-jri?yy:iX-y-y :- f I : - . it , . - : -- " V ' .l . - -a -r-- -. .-- -v,ii-iJ. " :) ' . " - A 1 - -- : ' - v - ' . - 70L XI5.-THISD SEEIE3, .4 SALISBURY, : II.' C.j TEUESDAT, FEBEFARY 1G, 1883. --4 - . . " - ' ? -.. i . , - - - 1 ' M - V 4 1 - 1 III AND HAVE Perfectly Fited With'a Good Pair of Spectacles. 1 1 urn now prepared to fit ALL cases of preslyopia,(fiir sight), myopia (near sight) and many dUScalt cases of defective vision. I liavd iiOw'a complete line of FIRST CLASS i j And ' guarantee a perfac or money refunded. I have fitted many cac inhere others fail, and guarante tny TRICES to be LOWER than can be had 6 elsewhere. r- - . 1 y -" - ' - : J - v-'V' - i T MAKE OCHABGE FOR EXAMINATIONS. ' ' ' : Call KESPKTFULLY,-.-, , H. 27;ly.t - -i 1H0HE AGENTS In &U Citiia, Towas and 11 Villages ia the South. -j&SffiBTSr J. ALLEN BEOWNEesident jmi unr 1 a XUanmaa x rij of wbam tuux a tuil (ml twrod to health by use of HAL PASTILLES. r'aknManndbrslcciroc3Tia YomwrorMia 3ervoa3Xtebilit7.0?&nte 1 1 Asol ilea; tested for Eight Yean i n CXAB7 MrhftfJ f nli Hnlfltntk urn ua ana Drosra asm mm 10 wm trotuhtivboat by Indiscretion, Kx O"nro,OT0r-BraiQ RUPTURES PEF.SOiw'l3 oao have FKCa Trial 2".:,v, .1 A E.dicilCurfl for 1 MARLIff DOUDL2 ACTIO?4 nEVOLVEf? 4GOOD i - --. -. . - KEyOLVER a iio longer costs i Fortune For sole fey Ilardware and lUaef actored ty TEE KARNES FIRE - i- Masazino 1 'urnriBMainaM.allili. The itnurvi aaootinr nil ilLI rmmttMmi. a tlx bIt ltt.lyaf rifl. am tL. mai-k.t yyfmmmms?- -, , v :;L;' 'Self-CocHnj, . jfAl. - ? Sl . ; X' ! Automatic vEJecting, " : -r-T- ; H ' 1 FUlrLj NICKEL PLATED. RUBBER HANDLE. - . I t ALMKU OALLIRT. PORTING AWT TAROKT RITXFS. worl4 rxioiniM. Ksd Cor OUWm. UAKLIX VISE AUMM CO.. Kr II . Coaa. IDEAL RE LOAD III G TOOLS i.WILL SAVE ONE-HALF THE COST OF AMMUNITION. Kifles or lletols : idarlin, Colt', "vmchwter, tnllenl, bteTeee.- Ktningtoii, J "Wluuiey-Kennely. Smith 4k Wesson ; ate j for all guages nd makes of . Cheaper and better tban 'anr other. Send . Bex 14:9t, V' : ' ' r. ' ' ' ' v'. ..." : . :-i.---a " , . - J.V A M WHEN YOU WANT. Y II A AT IiOT FIGURES CaUon the undtrsis. npl at NO. 2. f3 rawit i f?r.-. ' 4 -r U - " - "Jfi TV,- ' irnrnr -r I L; A. AT WELL. "Arentfoif Ke f Card wcllTL re she r . Silisburv. N H Jitn. s !i f T ' IT' . T ! - -,-5 "T.-. . ; r" THEM LEADING JEWELER. ft- A STROHQ Company PROMPT! BeliaKe! Liberal ! RHODES BROWNE, JJcroiicnt. I William C. Coakt - - f 750,000 OD. Agent, Salisbury, N. 0. ' Avoid to wupuaboorf preieanoiM nana. nmurainwa,ua ail vaacfo. tuiu.' Tmto s 6UIUS Bjuuxx thai haj cottja lwbmxu, due not imeifcz with uuenUon to liminrM nr m..i mi in orineocTcnirDr in ny wit fondcd a ckntiD3 nedteal tarinefnko. Br direct ! IfftppiicauoatnthcMt oldbcAac iurprciSa i UmaeDOeil fSt witaoot del&T. Th natiar.l i v-awKtsaiTr.nCmtkimeca of Eft ere rTn buk, th rwtictit becomes c jeerfai aq rpiljypin both Wrccth wl htVJ gftWwwlrftX. Irfiwwn Amnim. tMnMrf Til. KARRIS REMEDY CO., Hnj CHCSEST8, COaw 17. Tenth Etreet. ST.XiOUXB. KQ. o; our AppUancc. Ac for Terms! These revolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated sinrH & wesok. ,33 Caliber, using Centre-Fira Cartridges. 1 Gun Dealers everywhere. i - ARES CO., gey EaTen, Conn. BEST IN THE ' WORLD I . Rifle. Bada. hrhct i for rrlce List of these tools to 1064 G. i A Jaiiraal ftFlarestors & Spacalalbrs . tr - - . ANV Ht YltW Or THE MONEY MARKET. -7 "' - ' Established l$72l '. axxcal subscription: !post free to .L; .' THE UNITED-STATES j. Is. 3d. Single cony, Post free, 3d.