i , :' - I i j? - . .;'. . ' - " - ; . : i -ai : J. :' t ' Mna 'Watcliinaii Thj new residence of Mr; Theo.J?. Khitlz, on Innis street,"'is lathe I and ivaUy for the plaAtererswho will begiii their work as noon ! as -tnVSveatlier will II II WIImil,WBtl!ll II 'Jlfc'W.nr -faf- Mini I 1 I MHI III I I IHI I IIIIIIT ksiKxma rim 'Atag Ee7. H.v O. Pcar5oa at Statssirilb. 7 For several Vkk! ihe c'iifeint congrc- ;' gallons of t ha edyj have been holding jKrrxiH. The residence W'hcur completed 'unioa prayer nVtvngs', for. the purpose will be the iiandiSoWest in Salisbury Uih "P pirit;ttf prayer hi. the . - 1 ' k .I.,; L!, ' .:.peP Te for the ivwpuea of Mr. Pearson. . in appearance auu,.via, uwwrc f ..Kev.lfc i. Pearson ami wife arrived 1 4'ivfiu8rW inform it ton da mUtrrRart- ? Subscription Bates. T1.V, ftabscriptimi rrttesof the Gro' yatehnrtk m : ; ." rn ta in .HuvHi'Wfw'r SS.W J laid off in the most convenient form, and four rooms on'thc lower floor are to be finished in cherry, ashe, oak i and gum. Mr. J. D. Small is the contractor and his work always speaks for itself.' p V r f tear. ti - " pay in1 1 del veil JJhiu s K'pAyrttHaelVd .12 iuo' We are requested to fcay that thejsate of the Chun land, oa the llth of -Feb-ruary, wiil take place on the premises -Si? vfovijty CommWonera will meet next Monday , . - y - - Tyiisuol supply 'of garden seeds are iiitatlWdrugBteres, . biding for r. H. Thompson f.niry Is cpund ready for shingling. fj)rl loiiti AVVitehcad' has becn iVbsent ft Week on ajvfeit to relatives in Virginia. One of thi attractions op Fisher street m lostrJnday was'a brokett down wagon. The town elock has been striking an iL..- Khind? for jtevieral days. Can11! it be IIUUI i - Several of ; our model gardeners are 5fl His Golisn Wcdiinj. ' 1 r . Mr, William ..-'Murdoch, f this tqw'n, celebrated his golden wedding a few days ago, w ith a few friends. - lie sought to have two or three friemls. with himvho yetreiaain of the number who attended hi.4 marriage in Raleigh, fifty years ago, but failed. 3Ir. Murdoch's heivlth hits not been good for, some months, which ms, for much of the time, kept him with. a doors under the carerof his aged coin- panionKwho still retains a good degree of strength and vivacity. ! i Several ot . our mwici g;iiucuci ,iv Anc to try their hands at raising celery K this Year, Mr! Ooushenour, on last Monday, pur- t -i iw llvftrv stable nronertv of Mr, 1 1 ! Mike Bringle. . ;; v . I -'.; M siieriffKtider has purchased the Me 1 rjncy residence on the corner of Bank if tnd Main; greets. 4-T Mrl J. M. Bickers S visiting our city m Miss Mamie Mock returned n.Monday from a visit to hefl sister, Mrs. liain, in Pkilapelphii. ' An unusually large number of; drum 'I. We been in! town this week so citing orders in thfeir. respective lines. L of Virginia, is now the interest of the I'lac3 of ale -1 T. K. BiicxKii yniij )K, KAI.KICU, K. C now coming into use and finds a. place in the manufacture of the iucandescent light . i be an improvement on meiiy used. Bat few zircons suitable tor bund in this locality.! We regret to learn that Mr. James Hudson's dwelling house, six miles north of this place, Wa3 destroyed by fire Mon day night last, between 8 and 9 o'clock. Mr Hudson was not at home at the time though 'other persons we're on the prem ises. The fire seem3 to have originated in a closet, where matches were kept, and it is believed they must have been ac cldently ignited. The loss is a serious one to Mr. 11. only a few of his house hold godds having been rescued