The Carolina Watchman. VOL XIX. THEM) SERIES. SALISBURY N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1887. NO 1. m.murhlr ckamse the blood, which is tbo uncal Discovery, and jrood digi-rtion. a ". M.fIfbox)ynt spirits, vital strength, and fwfnn coMtttiittod will be established. MedSoDisocnrefy.cmw all humors. , " The common nlmpie, wotcn. or ; eruption. "IiL. ot Scrofula, or wopo-powon. XLZaXH nas it proven Es- n-vcn ita eracacy in curing etter. Fever-sores,. Hip-Johit . Cam, nnrt Swollincrs. lin- 22Sit is s somelajwrenaedy. It promptly More Goods Than Room AT KLUTTZ P RENDLEMAN'S. "SS Torpid Liver. nnionsness. or v-nlint," Pvfpepsia. an Indigestion. IftJs nequslled remedy. Sold by druggists. PimCF'S PFM FT - Antl. ' BiHoa mid Cathartic. 20c a vial, by druggists. JIEDMONT WAGON MADE AT HICKORY, N. O. a T I A IN 1 Tii- .a, ngiw 'T' OT7 AT st rind where thev ought square We have now ready the largest Stock J of FALL and WINTER GOODS, w.s have ever offered, and at prices, that to see them is to buv. as thev must be soil te mike room. Oar Imported Cashmers arc the best wc have ever offered to the trade. Big stock of Sacqneand Dresa Flannels, Tricot', Henriettas aud all kind of Dress Fabrics. Plaid and BrooadedCashmeres, all wool filling, in all "olors nt 12J cts. Gingham', the best aasoi uacat in town at 6i, 81 and 10 eta. t Pant Goods, Jean. Tweads antl C; h raeres, from 10 cts. per vartl to the fin Worsteds. - Underwear, in Ladies' and Men's, from 25 cts. to the finest Lambs-Wool. Red, AH-Wool Knit Shirts, at unheard of low prices of 65 cts. and up. BY J. J. BBTvKER. A box factory at L ikeside, Mich., is making 11,000 bo,xc3 to fill au order from Central America. A forest of petrifie.i trees is said to have been discovered on the line of the RiJeau Canal in Canada. Clothm? for everybody at prices that au'tbebeat. Italy entere,i ito an alliance Big stock of Boy's Clothing", from 5 to ( with Austria and Germany on an equal 13 years. Pants 50 cts. up, Suits $2.00 fa0i-i vkii the two Emnirpa. and Toe Uauadian krovernnient toroius i n por tat ion of rags from the Mediter ranean on account of cholera. up. Domestics, Bleached and Brown, 5, 6fc, 7, 7ir8, 9 and 10 cts. Calicos, 5, 6, 7 and 8 cts. Jerseys at prices that sc'l them fast, and more than 200 of them. j Carpets, we have more than 20 pieces of the prettied nnd best wearius Carpets ever offered at prices from SO cts. 75 cts. Lots of Rugs. Shoes, for everybody, all qualities and sizes, from 35 cts. to the finest French Calf, hand -sewed. Savannah, G t1 turotestin against ths site sjleatei for the new govern ment building to rected in that city. Don't Leave the Old North State. Rev. P. F. W. Stamey in Newton Enter prise., Toad and Grasshopper. I once saw an amusing instance of the process of ramming a grasshopper town than Asheville. Nature just seemed to wear herself out on Bun comb? county and then she too" what she hv.d left over to make the ret of the country, i our air is full of rigor. L.u u i i7 I a. tnad ( mi I think than fif- v., u children left Uowan county for Texas waa (.scarcely more, iiniiik, man ni- selves in the middle or on one side, so T" 1,,,11uriHWC ""'5 vine- bu u i ru'i Hiiiiij; lie uusstrswu, went to Tex:w to make a fortune, and A young man, with a wife and two dow his throa in th c,of JjS he A U.'uu wiii give you. James Henry, great grandson of the famous Patrick Henry, is one of I the promisins voim; men of Ten ties- see. mi mm r I uci FiijHt But Thfy ;av) Woa It! I Just read about va'ioii i.n and what people say 'f --rs) Ml. a t ii vuii want a cjme quickly and buv '.1. F. ...iil.I, mi mi ti inn OUC, ClWlC luk vii "it. We have the BIGGEST STOCK of good things to eat in town, at low prices. Come and see us before you buy or sell, as wo buy your produce for CASH or BARTER and sell yoa at the LOWEST PRICES to be had.' Yours obediently, 39:ly, KLUTZ & RENDLEMAN tax mm. being Tax- no. SAiasapuv, N. C. 6-p4. fat. 186. Two vr 1 o ht a vry iiht two Ju li'ii; hnw iwed it n-'ar-'y all