m J Thnrranrhlv olnnse tho blood, which is the "fountain of health, by ueinar Dr. Pierce's Gold en Meajcai tnscovery, nna p-xw uigraxion, a fair skin, buoyant &iints, vital strength, ana sonndness of constitution will be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures aK humors, from the common niinple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or btoobVpoison. Es pecially has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or TeUer, Fever-Sores, Hip-joint Disease. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, En lanred Glands, and Er.tlnK Ulcers. Golden Medicnl Discovery cures Consump tion (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), its wonderful Mood-purifyinjr. lnvigoratlnsr, and nutritive properties. For Weak Lungs, Spit ting of Blood. Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affec tions, it is a sovereign remedy. It promptly curesi the severest Cousrhs. Fer Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or "Liver Complaint." Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it Is an unequalled remedy. Sold by druggists, FIERCFH PFM.KTU Antl Bllioua and Cathartic 25c a vial, by druggists. I IEDMONT WAGON MADE AT HICKORY, N. C CAN'T BE BEAT! They stand where they ought to, right square AT THE f It Was a Hard Flglit But They Have Won It ! -Just read what people say about them and if you want a wagon, come quickly and buy one, either for cash or on time. Salisbury, N. C. Sept. 1st, 18S6. Two years ago I bought a very light two hor Piedmont wagon of the Agent, Jno. A. Boyden; have lised it near'y all the time since, have tried it severely in hauling saw logs and other heavy loads, and have not hsd to pay one cent for repairs. I look upon the Piedmont wagon as the best Thim ble Skein wagon made in the United States. The. timber used hi them is-most excellent and thoroughly well seasoned. Turner P. TnoM.vseN. Salisbury. N. C "Aug. 27th. 8G About two years ago I bought of JnovA. Boyden, aoire horse PiedmontHvagon which has done much service and no pair of it has broken or given aw ay and consequent ly it has cost nothing for repairs. John D. Hekly. Salisbury. N. C. Sept. 3d, 1886. Eighteen months ago I bought of John A. Bovdcn, a inch Thimble Skein Pied mont wagon and uavetused it pretty mucl all the time and it h approved to be a first rate wagon. Nothing about it lias given away and therefore it has required no re pairs. - , T. A- " ALTON. Salisbury, N. C. Sent. 8th. 18S6. 18 months ago I bought of the Agent, in Slihurv. a 2 in Thimble 5Kein rieumont w?on their lightest one-horse wagon 1 have kept it in almost constant use and during the time have hauled on it at least 75 loads ot wood and that without any breakage or repairs. L. R. Walton. - FOR SALE. One Brick House and lot, on the corner f Fulton aud Kerr streets, about one acre in lot. One Frame House and lot on Lee street. One Frame House and lot on Main street. Also shares in N. C. R. R. Enquire of Mrs. H. E. and Miss Vic toria Johnson at their home on Main street. 40:tf GERMAN CARP:- I can furnish, carp large or small, in any Quantity, tor stock ina - ponds. For terms, address W. K. Fit ALE Y, Sul sbury. N. C. ST.tf WEAKVUNDEVELOPED N H'H.y i;m,i:..Kd.iK K Hot ri-,wewiU ty that there U no evidence of huml.ng in oar r 1-qii.t. l i iVpiy to ino no ev-iiionce of ham: highly imlorW. lnterpt"l gsTgonsjnay get twnli irculr Kiring all partirulnj. hy add rjlng Er MMIQM.0q.. butflo.H.V.-foMo Evening tUj COUGHENOUR & SHAYE3, DEALERS I2U FRESH MEAT AND ICE. The choicest BEEF the market affords always on hand. 50:3m STOVES AND HEATERS.- COOK STOVES AND RANGES. I have the best and prettist lot of Coal and Wood Stoves ever offered In this market, many of them of the latest and most approved paterns s-uitable for Dur- lors, dining rooms, stores, opices.ehurehes, school Bouses, shops and sitting rooms. Large and small. Call and see them and .hear prices. ' 49:1 m. , - Wm. BROWN. I 'II AuflC a ol land, G mik- UU ... from Salisbury, on the Concord road terms reasonable for rash. H tf, PlKKNl.V LCDWICK. mm balm Cleanses the Nasal Passes, Allayt Pain and Innamma- tion. Keaistac S o r e 8. Restores the Senses of Tact. and SmslL TRY THE CURE -FEVER CATAEKH is a disease of the mucou3 membrane, generally originating in the nasal" pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in theiiead. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus injto the stomach and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting lncniood and producing other trouble f'ome and dangerous symptoms. A'parUcle is appliel Into eaeh nostril, and !s agreeable, rnce 50 cent- at rtrarist; ty mail registered, e cents. ELY BU0S., ..33 Greenwich Street, New York. - 45:tf. Subscribe for the Carolina Watchman. If You Wish a God Article Ot Plug Tobacco, ask your dealer foi "Old Rip." This space VV. H. Reisner, 27:ly HAY BSSBSsVB. Hi ES LSSBBB " WMMfflSMlIiSGi ssssssH sV49bBbSHHsB(Zi!im999SkIs1 UUP V- THE ONE PRICE STORES GF- KLUTTZ RENDLEMAN Are still Dffsring; fie Largest id Best Selected Stock of IE WW At the Lowest Prices in Salisbury. We are Heiiri Good! Big-lot of Underwear, just in, at 25 cts:, to the best Lambs Wool. OVERSHIRTS, 75 cts. to 75. PURE WOOL SOCKS, all colors, 25 cts. New Stock of CARPETS, RUGS and HASSACKS. NECKWEAR, enough for everybody, at prices that sell them. Big Assortment of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. HATS Boy's and Men's New Hats from 25 cts. up. Brass Bound Buckets 25 cts. Brooms for everybody, the biggest assort incut in town, from 12 to 40 cts. Sugars, 6, 7-J, &l and 10 cts., and lots of Good Things. REMEMBER WE BUY YOUR PRODUCE AS WELL AS SELL YOU CHEAP FOR CASH OR YOURSELF. I HIE Company, AGENTS In all Cities, Towns and Villages iu the Sunt!-. KLUTTZ & REnDLEMAN 39:ly. J. ALLEN BROW tf, Ec3:dent Agent, Salisbury, N. 0. ypRis Sffl IHAL PASTILLES MMIM or. I iVjt i n V ocnr: c r M :d cio Asm Hen. 'jsicii fcjr:i.tTi-i7sin tst VBMfWM ther cljealntelr rsDf-3 V Will . iuTi j"? orpOTn tvt r:a T.- U:o is 1 1 enjoyment or 2riSFi an4 1? M&lT Btr3nrJi and Vlzoroua Health. EWS awnstby lnJ is.-rctioa, l'.x-OEcro, tvor-r.rai a rorx, ortooloo Indulrcnm, we osk that yoa sendr.s RUPTURES VtnzoTXi erapi FR2a LOOK OTJTI Compare this with your purchase: RESTLESSNESS- A STRICTLY VI Of T A SLI CAULT4.E3S fAMlLT MgOISI PHILADELPHIA. Price OH E Dollar As you value health, perhaps life, examine each package and be sure you get the Genuine. See the reel Z Trade-Mark and the full tide on front of Wrapper, and on the side the seal and sigunt ure of J. H. Zeilin M Co.. as in the above fac- simile. Remember ther is no other genuine Simmons Liver Regulator. is reserved foi The Jeweler. 1 9L New ily. BARTER. COME AND SEE FOR A STRONG Company PROMPT ! Reliable! Liberal ! J. RHODES BROWNE, $rrs!ocnt. William C. Coart Amrtarf. i750,000 00. XjCLUmtU t ioactcui. doe cat Interfers : ar c-iueenTeowneeiner w v,.Za1a - "cifntifis medical princteiis. Bt direct amMSCis fe'tithoot do'.sr. Thcoattir-1 ;jerr,J, 'anc'ionscif the hntnsn ergsnkm rotund. 1m vasre. MMhi elonaetrti of lift ire riven bach, the pttlccl uccobkj chcerf ufsad rspidly paini both strength sad hsstth TEEATEarr. -Cm Hats, t3. go Itota, (7 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Hf'o Chckuti, Trial OJ cur Appliance. Ask for Terms! BRl'NER. Th3 Ciick of the Incubator. From the Brooklyn Eagle. am alone, unfentrfered chick Of artificial hatching: A pilgrim in a desert wild, By happier mothered chicks reviled, From ail relationships exiled, v ' To do my own lone hutching. Fair Science smiled upon my birth One raw and gust v morning. And now the sounds of barnyard mirth To .lonely me have little worth; L am alone in all the earth An orphan without homing. Seek I my mother? I would find A heartless personator; A thing brass-hided, man designed, With steampipe arteries interrained, And pulseless cotton batting lined A patent iucubator. Cot-i'as planted as an experiment in theCarolinas as early as 1621; but cotton growing as an industry, was not engaged in to any extent until after the Revolutionary war. Recent delicate scientific experiments have discovered the fact that the sur face of the land is never absolutely at rest for more than thirty hours , at a time. Thus those great earth quakes which make epochs in history are merely extreme cases of forces that seldom sleep. A newspaper in Illinois recently brought suit against forty-three men who would not pay their subscription, and obtained judgment in each for full amount of the claim. Of these, twenty eight men made affidavits that they owned no more property than the law allowed them, thus preventing attach ment. Then they, under the decision of the Supreme Court, were arrested for petty larceny and bound over in