V Carolina Watchman. TtfURKDAV, OCT. 13, 1S87. Col. Fred Grant The nomination of this gentleman for Secretary of State of Ntw York by the Republicans shows the desperate ttruits of the Grand Old Party in the Empire State. The only qualiticatioti he poaMew for this clerical office iS in the fact that he is a son of General Grant. This Ire himself proclaims iti n is apeech in New York last Saturday. Here is the entire speech i My ppeech will be very short. I want to thank you fur your cordial reception. tMrovId i tie detected in November 1 will try d show that I have inherited the ability of ray father, and be faithful to thetrttst that you impo.se in me. I again lhank you for your cordial reception. The young man has left us in the dark as to the particular kind of ability he desires to snow the people he has inherited from his father whether his magic power as a soldier, his original it v as a statesman, his unparalleled Execu tive gifts, his intuitive knowledge of l&eiH or his brilliancy as a financier. It mast hare been the last, as the old General was more distinguished as a financier than in any other capacity. I tllot Mountain. This isolated but remarkable moun tain is likely to loom up in the world's attention far beyond anything hereto fore known of it. A railroad is now completed from Greensboro, via old Germantovvn, to the base of the moun tain,, so that it is now a comparatively pleasant trip to visit it. It was recent ly visited by two Methodist Sunday Schools of Greensboro and several other schools along the route who joined the excursion, making a party of GOO men, women and children. Quite an inter esting account is given of it by a cor respondent of the Raleigh News-Observer. Only 150 of the party reached the top of the pinnacle, of whom 39 were ladies. The ascent to the top is difficult and somewhat dangerous, as it must be made by ladders. Of course those who reached the top were - m - m abundantly rewarded by the lnagnm ceiitTscenery, which is described as very grand and impressive. j .. '- Tin Plates. The Scientific American says a patent has recently been granted to Mr. Wil liam H. Hrowu, of Jersey City, for a novel process of manufacturing con tinuous fin plates. The plates are made of steel, and the process consists of producing a sheet of steel of any continuous length and required width by first rolling the metal hot and af terward rolling it cold, until a proper thickness and perfectly smooth surface is obtained; it is then scoured, and passed through a bath of molten tin. and again between the rollers. It is employed for all the purposes for which ordinary tin phites are used, though the jnventor claims for the phites made by this process greater superiority ht durability over those of any other. -The Western Carolinian of Hickory. Kpudcs in pleasant terms of the success ful working of the prohibition law in Yancey county. It has been in opera tion for two years, and many of its opponents at the election are now its friends and supporters. Only one man was indicted at the last Court for the violation of the law, and he submitted, paid the cost and gave a bond of $500 not to violate t! e law again. The ef fects of the law is, easily seen on the Court dockets of the county by reduc ing indictments, &c. They are also evwVncedby more liberal attention to schools, and religious matters. The editor of the Carolinian has re cently visited Roan mountain, tie was profoundly affected by the scenery, and jots down his impressions and thoughts on the occasion. He con cludes his remarks as follows : 'The men who beliere in God should go there to feel more than ever before that they are iu His presence, and the men who don't believe in God should go there tk feel as they never felt be fore and come away asking themselves, uHow curi these things be?' - fa . - The Winston Republican arraigns the Democratic Commissioners of Yad kin county on their management of fi nancial affairs after . the following style: "The value of the taxable property of the county is about one aud ouc-half million dollars ($1,500,000.) There has not been a public building erected or a railroad subscription voted since the war, and at the time the Democratic party, under the present Tory system of county government, took control of the liiianccs of the county it was out of debt and its scrip was worth 100 cents on the dollar. Last year the tax ou