Cajfciina Watchman LOCAL. f' ttlUnSGAY, JAN. 20., 18S8. i(tttS0NH Trltla2C rlntor;nAlon oa mnltritad-; 5rtlJ la titfc --f rfUlyloAse 4jr-"dv?rttied "S .v. - u'.fuhmiiB A . ; --.., " ) Subscription Rates. rrfee adbscrlpttoir rates, of the Cnroli" Mre lias been a large increase in the ! I t ' . rnrinllllKlinililV RtHocIsI miimv"1 p r --- j litre tbJ'Wucri - - The stock of tliohcw Notional Bank is limited to $G0,O06, and sve lenm it has I beca fulb' 'j1 - - ' s 1 Mr D. M; Miller has bought machinery ilGi- brUkakinsjaud will have brick for laic, as soon as possible. ?. m : Tj,c "taffy roan' has. put tip his tent ,9Jt loV the Postoffice. Any one want Li . his ifl t(Ty can get it- there. ' ,4ie debate -which was toJiave taken Helast Thursday nighty at the rooms ' of ite Y.M. C, M was postponed up til The inventory; at the Racket Store required but a short time, &aies nave 1t4n britk since the doors were opened ojlhV selling oijt at cost begun. , l: leapt McBee spent Friday and teatur- 4yen of the ef5etc;nt,lnd.stou8, and cfatfguable railroad manager i One of our'merhaut received a letter .f days ago asking what twenty acres Wind could bejbought for near our jtatfa topuf up it cotton factory on. L Anrican igricurturist, the most popular Agricultural Journal printed, is ja;ertised fn anothcolumn, read their advertisement and see what they offer. Mr W li. Beacham will open a lumber lte'he'hVrtl.yJ This has been needed fjr j a long time find we have no doubt ).ut! it will be duly appreciated by our icitizens. j' ' l . y ! l I committpc frothevlisbury Cotton yWU CompanySv?re to settle on a site forihe location of" their mill yesterday, Wowing to bad weather it was deferred Ibriifew days. - . jir. FeiirsouMvill begin "a scries of meet ing WHtatcsville;next Sunday and it is thought that the railroa'd company will lifftrt ' re-lucfL rtes y for .round trip tircts duriug thp;mcetihg. pl)ilaiiy one elver know of mackerel tkiingstuh jump befyre, they have pi to high that most of our mcrchanls rtil?e to; them. Net Murphy keeps thte RiflwiU be'pli:ised to supply you. jj Allen Hrown . is now receiving his ftoJi Vcf Aid ihos.hutes which will be sold chhi per than ever before. lie has iiotliih-r but the old reliable and well cs- fantislu'rf brands.- Look" for his ad. next week: If ill our citizens would resolve with Xcw Year to do all they can to build ip our town, ana youlu Keep me., rcsoiu- tiot.thc next 'New Year would see Salis buiyjoa a hoom suchTns we ncver'dream eiLbfij i . . ; Mr, W. II. Rvisner has moved into the InKim 'vacated by the Suthern Telegraik torajany anu iu ioe pieasea io nave ui patronc'all atnl see his new place, and at the same time purchase what they need Plwlera has been raging among Mr. J. B. Lunier's hogs. About three hundred Iliaf e died so far; and the remjunfitg huu- lurca aviu rrotaiHy uie niso, ai mere is po known remedv is vet. for this- fatal iOUeasa when it once set's a hold. -t - . .. : f ; ' - fir, John Ivbrr. had ttie misfortune to all .aud break hi (left leg, abou t the f "ee, last. Sunday, f- The -same accident nppenpa io. jir. lverr aooui i wo years 5breakingrthc wime leg at the same ee. AVchape he will soon recover. 1.0ar4ow,a tax collector reportathat our rirare very slov about paying their axes ?.wiycar-for'.-spinc reason or other, nd that he w ill be 1 -m that.he will be obliged to advertise the He inquests hext month. "If you not wan t your n trjcrin the paper see m at once. eaUiarticuiaratfcution to tlie ad Nrtimenjt I pfl th0 Marlin Fire Arms 'pi"Miucirarn)s are-Knownl lirotigb "tthe w4rJUI and-iare, among the ' best jfT':---1.'11 want ifiiy thing in their 'Aseneiiin as cs.n Ihj made to be cood. fruc them for. a catalogue. - Mrs. X gamnel McCubbins anil J T -uac inaxte jirrangenitnts to ban - '"Muzers tne crtrriin'rv conn Tl,,v Fnybraadsre jystera' hirrh crade uwan aeia, iica Fowl, Owl Brand -Vington CJurxno's.