r THURSDAY, NOV. 17, ... ,..vr-i .. i'w i ii rurm it ion ou uvUtersad jntlie WMcninau. Subscription Rates, This is the week of prayer and our peo ple are observing it. The slaters are at work roofing Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz' new residence on Innis street. Baptismal services were held at the Baptist church on Tuesday night and eight candidates immersed. Next Thursday being Thanksgiving day we will go to press on the day be fore! and give our employees a holiday. Rev. riU Davis, who has been spend ing some time visiting relatives here, his old home, returned to his Blue Ridge home on Saturday. We are now prepared to furnish nicety printed note beards, on good paper, at $2.50 a thousaud. Other job work done neatly and at low figures. Unusual order prevailed on circus day, hardly enough people in attendance to get up an offence against the peace and dignity oT the State of town. The merchants of Salisbury have all consented to close their stores and do no business on Thanksgivings day. Our country friends will bear this in mind. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, who spent two or three weeks in this' place, were in Wil mington, N, C, on the 12th, and were to give a praise service in the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Pearson left here'on last Fri day night for Raleigh, where he began a series of meetings on Sunday night. We 1 " . - ...111 I.a .a l,nm1.1ll' n pe U la su-icu r wy there as here. Messrs. D.'L. Gaskill and J. A. Ramsay traveling salesman for the tobacco houses of J. D Gaskill and Johnston & Ramsay respectively, returned from extended frips South this week. Persons wishing nursery stock of any kind who may preferJeaving their orders at this office, shall have them filled with the best stock of Cedar Cove Nurseries. - Catalogues may id seen here. t One of a band of four Arabs waskaock- eu Oil OI ma iuukiu over ui nigu last Saturday by a freight train going north and was killed. He was buried Sunday in the Poor House grave yard. Indications point to better prices for cotton and those who are not compelled to place what they have on the market, might do well to hold on to it awhile. If there be any advantages, let the pro ducer share in them. Mr: and Mrs. J. A. Rendlcraan lost an infant son last Tuesday by croup, the child being sick only two days. The funeral service were held at the Luther an church yesterday. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved parents. New. Crop New Orleans Molasses just received. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons and Cocoa nuts, just received. New Persian Dates just received. Turkeys for sale. At A. Parker's. The alarm "of fire has not been sounded since the completion of the water works, and 90 far as we are individually con cerned, we are willing to axo the works remain idle and pay the annual rentage than hftar that most exciting of all alarms, fire ! fire ! ! fire ! ! ! The advantage of long legs was very forcibly shown last monday by Police man Barringcr. He had under arrest a young man who broke away from, him and ran down the middle of Main street with the policeman after him who took him in after a tumble in the middle of the road. The Wilmington Daily Kew$ of the 10ih, says: "Southportis still in hopes of her railroad." This is the South Atlan tic aud'Ndrth Western scheme, which is to touch Salisbury, Mocksville, Wilkcs boro, &c, and terminate at Bristol, Tehn. We shall be glad to announce that the work has been fairly commenced. At the laM term of court at Winston, the Grand Jury recommended the build ing of a more commodious and present able Court house for Forsyth county. Agitation on that line in Rowan would be timely. Our Court house (especially the exterior) is in need of repairs, and as farlis appearance goes is a disgrace to the county. Robert Thomp3on,?a colored brakeman lithe W. N. C. Railroad was killed at the 8hoeber bridge last Friday morning. He was sitting on a brake on top of a car going out with ;his back to the bridge when he was struck iu the back of the - - - BB-ar m head and his neck was uroKen. lie Uvea in Lexington where his body was sent. It was his first trip out. Mr. George Carson, a native of 3c Powell county; but who had been living here about six years, died at t he resi dence of his brother-in-law, Mr. J. P. Go wan, on Monday at 2 o'clock p. in., of