- - TVffnTJPVW circulates wblely amongst enpt 1YJ U il JJ J. tallHta, men 01 buisiKts a n1 lu vesit ra penei ally, la all parts of tlie United Klur dcui and Abroad. , TVfl"n"KlT?V1 contains a complete record or iliUll fj 1 the stock and Snarc k Markets Also the Utest InformaUon ret-pectln,; uilues, uiet als, and produce t . , . " f ATTTTTBcontains leadlnor articles uooii iliUliIj X all financial to;i sot Importance by wrttoiB ot trained ability and wide experience, its nlin Is to review, without fear or favour, lhe pretentions and prospectdof financial undertakings of every description, w bet her. proposed or estab lished; to expose In the one ejuse the falaclcsf the mushroom growth of yestentar, an t In tli? other the weatnesfees often hidden by the aecomilatecf duxt of ag-er Its endeavour is 10 be not ontv frank' and fear less, -but popular, thoroughly reliable, and above all, trustworthy. ... u 'TUrn"M V V h&a en 'Instrumental InVxpoi luUllJJX tnprnutneronsattotnptsto lancb enterprises of unsound character, and its trenchant and fearless criUcisms have prevented -thousands of readers throwing away their money. , lMfi"HTvVM is t116 3st pesir'aplr mwn - ixLUif JL urn for Advertisements of all un dertakings of a financial character, and is to be found in all the principal Hotel. Clubs. 'Chambers of Commerce,, and Literary JftaUtutloaa Uiroushoat the World. - -? u t i i. - ; , : i, - v OFFICES: St. Andrew Hons 2. " " Change Alleyi TJboddn; E. C. England. Manascr &tPa.'Sl:32iert C. DEAR: LENSES EEISNER LmJg i t PURELY VEGETABLE . i i . - - s If acts with, xlrsordlMy flJty om the . ?v.EPi Kidneys;. . and bowels. . AH EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR - UaJarla. Bowel CompUtlnts, IyapepsUf " Sick Headache, . Klda7 AtTeetf on, - -WHidJo, JlefaUl DepresslonV " CoUe. Ko Honseliold SHonld be Without It, nd', by being kept ready for Immediate use, ' will save many an hoar of suffering; ana many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE . SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Seo that yes get the genuine with red "Z", ea front of ! Wrapper. Prepared ' only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Sole PrepHetera, PhiUdelphie, Pa. - MtlCE. 81.00. i i i i j a i j- ElS CATARRH CREAM BALM Cleanses thai Nasal Passages,- AUajs Fain andlnflaxnxna- t i o n. He als the Sores., Restores the Senses of Tasti MiA WaVaAWaVM KA4 aMstSasf' TRY THE CURE. CATARRH is a disease ot tne mucocs mcmorane, rcnciallv onsmatins in the nasal pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in the beau. . Irom this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting lhe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. A particle is appllel into each nostril, and Is asrreeable. Price so cents at lrusfists; by mall reentered, 60 coats. ELY BliOS., x3i Greenwich Street, Sew York. .I3:1y. NEW FIRM. Thi undersieneu have entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of conduct- ins the GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, to date from March 2S, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. McNEELY & TYSON. The undersigned takes this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friend? Tor their patronage, and asks-the con tinuance of the same to the SEW FIRM, lie will always be on hand to serve the patrons of the JHLi I Kin.. 27:tf J. D. 3rcNEELYr THE LEADING T V. WOOD & SONS 10S.14thSt.,BicmioscliVa. ' Request all Gardeners, Farmers and C -Trackers to send "for their NEW SEED CATALOGUE for 1 888. Jt contains descriptions of all new and desirable varieties of SEEDS PLAIITS , for the. Farm and. Garden that are adapted to the South. . Crass & Cbver Seeds a Specialty. Catalogue mailed free. Sxm tor nr. DEEP Son Wonders exist in thoti- fands of forms, but are surpass ed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in jieed of profitable work that can be done While living at home should at onec send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex,f all ages, can earn from $0 to $25 per day and upwaras wnerever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. - Some have made over $50 in a siugle day at thiswork. All succeed. ' A SPECIFIC .FOR ; Diseases gf trppreaaed : JLmmrta IT .. T J- . A MENSTRUATION; or -y ONTHLY SICKNESS. If Ukcn dnHng the CHANGE OF LIFE, mat ferine and dancer will be avoided. . r&rSena for offering and danger will be avoided. - V0T book w MassAoa to Wo kn,". mailed free. BaAoruLD Ksacxaroii Co., Atlanta Ga. iiaimifiMiiia ym UTiMlIDIilul Tha'Xdeil II aid. r DAK.