- : -r - : - - , . - . j r ; . . . , -. S - V- ' - v- n lYTh eTn 11 M2 SALISBUEY, N. I C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1888. " 1 ' no 11 : r- r - 1 : r ; , , GBEA1 EXCITEMENT L(jp jpRKED -GOODS : LUTTZ k REKDLEMAN'S t; '. " ,': ' . CONSTIPATION IS called the. "Father of iMpeaRcx," be cause tliero Is no medium through which dlscac no often attacks the sysrteni as by the ittrptloii of imI.wikum gaea In the retcntin-f lee:iy(Mi amleftvto matter In the stomach ami buwvlx. It is caused by a Torpid Jjtvcr, notetwugh bite bein excreted from the blood to prudwo future' own caMutrlic, and is peuerully accompanied wiui kucu rcuuiu an Los3 of Appetite, i Sick Headache, Bad Breath, etc The treatment of Constipation does not eonslt merely in unloading tho bowel. The medicinomustnotonlyactaAapuia tlve,bntieatonicaswell,and uot pnxlm-e after its use greater cotlvencs. Tonwute a regular babitof body without ehautfing the diet or disorganizing the system TWO STORES, I i hkh iflfe kept full of choice mt desirable g6'Is by daily aiWitions, wliich are Hceti kt Rock Bottom J'ncesfar CASH or:BAirEK We bu kfiich bjt fe Ilouses 4ofor Ciish or Trti buy all kiud of Pro- The largest stock of Dress from.$; cts. to the beiiCash meres. Tricots, Flannels and iugs. Best Alamance riai$ at 6 cts,, or 'as av a& any one else will sell them, have All-Wool Ked Flannef at 15 cts. ier vari un ti the best. Bis Bargains in I-Wool Jerseys at G5, 85 and up. . New Stock o Domestics 5, G, 7, 7, 3, i) and 10 I Carpets forcvcrj body at New 'York prices. Wool Hats 25 cts. and up, to the L fn'iu all styles.' , Knit alid Cloth Shirts JJ5s. up to the best. wool. We offer Lf par Long CJoaksana iNev3iarkets at COp They must be sold to make tu. we have jusi receiveu uiother IESXJR1: AXD SEEL US BEFORE jan to 1)0 miAr nsAr, . mark, them low and let them go andjget me. ;st in town. Brooms cheapsr than eveu Ufic. wl,o would -4lrink i i pest Java.Copee only.2i'X'ts Big Assortment jpf Tinware, Brass Hooped Buckets 25 New Croi New Orleans Mo- ts and Sugar,' j list in. Beaug. Oat. Flakes, OalMeal, Grits, Tapioca, Macaroni, esej Crackers, Cauucd Fruits, pried Fruits, aft lots of good things to eat. I- :- tt.U.IT I M M -an II i it tin ii ii ' A'Y-yj. ''v,,: a. - 1WY OU SELL JS WE By j. j. bruner. Grie! Scuff. J0Hf 1 t 4 - . C. TAB3 OF MARYLAND. 1 fy attention, after suffering with Consdpa--tlon for two or three years, was called to Simmons ' Li ver Regulator, and, haring tried almost every thing else, concluded to try it, I first took a -wineglassful and afterwards reduced the dose to a teaspoonfut, as per directions, after, each meal.'- I . found that it had done me so much good that I continued it unti 1 1 took two bottles. Since then I have not experienced any difficulty.' 1 keep U in my house and would not be without it, but ba no use for it.it having cured me." Geo. W. iiMS, Ass't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga. Take only the Genuine, :: Which has on the Wrapper the red rh Trade mark and Signature of J. H. ZEILUf & CO . .... R H Cleanses the Nasal Pasraffes,- Allays Pain and Infhmma tion. Heals the S o re s. Ecstorer the Senses cf Tact: and Smelt TRY Tllfe -CURE. WFEVER mm HAY-FEVER CATARRH 1 is a disease of the mucous jracmbrane, generally originating m the nasal pas sages ana maintaining its; stronghold jn the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach 'and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting the blood and producing other trbuble- sjuic and dangerous symptoms. A particle is applied into each nostril, and is agreeable. Price 5 cents at drujftsts; by mall registered, cents. KLY liKOS., i35 Urdenwich SLieet, Sew Vork. . 45:tf. 4, 5 and G bottle, BERRY BASKETS' CARD RECEIVERS, CASTAS, DISllESj CRlAM riTCHKU SUGAR BtWLS, BUTTER DISHES, JfJUKLiK. DISHliS, OLIVE and 1KESE1VK 11S1IKS, Sl'tJON H:MIir.MKIN VAPU'lV: ltVJ T VI1T' 1 1 itT I. lUKTilRH a ; individual sAia1 aiid rErrEiuirrTLEs, water s. i timw , , t tvtfc. nr ft.tfiW .tSi i v if kin fri -liiiii i ii fpt ir n : CHILDREN' 1RIXKING C PS. JEWEL ;ASKmi CALL 'l-j :-.VV BIvL.S. an 4 M ORE NICSEJ THIN33 FOR XMAS. IEDMONT WAGON, MADE AT HICKORY, N O. CAN'T BE BEAT! New grief, new rears; JJrief the reign of sorrow;- Clouds that gather with the night Seatter on the morrow. Old grief, old tears; Come and gone together; Not a fleck upon the sky Telling whenee or whither. ' !' Old grief, new tears Deep to deep is calling ; Life is but a passing cloud Whence the