i 'i -i -r i - i- . -4 s i f 1 K' i X t V 4 t i t Carolina Watcnman, tHURSDAYf JA25, 2f, 1SSS. - , . Congress -; w - The tfaiia I Coru rai t tee; on ' Coin agf teive agreed to report Tor the suspension of; the three cent cofns.- : The wool growers of 'Indiana are protesting against putting wool on the 'Jfree list. -' ' ' x LanI adulterators of Chicago are op "'Xwsed to Congressional interference ritlltheir business. Of course they re. . . - s. TT. cnr-mpt. Oil Manufacturers , lias reported a bill for investigation oi various associations, combinations, &c, : known as trusts;Vor '-pools" the ob ject ot whieti combinations is to regn ; la4e thtfpriee of Commodities, produce. - provisions, and so prevent competition and compel consumers to pay the ericei agreed on. . The report after several 'amend men tr was adopted. i The N. W. It. R. Guide s mis ot inutiplying industries, "says: It is clearly evident to most Americans that the advantage, oT this country lies in rr.HJr.lvJnff drimrM-tic industries, rather tnen in diminishing them. Every new dndusiiv that can be maintained, which supplies a want felt by the people, is a clear cam in every way, -as -pmpioyin workmen., keemns profit at home, sing materials produced here paying Wages that are spent here, and tending .to make us industriously.' independent". The very highest .form of industry it that which exists with the widest possible diversification of industries. " Bngland suffers to-day because ishe lias 3 intensified her manufactures, and neg lected to cultivate her soil thoroughly: Ireland and Indiafsufiers because they hav arrric.utfetire without manufactures. - " o ; ; , t . We give our people a chance direction, an jl so we posseis the highest prosperity and the most robust nation l 1 life. i . l It is in dispute whether 200 or 1,001 nereons perished in - the late terribl t - blizzard out West. Either number i: large enough for a earning to Nortl Carolinians to stay at home, where tht nfercury very rarely goes down to zero .and where plenty of oak, hickory an pine wood answer for heating purpose: instead of corn and household furni ture. Any way you please to take it, qldf North Carolina sfr more desirable as a comfortable home than the region .40 exposed to sudden and disastrous storms of wiiid and driving snows.: Wehave been much pleased with the recenHpeech of Senatoif Vance on the Tariff- and Internal Revenue Those who chance to obtain copies of it should read1 it carefully and then banc t to a neighbor. Senator Vance never Speaks wShout having much to say, i , . I ' - r ooo 0 -f . -1 alwhvs hnksriiD his assertions with T - - . fact., This speech ls especially inter- eeting at this te:m when the subt of Tariff revision as under disco&ston miconsifler tpat class ot bills only in con vCo'ngress.1 "Ex-Gov. J arsis' candid letter t o Ihe Wilmington Star,, giving the history of the Governor s mansion now in pro egress of '.construction ''-at Raleigh, itrikes us a reasonable and therefore &brJ TBeEx-Oovcruor . be . ot ata,d to Ro before ih, people o i,ne otaie w ueicuac uj. niai, oi iv, .rtiiu Ihe shoving he makes certainly pre - .iwnU frothing which should intimidate MJ okeoing o. r-i-- - ' ,? - - - - "Georgia has produced another won- aenui i woman, im iipton couniy i pearly he equal of MisvLula Hurst, .only in a different way iTherew sur- i v! , , , iv....u& :"". can tame ana riue, in a lew minutes the wildest horsds or mules. 1 The wild! animals of the woods are also under the control of her eve, and even; the birds .take food from her hand. A $325,000 fire occurred at llolybke, -Mns nn Snmhivi lnf w About fet, people barely escaped With thfir livps fntm n lirf in f Jnao-a " " " ---tr-o" niesameuav. , 'Suicides are in onlpr I int nw iuA Star of the tWrreporting .half J ...v ' .