mi ine i QmnnQ w nT.onrrm n r Jpv . 4. "iff tetfSfe Mum 701 XI :?.-TffiRD SERIES. SALISBURY, H. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1887. K0.9 aPaag8BpaS!BffiS Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which la the nr.ntaitl of health, by uslnsr Dr. Pierce's Gold- pn Medical Discovery, and tfood dlwion, a from the common fountain ot neaun. Dy usm fnir skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength, and uuinanMi of constitution will be established. Goluon Meoicai wiecovcry cures an nunnin, mm the common Tiiuiple, blotch, or eruptiow, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison, es pecially has it proven its efficacy in curing knit-rheum or Tetter, Fever-sores, Hip-joint Disease. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, En fcirged Glands, and Rating Ulcer. Golden Medical Discovery euro Consump tion (which is Scrofula of the Lunirs). by its wonderful blood-purifying, invigorating, and nutritive properties. For Weak Lungs. Spit ring Of Wood. Shortness of Breath. Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred ffeo Mnnft. it is a Sovereign remedy. It proiDiuy oures the severest Cwighs. MT. Fw Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or Liver Complaint," Dyspepsia, and Indigestion. .it is an unequalled remedy. Sold by druggists. DR. PlFRfF S FF!M.FT - Atl Bllion and Cathartic. 25c. u vial, by druggists. l.v... Catarrh mm balm Cleanses the Nasal! Passages, Allays Fain andlnflamm tion. Eealstre Sores. Bestores the Senses cf Tast ; and Smell. i TRY THE CURE I HAV-FEVER i CATARRH F IEDMONT WAGON, MADE AT is a disease of the mucous membrane, generally originating in the nual pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virua into the stomach and through the digestive organs, corrupting ihe blood and -producing other trouble some and dangerous' symptoms. A particle Is applied into each nostrtT, and Is agreeable. Price M cents at druggists; by mall registered, 60 cents. ELY BKOS., 25 Greenwich Street, New York. 45:tf. - HICKORY, N. C. CAN'T BE BEAT! They stand where they ought to, right square AT THE FRONT! It Was a Hard Fight But They Have Won It! Subscribe for the Carolina Watchman. 01 If You Wish & Good Article Plug Tobacco, ask your dealer foi "Old Rip.'' DYSPEPSIA. IB that misery experienced when we sud denly become aware that we possess a iabolical arrangement called a stomach. The stomach 1b the reservoir from which every fibre and tissue mnst be nourished, and any t rouble with it is soon felt t h rough out the whole system. Among n dozen dyspeptics uo two will have the same pre dominant symptoms. Dyspcptionot active mental power and a bilious temperament are subject to Sick Headache; those, fleshy ami phlegmatic have Constipation, while tin- t Inn and ncrvousare abandoned to gloomy forebodings. Some dyspeptics are wonderfully forgetful; others nave great irritability of temper. Whatever fovm Dyspepsia may take, one thing is certain, " The underlying cause is , in the JslfEMt, tnd one thing more is equally certain, no one will remain a dyspeptic who will It will correct Acidity of the . Stomach, Expel foul cases. Allay 1 rrita tion, S Assist Digestion. and, at the same " V M. time Start the Liver to working;' when alt other troubles soon disappear "My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three years ago by the advice of lr. Steiner, of Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I feci grateful for the relief it has given her, and may all who read this and are afflicted in any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and 1 feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Kbrsh, Fort Valley, Ga. BY J. J. BRTJNIR. Hever Trouble Trouble. iFTTToT See that you get the Genuine, with red 2j on front of Wrapper, PKEl-AHKD OMIT BT J. H. ZLILIN & CO., ltuladelphia, Pa. V GREAT EXCITEMENT Just read what peojilo say about them and if you want a wagon come quickly and buy one, either for cash or on time. i Salisbury, N. IC. Sept. 1st, 1886. Two years ago I bought a very light two horse Piedruout wagon of the Agent, Jiio. A. Boytlen; have used it near'y all tlvc time i ice. hare tried it severely in hauling saw log and other heavy loads, and have not ) ad to pay one cent for repairs. I look upon the Piedmont wagon as the best Thim ble Skeiu wagon made in the United States. The timber used in them is most excellent and thoroughly well seasoned. TtnisfKR P. TnoMASoN. OVER LOW PR CED GOODS AT Salisbury, X. C. Aug. 27th, 1886 Alwut two years nso I bought of Jao. A. Boyden,aouc horse Piedmont wagon which has done much service and no p&it of it ""has broken or given away and consequent ly it has cost nothing for repairs. John D. IIk.m.y. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN'S TWO STORES, Which arekept full of choice and desirable GOODS by daily additions, which are marked at Uoek Bottom Prices for CASH or BARTER. We buy all kiud of Pro duce which but few Houses do, for Cash Or Trade. The largest stock of Dress Goods hi town. Prices from 8 cts. to the best Cashmeres, Tricots, Flannels and Suitings. Best Alamance Plaids at G cts., or as low as any one else will sell them. We have All-Wool Bed Flannel at 15 cts. per yard up to the best. Big Bargains in All-Wool Jerseys at 65, 85 and up. New Stock of Dora est U?s 5, 6i, 7, 7, 8, 9 and 10 cts. Carpets for everybody at New York prices. Wool Hats 25 cts. and up, to the best fur, in nil styles. " Knit and Clolh Shirts 25 cts. up to the best wool. We ofler all of our Long Clonks and New Markets at COST. They must be sold to make room. We have just received another BIO- STOCK OF SHOES, We mark them low and let them go and get more. Big Assortment of Tinware, ,.t..-.o.wt in ... Krnnms n hi-imcr thiin over, betore. 15raSS llOOPea UUCKCIS so hefs. Java Cottee only Ho cts. wno wouiu anna ruo : iew vrop icw unraiis ujao- lassesand Sugar, just in. Beans, Oat Hakes, Oat Meal, tjiits, laptoca, iHacavcui, Cheese, Crackers, Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, and lots of good things to eat. YOU BUY OK SELL AS WE My good man is a clever man, Which do one will gainsay; He lies awake to plot and plan 'Gainst lions in the way. While I without a thought of ill, Sleep sound enough for three; For I never trouble trouble till Trouble troubles me. A holiday we never fix But he is sure 'twill rain; And when the sky is clear at six He knows it won't remain. He's always prophesying ill, To which I won't agree, For I never trouble trouble till Trouble troubles me. t - The wheat will never show jrtop- But sosn how green the field ! We will not harvest half a crop Yet have a famous yield ! It will net sell, it never will ! But I will wait and see, For I never trouble trouble till Trouble troubles me. We have a good share of worldly gear, And fortune seems secure, Yet my good man is full of fear Misfortune's coming sure ! He points me out the almshouse hill, But cannot make me see, For I never trouble trouble till Trouble troubles me. He has a sort of second sight, And when the til is strong, He seas beyond the good and right The evil and the wrong. Heaven's cup of joy he'll surely spill Unless I with him be, For I never trouble trouble till Trouble troubles me. Fannie Windaor in Norristovn Herald. United States Marshal Dyer has seized the office of the president of the Mormon Church, at Salt Luke Citv, Utah. the en-business Business Competition. There is often a tendency to overdo a thing. One man has a hotel say, and there is a real necessity for a hotel out from building for an v foreign . and the proprietor o this rnment by reason of the fact that hoj k a firat-cTass house and er armor nor cun steel nor sec- i, . rki K.i ondary batteries could be supplied in M makeg a amount of most notable "illustration of terorise and courage of our class. "My attention was early called to the fact that our shiD-builders were shut government neither armor nor sun steel a 1 T I P 1VA tuts country. n is oenevea tnai our m Some one sees the condition private ship-yards can produce war o th' and gtraigntwav concludes ships equal and perhaps superior to j th t th f h to do is those produced elsewhere when these t i b . this maB down ! A s wmcn ne may succeed in ciemg, out at industries shall have been established. It is notable in this connection that the efforts of the Department to raise the standard of the material for the ships has resulted in a class of material believed to be superior to that ever pro duced for