pneumonia. He was generous and kind hearted and had made many friends here. After funeral services at the Methodist church on Tuesday. at 3 o'clock p. m. the remains were interred in the English Cemetery. sSEfM aBassT' The subscription rates or cue oiwc Watchman are as follows : 1 vear, paid in advance, $1.50 I iiavm't delayed 3 moVL0U pa'vm't del'ed 12 iuu's 2.50 J gh Njwj-Obstrev says- Boy Ten, of Salisbury, be' xpre . bu; ies ui Talhrhaaiee, .jt.I n-cl u TaraDa after that w.is vacated, and, like a true Narth iniaa, went right into the lion's jaw- He was attacked wtih the yellow fever ; but the Mayor has telegraphed "that ho has recovered and is now about the streets" thus showinz the linn of tint v is one alsd of safety. We are pleased to learn that the action of the congregational meeting held in the Episcopal church last week, resulted In the determination of the pastor, Rev. F. J. Murdoch, to remain in his present po sition, lie has declined the invitation to a pastorate in .Mississippi, and will con tinue to labor in this field, where his scr vices are most highly appreciated, and his popularity extending far beyond the circle of his own communion. - " The revival meeting conducted by Rev. Mr. Pearson through a period of nearly three weeks were brought to a close last Thursday night. There was no loss of public interest froin first to last, but the contrary a constant increase iu the num ber of attendants until the hall was quite insufficient to accommodate them. It is not known how many converts were made, as a goodly number of them reside in the country and will join country churches; but it is estimated by those well qualified to form an opinion on the subject, that no less than three hundred persons made a profession. The beneficial result of these meetings cannot be written in fiirurcs. Thev are far reaching, and will extend through years on earth and to eternity. They cannot be estimated by any rule known to finite beings. Only the infinite can know them, and sum up the good wrought by the truth, the spirit and the power of God iu our midst. The work, as all know, was great and glorious, wnereol many were made glad, rejoicing iu hope of life everlasting iu the heavenly paradise. The whole number of converts during this meeting has been ascertained to be . t . 1 - v i" I a. over oou. oi iuis nuinoer no-were en rolled on the books of the Methodist church up to last Sundav. 05 were re- ceivcdhy the Presbyterian church, 12 1 tne Lai 1 11 era n, iu oy me rsaptiHi, and a number are awaiting confirmation in the Episcopal church, A large number were country people and will join country churches- Bring in tha Gotl2r3. I nose who nave nocss 01 1 uivievs to sell, should send them in soon if tliey would strike in the nick of time. Thanks giving day on the 2-ith. Spacial Services for Men. On Thursday and Friday nights, at o'clock, "of this week, there will be special services for men at the Episcopal church jso ieiuale and no boy under lo years 01 age will be admitted. All men are cordis ally invited to attend. Chairs Misplaced. A few chairs taken to the Farmers' Warehouse have been misplaced, and there are some remaining there without marks. If any one has received two oak frame, varnished, split bottom factory chairs not belonging to them, they will please report the same at this olfice. Cotton Factory. This enterprise for Salisbury seems to be a surety now. The committee ap pointed to formulate a plan and solicit subscriptions, received the first day and a ha'f subscriptions to the amount of $27,000. The list was then tni ued over to another committee who propose to subscribe enough more to hold a con trolling interest. The stock is taken mostly in small blocks and cyery one has a chance to subscribe. The books will be kept open for some time yet, sous to give anv one from the country a chance who wishes to put money in it. The plan in a few words is : the stock to be worth $100 a share, 10 per cent, of this is to be paid the first day of June next and the balance to be furnished as called for. In copnection with this we will say Commissioner Robinson has been look ing up the cotton mill subject aud says that mills iu North Carolina pay from 18 to 30 per cent, interest that's good enough, don't you think? He Got His Money. A prominent farmer of Hopewell, Mr J. N. Blythe, swore "Out a warrant this afternoon against one of the ticket sellers atthc circus. The circumstances were these : When Mr. Blythe bought' his ticket, the seller asked him to give him gold for notes to the amount of $15. Mr. lllythe handed over the gold and the sel ler counted out two five dollar and five one dollar bills. After Mr. -Blythe had gotten the money he counted it over, and there were but five one do'lar notes. Constable Fisher went out to serve the warrant but the man could not le found. The money, however, was refunded bv another party. 