the sum of $300 each. All but six gave bonds, while six went to jail. It makes no difference to what part of the continent the paper goes, a bill sent to the Postmaster, Justice of the Peace oany United States officer can be collected. "Bermuda Grass," said Mr. A. Graves, of Caswell, in a speech before the State Farmers' Institute, Oct. 19, ' is one of the greatest grasses in the State; it makes the best hay ot any grass within my knowledge. It is true if you pasture the land and pack it down for a fewyears, it will stall a yoke of oxen to pnll a common old fashioned coulter through, because it is so closely packed. All stock is fonder of it than arty other grass. My ex perience is, it is a good improver of land." Mr. Graves went on to say, that if yon plant a field in corn where this grass is, you are sure to find the largest and best corn where the grciFS is thickest. It seems to open the hind, and where it is highest the corn stands a severe drought better than where it is thiner. Some say you can't kill it. You cannot by ploughing it under, but bring it to the surface by shallow ploughing and harrowing, and )ou may. A beautiful paragraph clipped from an old paper, the (Salisbury) "''Union Banner;' of May 1, 1806. Don't Despond. If friends have deserted you, will fretting reconcile them ? Are vou un successful in business, will fretting in crease your income ? Did any man ever fret ten dollars into his pocket ? If you are in debt and can't pay, be prudent; but above ail keep cool. A long face is not attractive. A hung down head and slouching gait are not elegant. Look on the" bright side. If there is no bright side to your circum stances, imagine one, and keep your eye on it. Cheerfulness is not as expensive as melancholy. What if the war has destroyed your property, killed your father, brother, son or husband ? Remember God rules the universe, and nothing hap pens by chance; and though clouds and darkness veil His providence, yet justice and judgment are the basis of His throne. Try -to retrieve your lost fortune. Let the sweet prospects of doing good and ameliorating the sad I condition of the afflicted and unfortu nate around you, be to you as dear as the loved ones whose absence you mourn. Realize the great fact, which thousands ignore, that uall things are of God." Then you shall be happy in the midst of adversity, and the lamp of holy truth shall flash its heavenly light across the gloom of death. Up again, brother ! heed not a fall ! Rough is the highway, slips come to all ? Rise to your feet, theu ! have a good heart, Now, looking forward, make a fresh start. Up, then, and onward; never despair, Morn may be cloudy, noon may be fair. PHILO. BY J. J. Electricity jimler favorable circum stances l as been found to travel at the rate of 288,000 miles per second. I Kindness nnd irpnHpnpsw in thp man agement of calves, colts, pigs, or poul try, make them geutle and fond of thvir attendants, and also more thrifty and valuable. Indeed, kindness and gentleness make better children and better men and women than harsh t m treatment ever made. 1 Fur the Watchman. As there has been a great deal said about marriages, I thought that I would say a few words. It is not my intention to advise against marriage, I nor to draw the line too close as to the don't marry class, but simply to hit at the errors of some people who match feadly on so long a contract. Tiie "yes or no" question is the vital one for all young people to answer too soon, otherswait too long, others nev er reach such a climax of happiness as to be invited by an' eligible partner. The genius of selection is the rarest of faculties. The tale that I now relate, This lesson seems. to cany; Choose not alone a proper mate, But proper time to iharry. Do not marry for beauty alone. Very few have a supply that will last a full dozen years in a marriW life that should continue for three decades. There are a dozen considerations be yond beauty that should govern the choice of a companion. Think for a moment whom von admire most, trust implicity, and love more ardently than all others. Truly it is not the wax doll face in a milliner's window: were that so, why not marry the model and get the perfection of beauty. uo not marry a very small man or woman. irv to get some form to ui- i mire, something to share thin and some one who is not los crowd conijiletely, who i3 too Hi admire and too small for beauty. Don t marry too vouusr. Tne right age to marrv is a matter ot taste: twentv-one for girls, and twenty-four for boys mav be a little arbitrary, but certainly is sensible. The happy earlv marriages are rare. It too often hup- tens that love is mistaken, or poorly informed, or lacks an anchor in good iudgment. There is no use of reason-1 ing about it, love is, love and will mar- rv in suite of reason, and in some cases it runs away with its choice and anil repents of it a thousand t imes soon after. Dut be sensible, for a Vife contract Tilt !! 