Uncle Rsmus on Education As Uncle item us came up White wall street recently he met a little colored boy carrying a slate and a number of books. Some words passed between them, but their exact purport will probably never be known. They were unpleasant, for the attention of a wan dering policeman was called to the matter by hearing the old man bawl out: I "Don't you come fool i if 'longer me nigger. You're fltppin' yo' sass at de wrong color. You kin go 'roun' yer an' sass dese w'ite people, an' maybe dey'll stan' it, but w'en you come slinging' yo' jaw at a man w'at was gray w en de fahmin' days gin out, you better go an' git vo' hide greased." "What's the matter, old man?" ask ed the sympathizing policeman. "Not bin , boss, 'eeppin' I ain't gwin ter hare no nigger cnillun a hooopin' an' hollerin' at me w'en I'm gwine 'long de streets." Oh, well, school children you know how they are."' Dat's w'at make 1 sav w'at I dnz. Dey better be home pickin' up chips W at a nigger ewin ter l'arn oaten : 'J I kin take a bar 1 stave an' fling mo' sense inter a nigger in one minit dan all de school-houses betwixt dis en de State o' Midgigin. Don't talk, honey! Wrid one bar 1 stave I kin fa'rlv lif de vair er ignunce. "Then you don't believe in educa tien." "Hit s de ruination er dis country L.OOK at my gai. ue oie oman soni her to school las year, an' now we das- sent hardly ax er to fer ter kyar de washin Jhome. She done got beyant er bizness. I ain't larnt nothin in books, an' y it I kin count all de money I Kits. No use talkin'. boss. Put a speiiin booK in a nigger s nan s, an right den an' dar' you loozes a plow ban . 1 done had de spe unce on it. The Value of "Snowing How.' A ladv went to a ieweler's to have a 1 mm . . i . . nug saweu oix ner linger, xne iaay was well advanced in years, and the nnar had been out on her finder bv her husband on their wedding dav. nearlv half a ntnrv hW 1S Vinnrl fn, UA . U u ua mutilated But to the old lady's delight the , . . sary to nave the ring cut in order to remove it from the swollen finger He then proceeded to wind a length of fiat rubber braid around the mem ber, beginning at the top, after which he held the old lady s hand above her head for an instant or two, before un indinir the bandaire and starting the nw.ai!, 1 ThZ T V This was repeated three times, after wnicn it was round possible to slip tte ring on with ease. xne owner asKea 11 mere was an' charge and was answered: "One dollar. I ask the same amount that I would get ifHhe ring were left to be mended after being cut. "Uf course she might have done it herself' the jeweler explained. "It's the "know how' I charge for, though.' as we reaa an account ot tne roreero- 1 . 1 a I ing luciaeut wb were swuck oy me x. i r 1 n inougni 01 wnat an incentive it tur - uiaucu tu jwung sLuueiius, wiju may sometimes rear tnat because they are L' !. il. 1 1 il not at work upon something: tangible. therefore they are not so sure of reap- ing a rewara ior tneir laoor let them remember that the "know how" can be charged for as well as the "do." A Big Agricultural Fair. "I understand you are going to. have ft hltr !inrrun hiro foiv nn Trrftn r,u- 77 ft . " I 1 es; or rather we did intend hav- w v 1 ing one, but we ve been disappointed. "Disappointed? In what way?" "Wh v von see we ml. the rJ,,, ft w ' -S ' WLft Oft I an 1am our, ana tne oaseoau neia nxed up nice and handy, and everything was getting on splendidly, when we found that we had no room for go-as-you please pedestrian races." 