VOL XIX,--THIRD SERIES. salmbtoy.it, c.,1 Thursday, February a, isbs". - ' i if . " - -, . i : . - - i -. i - i - . ' ' I - - v ---- - t v - .- ; . ; . , , . , j - v i . I.i .r 110. 16 i f-f I rar-a era in Lflifl mmw jETOjgi . - After this week I will occupy tlie room formerly; used by the-Southprn Telegraph Com pany, where I would be glad to have you call as I will have my STOCK replenished with 1 ;-NpSySP-'FAN0Y' - DHSIGNS And will be better prepared to please everybody than cvr before and at prices that must sell the goods. Nvvyy Respectfully, W. H. S7:ly AJOHE SEEK1T G .HOME Pa ronaiel , AOExTrS .. . In all Cities, Iowbs and Villages in tlic Soutk. r TOTAiL. ASSSTiSj - j . i; ."r, jjALLEN BEOWN, Eesident OnrTta Tkmaxi XriaJ rfc iiifinrviiiiin minrif n ininmiT SEMINAL PASTILLES: , Rjii ieol Oil ri or Nerrona DUiJ itr. (Jrran t a (!! Ase4 JdenTiTfistMl f ar Vieht Tmira is nin T4 amdbroksn tMra man trttho fnll njoyoiantef j irfert ana faU Mnl; Strength and Vigorous Heal (A. To thoMi whomtfnr irorat.'io muny oHMmrodiMioKS ptonfht about Kr Inrfiwrotion. iliouro, lrer-Iain Verk,ortofra Ialalanr, waavkthatyon Mad o p!f fiaawithiiitntrnntof TonrtrcmblA.and aocuia TSIALPAOSAOK KItKK.wlth Ulust'd Famphlot.!. UUPTURCO PERSONS can tiavo FRSS thrasas4eue Ihrr -ebaolntalr rtrv-n nrwmiitrirelT 25:1 y. ra i.-ic..iT.ay js lialVAitltl'Rfi) PROTECT TOUR HOHSS! TflARLIN DOUBLE 1 . JL GOOD REVOLVER no longpr costs a Fortune Self-Cocking, Automatio Ejectin?, BEN. 7f& mr rULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. WABBAjrncp xqvaz, rx xTsar hspkct . -.For sale by. Hardware and Gun Hwaiactttred by TEE MARLLTJ FIRE TATT,T3- Magazine Tha .UtMupit thootfny lT mJl pn, all akaa. i7r "T aaaotaiair aata riBa ca Uia market " MA.JU.rjf viick a icmh - f - ZTFT ' 1 1 . - 1 t'-M j - i ' . ii awij " ' m mm "T I.- TSUfcWatlfaM fl I fa ll 1 II 1 IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS 1 WU-t, SAVE ONE-HALF THE - .de fw all ie cf Cartrdiwa atitch are ) Klflesor lti-tels: Martin. oil'. V. iurhesK-r . nfiiltaef-Keuaedr, bmitli & Wesson ; aK SHOT 601 SHELLS. PAPER AID ISASS. Cheaper and better than auy other. Send Ideal afauufMtur Iox 14:9t. cc ' 143 f I I WHEN YQTJ WANT II A li D V ARE !-. AT LOW FIGURES ! Ullon ll.c'unilctsiglifil NO. !. Rrnnii 1 MIV, Vr. A. AT WELL. I. ' ; l - It for the r'CardwcllThreshcr. Oil. li u i i ' i REISNER, LEADING JEWELER kimm Company PROMPT! ReliaWe! liberal! J. RHODES BROWXR, Wai-kAH CJCojutr f ScrutrD $760,000 00. - 7 Agent, Salisbury, N. a IIlHitllifHHHf:i11.l Avoid the iowuatkm at I iilmiii Utrm for tteroa truobiea. and aii Qoaeka. CbttED t-yqCTnd, duaa aot inwrfcra or inosn vetuenca nut r. t.x wnu michu 10 Dtuincaa, or I on Kieabfie medical nrincjnba. Rvdiicet pnKr-.tVn to th Kat of diaraac iu tprcifie aaeaoeia felt without drlav. Thmmr I . TJanrtiont of the hnman ontaaum rcatorad. n ?ariFcineBM of life are Kia back, the paiiasl -MectuUad raaidlrcajns botk auearth aiuiiujuia HARRIS REMEDY CO., iSrrfi Cnnurn. THal cf our Appliance. Ask for Term I 1 ACTION REVOLVER. i These revolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated i SHIIH & WE3S0U". .33 Caliber, using , Centre-Fire Cartridges. A to ma Dealers everywhere ARJ43 CO Hew Haven, Conn. . BEST IN THE WORLD! Rifle nSa nmd o Stw Jlavfti. ,C)a. fUma for COST OF AMMUNITION. psr la any of the ! foHoMflf - hnllnd fti-ven- llrrninirt.ii- for aii gauges ui aiokea of tor Trice List of tbese tools to - 1 ng Ccxtupany, 1064 Kiw EiTia, Cots. 77 I Journal fcrlpestors & Speculators . AND REVIEW OF THE MONEY MARKET. Established 1872. axxfal srnsfjmrnojf, post freeto TIJE rXITEI) STAGES 1. U. 8d. ' , . Single copyTfrt free, 5d. Ayrri"NrPV" clreulat-wuely amongst eanl IuULiIjX tallst, inrt of bulsness and In vftsjorspneraHylnallpaitgof tee United King. '"MTi"M "PVW cor.talns a complete record of lVlUllljX the stock aud 8b:ire ?Market( also the latent lnformatloa respecting rninctt, njeu fawa "B'aBBfcfBaafaaa