property was 67 i cents on the $100 and $2 02 on the poll". This year4 notwithstanding the General Assembly reduced the State tax 5c on the $100, Yadkin will have to pay 88 cents on the $100 worth of property and $2.65 on the poll. An increase of 26 cents on the $100 of her taxable prop erty." i ' V - It is possible that a rational .expla nation can be given .for the apparent mismanagement, for there is always two sicL'S to every question. There is Quite a noticeable differs e in form between the Scotch Thistle and the Yankee Volunteer, recently contesting for the America's cum es pecially ou the water line, the TJiujH. rearing up in front as if it was intend- - j .1 :l i i it ... ea sne snouiu mount uie waves with greatest possible ease, while the Volun teer siN s'.s gracefully as a duck and well balanced from stem to stern. Thev were very uearlv the same size, the Thistle only about two feet lunger than the Volunteer, neither exceeding ih i, una me mi.vi turee ieez wider m the beam taan the l ttlstie, which w ZJ to Sect, Seven nero men have been com mitted to jm at Greenwood. Miss., on the charge of murdering Harry Taylor and his wife colored). One other ar rested on the same charge, gave bond. Tliev are members of a Masonic order, and it is supposed, construe their obli gations as such that they must take extreme Vengeance on any one who shall cans-e the death of a brother mem ber. There are several lodges in that part of the State, and citizens are excited in the determination to break them up. Tlie Atlanta Exposition opened, on Monday last. It is a big thing in its wav, and will attract visitors from far anA near. The North Carolina State Fair opens net week. Extraordinary efforts have been made to make it an occasion of great interest to the people. Reduced railroad rates have been provided for those wishing to attend either the State Fair or the Atlanta Exposition. Another bloody family feud has transpired in Kentucky, resulting in the killing of five persons. The trou ble was between the Turners and Sow ders, on Yellow Creek, in Bell county; but the fatalities extended to others the Marshall sent to arrest one of the offenders, and Jim Rains, who was a great friend of the Sowders. Ken tucky quarrels nearly always end in blood. Judge Bond's decision in the Vir ginia coupon case requires the State to accept the coupons iu the payment of taxes. . This, it seems, was the contract, as the bonds show. But Virginia pleads her inability to use the coupons for her current expenses, which will 15 unprovided for if her taxes are paid in coupons. She has taken an appeal to the united States Supreme Court, but it is thought the cac will go against her. rre:uent neveiana mis neen recv ed every where in his excursion with marKea respect, now mucn ot tins is J l il 1 V rt . 11 1 Ail aue to ine nign omce wnicn ne nils, or to the man who has through the severe trials of official lifeiproved himself equal to the task exacted of him, can not be known. It is evident we think that Mr. "Cleveland is very popular man and President, and that he will fprobably be his own successor for the next Presidential term. Albert Starnes, (colored) of Union county, has been three times sentenced to be hanged, within the last two years, and yet at last escaped the gallows by the pardon of the Governor. This re sult came about by persistent appea's made to the Supreme Court, and in part by additional evidence obtained on the merits of the case which was thought would have changed the ver dict of, the jury condemning him. The President's trip takes in many of tlu large citie3 of the West and Southwest, and he and liis beautiful young wife have seen much to gladden them iu their passage through the country. They have been everywhere received with joyful demonstrations on the part of the people, who have as sembled by thousands at depots and along their route to catch a glimpse of them in passing. Transplanting nufc trees has been regarded as running great risk in losing them; but D. 13. Weir of Illinois, has disproved the popular notion, and as serts from his own personal experience that not trees of one, two aud three years old may be transplanted with as much safety as any other. He has transplanted thousands of black and white walnut treesand is therefore good authority on the subject. J. F. G. Mittag has a learned article in tiie Charlotte Chronicle under the head