i t ' '.4: r- 1 I -i 1 1 1- t v: "hi - 1 V, 1 . i ,,Th3 Figure EUt. , We do not hesitate to b18, .'it ' That 188J , . ' . Ia something very choice and gr$, For ladies who desiro'to inS. And when they meet their proper fS, You bet wc don't exaser3, . Vhen1Told!y we asseverS, - That not a woman wiil be 18 iln gobbling up the tempting h8." t , -Washington Critic. V ' Wo TcU Yen Plalaly i.t Rliufnnn' Liver Keunlator will rid jon of Djppepsia, Ilcadaebe, .Constipation and Billiouane It will break up Chtlis and 1 ferer and prevent their ret nrn, and is a: complete antidote for all nialaf'htHKikoa ; yet ntirely free fro:ri jnir.ine or 'raloinel, : -- Try, it and you will be astonished nt ;thc jrood results of the peoume Simmons Liver - Itegulaton prepared by J. II. Zcilin & Co. - r , ' r Woman 17oifti .Their Weight ia Gold. ' Mrs. Jolm Micturn Is worth $2,- 000,000. ,c, ; V- ': 1 Mrs. Kate Terry is worth narljr $0, "000,000. .... s - Mra. Thomas ' A. Scott counts her wealth at $5,000,000. . . I - - Mrs. Joh a aeob Astor was worth ;bouk 5S,000,OOQ. T- , Mrs. Edwiii Stereas, of New York, - ha 315,000,000. , . 1 V MwHet$rWnof New York, is , worth about $40,000,000. , . ' Mrs. Robert Goelet, worth .$3,000, 000, owes her fortune to hard ware. Mrs. ' Jayne, the widow of the pa tent medicine man, is worth $3,000,- 000. b ! - Mrs. Martin "Bates was left, $1,- - w0,080t which her husband made m dry goods. , , Mrs. Josephine M. Ayer." who gets herlnoney from patent medicine, is estimated to b worth $4,000,000 to - $5,00Q,000.-iY York Mail and Ex- A Woman's Discovery.- Anotherivonderful discovery has been V made and that too by a lady iu t his coun try. I Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven yeara she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were uuderininded and death seemed immi nent Forithree months sheCoughetl in cessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov rv for CousuniDtion and was so much relieved on takinar the first dose that she slept all nightnd with one bottle has been rairaculouslv'cured., Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.1' Thus writes W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C . Get a rce trial bottle at T. F. Klutti, & Co.. 'drugstore. , WoTinds That Never HeaL How. sudden and unexpected : the Bhoe, the axe-stroke, oivthe blow from a falling tree, that mavshatter a limb, sever aord,' or fracture the brain, causing one hitherto strong and athle- . tic to 4co tnrough the remainder ot life a Helpless cripple or invalid. One . moment of time has done a work " which long years can never undo. So l friendship may receive fatal wounds; , There are words mid deeds which can - so jwound!a great love as to kill the rer'root of it in the soiil , so that al though kind feeling a memory of the once absorbing passion, a Render pity, perhaps, remains, no miracle . of God -could place again the fallen idol on the pedestal it once occupied in that woi- shipf nl trustful heart. To jiossess the confidence jmd esteem, of a friend is a boon so precious to win and hold, let ns beware of losing such through in-discretion.-rii'x. HZ "Tha'Vcriibt Unanino-os. Vf. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind", tcs tines: I cart recoruiucjfid Electric Bitters as "the very ,bcst remedy.' Every bottle suld has gives relief in every, case. One man took six bottlesj and cured of Rlieuma tisui of 10 yearn' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, BollviHe, Ohio, affirms: The best .selling medicine I have eviT handled Fn my ! 