Part U " 'v'SsJi- if ilia. UUI1 IJ1UUUCC. tit "MnMPV contains leadio? articles upon JXlUXiiJX allflnaucui topi -sot tmpartance by wrlteif ot trained abliit j and wide expt-rlenca, lis aim is to review, without fear or favour, the pretentslAnsand proMpectsof itnanclal unUarlaklncrs rf every tlcKcitptioD. wlu-t her proposal or estab, llshed; to expose In the one case the falactcs of the mashroojo jjrow ;tn of yettrrrl.v,- and In (he oilier t he veakitioe8 often hidden by the accumulated dust, ot ajje, ' its endeavour ta to b not only frank and fearleus, but popular, thorouirhly reliable, and above all, trustworthy. ; . . ''nri'NIPVff 1x118 been nHtmmenta! i expos-lUUili-lX lnC numerous attempts (q Mncb entenrlsesof unsound character, and Its trenchant and rear less opttioisms. have prevented thousands ot readers throwi us away th?lr money. - a.a.a V A aU aW urn iui v saa Mf U IAt detoaktngaof a flnancl ill eotracter, and fs to bo found in all the principal Hooel-clubs.- Chnmiwrs of Commerce, and Literary Institutions throughout the World. . t- OFFICES: St. Andrew House, ; . Change Alley. London, E. C. EnLand. Manager & Publisher, C, AR. CONSTIPATION YB called the FatlT f IHftcuuw-V" !k J. cauio there is no incriiunr IhruttKli which dlsraMo fto often attack the "yiiUiii as by tbeabMurnilun f wAmmtmm gase In the retention of de-Hyi and effete, matter In thd stomach aud bowel. It ts cauwed y a Torpid JJver. not, enough bllo Mug vxerotea from the blood to prodnce Nature's own cathartic, and i geucrally accompanied with suck result as Loss of Appetite, . Sick; Headache K I Bad Breath, etc. The treatment of Constipation doea not constat merely in unloading the bowel. The medicine must not only act rs a jHinat ; tire, out reaionicaijvcii, ana not produce axler Its jerreaterewtlvenesii. Tusecure Jut c-ha a regrnlar habit of body without changing the diet or disorganizing the system Ilr11l.lial rii-tTa-T.aa'Jia "My attention, after suffering with Constipa tion for two or three years, was called to Simmons , Liver Regulator, and, having tried almost every thing else, concluded to try it. I first took a wineglassful and afterwards reduced the dose to a teaspoonful; ss per directions, after each meal. I found that it had done me so much good that I continued it until 1 took two bottles. Since then I have not experienced any difficulty. I keep it in my house and would not be without it, but have no use for it, it having cured me." Geo. W. Sims, Ass't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga, Take only the Genuine, Which has on the Wrapper the red 35 Trade, mark and Signature of J. U. ZK1X1N CO ELY'S CatarrH CREAM BALM rasm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Fain andlnflanima tion. Heals the Sores. Restores HsvTEVrij,va the Senses of Tast:U and Smell' tuy THuf cunE.HAY,"FEVER ' CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane, iretieraliv nrit'intinor in thr niu.l nnc. tj ri r " v ' j sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From this point it send forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thrausrh the digestive the blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. A particle 18 applle I into each nostril, and Is .iereeable. Price -5u cents at (irurrfriKt.H? Uv in.iii registered, CO cents. ELY BKOS., as Greenwich ''. I J 13:ly. - FIRM. Ths undersigned have entered into a co-partnership for the purposcof conduct- COMMISSION business,, to date from March 2S, 1887iConsigninents especially solicited. McNEELY & TYSON. The undersigned takes this opportunity to return thanks tolas numerous friend for their patronage, and asks the con tinuance of the same to the NEW FIRM. He will a' ways be on hand to serve the paron. of the NEV FIRM. 27:tf J. D. McNEELY. THE LEADINCr wmi SEED ID. T. iv. wood & SONS 10 a 14th Bt Eichmond, Va. Request all Gardeners, Farmers and . Truckers to send 'for their NEW SEED CATALOGUE for 1 