Carolina Tit 7 J 1 Y atcnman. fie SALISBURY N, C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1887. HC. 2. Wi. 1 Bh1HBBshHHIIiKsh jMmmmmBpmbmbbbbbbbobbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbwpibbbbiibbB3BMBB1BBWBBBMBBBWMBBBBBBWM atSMMMMBSSSISSSSSC.MBMBMBBMBBSSSMSMBMMMMMMMM ' TO BP fiir worn-out." "ruiwiown," ttoMiirauu school teachers, tniUinert. fcuunrf rcsst. house keepers, and ove-tf feed towjo g-mcral!y. Dr. Pierce's favorite FrTiption is urn Iwst Of ai; reetornti ve ton ica. 1 1 in not r. Cure-ait, but admirably fulfills a sin?lcn3ss of purpose, being 4nost potent Sfx-eific lor ral those Chronic Wenkncasf-s and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a powerful, perioral as well as Uterine, tonic and nervine, and imparts vipor tad trenjrth to t'nc wlwk system. It promptly cures weakness of toinaeh indijreatjon. hlont fcur, weak back, nervous pt-ostratipc. debility and sleeplessness, in -ither sx. . avor.fe Pre scription is sold by dnicrarists under our posi tive auaraufM. gee-wranner around bott. Price 81.UO. or six bottle for $5.00. A ianre treatise on Diseases of Womsn. pro fusely filU3tratd with colored plates and nu merous wood-cuts, sent for W eents in stamps. Address, Woman's Dispkksahv Medical Association, Mil Main Street, Buffalo'. . SICK HEADACHF., riniouv, ITfuche, and Constipation, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. 85c a vial, . by druggists. PDF AM DATM Cleanses the ITas?,!! Pa3caffes, A 11 Srj i Pain andlnflamma-l t i o n. H o ah the Bores, a .stores , the Senses ofTast: and Smoll. TRY THE CURE.I 5sv? IN fen USA. W-FEVER CAT ABBE IEDMONT WAGON MADE AT s is a disease of the mucous membrane, ' generally originating in the nasal pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting ihe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. . "A pmiele is appllcl into each nosti.t, and is agreeable. Price 50 oenta at druggists ; by mull registered, 60 cents. ELY BUOS., .3j Greenwich Street, Xew York. 43:tf. HICKORY, N. C. GAN'T BE BEAT! They stand where- they ought to, right square AT THE FR3S.T ! It Was a Hard Fight But T;key Hava Won It! Just read what people say about them and if you want a wagon come quickly and buy one, either for cash or on time. Salisbl'rt, N, C. Sept. 1st, 18J.G. Two years agn I bought a very liht tw.o hora Piedmont wagon of the Agent, Jno. A. Borden; have used it m-nr'y all the time since, have tried it severely in hauling saw logs and other heavy load, ami have not had to pay one cent for repairs. I look upon tie Piedmont wagon asthe bet Thim ble Skein wagon made in the United States. The tin ber used in then. .is most excellent and tU roughly well seasoned. TUKNEK P. TlIOMASON. Subscribe for the Carolina Watchman. If You Wish a God Article Ol Plug Tobacco, ask your dealer for "Old Rip." i rz S PURELY VEGETABLE. It sets with extraordinary efficacy cn the by J. J. bbuker. istence upon the face of our fair Com- - T-jrrTr-i. nion wealth. a... EV.n;.,.n ; A;u ,WQ. 1 It is herd to i.nderstand why certain, ban rraneisco is excitea over revela- . . . , . ... , . . sour, disappointed, self-seeking, unpa- tions showing that well-known Citi-triotic and n.ihonored politicians should zens have frequently bought np jurors, seek to perpetuate, in this State, the 1 rule of a party wiiich has hronght to Perry King, colored, was lynched at the Sti.te nothing save disgrace and Lamar, La., for attempting to enter repeat that is hard to , , . . comprehend any argument for the eon- the sleeping apartment of two young &nv& existenc of" sucb lea(lers and laihes. such a p trty except upon the ground that disembodied politicians men that A lady witness called to the stand in represent issues which have been dead gCDNEYS. and Bowels. AU EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Howel Complaints, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipp.lion, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Meutsvl DepTo-sion, Colic. Mo Household S Hcnld be Without It, and, by being kept ready for immediate use, v. ili save many an hour of sufferina and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Ore that you get the genuine with red "2" on i'-.ont cf Wrapper. Prepared only by J. H. ZEiL!N & CO., Sole Proprietors, Philadelphis, Pa. VKIti:, 81. 