rain is falling. Philadelphia American. How a Blind Man Sees. Many instances have been related showing that defections in any one or more of the human senses often re sults in developing the corresponding inner sense, lhis has been more fre quently observed in persons afflicted with loss of sight and hearing. One of the kind is interestingly described in a late issue of the Chicago Herald, which caa be safelyf taken as one of the most remarkable on record. Mr. Henry Hendrickson, born in Norway forty-three years ago, but who has lived in this country j forty years, was deprived f s" -ht when six months old. He was ed.ieated at the institu tion for tbe blind in Janesville Wis., and is the author of a book entitled "Out of the LJarkness," somewhat in xplanation of the medium ship with which he becoming endowed, although unable to account for it in any manner satisfactory to himself or! conformable to the known laws of physical seience. The narrative states that he is well educated, a brilliant con versationalist. and, with glasses which hide his com pletely closed eyes, one would scarcely recognize him as a blind man. ror the last twenty years he has seldom used an escort, except when in great haste, and when going on territory entirely strange to him. Many people who have observed the facility with which he movts from place to place doubt that he is totally blind, but he has been put under the severest tests, and those who have made the investi gation are convinced that he cannot see. 9 y Stock is now complete, and I kifow I can plase you. Call and sec them, a it o irouoie to suow goois. Jveeirvyour upucs p -this space as it changes every us., aniiJD to your aavaiitag to Keep oeiy ii W H. I REISNER, r iteUding je weler. In OHE Company. ill Patronane. AGENTS :A .rri- : . .-J-- ! II Uitics, Towns aud sris'in thcouth.' filla i A STRONG Company - J- - - i - PROMPT! Belial ! lioeral ! (a J. RHODES BROWNE, J3crr.trnt. William t. Cojtkt . krtrtars i7S0,O00!OD. ; Jl ALLEN Resident Agent, Salisbnry, N. 0. n i- .OOTrlMlhouH-nt TruU . .r,t nrl nn reatoroa to oeaiui 07 PROP ilAH A Kadie SfiTSEflfHAL PASTILLES. Uwl CnMf or Nerroafl DebUirr. lPio at; vr u. Vonnrr or Mid rfrt .Ml foil MalrBrftrih oni ! IdihliHHilAil void tit wpiwUia ak tnioblaKaad ail OoacU. air is to btced their rio- bCRZ RtM ejt that a as iea fttr tbM traabla only aii j tints. TaaaabUJl&KUiEBTthataAS CVUEU t.iaaaaiKl, tlue Dot bmrftja a aaeouon to Chmuwm, ocumla . or luewoeaieneam airy wr, Fao4cd aneBtuM inaaieu imnetiMca. vrainct HWiaB tn tha Mi c I diaeaM It iMciCa inltiianMia folt withnnt Aemr. Thaaatnnl maMaoiinaiina)mMimaeliricnRiaijach.tlw MHcat IVorTOchrfuiaodrmvidlygainaUthttmaaditi ;i nttxnaa aaa j f A la Anxt Uhl I ixraaand etMM thpr ftbeol sd and oroknndown SIT? "J yf fit"' fll"ZZ:ZZZ. Arrf, d ioJ J Tn Ixiim. am nr k that TOO HaitU 'UPTUrsa "6ii ca Kava FIUUS Trial fiour Appitom. Ak fo? Termt HARS.S REMEDY CO. HroCfXifljT, W .TentABtrtset,BT.iyjuTS, JCOt 5 They stand where they ougli lo, Hgiit square AT THE F8DNT ! It Was Hard Fight But They Have Won It ! ;. J tist read what people say about them and if you want a wagon comei quickly and buy ojne, either for cash or on time. Describing bis habits to the reporter he said: "When in a train at full speed I can distinguish and count the tele graph poles easily, and often d6 it as a pastime,, or to determine our speed. Of course I do not see them but 1 per ceive them. It is perception. Of course. my; perceptive qualities are not in the least impaired on account of my blindness. . I am not able to explain it, but I am never in total darkness. It is the same at midnight as at midday. There is always a bright glow of light surrounding me. A practical test was made. A thick, heavy cloth was thrown over his head :ls he sut in his chair. : This hunt? down on all sides to his waist. It was imrossible for any one to sea through it. Then before him or behind him, it mattered not, an ord nary walking cane was held ftp in vanou3 positions, and in answer to the inquiry, "In what post tion am I holding it?" he gave prompt Salisbukt, N. C. Srpr. 1st, 188. Two years ago I bought a very liht two horse Piedmont wajron of the Agent, Jno. A. B.yden; have used if near' r all the time since, have tried it severely in hauling SHW logs and other heavy loads, and have not Bad to pay one cent for repairs. I look upon tbe Piedmont wagon as the bestThim lle Skein wagon made in the United States. Tko timber used in them is most excellent and thoroughly well seasoned. Turner P. Thomason. ' Salisbury. N. C. a ' Aug. 27th,'1886 About two yearsajjo I bought of Jno A. Dyden,aone horse Piedmont wagon which has done mucli service and no pait of it has broken or given away and consequent ly it has cost nothing for repairs. Joitn D. Hexlt. Salisbury. X. C. Sept. 3d, 18S6.. Eighteen months ago I bought of .John A. Boyden, a 2 inch Thimble Skein Pied mont wagon and have used it prettv mnch all the time and it has proved to be a firt ratc wagon. Nothing about it has given away and therefore it has required no re pairs. . T. A. Walton. Salisbury, N. C. Sept. 8th. 1886. 