from' the I flames. - ; ' J Inter-States Life Assbciatieu qf Stauu tbn,.Ya: i ' .We call the attention of our readers to Vhe sale of the Thomason land in Frank fit -vvncVilTTi on the! 3rd of March. See ad. in another column. . I We understand that a partnership has bteri formed: in our own for the raising of chickens, and the parties to it expect : , to corner the, market. rVuirt i in session this , week at Con- . !cord.V ine oaiisoury .uar is icjjipocuiw 1 -in the persons of 1. l'. Kiuttz, j. v. Mauhey and JLoe S Overman. Wilson, of Hopewell P. O., Lcoan.ty, S. C, 'will be in Itowau county sootito explain the object film aUwiKAto tu wrmer.-?. i Mr. Jis. A. '; Mecklenburg " Liberal. We learn that Mr. Alfred Tohston-ims continued to sell wood at the same price demanded in thexfall when the roads were good, and no more, while aII other wood-haulers have advanced their rates. This is libaral to say no more. But it annpt . well be a oriteriau for wood-haulers living-at a great 'distance from the town, for the reason that there fsa much heavier rate of wear and tear on- teams, wagons and harness. We think consumers cannot reasonably ex pect wood at the same prices' in the winter-condition of tire roads as when the roads, are good, and the labor of sup plying it so miich less painful and expen sive. - Planting Tree. A !g!;rW:t&'Uht are recciv ! : liig their Spring. good-i in the H ue of shoes f 'ie,! ;Thy Iceep in stock Zt-igler Bros' s- and other makes of fine shoes. The fiirtiljzpr'meij took us by ?torm this week, and it, seems to us thii mrmers in I . -M tor anything in tins line can nnu ! what tney want inour columns, j f f We would siitrest that the citizens of Iterian ehurch have ordcrt-il Salisbury hold a meeting, and consult as ! --rio the advisabiHiy of askin the Demo- kraticH5te Convention to meet Jiere this Now is the time io do it as soon as the ground is in proper condition . A better time was in October and November ; but tliat having passed those who propose to set out either fruit or shade trees to grow this year, must be on the alert and seize jheopportuuities which the early spring will utford. There are many vacant places along our streets which should have shade trees, and the most concern ed in having them, should arrange-' for i without delay.-. V e are.jrlaa to mention, in u3 con- ieajr. The iuAHcat snap of the winlerUs herd U thae and ihould vOur st.eam or wate r Mpes biirst c4ll o P. If. 'Thomjso!i for .repair?,-who always carries it full line of i i team fittings, &c.: ': i ' Messrs. Lithnan and Lichtenstcin have bought-out the stock and,, good will of jUcf'oncy . & Bro., and make their bow to the public in this issue of the Waj:cji-. 3lAf. ., Ve welcome them to--Salisbury nud wish them success. i I yThc Raleigh News and Observer of the !26th says .that arrangements are being :nade fo"ralitqrary and 'musical enter 1 ainrnfut of a high order in lialeigh, in ifhich Miis Runiple, of this place, will take a; prominent part, some time in Feb ruary-. - . , : . - uection, that the officers of t he Presby ir mr.jde trees to be set out on the .isi'ouails of the school house ' iroperty under iiieir caro and also along the pa;c:Mei.t ' on the South and West, sides of the iarsou4gc lt. V i-v r .. A CaUel Presbytery. - There vas 'a called meeting of the Concord Prcsbvtery: convened in the Pi ehy' eriau church at this place Tuesday ui-'ht to consider the dissolution of. the past orial relations of Re v. It. W. Boyd with the churches of Unity and Franklin. Rev. J. Rumple presided and Rev. J. A. Ramsay was appointed clerk. Mr. Boyd tendered his resignation of those charges; but after someffCUssion in - which Mr. Richard Culberson, of. Unity, Thds. Gheen; of Fjanklin, and Rev. J. A. Ram sr.y; of Thyatira, took p ut . tin; Presbytery-refused to accept the resignation; but appointed a Commi'lee of five per son, to witr llev. J. A. 