00. Augusta, took the oath and kissed the Bible, and immediately fell dead, caus ed by heart disease. M The Knights of L tbor General As sembly at Minneapolis voted down a resolution of sympathy with the con demned Chicago Anarchist by 151 nays to 52 yeas. sosssb i Mrs. John Jacob Astor, while paying her chief cook seven thousand dollais a war. is sneh a nfTVrpr frnm d vcmonein that she has to content herself ith the dcad ,DeU who haVe aaburied for uiauy years. Assuredly Randolph of Roanoke's . t tl t trs. maxim toucniug the decayed nsh is. for many years, derive profit and pleas u re from the machinations which, in the flesh in days that will never return to them, they were wont to pursue. And it is but fair to assume that these resurrected apostles pf Republican principles in this "State apostles and principles which, like the famous mac kerel that John Randolph, of Roanoke, used to describe mackerel that alter nately emitted a. stench as well as re flected a light in the moonshine have been rotted in their own decadence, and now, to their original dirt, add the ac cumulated noisomeness and dirt of plainest kind of fare. ; Gold Leaf Signs. LIOW THE SBCBKT OF MAKING GOLD LEAF STICK TO THE GLASS WAS DISCOVERED. Bats are not Birds, i; There are few animals about which so many superstitions hare been believ ed from very early times, as the bar, and even now the creatures ar hr I , . ... - - - - , I Kill W .li , , . rt'tMn ( With UM .i - j. ne reason mac so many gold leaf o- neu oneoiuietn signs on glass rub pff," said a painter 1 u ? T?m at.uiKh hands give as he paused in putting some gold leaf i - "uu usernl l,ttle nsecthunt- .1. c . - . P la Tim nflnn I. .11 J . . n a Siorn "W Mint nnnnU ...... i - w'MI killed. Our bats If you look at j 2SS ITV1!!? tb? stories of Wood e door of the ! 8uck,n oth South Ameri- ill .arconiy partly true. Our bat, of on ".r,ch T. h.ave ?lwut htt1 a dozen, are enough for the work the ('old In: if iihnro tha - ."-i . . v , vix ' tf i r i Litrr : . . r- Merchant's National Baiik yon will j Jfc.? MllJWV twe. Our baU, of hud it as good as when it was put on u , . "ul "ait a dozen, are lew inches in ose in the East whieh han at . . . ' f thy, the most expert man in the busi- spre?a ? ur feet- These monsters ness. Those sisrns done ri?ht alono-. Rre,frt eaters, and do not altacVan.. waiting for each portion to T'9 a.. , 1?e. !arJ Btttorl in 1873. The best signs are those in , 1 TJ L' TS8 ufc a the railroad windows in Broadway, "f1"' nt th are th Thev were done by George H. McCar- n j' -nes w,nRs of The Mexican war United States will meet in Fort Worth, Texas, November 8th and 10th. and it : is expected that there will be delegates from most of the States. without waiting for each portion to , j , 1 eariJ naturalist thoroughly drv and harden, are always he w,k,h the but their poorly done." " J ibl,ltT to fly the only thing they "How is the work done on glass?" ha,ve j" comon with birds. They The glass is first moistened with a i frm tber auimafe in their size matte of isinglass dissolved in hot hvlH8 long fingers, over which a thin water. The gold leaf sticks to that. ?,a chwg to the bind Letters are then perfectly formed on J? n 1; fo,rfxs,tl wing, and the back of the gold in varnish. usVallv ?nds n a hopk by which the When the varnish is dry we wipe off fn,ma,s can suspend themselves. The the gold with a piece of wet colon. , der f W8 witu nt Then it is shaded, and then varnished i b,whlch they also Jiang when . nr. rot l hit ava a l t.x again te preserve it. liood work. " r. , . 