any similar purpose. All concur that the quality of the steel has been improved and that more reliable processes have come to light. Espe cially has the steel made upon the Pacific Coast been notable lor its qual ity; and the construction of the cruis ers there may mark an important event in its industrial history." So much for the stimulating energy and business methods of a Democratic administration. For a good picture of carelessness and extravagance, not to say deliberate robbery, we must look on the other side to the Republican management. The Secretary has gi ren it in THE STORY OE THE TENNESSEE. "The history of this vessel is quite interesting and most illustrative. She had a short life, but as a consumer of money, a brilliant one. Her hull was built and she was equipped in the New York navy yard. Her machinery was designed and built under contract by the eminent engineer, Mr. John Ericsson, costing $700,000. Her total original cost was $1,850,075.81. Upon her trial trip in January, 1867, she ran about 1,000 miles. She attained a speed of sixteen knots, and made a run of fifteen knots per hour for four hours She encountered a perilous storm, des cribed as a hurricane, which continued over twenty-four hours. The ship suf- ferd considerably. sThe report of her Two negro men, for a brutal assault commander says: 'The engines moved I on Mrs. D. J. O'Berry, near Peraberton Ferry, Florida, were hung in a swamp, where they were concealing themselves. the same time he will ruin himself The amount of money that has been ost at this kind of business folly in any given community would make it blossom like a rose. Of course we would not confine our remarks to ho tels, the same principle applies to ail departments of business. Of course we believe m competition, hut this, like all things else, must be confined within legitimate bounds. There is no amount of competition well, The Mother. There is no human love like mother s love. There is no human tenderness like a mother's tenderness r And there is no such time for a moth er's first displaying her love an 1 ten derness towards her child as in the' ch i lds earliest years of life. That ti me neglected, and no future can make good the loss to either mother or ch ild . -That time well improved, and all the ' years that follow it can profit by its improvement. Even God Himself measures His fatherly love by a moth erly standard. "As one whom h 8 mother comforteth, as I will comfort you." He says; and what more than this could He say ? And many a strong man who was first comforted by his mother s loving and tender words and ways while he was a helpless child has never lost his grateful, trusting de pendence on that mother's ministry of affection and sympathy. When gruff" old Dr. Johnson was fifty years old he wrote to his aged mother as if he were still her wayward fh.if Ann Dnnnnrt tvn man woll rvn what is required for one. The whole WMonng ooy : "ion nave ueen idea is grounded on the unchristian new mower, ana nmm too iss kp principle of conflict, and is brutal in n 1 JV Ior. aa its tendencies. J? indulgence to me, and beg for- 4 The Western Union Telegraph Com- ., ?Te ,aonc pany, for instance, is doing a good safe tftl nave oinittea to oo weu. business, making a sufficiency for its J?hn Quincy Adams did not part with owners. Some other company starts a his mother until he was nearly or telegraph company and straightway qte old as this: yet nis cry eren the W. U. T. Co., would begin to try tn O God could shebave heeii to break the new company down, not Pare" J lvu- " because there is not enough work for her the world feels to me like a soli both to do, and because it needs the hen President Nott, of patronage, but because of this busi- Union College, was more than ninety ness folly of lookine upon every one nuu uw w ax else engaged in the same busiuess in tnir a college president, as strengtn which you are as your enemy and legiti- d sense failed him in his dying hours, mate PleV mciuurj wj. hi iuuuici reuwniwo The whole thing is unchristian and was fresh and potent; and he could be unbusinesslike, he Christian's life hushed to needed sleep by a gentle pat is one of strife, but it is strife against tg on the shoulder, and the singing to