-llaL; Theiulell. , Tis not the silken tre-Wes . I y That round, her forehead twine, , ,Tis not the sparkling eyes J That undernetbthem shine - 'lis not the clagglc feature i. JSo beautiful and quaint, TTis not the ry;form -7r ' That artists love to paint , , ?" - - J Tianot the sUklm'rifc: : " In which she arrayed; - - Nor all of fortu iecharms, ' ; . -That make the ideal maid. Bat 'tis the true and trusting heart, "One tender warm' and kind; : It is those high and Virtuous thoughts " Linked with i noble mind. J It is. thet eren lvhig-soul That soars alift on high, . Reflecting back in mPdest hues, A heaven in her eye. It is that flame within her breast 0 1 need its name be said Tis these, with modest deeds combined That makes the ideal maid. Lancaster, bl C, is to have a cotton fixctory, $50,000 having been subscrib ed for it, which sum is to be run up to 100,000. A deaf muti at Washington, N. C. an educated pan, who was well ac quainted", with Bingham; who' killed Miss Turlington, says Bingham is in France. r- Electric wires for light put in some deadly work occasionally. People must mind how they touch them. So far, however, kerosene lamps can boast 50 victims to one by electricity. A. H. Perkijns, a county commission er m South CUrolina, beinsr the inan who recently went, to New York to buy "green goods" counterfeit money has had to walk out of office with disgrace. Hargrave & Alexander, of Charlotte Iry goods merchants, have made an as signment for the benefit of creditors who are mainly northern men. Thi a i .J . . i urui uas,ouuie.-a- surrender or everr- thmg except household furniture. Chronicle. Negroei Gqing to South America. mi ! !. inere is a scory m the newspapers to the effect that a Kansas Comnanv have prefected atrangements for the. A. mi migration of ; he negroes of the South era States to various parts of South is represented that the for' the exodus is very America. It arrangements complete, and! that it will take place on a much largrif seale next year than will this. It may have some founda tion, and we predict that its design ... " more for the benefit .'of rail; p. id com panies and shipping men than anything else. It is possible that arents scatter id throusrhoht the Southern State iiiay induce some negroes to go on this- wild coose chase, and so squandei what little prppscty they have gained but the necrd is not the fool he wa the few first tears of freedom, and as : general thing, will not jump befor knowing wh'jire he is goiag to land. . 1 Carious Things Found Inside of Treer Curious find have not iufrequentlv been made iui trees. Some woodcutters in the fores of Dommling made j strange discotery. They began to fel 1 venerable 01k, which they found tc be quite hollow. Being half decayed,.! speedily came to the ground with a erasn, disclosing a skeleton in excellent preservation; even the boots, which came above the "knee, were perfect. Hy its side was a I powder horn, a porcelain pipe bowl and a silver watch. The teeth were perfect. It would seem to be the skeleton ef a man between 30 and 40 years bf age. .It is conjectured that, while engaged , m Hunting, he climbed the tree for some purpose and .. . . i.i t 1 1 i i supped into tne nouqw iruiiK, irom which there wjis no telease, and he nrobablv died! of starvation. Another mtsterv was found in the heart of aa oak. From a tree of this kind a large block, about eiifhteCn inches in diam eter.' that had) been knocking about in various yards and woodsheds, was spli un Iatelv.and in it was found an auger hole: about three-fourths of an inch in size, containing a bunch of human hair done nn in -a niece of naner. The hair was near the centre o the block, and fastened with a pine plug- It was ap- Harcnr.lv nut -in- Jtvheii the tree was quite small; as the tree had grown over the plug to the thickness of about four inches, with tihe grain perfectly smooth and straight.