20 years' ' experience, Js Electric J Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testinsony,' so that the Verdict is unanimous tliat Electric Bittcis do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidney or Blood. N Only a half dollar a bottle at XlotU'i Drugstore, u . ; , f A Table. , VA' grasshopper, half starved with cold jmd Jmnger, came to a well-stored bee hive at 'the approach of winter, and humbly begged the bees to relieve his : Waatswitlfc4i few drops of honey. One of the bees asked how he had spent his time all the summer, and whv he had noHaid up a store ot food like them? ' : - . ; ; . "Truly;1 said he, "1 spent my timef very nierrny in armKiug,-and dancing, and singing, and never once thou; :ht About the winter." u0ur plan is very different," sard the 1.-- -r : LLr - 11 1 - , oee. ;tc work nara in tne summer to lay byNa store of food against the season! when we' foresee that we shall want it: but' those who do nothinar but 1 drink, and anee, and sing, in the sum mer must expect to starve in the win j BucklcVs Arritca Salve. ' ,,nus liBST ssAira in the world for Cut Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fnvr Sores; Telte, Chopped Hands, Chilblains y Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positivc- ly eurce Piles, or no j)ay reiuired. -It is auaraateed to give perfect s?(fisfaetion nr i nioav reiuaded. Ji price 25 cents pea bos. ' v -I For Sale bv Kluttz & Co: j 1 Ho Cause for Complaint. ' uIIow are times. Uncle .WV- V asked an ,old colored.. whitewasher on ,.. wie niarKei yesterday, s - ' - -VeTy f a'r, sah verv fa'r.M . uThen yoor business is T-nshiiiffehi" eee:n to be, &uu My w4fe has i-Hiim kt - i iw ui'iiiiis III- W IMlint'!, - " WteVan' de chillen has p'ckeJi- ut a i ; ?n t o! lothes an' a basket of vittW , t I' rri t co nplain,sah can't complain.'! Pkataiioa Philosophy. Hh f f-nr 1r;iin-i4 InvA TTm-1 Hesitating oyer answering the que lie id love fur uJdcr fclks: fear u lore " With what weapon thd Sampson ;.s!fl fnr nru1f - ' - - , toe rinhstines I and wishing to prdm We kain't .wholly- Vpize , de pnssori I what likes de same things dafc we does. We mouthate his ways, but we 'mires hiiriedment m s m w menhutdar nebbsr wasa man dat would fell de x act trufer 'bout hisself. tie is ap1 ter trv make jer think wn3 fden he is.' - ' " ' Some folks has er better .way o1 showing dat dey presheltesyJcrJin,'' ness den udders does. De Ion? tail ho botui ken 'pear ter be er heap gladder ilen -de stamp-tail dog, w'en de truf is lat he mout not be ha'f so ghuL - de dat Stamping and Embroidery. "Yes, Lizzie, I like to do fancy .work, but I haven't, felt like trying that pattern or aiivthuijr else for a week, luese awful 'dra-JCKing-down' pains are just kil ling me I" I know how you feel, and. 1 can tell you where to look forTelief. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a certain euro for .all those peculiar weaknesses and distressing ailments. Why I it even cured me of prolapsus, and many of my ladv mends have been cured of various grave maladies peculiar to our sex uy this wonderful medicine." It is the only medicmo sold by druggists, under a posi tive guarantee from the . manufacturer, ! that it! will give satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Head guarantee on bottle-jwrapper; , A Wicked Wretch. The sleeping car experience of a s retty young woman is thus related in le department of the American Man- Qziny where, it is needless to say, only true stories are placed: "1 always lie ..a w I with my head very far f ron't and my feet near the Wall. One night I was awakened by some one stepping on my nose as it lay. on the pillow. You can lmaenne mv wratu. L never said a word "but gave the foot the most spite ful pinch, that sent it up after its owner with an exclamation point. The i next dav. he a dapper voumr man- sat opposite me all day, and, actually, the mean thing never moved without limping! And it couldu't have hurt him that bad could it?' i sunerea trom a very severe cola in my head for months and used everything recommended but could get no relief. Was advised to use lily's Cream , Balm. It has worked like magic in Us cure for am free from my cold after u.nng. I Balm one week and I believe it is the the remedy known. Feeling grateful best what it has done for me I send this testi monial. Samuel J. Harris, Wholesale Grocer. 119 Front St., New York. Two ibottles of Ely's Cream Balm cured th wife of a well known U. S. A. General and also two army officers ia Arizona of 1 catarrh. The first ingredient in conversation is truth, the second good sens-?, the third good humor and the fourth wit. . FQH. 2L083, II:is"bcenjreceived, and, as usual, is full of everything new and old for the Flower and Vegetable Gardens. No ceds house fur nishes better stock than - James Vick. -.. Rochester, N. Y. mm ' niurn in a i u n i i iin. SSDOTION IN P3I03. TlioDaUyStar, One year Six months $6 00! 3 00 1 50 50 hrce months One month THE WEEKLY STAR. Jnc year $1 00 0 Six months Three months 30 -r-:o:- Our TelegT-aph New3 servico has recently been largely increased, and it is our determina tion to keep pie stab up to tlio hiffhest stan- aar ot new3pipv:r exwllence. , . T . " i Wilmingtoa, N. C. Til IT m We mlJlina!elTW ' tiring Aci-itcr of 'Mesra. H. W. AY Efi & OH. our iiutbusized agcata. fats I W I?c warded are those who 3 3 3 esm B read this and thpn will find honorable cmDlovmpnt thnt will not tako them from their homes and fam ines., llic t)ronts nrc Inrnrn and enra r. every industrious person: many have l i i fi uijuKing several nun- yoang or old; capital not needed; we Biart you. Everything new. No special am ity required; you, reader, can do it as we 1 as any jane. Write to us at once for ""'ars, wmeh we mail free. Vddivss Stinson & Co., PortlandV Ma inc. .,r.a.n&rI A 5lcted cold or cough mjv to.ntuui.onla.rensumpiH.11 nrouer taUJ digwucsickLeadachaaitiousiS k ii VI j i , "cw no of Alichael Albnght decd,all persons havin-clahX against jetther of said cstspa a V' - "-'t iisunij inaeotea tooithr UOO. ZU. 163. TV i haw oo.2C,18S7. A. f.goodman. . Adm'rs. i urcu irs a montii. 'it is easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per day who is willing to work. Either sct A school invpector, finding a class tion thtm. s!ni!h.'anr.l v tmmv hw inni cheek, and asketl : "What is this?" The; whole class yistantly answered : "The jawbone of an ass." v f- 1 At a recent railroad festival tne foi- lowing striking scntimait was given : "0a.r niothcrs-the oul- faithful ten- ders who never misjAaced a sic'ttch. i 1 Silence is the sanctuary of prudence. 