evil, and this same business of destruc- him of the old time lullabies, as if his tive competition is one of the evils mother was still sitting by his bed against which it must and was con- flde J loving ministry, as she had tinned to contend. Wel1 n,8h a century before. The highwayman takes his goods irne woe son never grows om w a trw mother. BE SURE AND SEE US BEFORE MEAN TO DO WHAT WE SAY. Salisbury. N. 6. Sept. 3d, 18f6. Eighteen months ago I bought of John A. Boyden, a 2 well Thimble Skein Pied mont WRiron and have used it pretty much II the time and it has proved to be a tirst- rate wagon. Nothing about it h:is given i. Md therefore it has required no re- piir's. T. A. Waltox. KLUTTZ & REND LEMAN. The most novel sceme ever adopted for increasing the circulation of a news paper is that of a Detroit dr?ly, which advertises that its publishers will give .Sk. A ft 1 1UU to the next or km to any person who is killed in a railway accident in the United States or Canada, provided a late copy of the paper be found on the person of the deceased. 39: ly. Saxisbttrt, N. C. Sept. 8th, 1886. IS months airo I bought of the Agent, in a.llaliitrv a 2 in Thimble Skein Piedmont "n,f.ir lightest one-horse wairon I S.w-. keut it in almost constant use and durin" the time have hauled, on it at least T1 liia rla nf wood and that without any breakage or repairs. L. R. Wai-tok. The days of successful whaling are not over, though the business has be come very risky. The substitution of steamers for sailing vessels has resulted in some very good voyages lately. off finely and worked perfectly during all the storm her machin ery is as ierfect as it need be. It has undergone the severest test, and not once found wanting. She is the fast est ship I have ever seen.' The chief engineer says: 'If the strength and workmanship of the machinery cannot be depeuded upon, then no reliance Li to be placed upon the performance of my steam machinery with which I am acquainted.1 n Tws years afterward she underwent what was called 'repairs , and the sum of $570,790.61 was spent upon her; all but $73,000 of this was put on her hull and equipment. It was the full price of a new wooden hull of her size at that time. This was from 1800 to 1871. She then made a cruise of three months and went into the hands of Mr. John Roach to enable him to take out the machinery and boilers of John Ericsson and substitute others of supe rior character. It was from you because he is armed, or more reckless than you. oo does this species of business highwayman take your le gitimate business from yon because he is richer or more reckless than you. If a certain community needed a plied by a good one and there was only nces, would he reply to a pe ! j J a, u... I attack. 44 1 here is no Senator, si U UUC ClM'Llil 1UI LXK "-'UU nvi vsywmss it would be folly to start another one on the idea of driving the first man out of business; it would be better far and wiser to start a stock farm and suddIv his stall with beef, mutton and pork. Then, again, if there was a good living and actual necessity for two stalls it would be a great wrong and a great folly, too, for the one to wage war upon the other, and try to ruin his Indifference to Personalities. Shortly after Mr. Seward took his seat in the United States Senate, he announced that, under no circum- rsonal said he, "whose reputation is of sufficient im portance to justify him in taking five minutes of the Senate's time' to defend it' During his senatorial term he was respectful toward his political op ponents, although his radical opinions " and bold utterances excited their bitter hostility, and drew upon him many fierce personal attacks. He never .noticed these personalities in public debate, and, to all appearance, was as indifferent to them as to the crying of an infant. The eloquent Judah P. Benjamin, whose seat was next to Seward's, once attacked him in an impassioned speech. As soon as the orator resumed his seat, Mr. Seward turned to him and said, in business Judgment should be used in these matters and a people who are wise will not overdo any particular business but will rather seek a great variety of in dustries and thus afford a greater op- r"''" the most indifferent tone, "Benjamin, urancn, uuu