-a dozen cases amoiiff tbera a man of 8.4 years, and2a youngster -love stricken 'i .... . ' ." -'. 'We acknQulesdge the receipt oi av -Waiiful .book of Tvne Snn,An , . -i i rom .liruce s ly. X- lype h oundry. js&noldllouandtho in tho biinPSfsTvrw. ,Un . --v,-"" r r !Tbe cashier and book-keeper, of An- :burn (N. Y.) Firgt, Rational Bank shaTing fied t,o parts.unVnown, the bank ,is closed X pr .the present. The Daily .Wilmington Star has : duced its subscription to SO a year, Jfr ar shorter time in the same pn ropor- ttiPfl ) vueras mam ixz '-J " ... WasMntcii Letter. - -From our Tegular Correspondent.) . 'Washington, Jan 23, 1SSS. The, first ; two bills passed by the present Congress to become laws are, amends the law: in relation to the Com missioi.er . iof Irish and r ishenes the President having approved both dur ing the past week. During the period ta question, uongress-uia mtie oi nn portan.ee. I Tne fc&nate passed the bill to credit and pa'lto the several! States and Territories all moneys collected un der the direct tax act,- approved Aug. 5, 1801. lut the great work of the Senate dunn the past week, wa.3 the confirmation of Mr. L;imar, despite the treacherous opposition of the JUepubiiT cans to that brilliant and distinguished statesman; - The ex-Secretary s passed through the long contest unscathed, and he wears his new and. crowning honor 1 with becoming modesty a:.d characteristic dignity. In accordance with custom, the new Associata Jus tice was assigned a seat on the extreme left of his fellow justices. The beh ate had under consideration the Blair bill, but as usual, reached no conclusion.; Messrs. Blair and Reagan had rather a, heated discussion over the third question, in which the former was decidedly worsted. E-Justiee of the Supreme Court, Strong, expresses the opinion that the bill is unconstitu tional: -Senator Hoar has introduced a service pension bill, which is the most radical measure of the kind yet pre sented, providing as it does that ' all ofiicers and enlisted men who served in the army, navy, or, marine corps, in cluding regulars arid volunteers at any time during the late civil was, shall be entitled to a pension of pne cent for each day's service, in addition- to any pension granted for disability. This, in face ' of the fact that $75,000,000 will lje spent on pensions this year, and the furtherfact, that the House Com mittee calls for $30,000,000 more for vhe same purpose next year. Comment s unnecessary. Both the Senate and the House have passed the bill, .appropriating the sun f $585,000 to establish .agricultura experiment stations as attachments t the rarrous agneailtural throughout the country. coiitgei 1 1 Owing to the absence from sickness. Speaker.; Carlisle, and Mr. Mills, arlio-has succeeded Mr. Morrison astht Democratic' leader of i the House, the proceedings of that bodjf were less in teresting than usual the1, past week. Half a day was consumed in obstruct ing consideration of the bill introduced ibv Mr. Wilkihs, of Ohiofrto increase National Bank circulation, and tin ' a?anee of the same day was devoted t peech ' makingjbver the acceptance cl rt'nres- of.th1 three S.n:ikprs of tK-' House 'iiirnishod by Massachusetts, whSse counterfeit presentriients have been added to the historical portrait- gallery that graces the south wing of the Capitol. The principal orators were W. P. C. Breckinridge, of Ken tucky, and ex-Gov. Long, of Massa- chnsettsnd a great crowd packed the floor and galleries to hear , their lp- quent utterances. The tariff, reformers have won-the first preliminary skirmish in the Wav and Means Committee,! Mr, McKin- ley, of Ohio, who shares with Reed,6f -Jfaiiw,. the. Rcpnblican leadership of the lIous& moved tortke up his bill