Caroliar Wat:hnan LOCAL -- TIIUIiiDAY, DECV2J, ISJ7 KE2I0EI1L. JJL3. ELLEN &. SUi:Siri,r. DIED PStWOXS vriUBgrorlnforrffl '.tinti on ifiattaWftd- TortlseJ in tuis nt'wr will aieaae .iy uuverc.isixi !a tiic Watchman." rc- Mrs. R. M. Pendlcfipn, from Washing ton, is visiting relatives in this place. Misses C. and F. C. Fisher, left on the 21st for New Orleans to spend the Christ mas holidays. Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson, of Atlanta, is visiting friends here, as the guest of Mr. Win. Overman. Rain, rain, Tuesday night and Wed nesday morning flooding the streams and disappointing sportsmen. We are pleased to note that Dr. J. R. Campbell has located in this place and offers his professional services to the public. See his card in another eolumn. Among the many who have come home to spend the Christmas holidays with family and friends, we are pleased to see Hon. John S. Henderson, who is looking well. I.i Salisbury, N. C, Dec 20, 18S7, Mr. Ei.t.en H. BCXKEBBLI wife of Dr. J. J. SuMmouo.!,, in the of her tt-e. Sut'h It the usual brief annniimnwnt j Uiat tells of the-depjirture of human beings w., uusj .-v 1 1.1.-3 ui mis wunu, una m i ITl'.lltV lncfn.AO I aII . t: . 1 I ., ....... it, jo an inai ine generm public cares to know. But in the present instance such were the family connections and relationships, Bach tlss aoch.1, and such the attainments in many diree tini.s, such the strength of character and influence in the community, thai the pub lic wilt want to know more than this meagre ojitiine." r " El lentil. Mitehel! was the second daugh ter of the learned Dr. ElisJia Mitchell, so long a distinguished Professor in the Uni versity of North Carolina, and generally recognized in his day as the most learned man in the State, who perished a martyr to science in the norires of-the Black Moun tain i:i 18Z7, and wb'e remains nw repose on tne tugiiest peak of that range, nearly seven thousand tVet above the level of t he sea. Dr. Jitchell-?r1nrsixr h in rieitrant Mrs. Fljrenee Fay, of Boston, Mass., formerly of Salisbury, accompanied by her mother, of Greensboro, will visit her brother, Geo. W. Scott, on Jan. 5th and remain 10 days. Mrs. Fay says Boston is certainly the Hub City but Salisbury is still sweet home. Cold, rainy and sloppy as it was last Saturday, the streets were crowded with eager people, ami the store keepers busy waiting on customers. We hoije that those. of our patrons in arrears will not iforget our patient waiting and will rc- ' serve a due reward for u.-C The boys enjoyed the privilege granted by "the city fathers ' to explode then iirq crackers on Monday, to the full. They kept up the roar and cracking from live o'clock in the morning to eleven o'ejoek at night. It would be curious to know how many crackers, Inrge and small, and how much powder wis ex ploded. The pavements were strewed with the wreck of nil kinds of fuss mak ers. It will ke-repented only in part on Jan. 2d. Daddies and raamies can't stand m re than one such racket during the Ciiristmas holidays. Death of Jfrs. Sr. Sumnnrellj We publish elsewhere in this paper a memorial of this most excellent lady. This community has never more keenly felt the haud of affliction laid upon it than in the removal of Mrs. Sunucrell. Taey bow to it in silent sorrow. M; G, e. B. So. Christmas Ezarsiies At the Presbyterian church this year were sharply in eo.itrast to th i e hereto fore practiced. instead of a Christmas tree illuminated with numerous lights and richly ladened with presents $o? the children, the children of the Sabbath school were led to see that it was more blessed to give than to receive; and to carry out the idea praetica'ly, a hand some contribution (b) was made by them for the cause of Home Missions. Sunday