'Ramsay, Rev. W. Thcrailroiid shops at this place werciR. McClelland, J. K. Graka n. Robt. Knox and Dr.-J. G. Ramsay, t visit here Saturday evening on She CV o'clock train from Asheviile. He was "taken to the residence - of Mr. P. ll. Chambers, where theyjvill remain during the ti in e he preaches herel After he hiul refreshed himself -with souie supper he went to see the "Tabernacle' the place prepared for sprvieei I e found it large and paciou3 hall I-eparcd in the cellar of the brick ware house, which luw ft Seating capacity ot at st U,0-m Thei nal 1 is wei I J giiici ana comfortably warmed ami is said to be the yest place hef has preached at. Mr. Pear.Mn held a c nauitatiou mee ins Saturday niiht with the different piistois of the city, and concluded he would reach his hiv-t sermon at e.even o'clock Sablxith muuing. The hall, on Sundaynonsingiwas aMut one thirJ'fiill ana luvA aoous &UJ io pci-sons. At nightthei-e ! waLs Ubout twice i s many, because very fewSikuew that he had changed the program. 1 He began preaeluwg bv saying that ne would astao'.iuce that preaching would be in promptly at eleven o'clock each day. -Preliminary services at J o'clock p. inland preaching begin at J o ciock. That he wanted the people to assemble promptly at the appointed hour; did not want them to come straying in at any hour. Laughterl'; That they might expect iireaching if ; uothing less than a first class cyclone -comes. Laughter. Rain, snow, sleet, wind or storm would not stop him, and he 'wanted that . to be the same with thy people. Bad weather did net stop the trains, nor tho-Postoflicc did not 8 mt up, nor the banks close, nor the liquor shop did notr shut up for bad weather. .But the people, oh! they could not go Jo church ou oad tuiys. I don't expect there will be anybel rang tor these services, but some one said that they could have thVMethodi3t bell but I am airuid tLa. it will not be done nroDerlv. for the old sexton may be drunk or asleeri and forjret to ling it rLaa&hter.T '" I don't beiieve inichuic' bells no wav. the v. Are a nuisances . The rains don't run on time rung by bells I think if the money spent to buy churcl bells was sent to the heathen we would have them converted to ner. Have your time and come to it. I have railroad time, and he said ;what time he had and every man who had a. watch set it to the time'of the preacher.! I don't want to say anything further about this, but you must not come iaic, n you-uo l win can you out if it is (J rover Cleveland and his wife, iaughterj ; Sunday jnorningi his text from James 2 chap. 24 verse:1 1, e see then how that by works a man is justified auu not by faith only.' His; sermon was of great power, plain and Very illustrative, and more than pieAsca tne congregation. There was several there to hear h;m that never had darkened the door, of a church, and it was a pleasing thing to see our worthy citizens, the Jews, out to hear him. Tiny sto.ucd-well pl-.as3d. Sunday-night the preliminary meeting was held by Rev. Roane. He opened the ervwe by singing the song "I he Great Physician is near, followed by short prayer. Then he read a few verses from sixth chapter of