1 should be a sensible one. Ask vour truest friends: take counsel; be above foolishness. Don t marrv a hypocrite, Of all things get things get sincerity. Get the genuine irticle. If you get a hypocrite, i y , ne IS orass i. i -ii :i i. i o on. cnu.cues ioi no ouier eon u ai to CiOaK iniquity. to ll H gin mat iquitv. lo tell a gi she is fairer than flowers, clearer than coffee, and sweeter than honey is old, verv old. and uncalled for. Tell her she is what she is,and vou like her with all her surroundings, that vou can better her condition sometime. Dwell on tne " sometime. ne nonest about it ! r i ii it. If she doesn't love you, let her love some one else, and you will be .... surprise I to find how many pure and beautiful bcingshere are all around you, holding the finger tips to hide a smile of welcome and an ever ready "Yes." eager to mate with one worthy and ready to marry them; for marriage is a natural hope of every right mind ed woman. If you do this you will not be long in reaching a conclusion Be a little mgenins about it, find out through your sister. Prepare the way and don t ask until you find she is un pledged. And what if she refuses vou? No harm done. Like the Ger man's sugar, the other pound is shust a? good as the first one. Young women, don't marry a drunk ard. He will promise, by all that's good, great and holy, to reform. How many more like him have made just such promises, and when they died they filled a drunkard s grave It is a sorry picture to behold a fair young girl chained to a being with a will all lost and debauched m appe tite for strong drinks. lo avoid long sorrow, disgrace and regret, avoid the drunkard. Don't marry a fast man or woman, oometning tens us uiac oiacK logs will darken the whitest garments. The edge of virtue once dulled is never quite so keen afterwards. It may be well to speak of wild oats -i ii i ll l but who cares to know that their oats are a second crop. Grass widows may a vorv btvnhln. erf:itlirPS hilt Unless their other halves were clearly Warn- able, they should have a reasonable fn trl nloripr anfcin.lv. Do hot marrv odd sizes. A tall man with .. i;i ..-...r. i,iov ntvVoruhl onoufrh i L II. Ill W 111 1 1WVJ.'J 1VM jv " ivivt v i j . i but a tall woman with a little tiny mini "is a misfit, surely. See if you can t had some one ot your size, as tne school lads say in a wrestle. Pair off like soldiers in time of dress parade, with an eye to unity'. Girls do not be too fast. Tell me where he goes, and l will tell you what he is. Young men it may be a woman yon are asking about, a girl for a wife, a life long companion. Which are you seeking for, a dashv, fly-away dan - cer,br a domestic home-lover." The dude's day is post, he must go, He is a little removed from nothing. A dressed up model for tailor shops. (Some times" it is in a woman's form), a street flirt, a hotel step, a gazer. She deceives no one, for her character, like the dude's, is transparent that no one mistakes its meaning. The habit of going nowhere for nothing is as foolish as it is injurious. There will be many such called, but few will be chosen. The time will soon come when a fine suit and a nice fit will no more make one respectable than it would utake a gentleman of a wooden Indian frout of a cigar stand. Do not marry a boy or girl who is not good at home, lhat is the golden test of duty, to do one's duty at In m away from the eyes of men, and the notke of the world; to be good from a ribt disposition. I will close, you may hear from me again. U. A. Campbell. ; Frogs. Toads, next to snakes, are hated and despised, yet iu a garden they devour multitudes of insects that prey on the labors of man, and do not meddle with any of the plants, fruits or flowers that require his cultivation. Some writers have denied that the toad