- A natural curiositv was shown in a timher mirehant's workshop. This was the neal; and skeleton of a bird ira bedded in ia piece of beech. The tim-1 ber seemed iarjite sound all ' round the cavity, and there was Jrio signs of any aperture in it but the timber oein ; : t . - ...... ... C lsawn up the nest with the bird sittinsr I s--Z? lTftV-TT p I I7' ! J. ; . 'Jbe bant with muJ. nd the bird resemJ V ..X-'"fFteUolloUU mjtit,g . Anamusiriscpie recently wcnrreJ! -r ;, Med . Utraoa, .Pbablr at tieJop- WhTn , v"TXl """8- ?ie Brum's court-room Uurins ! : ' t i pine oi?a Drancn a cavity was formed I ? , . -7..T-. . ? fwu. ,:; l i,r Wk ah. - : - uue. m iraae, or wit i anv one' else rA M"!,6 V- ou rjmieiu cu-h, sars Wfed1ffi nlt-f a Im." V: an agreement w, wnUag and not tq eight years was presented bvr one side fii the centre of a Tog of HonJurn LU I wee lticrusted in the wax. , Another o cf y mahogonv was 5 being cut in veneew. by a cabinet-maker, when his attention was attracted by the appear ance of a reraarkabla and striking pio- h.e.of her Maiesty in the wood. The is i - a ii ir i i ikeness was so true that all who saw Vit acknowledged the resemblance. i "1 . a So often have toads been . found in cloleHfnKd todies 'ih4t it is not sur- luisuiL' w reau iu a ocoven paper mat i a sfxvaht, while breaking of eoal for the fire was st -H . . 4. . I in the centre of the block, ;oad, which appeared to be in excellent leatth and spirits. A less common discovery was made in Birkenhead. A g3rtlenian there was presented with a ow-s tongue, which appeared-to be . erfect in every ns.xct. After the tonsrue was boiled he discovered a niece f sand field imbedded in it about thre.- luariers oi an mcu-in w ain, anu a tiuict ui mi . ixiuu m wuuuucaa. - (Jngmber s Journal. I I Trading Ford Items. a r -w-a . " Mr. Editor :-as 1 have not seen anything in your paper for some time i bout our neighborhood, I thought I iv otild write to tell you about the fero cious animal that made its appearance in jthii; community Tuesday night, the 24th of January. On the night above naniedi Mr. u. a. rriuer heard a noise Shat he supposed to have been made by i huge wild animnl; so he concluded Uiat he had better 20 to see whether uisj nprses were suuieieniiy sunt 111 ) fthe animal could not get to them. with all might into the house. 01 course Mrs. P.. was very much excited it I jur; rrner s actions, seeing mm :oiiiing with the harness hanging to II '1 . '1 1. z . . . . . - him, and said 41 Why, George, what is ..he: matter?1 He responded, "1 tell yoa that thing might t near not me! On the Si.me night the same animal wa& heard by Mr. G. F. Gornelison. He ,rqnounced it to be a monstrous ani n.il. He says he could hardly keep his iui on his head when he heard the iwul noise. I'hejexcitemeut raised by these two gentlemen on Wednesday spreiul very apidiy, so quite a mini her or youn aal old net met at Wilier store Vrednesd.ny night to kill the -animal. ifter the crowd had come together the noise was heard again. Then the crowd formed a line to march out and meit the animal. The names of the officers are as follows: G. W. Son Captain: G. F. Hornelison, Major; and GJ A. ! Wilier, General. 1 will name the privates, Mr. 0. Are, Mc ililll, J. Page, A. lleonard, J. Wilier, l.f Wi? Hornelison, S. R. Cutner, C: Wilier and F. Soiig. As always is the ;ase when there is danger 011 hand. the officers staid far .in the rear When the army hadneared the wood the noise was great. One of the pri ales being a short legged man said. 