to i v, , . i repeat tne tooncco tax, out the u Am A- cratic majority refused to discuss any specific tax reduction bill, proposing to nection with the general tariff reduc tion bill. This resolution was passed by a strict party vote 5 to 4. Paring Bank Robbery. Limestone, Jan. 21 At about 11 o'clock Saturday foor masked men, heavily armed, rode up to the Citizen's ,W W,.r en- K wfth iemiH t)(. t c:isn o:i and. Keyuolds pretended to lcomplyrbutclosed and locked the safe J instead, whereupon one of the robbers Miot ana instantly killed him T c hank was then ransacked and $2,300 secured. 1 An unsuccessful attemnt wai made to open the safe. ni ijiq wunu oi uie pistol snot sev erfil people cafne running to the bank " fZr " v Y i "i0 xr' b it they were h red upon by the rcbbei o a guard and retreated to arm them -elves and gave the alarm In a few mmutes-twentv cr thirl v anM tizens hurried Ha "the bank, PM.:ile. hlch f? loY ,0Ile ifmiu-httSan n,uA ....... v. uiiiiip, til 1UU he town, was killed and .four -citizen sightly founded. The three survivin rooters rode away with the boot v. : ? "" ""F I ,i ,t . . i i i . - i umuguK iutiu' uucit to limestone. ijuae livncii lound the Wdpr mi H.v iof murdering the cashier, and hp. wnst at once hanged. Ihe other two will . . . 1 1 I ,1 -J-r .. . t&L, Se. Ktes authorities at port Wishita. The stolen money was recovered. "ho Kt ...IV... 11 111- - I i up tjc ui cjuue rancjiprs of the SneiglibDrhood, and were wel known as hard characters ..Mny m advertising appears in 1 ttlfi TSRirfH rvf hn Ttr,ct.n lit ....,1 CM.-- It Recorder. A full paire is occimied with W." L. Douglas, bf ue OX "ie -live peeuu ues mat lie manufketnres jir. vouxias s iamous m the Kfntos -n r Tli 1 - rt - ayvuux, nue jjoycou placed on his roods, been nan h K-m A Uh lasting-machine in his factory. His i"vfo uio luca w a qeieneined energetic, far-seeing man of about forty years of age. His career "is weif. kpown j ,tp readers of. the x American trade papers, and it is -hv " the and of,: that he has thoroughly learned evcr.' thlnS noected with his trader and has5 i ear"Sirin? at "T7- -rauch thereof-1 rr-.cfllQxbkoc Journal. - ' '" ... . j -ii i . i ? ' . i 1 the barracks to-ay. .J. W. Grady, a writing on second, thud, and tourth citizen : ,et Lieutenant -.Wilcox,-of te! class mail matter , and the oue which Artillerv. and asked h:ih abmit -some - . Li 3aycnet3' Toiats. --, FIGHT BETWEEN MILITARY AUTHORITIES is flokima! - , ' -" 1 St. Augustine,;. Fla. Jan. 21. A col lision between thecivil "and military au nnoriiK'x w:ik iinimnpni Kir wiuic 1 t'ari thorities was imminent for a while near matter over which'thev haf had. amis-, understanding, he claiming it 'to. be-an insult to one of his lady triends. ;The Lieutenant dccliucd to make any apology and a war of. words .began." The Lieu tenant struck Grudy -with a temiisj bat in the face. They then closed and a struggle followed, during which a police man came up and - 'attempted to arrest both. : Grady made uo resistance, but Lieut.; Wilcox refused to be arrested mid called the guard, who came but with fix ed bayonet and ordered the policeman to stop. I . - " According to the policeman's story the officer ordered the guard to ehoot him if he attempted aii arrest, and that the guard loaded his rille. The policeinan went td his hou.e near by and procured a revoiyer. 1 Meanwhile a large crowd of citizens and soldiers'had gathered and things appeared very stormy, as all were angryi and pistols and guns were flour ished. 