18 months xfn I taught of the Agent, in Salisbury, n in Thimble Skein Piedmont wagon-their tightest one-horse wagon r hive kept it in almost constant use and during the time hive hauled on it at least 75 loads of w04l , and that without any breakage or repairs. L. R. Walton. c6r;ect answers, without a single mistake, sometimes describing acute 0i oblique angles. "1 have never," he .said, "by ordinary sense of -sight seen an object in my iife, n6t the faintest glimmer of one. My sight or discernment does not come in that way. This will prove the idea to you: "Take me into a strange room, one that I haye never been into, and never heard about, and no matter how dark it is, I can teltyou the dimensions of the room very closely. I do not feel the walls; I will touch nothing; but there is communicated to me by some stnmge law of percept''n the size and configuration of the room " He then related that being in New York in 1871, he walked from union sqilare to a friend's house on Forty first street, a long distance, with several turns and did not make a miss. He said: "I knew the house, when I came to it. ; I did not see it, and yet I did. I am studying shorthand, and as my hearing is very good, I expect to be come an expert. I had a little trouble with my writing at first, but am now able to. write very well." Another remarkable illustration of his power to see without eyes is this: If one makes motions in the air like beating the time for a, choir, but des cribing phonetie characters, and inter prets them. What might be termed a "crucial test" of this wa3 given the llei-ald reporter. Mr. Hendrickson further said: "I'm a very good skater, and can, when gliding over the ice! swiftly, see every particle on the ice, every crack and rough spot, no matter howsmall and indistinct. The faster I go, the plain er I can see. Well, I dou'Jt mean thai Lean see, but I perceive orl something. It is light to me, and I discern e?erv- Cholera and Cold Weather. In a letter to the editor'of - the Xeic York Medical Record, Dr. Reginald II. Sayre, of New York, quotes a number of instil nce to show that cholera is one of thosescourges whose march is pot stopped by heat or cold, high or low altitude?, dryness or dampness, or any other condition of the weather. He says: j 1 "In 1830 jit he; cholera appeared in Morcow in tie month of October, and eon tinned tllere hn til the end of De cember, in spite of the severities of a Russian winter, and caused the death of 8,189 persons out of a population of 3o0,00(, qr about ! in 30. From Moscow it jwent north to Yarasy, thence to Tyjbinsk, sixty leagues noith of Moscow! where it appeared on March 19, 1S31, in spite of the ice and snow which covered the ground. "In October, 1831, the cholera ap peared in Grfeat-Britain, and continued there .until ftjtarcb, 1832, doing most of its destruction in December. About one-third of the people affected died. : "On Marcji 27, 3832, the disease ap peared in Paps, and the mortality was so frightful that 801 people died in ten days. U "In 1848 the emigrant sliip, New York, left Havre on the 9th of No vember, having no sickness on board, and no cholera being then in Havre. During the voyage the weather be came bitterly cold. There were some German Emigrants on board, from a town where holera had prevailed, v$io had a trurik Which had belonged to a man who diep of cholera. They open ed the trunk, took ont the clothing and wore it. On November 22 a child died of cholera, and seven persons in all succumbed to it before reaching New York hiirbor. They were strictly quarantined,) and the disease limited to those who died on Staten Island in the quarantine. ! About this same time another vessel from Havre,! bound for New Orleans, developed the cholera on the twenty- seventh day but, and, owing ti imper fect quarantine regulations, the dis ease spread rnpiJly through