888. It contiins descriptions of all new and desirable varieties of SEEBSli PLAINS for the Farm and Garden that are adapted to the South. Grass & Clover Seeds a Specialty. Catalogue mailed free. Send for it. niTirp Sea WoinlcrstJxist in thoti U Lrn mm r saiuU of forms, but are surpass ed by thenarvels of invention. Those who are m need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how eithe sex, of all ages, can earn from $o to $25 per day and upwards wherever thev live. You are started free. Capital not required. Home have made over $50 in a single day at this work. AH succeed. BhoaU be ajed a few months beforo epaflaemest. Ccca for tjook to Xothku, nailed free. - T&!jrax3 Iscclatos Co-AUauta, Qs NEW nil tlJ m MAKES ; :is?U ili vwyvr i gwa ; Somebody. Somebody thinks i he world all wrong And never has s. word in its praise.: Somebody sings tlie whole day long, Likes the world and all its ways. Somebody says it'; i a queer old place, Where none of I he people do as they should ; Sombody thinks ii . full of grace And wouldn't change the folks if he could. Somebody calls it cruel and cold, Full of sin and siorrow and pain, Where life is but n search for gold, And souls are lost ia.selfi.sh gain. Somebody merrily laughs, and cries : "Hurrah for such a dear old earth ! Success shall crovTi the man that tries To make his mi irk by honest worth." Somebody groans and shakes his head, Calls his lot a wretched one Somebody wishes that he were dead, For somebody else has all the fun. But somehow I notice you generally find In good or evil, pain or care, To one thing sure, you may make up your mind: i Somebody always gets his share. , - gearl Eatinge in DemoresVa. Strange. The Hickory Clipper tells a strange story of a little jrrl, 10 years of age, of Caldwell county who seems to possess the mysterious but unconscious power of attracting stones, which -appear to corae through tine roof or the walls of the house in which she may happen to be, striking the floor with force but making no indentations stones of various sizes and weights from one -to ten pounds and always falling neat the child. The Ifaniily, consisting of M. L. Holler, the father, mother and this little girl, have moved several times to other house to get rid of the hauut, Imt have been followed where ever they went by the same strange phenomenon. Of late, household arti cles,, (a wash pan is instanced,) "com menced moving n the shelf where it was kept, and directly whirled off on to the floor near ihe little girl. These things hate been going on for weeks, and many of the 'neighbors have visited the family to witness them; and the publication referred to, was related tc. the publisher of ihe Clipper by a gen tleman who spoke from personal knowl edge Of the facts as given. The editor refers the subject to th investigation of scientists with th question, have we iu North Carolina a Lula Hurst iirfche person of lit tle Mi: Holler.' Emigration from the Land of fiiizzardr.' The Baltimore&MNfOf January 20th notices the fact that since the gre blizzard thirty f am ilea of Dakota have announced their intention to sell oi abandon their holdings and em ignit ion th. And it is believed when the exodus begins, many more will be found-wending their wav southward Certainly, it is a very sensible thing to do. The wonder is that having li experience of the heavy draw backs iu regions of, blizzards aud eye'ones they have still lingered in the couritr). We would with reai earnestness sav to those western people, come to North Carolina; for it is; fairly to be presumed that they havej Jieen in the Urfited States long enough to learn more of its laws and institutions than those who are just now landing on our shores. We don't wan't communist?, or anarchists, or infidels; but people who accept our institutions and desire to be good citizens, will receive a hearty welcome in this or any other (Southern State. I Santa Rosa, California, has