1 Finally, after a gret disturbance, the matter was settled and the officer entered his quarters. The mayor will settle the matterln the morning. It required but a spark at one time td create a riot, as many of the citi zens bear no lore to the blue-coats. Grady is a prominent citizen and society ?cadcr. - f Will 1383 be a Year cf War. ; The present year is the fifth year of modern times in which the aggregate of the figures are tventy-five, and there will "be lint live more years in which such a; combination is possible prior to the year 2599. Probably lew have ever heard of the old prophecy, "winch runs as follows: In every future year of our Lord, When the sun of the figures is twenty five, 1 Some warlike kingdom will draw the '' sword. But peaceful nations in peace shall thrive. Students of modern history will readily recall how faithfully this proph ecy has been fulfilled m the tour pre vious years to which it applied. . In 1C99, Russia, Denmark and Po land formed thejcoalition against Swe den "which! inaugurated the great war that ended in the disastrous defeat oi Charles XII, at Pultown. The year 17S9 will ever be raemora b!e on account of the-' breaking- out oi the French revolution. The year. 1798 witnessed the cam paign of Bonaparte in Egypt and t In formation; of, the second European coalition against rraiice. In 1S79 war broke out between Eng land and Afghanistan, followed bv the invasion of the latter country by Brit ish troops, - In what manner the prediction is tc be verified in 1888 remains yet to hi .seeni'but the present condition of Eu ropes seenis to promise an abundant fulhllment of the prophecy. tT-towrortf biandardl NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS AND STOKI J KEEPERS. I guarantee Shriner's Indian Vermifuirt to destroy and expel worms from the hu man body J where they exist, if used uc cording to! directions. You are author ized to sell it upon the above conditions David E. i outz, Proprietor, 15altimore, Md. ! Randleman Station placed $800 in he bank Subject to the order of IJev. J 11. Dcrogs; the pastor of that charge for 18SS. That relieves the preacher I from all anxiety in relation to his salary. His family wants are met from the beginning and only the care pr his charge oeiore him, and surely he can go forward with his- work with a : hearty good will, l lu example of that station is worthy of he miiitat.on of all others. M nistou Twin City Daijy. In General Debility, Emaciation. Consumption, and Wasting in Childien, Scotis Bnaulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites is a most valu able fpodiand medicine. It creates an appetite for food, strengthens the nervous system, ahd builds up tho body. Please read : 1 tried Scott's Kmulsion cn a young rajan wliom physicians at times had eiven up. Since he began using the Emulsion, his Cough has ceased, gained tlesli and; strength, and from all appear ances' las life will be prolonged many years, I have been in Hospital Service for the past twenty years, and ucvei have used any preparation with greater satisfactioa." Joim Sullivan, Hospital Steward, Reform School, Morganza, Pa, Tim Tarboro Southerner tells as fol lows of a tax collector from way back : vv. o. buni-rninirs, deputy tax collector for Sheriff Cobb, "sweeps'off all the pciv simraoti?, leaves, and skins the bark. He sent a hecro boy three miles awav to get his banjo to pick him a tnne'aud after the tune bad been nicked seized ii :f .... 1 ne Dan jo tor poll tax. SALISBURY MARKET. : DECEMBER 20. a markeb corrected weekly bv 1 -i BOYDEN & QUINN Cotton, strict gooxl middling, u gooa niiaanng, middling, low middling, staines & tinges. I -Til- 4 8 to & Market firm ahd in good demand. Country produde market corrected "by - JULIAN & WATSON Corn, new. Flour; country family, $2.40 neat. : . 