44 You don't say so!" "ies: and that isn t the worst of it. There's a lot of old fossils who want to exhibit cattle, vegetables and all that sort o stuff." Boston Transcript. IU-Grotten Wealth. About as heavy a load as any man can carry is ill-gotten wealth. A man met a missionary from a foreign land and took him aside to talk with him privately. They were both old, gray neaded men. When they were along he said to the missionary, "When 1 was a boy playing with you fifty years ago, you lost a quarter of a dollar. We hunted for it, and I found it, and kept it. It has haunted me ever since, and I would not carry it fifty years more for the world. I want to pay it back." When God takes men in hands he straighteus out such things as these. Science Knocked Out. Railroad Engineer You say I am color blind because I call that red zeph yr blue, do you? Great Scientist Yes sir, you are col or blind. "I say that zephyr is blue and you tay its red; now how do you know it isn't blue?" MAny one with good sight can see that it is not blue; it is red." "Did your wife ever send you to the store to match zephyr?" "Y-e-s." uDid you ever succeed, Mr. Scientist? Tell me that." ' No.w "There now!"- Omaha World. Many have been ruined by their for tunes; many have escaped ruin by the want of fortune. To obtain it the great have become little, and the little great. Purposes, like eggs unless they be hatched into action, will run into decay. . Uphold, Scarlet and Yellow JTever Vaanlee Tli nth aria fiwiall.P.i Cholsra, etc- Darbys Phospbatic Fluid will destroy the infection of all fevers and infectious diseases. Will keep the atmosphere of tin v aif V-TVinm nnwk on1 whAlAOAinA sK. sorbing and destroying unhealthy afflu via ana contagion. Will neutralize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by destroying it. Use Darbys Phospbatic Fluid in every sick-room. A Precocious Little Boy. "Yes, dear children," said the school teacher, 'Gen. Washington died a com- Karatively -poor man, although he might ave amassed great wealth if he had been a different sort of a person. Tom my Waffles may tell us why Gen. Washington died comparatively poor." "Because he couldn t tell lies," re sponded Tommy, who has a bright business career before him. New York Svn. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Sbeperd, of Harrisburg, III., says, Having received to much benefit from El ctric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let stiffen n g humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doe t Di s told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three lotie of Electric Bitters and seve,n bxe8 of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leji is now sauna anu wen. ' Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buck Ion's arnica Salve at 25c. per box at Kluttz's Drug Store. Adversity has ever been considered the state in which a man most easily becomes acquainted with him- if particularly, being free from flat- hprera Oat Rami. 4iTlW- rw D. A. Bradford, whohb.!. of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he m seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lunis: liml ti man. mJ uies wunoui ocnenc. lie; iw induced to trv . 1 ' j I I , . . ... . fir k'in,r" Nnw niann.. . " 'I Hi il"". " ZZZ2ZiS?&l I T " vu.iiw, ,UICU UV lilt USC OI a lew ootties. since which time he has a - . . usu it in his family tor all Coughs and 1Us Wlt uest results. This is the exne nilJC? of thousands whose lives have been saJLC(? b? th Wonderful discovery. lrm bott,e ,rce t Kluttzs Dru- Store. , he Austrmn gia Wmckelmier, who was recenu v exhibited in Paris, l?LWZ&m I rei?arclen ss. .1 snprimoti il V. , .U .4- U,Tf ZiT " JTiTiZ l '-Z stature attained by the human species. Bucklon's Arnica Salve. WW W t-m i he uest bAi.VE in the world for flnf. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. FAvr Sores, Tette, Chapped Hands, Chilblains ,orus' Eruptions, and positive tv "w, ui iiu May required. it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents nes box For Sale by Kluttz & Co. 3:ly. a vuaer troin the country, went i r 1 n .1 into a city bookstore, and one of the I clerks thinking to have a little fun at his expense said to him: "You are from the countrv. ar vnn nfP" les, answered the Quaker. "Well , J 1 J" . here IS a 1 eSSaV nn tho ro-i n" n r nf . J " li ca ves thnf; vnn vmU nnKoki- i:iT buy. ' "That," said the Quaker, "the 1 had better present to thy mother!" Do what you ou?ht, let come what will. Sale of Personal Property. lln..:,,,. l:c. J 1 . . . . iiuuiiueu as aaministratnr rn the estate of Thomas D. Fraley, deceased, I will sell at public sale, on the thf 3A ii H1 nil. 1 -k-r . . r L. y V " ft"- . MiUUClbl Ul II1K 1 1 ni:HH SPf 1 . v v v.o, jioi yciscv a 1- tie, Hogs, Farming Utensils, Household " u JVUcnen furniture, with a lot of wneat, uate, Hay and Fodder. 9 comme?ce at 11 o'clock. Terms IT - I Itfln MiAll-n Ik CHARLES P. SHTJPING, Administrator. 50:1m HARDWARE. (WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Oall on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granit Row. D. A. AT WELT. Agent for the ( 'Card wellThresher . Salisbury, N. p., June 8th- tf. this papers: l on file In Philadelphia Bt ino Jewitppcr Adver Until Airency of kiMH. N. W. AVER A SON. our thoriiod cant. If Yon Wish a Good Article Ot Plug Tobacco, ask ronr dealer fnr "Old Rip." Readfield's rSatOR A SPECIFIC FOR Woman's Diseases MENSTRUATION or ONTHLY SICKNESS. n taken daring the CHANGE OF LIFE, rrat offering and danger will be avoided tSfSend tot book MsaaAOB to Www," mailed free. Bkadtmmld Kbqulatos Co., Atlanta, Ua. D 7 i QUITE AS BA3 A? BULLETS. ! Am Old Sol.llef Tlk4 mi III Cmnp(ii la Virsiula l'h.- K irm I AiubiwU TwMtjr V irt ftar. : Sei.ma, N. C, Feb. it, 1887. Gentlemen: Yours inquiring wheth er or not I had been benefited by Kas kine, and if so to what extent, &c, to hand. In reply will say that my health has not been as good in twenty years as now. I suffered with chills from malarial poison contracted while serv ing in the Confederate army on the Peninsular Campaigns in Virginia. Did not miss having a chill at least once in twenty-one days and nWe frequently once in seven days, for more than fif teen years. In thiscondi tion I visited New York in November, 1885, on business. While there I stopped with Mr. E. D. Barker, of the University Publishing Company. I told Mr. Barker of my condition. He called my attention to your Kaskine and procured for roe a bottle. After my return home I took the pellets as directed and found much relief afforded thereby. Of this change I wrote Mr. Barker, who sent two ok three bottles during the past year. My health greatly improved. I increased in weight from 165 pounds to 200 pounds, my present weight. I believe the Kaskine did it. Quinine had fail ed, as had other remedies usually ad ministered in such cases. Now, unless in case of exposure to extra bad weather, I do not have chills, and my general health is quite good. 4 lurncu over na " a young T ' 1 t 1.- lady friend a few weeks since. I learn rom her mother that she was much benefited by it while it lasted, I I Mi.f ami. m X 1 - . . uusl Uiy "c auie 10 mtroauce VU:. . 8 -7 mis country, m which many suffer from diseases con sequent upon malarial poison in the system. From my own experience I can emphasize its excellence for such diseases. If I can serve you call ou me. I am very truly yours, John C. Scarborough. Seven years ago I had an attack nl W '""' fever, which raa imo intermittent malarial 1 tried all the known remedies, such as arsenic, mer cury and quinine. The latter was ad ministered to me in heavy and contin ued doses. Malaria brought on ner vous prostration and dyspepsia, from which I suffered everything. Last win ter I heard of Kaskine and began us ing it A few bottles of the wonderful drug cured me. Malaria and dyspep sia disappeared, and as you have seen a June day brighter for the summer storm that had passed across the sky, so the cloud left my life and my health became steady and strong. Mrs. J. Lawson, 141 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the most respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn., says : "lain ninety years of age, and for the last three years have suffered from malaria and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kaskine which broke up the malaria and increased my weight 22 pounds. " Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubt ed merit, will be sent on application. Price $1.00. or six bottles, $5.