night was appointed to receive jthe contribution of each class. The church was full of children and other attendants on the exercises of the eve- wing, which wore lead by Mr. I. H.Foiist, and comprised a rehearsal in song?, read ings and responses, of the story of the babe of Bethlehem, his miraculous protection through danger, his growth to manhood, hi3 wonderful m'ssioa of love to man, his crucifixion, his triumph over death and the grave, his appearance to and intcfr course with lm disciples, and his ascen sion to Heaven, where he becomes tDe intercessor of his people. Thee exerc i ses occupied half an hour or more, when Bibles and Testaments were distributed to pupils who had committed to memory -aud recited the whole of the Shorter Cat- "chlsm. Then followed a brief address by Theo. FKluttz, Eq., appropriate to the occasion: and last, the h. M. dox - oloay, 'TraUe God from whom all blosslngs flow"," and the benediction by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Rumple. -The exercises were in all respects in teresting. The musie was led by Mr. E. iB.,Neave on the cornet and Mis Bessie Krider at the organ, supported by the happy voices of the pupi's of tin? Sabbath school. A more appropriate and ration al celebration of the birth-day of our Savior has never been observed in the 'PrcsHylrian church here. "j LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post office at Salisbury, N. C, for the week ending ft Dec. 23,S7. v Mrs. Mary Hartman A M Johnson l.inn Brown SXophepiu Allison T M Beard Nannie Battle Dan Marehel Coriine Misenhimcr Mrs Moloney Walter Owens Tobias Lentz (1 A Peeler W C Props from Rev. John Eliot the Anmtle to the Indians of Massachusetts, pastor of the First Church in Boston, first minister of the church of Roxbury, and translator Ol the Bible into the Indian tonane. From John Eliot, through generations learned ministers ana earnest women, Dr. Mitchell inherited intellectuaMMgor, and a consum ing thirst fur knowledge, that led him to brave all labor aim danger to add his por tion to the sum. Dr. Mitchell's wife, thf mother of Mrs. SummereU, was the daugh ter of Dr. Elisha North, of New London, Conn., a leading physician. It was he that first introduced vaccination, after the dis covery of Dr. Jennt r, into Connecticut, and such was the courage of his convictions that having vaccinated his wife, he allow ed her to go anrid the infection of a small pox hospital to prove the value of the dis covery. Mrs. SummereU was born at Chapel Hill, April 23, 1824, and the asso ciates of her childhood were her two sur viving sisters, and the two sons and one daughter of Dr. James Phillips six little companions, within three-yers of the same age, who grew up together, and kept up a knowledge of each other at all time Tim death of Mrs. SummereU is the breach of that little circle formed three score years ao . It cannot be many years until "it in formed anew above, never to be broken .gaii1. Her education was conducted at Ghapel Hill, mainly under the instruction of her father, and embraced the principal studies of titcUni versify coarse, including histoi v, philosophy, the Lath;, Greek and French languages. The daughter of a long lipe ol scholars, and .reared among scholars, she inherited and cultivated a thirst for knowl edge, and a love for books that continued to the end of her life. In the !;:rt vear or read Sprrueon two ot her life she vo.iUn.mous treasury of David, Oeik Hours with the Bible, Drummoud'.s Natural Law in thd Spiritual Wi.rhl, and ether Mich books a-these. It may with truth U s;dil that there arc few, if any, persons o! either sex in the State who "had a widei range of information than she. . Tiiis knowledge, in years gone lj$hcoftcn used in intere-tiiig t'ofmnuideatio!. to the re ligion papers. Use iirst Volumes .i' ti.i North t arodna Presbyterian were iV- ipurut ly enriched with eketebes from iier i-.ii.