of "a fact iu human nature," in which he deduces from ancient history that "the people of a southern climate should be judiciously crossed by those of a moderately colder climate," that beiog nature's method of reinforcing those of a southern climate, which is less invigorating than the northern. The-Atlanta Constitution denies the published report that exhorbihmt charges for acconimcd.it ion would be made by the hotels smd lodging houses of the city during the Exposition in that city. Only four places will charge $2.50 per day, a few $2 a day, and the vast bulk ot them but 1 y'J per day, including board aud lodging. Thomas C. Manning, minister ft Mexico, died at the Fifth Avenue Hotef, INew iorfe, shortlv after nine o clock Tuesday, of obstruction of the bowels. Mr. Manning was a distinguished son or iMortli Uiroiiua, a native of Eden ton, a graduate of the University, and gifted as a lawyer. He was about 70 years of age. Doctors are ill doubt as to the true character of the disease which has so fearfully frightened the people at Tam pa, Florida. It wsis announced as yel low fever at the iirst; bnt out of 20 cases only two have died, and the cause of death in these cases is in doubt. Some of the doctors think it is the "break-bone" fever. Hon. John B. Finch, one of the greatest temperance orators itf the country dropped -dead in Boston last Saturday, just after stepping off the : irs, caused by heart disem. The S.otch cutter Thistle, recently defeated iu a race wi h tie Volunteer is preparing to return to Glasgow. Shex wst3 otfered for sale but no one wanfea to buv. NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS AND STOP.B KEEPERS. ! I guarantee Shriner's Indian Vermifuge to destroy and expel worms from the hu man body, where they exist, if used ac cording to directions. Vou are author ized to sell it upon the above "Condition?; David E. Foutz, Proprietor. Baltimore, Md. The Atlanta Exposition is booming weather fine and crowds attending. One of the incidents of Tuesday was a bicycle race of one mile, which was run in 2 minutes and 40 seconds, Rowe, the world's champion, winning by ten feet. Accommodations for visitors abundant and no extortion practiced by hotels and boarding houses. Mayor Hewitt, at New York, was hissed in that city and Brooklyn, for stopping an unlawful gambling con cern at the fair of the tin iteil Labor party; but like a brave and honest man he said he would discharge his sworn duty without regard to popular opinion. i The survivors of southern military prisons held their annual meeting at Worcester, Mass., on the 7th inst. Resolutions were passed asking Con gress to recognize the suffering a::d diseases endured and contracted iu prison. Doubtless they are pensioners already on the government. The Alexander county Journal came out last week iu double its usual size. Improvement now seems to be the watchword of the "June Bug" county, and we hope to see Alexander (one of the smallest counties in the State) rated as one of the most important. The Cotton World's report of the crop for September says : That the Carolinas and Alabama are the only States in the cotton belt that hold up well. The average at this date for the cotton belt is 80.9, against 8-1.4 last year. The Knights of Labor have been in convention. The secretary of the gen eral executive board shows that the Order now has but 5G0,000 members in good standing us agiinst 702,000 hist vear. A vein of rock salt, twenty-five feet thick, and another not yet penetrated have been reached at Ithaca, N. Y., in a well 2,230 feet deep, which is to be made 1,000 feet deeper, unless oil or gas is round. The Merchants' Hotel property in Cortlandt street, New York, bought in 1792 by John Van Dalson for 800, has been sold at private contract for $135,000. Four deaths from yellow fever at Tampa, Florida, and about twenty cases. The authorities are usine everv effort to prevent the spread of the dis ease. Receipts of cotton at this port this season 49,096 bales, which exceeds the receipts of last season 23 391 bales. Wilmington Messenger. The evictions bv an English syndi cate in Northwestern Ohio, equal in barbarity anything of the kind that ever occurred in Ireland. An attempt to rescue a drunken man from certain death on a railroad track in Philadelphia, resulted in the l-ii r . Killing ot tne rescuer by a tram. Skipped The cashier of the Mer chants & Miners