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St, New York, and 35 Farriugdon Road, London. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having taken out letters of administra tion on the estate af Thomas D. Fralev dee'd, this is to notify those having claims against his estate to present them to me for payment on or before the 23d ! day of September, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. CHA8. P. 8HUPING. Fept. 22, 1887. 48:6t:pd. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last Will and Testamont of J. M. Cowan. dee'd, I hereby give notice to all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, to exhibit them to me on or be fore the 29th day of September, 1888. AH persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment without furth er notice. ROBERT C. KNOX, Executor. Craige & Clement, Atton s. Sept. 23, 1887. 6t Sate of North Carolina, 1 In the Supe rior Court. Koian county, j George C. Eagle, plaintiff, 1 Notice to against take deposi- Mattie Eagle, defendant, J tions. To Mat tic Eagle, non-resident: You are hereby notified that on Wed nesday the 9th day of November, 1887, id the city of Knoxville, and State of Ten nessee, before W. A. Galbraith, Commis sioner appointed for the purpose, at the office of the said W. A. Galbraith, in the Court House, in the city and State afore said, I will proceed to take the deposi tions of F. L. Hood and Thomas Smith and others, to be read in evidence, in the nai oi me aoove entitled cause, in be half of the plaintiff, at which time and place you may appear and cross examine the said witnesses. GEORGE C. E AGLE. by craige clement, Attorneys. Oct. 6th, 1887. 4w Now is the time to subscribe for the Watchman. LEGAL NOTICES. NORTH CAROLINA 1 In Superior Court. ROWAN C3 JT I Kl Sept. 21st, 1887 J. A. Fisher, Plaintiff, against Nannie W. Sumner and Charles W. Sumner, de fendants. Special proceeding for partition of land. To Charles W. Sumner, non-resident : You are hereby notified, that the plain tiff above named has commenced a special proceeding against you and your wife, Nannie W. Sumner, for partition of land, situate in Rowan county, and you are hereby required to appear before Johu M. Koran, C. S. C, at the Court House in Salisbury, on, if not before, the 10th day of November, 1887, aud answer or demur to the complaint. J. It. HORAH, Clerk. Sept. 22, 1887. 6t NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY. I In Superior Court. Jacob Morgan, Adm'r of David Morgan, vs. The heirs at law of David Morgan. It having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that Jacob Cas per, David Casper, the heirs of Amy Peeler, wife of Anthony Peeler, and the heirs of Rachel Thompson, wife of Nathan Thompson, a part of the defendants above named, are non-residents of the State, they are hereby notified that they must appear in the office of the Superior Court of Rowan county on or before the 31st day of October, 1887, and plead answer or demur to the petition hied in this case, or the case will be set down for hearing and be heard ex parte as to them. JOHN M. HORAn, Clerk Seperior Court. Sept. 22, 1887. 