under any circumstances was poisonous; hut this is a mistake. When in danger or when irritated, the tubercular eleva tions on the back and sides have the powar of secreting a milky fluid, as every one may readily ascertain, and very schoolboy who is in the habit of pelting them with stones well knows, 1 his nun, given for defence, as I sup- pose, is decidedly poisonous, as its ef- fects on cats and other animals fully nrove. This is the onlv cower of in- juring it possesses; and this secretory I and offensive power appears to reside in tne skiu, as tne animal is lrequentiy siiinnea and sola with tne rrog in tne markets of European cities for food, ana eaten who impunuv. i i. . "ii i vr-i j: i . j notwjuisianuing nis ciurasy ana un- unireqentiy, in a warm summer evc- ning, wnen aoors are open, mane its entrance into the house, where it feeds on flics that approach. Seated on its haunches, it surveys the floor with great gravity; hut it an unwary fly alights within four or five inches it disappears with incredible quickness. There can be a slight motion of the toad discovered, a quick snap, as of the jaws, is heard, but the position of the innnal is unchanged, wnile ms prey S" 1' l"l vanishes with the velocity of lightning. A close examination shows, however, that there is a slight motion of the body forward, without moving the feet; and the snap is produced by the shutting of the mouth after the ton gue has seized and secured I th t e msec , ration per- I l lu..Z i : i; muiiL'u f'f tinier. i is uie operation uer- wiuiw iuai uie unique is never uis- i Tk i:ut: ..u : . Zu"ZrZZ$uU .u" .....u.jr 4"- uP ui uie leptue io me iiect ne aims at Toads are believed to remain, when unmolested, m the same place for I a 1 m many years, going into winter quai ters and coming out in the spring. In England they are purchased by garden I ...u , : 1.1 i j ers, woo una; mem very iiiguiy, unu although poets have marked tht m out ! n i i as objects or hate and diversion, no reptile is of such actual service to man. Bl'ix rerleij Poore. Taught to Work One wise regulation among the Jews insists on every boy learning a trade. It is not necessary that every boy who learns a trade should follow it all his life, but it is best to kuow thoroughly some kind of work. It is only hy this one can prove his fidelity and excellence. tjovernor raimer, or Illinois, was a it Ik 1 M Y 1 country blacksmith once, and began his political career as a constable of Macou pin county. A circuit judge in the i n i i central part or Illinois was once a tailor. Thomas Hoyne, a rich and eminent lawyer of Illinois, was once a book-binder, hrastus Corning of rsew York was too lame to do hard labor and commenced as a shop-boy in Al bany. When he applied for employ ment first he was asked : bv, my boy, what can you do?" "Can do what I am bid," was the answer that secured him a place. Vice-presideut Wilson of Massach usetts was a shoe-maker. 1 h u r- lov Weed Mas a canal boat driver. Governor Stone of Iowa was a cabiuet uaker, which trade the late Stephen A Douglas also worked at in his youth. Large numbers of men of prominence now living, have risen from humble life by dint of industry, without which talent is as useless ;as ia gold coin on a I barren wianu. r or wotic ujukcs uieu bright, and it does not alone depend on the kind of work you have to do whether vu rise or not. It depends on how . i . m 7 it Selected . If we bring into one day's thought the evil of many, certain and uncertain, what will be and what will never be, our load will be as intolerable as it is unreasonable. It is enough that we have swallowed these truths, we must feed them as in- 1 sects on a leaf, till the whole heart be I colored by tpeir qualities, and snow its food in " every, the minutest, fiber. Coleridge. rj r a I in iniv ii im 1 1 J I r. 1 1 1 f ' l n a lira toot nii i ... I 1 Al I t in hi !mio su uiuciv uo. luuuoxi us nie tuiiu, i a i cu..u . ue to huu u nuwa nu t a.bunc y in :..valid pat lunch- ii . J il: -1 j. J- i- ii 1.HHI. "lie uiumm uu L.L.