Matthew. Then follow ed a devout and impressive prayer by MrJ l'j. B. Stnnson alter which Mr. l'ear sonstepped upon the platform, laid ofi his overcoat and eaid ; as we are going to preach about soving and reaping let us oing something aiKHit it; sing the song "What shall- the harvest be." ' After a short prayer he took his text from Gala tiaus, G chap. 7 veise : " Be not deceived, God i:4 not mocked, whatever a, man so wet h, that, shall he, also reap." He said there was a; great deal of deception in the world, and his sermon hit the marl: ia every one' breast. Tlie congre gation wa,s quiet and remained still and listened Willi -great"'' interest for at least one hour he held flieni spell bound, lie announced that after Monday night there wif d be an alter ince ing at the Method ist church for all pers-.ms who had any interest in the-cduse of Christ. At eleven o'clock Monday was th time appointed for a meeting for the "Special study oi the IJib'e." At the appointed hour quiti a l;irgecongregation hiu assmhied, lxth of men and women. The preacher dis tributed his "Tjat lH," "How to use the -.' ' tZirq:3. ' ' . "' j ' ' Mr. '.P.: S Jiridrt (frecn- Riirer, N. C, (Henderson Co.) has Seen doing consider able prospecting 'thl-i winter. Probably the most va'uable of hisIiscoveries the Zircon. They nrl crystal ized ;very sharply, bat seldom ) one found perfect, hat is, with- all; sides perfectly crystal- zed. This was the jcase with the $xnall ot examined bv itho writer. The matt - rial U more properly zircouite, a! that term is sometimes applied to crystals of gray or brownish tints. This-matenal is mong electr&ians l!il;lr;I'?li? , and it is fouhd to the material for of the Cher liimpidr gems have ibecn. Work has been suspended at the "Gen eve mine," in Montgomery' county. ! This i3 sid for a property which was scdtobe producing about $20,obD a rfonth a short time since. Why suspend? Xma& holi days last a long time There is something very rotten in this "Denmark." At no time in the has there been such a; mation regarding the In Montgomery. (?) listory of the State demaud for.iufor mineral and wood For The NERVOUS 1 5 The DEBILITATED (The AGED. M Mian 'toxic. Celery kad Coca, tho Jvromlhcnt in--, pedieiiH, are the km and ufeet; Korre Toolsa. It ttren.heiM ami Jervwa Vcaaa, Hyrtcn. Slcc- . AN ALTERATIVE. f' flrlTiot the polsoDottflrtnnorsof . the blood purifying and earlcMn lt na. overcmniiiK those duwasct J"ia!r ftiMtt Impure or import A LAXATIVE. Acting pilldly btft sorely on the bowels . it Cures habltoal eonstipatton, aod promotesaregolar habit. Itstrength- -ns tbectomach, aod aids dlsestkm. A DIURETIC. In tta composition the best and matA active diareticsof the Materia Medlca, are combined scientifically with other effiecUre remedies for oiseasesot tho kidneys. It can be relied on to sire ' quick relief and speedy care. . Hundred, ol taaUaanUlahstMBa raerit frma wtx turn mod thi mnljr with taaSS&urtr .fntr' rrles $l.e. loli br Dranlsta. WELLS, niCHARDSONA CO. ProoV ATTENTON IE IB S i KILL !:ilO Sloro mm fns RT i is i . -o (MjCUBBINS & GAS Ha vef made arrangements to lmndlo the OLD AND RELIABLE BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS forinerly sold by J. D. Gaskill. Royester's High O. ale and Etiwan Acid Phosphate stand at the head for composting, i 1 Sea! Fowl, Arlington and Owl Brands of Guano are 'unsurpassed, as has been tos'ed by hundreds of the best farmers iu Rowan and adjoining counties. B& SUIilJ AND CALL EARLY AND MtAKE YOUli ENGAGE- MEXT, AS THEY