7.fTvl. ",e ,,at are so v . . . ii om oil nu it. i , . i l " ii s which neoD e tret when thev nv for if " " V ,1IUUCU u.v aur, mat it was ..ii ii:" t i- .Mil.?. ' at a nf ih metanhoricdl v aoolicable to the Re- allows fuh time for each of these nro-L.T.W no k innri xr publican politicians of North Carolina cesses." ZiTT: . Pt DU and of the Uniou. In political phrase ISlll IIiis space is reserved for- i VV. H. Reisner. The Jeweler. There will be an bacco cured in the Modern Barn, in Danville, Va., on the 17th of Novem ber, A prize of $23,000 is offered for the best 100 pounds of cutters, and a like sum for the best 100 pounds of smokers. capacity or tne macuiue in tne nana of a competent printer is from eight to ten thousand ems an hour ab'jut ten times more rapid than tney ao "stmsv ana snine, ana it is higli time now, if their friends have not the decency and public spirit to bury them, that thev should be inter- i -l -i.: i ! red bv the Democratic pnrtv of this co.uiuii.iuij u iu- - ,,, m, '..i.t: . Ul.-i A : ":.,i "..uU l 1 coniiuonweaiiu. l ne ivepuuucan uanv m aiuciiciui piunwra couiuit i tuuen of North Carolina has been permitted they tried their bst to discover the to linger too lonr on the face of the secret, of the size he used, but eoludn't commonwealth without funeral rites, cafe h him. Other Englishmen came Its condition now appeals not only to over, and they had all the good gold .i i ii .. .i t i i m i j ii i x the chnrcli but to the coroner, it is a icar onsiness to tnemseives. I was nuisance in that it breeds pestilence working as an apprentice of 13 in 1856 through its own rot. It is the filthy tor John McCarthy, who had the secret. remains ot a hlthv era. Doth, need iuvery time ne wantea to mix tne size the services of the trrave-diyrsrer and the he would send me out to bnv an ez IT lit J . . I 1 l 11 1 -Ml 1 tvr.ofiinrr r,f sexton, and suould be interred so deen auu get a piece oi cnarccai. men he vr-n . , ,.. i.i ii .."H--Q J j ... ? e egg anu cnarcoai anu went up s as a bat" is a nrovirh i:ii 1 1 .. i "Is there ar.v secret uh.t th-; of m.use- wever it may be as to inidass?" their sight, their senses of smell and I K AJSSSBSSI M M .... ' 1 , "There isn't now. It used to be a "TT? . , ,V ute' oome ..P601" The Washington Post has issued a sunnlement shett the which was done by a machine. The they will uot be able to respond to uiiyl would ( J ' ' ' 1 1 L H 1 tVOHl J JL J UVI1Vr' I f5 cow, 1 Sadsbch v, N. C. Aug. 27th, 1886 About two years ago I bought of Juo. A. B:yden,aone-horsc Piedmont waon which hns done much service and no miit of it ht broken or given away and consequent ly it has cost nothing for repairs. John D. IIelt. 27:ly Poisoned the swine and the ii t i-ii i it" i sniocnered a ciniu to death, anu m.iue several attempts to fire the house. Such are the charges made against Miss Minnie Demore, the adopted a laughter of Jas. Henderson, of Manis- T 1 1 n . . . ter, Mich. &he coutesees it all. bhe is probably insane. fo:e, it has had inscribed upon its ban ner, in its-posf morteiH career, the le gend Jiesurgam, I will rise;" it is high time that it should receive its quietus and be stripped of its motto. And whatever applies to the party iu this State applies as well to the party throughout the entire country. If the xnuic ion l nun. it useu io oe a i ka 1:1,-. iu t V r. 7 . ti u i-i i OI bats, like the Lonsr-enred Riit of ij uw saicy l, was uruu'ia nere !?-- l " , ill 1850 bv an Englishman nanid Hale. f!??fv,Iiave en.ormo" and some He used to do up the signs in a Btvle I TtTi- cur ous leaty appendages - fl I 111 1 inCA W hinh U , . l. L A 1 -wwl "ivu uiv KUVUjjUV J U1U the sense of smell. Bats are nocturnal in thlr hk;i. flying at night with great rapidity, and wuirung aoout witn tue ease of a bird m their chae after nieht-flvini? in sects, of which thev consume ffrt-at numbers. In the dav time, ther secrete themselves in old buildings, in. caves, in noiiow trees, and such places. In Texas there are a number of churches which, when the Stat be longed to Mexico, were built by the missionaries among the Indians. These are now deserted, and