- VJ1 Etandard asiudrcds k thd best farmers in an, and adjoim) coun ties can testifv. uuary . has btrn inn i iinf lvn.-nKTo r,0"th' thH3 fforihuntin- on account nwct and mirov i "'US. A hvroro si t -i i . h p, fo" AV!iU (uicks are i - iy irequtnt a small riond not verv L IVWIM puttthe land is : vmtcd e hunt a 1 ,1 .. ; -. . i jy , ! c "-" a not a ' In.. - ; ' - - . hit i ' - 1,clVaie(f arount town y ,f"ouy of. a negro man beiiicr terK. i. weaT lown' ,asfc week is without fttnnilJ'IoJI 'Dlltin f L v v"ff."V" M t,t. . . . v-o'" "ug in Lj mmself from home for a intj- ,and -pine ofr hU friends as drowned while cross-' IUl vcaft paid in advance, $1.50 1 1 l. i,ivnrtdolavea3iii'2.00 1 Sir. Dan. McL. Therrell, of Mouroe, but just now from Asheville has taken charge of the Y -U. Telegraph offico at thi placie, nuide vacant by the removal of M r. McCoy to Baltimore. Mr. rell is a pleasant .gentleman and . we welcome him' among us. ' ' . - - It is an unusual thingto see aJBalis btiry physician making professional visits on horseback But the present condition of the roads had driven some of them to abandoning the buggy in favor -of "boot and saddles. rt How long ! O, how long ! 1 till this rood problem will be solved. Mr. Dance, whohad an ann sobadly crushed bctwecn the bumpers of a freight car two weeks ago, as tot necessitate am putation, is: improving rapidly and will oon be well again. The wound healed by what js known among doctors as first intention,: there being. scarcely any sup puration.! ; ' j . ; . In answer to our question last week what has become of the new cemetery jiroject? we are. informed that the sub scription list is still open to any who desire. to scdire plats. A certain uumber of subscribera is necessary to insure the purchase of the grounds and work to be done thereon. . ' I Two Arabs have been amusing the chil dren on our streets.for. the pswt few dajsj with a pcrformitig Cinnamon bear.. The animal is quite well trained, it dances, turns somersaults, kisses, its keeper and other things that trained bears do. The man in charge adds to thu show by singing and occasionally punching the animal in the libs, while still . another niau passes t'e hat around and says gimme some ting." ! - Henry Ileirnbarger, living eleven rniles S. E. of Salisbury. 4ost ! a fiar mare last Saturdaynlght. llornbarger liad come to town and li itched his horse in a lot near the opera house, where I sonic malicious person cutthc bridal Vein land let it i nose. The horse started for home but instead of following the road, took the rail road track and was killed by the eight o'clock train going north. Hie horse was valued atone uuiKircu uqiiars ana was loss to the owner. quite a' serious The fire alarm be'l hasi been mounted thirty feet above ground and is sufficient ly powerful in tone to seifve the purpose for which it is intended. Jjt can be heard distinctly in any part of fown. A system of riining should be inaugurated bv which the location of a fire could be com municated by certaiu strokes. For in stance, Bay, call the North ward No. 1. Let the alarm be given by several rapid Irokesln shecession, then after an inter val; say' two to five seconds, strike the number one. So on with the four wards. A team-attached to -a carriage belong ing to Mr. J. u. Ileuig took fright last Thursday night while standing at the Boy den House, and ran away, Instead of turning in at the stable, they kept on out of town