EXPECT LARGE SAVES, THIS SEASON. cd resources of the State. "These ejnqui ries come from the North, Northwest and 15:?ai. j Southwest and from England. The time is' surelv not ifar in the future when we shall see greater prosperity among our people and greater activity in the working of the materials nature has so lavishly bestowed, upon us. f OiTiee next door to Kluttz & Rendlcman, Maui Street, Salisbury, N. G. The Raleigh News land Observer says ' taat from mining operatives who passed through the city wo 'hear of active work now going ou at tie Ma'nn-Arrington mine in Nash county. There are 150 mn at work. Two shafts, 95 and 70 feet deep, have been sunlk in the vein and sloping and driving commenced. A '20- siamp mill and heavy steam-hoisting machinery are on the ground and being i put into position. Extensive buildings are coinir un and the reduction of ores will begin about the jlst of March. ; at GREAT EXCITEMENT D GOOBS Dpi Juilllili Are (flevieteJlT In the Iciid w'h low prirt-s-mi honeM o3ii. Tlieir tt-taif dpjmfHciit i , all oflarain., aqj tlielr line of ' . Dress Goods, SliqcsDp ; mosiick Hats tinA : Are tom plete,; Also, Laees Glores, noiserr Eulivti dories, 'andkerchiefi, Xt-ik Wenr, nialkets,'iJ6aifort-, ouutcrpina, .rlarinela, TaUle Liocus, House Furnishing (JooJ?,!ic, 1c. , " -v Uu-on, LaWirHi'g.ir, nnd" Coffee,'-Salr ti'iul Flour, ui short'a fill line of G ROCK II 1 KS. The abore and 4dozen others bt'sid'es ar he Stocks they o9Vr at figures v hlj-U .raaka very aticle a uargita.- . c ; ' They buy a"rid sell Connlrr Produce. Hides- 3oneS .Old Iron, M'ool. IJrwise (ktld7' f'c. They are alio aicMits for the most ik)i ular ' brands of. i . . " FERTILIZERS j , In short, at tfioir Store yon -can get hat- ver you want at hotUim pukes. All they aik . is a chance to projre what they say. - JULIAN & 'WATSON.- t. ' s ' i' i LOW PRICE I i AT- KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN'S TWO wiich a marUed al To our Correspondents. commun the late, and a press of bu to leave them out this week, but will use rm; what we can of then in; our county local column next week, we don't want our correspondents to take offense . at the omission as it was uia voidable. are kept full of choice and desirable GOODS by daily additions, which are t Hock Bottom Fi ices for CASH or BARTER: We buy all kind df Tro- duceUvhieh but few Housm do, for Cash or Trade.; 1 he largest piock ci Lrcst aoodj in town. Prices' from 8 cts. to the best Cashmeres, Tricots, Flannels and Best Alamance Plaids at-fcets., or as low as any one else will ell tbem e received this week a number of We Have All-W ool Red Flannel at 15cts. per yard up-to tlie best Kig mrgain. in . .. . . , a iLWnft'l !iIPKi nt. T. 85 Hiid un. New Stock of Domestics 5, 61, 7, , , and 10 ications jrora -uiuereiu pans oi Y" . " v. vi- r,,.j0 v..i ut 95 .-ihH un. to tW county, but owing to their coming ,egt ur jB an styles. Knit and Cloth Shirts 25 cts. up .to the best wool. We ofier siuess we are torced aii Gg our Lons Cloaks and iei Markets at t'Ubi . ; niey must, oe som to iuukc 4 "t i BUTTON'S We have just received another J - . IV shut down last Monday tint their chi ployt'CH might" attend the funeral of Mr. II. Edwards, an .engineer on the tVestcru road, vJio died, of Bright's dis ease, Sunday morning. If e leaves awife ad five smalhirdreii, wTio ;havc the wramtliy of khis community. - ' ' 4 1 i Frankliif church, and . invei. the icausbs-of dissatisfaction ia t'i.tt congre- CidiGU which led to the call lf - i . f"MJX