more or less in ruins. We visited one of these build ings that had been taken possession of uy tne oats, wnicn hung to the timbers of the open-work roof, and wherever they could get a foot-hold, in myriads. upon oeing disturbed, they would set stairs as usual. I had a hole in the floor over the stove, and I kept one eye on urn. lie put the charcoal in the stove and burned it. Ireu he cracked and sucked the egg. Next he took out of his pocket a little paper and poured out of it something white into the water. After I had come down stairs and he More Goods Than Room -AT- S.vLisBunr. N. C. Bent. 3d, 188G. Eighteen mouths ago I bought .of John A. Boyden, a 2 inch Thimble Skein Pied mont wagon and Have useu u pretty mucn all the tune and it has proved to he. a first rate wagon. Nothing about it lias given vv and therefore it has required no re ar ins. T. A. Walton. KLUTTZ RENDLEMAN'S. Salisbury, N. C. - Sept. 8th, 1886. 18 months atro I bought of the Agent, in Salisbury, a 2 in Thimble Skein Piedmont wagon their lightest one-horse wagon I have kept it in almost constant use and durintr the time Irive hauled on it at least 75 loads of wood and that without anv hreakage or rcpajxs. L. R. Walton. FOR SALE. One Brick House and lot, on the corner f FuTton aud Kerr streets, about one acre in lot. One Frame House and lot on Lee street, cr One Frame House and lot on Main street. Also shares in N. C. R. R. Enquire of MlU. H. E. and Miss Vic tori a Johnson at their home on Main street. 40:tf We have now ready the largest Stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, we have ever oIFered. and at prices, that to see them is to buy, as they must bo sold to make room. Our Imported Cashmers arc the best we have ever offered to the trade. Big stock of Sacque and Dress Flannels, Tricots, Henriettas and all kind of Dress Fabrics. P!aid and Brocaded Casluneres, all wool filling, in all colors at 12 cts. Ginghams, the best assortment in town at 6i, 8i and 10 cts. Pant Goods; Jeans. Tweeds and Cash- meresj lrom 10 cts. per yard to the hnest Worsteds. Underwear in Ladies' and Men's, from 25 ets. to the finest Lambs-Wool. Red, All-Wool Knit Shirts, at unheard of low prices of 65 cts. and up. Clothing for everybody at prices c m't be beat. that Uig stock of Boy's Clothing, from 5 to 13 years. Pants oO cts. up, Suits $2.00 and up. Domestics, Bleached and Brown, 5, 61, 7, 7, 8, 9-and 10 cts. Call cos, o, G, 7 and S cts. Jerseys at prices that se'l them fast, aud more than 200 of them. i A 1 . , . carpets, we nave more than pieces of tha prettiest and best wearing Carpets ever offered at prices from 20 cts. 75 cts Lots of Rugs. Shoes, for everybody, all qualities and szes, from 35 cts. to the finest French Calf, hand-sewed. GERMAN CARP:-s pond?, sburjr. N can furnish carp urgr or small, in any quant Ity.for atocklne ror terms, auuress w. K. r uall i , sal- C. ST:tf We have the. BIGG EST STOCK of good things to eat in town, at low prices, tome and see us berore you bnv or sell, as we buy your produce for CASH or BARTER and sell you at the LOWEST PRICES to be hud. Yours obediently, s J WEAK 1 11 N DEVELOPED PA.KXS of thoHl" M W HDD V IAI.VHC:i).l)KVL," pnt ions rap in oar nnor. In iVplj to lap at will ,t that thn U nn vi Jenrn of hum'n t thin. On t h rontrarT. t h aHvrtior m ... lhl. indorx-l. IntorwiKvl wrunn.tiin w atm circuUm aiTlna nil particulur. hy Fw AtKjirm. '.i , Ha -Ud.V.V - I ..iMo Kvmnit K j KLUTTZ & REMOLEMAN. 