'Y jv Vju : , . j f' e a iVicf at rsielit it steals m upon us uiisArkres. inepa- j tieht3r Lava pam.9 kbout the . cHest sides, and iotuctiiiie M'fhs back They feci "dtill" arijl alcepy; ilia raoiith hi a ; hid tatft, ce prcially ia the morning. A sort of etLcVy iliroe collect abcut iho tor th. Ths .. .ii . rri. . feeling like a h?avy lo&d on tha ttbni&ch ; aoxn s times faint, all gone Etnsatien .t tho pit of the stomach Yrlilch food does not satisfy. Tk ce ?.r's sunken, tlia haadj and Ict beccms ccld arid djtmniy. Aftor a vrhila a cpugh eeti in, t firet diy, but &ftsr & fevr months it is attend ed vnth a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all tli3 while, nd alccp doea not eeem to afford any rest After a time ho becomes ncrTOu.3, irritablo .and gloomy, ind:ha3 evil forebodings. There ia a giddiness, a eort of whirl ing sensation in the head when ruing up suddenly. The bow els become costive ; the skin ia dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites cf the eye becoms tiiiged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positing a sediment after stand mk Thoro m - frequently a epitting up of the food, eorne- times with a ?cur taste ana eometiras with a Bweetish taste; this is frequently at tsiided with palpitation of the heart; the risloti bceornea im paired, wi th gpota before the eyes; there is a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present. It i thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this di&easd in eozn of ita yariod f ormfl. It has been found that phy- eksana hayo mia taken ths cause of thia 4iseac. Borne hay treated it for a liver complaint, othara for kidney dieease, etc, etc, but none of tnese kind of treatmont ha to bucn attended with eucceca; for it really consunAKoa ana ciyiwdsijl traot ct Koota or Mother Sci- prbperlyFwjwd'wifl romorc thu diaeasd m ail its tftftges. Csro miiSe ba tiken, however. 'to saciirt) -the gonuina sricla. IT VLLL 82LLS3TTa THAJT ' COTTOIT. Mr. , John C. Hcrnptinstfill, of; Chulaflrme Cleburn Co., Alx, vrrites: "Mj Trife has been bo ranch buicfitsd bj Shaker Extract A'of Roots or SsigsTi Sjxup tliJi4 ths .yi "would rs.tar be without part ci br Iced ihzzi vittc:t t2e ssdldLuji. It Vjls doas st good &ii iLi doctcrt sad Il oihar rjvaxii.-irigji put 4ogtlsr. I lrsuld rids Wcutj mil?? to j;ct it into th hands of liij stif isrcr if hs ca-n get it inco other ttrt. I bslicva it -will oen 3oIIia thiis Etftte better than oottoa. T2?TIUOItFT TXCM TSXAS. Mr. S.E. Barton, of VarT.?r; R5pley Co., Ma, wriia that eHe. had beenlonr &ffiictod with djspqgi& ?jid discAso of thj uriaarj organs and ttu cured bt Shsier Ertr&tt of Root. Ivsy. J. J. MoGnire, rncrchitrit. of the earns plce, who solu Mrf. B&rtoa the medtcino. 2ara ho has sold it for four years i ind never knew it to f aih - : j EIE5 WAS A Lli DOT D2AD 1 1 wts to low with dyrpvfp eia that U .;:e : not a pbv--sician"lo bo .'found who could do anything with me. I h&d fluttering of the h$art and BtrimmiRe of the hc&d. One day I rsad yoar pamphlet called "ifo Am&tg the Shahtrs," Tfhich cUscribcd roy disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until i I uul"w; v...xvy. : uuiwa Ul-OTHiCTXir. V- .1. White,; L-rmhcd, 1 Warren Qt; New Yoik. '..q THE WATCHMAN job Office 4- ii.r." ir iJP-. t jssw ! IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED? 