'Just listen what a noi.se he keeps.1 Another said, irBoys he is too big for srs to meet. arc fitA Aiir A third suo-aested'Bovsl "ii ns I would just a f-0 T mJ 6ii run him off as to kill him Then and there they fired about thirty shots. i gentleman, by the name of W. D. Gornelison was going to visit his brother, but heard the animal before he; got there it was too much for him to 'stand. He turned his horse for home, and rode for dear lire, ile was aboutl mile from home when 011 his way and that his feet slipped out of his saddle stirup but he had not time to put them back, he was ruling all the same. Mr. Oornelison soon re turned with a darintless recruit: Both were armed, but before Mr. G. got on thi scene of action all was over. W. RjPrider was also very much excited and loaded his gun with a musket ball in tone barrel and 10 buck shot in the others t is quite certain that the f usilade of pre arms had a salutary effect on the varment, whatever kind it may be, and it is cdnjectured that it has gone down ihk ri.r into a la. thieklv settled nart of the country, as it has not opened its month in our neighborhood since tne it . it ! 1 1 fp .1 : - nicrlit tlie vauaili neroes ol lriwiiui; Fofd so gallantly arras. turned out with There is nothing so delightf ul as the aring or speaking of truth. For this tJfJL ; w,vT.t;ru : e,.- heri reason : there is no conversation so Hrrreeable as that' of thej i man ;of in- tegrityi who hears without any inten tion tO; betray, and speaus wiinourany intention to deceive. Plato. -j Lost Wealth may be replaced by in- dustry,Jost knowlelge by ftndy, .lost the wax with the cells was hard, and nrJ ur - VCl'M n,.nuoml1? a asked the court i.: v- ;..,- - re4mhled--' orthranceo a ry,,? 8ST .?eed ltj muimiy. The remains of the bees Kt It JZ .eHCUJ T11;. w to ask God fft W.t :n n.' Vhile he was at the barnjie got tan- or oy nis tone or language, gives quite friend, the counsel for the other- side ,'ledifl his wagon harness and thought llridlfL;ere1nt f? to.the message. ftnd recornmend its careful' perusal by lelhcard the animal coming, so he ran 1 he lack of a little attention in a mat- niranu win d him W00a.--7y,ft : health by temperance or nicine, W,WfiIK!!S lost time is gone forever. - mi Meddling rarely; accomplishes - any thihg etcept mischief. - i . t . j j i- ... . ' re n .i m i i IV . ...w.bcmr;ii-. , JXUY , Dlteil OOAS ft lVr- I well, l suppose you will do ! .r-.. . . ' r - I the price, we 11 net disagree about it. ana upon these ambiguous terms the bargain is concluded - , i T he day of settlement comes, and io I the charge is nearly double what was I fcKvv,cv --"-vuiuusiriiuces ensues, out ,-f r nt nnt i J.a! s W MW ttiTVa, UC Ullir HIIHtT IH I is of no use. the The price is as low as it was possible 1 al T J - - -v wV . j a to make it: the work .has sbeen verv ima ,hn t ' i j l AUit VUltll X lUlA"lIltrU IL VTIIII Ml' nfilUMl W 1 follows. The number of personal dis- o..Umt, l iigicciucuu uuu wwbujw wiuca occur ; rV,;a a i-..i..: nr .. . . .. . . vvesay, therefore, take particular care ; u : i i ' -t doubt. Let the terms be in wntincr and on no account allow yourself to be t upon by uch a silly del u- U . J , ... J . ... imposed upon by 1 gjgjj VNever w, xieer imuu we 11 uoi uis - aeree about it." Many allowances: which arises from ...... misunderstandings created by the wrong "ywwu ii. tup bcuuci ujl -me lucsaiiuc .'u ! it v ivuiiiti wriu' 21. ifv iinPK ijimrn t.i iarn w U is always 'SSflo ornate make use of your pen dangerous to seno1. any message what ever by the mouth of a messenger, par ticularly so if the' communication in elude more than a single idea. If the message extend to three sentences, it is a thousand chances !to one that it is not delivered correctly. The bearer through his anxiety to be useful, or his stupidi- iy, either tells too mnch, or , too little, I i 1 1 I 1 l" l"ai rer or this nature often leads to seri- aa 1 t 1 m . 