6t Important Mcrtfrace Sale of Very v I VALUABLE SEAL PROPERTY. Pursuant to a Mortgage Registered in Book No. 53. page 105, in the office ox Register of Deeds for Rowan County, made by Samuel R. Harrison and wife, Mary Harrison, for the protection and benefit of the undersigned on 20th day 01 December 1876 in which they have for feited the undersigned will sell at public auction at the court house door in Salis bury on Monday 7th day of November, 1887, the following real property: 14 town lots on the extension of Fulton street, 50x200 feet; 32 town lots on the extension of Jackson street, 50x200 feet; 1 town lot of 8 acres on the extension oi Main street, adjoining Capt. J. R. Craw- lords, on which is 11 large briek Residence with 10 rooms, 18x18, 2 brick Kitchens 16x32 for cooks or servants, 1 brick dairy, one large frame barn, corn crib, &c, with 2 wells of good water, also several other lots adjoining said property containing from one to 10 acres each, all of which will be accurately surveyed and made known on day of sale. Terms, i cash down, in 00 days aud the remaining in 180 days. Title retained until all the purchase money is paid. This is the most desirable property in or near Salis bury, situated on a high elevation and in a beautiful grove. For further informa tion applv to S. 11. Harrison on the prem ises or to the undersigned at Salisbury. The sale will be positive. No by bidding, the highest bidder will be the purchaser. 4U:bt. J. S. MCCU1SJIINS, Trustee. Salisbury, N. C. Sept. 27, 1887. north:carolina ftOWAN COUNTY Superior Court 14th Sept. 1887. D. A. Ramsay & Tobias Kesler, plaintiff, Against Action to re- The Fidelity Fire Insurance Com f P 0 vLer pan v. Luss i defendant, J hre It appearing by affidavit and to the satisfaction of the Court that the above named defendant, The Fidelity Fire In- - r. . surance company, is a ioreign corpora tion and cannot after due diligence be found within this State, and that a cause of action exists agaiust said defendant which arose within this State, it is order ed that publication be made in the Caro lina Watchman, a newspaper published in Salisbury within said comity, for six successive weeks, commanding the said defendant to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury on the eleventh Monday alter the hrst Monxlav in Sen- tember, 1887, and answer 01 demur to the complaint which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of said terra, and let the said defendant take notice that if it fail to answer the said complaint during the term the plaintiffs win apniy to tne court tor the relief de manded in the complaint. J. M. HORAH, Clerk of the Superior Court, 47:6t Rowan County, COMMISSIONER'S SALE OFgj REAL' ESTATE. Tn niirctlonn rF a i it 1 mm. . c .. ill i'iii tm i i v ... u JU'i-lllirill OI IIIP superior Court ot Jtowan County, I will sell at the Court House Door m the town of Sfclisburv. on Monday the 7th. day of .November 1887, at public auction, to the lighcst bidder, the lollowhw descrilcd valuable lands. 1. A tract of land situate in Franklin town ship, containing two hundred and seventy il I t"9 el Li i uvcisfiij acris oenig tne land conveyed oy l. r . Kluttz, commissioner to Ann Mc Necly, by deed dated the 17th. day of De cember 1886, and registered in Book 69 ol the Public Register's Ofhec of Rowan Coun ty. This is a part of the Makay lands and M known as the Suthn Tract. 3. Also three 3J town lots, which are de scried by metes and bounds in a certain deed from J, C. Cowan and wife to Ann Mr. Necly, dated the 16th. day of Septem ber 1886 and reitered in Book 67 oac 470, of the Public Registers Office of Rowan County. Terms of sah : The purchaser to pay one- halt cash and the balance in six months, micrcsi on detirred payment at 8 per cent. IvUKK CRAIGE, Commissioner. Dated Sept. 28th. 1887. , 50 5t. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last Will and Testament of the late J. P. lseman, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate ot said deceased, that they must present them to me on or before the 21st dav of September, 1888, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate are re quested to settle without delay. T. J. SUMNER, Executor. Sept. 6th, 1S87. 