7U yo vouniry oacon, hog round, 9 10 Butt 13 20 ESSV m 15 Mr, good, IrL Potatoes good, r.., r r 78 9 . w ....... . . .... . '.Tttn-v 1 J j .e-nr Do Hot , Think fcr a HScia?at that catarrh will in time'w&ar out. t'he theory is false. Men try-t& believe it;be cause wou'd be pleasant af true, but it is not, as all know. Do not let an acute attack of cold in the head remain un4ib dued. ; It is liable to develop into catarrh. You c'au 'rid-yourself jf the cold ind avoid all chance of catarrh by using ?Dr. Sage's . Catarrh : KemedyJ If already afllicled rid join-self of th;s troublcdme disease speedily by the same means. 'A "At all dnrgists. - JH - ' ' i It is said 'that wh?s n:i Indian' jlies lis surviving relatives tuy uil his dtijts. We are acq';iti;ntl vitii a nrn who? we heartily wiAi yfsuli tur j. " Indian and &ie.PJtfLi;k?2t?tia CaW. . . Absolutely Pure. TLlsi)ow((ler never varies A marvel of pjir.lj trcDstn.anu vaoleso:nen,?aff. More pconotnica. man tne oramarv kinds, ant canuot oe sola ir aniMiiuom wnn itie muuiiuucoi low i.cgi. urr; w eigne, alom or puospnue oowoei s. Sole oty u cans. lio if a l Uakixg Po-.vkk Co.. 100 Wall St. K Forstde-y Binjrham if.Co Young & bos- tain.'nncljN. P. Marplt. r HUMPHR DR.HTOIPHSSYS'B0Cj2 Cloth ,&Co!d Binding JMHrw. P. O. Itgx 1 SIO. Vyi LIST OSinUSCXTAL SOS. cxsnza 1 Fvcra, Coagcstioni InBaminsticns... .5 ill Worms, Worm fever. Worm Colic... .'45 I rviii t:ollc. or l eeUmiR oi infants. itiRrrlica. oi Children or Adults 3iiti'seery, GriLiiuij, 12ilion (Joiic... 15'l).iera Morb:ti, oriii'.i'ng.;. . ?'Oilst;,ioW, Bronchitia: &s.fetiialsia. Tool h utile. Knoecahc ljslix-adnoSu'o. Ki.ck Ilc(?aehc. Wrtisro H S3 E 0 P AT H I .'ma At IOtlVspc?s:a. UiiioiiS PSwnRoh I l2fai!resseU ojalnful Periods .45 .3 .45 .'45 . .45 I 'iJVViiites, too rrtuHa I'Cnods I S( ri;p, Couph, li:Hcatt Erestliiiisr. .. Milalt Uheiim, l'.rysiiptiK, E ntptic:is. 1 dSKIieiimatiso. iiii.'.irt ic 1 a::is.. JFjrever nd A 5 u-. Cl-ills, iitlaxia. ....lO Iisfjles, iana or uiccoii.- I JfJCntnrrli, Influensn, Cnld in the Head 2C!l'hoopinM'cush, Viplont C!onshs.. -itneral lclsil:t v.l'l-p-ical Wcaknces 27nSUdnev KUrsrc It o o 2SJiVrrvoiii ieltiify .!. 3St'jrinarv V slui-. Wettiac Hd... .2i .0i;. .rii..!!..i p.,.,;.. 1 Bn HP IL3 C ft YSl B 8 S2 ! Raid Vy Orupgis's, or rent peat-paid on r"ceiptof price rtce. riii lit i .'ILLDiCtiitU. 1UU l uUuu SU 3:6 n W. L. DOUGLASS S3 SHOE. ocf&Wi The only fine calf $3 Seambss Slide in the World made withc.it tucks or nliils. s styli$h and durable m tlsosc cotinc: $5 or $6 and haying no, tacks or nailk to wear the stocking or hurt the feet, nihkci-- hem as comfortable and wcll-uttiii'das a hand setved shoo, ttuv ihe hpst. itnnc genuinej unless stamped on bottom jj"W , Douglass f.i Shoe, warranted.'' W. L.!DOUGL.iS$i SHOE, the oriiina! and only hand sewed wiclt $4 shoe, wfhicl equals castora-maae snwes costing $G to $0 rom W. I DOUGLAS SHOEJs isnex- nr. WJ Li 5)GL'(JL1S S2 SHOH U work bv all Botk, and-w the best school .shde ti the would. I l 1 All t3ic above goods sire iv.ade in iCon grcss, lfuito:i ana l.awi, ami if iiotlsold by your dealer, write VV. L. DCUGSLAS, liucKlaJa, liass. 14;ft J NOTICE: In obedience to ain order of the Su perior (Court of Cfitalwba county mafle iri the case of bu.-an S. Troll inger v: f, I will sell if- II. T rojliriger and oihe the lith dy of Febiuary, 1888, that vali able tract oil' land known! as the (Jhir-n ilace adjdir.jng Thoruas I'lvde Mid others oh the W. X. C. II. It, two inilc ciffct of (Jleveland in the cotiaty of llowanl con, tainiiig 151 acres. 'This land is sld to make assets for th6 payment of fehtsl The purchaser to ny 120 per cent.fcashl theibilauce oa a credit of. six mbaths with lpnd and approvfcd title. Tifle re uimcu; until an me inurenase raortey is paid. SUSAN HjTilOLLINGEl, . 