-t-ful pen. She was married Oct. 31st. 1.41, to D . J. J. Sur.ii. i ivlJ, ,-.nd came ar once to .aii.- bury, where she continued to reside, and jsxert an M-nuenee us the wife of one of the loading physi. ians of the town, for th. long period o! f..i ty-threc ycais. In those rarty days Mie was atcustonied to relieve her husband, wearied by the labors ;f an -xhaust;r.g occupation, by reading to him hour alter hour the medical hooks mm journals of the profession. Sue thus ac quired for herself a valuable knowledge ol medical science, and of the names, propor tions and properties of the remedies em ployed in, the healing art. On the first dav ot June. 184 5, she made a public profession of her faith in Jesus Christ, and connected herself with the Prtsbytcriau Church ol Salisbury, then under life, pastoral care o! the Iiev. Stephen Froufis. Her name now stands fifth in point of age, on the roll o! communicants. By ,er intelligence, he sociabpos-ti on, and I er zeal for "the cause of. Christ she was wed Qualified to overt .,,r extensive -intlnenc i ochall of Edw Walter Clark Alice Prikston direct! Porter Jeff Parks E L llidenhour 'Elizabeth Sizes E C Wright ' Lish WeThorn Julia Wllliaus W Adolphus Earuhart ' Please say advertised when the above lettevs arc called for. A. II. lOYDEN, P. M. Frank Corner Eachel Dauthiid lartha Fralcy dd S Green D Holshon.-er J Howard Gcorgie atf-on morals, cons-s'.cnt conduct, and the relief of the suffering. She was, in the davs of stienth, active in church work, kind to the poor, sympathetic with the suffering, and geni r . us with the means at her com mand in. forwarding every good aork. It w;is her rn'e, adopted maiiv- years ago, o give the tenth of her earnings and income to baaevobnt objiets, following thus the only divinely approvid i;uideas to the pro portion of our mome to be specially de vyted to the sei;vico of Uo.'i Site was the mother of seven i hiblrcn three of whom are gone before her, while the other (our u eie peunitted to' gather aioui.d her bediide, and soothe her last hours whli their miuhtratious and iheir sympathy. Mrs. SummereU wag endowed with a strong, well grounded and mtcfligent laith in the doctrines of our holy reli don, and in Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour Phis faith sustained her amid the labors ol life, strengthened her in training her chil dren, whom she prepared bv her own per sonal instruction for the htglischool ulHi seminary, and gave hrr patience and cour age uuview of the near approach nf death Hie u as enabled, on her bed of pain to ex press her unwavering trust in Jesus Christ as her Saviour, and" to murmtr among her last, almost inaudible expressions, that she wanted to do good. So passes a wav from the midst ot this community, and from the Ummu oMris church one w"ho hna so Ion linked the present with the past who-e seat will henceforth be vacant that she o -eupied so long in the church, and whose ministrations and counsels will be n i-seil by many. She has not lived in vain 1 W the virtuous woman described bv Solomon Pijjt dl 2a: Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, ami he praiscth her. She was , -trmi! ted to rcaliz one or the dearest wished of her l.eatt and the jinswrr In ni Mif !-.,.-.... . ' , , j" in letiug as.n wiioiii .N.;c raiiico nr uoil, fall into h-ng line of her ancestors as a ndr.istei tne uospei ol Je.: us Chnst. Thronyh esnecialiv. as ne iis t n-.Mii.rl, i win continue to exert n gratioua inflnem apon generations to cot-re.