6ns confusion. The way to avoid such troubles is to write a note, the writing of a line or two will be -.sufficient to make matters clear. Convenience of Hatural Gas. Natural gas can be used in any coal or wood stove, grate or turn ace. in a base burner, fdr instance the fire pot pipe empties its discharge into a hollow iron casting, soaped like a cake or round loaf of bread. The surface of this casting is covered with small holes. After the casting has been adjusted, it is covered with pieces of pipe clay brick, a lighted match is put into the stove, and the thumb screw on the mixer turned. A flame at once flies up, and if the f ull channel pf the mixer is open the name will attain a height of twelve or fifteen inches. This size of flame would "melt a itove, and the mixer is turned to throw a flame of aboii t three inches. Such a blaze is blue and steady. Its heat is very reat, and the fire clay is soon white uuTLiung i r aoivot or lor futu' a large piece i ..m ha A it- i, A - t jl I -aiy :ster. artied to find f ;rr .l.t.l.'u and i cot it nil p-rown I tt- ii ? l J t .1 Hve vou i - - . i nnpr i.rivu iintn Tn n mwi w m. n nrmi n ,1"! 7 " "II ' wa..v V WW M, , . V . . hot; so that iu looking into a stove "" " vf where natural gas is "used the effect UI1 deS1 hat, any iBoEeraian on the vision is that of a coal fire- the stove simply being itul of white a 1.' . not 1 coals. In furnaces the plan Is virtually the m J .1 same, lhe gas is uistriDutea over tne surface of the fire pot, fire clay bricks diffuse the heat, and the temperature is regulated by the lliomb screw on I . . h tT. . A a . . I the mixer. 1 here is no fuel that is so luxurious as natural gas. 1 nereis nn carrying of coal, no ashes, no going out - 1 . 1 " 1 ...... variation of will of 'the of it is one of nres, no dust ana no temperature except at the fireman. The cleanliness of it is one of its most popular features, and it is always the occasion for demonstrations on the nart of consumers. I know a miller who carpeted his. furnace; room e.a -a : aal II al a . . . - - with brussels, papered the walls with extravagant white tinted paper, and dressed his fireman in broadcloth, When all this had been done the fire-: ' a t 1 man brought down an easy cuair, decorated with the whitest of tidies which his 'best girl' had made, and he sits there an aay long, uressea wiin me neatness of a clergyman, reatling light litentture and turning the thumb screw fear th our farmers, , unmindful of : ofhisiaixer as an occasional glance the danger, will again plunge into xot at the gauges may suggest. Chicago ton and tobacco, ,to the neglect -otihow v limes. A Secret j of good health is found in the regular movement of the tion of the Liver. These! onrans were in tended by nature to remove from the system all impurities. If you are consti- pated you oner "standing invitation" l f opWhiimble homer but it will not -to a whole family of diseases and lrreu- , s.1ru . . i 4v ,.. - larities which will surely be "accepted," and vriii TV ill hAVA oiirts unwelcome nnd determined. All these unhappy, condi- tions may be averted by the timely use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pet- lets. , Powerful for the efiectaal regula- tion of the bowels and? Liver, establish intra health v action of the entire won derful orcanisin with which. we: are cieated. - - . . ,f rv.i? 1 l i'..-l...l -rinuin- o.a auu a va. the best way of getting an education. sees is The j trouble with the. most of . us js I innninr or k n n w iHiiraaj ",,1",IJ V -O' v F . 1 . . i way, but that is ... Truth basTrat one the right way.t as a witness, and the opposing counsel UUICCLnL. : i : r.. .,. .. : V:-l-'.l truth. 