1 his was evidently theJ "doubling bill game. Hornet, The same game was tried here, and in the case of the Salisbury man, the ticket seller tried to steal $20. out of a $-10. transaction but when the persou stepped back to him with a policeman the ticket seller coolly asked him if he had not left some of his change. "The more wo live, the more we find py Jim mi ny oud." A CARD OF THANES. in behatt ct the Young Hen's Christian Association, I desire to tender thanks to the citizens of Salisbury for the liberal response made by them when ca'ded upon to contribute money to defray expenses incident to our recent religious services. The young men feel encouraged in their work when they have such conclusive evidence of the moral and financial sup port of our good people. I. II. FOUST, President Y. M. C. A. ' i. - . . :ir. Thaaki Nov. "24th, As n fcomm ended by the lent of the Uih!ed S ates ad our State Gov ernor, should b$. teligiously observed by all the people throughout the country. No rational man who wiy take the trou ble to reflect on the goodness of God, can fail to see that we have a great deal for which to be devoutly thankful; and it is manly and honest to give suitable expres sion to the convictions of the mind and conscience for it. We commend the read ing of the subjoined proclamation by the Governor of the State. y Thanksgiving Proclamation by the Gov ernor of North Carolina. Nobth Carolina, I Executive Department. j It has been an honored custom in the Union as well as in the States, and one sau ctioned by law, to have a day set apart, once at lean iu every year, in which the people shall assemble themselves for t he- purposes of prayer and thanksgiving. In obedience to this pious custom, and with a siu cere desire to promote aud ner- petuate it, I, Alfred M. Scales, by virtue of the authority in me vested, do appoint and set apart lhursday. the 24th of November, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the Creator and Redeemer of the world, for the goodness and mercy that have followed us all our days as a nation and as individuals; and W 1 I t .a.1 i. m 1 uereoy invoice tne people to suspend the ordinary labors of the day, and de vote it aud themse.ves to humble and sin- cere worsnip, to looking alter tne poor jf 1 . 1 1 . . aud needy, and especially let us not for get the orphans in our charge. Done at our city of Raleigh, this the 1st day of November, 1887, and in the 112th year of our American Indepen deuce. Alfred M. Scales. By the Governor : W. N. Scales, Acting Private Scc'y. The Show. j Any person not Knowing mat a circus was to be in town, who happened on our streets Monday morning, would never have supposed that "G. H. Barrett's New united Monster bhows" was about to give "Amazing and Rapturous Revela tions in the Realm of Entertainment," judging by the people in town. Circus day, heretofore in the history cf Salisbury, has always been a gala day and marked by the people from the country, almost pack iug our streets, but this time it was very different, compara tively few being in town and those most ly negroes. The parade va just the same old con veutiona! procession of painted wagons, a few opsn cages of animals, elephants ami cam.'ls bringing up the rear. Jo-Jo was just a.? l-oprc-santed by the bills and was really a curiosity, although from his eon vcrsatior. no one would judge him to be a 'Liiut, alert, vivacious being,'' but quite the co'.urary. t The circus performance was about the same as is usually seen at a circus with a few exceptionally daring feats. Three clowns tried to amuse the audience with their aged and mouldy chestnuts. There semed to be more accrobats than is usually seen with a circus, and most wonderful to relate there was one quite good looking girl connected with the concern. The juggling inside of the tent "dwin dled down to a metaphysical insigi.ifi cance" when compared