passed .1. a town ordinance forbidding the sale of cigarettes to boys under sixteen years of aire. Also, an ordinance prohibiting the smoking of cigarettes by boys. Parents who permit their boys to rnn in idleness on the streets, especial lv at - - ay night, may expect them to learn not only to smoke cigarettes, but other bad Iiabitf which will eyeijtnally bring then) to disgrace a.pd rin. The Hickory Clipper says a ; man in tnat place sleeping in tne secona story of his boarding house seems to have forgot where the was, ajid taking the window for a qobv went out t it, But the sash falling on bis coat tail saved him from &dl to the ground. He hiing suspended against the wall calls of distress. A man of large inherited estate at YorkTPenn., committed suicide, Mon da; , Why ? Tiereas a battle at. an EDisconal church door in Knoxville, Tenu Sun- Iast' Mweej city ditor addl thte meu fwho attacked him. nstois were nseil.on both sides. One of j the assailants was killed and the ottier two wounded. The editor was shotjin the wrist and shoulder. Th diffifntyf grew out of a publication mad the day before, the authorship of whi4b tlie editor refnsed to give. 1 I The Forefather. A GrPHic PICTURE OF THE EARLY XKW england puritans, as told by a 1 keA England journal. Froi the Winsted (Conn.) Press. Te floodgates of gtish have been opened by recurrence of "Forefathers Dayj"anU parsons, publicans, pharisees and politicians having lifted up their heavienlyi voices in unqualified praise of the Massachusetts puritans, let us varyj the monotony by telling some truths not at all complimentary to these sam puritans, and in the light of which, notwithstanding some sturdy qualities of soulcjbmmon to other pioneers, it ap pears that they were for the most hart as wean and inhuman a lot of bigots as ever j set loot on American soiU inere were a few exceptions there alwajs are exceptions, and they "prove the rule." Rogers William was ia peaceful Quaker. The forefathers were whil homs peaceful Presbyterians fresh frouj persecutions, papal and protest ant, fin other lands, Vet one cold and snoify December night they drove this peaceful Quaker out from all shelter in theiil towns to find tender mercy in the hearts of untutored savages, and asy lum jat last in a region not yet distin guished by its puritan diety. . They had pot been more than twenty years before they began by fines, impri.-on-menL whipping, banishment arid tor tureto make a history for themselves whicjh fuust be forever infamous. Tey whipped and banished a man nanijed Gortonand this -w:is his of fenc: His servant smiled in church, nnd j Gorton publiclv defended him Butlbauishment did not suflice. Gor ton ind;a dozen others went to Rhotle Jdaid jnid settled in a place called Warwick, beyond the jurisdiction of the Boston court and refused to return. A fope of soldiers was sent after him. The jsoldiers captured him and his fel iowsi after driving their women and c'nlqren into the woods brought the prisdneni back to Boston leaving the women and children to perish and wem publicly blessed by John Win throp, Ctton Mather and other good puritans for their great victory over the Emissaries of sataii. The prisoners iverelput in irons, kept at hard labor throjigh the winter, and banished tgaih for trying to keep away from their- godly forefathers. Afewyears later a Baptist minister from1 Newport, named Holmes, with two friends went, to Lynn to visit a dvinj brother. At the' bedside of the sick jmaii they were arrested, fined and imprisoned, and when Holmes retused to py hjs fine ho was taken out into the streets of Boston, stripped aud so brutally flogged that some' bystanders expressed sympathy for him and for that! expression were fined and unpris- oneq. JNo sym pathy was expressed for theig, we may be sure, and that thev were not very good puritans is self evident, i? T Wf ll I joun vmcnrop was tnen governor of the colony and leader of the