'STOUT IVMIET m FROil POSTERS as big as a barn door down to most! delicate letter and Note Heads, f 1 I3ill Heads.and Statqmeiits, ! '- f j; DTTOTIVTTOC C i ; - ! -.. PAMPHLETS,. li! FK3CE LIS" OF ALL KINDS f Court and Magisterial. ! 1 I O' do: s solicited and rittstaetlon cruarantee'i A Iif3 Experisnca. naxrarfeablo and c:ie cares. Tri&H ( Pac&g'os. f Bend Etaiip for sealed particulars. Afidras Dr. t-cussiar.d, K!o WIS Coal coiwfeirer3 will do well td call, cn me for theilrvintcr fuel.' Any. orders through the Post OiTIce, or cnt to shu residence on Mam street (opposite J.iM IIorah'3 residence), will be promptly filled. PEYTON It. LOCKE. 2:lia:pd. i , 1 and TTklbiy Halv lta eared at hone with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent rKEK. B. M.WOOLLKY. M.D. Office tttf WhithaU Sb IT You Wish a Go-d Article 01 Plug Tobacco,; ask vour dealer foi 'oia pap." ! WEAKIUNDEVELQPED fwiaJm nt, long ran in o'.r TnpT. It l"yly to innm- tigUW r. ir. I;irii proi mffTirwt wrlt FOR SALE. One Brick House land lot, on the corner of Fulton and Kerr streets, aout ori acre iu lot. ' I ii Ono Framo House and lots on l.e no Frame House and lot on Main street.! j ' Also shares in N. G. K. R. 1 Enquire of Mrs. H. E. and IMisa Vic- TOitiA Johnson at their homo ion Main stret. " 4D:tf ! GERIAU CASP4 can furntbh carp ursff orhfunn. in aay ojantltv .forslocklnc ponds. Kor terms, address W. R. FltALEYiSaUj auai j , r. v.. ; aai HAIR BAL8Afo1 Cleanses and beturtlllo tho hair rromwcsaiuxunuHRrawui. Never rails to tlesiore Ursyj Hair to its Youthful Colors Cures acalpdlaeaws and kairlolllud I nval'ibla tor Congus- Colds, Inward rains, Sxhoustfon. PMHTSSS CHILDBIRTH HOW AOOCMilJ..'JtEIl. KTerr laar !ni now. ksnna Bhtalil lx! uictl a fuu'iiuouUu Ufoio tooSm fevimt. Uii lor Uok " Tu Xyiu, tuJ.jd fre i : 1 . t - - :- r. . ' i ?0S .lob Itinti !l i I iT CI i -0 V 1 1 t II I III Brad BtOip. hAIiEit 1E:T. VAi.Jini 6 tiiier.SkiTiCureiuid B!n;isb Ersc'lcaScr iESiM is yea e5S2. Eictooiil k BaiTiUS Eailrosi Co. Western North Carolina Division. l GENERAL' PASSENGER DEP'T, I Asheyille, N. C, Sept. 21th, 18S7J , PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. .( Effective Sept. 25th, 1887 " ! ' " -I ' Eastern 75 meridian time used When not otherwise specified. - WESTBOUSD. LVi Ar. Lt. Lv. Af, It, An Lv. Ar. Lv, Ar. Charleston . . Cviowbta " - Aligosl ' - Atlanta- -- Ppartaist-urg' : t'bariotle -SDaruinUunr loo p. m. Pit f.w (.13 a m l.tx) p. m 3.24 - Acvonunetnt!on Passenger JSpartanLui s.p. ia. s.30 &. u- EeauvriiOB-iiie v i.i, 5.53 - AsheTllle - t.W' 7.00 i - Anhevllle i.io not- aprtujfs ,o j tMorijston . . 11.45 j f Knoville ' 1,05 p. to. tChatuuooga . 6.45 i EASTBOUNU. Lv. fCn&ttanoo?a 9 80 a m. IKiioxvlbe t.lo p.m. TMorrtslown sjm j uoi KprlDga l j!0 i AshevlUe 9.41 Ar. Accommodation Passenger Lv. AsfceTllle . S.10 a. m. 9.49 a.m. Ar. Btnderaonvllle ' 9.&S 11.07 j Spartanburg S.lOp. m. 1 to a. m. Lv. Spartanburg .1.41 Ar. Charlotte ' CIS 60S Ar. Alanta 1.2J p. m. Aninsta li.so a Jin. . : Columbia "6.30, Cbaricbtoa 1.35' Meal stations. tCentral 90th meridian tlmo. Pullman Sleeping Car between Hot Springs and Savannah, via A. a. L. and Churlestoa. Turough cur between JWorrtstown and Charleston via South Carolina R. It. . 