with the juggling done outsidp. There probably never was a show in Salisbury before with as many black -lerfs and gamblers connected with it, and many a person went on the grounds full fledged and came back plucked. Many a person both white and black was sorry to know that they were going to leave Monday night and take what money they had horded up with them. All kinds of catches were ready for the unwary. One fellow sold rings for $1.00 and gave you a chance at either one, two, fiv, ten or twenty dollars. Another sold sticks of candy for fifty cents and gave you a cnance at nnv or one hundred dollars. It is needless to say the chances you got were slim ones. Another fellow for one dollar gave you a cnance to win nve dv itnocKing down a wooden pin with a ball. Many were taken in, but it was not altogether with the showman, it remain ed for a merchant of Gold Hilt to. loose sixty-five dollars and then have the manager of the concern arrested and it cost him twenty dollars as costs, and he was made to disgorge the other sixty-fix e. TT a WW m- in our opinion tne j. 11. yi. was 111st as guilty of gambling as the other fellow and both ought to have been punished. The attendance of the circus was very slim, not more than five hundred at the afternoon performance and probably not more than one hundred and fifty at the night performance. When it is remem bered that the bills say "actual daily ex pense $3,500," it will be seen that the concern lost money here. Mr. Pearson's Meetings. - Last night as on the night previous, all available space in the First Baptist church was occupied by an eager tiudi once to hear Rev. Mr. Pearson. His abject was Regeneration." It1s hardly possible for one who has not. heard Mr. Pearson to comprehend how plainly and simply, yet impressively, he presents whatever point he wishes to make. Every statement with -which he deals re solves into a simple and incontrovertable fact to any one who will accept a conclu sion arrived at by true argument And il lustration. His sermon of last nightwas powerful and produced a deep and per haps permanent impression on the minds of many hearers. Their thoughts ou re ligion and religious matters Were directed into new and unobscured channels, and there seemed to be no difficulty nor could any hearer easily throw iu his way anv obstruction to accepting the J number of people made nrofesstnnK nf faith and there were several anxious in quirers. The public should turn out '-a m(tc to hear this divine. Raleigh Obser ver, Nov. mh. The late elections in Virginia and New York, it is conceded, settles the question of Mr. Cleveland's reuoniina tiou and the political complexion of the Old Dominion. UmmGt DEPARTMENT. T. , II U UN k H EDITOR, KALEIOH, X. C. Russell Gold Mine. Work was temporarily suspended at thiamine, in Montgomery county, a fewjutionof this odious law would have a weeks ago, but has been resumed, and , marvelous effect for good on every branch will be continued regularly iu future. ' of business in North Carolina and would Just now the Chairman of the Compan v. 1 1"?.1 wonderful change in business" re- who resides in London, Eng., is on a visit . . , . . .. . to the property! The outlook is entirely satisfactory and good results may be ex pected. The mass of ore is very large aud comparatively easy to mine and is for the most part free milling. The average gradeof the material is low, and this fact is fully understood by the man agement. Their whole plan of operation i based on these facts: abundance of ore, uniform low grade and ease of manipulation. They have built a plant to operate that grade of material, and they seem to be pursuing the work with economy and on business principles. It is therefore confidently expected that t he .Russell wilt become a steady and re liable producer. MANN-ARK I NGTOX. , Mr. E. W. Lyon, general manager of the Mann-Arrington mine, in Nash coun ty, has just returned from V the north where he has been purchasing the equip ment for thi valuable property. The purchase includes a twenty-stamp mill, bolsters, concentrators, pumps and a complete stock of goods. They Will ran a store the mine being distant from sup plies for the accommodation of the large force of miners. The first work engag ing the attention of the management will be the setting of the plant preparatory to working the miue to its capacity. It will be remembered that