the time ai-.Wvc tried it scvcTely in liaiihn sitw r..u ntii i lu-avy luru-ls. anl liaviMiot b in m one- c nt for repnirs. I look jjViDtUt Piedmont van as tin- Int Thim .IcSkein ain ni ule in United SfnJes. lt timber tu-d in thvw is most excellent t4 thoroughly welt st-asned. TuasEii P. Thomaeox. Samsucrt. N. C. An;', jmit, 1886 .tMt two vcir :ur I Itojllt of JllO A. hoisc PieUmobt nai;on which n U if marli serviee Kil l no pait of it unbroken or i?iv-n wy and :oticqu nt tit buco-a aothiriy for r pairs. John D. IIexlt. The Taxes for the present year due. notice is hereby given to the payers of Rowan county, that I will at tend at the fol owing times and places for the purpose of collecting the same. All persons concerned are earne.-tly request ed to meet mo prompt y and pay their taxes. Franklin Academy, Monday, Oct. 10th. Unity, Railev's Store, Tuesday, Oct. 11th. - Scotch IrishIt. Vernon, Wednesday, Ott. 12th. Mt. Ulla, ShcrrillV, Thursday, Oct. 13. Steele Bhickmer, Friday, Oct. 14. SalisWiry, Saturday, Oct. 15. CFHuaiGrove Monday. Oct. 17. AtwefrrEiiochvdle, Tuesday, Oct. IS. Atwe'l, Coleman'!, Wednesday; Oct. 19. Wke, Gibson's, Thurstlay, Oct. 20. . Third Creek, Friday, Oct. 21. Sa isbury, Saturday, Oct. 22. Providence, Newsom's Store, Mcnday, Oct. 24. Morgans. Pool town, Tuesday, Oct. 25. Morgans, Millertown, Wednesday, Oct. 16. Gold Hill, Thursday. Oct. 2i. Litaker, -Bostiau'sj X Roads, Friday, Oct. 28. Salisbury, Saturday. Oct. 29. C. C. KRIHEPv, Sheriff' of Rowan. i tAVt -'ali AT J t Unf2ili3g Specific for Um Disease. BSIHITnlia Kitter or bad taste In iiimriuncoi An insurance company employed a detective to get evidence cf a fraud against a firm making an insurance claim, and the firm had the detec tive arrested on the charge of conspiracy. Nina Van Zaudt is aggrieved be cause her husband by proxy, Spies, in sists on writing love letters to another woman. This is the reward she ha11! for giving up everything else m her infatuation for the condemned anarchist. that you have to wear a pair of telegraph-pole climbers when yoa dig your potatoes. Here you will see the ja ponic, the jonquil - and the jaundice growing side by side in the spring, and at the cheese foundry you can hear the skipper calling to its mate. Here is the home of Gen. Tom Cling man, who first origiunt d the idea of using tobacco externaliy for burns, scalds, ringworm, spavin, pneumonia, Bright's desease, poll evil, pip, garget, heartburn, earache and finnanciai strin gency. Here Randolph & Hunt can do your job printit! for v i and the Citizen and il the news. i ... f-ir im j i o are vn a ooa nne ot mkroau j :?nd I lilce your air vry much, abide from theiir just played by your home band. Certainly you have here the making of a great city. You have pure air enough here for a city four times your present size, and although I have seen most all the Switzerland of America I think that this iVin eve ry way preferable. People who are ju search of a Switzerland of America that can be relied upon will do well to try your town. And now, aaving touched upon eve rything of national importance that I can think of, I will close lV telling you a little anecdote which will perhaps il lustrate ray position better than I could do it in any other way. (Here he insert a humorous anecdote which has no special bearing on the political sit uation, aud during the ensuing laugh er the train pulls out.) white or covurod wi! ii a hrown fur : oain In the hack. side, or joints often mistaken Ei. S.VLtfBLnY. N. C. Scot. 3 1. 