genera! court, but a merciful providence took nmi iiiome to neaven ana put a worse tnanjiti liis place. This man was John Endfcott; who began his holy mission oy imprisoning ana starving two wo men because they were Quakers Til. 1..' ; i , t i , . xiieu ue imprisoned ana Danisned a man! narhed Upshall for civini' the women food. Under Endi:ott a law was pJisstH against Quakers which it was hoped would root out this' devilish seci, una py virtue or tnis law many yuaKer, men and women were whn- pea, imprisoned, starved and ill-treated m various other ways. But certain -a -a ...... . people wduld be Quakers, which so en raget the governor that in a fit of ex treme pitity one day he ordered the twenty Quakers then in jail taken out and whipped twice, a week, each tiia mores, severely than the last. Still theset wicked Quakers persisted in poi soning the air of the puritan saints Br dwelling in Massachusetts, and to ef- fectu&lly iret rid of them a law. was passed Which declared that -for the first duence of returning after banisn- mentkme ear shall be cut off, and for the tljird bore the tongue with a red hot irbn." r It was a glorious day for God, and Endicott was his prophet. iwo iiue ennaren were iotina, whose parents had been banished. These; terrible infants were fined for iron-attendance at church, and being unable to pay their fines, they were offered for sale, it is said as slaves. Slave Isel ling was not then so uncom mon m Massachusetts as to excite auy particular sym paty for slaves, but this ease vfas too atrocious for the none too-merciful slavers of the Boston port and' the magistrates were unable to find buyers for their property. -What ; was done with the children we do not knowi but it is fair to suppose that the , little ! scouLdrels were put to work ; under! some God-fearing puritan, and 1 that they afterwards attended church. . out it seems that rmnnn.. l:- ,;ir . . . " "vrr"'o mcipcars and bonug their tongues did not effect wniCl uk Qa, for a law hwPi3erP?n,sTlin ith rfeath those banished Qnakers who should return. W i051? passage of this ;irQ ' aMF lriaI? ni.oJca.ionsof wThiLllg,03S,nteresn Meetinga were held, and sermons bearing upon the subject were preached, after which themagisrraksrifortified bv the ser mons, sentenced meek and "inoffensive ru w?"?en be hung." All fori n.c giory oi vrod . And the preachers we Tu 5s ?n hlind' we are toW, to see that the hanging was thoroughly done, and that the victims in their last nioments sowed no seed of Quaker heresy j among, the faithful. These preachers were all mimaf nt ri, it will be! remembered, add among the Ma a"rr 1 .a. 1 - "w uomreu ot our ftonored forefa there. ! t'Rpbinson, Stevenson, Leddd, and Mary Dyer, one after the other, were led, to the beat i of a drum, through the streets of Boston, and Jjeiyjffnomijiidiisly-put to death, an the bodies of the men were stripped and thrown into a pit without covering.? Beautiful is the sight, oh Heaven, anSl m the sight of modern politicians and prayerful preachers of the gospel are these same puritan forefathers! But 1 a isrineand clinnincr nnl - r"" ung bo banishing Quakers wu: w au c ut. Liecause pnritanism be came more merciful? Not at all Mutilated witnesses went over to the king with their ears cropped and their tongues oored, and the king sent a peremptory jorder to John Eudicott forbidding further indulgence in thafc form of Christianity. The king was a Roman Catholic. When Endicott thus found his cheif occupation gom? he laid him down and went to h'S Father in heaven. It is ever thus with the righteous. The Quakers whoni Endicott had murdered were already with their fathers in hell so our sain tr like puritans hopedat least. About thirty years later Etistern Massachnsetts witnessed the executioii of two dogs who had the misforttinf to be Recused by these enlightened forefathers of being too familiar with the devil. But saintly puritanism did not confine