Ihe town sopn after vtlsfe arrival of the vessel, there bein2 then no other ca es in the United States except tho.se in the quar antine o.i beaten Island. rrOm .New Orleans the disease traveled', to Mem phis, appearing there toward the end of December, and at b. Ljuis in the first week of January:1 184,9. Toward March several places in , the Upper Mississippi f alley were' affected, and then gradually the uisease moved east through Chibigo, which it reached in May, to iNew rorK, wmcn became in fected, then,'a7 not till then, although the disease had been imported to , the city six months previously, but had not been allowed to land, and the city in this way kept free from infection until the cholera effected a flank move ment, by the way tf New Orleans, and attacked her in the rear, having made its progress in spite of the winter, and having attacked the cities through which it passed in the cold weather. "inese Tacts in regard to tne preva lence ot cholera in spite of cold, and the well-known futility of a quaran tine on land, make any attempt to Jul the medical profession into, a false sense of, security fraught with great danger to the eduntry,and I have therefore wished tOcal 1 attention to the fsict that cholera is not stopped bv cold and that to be quarantined effectively it must be arrested in our pots, which can oilly be done by having a general rantme und?r thv direction of the Daniel-banning. Washington Post, Dera. To rise from obscurity to deserved prominence: to gain wealth and station in an honorable and manly fashion; to occupy and retire from a high official iKwition with a stainless reputation ; to have no enemies other than bolitieal. whose respect, nevertheless, he always commanded,, and to enjoy the confi dence of friends than whom no better ever watched th& steadily advancing fortunes of a naturally ambitious, man and thoroughly patriotic citizeq-in short, to be universally esteemed in life and sincerely regretted in death, has been tbe lot of Daniel Manning, whose end in this world has Icome at an age wnen, in nnna ana body, he should iave been in the fullness of strength and health Mr. Manning was among the most prominent of the younger men whpm ; brov. lilden drew about him and .wjio commended themselves to him by their; natural and laudable devotion to poli tics, their apt kuowledge oL men and itxairs and their steadfast belief in the ruth and practicability of the princi des of the Democratic party, and his career amply justified the confidence in Ins tact and ability which that acute judge of men reposed in him. the federal Treasury had long been declared by Republicans to be way be yond the reach of any Democrat. Sol long as they controlled the Executive Department they asserted as the. chief reason why they should be continued in power, that the Democratic party knew nothing ot finance and that no Democrat wasworthy or capable of holding the responsible position of Sec retary of the Treasury. " Trial of this test was made with Mr. Manning who never before held an of fice of any kind, local, State, or Federal. In almostiis Little time as it takes to note it, his conduct as Secretary of the i reasury was so satisfactory to the people- at large, as , well as to those supposed to be immediately and particu larly interested, that the Administra tion was admitted to be, as it has since continued, strongest in the very quarter where it was alleged it was weakest. CoL Hamilton C. Jonei. Lnoir Topic. ' j ..'-. - . - Ve do not thittk that we are be traying a conhVence iir making public an extract from 'private letter received from thaler :nd impartial iorist. Hon. R. Pf Dick, Judge of the j. ,Ccr ,?he Western District c IN orth Carolina. ' "He Col. Jones is an able, efficient, faithful jmd . conscien tions officer. He is ' opposed to any kind of oppression arid discharges his duties .with great Jibfrality and kind ness. I think the! ri$ht of the' peo- 1 pie and th proper) enforcement of the laws are duly recognized 1 by Km. i We stmlionsly endeavor to keep all political influences oufeof our apjointmentsand bnt of the adminw tration of the law.?" ; a X We copy the above as a testimonial to the credit of a j native of Rowaii. Mr. Jones tas raiaed in this town and vicinity.j - i thing. 