uieu eurii uuucu iuuuou j . , , i will pi-ove a compliment to the other. V P? a c,r' and when jronr 8Ph . - among otner One of the most fortunate skippers of the day is Captain Bauldry, of the New I things expected to give the ship a 14V Itol-f.d c!im wbnlor flrn'i v bo h knot speed for twenty-tour hours recently returned with all the oil and bone his ship could carry. He actual- SV V -Cotdsboro Argus. W hen she had her trial of this new machinery in 1875 her maximum speed is printed send me a copy. Then rising, he returned to the cloak room and smoked Benjamin's cigar as camly as if the donor and he were political and personal friends. FOR SALE. One Brick House and lot, on the corner cffnhnn and Kerr streets, about one iM-a in lot. fin Frame House and lot on Lee itrMt. nn. Fraras House and lot on Main street. Also sharas in N. C. K. R. Tn.nir of Mrs. n. E. and Miss ic- Miit Iohnson tt their home on Main street. 40:tf . ', - . s v i i a v ti-nn mr . ....... 1 f'lVT? nl sk kTS 'A Ik 'K VK1S. UASlOltJ). 1. i) ann O ootlie, i3r.n,ivi t mvo asuir l.n hit i t.hut in lKt k nf SSutl Tlx hi! in I a OI11 preuareu uv mm iui mc muiuwc Tush lis ruEAM PITCHERS. SUGAR BOWLS BUTTER DISHES, v -" T "7 1 H:Y"u 1 CT .. of nnriilatinflr and restrictine irnmigra- so finely balanced that a clerk, by PICKLE DISHES. OLIVE and PRESERVE DISHES, SPOON naa Killed to a rival, oecause urn on auu.uun u, t.u: vu u. - . . ? fTnJt , Sfa. A nrinciDal sine a' knob under his desk, can HOLDERS, . NAPKIN RINGS, INDIVIDUAL CASTORS, storage room was full. ?".k.TVSSS TtST'l.X feature of the bill is a provision, which, the" outer doors instantly, and PrrCHER, WAITER and GOBLET, BREAD TRAY, "'l ..... T. 7 had cost 700,000; had not been in COJ .Uw' "V . J 1 ZJF ThiTdnrl It CHILDREN'S DRINKING CUPS. JEWEL! Hashish is superseding morphine and I,.,,. J- mnnk.1S! had never persou of foreign birth,who con tem- special process. This is done to 7 . . . - . . ... ... . . M I v.... . , - . , . .. . . 1 IT - i LU 1. . I ..i iU ..... . ,. I ., CASK E is, CAijij ih.ijii, anu vaporized ether, it is said, in ttie anee- jen gn MANY MORE NICE THINGS FOR XMAS. My Stock is now complete, and I know I can please you. Call and see them, as it is no trouble to show goods. Keep your Oping on this space as it changes every week, and will be to your advantage to keep posteu. tion of the Parisian dilettanti drunk ards. They have founded a hashish club ou the Rue St. Michael, where they meet every Friday. The amount of the drug which each shall take is Keeping out Foreigners. Senator Palmer, of Michigan has in-! i i. . ,. . i nil i r l i nM i... j.. i I.. u..j kj ..4- trfxiuceo in tne oenaie at vvasninmon was iuj kuow, aim mic uuu uuu put - " m. . o.u Vl. A . r AVUlim vrjs. MiiSjiwuw wva w ssw mv pres- close they by pre- 11 1 XJ II 1 rvpvpd and rnnnVmned hv a plates emigration w me univea omws, iru Mwwmug u " . rveyea anu conuemnea oy a it- , :4l t:e..i. .1. j ik. nunn fmm wil.K n u.,,,l f t,rvernmiir nftipprs nnr its to proviue uiuim:il wnu a rauuwM ux vXffixedTy a from the United States consul for the the bank. The bullion department of a ue hxeu by an b er ani, district of his residence, "settinff forth this and other banks is nightly sub orn it was wiu w jui. uuuca w um - , t, , . , - . ,..iM l lucrgcu scvciui iucv in tiuw.i uj nit bit 6KR1AI CARP:--- ootids snury , W I can furnish carp .la ree or small, in any Quantity, for si ocklnir Forternas. address W. It. F HALEY. Snl-! C. 3T:tt W. H. REISNER, rt.i i j i i mnii i ciinsr!iini!uiv i.n:u, shiu cijiisui is iron. mat is w suv. ue-wwu xoua --- - - . , .. - - i. l kuu i .nm n fiv 1 1 LJ il - I SllTlsnMl. UDOll tllllUenL lllUUirV LIIHL lie I IIUII Ul HIC mutlimci . in wine imiia.i prescribed by . doctor and the do i. iltt(1 jpnv.,8 51 This f K3rfhS prepared by . chemist, both m.mberof hJ m 'J such certifcates shall shooting a bolt in the dormitory, the club. It is taken in pills, and not "ll6'""""' -1 A not be allowed by the United States which in tnrn sete in motion an alarm. nlr nr .mM ns am the .? .' , . , . ' .i ....' Mmmiimitinn officers to land in this If a visitor durina the day should V 11' ' ' ' 1 srm. . . . v x v , I W W W Dim 1J AAIImOIiI llflfl nV I I1CI 1' I . I ---BM , 1 Jr a m i ninn. .'nr i.wiiik.iuulu i iiil kjwi.ki.i .... , .. arv Board as unseaworthy and not - LEADING JEWELER. 