uaa ine piea I uere last year. . A TfcAftthis nunnnnv ing, and make rcpjrt thov . Spring nieeiing of "Presbvfe: , j meet .o the Tho The Boston Star Company is a musiciU organization of considerable merit, to tyj thepepple of Salisbury cart'testify, sure ot ncai ing tnem concert will be given "4Tni-ii-rit'j 0c- 1 ,f iab on the night of the Ttirinst., (Tdes y?l'?wid wc bespeak Tor them a'goodjal- tendancer :, , '-'i. - j-l; . -.. .' : i i A cowspondent of the Charlotte ) ' Chronicle truly says: Kalishury, one of he widest tow ns in the State, ishowjng "firkable signs of a second growth: the .' pP!al0n , being increased by many I and substantial citizens, a large new obii;eco factory: has just been completed " full view ot the Kichmqnd & Danville . "ail road, two cotton factories are to be rajljt pext'summer and many new rcsi- lenccs are being built and othci-s con . . ' mplated. : - ' - " ; V- " t' n'' J' . - ,' . v.'.-J - ...'-. A if urivea hopic o? ring in a tree, cr Want a hitching post; hero and there in ,t heesident partof the town, would be 'vvTWPseahd would be an accom odation to our . physiciaus that fhev -onld. appreciate no little. They are oinjttlled very freqneutlv to hitch Whei e j T ""possible to tie their horses scciwcf -Jf-T.y 1 need their services at some I h": iaifT during our lives a great many very ipuenand a little forethought 'in their Wflf in this direction, we repeat, would P appreciated, , -m Ciin.mitee wiil meet at lyra,:!ii 1 next .- m. There Tawday at 1 1 o'c! cck being ;no other business, Presbybrry ad journed with prayer. r The Edipso. ' This lihenomehon was witnessed Satur day night last nnder the most favorable circumstance The sky being perfectly clear, the time early and the temperature comfortable enough for persons' wishing to watch it to remain out of doors, i The New York Herald Jr speaking of the moou's total-eclipse, says that, the most beautiful part of tlie phenomenon, espe cially if seen with atciescope, is before totality' beginsj'wheu the moon-is "grow ing, more and more obscured by" 'the earth's penumbra the partial shadow on thexterior of its perfect shado w. Th umbra, or1 perfect "shadow itself, how cver, is faintly illuminatc l and exhibits a graduation of color well described by Ilerschcl as tbluish, oreven (by contrast) greenish, toward theixmlers of a space of about four or five seconds of apparent 'angular-breadth, in ward, thence passing, by delicate but rajid graduation, through rose red to ti fiery or coppep, colored glow, like that of a-4uli red hot Iron." As the eclipse proceeds, this-glow overspreads the moou's airless and arid surface, re vealing to the "telescope the waterless "seas" (so called), the great sunken cra ters, and the mountain peaks of our life 1 ss satellite. - '- ' Scriptures." and discussed under each I he.id and explained to the workers how to reach all classes, oi people. Monday niglit:-t-Notvithstanding the rain commenced td fall early in the eve ning attd the shifting cloud3 gave evi dence of a wet 1 night, at least one hour before service began, many men and women was seen wending their way to the "Tabernacle,"! and before tie hour appointed -for service the hall was well nigh filled. The preliminary meet ing was conducted by Jtev. of the Episcopal church.; lie opened with a song, "The Gate ajar stands free to all." Rev. W. A. Wood, l. i)., offered a prayer and at the close of the last song Mr. Pearson offered up a "short prayer and began his sermon from S. John, chapter 3 verse 7 "Yc must be