the property has already been fully exploited, and proven by ample mill tests. Those en gaged iu the work and those who have made the investment share alike in the belief that they have a property that will yield good returns in bullion and that it is of sufficient extent to keep the work active for a lorg term of years. BUNCOMBE 1BON. From the accounts given in the A3be ville Citizen, it seems that the good peo ple of Buncombe county are at last waking up to the importance of the de posits of iron and manganese in that county. Ores of several varieties hema tite, limouite and manganifferous have beeu found there and it seems steps are being taken tending to the introduction 4 1 il 1 i mi . . 01 mis lumerim on me maricec. mat is characteristic of Bun com be, and should taere DC tound a lode ot sutucient merit within the county, there is little doubt that it will remain idle any length of time. BTAXLY FREEHOLD. We learn that this mine is now work ing about 250 hands. The New Cali fornia shaft is about 80 feet deep and the ore is reported ds panoiius luuidsomelv Work on the flume at the river is pro gressing finely and they will be ready for the pipes as soon as they arrive. Mr. H. Davy of London, one of the directors, is now on the grounds and will probably remain for a couple of months. FISH Kit MINE (CABARRUS CO.) We were shown some very rich brown ore from this property a day or two ago, specked all over with gold. This property is owned by Buis, Miller, Smith & Co.. and consists of 30 acres of land in a . long strip, with a length of veins of one half a mile on the property. The veins consist of two of brown ore with an average of fourteen inches, and one large quartz and one large slate. This property has only been worked as a prospect, a shaft thirty-nine feet deep sunk on oue of the brown ore veins and a level driven thirty feet at this depth. The prospect is exceedingly good and we hope soon to hear of the owners working it for all it is worth, believing that it wi.l be added to the list of paying North Caro lina mines. "Monet," of Nov. 2d, an English financial journal of high repute, says : "We gave our contemporary, the Caro lina Watchman, credit for being up to every move on the mining board, but it acknowledges its indebtedness to "Money" for having opened its eyes to the truth about the Genessee Mine. Our contemporary, we are glad to see, pub lishes a letter giving some very interest ing ."information" respecting this mine, which fully confirms the warning we have already given our readers, and shall give them further "cautions" by and by." Hon. E. S. Prosser and wife, of; Buffalo, N. Y., connected with the Honeycut mine at Gold Hill, spont a few days in town this week. China Grove Items. Mrs. R. H. Cline of this place is im proving slowly, we hope to see up soon. Miss Mary Cline, of Newton, is visit ing her sister Mrs. R. II. Cline who is confined to her bed with fever. Miss Mollie Misenbeimer of Concord, is visiting her friend Miss Mary Cline. The merchants of China Grove will all close their stores on Thanksgiving day. There will be no business done at all. Pen-knives are becoming quite fashion able as the young lads are sending them to the ladies as compliments. The jiood people of China Grove met at its Academy on last Sunday and organ ized a Sunday school. An invitation is extended to its surroundiug neighbor hood. A negro was arrested at this place on last Sunday evening. He had broken in a house near by. Mr. Gallagher, an artist from Salisbury spent several days with us nere taking photographs. Nov. 15, 1887. J. &E. Turin City Daily: Our clever hardware man, Mr. K. R. Crawford, is going around ... 1 1 . . 1, .. ..,) t Via miafrirtiin i OH urutvuva. iic uan i.e.. .v to sprain his ankle very Ladly . The hoi.iestead law is a curse to every honest citizen in the State of Nor: h Caro lina, be he either white or black, rich or poor. It bad long since outlived its use ful n ess and the purpose for which it tteU created. It is a duty that the people owe to themselves and the business and in dustries of the State to see the law is ll r i all ci no tAnn ma TwvanldA Tlia nhn. i unions. it must oe plain 10 an inai uie law protects toe rascal and at tne same time harms the honest citizen who re gards it his duty to pay his debts. It is the policy of the hnlerprUe to "condemn iu the strongest terms-every bad law, and