-' - "j the of him she u -...j.n.j turn i mat wd not tae them from their homes and fam uic Fronx are large and sure for cWy person, matfV hs n ad. and are now making several Jn ureu uouars a ruontn. have till- :o: Notwtihstanding our large sales of Christmas Goods for the first three weeks of Dc- . ccrnber we having bought largely have still on hand a beau line of FANCY GOOD; Such as Vases, Cups and Saucers, Dolls Muggs, Albums, Scrap Books, Autograph Albums, and numberless other goods suitable for lEW X? PijESE'; And we would suggest to all those who were prevented from getting to town by the bad roads of last week, to ale Myaiilags eftMs Oppsity, and at the same time s mm MOMMY by making selections from our Stock, at the CLEARING OUT FIG URES we have marked the balance. jom mum, k. N. I. Two hundred suils of Clothes left. Our prices to-day per suit: $3.37, S3 99, 84:99, 85. 37, 85.99, 8G.37, $7.23; all worth double the money. Racket G, 0. D. Store. ASiiiiiMof's Sale ef M. On Saturday the 17th day of December next, at the late residence of David Mor gan, deceased, I will sell the plantation on which the said David Morgan lived and died, consisting of 152 acres mere or less. The terms of sale will be Cash, as soon as the f;ale is confirmed, which will be ten days after sale. JACOB MORGAN, C:tt. AdmT of David Morgan. Absolutely Pure. itrensnii, ana wholesoiaeness. More fcooomiea) 1 . f . . f I ' i i i ' Irinii' . i , 1 i . r . r Via - - I . 1 . competition with the multitude of low test, short " nsui, aniiu or pnospniite powceis. ria oriiytn For sale by Bingham & Co7, Young & Bos tain, and N. P. Murphy. ", HUMPHREYS' IS, SIiIHF.SY5, BCOE Cloth & Coid Binding 141 raes, with biti agiTUg, S.U1KD t' !1K'. Mjwg. P. O. Bo i 1S10. S. T. LIST OP PIUXCITAl. K08. CUBES Worma, Worm t'ever. Worm Coiio.... Oylns Colic, or Teething of Iiifaots. I ura, vyuiiuivu vr .-v u i .J . . . . . Dynentery, Griping; lliliims Colic... ;holera Morbus, oiuitiug r:.. i u,..n IVeiimlcSfl, Tootliathe. raceaolie. . . ! t Irndnehm. Sick Hrmia.-'.io. 'ertig-t I'l.ICE. .S3 .53 .25 i5 HOMEOPATH! 6 ?C3 1 AND CHRISTMAS GOODS, In the shape of CANDIES, TOYS and FRUITS of all kinds. I have a fine line of Gi cccrie? zii Provisioas, all Fresh. I keep the Hockelherry, the best 5 cent Clear in town, and many other Hrauds, a so a lull lined tobacco and Minn. The highest pwce3 paid for Coun try Produce and the lowest prices asked :or my Good. A share of your patron age is solicited. N. P. MURPHY, At the Old Stand of Mp. A. C. Harris. 7:tf. Administralor's Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of 2d. Whitehead, dce'd, are here by notified to present the same to me on or before the iirst day of December 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . TOW, KiilFTZ. Administrator of M. Whitehead, Dec'd. Dec. 1st, 1887. P. S. All persons indebted to said estate or the firm of M. & J. Whitehead are requested to make payment to me. T. F. K. kali 9 KJnl J I1W I IVUl tiMuynprpsia, dimobs swniico rnr.prcsiiea or i-n.niiii r snoas. m:cs, loo rroinse rennus. i 1 . it :to 32 v. & i t- . viiuuq .tin . r ' 1 1 ; U ., ..1 1 Sf Rheuniat?om. IUteainatis Pei;:s t Of Fever and Ague. Chills, llalaria 17ltie, Blind or BIcediTic I OaCntnrrh. Intlnenza. Culd in tlia llead SOlWilOWDiM 'onch, Violent Cc-nish3.. 441 General llobility.Pnysical Weakness r2IXervotis Debii'.ty l.OO , , ..... vs t " uiu; i ... . . - - fli.ieoM'8 of ttie Hftart. Palpitation .l .OO .25 .25 .2.$ .25 .25 ...o .50 ..".O .53 .50 50 SPECIFICS Sc'.d bv Drorin price . h i .'