'i Admx. of M. B. Trollinrer. Jan, 5 18S. ll:it:pd. T H01GE T01 BUILDERS i Tli Salisbury jl3riick. ' Companjr jus formed, hnve perfected all arrangements to maiiut ciure unck oa si large rcale. H.Will nee at om e, and Ik; prepared to furl ctrmnmnce at once, antj t?e urenart d to uisu ufjck in an? uesirco mmntiir a LI6BU.U Y BB ICK COMPA JOH A. BOTOEXf 12:2t. JL C QCITSX, . i. OStOllJSE. 1 !; ft t -h t-.1-.- y i s H .h& -- i fist tv. J j;ti, I BUTTON'S 13, bayoncl qnestion, the lest for ladies tiso eyer made Trjrit I Bnv RAVEN'S GLOSS TOUSH. the only Shoe Pol Ish made which contains oil. Everv bottle sruaranted satisf;ictorv. Vs will pay for every pairshoes it craelcjs or injures, " ' - v Use none but RAVEN'S GLOSS. Sold exclusively by SC1IULTZ & VANWYCK. IE Best ttf--v- 'Softens ahd -TiRCe-r' Preserves Preserves ; Leather 9;tf. So ton in 'fo Buy Cheap Goods. m Mm jArs decidedly in the lead with low prices aa?i honest goods. Their retail department is !'ul of bargains, and their hue of Dress Goods, Shoes. Dor mcstics, Hats and Notions, omplete, Also, Laces Gloves, Iloisery-, Embroidcrier Iljjadkcrehiels. Nt-yk Wear, Uiaukets, (Joinforts, CoiuntcrjHr.s, Flannels, Table Linen, House Fu'rnisl.injr Goods, &c, ie. . Kacon, Lard, Hugjav ftnd Coficej Salt and Fliur, iirshort a full line of (JllOt'HRIKfc?. ; T!ie above and a dozen- others besides ar thq Stocks tlir-y ofTer at figures yvhich make fevqrv article a bargain. jv buy and pc!1 Country Produce, Hides. lSone.', inn iron, ool. 1aos t-otton, A.C., v. Tiey Ufa- also sijjenti for the most itnpulat brands of FERTILIZERS. sr.ort, ni lac.r r-tore vou can get iiat- vc r von want at bottom prices. All they atk s a chance to prove what they say. JULIAN &f WATSON. UmMklmMh SpccnlilGr s. A'ZJ ?fl'f ?F 7y AfCA'f K MARKET.. Established 1872. ATAL SI ASCRIPTION, POST FREE TO THE UNITED STATES 1. Is. 8,1. jSiugle cony, Pust free, .nl. ' XJTA"MPVW circulates wi Jely amoa?-t capl-i lT.lui" Li -L lalist--. nioii or balsuess and in estors (.'iu ;-..lly. In all parls ot tlie United Kiusr- loiian i Abroad. . ' '"RyTHlSlPV" co.:taln3 a complete record of jyiUiMijl t iie JSiock and Saare ;MarketS ilsi t'ac utest lnioraiation respectluu mlaes. met- alsjai:! noducc. i'Jlff"TT, 7" contains leadlD): articles upon iVJUiiXJ J. all li.iaacial topi sot Importance by KMitOMuoi unliH a aoiai.v and wide expt-Tlence. is aim is witmi'b, v. iviiouL itar wr luvour, ine rltns;oi8 arri pr-:jrcis ui uu:ineiai uuuei laiiiDL'S of.fvei-v descMpUon, wiiemer proposed or tstab-lti:k-a; to expose lu Use one case the talacles ct the niislm-omgiowia or yrsicrcMv, ano in in ot-ner taa wekusLesouen ruuaen oy ine Bccuuaulatea juit ot sr. Its enaeavoar is to o; not only trar.i nd learlesM, out popular, taoraugniy retiaoie, ana tuQvc aii, irusiwoiwij. f r KCYWtTyXD) has been 1 DslrumentH In expos- lUiliJl InK numerous attempts t j tancn enlfiprisesoniiisouua cnaracier, anu iih irencuani tall fearless crlilcrs ns have preventca Ujouiuu of readers Uir-jviiijr away tneir money. 'RTnTvTPV is tlie MOST DESIRABLE medl i.TJ.ViX Jj X na for Ad vei Usement oi all un- leriakUigs oi a Huau'ti-ii cu. racier, uuu is no uc touti 1 131 all ine prin-ayai iioi eis, oiuus, i namoers it Uo !iita?"co, ad Litciary lnsiitutioasthrou-fnout in; Wetkf. j OFFICES: St. Andrew Houso, Change. Alley, Locdoa, E. C. England. Ilanagrer & Publisher, C. DEAR. i-'A? Si has revolutionized t 8 the World during the-last halt century. JNot least among tile wonders or inventive progress is a method and system of work that can be Derformed all over the country without scji-aratiiig tne worKers irom ineiraomes. Piiy liberal; any one can do the work; either sex, young orold; no special abil ity rcouired. Capital Hot needed; you afe started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, some thin'' of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business which vcill''bimg you in more money rijilit a vay, t nan any tning else in the world. 