39:ly. . "COUGHENOUR & SHAYEB, A Pil Cenpaiy. SEEKir G HOME Patroaace DEALERS IN FRESH MEAT AND ICE. The choicest BEEF the market affords always on hand. 50:3m STOVES AUD HEATERS. COOK STOVES AND MANGES. I have the best and prettist lot of Coal and Wood Stoves ever offered in this market, many of them of the latest aud most approved paterns suitable for nar- loi Sf dining rooms, stores, offices,churehes, school houses, shops aud sitting rooms. La r ire and small. Call and see them and hear prices. . AGENTS In all Cities," Towns ahl Villages in the Sout. xy? A celebration was had in Cinncinnati few days since by upwards of 200 employes of Procter & Gamble O" the occasion of the firm paying its first mi-annual share of profits to the workmen. The shares p;id the men. 13$ per cent, o.i their wages for six months, aggregated 93,000. Some workmen got as much as 140. This is the first dividend under the share plan sinee its adoption. I tin i 4-triit . s-v .l,..ii.nJ J -1 Democracy of every State does its dutv had gone out I looked around on the UTJ. 1 " ?T T in the contests which are either pend- floor and found some white threads of . ? . . ' w Mav MVUIW l :j ii. . , mca ul ineir great, numrjers may oe formed from the fact that their drop pings covered the floor to a depth American Agri- ing. or will be brought out in 1883, the o nething, I didn't know what National grave-digger 'will have his I d hands full and it will be his duty to h concluded to go to the druggist's where There I asked for twen- e bought it. dig the graves of the Republican party ty-fivc cents' worth of it, and told the J,f three or four feet in a majority of the States in this clerk I didn't know the name. culhtrist Union. We respectfully beg the grave- u 'Isinglass you mean,' he said, digger, however, to give its attention "So he put it up, aud I mixed some There was a mad dog down in the suburbs of Salem this morning that bit several other dogs, but fortunately they have all been killed as far as known. A rattl dog is to be dreaded more than an unchained tiger. Twin City Daily. A madjlog is a dangerous thing in deed, and much to be dreaded. But the unbridled passions of men, "moved and instigated by the devil," as the law expresses it, is unfa-e to be dreaded than mad dogs, the mischief done by them being witnesses. A drunk man is often as crazy and dangerous as a mad dog or an unchained tiger. first to North Carcltna. We ask pre cedene.? because the remains of the party in the State have come to breed a vicious pestilence, because they have been too long out of the ground, and b. 'cause the coroner (the Democratic party), after a careful examination of the corpse, has decided that it should be committed to the earth finally Ihere are signs of lite in the corpse, to be sure, aud the Republican mackerel sometimes shines and emits stench i it -it ii r-i . i eitner at tne capital ot tne state or else in several other quarters of the commonwealth. But no one need be f lightened by this display of lite, and there is no danger of burying the body alive. If we thought any such danger size. One day L was working away making some gold letters on glass my i i r.t if. sen, auu iu comes lucvur.nv. ne looked at me pretty sharp and said: " 'Y here did you get that size? " 'Oh, I got an egg and run the wl through a piece of charcoal to clarify it,' I replied. l'He didn t say another word. I gave away the secret and practically ran the Englismen out, for the Americans can work faster than they. Aew York Evening Sun. Wonders of Micro-Sawing. I have often heard, savs a Brooklyn Eagle writer, of the wonderful feats were to be apprehended, we should call uei formed bv skilled workmen with A STRONG Company PROMPT ! MaKe! Liberal ! RHODES BROWNE, crs.Ccnt. William C. Coart Sffiftarn. XOTjSlL JlISETS, - - $750,000 00. J. ALLEN BBOWN, Evident Agent, Salisbury, N. 0. 49:1m, Wm. BR OWN. W Ail HI 3 3r..-ti,:; .WS SLf-!3:K 77 jV7 1X1 fir. a ' ir i;ini. o mile from Salisbury, cn the Concord road terms rcasonab.e tor cash. Cl-tlj . Pinilslv Lcdwick. SO ir-d aadbrnkn dorm mon to .;. in it cnjoyirentcf t -factand tall Man! 7 Strand h aim Vieorous lieciith. To I ho9 who s2r r from t an tn any c bscu ro c? ic.asoa rronht ebon, by rn".i!mA'.on,nxTsum,tvor-l!raia iots,crtoofxj Iudcriiic irocsk tbas-on ecud t tliAL I'ACKAO". FJtfiiEHfh 3 llu-a i'ajr.tlc vriin u ici for U : e I vuoaeoniy t t ,:s. "iaJt j a feDSE R'ME'T thttnAJ 2 !?J;'aac?' rf. wn a.teicn to buuneu. ct nu. mi. criacoTTenienceinanray Foaadcl 1 tCienune madml nrincirf n. ,1 nltion to b vt of dlwaw ha ipc-ciUs asnce n "' t without dr!. T1i.uinl " a M I . V.T,m ' 1 mm besosics cheerful and rapidly ftaiaa ppch ttitngHt tud LcaiU TCL.TSEKT. C-J He-iX ?3. Tva ICsiSL Tins, 17 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Kre Cwassit- XMJBMinVKtt. .j!l-"ai-aB.hlc I COfi If .TcntbE treat, 6T.XOv7ia.XQ. BU9TUKSU CC.