until they got; out near Mr. Henderson's, where hands had leen fill ing for a new road bed, and the soft dirt mired and stopped them. Parties that saw them runnings aid they turned the .corners as nicely as if they had been in a gentle-trot with a g od driver hold of the ribbons. -The only damage done was a' broken gl;ta. '.. s, N ! - Wanted -. A cord of good dry pine) wood, at this Oilice. Apply Carebsnsss. . Tlie Twin City Dailyj says:' While Conductor Coble and engineer Kinney, of a north bound freight train, were get ting telegraph orders for it heir train at Salisbury last Thursday, i" the flagman gaTc a signal' to the fireman to move ahead, which he did, but! mistaking the signal never stopped until he had run six miles to another station, where he met another freight train, south bound, and did nut discover the loss of the conductor and engineer" until he-had reached his stopping place. The fireman then went back with the engine, without orders, for the conductor and -engineer. The tram was sidetracked wbere-' -it was and the whole crew were nut down for investigation. Such carelessness is in excusable. ' .. " - ' i Salisbury Bottiia it vvnrlc?. We werefehown through this establish ment one day this week by Mr. J, R. Brannock, one of the proprietors, irnd this is whaVwe saw and learned. The plant consists of a carbonie'dcid gas -get eratorj a cylinder for holdijig and charg ing the .water,-a -bottling machine and table and a bottle cleaner. The modus operandi is as follows. .First the bottles are carefully washed wjthl a revolving brusjx that cuts out any dirt or sediment that may be in them, and then rinsed The proper chemicals are then put in the generator and i the carbonic acicL gas is formed and held under pressure. -The cylinder .-is" then" charged' with water and the carbonic acid gas turned on through a pipe into tho cylinder, while a crank is beiugTurned twhicV agitates thJ water and charges it thoroughlyi TJic pipe connecting Xha cylinder with the bottler is also connected with a vcsselV holding the syrup and by simply opening a valve la charge of the syrupis let into the water a-s it fills the bottle; the eork js then put in undei pressure and clamped and the t bottle is then ready for shipmeut. - This onmnnnv Tnnks aisneeiultv of irinTtpnl i ,i n.K.or.iiii.. ...,1 .- a eood. growing business. iney also bottle beer and have a gooa trade in tins line! The bbttUnsr of this is very simp'e. s'.mply filing the bcttljs through a rub- t-..v. I i - u;r iuuc iuiu tui;iii; mc.u. --" . une imng inai strucs us wusmeucau- lincss of everything so different from a brewery-ud people drinking anything that they make, can rest assured of jyne . thiu aiid that is that it is clean . ' ; Eclipse. . " . There, will b a tofcil eclipse-of the moon ticxt Saturday, visil li here under the mcst favorable circumstances as we Will neither have to get up early in the morning or sib Up late at nigh I to see It. ' The moon enters the earth's shadow at 3 o'clock iu the afternoon and the total eclipse begins at 5 o'clock and 4 minutes and ends at G o'clock and 43 minutes. The moon vrlLnot;be entirely lost to view, but will shine with a dull copper colored light? provided there is no clouds intervening. Asheville Epidemic. A traveller just from Asheville and stopping at the Mt.i , Vernon Hotel last Saturday reported that there was an epi demic of Cerebo Spinal Meningitis 'pre vailing, in Asheville, and that ten deaths had occurred from the disease in the threcdays proceeding. The following card in relation to it will be interesting: ; 1 Asheville, N. C, Jan. 21.