born again. He preached one bcur! exactly and viz one seemed weary, and perfect silence per vaded t,bft r.Uaiv-nce tha entire time, and ieat'inlerest was! mhmfested by all. The "alter mcejiyg was held imme diately after thejsei'fuon-at the Methodist church. Great! i jit crest vas manifested by the enquirers, and about .10 or 12 were on their knees praying and asking the prayers of the people of God. One young man" professed,; (James A. Armhekl, yohngest son of Col. H. F. Arm Ik Id, was the lirst and only convert at this meeting. Tuesday rooming: Text, Mark, chap. 1G .verse 1'0, "He went forth ami preached everywhere!." The bright tnnshine brought a large ; crowd huth from the country and tlie city. The preacher made a a deep impreson at this :pre;iching,and a tv.r.cLing scene was witnessed at. the e!o:-e of the morning service: an old man over 70 years of; age, one of th oldest citizens and alsa one of the greatest sin ners of the eompriAinityicame forward aud gave his hand toi the preacjier aud asked for prayer and promised to live a better life in the future. About two hundred came forward , arid took his, hand and promised to do better, and hev'ealled all who had buck-slfdden to come forward and promise to dolbctter. A good many came'forward. . M . ;It- is generally ! understood that he wilF not preach iii the afternoun, at least no such! appointment. has been made. There is a large, cholf con ductcd by Prof. lWnard, of this place. Good-crowd of persons from the country and several front our neighboring towns, and -Salisbury is represented We mark them low and let them go and get more. - . j . i a i . i. r...,. lirooms cneaper yian ever ucmir. nhennest m town pt ijsiva- Coffee oulv 25 cts. who would tirniK ivio : j ieoL o,iiiio-.ir injst. in. Pp.ins. Oat Flak s, Oat Meal, On t ,'.n f,;i,an. v,n.ft,1 Fruits. Dried Fruits, and lots of c UllVCV! Vv VV Jj -s....--.- 7 i K Big Assortment Of Tinware, Brass Hooped Buckets 25 New Crop New Orleans Mo ts, Tapioca, Macaroni, ood things to eat. Bit SURE AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL AS MEAN TO DO WHAT WE SAY. 1 S WE J)IU JAMES R. CAMPBELL Fhysician and Surgeon. ! OfTers his services to the people of -4 -ii; Jiiii-vihnd Vll'iliitVi ' finb-i- iii' Mai.Cole'H iron front building' corner Main and Fisher streets. "Tf. 13. BEACH AM, AicMtect and Builder Absolutely Pure. Tlilsnowdomevcrvartcs. A marvel or'pur.tj iM-tntn.and whfiesfjnness. More economical HuU-oflv lest, fciion o uoivdriH. Sold only 1r iiOYAL Baking Povdei: Co., 105 Wali:st. N t.li.in tlie nrJlnarv kinds. tonirtctltloii Willi tlie lunl -vo;-ht. alum or pli0Silta V. Fors dtf by Ding-hum' tain, and N. P. Mnrp' fc Co., y- - Young TT1,1 A. Ill T ATlJ P A -ti 0 rt I A i By vir'ua of a decree of the Superior Court of Sampson county in the csisc of L. A. McKoy and others, exparte, I will sell at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, oh Monday, the "th l4iy oi March 18S8, abqut Three Hundred tnd Fifty acres of va'uable land in Eowan comity about 10 mi'ds west of Sa'isbury, known as the McKoy land. This jlanrt will be sold in tractrfiof 50 to 1"0 .teres. f Terms :One-fourih cash and .the.-bal ance in twelve months. Persons desiring further information ! will please- call on me or Col. W. . Jan. 30th, 1SSS. 15:"it. isii . ... '4 IS, beyond SHOL fuesion, th jrf DRESSIKG for ladies uso ever made , Try iti -Buv RAVE&U GLOSS, POLISIIthei only Shoe Polish made which coutains.. rnl. Every bottle gua ranted satisfaetory?.'