38;6t NEW FIFfl. The undersigned have entered into a co-partnership for the purposcof conduct ing the GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, to date from March 28, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. McNEELY & TYSON. The undersigned takes this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friends for their patronage, and asks the con tinuance of the same to the NEW FIRM. He will always be on hand to serve the patrons of the NEW FISH. 27:tf J. D. McNEELY. Eichmcnd & Danville Railroad Co. Western North Carolina Division. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Ashevillb, N. C, Sept. 24th, 1887. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. Effective Sept. 25th, 1887. Eastern 78 meridian time used when not otherwise specified. WESTBOUND. Lv. Ar. Lt. Lt. Ar. Lv, Ar. Lt. Charleston Columbia Augusta Allan! a Spartanburg I (Caarlolte Spurt anburg Accoiu modation Spartanburg s.5u p. at. UeuJvrsonMile 7.17 AsbevlUe .oo Asheville Hot springs 6 oo p. m. .45 7.00 MS a.m. 11.00 p. in. 3.34 Pusaenger Ar. Lt. Ar. 2.30 a. in. 5.53 7.00 T.10 9.' 0 11.45 t M ornsto w n tKnovllle tCbattanooga 1.05 p. m. 5.15 EASTBOTJMD. Lv. tCbattanooga 80 a m. JKnoxTllie S.10 p. m. tMorrlstown 3.50 Uot.prlng8 7.50 Asheville ff.41 Accommodation Passenger Ashevme 0.10 a. m. 0.40 a. in. Henderson vine 9.58 11.07 Spartanburg MO p. m. 3 00 a. m. Spartanburg 3.46 MS Charlotte 6.25 5.05 Alanta 1.20p.m. Augusta 10.30 a. in. Columbia 6.30 Charleston I0.3J Ar. Lv. Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Meal stations. tCentral soth meridian time. Pullman SleeDlnsr Car between Hot SDrinss and Savannah, via A. O. L. and Charleston. Through car between .Morristown and Charleston via South Carolina R. u. JAS. L. TAYLOR. G. P. P. W. A. WINBTJRN, A. D. P. F. fiicM and Danville Railroad Co. V. N. C. Division. Passenger Train Schedule. Effective, Sept. 25th. 1887. Eastern 75 th. meridian! time used, when not otherwise specified. WEST BOUMI Leave New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Richmond Raleigh Salisbury Statesvlile Hickory ConneliyS,' rings Morganiou Marlon ASilEVILLB Hot Springs t Monlstown t Knoxville Arrive KAST BOUND Leave t Knoxville t Mornstown liot Springs ASHEVILLE Round Knob Mai lun Morganton Hickory statesvilie Saibury Raleigh Richmond Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New Ycrk Arrive Murphy Branch. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO IS TRAIN NO 17 8 tx a m Leave Asheville Arr 4 50 p. m 10 25 a.rr Waynesville .... 2 30 2 2 p m t'harleston 10 15 a. m 5 05 Jarretts Leave I 30 A. &, S. Road. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO 18 TRAIN NO U Spartanburg Arrive 2 10 p. m Hendersonvllle 8 ss a. m Asheville Leave 8 t8 t5 50 p m Leave Arrive II Dinner Stations, t Central (90 th. meridian ) time. Pullman parlor car between Salisbury A Knoxvl le Pullman sleeping cars, on all night trains. JOS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A. W. A. WINBURN. Act'g D. P. A. Oil takav It ob it cu red at home with out pain. Book of par- neulart tent w B. M.WOOLLK Y. M.D. Office M WhltehaU St. this paper rTr. tyisis A.tJvprtlatn Bureau (10 Spruoe StV where advertlidiig wuuku wsl) am ramie ior 11 m 1 IIKK. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. VERTICAL PLUNGER. 1 PIEDMONT AIMINI BOOT Richmond & Danville Railroad, 002TD22TS2D S0SSD?Ii2.. IN EFFECT SEPT. 4, 1887. Trains Bun By 75 Meridian Time. I DAILY Mgwgawo:-gg- no. M Lt. New York is 15 A M 4 SO P" -' Puliudelphla 7 so c 5: " Baltimore 1 45 " t 48 ' " Washington u 4 " 11 00 " ChiU-lottesvllle 3 35" P M 3 00 AM Lynchburg & 60 " 5 SO Richmond s IC M 8 30 Rurkesv llle 6 17 - 4 28 Kej s.ville 5 5 " 6 06 ' Drake's Branch (it " 5 81 Han vllle I 60 " 8 05 " Greensboro 10 44 4S ' Goldsboro 30 " SI P M M Raleigh 6 GO " ti 00 A M " Durham ( 5S " i !T " Ar. Cbapel Bill ts 15 Hlllsborro 7 85 88 " Salem t7 80 " SO " " Ulgh Point il l I-10 18. " " Salisbury is 37 AM ! 