186. . - 1 1.1... r iti-ciT. nuntns 'o i u iuum "I .mini Atvitcn. s Vt iaeh fMHftMc bk-a 1'ieil- w w.on untl have toed it pretty ntacb Jt the time and it linsv proved to le a hr-t t w.f..n Nnthmtf- aiMut it lias iven sad therefore it has required no re ste. T. A. Waltox. MEH -A SAI.TfeBnitT, N. C. , , Sept. 8th, 1886. t9 month? ao I bought of tin- Agent, in tlnimrr. a 24 in Thimble Skein Piedmont scua their lightest one-horse wagon 1 4ve Jccnt it in almost constant use and jrini tin? time h tve hauled on it at least 5 had of wood and that without any reake r repairs. L. U. Walto. FOR SALE. Oue Brick House and lot, on thceorner "Fulton and Ken- streets, about one .'re in lot. - One Frame House and lot on Lee .reet. One Frame House aud lot on Main reet. , k " - Also shares in N. C. R. R. Knnniiv of Mm. H. K. and MlS3 VIC- ia Joiixhom at their home on Main t. 40:tf I'lRiSI AN r t "RP" -fS for JBBsAli lnCnny naiMitU Uiilll . auantity.rorstocklnu "id. For terms, address w: K. FltALEY, Sai- y. N. C. - iol yEAKUNDEVELOPED inont- CHEAP! CHE CHEAPEST!!! Just received a nice line of SILVER JEWELRY, BUM Stone Cafe M aid Hair Ornaments, &c, At PRICES that will astonish you. Call and see them and be convinced. Respectfully, W. II. REISNER, The Jeweler. 27:ly Subscribe for thex Carolina Watchman. moulh; tongue eoated for ibeumstlsna ; sour stomach; loss of appetite; eometimen nausea and water LraKh. or indigestion ; tlatuleney and acid eructations; lioweta alternately estlvo and lax; heatlache; loss of memory, with p. painful sei'satlou of having failed to do -tKtnetliinewh:eh ouuht In bnvc heendone; debility; low snirits: a thick, yellow ap pearance cf tlftJ f.kl and eyes; a dry couch; fever; restlesfini ss; the urine Is scanty and hljrh colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) lb fneraUy toed in the stnith to arouse tho Torpid "Liver to a healthy action. It acts with c&traorO.ary efficacy on ths IVER, E5S?iEYS, AMD 5 1 W ES. i-O . AN E' ECTUAL SPECiriO TOR Malnria, Dowel Complaints, !;; psla, Rradactae, ConMtt)Mtinn, liiUonsness, Hiduey AfTecl Inn, Jaundice. Mental Depression, Colic. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of B-::'.es, as THE BEST FAMILY KEOISIKE tor Children, fur Adults, anj "or ihi Aged. ONLY GENUINE hs: cur Z Stamp ia red on front cf Wrapper. irl in Ohio was walking through an electric light es tablishment and received a severe shock, which turned her hair gray and made an old woman in appearance of her. She w;ts engaged to be married ,t the time. in a short time after getting thera buried all his children, and returned to North Carolina to begin life anew. And this is only one case among hun dreds who meet with a similar fate. As a rule all who go to the West and succeed would do just as well here, if they would put forth the same energies here as there. Our young men by hundreds are going to Texas, and thou sands of ncres of land in Western Xort h Carolina yet uncultivated, rich in products, rich in minerals and tim ber.. and an 'atmosphere as pure as heaven can give, and water as cool to iU,:mt u? if it b ni jmmt dropped fnwsi an iceberg and where fever scarcely ever scorch, or chills ever shake, and yet they leave all these blessings and conveniences, and go where many of them lose their health, and their lives, and others return poorer financially than before they left. Unless a man has plenty of brains or capital, or has good business qualities, he would do better to stay among the hills of Western North Carolina, than go west to make a fortune by manual labor. . , , a . B V IV ft Y teen months old ), wii icti-1 saw upon a smooth gravel yard in front of toy b.un. I saw that the little fellow T A citizen of Cincinnati went off to Europe and left four gas jets blazing away in his hotu-e for four months. He has offered the gas company $800,- 000 to settle the bill, but they want an even million and he will probably have to p:iy it. J. H. Zetlin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., sols rKortuaicKS. l'riee, CI.OO. ELYS CATARRH CREAM BALM Clsanses the Nasal Passages, Allayi Fain andZaflamma t i o 11. Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell A Pittsfield (III.) man litis manufac tured an immense barrel churn on wheels. With this he will go through the country gathering the cream, and when he has secured the proper quanti ty return home. He will hitch on the ... i uifinmr nml :l hi ( rivw :i oil"' the churning will go on as the wagon goes along, and when he arrives there will Im nothinu to do but take out the butter and draw off the buttermilk. PHAYFEVEEiij FI TRY THE CURE HAY-FEVER CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane, generally originating in the nasal pas- sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thru ugh the digestive organs, corrupting ihc blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. A particle is ap(lle l into each nostril, and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at rlrugxisth; y mall ret3terrd, etceats. KLV UUOS., -.85 Greenwicb Street, New Yarn. 4C:tf. hoi rnt AV i N n ) i-o wt n mn ' wr - we, j-i f pit tol nut iv-wi. in -n Unm (" nmn'm 2!L tir..'S4lF rrr. th arlv.rtwni ir tptt j3 :0HGHSN mm, ; DEALERS IN "' BE3H MEAT AND ICE. foe choicest BEEF the market affords vajron hand. 50:3m mm m heaters.- 'A' STOVES AND' ifAXGES. htVe the best and prettist lot of Coal Wood Stoves, ever offered in this it, many of them of the latest and rAapproved "patents suitable for par iti ning rooms, stores, oflices,churehes, ool houses, shops and sitting rooms. fge and small. Call and see them aud prices. ' . . .lia. Wm. BBOWNy A HOME Company. ASTEOHGCfflpj PROMPT ! Mfe ! Literal ! SSEKII O AGSNT3 la 11 Cities, Towns and Villages in the Soutl. TOTAL Jk RHODES BROWNE,"; jrrfs tr.-.t. William C. Coabt Srrtttcrjj. - $750,000 00. J. AU.ES BROWN, Resident Agent, Salisbury, N. C. mm ACRES of aooxtdn.uU miJe frmi balistbary, cn the Concord r nl te.uis rt?neo i ible t'or'ali. Ofr Tta Thtnm ort KSSE.oiv io: tw..xuivaiueiB it and vcsjrtK.UreUihumitSxvr usooi 30F. OCBAfUAl DftOTIIICeX A Radical Crrn for NcrriasDelantr,urfSio - U'e.-knfllindriirlrEirncfTin VfeaSCT JDC i fordwM tivuaiM.1 ttrth and Vlsorona h,IUb dio A-sdMcx Tcsiod inrElnlit leers in bot thocuadcsCTi tar aMoietety IP. kBUUtlUI WWII ' , - ' m trwjrfitBboot by In! : scrctioa. lymmt, Otsy.Eraia Kan ud all oaM vulj ami? tobieec their ri o- CuBELi Ooacactu. due cot Interfcrs r wi.ii tamOm to tnumeM. er cawe piia oriacorvoueace io anr r ir Fosndcs Byd.rect y-r titan wtth irtaterwst ot TWtwWamaw RUPTUnED PCBCOM8 can havo FRES art ariratle UMllifll Rrlnrirf rappurat Kioto ta 01 c:acr ki cprriBs irnencaiaialtvitlioDt dritr. Thecaur .l fcBMionaaftha naaaa orsaninn reatored. Tk vaucdaatnavinc elcmenta at lit are aiwvbacli, to BSfttS I beeoz3ca caecnalsad rapidy gaiaa both SMsftft aod atalA TEEATHIgT. Cx HcstX S3. g ttee, C7 HARRIS REMEDY CO., ftfro Ci-eicsts, roeK.IsiStrest,6T.IrjJIS.KO. . Trial of cur Appliance. Ask for Terraftl Bill Hye Writes the President's Ashe- ville Speech for Him. Bill Nve wrote the following speech for the President to deliver to Ashe ville: Felloiv-Citizens of Asheville and Bun Combe County, and Brother Tarheels from Airay Back: If I were a faithful Mjh:immedan and believed that I could never enter heaven but once 1 would look upon Buncombe county and despa;r ever af terwaitK (Four minutes for applause v at Ml .1 f i to die away.) Aslievitie is z aav lee above tidewater. She is the hotbed o the invalid and the home of the physi cal wreck who cannot live elsewhere Knt who comes here and lives till he oeU nlum sick of it. Your mountain breezes and your fried chicken ler strength and healing in their wings. (Hold valve open two minutes and a half to give laughter full scop. J Your altitude and your butter are both high, and the man who cannot get all the fresh air he wants on your mountains will do well to rent one of your cotta ges and nl'.ow the wind to meander through his whiskers. Asheviile is a beautiful spot, where a peri could put in a highly enjoyable summer, picnic- ing along the fewannanoa tnrongn me day and conversing with Pium Levy at his blood-curding barber shop in the gloaming. Nothing can possibly be thrilHnger than to hear Plum tell of the hair-breadth escapes his customers have had in his cosy little shop. The annual rainfall here is 40.2 inch es, while smoking tobacco and horned cattle botkdo well. Ten miles away stretches Alexanders. You are o lly thirty-five miles from Buck Forest. Pisgah