Bank of Irou Moun tain, Michigan, carrying over into Canada $15,000 of the Banks money. A Word to Young Men. If young men wish to succeed in busi ness, they must not spend their time and money in having simply a good time. They must not be discontented with the little place they are in, because they think they are too big for it. The Avav to get into a large place is to outgrow the one you are in grow until it is so small that it will not hold you any longer. A man who simply sits shrunk up and worthless in a little place, because he thinks it is not worth while to grow enough to fill that, has little prospect of getting into a larger one. Fit! the place that you are in. Study ahead of where you are. Fit yourself, for higher useful ness, to do that, you must do something besides play, though that mav be inno cent in itself. Jlcv. M. J. Savage. Chronic Coughs and Colds, And all diseases of tho Throat and T.imcj can be cured by the use of Scott's Smulsion, as it contains the healing 'virtues of (Jod Liver Oil aud Hypophos- puues in tneir lunest lorm. is a beauti- . . 1 X - a a.m. iui, creamy .tanuisiou palatable as milk, easily digested, and Can be taken hv 1h inost delicate. Please read: "I consider Scott's Emulsion the remedy par excel lence in Tuberculous and Stromuous Af fections, to say nothing of ordinary colds and throat troubles." W. ll- 8. Cox- nkll, M. D., Manchester, O. "I am us ing your Emulsion Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphitcs for an aDcction of my throat, and the improvements were beyond my expectation." D. Taylor, M. D., Coosa watte, Ga. The N. Y. Star reports the subscrip tions to the Grant Monumental fund to 11th Oetober instant, as amounting to about 20.000. Astrononiers at Moscow went above the clouds in a balloon to witness the eclipse of the sun, Aug. 19, the day being cloudy. Russia sends to a firm in Raleigh for tobacco flues for curing tobacco. For constipation, 'liver complaint" or billiousncss, sick headache, aud all dis eases arming from a disordered condition of the liver and stomach, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets a gentle laxative or active cathartic, iu ordiug to nit: of done. . ' - - WRfXoDS. BARGAINS- - u - Our 38 in, SI! Woo! Serge At 33i cts. is the Biggest Thing ever offered on this market. I e Haye Space only OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS, Bit hope pa fill .M snMitly to your Merest to se? oar STOCK BEFORE; BUYING. A COMPLETE LINE OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS CONSISTING OF MORIE PLUSH AND STRIPED VELVETS AND SOLID COLORS OF ALL SHADES. feraided Sets from 75 cts. to 5.00 per set. Underwear Australian grades of Wool and Cotton mixed. Ginghams 15, Silk Plus!) 75 cts., worth $1.50, Undressed Kid Gloves 90 cts , 18x3G inch Linen Towel 10 cts., Linen Ladies Hose, 5 els.. A large line of Beaded Trimming, Epaulettes, Beaded net. Bargains in Misses' and Children's liiubed Uofo. Gents' L' uderwetr, Australian Wool, ( amels Hair. A good stock of Carpets and Rugs. Black Goods. Hcn riette Cloth, 45 inches, .$1.00, can not he equaled for fcl.L'S. OUR STOCK OF Shoes. jeans Can not he surpassed in the city. Call tfST ALL WHO ARK JX'Dh'BTFD ARE REQUESTED TO CALL AND SETTLE. WE ARE SELLING LO W AND M US T HA VE THE CASH. 50:1m BOY DEN & QUINN, COTTON AND COTTON SEED BUYERS, -DEALERS IX- C ARM AGES. PIE'ETOXS, BUGGIES, ROAD CARTS, &c , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A line of Corn Snellen, the very best ever offered in this market. Wo make a speciality of the celebrated O&CKrLLA Guano, an unmanipu'ated and unadulterated Guano, equal to the Old Peruvian, at less than one-half the cost. No rock ground up with brimstone acid that burns up your land, and available only for one crop, but a Guano that steadily enriches your land, year after year. Those who use it once never fail to trv it again and again. We also have on hand THE "'NATIONAL' a Fertilizer, which gives quick re sults onCorn, Wheat, Clover, Tofeacco, &c. Something equal to any ammonmted goods ever offered on this market. Prices and terms to suit the times. Give us a call. Respectfully, BOY DEM & QUINN. Near First National Bank. NEAR To Buy Cheap Goods. Me Man yratson lre decidedly in the lead with low prices aud honest goods. Their retail department is full of bargains, and their line of Drcss'Goods. Shoes, Do mestics, Hats and Notions, Are