50 51 it. ACRES of good land. C mile from Salisbnry. cn the Concord road terras reasonable forrash. i t PlNKNKY LcDWtCK. ' The highest salary received by any woman in the English telegraph ser vice is SI, 250, and only a person who has served ten 3ears as matron can have that. federal government. False Hopes. From the Wilmington Star. .' The New York Herald says the Re publican plan of campaign looks to the South for success. It says they "will make a vigorous effort next year to carry several of the Southern States. Virginia, West Virginia, Ahbama, Tennessee and North Carolina are con sidered by them debatable ground." When they carry these States we shall expect to see Massachusetts, Minneso ta, Michigan, Iowa, Wiseonsinand Ne braska all aligning themselves with the Democratic States. The fact that the Republicans have their eyes fixed so gloatingly upon several Southern States, if not all, should cause those States to forget all things else in a firm purpose to resist the enemy at every poirtt. Chandler showsj; by his bill that he hopes to capture pplorida, South Carolina, Mississippi and- Louis iana also. So here arc no less than Unine' States the Radicals are scheming to control, but they will be thwarted. We expect to see Grpver Cleveland elected President of the United States by a solid Southern vote, and we Jiope to see some of the Northwestern States wheeling into the Democratic line. The year 1S88 is a very good year in which to give the old Radical corrupt, moribund party its quietus. Let tne Sonth remain firm. Let Democrats stand like an anvil. Let all issues be pooled, and let every true man resolve to fight against the most vicious and venal party in history a party whose principles are based on hostility to the people, and whose whole end - in ife is. to a tenre "the seven loaves and the two hshes." Let honesty be as the breath of thy soul and never forget to have a penny when all thy ex p. hi. ei are paid. A Wonderful Boy. Washington (N. C.) Gazette It was a oneer looking obiect that an old woman living some miles fiom town exhibited at one of our Dr's offices last Monday. The old woman Mrs. Jemima Gilmlm, explained that the strange piece of humanity was her son, just 12 years old the 5th of this month. The boy has no arms at all, his shoulders being as smooth as any part of his body. His toes all point backwards, hjs heels being in front, and he always walks backward, and with the apparent eascTof a profession al pedestrian. Strange to say he bas on ly one good eye, having been born that way. It was the first time little Neddie, as his devoted mother calls him, was ever brought to town, and the result of this visit is the strangest thing of all. ' Neddie had been suffer ing with the toothache and was carried to the physiciau. It was one of his mill teeth, and the most difficult to ex tract that has ever been attempted Washington. The Dr. tried Luirteen times before he succeeded, and when he did pull i found it to be just six inchia and a (quarter in length, and that the cavity ox tended through to the top of his head, the tooth actually bnnzin2 some of. tne nair with it. inei end had the appearance of having been bradded on the top of the head. Ned die fainted, and the mother went into convulsions, but the Dr. soon restored them to consciousness, and now the boy is doing very well, and talks intel ligently on the ordinary topics of the day. It is a very wonderful spectacle and astounds the most learned scien- Wfsts among us. Mrs. Orilhllin is the Wile Ol iur. oamuei viiiuuiu, a ci j respectable farmer about 13 miles from this place, as we are informed. A Mill Engine Stands Fire. A very singular incident was noted in connection with a recent mill fire in Carlton, Mich. The building was burning fiercely, but the big engine which drove the machinery continued to run all through the blaze, aud by that means was saved from destruction though these was not a wall standing on any side of it when the fire had fin- ishea. The pumps were also running and kept the boiler supplied, so that there could be no explosion. It was a pecu liar spectacle to see the engine driving away at a slashing speed in the midst of the flames, but the motin somehow saved it from fire. All the rest of the machinery was a total loss. Insect-Bemedies. 