnnwk.Cie pati1' basaCaaa ciK.tj.iu and rapidiyfraico :HttrcuU.aili.iki HAPR!S REW?2LY CO., Mfc BETKCrr, W fHJM W . Taott Srrftl, ST. LC u rs. ffO. Tokio, Japan, is about to be rebuilt, and the harbor is to be enlarged. Brick structures will be erected along the principal streets of the town. Within the last few weeks no fewer than twenty-two tourists, of whom eighteen have been, picked up dead, have met with serious accidents in the Alps. Captain Clark, of the Atlantic City T t ' V tj I 1 Ldie-aaving oration, lias rescued nine teen drowning persons this season, During the pat five years he has saved over 150 lives. guest, and Lazarus at the rich man's door had but a taint idea f ins tunle, the picture to the contour? notwith standing. Lounging in coM verandas, we read in the last novel perhaps of pov erty and want, but the real life is far away. Would you not know what it is? Then come into the htfis and spend n month in some log cabin, with its daubed, unsightly walls, its creating puncheon floor, with its dirty t bit and tin ware, and rickety ehairs. TalPtrte fried hog's meat till nature rebels, then 'subsist awhile on black bread and boil ed beans. See the man loaf about with his dogs, complaining of hard timas. while the woman spins and cooks and toils, and the squalid children grow hol low-eyed and depraved. 'The merch:mt charges so high for his cloth." he says, "yonnns will have ter make me some clothes.'' So he takes his gnn and strolls out to shoot squirrels, while the weary wo man sits at the loom. Triad, tread, tread, b ack and forward the shuttle flies A baby is there, a ire ful crying baby always, bread must be cooked, the garden patch worked and when he comes iu supper must be ready. And then you will hear him complain that "wimmen are gitten so lazy an' triflin' now 'days you can't git nothin1 out o em." At thirty old age is upon tluse women. They wrinkle and shrivel, grow toothless death is loath to lay his iinger upon them, and the grave stands open and empty tor half a century. The curse of the garden land of ours is laziness. Did the men work half so hard as the women the mountain count ry would blossom like Eden. "Why 'don't you plant more corn'" T asked of a nian whose acres were thousands. uV-a-a-l," sairThe, uef I plant mo corn I don't have no time ter huut." "liaise hogs and have no need to hunt." Not hunt! He stood in amazement. Not hunt! Why then exist? What othor motive could life hold! Corn at that moment w;ls in demand at one dollar i bushel. With laziness and poverty comes ignorance. It rests upon this land like Egyptian darkness, palpable, with weight, stifling, deadening. Think of whole families where not one can read or write their name. What's the use? Making your mark does just as well in law, and the Squire can read to yon what's to be signed. Going to school is too much labor for the end in view. And as the father has lived tho son lives, and the son's son will follow. Kven in politics, where one would suppose a rav Cimmerian, in Asr.e tr.e otner uay a citizen insisted that the President was elected hy Congressmen. iSojry Electors. Waal now youuns may think so. but 1 know the Congressman meet and elect him." And to the last he in sisted that my "interpretation was wrong, and even if true elsewhere, in Ashe they voted for President through the Congressman. Weuns electetVCleveland," not nn- frequejitly we hear now. "Weuns el ected him because the dimmeerats promised he'd take the tax oflLMi whis key, an' he hai it done it, an next time we goin' ter vole agin him sin' put a republekin in1 Is it any marvel that these people look sad; that glocm and melancholy rest everywhere as tho' death were in the house? Upon man and woman and upon little children. Never a song or a rippling laugh. The little girls are solemn and deeneved, with the mark of care, and the idle urchin truges the highway without Cie. merry whistl- sight o' mast on them mojutalngs for hogs. Not all are thus. God forbid. There is culture in the villages, and uthe Squire" Sn his fat bottom farm is a man of good sense and reads the 4iActs of the Legislature' regularly. But what can the few do among the many. A man can move but littb faster or sower than the medium around him, otherwise he is destroyed by faction. . . . . ...... . . It was in VVilkesboro, a few even ings since, that a beardless youth, lank and gawky, clad in garments of non descript pattern, wobbled into town, followed by a lass of uncertain sum mers. The lass also wobbled, for she consisted of ill-fitting joints. The two at once attracted attention by their peculiar dress and locomotion and the astonishment depicted on their faces. Apparently it was the first time they had ever seen a frame honss or glass windows, They stood in the road and stared, eyes stretched -nd months agape. The lad was coatless and the dirty shirt sleeve swabbed the heated brow fnilustroiisiv. One suspender hitched up garments of uncertain name and color, displaying long bgre shanks and shoes of immense caliber. She, the timid and bashful one, stood somewhat behind him, but firmly, broad of base, of shoulder and waist. To-, gether they stared, till presently sing ling out