itself to the execution of dogs. . Something like forty innocent and peaceable men aud. women shared! the fate of the dojra. These men and women were witches. There can be no doubt about it, for they were for mally tried before the most pious and exemplary persons of the colony, and found to be witches, and such were killed in accordance with' the scriptuJ ral command, (Exodus.xxii, 18) f'lfioU shalt not, suffer a witch to live. Hut ?. exactly" where in their bible these love ly theologians found their command to crush Giles Cory, aged 81 years, to death . between two boards by piling stones on top of him, we do not know. At any rate they squoze him till his tongue stuck out and one of the dea cons poked it back with a stick, after whichi the old man died, but most obstinately. We have not half told the story, which .damns and ought, to damn for ever the verv name of puritan.! It cannot be fully told in cold These puritans were our forefathers; but blame us not for that. We are sorry for it; but its not our fault. We would say for them that they were sincere. Sincerity was about the onlv conspicuous virtue they had, yet sue did thev make of it that we can only aai mat ineir one virtue was worse that a dozen vices. It would be kindness to the puritan forefathers of New England to leave them alone in their graves, but so long as these fore fathers are annually dug up and fed with panegyric at. festal boards by our chief est men, the truth shall be told of them also, whatever their shame. They endured no hardships and displayed no fortitude to distinguish them from the earlv settlers in New York, Maryland, Virginia ana tne Carolina, mey are distinguished only by the manner in which they "served the Lord as if the devil helped them," while their con temporary pioneers offered asylum and sueircrto tne victims ot iNew ring lands remorseless pietists, aud gave men "freedom to worship God" fojne" hun dreds of miles from Boston Common. NEW ENGLAND 8 ENLIGHTENED PRESENT. If there is anything the towu authorities ought to look into it is their town hall. After e?ery show is over the "bum"' part of the audience will collect at the foot of the stairs leading from the hall and fill up the passsage out of the building and retain that position until all the rest of the audience have crowded and edged- their way out, amid the obscene remarks and a a a -a m . a curses issuing from tne lips ot those who block the wav. No person can get out of the hall after an entertain raent without running a gauntlet of insults i and indignities 'that would make aistranger sick of New Hartford foreveri No lady ever yet went home without some insnlt ringing in her V a a ear. it any one ot our valiant con stables would rnake it a point to clear ont the j hall-way! after an euteirtain raenfe, he would tie doing the " public more good than has been dono in ycarr, .j ; j Many, men claim to be firm in their . rineiples, when, really they are q!jr obstinate in their prejudicesr Nthinlr tftnfttn m b rnf great by1 making another Jcas. -: t j ' Ti : : A Yotmff Man of Push. .i Tlie longer we" live the pVr.mirei' gr6ws the conviction that despite: ihe ITrtera ,be.re u a m rw . puuing i nines. i ha 6 iitum, ii-uxii lira strik- iHKroanner : - - ninn came mWm.nt and fortune. H . .. ;-r, ';M,t,tv f yg-b,ouecause. heionld not affordth luxury of a MrJct, His honest face antf f ran hp for him his landlv'- , V" weeics i ' i ,. . wsc-ni& TO a Now then on tlCKY Sofar-&rarvl for tbe'ljgddnn IT- 5SifS rftheVeraM, last shilling llTTin 'ndtrnfi.'iit. ' "- "vi us ; t , hivi umf thJng i a' t nave it within tvpnt., i l . , dress TodCtBi. oifc - "T-- 800BW 7hhe l3ad rivelabout dOaanswers to his unique demand for employment. One . business - man wrote : "Cull at nine o'clock to-morrow morning and I may Kive you a The tone of that reptv leasM the young adventurer, and atthePap pointed hour he presented himself Pt the writer's oflfce. The result was a" -trial" engagement, which has contihaed un- . thl'i1!116;- Xoun Mpshn is now the confidential man of the hoose. His salary is ample, and he lives i hand some style in one of the prettiest, little homes in New York, where pretty hemes, in the poetic ense of the'wortf, SEU?'