11 S3 " M Statesille 1831 PM Asheville 5 " M Hot Springs 7 35 Lv. Concord l 26 " 18 VI P M " Charlotte s 25 " - I oo " " Spartanburg 5 88 " S .14 " Greenville 43 4 48- ' Atlanta" 1 SO P M 10 40 ; "DAILY. BOHTHaOUMPj-nj- ybTwT" Lv. Atlanta 7 00 f ""r 8 40 AM Ar. ureenville 1 01 AM M " Spartanburg s 13 8 46 " charlotte s 05 s 85 ' " Concord 4 09 - 7 85 44 Salisbury 8 44 " 8 OS " " High Point 7 57 8 11 'V " Greensboro 8 28 8 40 44 44 Salem 1140. tlS 84 AM 44 lllllsboro 18 06 p m ts 44 AM "Durham IS 45 1 t4 5 ' 44 Chapel Hill t8 15 I 44 Ralelvb 8 10 tf 35 44 i oldsboro 4 33 - 1 11 46 44 " Danville 10 0 a M I 11 2 P M 44 Drake's Branch IS 44 P M S 44 AM 44 Keysvllle l 00 3 03 44 44 Burkesvllle 1 40 44 8 55 44 44 Richmond I 3 45 6 15 44 44 Lynchburg 1 15 P M 8 00 44 44 Charlottesville 8 40 4 10 44 4' Washington 8 23 8 10 44 44 Baltimore 11 25 44 10 03 44 44 Philadelphia 300AM 18 35 PM 44 New York j f 80 44 3 20 44 Dal ly. t Dally, except Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On train no 50 and 61, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York. On trains 58 and 63, Pullman Buffet Sleeper be tween Washington and Montgomery; Washington and Augusta. Pullman Sleeiter between Richmond and Greensboro. Pullman sleeper between Greens boro and haleigh. Pullman Parlor Car between Salisbury and Knoxville Through tickets on sale at Principle stations, to all t.oims. For rates and information, apply to any agent ol ihe Company, or to Sol. Haas, Traffic Manager. J. B. l'CTTS, Dir. Pass. Agt. Richmond, Va. W. A. Turk, Dfr. Puss. Ag't, Raleigh, N. Jas. L. Taylor, Gen. Pas. Agt. 4 30 p.m - . -j i I " i l u 41 si! ;a ' . X Sit I Meklenbuq'ronork m g . CharToiim J ftSj 2 S3 I W S r m m a a Regular Horizontal Piston. The most simple, durable and effective Pump in the market ior Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. HirSend for Catalogue. The A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS, Foot of East 3kd Street, New York. K ;:it-iM! a kiv y. ----- . CRAKJE & CLEMrfiT ' ffjb.lrd, I88J. t nr v Job. J. P. EoiccEe. aee Miss M. c. TAAFEE ) Be leave to say to her f rh nas ana , te . thai she Is ralrly well settled in ber " 1 "f endiof Main street, and read,-10 seri. .penalty with best possible attention and WUl the favo"r to call. T 4)0 I ,raDUa'7,is87 PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in t, Otr office is opposite the l s p.i. . we can obtain Patents in less tiirl ,nl oa,Ui mottfrom Wasliingtcn e lha l""' Send Model or dniwlntr WemHKo " yernntonhVSPt.c, ent ofllce. -Forcircular adviee ,nn ,ht .of BPyt8' witn hrtd ache, stotnT onpation, te , nepiect ma v be tatal oZ'T' f&SV 8 atlvo PH1S will gjJrJg Aljewdoses resteie to new hearth Jud vJSj4 Visit Ceflar Covi Nurseries Which are now by odds (lie largest W conducted and well stocked with the mort reliable fruits of any nursery in the State Contains more reliable acclimated VanV ties of Apples, Penches, Pears, C heS' Grapes and all other fruits for orchard and garden planting. We have no com. petition as to extent of grounds and beautifully grown trees and vines of all desirab e ages and sizes. We can and will please you in stock. Your orders solicited. Prices reasonable. Descrin tive catalogue sent free. Address N. W. CRAFT, Shore, Yadkiu Count v. K C 47:ly. lire t? Experience. Rerrarkable and quick cures. Trial Pacxagea. Sen? ctamp for sealed particulars: Address DrvWARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. Tangcr! At neglected cold or coitbinaF ead to Puemnotiia.Coosuiiiptidii .r oilier fatil di;ease Strong-'s Pectoral Pi.ls , i . 1 ciirea cold as by numpe. iu-t 1 In 111; ior uyspepnia in digestlcvj, sick headache as thousands testify. WiBlLinWFEaiLEM I

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