6 rand outfit free. Add rcss JfiVK &. C6. , Augusia, iluir.e. ALU&it'i um for" sal: . There a very valuable ract cX IkiuI tor sale rn tne tieaiT oi ine iaroous jer s?y Settlement" one mile South of Lih- " . - . - 1 1 AA yuOtl. , ii t on; prises ueany iw i;rei, -. uji be easiiv divided into two tracts, with line dwellings and out-houscs on each, There is nearly 100 acres seeded in wheat ind a large part in clover, which grows uely. Neat ly 100 acres of Yadkin river ottom. This valuable property can be bought for $25 an acrefand it is worth ivery dollar of that price. For further information address ! Ken glo ssg fEah am 0 Ire C i "WATCHMAN,". ! Salisbury, N, Cj TAKE DDE NOTICE T B0IE1H : YfllSELTES OUR SHQE . . - . r . . - " 1'-. AT cCUBBIPJS WILL BE MOVED IDE Mliflsl BTOliB Mi Door to the HARDWARE HOUSE of AND FOR THAT REASON - Ie will continue to A We have been InVhlv prati- . j . . fied over our during the past hope by keeping ard of best floods for the least and money, merit a continuance or natron a re. : ! ' ' . Respectfully, 18:tf. ' 1 ! ; ' !.!' " LOW PRICED' -GOODS KLUTTZ & T'WO STOEES Which arc kept fu'l of choice and dcsirafele GOODS, by daily additions, firhifb rt. marked at Rock Dottora Pricwj for ASH or BARTER! W buy all kiod f Tn duce which but fevr Houea do, for Cash er" Trade. 'Hie largest trk f Dr Goods iu town. Prices from 8 ct.io the bst Cashlntr, TrieoU, FUnaU aal Suitings. Best AUtinance Plaids at 6 ct., or as low as kny one Ise will stll tkea. We have All-Wool Red Flannel at 15 cts. per vard up io the best. BiC BargaiB is All-Wool Jersevs at 65, 85 and tip. New block of Domestics 5, 6t 7, 7 J, , and 10 cts. Carpets for everybody at New York best fur, in all styles. Knit and Cloth all of our Long Cloaks and Isew Markets reem. Wc have just received another Wc mark them low and let them go aud get more, cheapest in town. Brooms cheaper than ever before. r.t lu i-o f'rVaa nnlv OX ti ivhi urotltr) 1 ri 111: Kin t 1: Ks nr1 Khp-hi- iiist in Rnn-t Oat Flakes. Oat Meal. Grits. Tapioea.. Macarory Chces; , Crackers, Canned bruits, Dried Fruits, and lots of good things to eat. BE SURE AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL AS WE. ME IN TO DO WII4T WE SAY. lum. :1:. QS. JAHK8 E. CAMPBELL, . P.i7-icia. and Sarrson. OiIpr his wrvieog to the people of SalWniry ami vieinity. Ofiii-""tn Maj. Cole's iron; front building corner Main a uu Fisher streets. . h 10;6ji. V W. Ii. BEACIIAM, I Architect and Builder, SALISBURY, N. C Resid nee on Lee and Slonroc Ftrcets. Co ,i-t)ndence soli-'itcd 13:3m. ' . - . ' - t , 11 -. , .4. h i - i t i ACCORliBLI STORE ' " j" , ; ' - i -j- i ' ' r H CORKIER ON FEB. 1st. TO .THE mm A- K5 i sell our HEAYY GOODS I - i enormous sales season and our stands fairi aealins:, to vour AT prices. Wool llat 25 cts. and up, to toe Shirts 25 cts. up to the best wool. We offer - at COST, They must be soIdl Io make ; Big Assortment of Ti n war. Brass tltxpl Bucket $V ' New Crop New Orleans - FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE A 250 lb second hand font of BruceJ Bourgeois at 10 cts. per pound. l up and in boxes. ' . ' . A second hand of 100 pounds of Smjth v McKellar's Bourgeois at 12cts. pc- ; cases. . . r v.t a. secona nana ion ot oum j lar Brevier, CO lbs. In cases tied ujl, at 1'cts. - 4 .mcr A second hand 40 lb font of Great at 15 cents per lb. . . .rtf. A lan;e 8 line borderrornamental cor ners, at-14 cts. per lb. 1 14 ; A large 10 jline ornamental border cts. per ro. " j- . J !n or! And various other fonfsraav.rw-p , , disTday type at about biUf on QOST i ) - ' ' up RENDLEMAN'S --' i " - - " ! -' 1 mmimm. .-!.- cost, ' ( 3 1 ' 1 4 " - j - J t - 1 I -."' - ( " i-

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