Mountain is only twenty miles from here and Tahkeeaste Farm is only a mile away, with its name ex tending on bevond as far as the eye can reach. The French Broad river bathes your feet on the right and the sun kissed Swannanoa, with its beautiful borders of rhododendrons, sloshes up against you on the other side. Mount Mitchell with an altitude of 6,711 feet and sib annual rainfall of 53 8 inches, is hnl twenty miles distant, while Lower Hominy is near, and Hells Half Acre, Sandy Mush and Blue Ruin are within New Terrors in War. A party of scientists from New York city went to Lafayette recently to witness experiments which Lieut. i inane dynamite gum l ne ftecrcuoy oi the Navy and members of the Ordi nance Committee watched the experi ments from the U. S. steamer Despatch. The target for practice was the old coast survey sailing "vessel Sillimau, which bad outlived its usefulness. The Siilimin was placed 180 yards, 1 utiles from the fort. After two trial shots, without dynamite cartridges, to fi d the range, "a charge containing fifty-live pounds of explosive gelatine ind dynamite wa3 fared, and a jat, ot water around the place where the Sdliman was to the height of about sixty feet. The damage to th target consisted ot serious injury to uer woodwork, and consider able water was et into her hold and thrown n her deck. Une of the masts was gone also, and the ship was in a wrecked condit..ii. Tne fourlh shot made a terrific noise as it exploded, and the spray this time was blacKened with smoke and inter larded with spars and small pieces of wood. When this had fallen one glance showed that the work had been done. The Silliman was no more. A mast stuck plaintively up in the water; the remainder of the vessel had sunk. -. . . 1 HI I Hippps 1 o:itid around everywhere. Hie Selecting a Cow. A model useful dairy cow may be knotvn at a glance by an expert. She has a fine, long head, broad between the eyes, aud a thin, wide muzz'e; the eyes are large, and of a mild expres sion; the neck is thin and long; the ears are thin, and coveied within with si Wn vellnw skin- thp fore ' n liters , .. ,7 - - - - 1 i are light aud thin, and the whole body has riiueh the shape of a wedge, in creasing in size to the rear; the legs are thin, with fine bone; the bellv is ' 1 l .vo olt1 Jann liritK (VMirl f Al nUl f V fikt L. Z ilinski conducted with the pneu- .V , , of 'u and the ribs are well rounded toward the rear; the bones of the rump sire wide apart; the tail is long and thin; the thighs are thin and are set widely apjirt; the udder is large and full, es pecially behind; the teats are of good size, and set tar apart upon a oroau. level udder, and the milk vein, so called, which is the large vein leading from the udder and passing into the abdo men, and which is an indication of the amount of blood circulating through the milk glands, and contributing to the milk secretion, should be full and tortuous in its short course. A fine horn, a deep, yellow skin, and a general elegance of form, without any heavi- ?ss or beefiness in any part, are nlso important indications of good quality in a cow for the dairy. American Ag riculturist. To The Point Just at this time our country needs - 11 A Ml l a religion mat win maite a man uav his debts. Shouting doesn't settle old notes and accounts with God and man cash up. We want to pounce righ on a man and put him out of the church if he goes to a ball or theatre or eets drunk, but never say a word to projectile, also containing" 55 pounds of the pious scamp who never pays his dynamite and gelatine, struck directly debts, rreacners ana people wuo nev under the middle of the hull, and lilted er pay their debts are doing more harm it bodily from the water. s than dancers and drunkards there are water tank was curried from the hold up more of them in the church. Header throuffh the deck aud rested on the ton am I getting close to you? Then lay -- .1. w..w , - won Id have no clod or stone handy to push the grasshopier down with, ana I was