1 JAS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. P. W. A- WIXBURNi A.. D. P. T. Eichmontl-anfl DanYille UM Co. W. N. C. Division! Passenger Tram Schedule, j , Effective,Sept. 25th. 1887. ! K tstern 7S th. meridian timo used, when hot dtberw Lse specliied. . AVE8T BOUND Leave New Ycrk- Plilladciplila Baltimore Wusliliigion l.iobmoiid Palelgh Salt-bury i;a.sHle Jlkkory fonnt-lij S;riEgs Mor.iiiiou Gallon ASSiEVII.LE Hot Sorings t Morristown t lii.cxvlilo 4 30 p.m II W) s:oa.m 1 oo ll S3 a. m 18 so p. m m 1 44 2S4 3 18 ) 5 03 7 05 ! 8 43 ! 10 60 Arrive EA5T BOUND Leave t Knoxvlllc t Morrlssiown Uot Springs ASHKyiLLE ;l;ound Knob Marlon Morgacton Hickory Ktatesxllle Salbury Balelgh l.lchiuond Wuslinftton Baltinicio PUllartphla New York ft 30 a. m 7 45 10 12 u5 p. m .2 15 ' -S13 415 05 . M ! 8 10 6 a, m 15 i 8 -0 lots 11 B5 p, U 3 20 Arrlvo 4- Murphy Branch. Dally except SUNDA Y TRAIN NO 19 Tr A1N NO X Arr 4 3" p.m 2 30 l5aju Leave 7 8 a m Iave Ashev!U .... 1 0 ?5 Crr I W ay nesv! We 234 pm' Charleston.. 5 05 Jarrctts A. & 8. Road.. Dally except SUNDAY Train no i TRAIN 3 60 p. 7 17 m Leave Arrive Spartanburg Arrive 2 U p ra liendorsouville 9 a j m Asheville Leave 8 10- Dinner Stations, t Central (90 th. merUlfan ) lime. Pullman parlor car between Salisbury t Ktexvlile Pulim n sleeping cars, on all night trains. - JOS. L. TAYLOR, Q. P. A. Vf. A. WINBl'RN. Act'g D. P.; A. J.HXO raiJi p. Unwell & SewpF!er A.d'wrtlaiiuc Bureau (10 SprWc ScX whwasdrrri ik'ps uuuuu may b wa'lo ter it IN NVV YOliil. I'xe. J.P Bcueche. nee Miss M. G. TAAFFE.) BcgfHeavo to say to her f rlf nds and the lady public that she is fairly well sett led in her new place, east specialty with best possible a tier tion and skill. Do I tho favor to call. January 1,1887. Tr mi ef torts' vrith W4ch. teae fs&rdr, torpid liver, pain !n bjek r d-. -n- tt'palxai, rte . neulert mar l-e latal. cse d of Stronor'a B&xrativa FUla wtu rive rvliel Afewdoes ret-ioie Lu new Lealth and vigor. Steam, Air and Facuum Pumps, Vertical aiid Horizon tal of VERTICAL FISTQH. wells, --v J f HEDHOHT AIMIEEOBTt : ' ' ' ' ' s Eichmond & Danville EailroacL COITDSITCSD oossbuzisj , IN EFFECT SEPT. 4, 1C87. Train? Rdx By 75 Meeidiax Time. - -- DAILY : ' u. 60:1 -Jrit . a. t It li AM 4 i 1 . j 7 SO 6 57 i 45 " 9 4 11 21. ' 11 00 8 55 $ M S 00 ' A M 6 50 5 SO " . 1C ' $50 ' ft 17 4M ft 6 " 5 C2 U " ft 10 8 05 . 44 ld-44 4H, 3 30 8 10 P M ft 60 4 tl 00 AM 8J " .17 " tS 1 " ... . 4 7 25 , " J t7 80 M 89 11 Hi" t ! If 12 57 A M 11 it si P u , . ft 38 " ..." T 53 1 S " II M f Mj f " 1 00 " i 5 M ft M ft 48 4 48 " 1 20 PX 10 40 I SOUTHBOUND Lv. .New lork PnlladelpliLv . lUUImoi ' Washington' CUartolibVille LyiicLburg r.ichmonU Buikesviile Kcyayllle Drake's liraack " Danville " Creensbcro colJstoro luiMffU Dvflutia Ar. Chapel Hill lilllsborro Salem - iilgu Point Salisbury " SuteavtUo AaheTlllt " Uot Springs Lv. C'Ancord Charlotto Spartanburg " tireenrliie Atlxcta NORTHBOUND LvTAtlanta Ar. t.rrtiivllle Sparta nbug tuarlotfo t'oiM-ord " Siillsbu.-y " Illxrh Point , Oret;i!Sb02 Salwa " lllllsboro " Durham " Chapel Hill Kalel-h oldsboro I"' 'Danville t"! Drake's Branch ' Kfysville " Burkivillo liihmnd " Lynchburg 44 charlottchvllle 1' Waslilasrtoo 44 Biltlmore ?4 Phlladeliihia "4 KtwYoik No. 51. I No 58 I 7 00 1 01 I 13 5 OS 0 1 41 7 57 - 8 28 11 43 12 12 43 t8 15 2 10 4 3- 10 0 8 40 A'Mi A" A M 2 31 P U in " i 02 u it -A M M - P M. MM. 40 fl2 34 T2 44 t4 05 "ti'S" 11 ii 11 28 2 44 3 03 8 55 15 2 00. 