-l l; Hi. . : 3:3:n. . or Rent notpid on receipt ci ,jUOHClJii CO. iOJ I uUcu M. li.lU NEW FIK4. The unidcrsi'rRdd havo entered into a co-partnership for tbe purpose of conduct ing the UKOCKliY and PKODUCE COMMISSION business, to date from March 28, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. McNEELY & TYSON. The undersigned takes this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friend for their patronage, and asks the con tinuance of the same to the NEW FIK3I. He will alwavs be on hand to serve the patrons of the XE1V FIRM. 27:lf J. D. McNEELY. fllllifcJi m ? r - HAIR BAJ.SAK1 Promotes a lirrartu-.tpi-owUi. Plevor FaiH to Restoro Grcj Hair la its VnuVA,l f1-. ItercMcalpdlpcascsand h'JruuIicg- sir raraluafclo tor Cougiid Colds, Inwai d Paine, Exhaustion. PAINIESS CHILBBIRTB !-!f.UlbSiT$!l.1 has revolutionized l& i4Biyra the world during the his: half ccutltry. Not least among the wonders of inventive progress is method and system of work that can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; cither sex, young or old; no special .abil ity required. Capital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to lid and we will send you free, some thing of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business which will bring you in more money right .away, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Address TttUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. M HTM lion At.xjur-'.r'i-isiiKii. ijvrri hod st-vmr. jlAKF.P. Pi;M. CO. ft .1 shim! Li Bf J.N. PERSIAN BLOOM, Ctcsir's S':t tiScr, t;k: n Cvre ir.rl K! TEv.h rradlBfttor kaow 6:ly. ACdi this tij db o e FOR " I F One Thick Ilon-e and lot, on thec of Fulton and Kerr streets, about acre in lot. One Frame llou;o and lot on street. One Frame House and lot on street. Also share.- in N. C. 11. It. Eutiuirc of Mits. 11. E. and Tdi.-s to it i a Johnson r.t their ltouie on street. 40:tf rner ci.e Having qualified as Executor upon the Estate of J. M. Erwin, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate .re hereby nouhed to present them to me for payment on or before the 1st day of December, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of ineir recovery. T. L. GILLESPIE, Executor, Lee S. OvERifAN, Attorney. Dec. 1, lbiS7. 6:6w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator up on the estate of Wiley W. Swink, deceas ed, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me for payment ou or before the 24th day of November, 1SS8, or this notice will be piead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re ojiested to make immediate payment. GEORGE T. TIIOMASON, Nov. 18th, 1887. Administrator. " J..i:l: S. overman, o:Gt. Attorney. Jin pnrnancfi of a pidtjement of tl-e Superior Court ci Rowan County, I will scjl t the Court llonbc Dnor in tlit town .f Salisbnrr, on Monday the Oih ay of January at public nu-tion, to the : ghct bidder, the following described valuable Unds. . Three r town lots, which tire de eribed by nx tcs :tnd bounds it) a certain deed from J. C. Cowan and wife to Ann Mc.N'ccly, dated the 16th. day of Septem ber loSb ! rcri-tercd in l!ook hi puu.c 470. oft he Pnbiic Registcra Cilice o! Rowan County. Terms of salr: The pare baser to nav one half rush and the balance in s-ix months. interest cn def nod pavment at 8 per cent. KEfil! CRAIGE, Coannissioner. 0;ited Dec. 2, 1S87. 7:5t. ftJtviitiio 2 s k t m a nu tu. Having qualified as Administrator of the last Will and Testament of (he late W in field C. Beaver notice is hereby given to-all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, that they must present ihem to in c on or before the 17th day of November, 1883, otherwise this notice vviil be plead in bar of recovery. Ai! persons indebted to suid estate arc re plevied to settle without dehty. PAUL BAKRINGEH, 4 :G".v. Admin is 1 ra t o r . I Hlrilt-f If Mill BELL COW WE ARE GWINETER WITH THE GANG Y DEC. 14 WE WILL SELL OUR EN TIRE STOCK OF GOODS ARDLISS OF COST Goods formerly 1.00 now 75 cts. Goods formerly 75 ets. now 50 cts. Dont be misled by people saying 'AT COST" Our goods are all Fresh and New and cost less than these old houses. Owing to a moving of our STORE ROOM we want to sell so as not to have the trouble of a moving. We mean BUSINESS so come along and as there is only two of us talking you can easily tell whether we mean what we say or not. - ii fill iILT I 1 1 I HSASQUiftTSBS FOR LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICE?. BUXTON'S fa tne Store REAR THS ; PJpF 111 Ij To Buy Cheap Good:, toe JnliEin & Watson Are decidedly in tin- lend v. 