the court house he marched for it, followed by the fair one. Thev have come to be married. Hut alas! No nur- SIS1 1 The Bible. This remarkable document was found in Westminster Abbey, name less and dateless, ami was first publish ed about forty years ago. llead and preserve it. "When the last hour comes to me, when in that upper chamber, long past midnight, the nickering light burns lowly, and passing forms iioislessly and quickly, too plainly show that death is there; when the bleak winter's wind whistles from without, or sends its melancholy moan through the lattice, ;i 1 f Hi' ;i -l i l lur u-it'll till) iriM'i n flm rlvinir- I ... it. . li ivy. ... i . Vll k . WUII W V. , lllp , ; when the softest tread and the slight- eercisea every power of the mo. t skill ed arithroeticean : and exercises- the wisest critic. It corrects the vain philosopher, nnl confutes the wise astronomer; it expos es the subtle sophist, and makes divines nmd. It tea complete code of laws, a per fect body of divinity, an uneqm leil narrative a book of Jives a book of travels a book of voyages. It is the best covenant that ever wn agreed on the best deed that ever wn sealed the best evidence that ever wa- produced the best will that ever wa made, and the best testament that ever was signed ; to understand it is to be wise indeed; to be ignorant of it is to be des titute of wisdom. It is the king's best copy, the 'masris- rtrate's best rule, the housewife's best guide, the servant's licst dictionary, the young man's best companion; it is the school-boys spelling-book, 1 I - ' L the lOAmod 111 -ill a inncfaTniaAil - esl wWr fall harshly on the i&t It contttilwa chok craQvrner for a scene: wnen reeling and signt and taste M,:Q .,, a There were 7,558 photographers iu the United States in 1870 and 9,000 in 1880. There r.re now about 11.000 person; engaged in the photographing business in this countrv. Ctleryville is one of the familiar names for Kalamazoo, Michigan, where there are over 2,000 acres of celery un tier cultivation, with a stated average rrofit of $400 an acre. rumor soon ran. riage without a license. No license without a dollar.. Disconsolate and crestfallen they stand. Their com bined fortunes do not reach the dollar mark. The fair one's cheeks grow higher, her eyes hollower, her j iws broader. The brave one looks blank and cracks his fingers. Hat. the father of the lad appeared by this time and humbly asked aid in the matter. "It was not often.'" he said, "that a man had a chance o' marrying ai nice o' 'om.iii as thet, an' he feared ef they waited Polly might git outcn the no tion." Two hearts that beat as one find sympathy. The hat is passed around, the license is signed. Now towards court hall. Hat the well-wishers in crease. Small boys gather, with dogs. Coatless men struggle up. The store closes with a hasty bang, eur o is heads are thrust from windows. One rings the county hell; another brings a yard of red calico. Sorely no man would marry without a cravat! And for a coat, a friend remembers an ancient swallow-tail, The hall holds the well wishers. The Brave and the Fair are entering. Two legal youths, eoatlt ss. follow as volunteer waiters. "Give her yo' arm,' one whispered, but the brave gives it in the usual way; he puts his arm around her. "Order in court! calls the for the two are before him. will vou have ," 1 ' i A 111 seems lie win nor, tor smmeniv igh and speech are ail gone, but immortal thought, the more immortal as it shakes away its mortal shaekles, still lives in its freshness of its eternal youth; in soch an hour when this pres ent body shall have been wasted to a skeleton, this eye g azedjvith the film of the grave, this cheek blanched with the last chilly this forehead high and white, ami broad and clear now shall be studded with the dew drops of death, and his tongue falters out the hist fare well to the dear ones around, so long loved and labored and cared for; when such an honrconies to me, I want to feel the ineffable consolation that some thing said or done, some line written, sentence published,some page composed, some sentiment recorded, shall live after me; which shall, in its influence, continue to benefit and ble&s some can didate for the skies, to the last hour of recorded time. Feeling thus now aud heretofore, I desire to repeat of the bible, that: A nation would be truly happy if it were governed by no other laws than those of this book. It is so complete a system that noth ing can be added or taken away from it. It contains everything needful to be known or done. It affords a copy for a king and a rule for a subject. It gives instruction amLcounsel to a senate, authority and direction to a magistrate. It sets the husband as lord of the novice, and a profound mystery for a sage. -. It is the ignorant man 8 dictionary, and the wise man's directory. It affords knowledge of witty in ventions for the humorous and dark sayings for the grave, ami is its own interpreter. It encourtges the wise, tho warior, the swift, the overcomer, and promises eternar reward to the excellent, the conqueror, the winnei and the preva lentand that which crowns all is, that the author is without partiality, and