- In view, of the reports which are in circulation with regard to the alleged! prevalence of epi demic diseases in this city, the physicians of the Asheville Board of Health have made the following statement : "With one exception, mid that of 'a, mild type, there has been no new cases of meningitis for five days. There! is no epidemic off any kinder sort prcvailiutr in this city. Signed F. T. Meriwetiieb, Md., . Westkay Battle, Md., - Jj!. Hey Williams, Md., j Committee. , Hepcrted Jail Breakingr. The report has been circulated on our street that the prisoners in the county jail broke out last week but returned next-morhing. The true facts of the case is that last thursday I night one of the prisoners, by some means, succeeded in getting out of his ceil into the corridor and unbolted all the cell doors opening into it. "V ; - -' vvii uuuis uie iiiiteneu irom xne outside with a strong iron bar with an eye in it to allow the bar being locked in place by a padlack when thought ueces sary, but as the corrider is securely fast ened, Mr. ltoseuian, the jailer, lias not been in the habit of putting the padlock in, knowing that should the prisoners get out of their cells they could go no farther. We can rst assured that if any of us are entrusted to the care of Mine Host Iloseman he will keep us safe enough until authorized to turn us loose. Will Keen, although his door was opened. (Kd hot leave his cell. It is not supposed that lie knew but what they uugnt auempi io get out. Ona of Our Neighbors. The News and Observer says tbVGov- ernor has received a letter from a prom inent and well known gentleman oi Davidson county with reference to an application for the pardon of a man who was conviciea in mat county last year . 1 - 1 1 A . on a charge of "retailing spirituous liq uors by a. measure loss than a quart." After reciting the facts in the case, the letter says: "I reckon the man was guilty; he plead guilty but for all thai I would not be inclined to believe him guilty, for it is so unusual for anybody to want 'less than a quart' in this county. He is now at work on the; public roads He is truly, as stated iii the petition, a poor man, and is not ou?y poor, but very poor; and a jwor man like him always has a house full of cjiildrcn. And withal he is a very remarkable looking man; he is bow-legged and is split nearly up to his shoulders; and his nose looks like a powder horn. It seems to me he has been punished about enough. . Hi3 work on the road is not worth what it costs to the county, and he could assist his help less family a little if he were at home. W 1 1 . , i a tie can mane raoovt gums, catcu 'pos sums, make sassafras oil, and" can climb as high after black haws and persimmons as "any living thing. ' " CO J2ITY LOCALS. Verbis. Owing to the bad weather our farmers can do very little out of doors at 'present, but thanks to the, tobacco industry", they have plenty, of work in their barns get iing this valuable leaf ready for market We think this is where tho farmer who raises tobacco has great advantage over those who do not. Will not more of the farmers of Rowan see the gain, and. have a barn of tobacco ready! for their hired laborer instead"' of feeding and paying him to sit by the fire. Dr. Cruaip has gone to Philadelphia, but will soon return to the much joy of many of our families which have been invaded by pneumonia; and other dis eases. Dr. Ptttrea has done his best, but his own far extending practice i addi tion to hi outside calls haX bcn too much Tor him. -'Franklin has tha riilht in the right plaee whan she puH'rof. Thomason iu charge of the couveuient little Acad emy standing in the midst of this pleas ant little village. Prof. Thomason is young man from High Pointy, who -came up here to build up a school, and ke U dring it. He is well 'educate 1, sociable and kind to all, truly pious and a' hard worker. With such men; as Rev. Rose, Messrs. Lentz, Thomason and other, he will without doubt have success. Why cannot every township have sueh c school. . ' Mr. June Sheets is traveling drum mingfor Messrs. Swiiik and Thomason 's tobacco warehouse in .Salisbury. They did well to secure our fri:hd ; and neigh bor for so important a place. - f , - - . te'; - - - Roads are impassable with loaded teams. The Wilkesboro from A- S. Hall's I to Jumping Run ia without bottom, or at I least we-are unable t find any, MINING DEPARTMENT. T. K. BBUKKU EDITOR, KALEIOII, K d - Earriner, iline. ' 1 ITiere is a prospect that this mine will son change hands and probably Itc worked on an extensive scale. The Bar ringer is four xailes southeast of ; Gold Hill and has never been worked" to any extent, although Borne of as rich ore as has ever been founc in the Sfate has come from this property, assaying from $300 to $20,000 a ton. The vein is about four feet wide, and has been sunk on j in two places tola depth of sixty-five and twenty-seven, feet, the Win showing free gold and in paying quantities at both of tnese depths, j Besides jthese shafts Uuns erous pits have been sunk and some of them resu ted in good finds. . Messrs: Reed and Morgan have been prospecting with about1 twenty hands for some time on j a property -adjoining the Barringer and on a veid supposed to be the Barringcr . vein, and it is reporteti that they have struck excellent ore show ing free gold ih good quantities. 8AM CIIttlSTIAK. . We had the pleasure of seeing tracings of the drawings, .made hy Cnpt. Ramsay, C. E., of our town, giviag the elevations and plans for the work of supplying1 wa ter for hydraulic purposes to this proper ty, and were astonished at the magni tude of the proposed woirk. At the river ajmall channel between the mainland and an island is to be widened to two hundred feet for a dis tance of about one thousand feet, and a dam built frem one island to another, throwing a large body o water into this channel, which will run! a line of (wheels connected with the pumps. The fali will be about seven feet. Mr. E. B. C. Hambly, manager of this mine, returned last ijridny from the North where he hail been to see about placing orders for machinery, pipes, &c.' tie reports that estimates and plans one all made for work and that he is only aitiug orders from England before starting in with the work. He says prospecting is going on W ith very flattir ingj-esults. GOLD IIILL. Messrs. Craie & Clement, agents for the Gold Hill Miuinar Comiianv. rcnort laving received eighty-five ounces of gold from this mine a few days ago, being ine result ot about three w-ppkswnrk This is a good showing W hen it is remem- berel that a very small Ibrce is at work, and that the expenses "of kcepine: water is as much, or force were cm Gold Hill run- down, running mill, &c. very nearly, as if a large p'oyed. We would like to see ning up to its full capacity, and under careful management fhere is no doubt ibout its paying well Mr. N. B. McCanlcss, of Gold Hill, we understand has contracted with theStau ly Freehold Mining Company for the; de livery oi tncir machinery ana pipes at the mine. This is a big undertaking considering the condition of the road but Mr. McCanless is a mjoving man aid will carry it out if any one can. S. A. & IT. V. Affiia. Wc" not ice in the 1 Wilmington Star 1 Jan. 2oth, under "New Advertisements' the. following, whieti we jfeel incline! to give a free insertion : Notice. 