-VIIl'' lllM'l'L IOl ( . IL Will FIOL THE CLERK WAS TC0 FLY. He Sold a $7 Ccat for $12 and Lost Hit Position for it. . . Dry Goods Chronicle. A clothing dealer in an interior town had occasion to visit the city , to pur chase goods. While he was gone a young man entered the sto-e to boy a coat. A salesman waited upon the customer and showed him a coat plain ly marked S7. The customer tried it on and said in a pleasant, confiding way : "I want a good article and I can afford to pay a little more." The salesman showed him many coats, end, finally, -having removed the tag, again offered him the $7 coat which had fitted him at first, and said : "Here is a coat, a fine article, just your fit, which I can sell you for $12." The coat was again tried on, the youug man (teemed pleased, paid his money and went away. On the mer chant's return the salesman, with a smile of triumph all-over his counten ance, rushed up to him and boasted of what he had done. The merchant look- t ed grave. He onlv said : v "Loes anv one know who the ens- ' tomer wes? A little boy had recognized" him at a workman in a neighboring factory. and remembered his name. The mer- chant sent for the Tounur man. told him of his mortification, gave him hack $5 and the privilege of returning the coat if he chose, and then said to the salesman "Now, sir, I will pay you your week's salary and I wish you to go. If you cheat mv customers vou have not Drin- ciple enough not to cheat me. if I can't have my people sell Loodi honest- ly l win go out ot tne Dullness. UOOd day, sir. How to Visit the Sick. Here is a point seemingly little a very lmpor- wish to visit an go. Should you be admitted: into the sick room, go, but make your stay short, saying noth ing but what will be beneficial to the i 1 . i i sick. Don't stay as so rtianv do, till they are entirely worn out with a train of nothings gone over by you, and wish you to go away and never to return. Item ember a sick person is not like a well person, and persons waiting on the sick are generally worn out' and have enough to do without waiting on you; so go after eating, and go home before the next meal, telling the cook when you go your intentions, unlesa you can be of use. If so, do what you can in the best possible way, then un less they request you to stay longer. your place is not there. Visits and 9'cness no; 8 together unless there are or nree hired girls to wait on n j iV.: D..i.ii.: n . j il- a j wmm uu Homing eise io uo. But this t;iii,. :. . j j. is u iiiitie t-. j'cwsi t.-. anu it sceius W Ula we can't make it suit to go between meals to visit the sick, we Tiad better . aw. f t . stay away; for I have so often heard from the cook these words, or similar: "Oh! I am tired out waiting on visitor j who wont turn a hand at anything. My work would be light were it not for so many coming in just at meal time, causing me so much extra work, just to eat and go again, pretending to visit the sick. Such as these, 1 can assure you, you are not welcome. Now there are exceptions; persons coming from quite a distance are excusable. but they should be ready to do more than your trouble. 1 have attended the sick bed quite a good bit, and have been perfectly dis gusted at humanity, or the greater part of it. On one occasion I remem ber 1 went to attend the sick, and once just as supper was being prepared for the family, in stepped a con pie, causing considerable trouble, stayed until after supper, then almost immediately after (without offering to help in the least) offered excuse for not coming sooner, and sorry they could not stay longer, but would try and come again. I hey left, leaving all wishing they had not come, and hoping they would never re turn on such such visits. Daisy, m National Stockman. In Love's Earnest. Most women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, but they .should constantly bear in mind that a fair, rosy face, bright eyes, and a healthy well-developed form, are the best passports to a happy marriage. All those wasting disorders, weaknesses, "dragging-down" sensations, and func tional irregularities peculiar to their sex, have an unfailing specific in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle wrapi sr, and faithfully carried out for many years. Prospectors are roaming about the mountain country of Tennessee, through which railroads are to pass, seeking ore beds, which can now be bought for merely nominal prices. Rich lead and silver ore hare been found in several localities. In oneim mense cave in Potuam county five dis tinct veins of lead, all valuable, hare been found. - If we strive to become what we strive to appear, manners may often be ren dered useful guides to the performai of our duties. Stuney omtrn. i.