Comp 19 the STAND i li fi! lete, Also. Laces Gloves, Hoisery, Embroideries, Handkerchief, Ne ck Wear, IUankcU, '.'omforts, Coantfrpms, Flannels, Table Lincu?, House Furnishing (Joods. &c, tc. Bacon, Lard, Sug;u- and Coffee, Fait and Flour, in short a full line of GROCERIES. The above and a dozen others bcsi.ics are the Stocks tht-y offer at figures which make cverj article a bargain. Th'ey buy and sell Country Produce, Hides. Bones, Old Iron, Wool. Loose Cotton, sc., Sic. They arc also agents for the- most popular brands of FERTILIZERS. In short, at their Store you, can get what ever you waut r.t bottom prices. All they usk is a chance t;i prove what they sav. JULIAN & WATSON. to mention a few M Wool, Camels Hair and Handkerchiefs, 15 cts., 40-inch Scrim 10 cts. m and see that wo mean what wc say TO US BY ACCOUNT OR NOTE SALISBURY, N. C. 4:lm North Carolina 1 our.. Men County, 001, m... D. A. Ramsay nnd Tobias " Kesler, plaint ills, Civil action j:-iinat The Royal Fire Insurance j- t o recover Company of Binning- hum, Ala., defend- loss by fire. antsV It appearing by affidavit and to the satisfaction of the Court that the defend ant above named, the Royal Fire Insu rance Company of Birmingham, Ala., is a foreign corporation and cannot after due diligence he found within the State, and that a cause of action exists in favor t f the plaintiff and against the defendant, which are within this State,. It is there fore orde red that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, a newspaper published in said county, for six succes sive weeks, commanding the said defend ant to le aud appear before the Judge of our Superior Court at a Court to be held for the county of Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury on tire eleventh Monday after the first Monday 'of Sep tember, 1S87, and answer or deufcur to the complaint which will be filed is the of fice of the Clerk of said Court within the first three days of said term; and let the said defendant take notice that if it fail to answer or demur to said complain; during the terra, the plaintiffs ili apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. J. M. IIORAII, Clerk Superior Court, "0:6t. Rowan County. WANTED! Z&iners and Wood Choppers, At the Appalachian Mine, Montgomery county. Apply at once to COL. HARRY McCOY, Eldorado I. O. Manager. 48:1m Id Croefery Glass m Fancy Kaois, BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH From a Large House MIGHTY As the Prices we ive below Testify.; 24 doz. Decorated Tea Cups and Saucers, per set, 64 cts. 4 Thistle Decorated Chamber Sets, 10 pieces, 3.74. 10 Decorated Chamber Sets, per set4-$3.49. 6 Lucfnee Decorated Tea Sets, 44 pieces, 3.99. 1 Gilt Band Tea Set, French China, $8.97. 3 131. .e Pine and Garnet Band and Gilt. Tea Sets, $7.89. 12 FrenclrChina Milk Sets, decorated, 3 pieces, 99c. 12 Assorted Patern Milk Sets, 3 pieces, 63c, G doz. Robinson' Cruso Plates, each 10c. 12 doz. A. B. C. Plates, each oc. 12 doz. Blue Willow Plates, per set, 50c. G doz. Festoon French China Plates, per doz., $1.84. G doz. Plain French China Plates, per doz., $1.49. 4 doz. Saxon Teas, per set, $1.49. 4 doz. Ovide Teas, per set, $1.49. 0 doz. Easels for Cup and Saucers, each, oc. 3 doz. Pieces Decorated Cups, Saucers and Plates, fcrsr G doz. Blue Lustre Mugs, each, 10c j 12 doz. Small French China Mugs, each, 5c. 12 doz. Marble Cream Pitchers, each, 10c. 50 Different Styles French China and Majolica Pitchers. Lot of nice Mostauche Cups. 39c. China Dolls, with long hair, oc. China Dolls, good size, 5c, China Dolls, larger; 10c. China Dolls, extra large, Mc. Indistructable Dolls, big, 2ic. Great Big China Doll, 33c. 18 Ate List is culy a Itw LARGE OF HA SOME ENTIRELY ffiW STILES, ' And have not before been offered in this market. Beautiful Rose Beaded Decorations, which glisten- like burnished Gold as the ALL DESIRING TO SEE A NICE 7 And VERY CHEAP to call and inspect the XEW YORK OFFICE N. B. In the a w n w Mi m m DEPARTMENT opened up a job lot of Curtain Nets, and are selling at figures lower than even we have ever bought them before4. Below we give prices : 10, 14, 15, 19, 23c., per yard. One piece very handsome and worth 85c., our price 59c. 4:ly sadly in need of the DOLLAR, 1 7 lm k tte hi vkjcb Mti 1 VARIETY E V AS they reflect lio;ht. LINE OF ink fj arc respectfully invited Stock. S S Sffil 4GG and 408 Broadwav. DRY GOODS 3 ; j mm