'J'JIK ANNUA L'MBKINC OF TME stockboldrs ofjlbe South Atlantic k Northwestern Kailviay Company for thie election of a President and Directors, and for such other business" as may come be fore the meeting, wijll be held at South" port, N. C.,on Wednesday, February Stir, 18SS, at 12 o'clock noon, i Polls will be open at 2 and close jit 4 oclock P M. JAME.s!f. DANE, Jan. 25:2t. j Vice President. LIST OF LETTERS. List of letters remaining in post officr at Salisbury, N, G., for tle week ending Jan, 21, 1888. 1 j Mrs Mc.McCorklc, llariahTvluttz, Wni II Murphy, Maj L T llcilig, James G Miller, John C Miller, Uenrv Miller, Mary Ann Miller, John Wj Miller, Anuer Homes, J P BraytorJ A D jBrantley, R L Iinrnes, Mollie V Bainger, Roxy Berry, Caroline Burgcn, Rev II F Crooks, Mollie Click, W S Coleman,! E It Cobb, Andy Deal, James Davis, Wm in ley," Henry Giles. Ilattic Hester. A E Hunter, T L Kelly, W M Mitchell, W A Mauney, H E Nail, Henry Rogers, James Simpson." Billy Wiseman, A'cx; Chaijvbtrs. Please say advertised when the abov. Icticrs arc called for. j A. II. Boyd ::s, P.M. Tq the M' rioters qn4 Churches of Ihc Con cord i're&bylcry, r Dear Brethren:- The prov Miosis of our form of gov. sec. 4, eh. n, havine been complied with, I hereby call a meet ing of Concord Presbytery to convene iii the Presbyterian ChnreJi of Salisbury,- at 7:30 p. m., on the 31st day of January, 1888, for the purpose of transacting the folio .vine busine?8, viz; 1. To consider Uie application 'of Rev. V R. Y . Boyd for a dissolution ot the pas toral relation existing between hiui and the churches of Franklin -and Unity. 2. To consider the request of Rev. R. W. Boyd for permission to labor without Jie bounds of Presbytery. ; B. Li. Bkal, Mod., Per C. A. M. Lenoir, N. C, Jan. 18t 18S3. HARRIED. In Steele towmbip, tins county, on the 18th inst., by F. Bob!nop, Esq., Mr, J. Rex to Mrs. Man? Annj Dobbin. Tliree thocks o earthquake occurred Iq Massachusetts Sunday night last. j '-''J'1i ":i-. ; - - 1--- iti I i ' - A - " For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. WE MAKE 1NG 5 -. Ei ow TRAD i si OF ROWAN COUNTY J And jWisli yon all a o Wejliavc a Large Lot Satines, White Goods 1 I li. - i I iust in, is la Wo livo (Jemonstnitcd tho fact to hundreds that wo CAN SELL Gt)0(U Lower than vou Now shqw ybur gunerous-heartcdiioss (not to the extent of dying of enlarenient ot the heart) but price yoji our 6 Good I5ig New Ki'sohiUons for 18SS : 1st. fo will cany twice the Stock. 2nl. We will buy Finer -Goods. ord. U'e Will try to buy then Cheaper than anybody. 4th. Wo will try and "s.-ll Lower than anywhere. -5th. UTe will do our. Dad Jimmedest to please vou. Gth. If vou don't buy from us ' " S " YOURS ft LIAD2BS LATEST STYLES AIID LOWEST PRICES; PROTECT YQUB. ; HQHSS I ! MARL1N REVOLVER no linger; costs DOUBLE a Fortune FUL W SeU-Cocking, C . ' XjT , Automatio 'Jr V i'J IE' E92tiBS. 5B - r ' L NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. V ,! NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLfc. ViSU5TJD IQTJAL I3f ZTXST BXSFXCT TO TKB E i -. y For sale by Hardware and Qua Dealers everywhere. Manajjactpred by TEE MASLIH FIRE AEM8 CO, Hew HaTea, Cona. t . r. . JVTrT? TiTJS" f1agaz!ne For Urr or nwll'nnM. all ikt. Th ftrourert ibootine IiALIjAKD LLKRT, STDRTINO AVT TARGET RIFLES, woH4 wwnwl. ' Srti tr lllaMatod Ctaiogoe. MAKL1X FlgR ARMS CO.. A'evv Hatwi, Coirn mm vuanlc. and the eaW abaolntclr aafa lifla on tho IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS WILL SAVE ONE-HALF THE COST OF AMMUNITION. Made for all i!e of Cartridge, which -Whiiaey-Keaaedy. Smith & Wesson ; SHOT GBR SHELLS, roipsrw-r and hotter than any other. Rifles or Ilotola: ftrarlln. voii m. - nincnpsivr, ruiu, dkioh, i. u.iUSu, . Ideal Blantil'AotttrinB Company, SifcaJl Box 1064 tJ. Kw Hatjt, Cojtk. F fcF' T- Wo can jrlv so jn-uj'.i tr !h im.