97-1 v WEAKlUNDEVELOPED 1 11 KN KU Klc. i an intrwllni; nq- J- - A S ply to Inqqi fai:i..ni- 'u Tny rup i n our ' will mt that theirr) ia no evidence of knmbris tboul thisv. Ot th con t run. thwodTsirtiaora re j -1 lir-r'--"1 i '-mB ma . . . . - Ixn aivina all rtartienlnra. b tvldrswaiiur 1 A HIE Company. SEEKII G COUGMOUfi & SHAVER, DEALERS IN- FRESH MEAT AND ICE. The choicest BEEF the inarkot affords always on hand. 50:3m STOYES AND HEATERS. COOK STOVES AND RANGES. I have the best and prettist lot of Coal and Wood Stoves ever offered in this market, many of them of the latest and most approved pat cms suitable for par lors, dining rooms, stores, officeSjChurehes, school houses, shops and sitting rooms. Large and small. Call and see them and hear prices. 49:1m. Wm. BROWN. Pfl flt'.KrS of good lau.l. G mile nil fromSa!is1urv. on the Coneord roail If " terms reasonable for cash. 51.1', PiNK.r-T LuDwicr, . i . L -.HOME - Fatronace. AGENTS . In all titics, Towns ami Villages in the Soutb. TOTJlL assets, - J. ALLEN BROWN, Resident Agent, Salisbury, N. C. A STRONG Company -- PB030PT! n Mialle ! Literal ! RHODES BROWNE, $ffsnrnt. William C. Coart dmttars; - $750,000 00. Oriental fashions. Eeach of the ineiu bers is bound to describe to the other either in writing or verbally, his sensa tions as the drug gains its influence " over bira. I mm country. The fourth sections, which happen to knock ott one irom a pile embodies most of the new legislation of half sovereigns the whole pile mer s bill, pro-1 would disappear, a pool of water taking shall be grant-1 its place. Il ' L L II 1 1 r ri I. l Li wo 4 ..i 1.1. I if 1 1 Lif ail v luii i iLb cavvhi viivoc wuf ivr- c J I I t -....l.i-a. ..I , .IT.h.'aj ai an i 1111 ill in I . . . , - . m anrfion sale. She h;id cost the Gov- Ul uixcu, y. j Vanity is as ill at ease under maif- ?r, wortli repairing, and ordered sold, hav- emooaies most or tne n. a. inghadput upon her, between 1875 proposed by Senatjr Pali Z and 1887, the additional sum of $577,- rules that no certificates ; United States Report. ernment $3,800,000 in round numbers, " w J person unable to take care erence tenderness is underthc love and had done about ten years of active of himself or herself without becom- which it can not return. a , - r, . . f ;ol,no anA ing a pudiic cnarsje, nor any anaiciiisi. The annual report or uie oecrewrj Msrv. . T "J7 nifiilisfc or anv oereon hostile to the yaras. ll is oneii tne suuieui ui mm-1 . . .r , . , i -AfuiA I nnncmals of the constitution or form uecome oi uie fiww r. . . . tt-aj Ci.iM r :tl hand mare trosbki.sHd ail Qassks, aia is tobioed thalr vio : a SCKKBSJIEPT that haj Itarlsn Thmaud mu . ants u larpe vi-o-jnioDfls 8 whom vok a t U tsssjB orad to hoitu by naa of arsis' SEMINAL PASTILLES kad ical CS-m f or Korroaa Debi! it7. Orcan. c Wcftkncsa sadPbrsfra I Docst i n Voar.i: or Hi r!le A.-.C& Men. Tosted for E cot Veers In x i far thcK u uubka. cjid itinu. Tkxe i CUaBU thoncaada, duct not ffirah attentijn to tiu:neu. or c or laaonvaoiaoce in en v ns F, unded n seientifie SaSBSaal principfrs. B; dind The To t hoso who TOfler from tho m a ny obacuro diMsara CroagCtBbOBt by lndiacrctioa, iixnoearo, UTer-unia. Work. ortoofTM Indnlnnra. wanskUMtfoa send ns jrmr ti time with t(itim-i t o( yoar tronblo, and pcottre TSJALPACKAGR fRK.r",Trih Jllcsf i PaiasnlatAe. plication tn the arat otdlaraa iu taocaia felt without ddar. The ii of tho hnaaan onankm realorcd JSMSM animating elements of life are glen back, the patient becotnea ssssafejsssj rapidly faina both aaength rnd haaSb THEATstEHT. Cao Ucrth, g . Tn Sot. 91 Tbsa, (7 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Kru OrntsTS, SOCM W . Teaitn Btroet, bt. IAJUJB. KU RUPTURED PERSONS ca: hevo PRES Trial of our Appliance. Ask (Or Terms! 