without hypocrisy. "In whom is no variableness or shadow of torning.n A Fight For a Flag. s How bravely the Southerners defend ed their flags appears from Sergt, Mil ler's experience at Gettysburg. Miller belonged to Company , Eighth Ohio, Vol un teer I nf an t ry . He had already sent several prisoners to the rear when he saw a short distance away, some thing tempting; it was a Confederate flag in the centre of three or four kkpinc kuots." At that moment a shell ex ploded just over their heads. A piece struck the color-bearer and brought hira to his knees. The colors were not suffered to touch the ground. Aoung officer sprang forward and grasped the staff. This man was already wounded. Covered with dust, the blood trickling from a gash on his forehead, without hat, his eyes blazing, holding his torn but precious standard aloft in one hand while he guarded it with his bare rapier honseheld, and the wife as mistress of i in the other, he seemed the living i ru th e table tells him how to rule and her how to m an age. It entails powers to parents, and en joins obedience to children mg. lskin observes the same in h mountain travels, and attributes it to 1 A rxu ml sol valor The chunipion lady silk worm cuiti- of the United States lives in Hiawrtha, Kansas. She keeps her eye upon 15,00..) silk makers, and declares it to be the most interesting work in the world. According to Herodotus, Babylon was a stpiare fifteen miles on each side, with 100 brass gates. It was composed of twenty-five streets each way, fifteen miles long and 15'J feet broad, crossing each other at right angles, besides four half strc-'t-H f0 f.vt jvil, f.(o:i j the wall . awe inspired by the grandeur emnitv of mountain scenery. As tho' these people wandering through forest aisles crrow silent as in some vast ca- thedrcl awed by thet olamns arid cloud capped dome, while the red light streaming and tinting wakes the spirit of devotion and they pause to listen at the nmrmer rising like prayer from mys tical shadows ar.d wait presently for the burst of an anthem of praise, and all that sort of thing. He dosn't say this, but I reckon its the idea, could his pages tf intermu.ub!e sentences be sifted. The thought is very pretty and Ruskinish. Hut wait a moment. "Come out!' I called to my host one rare evening as the great masses of fir-tipped rock loomed above the black shadows a crimson and royal purple, shading the eye from the dazzle of the yellow west and seeming to reach after the light-streamers flung to the zenith. "Come out and see the mountains,'" I called. He dragged himself alowly S, pur 'Andy but ii the fail Head I 1 .. v .1 II lsiieti .-' a ever r ne t .ii i it Sue come.-, "onet tne gets iu wife fust thin out and stood and looked,- while the golden streamers rew red and the pur ple glow faded iilto shadows. Till the evening star swung out iu the twilight and the mountain hung over the valley black u3 the genius of night. Surely if a soul be iiithe mau it is touched. May there not be a germ iu thir rude j.aturt It prescribe; and limits the sway of the sovereign, the rule of the ruler, and the authority of the master; commands the subjects to honor and the servants to obey, and promises the blessing and protection of tho Almighty to all that walk bv its rules. It gives directions for weddings and burials. It promises food and raiment and . i 1 I limits tne use or ooin. It points out a faithful and eternal guardian to the departing husband and father; tells bin. with whom to leave his fatherless children, aud in whom his widow is to trust, and promises a father to the former and a husband to the latter. It. teaches a man how to set his house in order, and how to make his will : it ap points a dowry for liis wife and entails the right of the first-born, and shows- How th? voinier branches shall bj ..... j o - - left. It defends the right of all, and re veals vengeance to every defaulter, over reacher and oppressor. It is the first book, the best book and the oldest book in the world. It contains the choicest matter, gives the best instruction, affords the great est oleasure and satisfaction that ever Perhaps he told her of was enjoyed; it contains the best laws 1 1 ! 1 . 0 1 L ' It i uesnau. ami suicide; cer- and most prorouna mysteries uiai were ever penned; brings the best tidings and affords the best of comforts to the in quiring and disconsolate. It exhibits life and immortality from everlasting and shows the way to glory. It is a brief recital of all that is past, and a certain prediction of all that is to come, It settles all matter in debate, resol ves ill I doubts, and eases the mind and ! i-oacimce of all their scruples. It reveals the only living and true ( i and shows the way to Hira, and i ii. one turns, oreaiis, is gone: "Catch her thar!"' one calls. her offT' another. Two dogs tight, and one well-wisher falls from the window. Confusion reigns. Alone, like a post .i i "ti i'.ii i i in tne Kt.irm. me ceseneu one stands silent, in blank am: z to drop asunder, the day lost una two vain. Hut -a Ulysse suasive tongue. wrecked lives mint, jaws Fair gone. like the i ii dollars spmt in s is chosen, one of per tain it is that two