among several bad ones with which the people of this state are afflicted it regards the homestead law as the worst. While it is the duty of a good citizen and a loy al newspaper to respect the laws of his couutry, it is equally their duty to Con- ftemu and seek to abolish' a law when the effect is for evil instead of for good. High Point Enterprise. The Democratic National Convention of 18S4, that nominated Mr. Cleveland, declared with all solemnity that ''unnec essary- taxation is unjust taxation." Did thev mean it? They farther declared 1 The Democratic party is pledged to re vise the tariff in a spirit of fairness to all interests." Did they mean this? If so, thev pledged themselves, first. to revise, and, secondly to revise so that the farm ers aud the laborers shall be protected as well as the monopolists and plutocrats. The party also declared: "All taxation shall be limited to the economical re quirements of the Government."' -J ust so. Dm they mean it? Then they must stop voting away so freely the peoples raonev. cut down expenditures and thus lessen the burdens. H tlmington Star. The Louisville Courier-Journal thinks the election contests settles it that Cleve land will be nominated and elected be yond all doubt. It says: "The Republicans can put no ticket in the field to beat him. His luck is trium phant. Allison and Hawley, the strong est possible Republican team, and, under the circumstauccs, the likeliest, can not avail." The Longest Word in the Dictionary is incompetent to communicate the inex pressible satisfaction and incomprehensi ble consequences resulting from a judi cious administration of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ,a preparation de signed especially for the speedv relief and permanent cure of all Female Weak nesses, Nervousness, and diseases pecu liar to the female sex. The only remedy for woman's peculiar ills, sold by drug gists, under a positive guarantee, to give satisfaction. See guarantee 011 wrapper of bottle. This guarantee has been faith fully carried out for many years by the proprietors. LIST OF LETTESS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. C, for the week ending Nov. 17, 1S87. W A Hartman, Samuel Smith. Mrs Caroline Henderson, Augustus M Basin- ger, Lottie Borden, bailie t lement, b M Ellis 2, Alf Ellis, Amelia Eaton, Francis Fuller, W W Gague, Miss F Horn, J H Harriston, Miss A M Young, Sampson Jordan, J W Lentz, Harry Pressner, Henry H Ransom, Leon Newman, J A. Cnnuou, W A Wat.Hjn. Please say advertised when the above letters are called for. A. H. Boyden, P. M. MARRIED. By the Rev. R. L. Brown, at his - resi dence, on the 10th of November, 1B87, Mr. Anderson A. Triplet and Miss Catha rine Ritchie were united in holy matri- Lmony. The former of Watauga and the latter of Rowan county HUMPHREYS SS. HTJMTHEEYS' BOOK Cloth & Cold Binding AIU TIES. AMvm. r. O. Box 110. V T. list or PRINCIPAL SOS. CURES PBICC .55 . .2S Fever. Congestion. Inflammations. .. Worma. worm never, v o: m ( one. . r ins Colic, or Teething of Infants. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .2 Maxrnea, ui uuiiam or aaaiu Dysentery. Ortpin. Bilious Colic. ... Cboler .Morbus. Vomiting Coughs. Cold, Bronchitis Neuralgia. Toothache rac.-acli. .. . . Headaches. Siek Ueadaclie. A ertigo. OMEOPATB-SaC ItvapeDalau Bilious Stomach . . .25 eiapprasd or Painful Period 35 White, too Profuse Periods 25 roup. Cough, Difficult Breatbine; 25 Salt Rheum. Frysipelss, Eruptions.. .25 Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 25 Fever and Ague, Chills. Malaria SO Plies. Blind or Bleed in SO Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .50 W hooping Cough . V iden t Coughs. . .50 General Debility. Physical Weakness .SO Kidney Disease .50 Nervous Debility w . .. .. .l.OO 1'rinary Weakness. Wetting Bed. . . .50 Diseases of the Heart, Palpitation i .OQ SPECIFICS. Sold by I)rujnit. or ect postpaid on receipt of pries -Ml ai'llfc ls'aVEDRlit to. 10 faltna M. X.X. 3:6m. aav m aaa-a ! rm file In PulladelpVu NslTTAYEIt SON. our author! acents. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. A 250 lb second hand font of Bruce' Bourgeois at 10 cts. per pound . Tied up and in boxes. A second hand of 100 pounds of Smith & McKellar's Bourgeois at 12ets. per ft). Iu cases. A second hand font of Smith & McKel lar's Brevier, 60 fts. In cases and tied up, at 12 cts. A second hand 40 lb font of Great Trimer at 15 cents per lb. A lare 8 line border, ornamental cor ners, at 14 cts, per lb. A large 10 line ornamental border at 14 cts. per !b. And various other fonts of advertising or display type at about cost. half original WINTER FUEL, Coal consumers x do well to call on me for their winter fuel. Any orders through the Post Office, or sent to my residence on Main street (opposite J. M. Horah's residence), will be promptly filled. PEYTON E. LOCKE. 2:lm:pd. FOR RENT. A conveniently locaiea ouage, neariy new Apply to .. J. W. KL MILL - 1 2;tf, HIT mm II I III Mm uruver . . - AND HI milk SINCE LAST WE GREETED YOU, THROUGH THESE C0LITMNS, WE HAVE HAD SUCH UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS I V : THE SALES IN OUR DIFFERENT DEPART MENTS, BUT ESPECIALLY IN Cloaks, Wraps, and Dress Goods, That we feel overwhelmed with gratitude, and take this opportunity of thanking the general public, but more especially the Ladies, and to show our appreciation we have our second order in on CLOAKS and other Goods and will continue to squeeze down the Prices. Come to see us whether you want . to buy or not. We will welcome -you with HKthroad a grin as . New Year's is from ': Christmas. - -.; 4 DRESS GOODS, ALL KINDS. MARKED 'LOWER THAN EVER, AND IF WE CANT 8UIT YOU INNTRIMMINGS WILL ORDER THEM FOR YOU BY EX PRESS AT COST. WE DOJTT WANT TO GET RICH, WE WANT TO WORK UP A James O'Dandy Trade. 100 PIECES GINGHAMS, just in, 8 to 10 cts. 50,000 yards Prints. 6 eta., and up. Ail Wool Dress Goods, all colors, 10 cts. 225 Jerseys and Five Hundred () Walking Jackets, Short Wraps. New Markets, Pelisses and Hnglands, that must and SHALL be sold at your owu Price. Big line Ladies' All Wool Vests. Have nearly sold out of Gents' and Boy's, but have more coming cheaper than ever. Our Stock . of Red Twilled and Plain Flaunels, White and Shaker; take the cake and get there every time. We have sold more Blankets than we expected to sell all winter, and' will close out the balance, about 42 Pairs, Cheap. Now as the girl said to her lover when he went to the war UUN I rUKUll U5. BIADQ04ETIBS FOS LATEST STYLUS AID LOWEST PRICES. GS- XEXT DOOR STEERES :o: In Addition to tie GALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PEOPLE OF SALISBURY, ROWAN AND AD JOINING COUNTIES To our Large nil If oil Selected Stock Of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, and UMBRELLAS, Which Have been bought Low, AND WITH A VIEW TO SUIT OUR TRADE. Our heavy winter BOOTS, all solid nnd honest goods, from $2.00 to $4.00 per pair. Boys' BOOTS, all solid, $1.50 to $2.25 per pair. Youths' BOOTS, all solid, $1,25 to $175 per pair. Child's BOOTS, all solid, $ l.UU to l.&0 per pair. Tie Best Stock of Men's and ton's HEAVY SOLID EIP SHOES Ever Brought to this Market, From 75 to $2 00 per pair. Ever; Fair Guaranteed Solid ani Satisfactory. Our Stock of Ladies' and Mimes' FINE SHOES in the reliable ZIEGLEB BROS., (not Geo. H. ZIEGLEB,) aud CLEMENT, WIEL A BALL, is complete in hand turned and hand sewed. Just the thing for winter wear. Come and see them. We have a nice assortment of Stetson and other reliable brands of HATS in the latest -shapes. Some extra large sizes from 7f to 7. We keep up our Large Stock of v LADIES' and GENTS' TRUNKS TEE LARGEST STOCK IN SALISBURY TO $ELEC FROI " Traveling Bags and Umbrellas in all styles and priees. Ws have just received a handsome lot of LADIES' and GENTS' SANDALS and Cloth Top Rubbers aud Arctics. In fact our line of GOODS is complete for the Fall and Winter Trade. We have not spared time, pains, or expense in selecting it. and you will find out prices right. We do not advertise, or expect to sell Goods at Cost, or lower than any one else who buys and sells for cash, but WE DO CLAIM to sell GOOD SOLID HONEST GOODS AS LOW A8 THEY CAN DE SOLD. (And when we guarantee a BOOT or SHOE you may rest assured ws mean jaist what we say. -It's not doue to merely effect one sale WE HA VE COME TO STA Y.) Orders by Mail fill have Prompt aid Personal Attention, Country .nerchants would do well to see our Staple Goods. Ws can save you money paid for freights and expenses going to market. 1 Messrs. JKO. L. (Locke) CARSON and CHAS. M. BROWN are here anxious to see their friends, and will treat you ri-rht. Yours, anxious to please. M IH LTZ & VANTOK. mm mm SCHULTZII 0:"5t-- . htm 1 1 lUTl DRVG STORE. Above we Would