curious to see what be would do. I went to my garden and found one of the yellow striped locusts which seemed t be fully as long us the toad himself. Crossing the locust u legs over each other in such a wise that it would take him some seconds to untangle them and get ready for a hop, I threw him cautiously in front of the toad. Before the locust could recover his self-posses sion )r.d gt-i hi lnmi lejjs ready tof jump ilic toad had put him head fore most down his throat, leaving nearly half Ww l.' protrnuuig front his mouth. The fellow then looked about, turning in every direction, and seeing nothinfy gainst which he could push the locunfciie bent his bead dowu against the grolnd. But his legs were so short nnd flip lnrnst wu sn lonur thut I it made a small angle, and it slipped HK'iip, iii'inui '-iiiij'i v (a iMIfVn 'is VUV surface of the gravel. The toad then raised his hind legs higher in order to . increase the angle, but still in vain. At ast, in his desperate effort to get his egs still higher, he threw himself up and actually stood upon his bead, or rather upon tne hiud legs of the grass hopper sticking out of his mouth; he repeated this operation several times be fore he succeeded in getting the insect ully within his mouth. Uentlemen Magazine. How Chocolate is Made. "Chocolate," sajd a confectioner, uis made from beans that grow in pods on he cacoa tree. 1 hese trees are numer ous in the West Indies, and it is from there we get our supply. The beans ire brought hither in the pod and put hrough a regular manufacturing prc- cess to produce the chocolate cakes that we use. J he first operation is the l breaking of the husks and separating f them from the kernels by a blast of mi . 1 a m air. men the o?ans are l round wit a sugar by revolving granite grindstones. I he stones are heated, aud the oil con tained in the bean makes the mass ad here and become a thick paste. This pulp is now partly dried and the air bubbles are squeezed out in a press, and it b transferred to the cooling tables..' Here it is beaten and worked by hand in in i mi in r .iii ' h ii i iiii nnn IS 11 grain. Then it is placed in avoids, blast ot cold air is turned on, and in few moments the beautiful glossy tab lets are finished. "The British Government has recent ly directed that the chocolate be served two or three times a week in their a my and navy. In confectionary the Parisians exceed us. in the number of preparations of chocolate. We nse it in its natural flavor only, while they mix essences and other flavors with it until there is no end to the combina tions they produce. In England much of the chocolate is adulterated. Some recent tests detected Hour, starch, pota to, lard, chalk, bran and old sea-biscuit i i specimens offered for sale." wreckage. of the Two more, shots were fir-'d at the diminished parts of the boat. The fifth shot struck the wreckage that was sticking up in the water and cleared away a large amount of debris, making a loud noise. The sixth snot was sim ply to show that the projectile could hit exactly the same spot it had previously touched. It would have struck the Silii man in the same place that t he third shot struck if the ruined vessel had not drift ed twenty yards down the bay. As it was it exploded under the w.iter astern of the wreck. In the first four shots 000 pounds air pressure was used, and, though suc cessful, they fell short of the calcu lated point. In the last two shots 607 pounds pressure was used, which would have Kent the projectiles right into the center of the e:l. Every one of the projectiles would have landed on tlu deck of an ordinary sized vessel, lhe success of the ex periments was ickuow!edgcd by all witnesses. down this paper and go and pay up, and then you can read with ease. And don't you stop paying because the sta tus of limitation excuses the open ac count you made for meat and bread. God's law knows no such statue. Yon pay in cash or God will make you pay in fire and brimstone. God knows no such excuse for paying as