- aM k?ow! Janientably scarce.. l ns& is his dominant characteristic, and his employer has had ten thou-I' sand reasons to congratulate himself Sf ,-JmPu,fth ,ed him to reply to that little -Detroit Free vess: Keep them Busy. ; Bnring the winter months, when in many poultry jards fowls are confined to their houses for days together it is advisableio provide something to keep them busy; otherwise they are liable to get into such bad habits us feather or egg eating. If the floor of the house Is jrH OTered with strawf and a: handful of wheat, oats oriiorn raked' through it, you can keep a whole flockj busy .scratching for they expect to, but. do not often find. Some morning when von hare-a half hour to spare,; try tins plan: take an apple or smalL ' cabbage and run a string through it. I and suspend it in the centre! of tfiej I i uuee w juur iiicnes uoove the hea-ds of the fowls. Thenieetinrr. will be at once called to order, audi after all hands have luid a look at itt and guessed what it is, some Venture some old hen will make a lump at it and probably get a taste, that will set it swinging, and each bhe ts they get a chauce, will make a juWp for it, witl out regard to where tli'-y will ccme down; very likely on soiue ones foot who will rise to explain, recemng in return a look which seems tosay "your jump next." If your fowls do not keep busy until the last of the applet cab bage ls gone, they are unlike the most I of their kind, ana if you do not eujoy more than one laugh over the iConipl id eation of affairs, you are not easily ! amused. ' y.il. ' j We do not think there is animeth od by which ne can keep hjs fowls t busy and in health that is better - than the above, as it keeps them busy, makes them industrious and gi res the, much ' needed exercise in the winter, -i A -Put and CalX" ' This isa funny phrase to the uninitiat. e-J, but all the brokeis- understand it, They upo it when a erson gives a certain fcr cent, for the option of buying: or aci iug stock on a fixed day, at a price stated on the day the option is given. ltls of ten a scrjous operation to the. dealer, buf there is a more serious "put and call" than this : when you arc "put"; to bed with a severe cold and your friends call" a physician. Avoid all this by kocrinK in the hous Dr. Ticjcc'a Golden Medical .Discovery. Tlie great cure for pulmonary and blood diseases. Its action is marvel ous. It cures the worst courh. whiW acute, lingering, or chronic. For Weak Iungs, hpitting of Blood, Short Breath, Consumption, Night-sweats, and. klnriraf affections, it surpasses all other in edi- cines, A Cure For Whooping Cough. A utedical journal Gives thefonowiiiir cure for whooping cough, which is said to be most effectual. The method con sists in fumigating with sulphur the sleeping-room, as weU as any other room used by the patient, together with his beddin'' clothes, tovs and evprv- thinff which he uses. The sulnhnr simply burned in the apartment jvhile the clothes are hung up in anytmven ieni manner, and Ihe rorms remain i closed, and subjected to the fumes for about five hour;. EyerythinK is then well aired, and the rooms are onee ino readyfor the occupation cf the CONSUHPTIOlt SUSELY 'CUEED. Tothk Editor Please Tnforin vnn. readers that I have a ttositire rrnlv f.v the above named disease. By its timclr use . thousands of hopeless ranes have b?en permancBtly cured. I shall be glad to bend two bottles of my reracdyf fbee to any of your readers who bave con sumption if they will send me their cx-i Taou lm- OIHCC espect- ' y. T. A. Slocun. 3f, C.? 181 Pearl st N. y, 4 v.. ' - . ! f -

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