-syl T'-xwawX :adKtt coMs far Ic. S lit !'! iy to -pi iiit t- 8 ! American TI33T Tn s ni-rnHiVu. n ti roftJort-e.1 Mil, v.cvf WT.tcr. it wii: i- i,h..v -y.-.irt.: amll c? -.-H loan .-vfr. t n- u f u;. HVrtii anJ Il-iU&f !i M ovtr UUy li1-Hi.t m Hut.. PH. f 1 1. ft J-'H tljpl- ? m Iff. iMti. CHRIST Tli-s ri-'eii"iMi v.Trks "f nrt arc nriliior olOV.r.-.r ehr ir. s ror orCitustjr aiiurv4 e'uipii f-r v Plioto-ruln;.f anl M-Jfrsivfure pro.:!, ou fcv Inslik." li 1-0 j&Z.ClO -n. Koili pio;ures (nniMied lwe i. 1S7) fonraittcd In it OTJU. GREAT OFx-'iiAv. i 7Vra-lb33ti AgrloulturI?t (Ea.oPrrr.ajO 01 '?onl rostl fir Swamen number. Enfr!il! or 1 to old and now sub rHr. .and Aul rie5Ctint?un f the Pictures, and Portrait of Muukae-y; the rainier of t!irs prjrat worK, now ariraciing ilOST LIBERAL IXDITEEXTSL : AdJreta. A KERVE TOtllO. Celery and Coca, the prominent !n- KTedients, are the best and safest Jtenre Tonic. It tnmcthoma J?vJE goieta the lienrom fystem. trio J7wtthepoisononhB!nOTof ' r lae Wood pariQ-lngand enrichlnxit. and ovcrcorauifc those dueaaci jtuium irwa ucpure or tmpoYer iihed blood. v A LAXATIVE. . . - Actlngtnfldlylratgurclyontheboirels - it curva habitn&l constipation, and ; promotcsarcfrular habit, ltstrenptli- ns the rtomach, and aids disestion. A DIURETIC. 4- In Its con position the best and most . active diuretksof the Materia Mcdica are combined arlentificaUywith other effccUre remedies for diseases of the aioneys. j t can be relied on to gird quick relief and tpcedy ccro. nrndiedscf teMiatmials bare bam raeetw4 tram wnuna whi ljv bmkI thi remadj with Mm aiJM. SoU Vt Drurbtia. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's SCBUNGTOX. Vt. ,i. j -...z., - ' OWR BEST TO THE PUBLIC Prosperous New Year. and Oalico and will can order for m any market just give us a chance to at least come to see us.anyvhav. ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, ACTION REVOLVER. These revolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated . SMITH & WESSOIT. .33 CaUber, using Centre-Fire Cartridges. f . . BEST IN THE m wm. m m Rifle. rldt mad. Pcrfact market are nscd In any of the folio-wins .l also lor an gauges ana niaits oi PAPER AXD BRASS. Send for Price List of these tools to 1 J.!-- ou Wonder V It U V1! vn n a' tor l-i'-s nrr CO' il S t hUl: JO"J,Ol0 IS AgncmraFist AND ONLY HEP HO DUCT I ON. AD ,wu iwt r. vsx.h -fth hojcp of plftnrca. and r TOCtSO0U- .crm.;a, full cfpfcnption fjf ew BK)ks pwe t- worM-wmr iem,ion ii 1 ia. s. MAsCQ HEADQUARTER G FOU- i . SAHTA GLAUS AND CHRISTMAS GOODS, In the shape of CANDIES, TOYS W " FKUITS of. all itinas. i nave 'a fin line of Groceries anil ProYfcicas, all M. ' : I the Hockelberrv. th-tfcisc cent Cisar iir town. nd brands, also a full Jine of Tobacco and J e hiShfet Prices paid for Coun try Produce and the lowest prices asked for my Goods. A share of yovr patron age is solicited, i " ; I- . r. . . .N. p. murphy; i AUhe Old Stand of Ms. A. Q Harms. R.J. Is now Receiving IJis Pall and Winter Stbct Of GOODS . Id z - Direct from tie Korlta Mel!, - And vr ill be please J to sc. bia T customer b ftrc purchasing e!etrherL - ; -1- And All other kindi of Goda kept; in a gn cral stock, will be sold at pricct tjo suit th timcg. ; .. -- - i CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. Bob Wh fJ and Crystal Roller Will Flour of tho be4t quality; just received! oxe hundred bar rels OF FRESH, j VIRGINIA LIME F0R SALE. ' . . .j " j , 25" I expect all persons who har jiten m Mortgages on their crops tu bring iue their cot- -tou wheu it is rcad for sale. ! ; li. Ji HOLMES.' 