-rs .-T3 FR-2 TrTal of our A??! for Term! 25: ly The Gravs Digger Needed. Some alleged statesmen die before they are buried and given the offices of holy church." We see the proof of this assertion in every-day events and in the occurrences which add interest to both National and State politics. The fact is that there are a great many men who have outgrown ana outlived their usefulness, whose mission vand mandate have been exhausted, and who now ''lag superfluous on the stage." If we appealed to the oracles of cyn icism in order to sustain this assertion, it would be easy enough to get all the deliverances that were desired to substantiate the proposition. Howev er, we are not dealing with cynics just now. We are simply after facts. We think it could be abundantly demon strated that, on this basis of fact, there are mariy men, not only in the Union, but also in North Carolina, who, meta phorically spesiking, have been dead for many years, and should have been buried long before this. Take for in stance, the leaders of the Republican party, both in North Carolina and in the country at large, but more espe cially, the men who arrogate themsel ves the right to shape the sentiment of the Republican party in this State and to direct its movements. they not to have been in their political graves many years ago, and like Laza 1 ll. . JL JJ A t rua, ao vuey not uiuuse h stencil now iii tor an investigation suupiy in tne in terest ot science, as well as in accor dance with the dictates of hu manity. But the corpse is on hand and the funeral ought to have been held long ago The partv in North Carolina died of its own dirt; it was suffocated by the filth which it distributed in its own nest ; it was over come by blood-poisoning its own veins being surcharged with the germs of moral wickedness and disease. Let . a. 11 ! 1 it be interred deep. iz has too long been out of the grave. It "smells to high heaven." Wilmington Messenger. A Husband's Hiatal;?. One of the most pathetic incidents of the Exeter llieatre fire (m was the rescue of a carried out of the upon the back of England) woman, wno was furnace of flame a brave man. He tools, such as engraving the Lord s prayer on the back ot a 3-ceut piece 1 1 mi 11 or making a steam engine mat wouiu stand on a silver quarter, but I saw some wonders performed the other night that surpassed them all. All the minute articles manufactured hereto fore have been made with small tools, and in some cases with the nid of a microscope, but there is a man in Sea Beach Palace Exposition on Coney Island, who works out the most deli cate articles with a band saw 19 feet long, and revolving at the rate of over a mile a minute. Upon this immense machine, the skilled operator in my presence sawed out four chairs, all com plete with legs and backs, but so small that the four were placed on the end of a lead pencil at one time. Then a dozen knives and forks of the most diminutive size were made and placed around the lead pencil. So small were was with his wife at the play when the thev that, although the entire dozen fire broke out, and succeeded in drag- were placed round the pencil, not one ging her part way to the door, where Qf them touched the other. Then the operator trimmed his finger nails on the huge saw as cleverly and as easily as one c .mid do it with a penknife. Wetting his thumb, he pressed the ball of it into some sawdust and sawed tlie sawdust off the thumb without scratch ing the skin, yet a single nervous twitch of the arm would have cost him a hand. All sorts of curious puzzles are turned out with astonishing rapidi ty from all sorts of misshapen blocks