25:ty. of the Navy is encouraging and inter esting reading. Under this adminis tration ship-building has received an impetus which bids fair to place Amer ica at no very distant day, among the most advanced of maritime powers. Such is the hopeful tenor of Secretary Whitney's report. He says: "When the last annual report of the Department was made this country lacked manufactories necessary to the construction and armament of a mod ern war vessel, viz, that of steel forg ings for the heavier guns, that of armor for iron-clad vessels, and that of the secondary batteries (machine and rapid-fire guns), an essential portion of the armament. Now all three manufactories are in process of con struction under contracts with the Department. It was a fatal mistake for this country to be dependent upon any oh. r uation for its implements of war. The ease with which these diffi culties were finally solved was most i e tl J Mimnsiii'r. anil iurnisueu iun.M iu-i uuu 1 V J U..4- U-c Ufl TV II at llvn uauwc ui V n,vv.w, . - - . IT 1 c, , 000 spent upon war vessels since the oi govern me., v ol vu u .u u, c'ose of the war, in view of the fact or to any believer or professed be hev u.. ;a r,n Thi, hii er of the Mormon religion who fails to of If story will serve as an illustration." the c.on!u' "P" examination, J I fhof ho rvr uha infeiirk tn nrirl will pnn. form to and obev the laws of the A Leap for Life. 1 United States, nor to any person in- Symptoms of Catarrh. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passage, discharges tailing Irom the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tcnaci-" ous, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes arc weak, watery, and inflained; . . il . . Jl l a. tticrc is ringing iu iiiucnrs, ueaiunt, iiac inn or frilloliliKf to r'lc;ir the thro&t. fXTU-r. As a nassemier train on the Savan- eluded in the prohibition in the act to toration of offensive matter, together with nah Valley Railroad was coming into prohibit the importation and irnmigra- scabs from u let re; the voice is changed and Anderson, S. C, an old negro woman tion of foreigners and aliens under has a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; came near meeting a most horrible contract or agreement to perform labor smell and jiyj V , ii 8 ii tt -i. jet 4M ..,.i v. I sc.tsat.tin ot dintneaa, with mental depres- death. The old woman, unconscious in the ruted States approved tebru- E hackingToh and general tlebSitT of an approaching tram, attempted to ary 26, 18f5a, or in the acts amendatory if TOU have all. or any considt-rable sum- ..,111 l i . .... ' . . in r ot these symptoms, ou are sunering from Nasal Catarrh. 1 lie more complicat ed your disease ha become, the greater tho number and diversity of j mpUms. Thou sands of cases annually, without niani lest- inc bait oi tnc auovc symptoms, result iu . . 1 1 ! .1 i ii inc grave, ihu a . i i i .i cnacf ii hi i i-i iiiuiiuii. mi n n hit iilivp ssiiiri .-.a hAimn rra nr nm puu rauta na va i w uvuov - - - - i - ''- injuries are very painful, but they are D3en permanently cured. I shall be glad dangerous, or less understood, or more uu not cousiderel dangerous. to send two bottles of my remedy free successful y treated, bv physician Five to any of your readers who have con- nunarea aouars rcwaju is ,-oiierea-bj H e oMmi.tinll if thoV AX- ill B0nH mil ihftir 1 manufacturers of Dr. Sae sCatarrh Uemv- ...... . guill HIW" J " .m , - , . A precious thing is tne more precious press and post office address. Respect- dy, lor a case oi catarrn wnicn tm y t an to us if it has been won bv work or fullv. 1 not cute. Remedy sold by druggists, at economy. Buskin. T. A. Slocun, M. C:, 181 Pearl st., K. Y. only 50 cents. cross a trestle iust below the depot, and I to said act. when about half way across she saw the train. Realizing her danger, she CONSUMPTION SUEELY CUBED. eniiflnded to risk her life bv lumping off rather than to be crushed to pieces To the Editor Please inform your by the train. 1- otunateiy sne escaped ''T'LTJaiZ Uv U. 'u, consumption, and end in the - ,1 i . ll 1 . " I. IT I WC UUUYC UIIUWU "-S'"-' J assaaasj I ... mTmmSV. m... .factories are in process of con- . ne ' Z TtZ V .u' TZ the above named diseW. By its timely consumption and cnu in , graje. No '.i :icuiurc znoutvau Dnncimei. ut curvca " . . . ufi rno rn.i. h wha mul tciv i nz i. i i tM i a . i l t . i ic.uup i( hii mm iu tin . more 1 1 rr i r i vn niwi A precious thing is the more precious Dres and post office address. Respect-1 dy, lor a case of catarrh which tu. y t an- - II - - m I ,.asi r - i - ... i rm