dollars When again would a license be f urn- figured. g03 do' not in when vain. she ! calls one. uSmv em man e" md yells another to the ,i i tii Suture, "then et she runs again it il be did !" Two liddies squeak "Arkaasaw Traveller, bv w;;y or a march, some The So aire veils suppressed excitement i propose a cheer. "Mlence ! and a. II -1 T - is intense, l. rgeu urywney L lyases tne fair one is again in place, hidden in the shadow of a gigantic "shaker." The ceremony proceeds and the well wishers crowd near. "Silence in court !"' the Squire thunders again, and the fair one is likely to have ru.i cff. "Hy the power invested i:i ir.e I now pronounce you -, but stop, wh.ir's that ring? " The best man had it handy, brass, of immense size, provided by well-wisher-. "Put that ring on," says the voice of the law. The homy hand goos out and the wedding ring is on two ringers. th. .r .... l r.. ... i ..' i l ..m 1 now pronounce on man anu uiie. iao;i c:ueiba..i Salute vour bride. Uut the on y stares. "Aiss Her : kiss ucr : it r quickly translated. Ah, ho compre hends, and the clownish face, broad with delight, explores the shadow of the r smack .-V .cn wfiea light ,L ::t:V may shaker b on act t.ll it sound in tells that the fair one is foun !. The fiddler. strike up, the cheers break out. the Hr.ive ai.due Fair hur rv awav, followed down the io.ol with a " " a we.l i l on. - hi wkdj;ng pnte.-siou, pausing justr mechanic io;iA-i for the sketch ur.Lt to put ! ti.-.t. :. i. Uut y v aside all other gods, and describes the vanity of them and all that trust ia . uch; fii short it is a book of laws, to show right and wrong; a book of wisdom, that condemns all folly and makes the foolish wise; a hok of trut.i that detests all lies anJ confutes all er rors, and a !rk) of life that shows the way fro n everlasting death. It U the most compendious book iu world- the most antheutir. and the hi torv tu..t evei groom ' w.i- publi be :. li uo.it.uas tne mo t nncieut a.iti q.iilkv, strange events, o.ide. ful oc currences, heroic dejdo and unparalleled warj. It describes th celestial, terrestrial and infernal worlL and the origin of the angelic niyradj, ha aaii tribes a;id devilish legious. It wid iuatract the accoaiplis'aed mi tho moot prof on a 1 ar- i,.,.... ft i ti, u . . '..o. v.:,.. i personation of valor. But he was al most alone, his revolver empty and his line of retreat nearly cut off. He hack ed slowly toward IT gap in the fence near which he stood. Once on th other side of it he might reach hi3 own lines in safety. But the foeman was upon him. The Ohio soldier confront ed the brave Confederate and bade him surrender. Nine out of ten would hare done so. But no! Holding the flag behind him, the officer paried with great dexterity the thrusts made by the sergeant, who was loath to shoot this g li tan t youth. Hat there w.uno time to lose; if Wanted tho fl ig he must act promptly. "Surrender, or -411 shoot youf1 he cried. lit response the point of the slender blade pierced his wrist. Miller had to shoot. The" Son t hern hero fell backward upon hi? banner. So tight was his grasp on the staff that Mailer had to tear off the nag.- Afp York World. To My Boy. Somtime, my boy, you'll know why your mother weeps, why tlrt weary eye lids cejise to rest, all through the night; why, day after day, her youthful looks are waning, and wrinkles make deep furrows in her brow. Sometime, when life's lesson you are learning, and when your blind eyes are made to see tho error of your ways, you'll catch a glimpse of all her worry. The world may not know that you, my boy, arv going astray, but motherddeR. And it is this knowledge that is changing the black hairs to white. she -counseled, you. ray boy as no other one htis; she has been more kind than any other will be. Regard her teachings; change your erring way, throw off the mantle that will wrap you in degradation. Stop your visits to places of vice. This alone is why she sorrows; This ii why she weeps. Through the din mist she divines your futnre, and the pathway is nigged.. Sometime wheu you and I stand at her grave aud drop the hot, eye-burning tearsdt will como to you everything that caused her heart to despair. Thefts' ft is, my boy, where the wrongs are seen ..t tn j grave. Change now; she is going fast, and it will not be long ere her trials will be over. Htw t3 RIue yair Expsaisj. You can do it easily, aifd you will not have to deprive yourself of A single com fort; on the contrary, aou will enjey life -I more than ever. How can you ac-compliak this result? Jiasily;cut aowa your doctor 4 lulls. Wheu you lose your appetite, and become bilious and constipated, and there fore low-spirited, dou't rujh ulf to th j family physician for a prescription, or, oil the other hand, wait until yon are sick abed before doing any thing at al ; but just go to the druggist's and for twenty five cents get a supply of. Dr. Pijfe l"ea3aut Pargalive Pellets. Take then u4 directed, and our word for it year uu pauulsyaiptooia will rtiwai pear as if by unfv-., y-a wll imve no bi;4 aooioi ' & bi i 10 pay, aud eveib.dyillterei'e'J (cccpt SB H ij I - t ! - --

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