'tii low j rices and hont giwli. Ti eir ictai! dej.-.trrniuat i fill! of bar.".un, and t ! i i-i r line o' j Dress Goods, Shoes, Do mestics, Hats and. Notions, SRMAN CARP N For terms, u. I can f'MTi'h can .1:11 gr or Sill III. 1 11 :H 0!1-.! IrfH V 1'r.r ii.i dilrcso V. U. i'i:ALl.V. s..l When I say Curb I do not mean merely to top ttiem for a time, aud then liave them re turn again: I max A RADICAL CURE. I have made tbe disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS, A life long study. I warrant my remedy to CrRE the worst cases. Hecause others have failed i s no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send. at once for a treatise and a Fku-: Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give express - i 9PSf, n costs 'ou nothing fat a trial, nd it will cure you. Address v- H. Q. ROOT. M. C. 183 Pearl St., NewYorx (J:(irD, h 'J k-u L ii I- - W U 2 3 S dav 1 Tbe Grand L;u2re of North t rolina K xil A. jJ..isous will coir tne- in leigU onT.:ci?( 10th, A 1-- A- . -v.o.,.-N m uue 10 uiuKe unu upwards per who is willing to work i.rtT young or old; capital not meded bian vnn h.vprvthinir ..... -k . - . . ability requrretl; you, reader, can do it -is Row jf. -o cv.iy mie. -v rite to us at once for full particulars, which we mail Ttm 1 Aoat for the CardclITtreblxcr. ' 1 l -M'linc. Sulisbury., N. C, June Stu-ti. WHEN 1TOU WAST HARD WA AT LOW PIQUSES OiiH on t!ie undersi: ned nt "VO o n... -------- - . . mm ti t A. AT WELL. nt WEARVUNPEVELOPED P 4 U r,S rtf th: ti IT M ti BO I) Y K S L.V KG E !. B E V F. r Oefap. S'l'K1. N(. t'HKN yD.Ktj;., i an intorsiinmid-fw:.i-o '.m '"in run in "ar rwnf-r. Jn a;tlj a ipqili H.Kiwill miv thitttherw 1. no pyijftice ot bntn' og iivrq' thi. On thefontmry. tlittwTertinei a.r tbtt Cir-ntwrs pivioc nil tiaHiriilnr.. hv dlr. wrtny EtH ' W HTEE FUEL. C al ron sii men; will do well trt call on m Tor their winter fusl. Any orders through t!io Post Oflfiee, or font to my residence on Main street (opposite J. M i Tomb's residence), will be promptly filled. PEYTON It. LUCKE. - i on V-Ti.h a Go d Ari 1 Plug Touacco, ask your 'HttRi? 6 111 foflpjl FOR SALE A. THIS OFFICE. A 2o0 ib second hand font of Eruce's 13oujrj;euis at 10 cis. perpoiind. Tied up and in hoxe '. A sDeond hand of 100 pounds ef S.nitb & Mclveilar's liourgLHjis ni 12 ets. per lb. In cases. A second hand 'font of Smith & McKe! lar's Brevier, GO fos. In cases am! tied np, at 12 cts. A second hand 40 It. font of Great Primer at If; cents per t. A lar-;e S line border, ornamental cor ner?, ;;t 1 1 cts. per v.). A larjie 10 line ornamental border at 1-1 c.s. per lb. And v;t!i()iLi other fonts of advert wing cr display tj'pe at about half original cost. W. L. DOUGLAK a4SnOFflho orie iaal and olujt L.arid-3 ivrcd -.vsJt A choe ia ih.3 vj-o'-id, equals made hanrl S3w.d 5ioi"t.?i. cj& f.'om 0 to 0 dollars. Km Lca l $3 SK QMC LS re n -SNTL,E sf v' ,-fl 'HJI1SPsV - is, beyond Question, tbo best for !.dics, use ever xnatlo Try i t ! Buy RAVEN'S GLOSS POLISH, the i " I V V & M IvlUf only Shoe Polish made which contains i oil. Every bottle juaranted satisfactory. Also. Lace ("cv-s, !ioi.-cry, Y.-T XV e will pay for every pair shoes it cracks j Ibui.-!km-)ii N'o-k Ww, Itlwik'.t;inii;rt. or injures. i Count rj.ins. Fl.-iiiii-. , Tul.jc Ljiieija, licuse I sf-nene hiii KAVKX's OT.O.