4 10 8 10 10 03 12 35 3 20 A Mi A M. A M P M P M A M i 12 41 1 00 1 40 3 43 1 IS S 40 8 23 11 25 5 00 6 20 41 P M A M P M Dally. t Dally, except Sunday. SliEEPIKQ-CAR SERVICE! " - J ' - - t - On train no 50 and 61. Pnltraan BaSTot Sleeper between Atlanta and Nev.r Voik., - I on t.-.'tlus' r-2 ar.fl 5?. I'uliman EnIT-t Sleeper be tv.een Waslilnsrton dud Woi.ljrf ir.erj; V.'ashlnfftan stud Augusta. Pullimiu Sleeir bcjjfteettKichiuonil nud tirct-nslHH o. Pullman site r? r b tv. n icrcs boio and l.'alclsl). ;I u:Muan Purler t ur betwetai Salisbury and Kcxville - f Thrcusii tlcketaon sale at Principle stations, to all t-o!i;is. For rates end information, apply to any agent of lhe Company, or to , . Sol. Haas,- 'fraffic Manager. ' J. S. Potts, Dir. rar. Ayt, r Kiciimond, Va. j W, A. TuRKi Pip. Pots. Agt, Raleigh, K. T Jas. L. Taylor, Gen. Po?, Agt. every variety and Regular Horizontal Piston, sow zili B ItassPsi : : vA . . 'ri-.-- s .- r tl" ii ! P3 ;H i i -yr Q-m.hp-.,p j . 2 3 tS ' ? ' Ml.nkuralr.nW.rk,r I S of I r - 1:1 i H it isa PA " Tho most siniple, durable and effective Tump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories,- Artesian Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. iB oena ior catalogue. Tlifii Si GAMEEOir STEAH PUMP IflBKS. rout oi lex S3bi bniEET. Nlw Tunc. nchool teachers, mininers, BeaTnotregaoTkl3 keepers, jarol jpver-wortwit oirwaS" ' : Dr. Ptorcc-8 Faworite Prwwipuon tatWHZi ot ail rctorn tire tonka. but admirably fulClU a ainglcneas of lielny Tmi3t poient Spocifio lor atiw6' r Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases ixSiiiu088 women. It.ls a powerful, gonmf as S 7 . -nteilne, tonic ana ncrvlno, and iir.nAJfr M ihsr. weaX buck, nervous b.TjOraOm ; nd sleeplessness. In tfthcr iex FnTT rrieo ?i.w or x ooitie fart- ft? A lanro traatiso on D18mv nf xvl -0, . fnaely iUiwtrated with coloml pCTM l xaerotu rood-cuta, sent f ot lOmtsinl B Address. Wont.r8 Di!p!8Airr w??!" AociATlOX.a3 Main Strwt. HuffM.ifc an1 Constipation. ProHiivciwi S Caveats, Trade Marks and Obtained, and' all other business in th Vm " Offlve attended to for Moderate Kw-s Otar office ! qppoUte the r. r. Putrtt n..'. 4 weeanottai.Ateitsia lea tii. ihL0?M mot from Wasblncton. ""KNcJ Send Model or dra wlnr; We advise u lL. u J ability fret ef charre: and mk s..kZLr.Lv Ottmin rmUmt. , ""' Wo refer her to the Postmaster tbMg Mooev order Dlv,. and to officials of 'tar iL entofflce. For circular, advice, teinn nd ICERRCRAIGE. - ; I-II. CLtCHtK, CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Salisbury, N. C; ' Feb. 3rtl, 1831 :. 1 STOVES A1ID HEATEBST COOK. STOVKS AXD llAXGis. 1 have th best and prettist lot of foal and Wood Stove ever otl'ercil in tbii market many of them of the latest and most approvel paterns-uitable forrar. lbrsr dining rooms, ; stores; olHct s, hurrW school houses, fhops and sitting rcoa Largeiind Email. Call and see tbtra ui hear prices. i t COU&HENOUR & SHAVEE, DEALERS IK FKESH MEAT AND IC Th choicest BEEF their ark et a ff, riH always on hand. f0:3m4 capacity. VERTICAL PLUHGEl BcnpQon is soKi nTurnrsriwi m tJnjJHarnntc. . 8eo ' jrnptkrr around J? . .r .. . -----i!!' . ' v - . ' 1 . ' - ! " ' 4 ' r ; 'fi ' i ..raiwi f 1 v R. ii V

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