4 The report on entomology made br W. B. Alwobtfto the Columbus Hortf- -cuuunu oociety. last winter, stab that many remedies were employed on the two described cabbage worms, con sisting of alom water of different" de- grees of strength, tansy water, tomato water, benzine, coal oil erpulaoni of different strengths, Hammond's slug shot, Cayenne pepper half dozed remeaies irom England, several prep- Hniuuiw wt vooacco. soan ana nv-r rethrum. None proved ot any yalne. except the tobaccoj soaps and pyteth-- . ruiUi The tobacco soaps prepared with potash were quite efficient, thv yalue of which was ascribed to; the potash. Pyrethruni is recommended is the best remedy, being perfectly safe, easy of application, and tnore deadly oi the worms than any ! remedy ' use4 Powder of good 'quality, mixedwUtv three' times its bulk of floaiT was, found perfectly; effective, applied witlv a dusting bellows, j Qrre pound, costing' fifty centp., was enaugU t9 QQy,e.c an acre it properly handled. 1 ; Cut this out and save it until tlx fcabbage worms make their ance. i ; - '- - npear-. without regard to bm) gentleman will lif7 o the woman ill tb The Boy as an Escort It is a goad plan for mother and iis-r ter to depend, as it were; on the boy a an escort. Let him help her in arid -out of the car. ,Lt him have his little purse, and-pay herfjire. ' Let him carry some of tlie bundles. Ht will be de lightetl to do thse things, and feet proud that she carj depend on. him. A boy likes to Ije thought manlij and ir np better way can) he show his. man1" ' ness than by taking his father's j)?5" as escort of mother or sister. Tftch him to lift his hat when meetiri.S 04 woman with whom lie or his f am'" are acquainted tion, for a true hat as readily t .. r- . -" - - T fruit stand with whom he-has a st" in!? -W'anaintap.tp hp willo the r7 - j . . a- - mm , m 4J highest in the land. He cares h";-position; it is enough for-him she is a woman: teach him also to lift his hat when passing a gentlemanj acquaintance with whom there is ft liady, although the latter be a stranger to him. All parents and members of the family are proud of a courteous boy and there is no reason -why any boy cannot become one if proper attention is paid to his training. If his mind is turned into this channel when young, there will be a great deal he will learn of his own accord by observation. Ihston Budfet. ' - Facts Worth Knowing. In all diseases of the nasal mucut nicnv brane the remedy used mutt be aon irri tating. The meHieal profession bat bra slow to learn this. i Nothtnjj latisfsrtry can be accomplished with douchts, atff, powdvrs, syringes, i astringents, or say similar application, because they are all irritating, do not thoroughly reach tb af fected snrfaces and should be abandoned as worse than failures. A moltitodt of (ersoni who hre for years -borne all ths worry and pain that catarrh can inflict, testify to radical and "permanent cares wrought by Ely's Cream Balm. " A General Tie-up Franklin. of all the means of public conveyance in a hirge city, even for a few hours, during a strike of the employes, means a general paralyzing of trade and industry for the time being, and is attended with an enormous aggregate loss to the eotnrauni-i ty. How much more serious to the indi vidual is the general tie-up of his system, known' as constipation, and due to the strike of the most important organs for more prudent treatment and better care. If too long neglected, a torpid or sluggish liver will produce serious forms of kid ney and liver diseases, mala riaP trouble and chronic dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce s Pleasaut Purgative Pellets are a preven tive and cure of these disorders. They I are prompt, sure ami eiiec.iv. Jo take, auu posuivijijf " The bill introduced into the tJ. S. Benate, providiBgl for the expulsion from this country j of dangerous and riotous foreigners, 'who stir up. strife and promote anarchy, is bright and : should be adopted. ; Foreign govern- j ments are driving away such charae ters, and unless the United States deet something for self-protection all the scoundrels will settle in this country, and kill ancT wound as the did in Chh cago a few months ago. CharlotU Democrat. . The average life of a total abstainer is 04 years, while that of the drinker is 35 vears and a half ;C0NSTOPTI0N STJBELY CBBE3X' To the EDiTOR--l'leaae inform you p readers that I have a positive remedy for. the above named disease. - By its timely , use thousands of hopeless ca have hipn nermanently cured. I shall be clad to send two bottles of toy remedy rawj to any or your reauers wuo nave eon. sumptiop f they will send me their ex. press ana post ouuw uuuiws. Avcspcci I T. A.' uxs,L C.i 1S1 Pearl St., X. I, 1 i s 1 M fx 'JL 4 1 ,Jt I A tha7w.--::: -;;- I l"V A.rVA-AtJ. ivMv'A tiit :m-::'AsivA-i:- v: I-. T f I'

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