-S. S.,1,1 I 1 r:n.Mi:ri2 i.or.. exclusively hv 'SCTIULTZ & VANWYCK. .cxii'- $0FTEN3 AND Preserves Leather ms :tf. Hucon, Lard. .Si:-;.r : d S.,It ui:d Flour, in fLort a.'uli line of CRrcrRIKf. Tbo ah' - r.iid lu.t'n othrr b'-si'lpp nrc the Sto.-ks t!i! y r itt i. wl.icli ni; everv Hrticlo it Ijarjr.ibs. TSicv buy" and ?'! (': nr.iiy Produce. Hides, Bonu." Ol l' Iron. V.-..!. bo-.-'i- (.V.i-,n. kz., bn They arc ui.-o i; .'iila for tis luut j '.i ulr bnnvte of ' CcmaissioBSr's Sale ef FalsaMe Eeal - -Th'3 onlV 83 S1AML1 iSUoft In t ho wc-rM , n-itli- ont tacRs or nan. Finest . Calf. Derfect Jl bv-i warranted. CoBgre,-Vi Burton and Lace, all eoir etyiefi toe. As stylish Syjir A. ar,.i (l'iraij e as ii.-iso -v . C03U&KSSorS6.Boj m all wear the W. X.. i.OS'GLA: Dm nt ariM ztuDfi ot b..m ox &e.1 W. Ij. inn UL..S 87.50 SHOE la nnex- eelled for heavy wear." If not sold by your dealer write V. L. IOvOJLS. rock.ton. Ma. I or sale by M. S. BROWN. St. Au-. 1st ISgS. 'LUA3LE LAO FOU SALE. There is a wry valaubto tract of land Cor sale in the he.i.-t of toe famous "Jet- By virtue oi a decree of ihe Superior Court of Rowan county, made i;)Une Special Proceeding entit ! L 5TiTr"y A. Walker. Sallie Pinkstop-rtlvard Sxviuk i.nd others Vs. .LatSwink and Lucy Swink," thejjiideraigued will sell at the :-')tirt Hrfle doer in Salisbury, to tbe highest bidder, at public auction, on atutilay t!se 21st day of January, the foliowiug described real estate situate in Rowan county, Franklin Town.-iiip, viz : One Tract of land adjoining the lands of Ransom Jacobs. ( rcorire Overman. Thos FERTILISERS. In ill' ri. at tin ir y.m -.:n get what ever yu war.l at !,- itt7iT: i;r!o -. Ali ix is a tliancc l'j what Ihoy f.".. JULIAN & WATSON. Hi urocerres, Overman, Michael Shuping and 'others, known a.j thePcard place and containiiiji about SO acres. One Tract of land adjoining the lands of P.-iiisoiti Jacobs, Burge:- Klliott, itit h ard Walker and others, containing (Hj acres more or less, and known as the This Uaet has excellent L-ui Mings r.pcii it. r ; o ' ' y. t r s . rv f T a W xt Jfhjiow Iiccciuiifff His Fall and Winter Stock Of GOOD3, Dim m tne mmi Markets, Ami will be jde:':;i'-l So :- Ids cutoiiiitrs tc tosv riurvii.isiiicr e!it'.v!;tr. 393 1 ( j !i i hcj't ai a i r'.c. i t Also, two itdOV. one mile Si.c.fh of Lin- rt oo l. I . cemprises nearly acre.'-., can ie easily divided isito two tracts, with i;;e dwellings nr.d out-l:ouscs on each. There is nearly 100 :i res seeded in wheat ana a 'lirge j.ii l u clover, w iuea grows i r land, adjoining the lands of lJ'jrgs Elliott. l erms oi It cash. GEOliOE T. TIsO'IaS J, (,'iir. ;ni f jo-iii r. Lira S. OveiMAN, Attorney. Dt 2J. lSo'. n:it lloh While nn Crv.stuI Roller Mill Flour of the host (jualilv. I.I. I . 1 .. I I ' 1. ... I i. ' .IV I ' . -. I . 1 f Should u. L i for boo' r.: .i, IkTc.-. c : l-.cti.'ut. To jtOTUU ..r," i.-,;. 1 f.-o. ma a .t.rga pan n cio ir, viiuca grows) r - , r O' 1 I f) i' Kr.f. " ' i.r.nn v . .-i v k Si,. K-fS s fpjittsies for tiifMsSlio m j - ; : . w . t.: ... , , . .. .vcft , lough t for 9 Jo :i ii acie. anrl it is worth Kciy k,y will -.vans dej, .-' j Mrt"J.i"e n i s'.rT. r-'r ; s to brii me thiir r U Viy dollar ihat pvLc. For further u the frcshc-l & best stock for raakiajc t.'uw j fJU xr';i ;- . ;..r sills. i At LLf jl.Li.Li. S- WATCHMAN," n.I die cbiMrcn ! My stock ! how I can iease Salisbury, N. C. I i!,.,j ! t'yuic and try i.i, H?taai !a.t! e.c. I? I 111 M T . ! " WATCHMAN." I i n.5 die ,-l.ib!rc ! Mv stock ! Low i can oictse v' , Tr--- .- f-rt 1 C.l:..l XT I. i ! .... I'M'ati' li t' tc ' -4 - - --.j , . i v. - i . oi:.c .n:-. n. 1 - - jf'; ' j 4 rl HI HI H HH HHHi HHHHH HHHHI HHI I Hw. ' ' ..' I .jiLS 1 a&lBfailh I I MHH 4H I WWW 1 m 1