the "homestead exemption. ou raise that excuse to keep from paying your debts and you can stop singing 'When I can read my titles clear to mansion in the skies' vou have none up there Rec. J. H. futile, of Wilminton. How to be a "Nobody." It is easy to be nobody, and the Watchman tells how to do it. Go to the drinking saloon to spend your lei sure time. You need not drink much now, just a little beer or some other drink. In the meantime, play domi noes, checker, or something else to kill time, so that you will be sure not to read any useful books. If you read anything, let it be the dime novel of the day. Thus .go on keepiug your stomach full and your head empty, and 3oarself playing" time-killing games, and in a few years you will oe a first class nobody, unless Tou should turn out a drunkard or a professonal gam bler, either of which ns worse "than no body. There are any number of young men hanging about saloons just ready to graduate and be nobodies. A Kini Voice. There is no power of love so hard to get and keep as a kind vo:ce. hand is deaf and dumb. It ma rough in flesh and blood, yet do t work of a soft heart and do it with a soft touch, But there is no one thing that love so much needs as a sweet voice to tell what it means nnd feels; and it is hard to get and keep it In the right tone. One must start iu youth, and be on the watch night and day. at work and play, to get and keep a voice that shall speak at all tunes the thoughts of a kind heart. It-is often in youth that one gets 'a voice or a tone that is sharp, and sticks; to him through life, ana stirs up ill will and grief, and falls like a drop of gall on the sweet toys of home. Wsftch it ii v ua tv u pt in I ui I'll;,,, u, it will be worth more to you in dam to come than the best pearl hid in the sea. A kind voice is to the heart what light is to the eye. It it a light that sings as well at shines. Elihu Burritt. Why Hot Keep Beet f "It has always been a question to our mind," says the Farm and Heme, "Why there are so many homes with out bees. There is no diet more de licious or healthful than honey, it is withiu the reach of every one. There is not a housewife in this broad land who does not feel a touch of pYide and satisfaction when she can place before ! her guests a dish of nice honey. The fo tike plenty of sleep during sleep j friends somehow feel that thej have in"- hours, re spend ndie hours in ixen especially tavored and reassured J bed at least, and to take care during I of a hearty welcome. It is far superior cold weather that the temperature ot to the doctored store molasses or So the bed room is maintained at GO tie- gbum, and can be had for lets cost or I labor. Your wife will have to pay passion, excitement and ' more attention and bestow more labor i in raising a brood of chickens than I will be required for several colonies of bees. How to Avoid Premature Old Age. The following advice is given by Dr Benjamin Ward Richardson : To subsist on light but nutritious dint, with milk and the standard food, but varied according to the season. To take food in moderate quantity four times a day, including a light meal before going to bed. To clothe warmly but lightly; so that t.hp bmlv mav. in all seasons, maintain its eaual temperature. . . " . 5 To keep the body in tairexercise ami the mind active and cheerful. To maintain an interest in what is going on in the world, and to take in reasonable labors and pleasures, as though old age was not present your grasp. The sun never lit up grees F hrenheit To avoid luxury. ' To conceal a fault by a lie has been said to be substituting a hole for a stain. If all so-called remedies .have failed, cuter little Dr. aje's Catarrh Remedy cures. 1 The bank of England was establish ' ed in 1093, and is banker to the gov- Envy isapttssionsofull of cowardice eminent, receiving all taxes, and pay cU...p that none hare the conn- ing all dividends and outgoings for deuce to own it. public office-5. -

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