of wood. Even articles of clothing, as thin and flexible as cloth, are worked out by this magician from little pieces of wood with his big saw. The cap he Works in was sawed out of over 1,000 pieces of wood, no two of which are of the same sizs or shape. Opinion of the President The Chicago News, on the dav of the President's arrival in that city publish ed two letters that had been forwarded to that paper from North Carolina. The first is from Bishop Lyman and is as roiiows: Dear sir: As regards Mr. Cleveland. although in former times I was an old time Whig, I can thoroughly support his policy. J think him truly honest and one who desires to ad vancp th best interests of the whole country. He is very popular in this State and is gaining every day upon the confidence of the people. His civil service policy strikes me as thoroughly sound, and I believe he more values the true inter ests of the country than mere party as cendancy. I doubt if any man can be found who would fill the presidential chair in a more honest, manly and high toned spirit. The country ought to be weary of mere political hacks, who are so ready to make everything bend to merely party triumphs. I have only time for a hurried line iu response to your letter. ' Very respectfully yours, Theo. B. Ltmak. Congressman Henderson furnishes the second letter in the following words: Dear Sir: President Cleveland's ad ministration of public affairs is gener ally approved and commended by all classes of citizens in North Carolina. His policy has been eminently conserv ative, wise and just. If North Caro lina should be called upon to decide the question there would be no doubt about his triumphant re-election. Very respectfully, John S. Hkmersox. a n i i f 1 1 l i she fell, mere was an instant o despair and bewilderment; and then he snatched a cowering form from the floor in the dense crowd and struggl d through the smoke aud darkness to rn.t i .i I reach the street witn a snneking wo man on his back. At last he was out of danger and breathlessly lowered his burden. AJas ! it was not his wife. In the confusion and darkness he had res cued a stranger and left his wife to be trampled to death in the lobbies of the theatre. New York Tribune. That all who are happy are equally happy is not true. A peasant and a philosopher may be equally satisfied, but not equally happy. Happiness consists in the multiplicity of agree able consciousness. A peasant has nob q i j. ! capacity for having equal happints; ditf'al I wtu a philosopher. Johnson. Pea, oat and corn meal mixed, and A spirit of liberty, or in other words a j ist and true notion of inherent wis dom and fortitude, will bear up the possessor like the hand of an angel,aiid pneourage him to things which are in the nostrils of the public, when fed to milch cows in liberal quantity, j wild, strange, and amazing to slaves they thrust themselves upon the pub- will make them yield a lie in their lingering, post mortem ex- of butter. . A tree called the umbrella tree of Japan, now growing in a yard at Tal lahassee, Fla., though only three years old, has leaves on it that measure twenty-one inches by sixteen. It is umbrella shaped, and makes a shelter that is impervious to sunshine or raiu Inventions of the 19th Century. The steamboat, the reaper, the sewing machine, Cars running by night and by day. Houses lighted by gas and heated by steam, And bright electricity's ray. The telegraph's click speeds like light ning released, Then the telephone come to excel it; And, to put on the finish, the last bat not least, . - T- . I - - lifllo t'nrolii-n Pll IS UIU iii::ivu nuii. x ui jaiiic a ih... large Last but not least is Dr. Pierce's Pl ant Purgative Pellet, because it relieves human suffering, adds to the sum of hu man comfort, and enables tne rtnev amount and flatterers and all the interi. r class- sufferer to crdov -all the bl ' es of wretched human kind. of the j;e we live iu. ings 4 -

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