. Ve will pay for every pair shoes it esaoka . or injures. t - Use none but RAVEN'S GLOSSY S4Jd exclusively by I SClIjL'L'TZ & VANWYCK., The Best ug. Softens id'- .ArCRlShas PRESERVES SALISBUBY.'N. C. ideate on Lee and Monroe streets poddence solicited. 13:!hn. !; Rej-i Corrf FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE A 250 lb second hand font of Bruce's Bourireois at 10 els. pcrltound. Tied up and in boxes. A secondhand of 100 pounds of Smith & McKellar's Bourgeois at 12 cts. per lb. In cases; ' A second hand font of Smith & McKcl- lar's Brevier, CO lbs. In cases and lied up, at 12 cts. A second hand 40 tt font of Great Primer at 15 cents per lb. A large 8 line border, ornamental cor ners, at 14 cts, per lb, A larg lOJine ornamental border at 14 "cts. per lb. And various other fonts of advertising or display type at about half original - cost. - " 1i- r VALUABLcTiLAHD FOR SALF. There is a very valuable tract of land for sale in the heart of the faroou&'"Jer sey Setllemcutf one mile South of Lin wood. It comprises nearly 4004icrcs, can bo easily divided into two tracts with line dwellings nnd out-houses on each. . There is nearly. 100 acres seeded in wheaty and a large part iif clover, which grows finely Ncarlyi 00 Tcres of Yadkin river, bottom., Thiva-uable" property can be lM)tight for $25 r.n acre, andjt is tvorth every dollar of that price. For further information addresia -. . f ' WATCHMAN,' .. f: 4-. Salisbury, N. C. i f 1 Hduck. Tl vir - f A TT"TT', Commissioner. SALISBUI11 FEBRTJABY 2. J Cotton market corrected weekly B0YDEX MARKET. i ixd A. B0YDEN. ' - X C, (U1NNT ' V , - j U ITf lNTira F FAE10IS " -ift : I IS RESPECTl-ULLY CALLED TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF j:; :mM-' i " mm -mln ' , : mt-- mmmmm mmmmm. mwmm :Z!3,' i1.-n-s X.Z ERS-KtiK I ILlZLKb. " : !tli:tS;lU--'M FIERTILIZ Be have om hand and will. receive of theolt lowing standard goods: . ' i l,y & QUIXIn. in 81 Cotton, strict good " good middljin liht raiddhng, " middling, low middliu ul.il ing, -10 na A staines & ti Receipts to date i 'pi . igcs. 3.C00 bales; fimp last, vear 2.GW. htock on iiuuv j 1 200 bales. Markets i to -fame hand Statcaville, N. O., H . Jan. 31st, 18-S8. j ; " ; Country produce JULIAN & to previous announcement, Butter, Rev. Mr. Raihsford, of New York city, .biggs, preached an interesting sermon to an ap preciative congregation -at St."Iuke's Episcopal church here on last Sunday, Corn. new. Flour, country If am Wheat.. Country bacons bo Pork, trood, ! Irish notatoes. good I Lard, country, j t quiet. 00: " $00 " 1 00 "FARMERS FRIEND," (for Cotton.) "NATIONAL,". Cotton ami Tobacco. "TfYVVAV TJ." rVittiin nnd Tobacco. ZlLIS AMMONIATEDIBONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, 0otton and Tobacco. ACID PHOSPHATES, for Composting. . ORCHILLA CUANO, small grain, clover and graces. 100 Barrels LIME. s lis aliOYS Fertiltzers are all EstaMisM Brands mie if SiaMarii GpoCLs, p GsarantBEfl Analysis, r We ofH r onr FERTILIZERS to tlie fdrmcrs of Rowan and adjoining bounties at LOWER PRljCES and on better terms tban ever before offered in this- market. - -j , , -v ' ;v - market corrected by WATS0X. I 55 5G ilyi S2.15 $2:40 $1.00 u $m round, 9 10 13 U 20 0 10 WILL ALSO PAY IGltEWS A CALL BEFORE KE HIGHEST MARKET PBjCE FOR. GOTTOII ANOi 09TT0H SEED. pvr.cu.mxa roun guaho oi: selumj suuu, cutiu.. WANTED (AT THE BEICK YASD) 1000 COEDS WOOD. : RESPECTFULLY, 4 BOYDEN & ! : -'-- - i . -- . - - M -- i J J ' " ."'-TV - j- . ; , ! - ' " - - . iV -' i; ' : - - - - . - a . v . i. -I 4