4:tf - : . : , f 4 ; 'sSale of ValaaWe Real ' Ernie for Partition. -.' r' ' i- - - - k By virtue or a decree of -the .Superiojr; Court of Rowan I county, made in the : Special Proceeding entitled, "3IaryA. Wnlker, Sallic Pinkston, Edward Bwink and others vs. James Swink and Lucy . Swink," the undersigned will sell atthe Court House dpor lu 8alisburyr to the highest bidder, at public- auction, on nturttay the 21st day of Janqary, 1888, the following described real estate situate . in llowau county, Franklin Township-, viae : 1 i- ' One Tract of lnn Adjoining the lands--of Ransom Jacobs, George Overman, Tho Overman, Michnel Slniping nnd others known as tho Foard place and containing about 80 acres. ' ' . One Tract of land adjoining the lands of Ransom Jacobs, Rurgess Elliott Rich- -artl Walker nnd others containing 60 acres more or less, nnd known as the) home place of the late Wiley W. 8wiuk. This tract has excellent buildings upon it- ' - ' r ' ' Also, about two acres tf "fine meadow ' land, adjoining the lands of Burgess Klliott. - j i T Terms of pale cash. v (J FORGE T. THOMASON, Commissioner. I Lee S. Oveuman, Attorney. - -i---Dec. 22, 1887: 4 SAt t NORTH CAROLINA) Stiperior Court ROWAN COUNTY i January 3, 1885. Isaac A. Ribclin, A.T; Kluttz and wifej Mary J. Kluttz, Jacob A. Ribelin and Nancy E. Ribelin, plaint iITh, against &un ud A. Ribcliu, Joseph Rimer find ire, , IV L. Rimer, dtfetrdauts. ..-')-,'. : In the above cutitftd case itopi CAtli.ftZ to the satisfaction of the Court that 8aml " ucl A. Ribclin, Joseph 'liiiaei kind IV , Rimer are non-residents of lh&-titate audi cannot be found within thi'tate and that they arc nctF.sary partien to said case for the partition of :: real estate in -Rowan is ordered that nublica tion lc mede iurflie 'CauMasx-w atch ! man for six successive wetks for said de-( .fendnntK, notTTying them to ap; ear bfjbre the Clerk of the Huiiiei ior Court ffer the! county of Rowan, at j his ollice inABalin- bury, on the 20th day of February, 1888, and answer the complaint, a copy of whi-:h will 1 e deposited in the oQice ol ' the said Clerk Superior Court of raid county within ten days from the date of. the .service of this summons, and let thoj ? iil H. A. Ribclin, Joepli Rimer aud i', i . L. Rimer take notieoHiat if they fail to v answer said comiduint within the time, presenbid by law, iw plaintifis will ap- j ply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. i , ; (iivtn under my hand this 3d day o Jantutrv, 1888. i - . J. m. HORAir, Clerk .Superior Court, i Jniu T,, 1883. ll;Sw. M Administrator's Notice.. All persons having ir-luims agalust tho estate of .M. Whiteiunid, dee'd, are hcrer hy nolilw-d to prtseutjthesame to uie ou r In fore the lirfd day of Dwember ISSi, ir tl is notice will be -plead in har of their ncoVcry. TIIKtl. F, KLVTTZ. h - HOMES Groceries, ' Admitmtratonof M. Whitehead, IkcMj J ? V. Dec 1st, 1887. r . V-.-iV.- v'V- . 1. All person; itidfcf-tcd to sahl 1 ' ' estate or the firm of 3t. & J. AMiitchfad t jre ropjtTteu to make payment to me. i . . -: r.r.K. ; EKECU1 Oii'o 1I9TIG:. Having qnali&ed as Jlyecutor i upon J , . -the Estate of J. M. Erwin, Ueeeased, all ' persons haviugclaimsjagaiut fidjwtate.':' are hereby notified" (a prrfiut tlum .to'.." ' ! me for payment on or Ix-iVte thv Ji ulay I z A of December, 1P83, orihU notke V, b ':"mS plead in bar of their recovery1. ' l , ''-m:s T.LflGILLt2?PIE : , ' f ExctuTor, && ;' " T Lee S. Oxea, Attoiwy::,yykmi R'Z ice. " - . mm- :4' rr. : I i mm H ( t.4 mm - x .. n2 j Mi mm m-f: I- '"I t -

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