'Where did V oil-learn 5 nil this? frowned the"omosihrr mnnul . wIn the catechism," said Charley, not to be frowned down by the biggest law-j yer in the business. -v ! "Inlthe catechism ? What cate- w i FI . -waaa W Inthe ten cent catechismr sir-' 44 Who told you to look ip the caW v" . She tbld nie last night and studied it i Erot Vonr!infMrtini wltl, - . !V W tie welH vnumoea iicue pamDh et was fort h with! i nrAnMA r. t $ ., .. produced from the depths of that rnvs-i I tenniis nvanl irli) fni dm nrljl j nml . lit. Z " T- m ?"uor irousers-pocxet. ! s n uYdu see the boy has hisdocunients fiil T1' ? Wfe? Ht frf- room H3 It WflmA AVi.fnnf fhf 41. 1 1 - v i - iul-. .-i! 1 n it5- rnn pniin " - . i$ r i I - ni, t i. it 1 i 5 J CA 'w !rT- K TS' i - uitru. v - w! i 1 - iruv, uwi v cuuise, .was ui e reply.. i m . .... . . . ' . . M a y,e lad pooh-pobhedat the idea of beingasfeed such a 8imple.'questiont and I . . 4 . i . 1 ' wan tea "sometning hard, , - t Several questions were asked, and elicited ready replies. The lawyer saw . that he was in for it, and accepted de feat as gracefully as possib'e,pwTurning , to theicourt he said ' h m "Your Hbrior.,1 Jhinfc we will. ac cept this witness and for, this' little Examiner. .1 i Haking Cigar labels : "The making of cigar, labels requires the greatest lithographic skill. The ; designs are first executed in jwater-coRH ors by the artist, .after -which it ia. ; transferred to .specially prepared Bava rian stones, a separate stone! being re-' ' 3uird?for each jColor. By printing ' ifferent colors on top of eaclk; other - the most wonderful and" pleasing com- ; binatibns are produced. J Several labels : . are printed at a time. Only for this the cost would be euormousj for it is so - lo lustlfr aifferi to the necessary nicety that fferent parts aT large be' cast aside as im-j 1 perfect. Each firm has a large supply 1 of stock labels, to which new designs 1 are- constantly being added, so that, i when a cigar manufacturer jget? put ai new brand he can select aii appropriatei- label without any delaV. The larg- i er Iabl manufacttire.," continued the manufacturer, "employ their own 1 1 1. 1 r n: -""Vvr"' 1 - -TiuV I.' ..j oirv t.i iu ' is often worth ?lw, while others again I T tl. i.:. .j . &1"J f n".wn J I to errmlnv our own artists is the result- ',L . Dj' 01 me uisnouet; practices 01 - ine 10-4 hemians themselves. . When a: man got a good idea he wonld make several drawings of the same design ,each vary- mg only in the minor parts ; He would then sen tuem to ainereiit man ofact.be several tiimj Ter fr the same design. rArtr ; 1 orb EttV: ' 3 ?! ! I 4r . ! Bo not Repeat the Mistake. : The conditions Surrounding our far mers iire favorable to the repetition of , Ifrgrieoos mistak have sunerea gr?auy. liasc year was above the average Crop year?; flenco they .j are uetter suppned wr homer ' I o1a) -AaartYl vfir , IlinW - nannl ' n Vt 1 '"rtuc! "P"- uHa seiison in. the tobacco belt the deh-- cienc in acreage planted has beep si.p- 1 f" v": tor the better grades Of the leaL Yej, more cheaply ana easily man tney can - I ' t .- 1 ' 1 . 1 If i- buy them.1 ' And. then, comes that worse than egyptian-rplague the lien - and mortgage. - . 7 L ''. r. Uetif farmer, friend; the; mortgage j may coyer your land, but it will not ;wQve it nor 'enrich it i It may en- Kpne wtnirrii.wrew ling forms of wile and children it win not feed them nor educate them, but it will mipbverish-theni and enslave you,' ijg y s mortgages -Pronressize ,v ., yi v..-' Farmer" To thb Bditoh Pieaso inform, your" aboVe named disease. By ittfmelr thousands- oft honelees cases havo ;::IT r" ryy v: L:ri U3CB permanently cured. I shall be gkd i f SK W SSSffi Ito I a--. fAl - . a v v . j - Kiirotition ifthey will send me their ex- press find post office address. Eespcctv hiivl ' T- 1 Ai cix cuw, v. aoa i eaxi bu, 1 iMJtiK. wfiinii Kiiiimir. lT. TJi mv pnrnw u . i 11 1 -i . . i .1 '- ft 4- j . 3 $ . a. ft I .v t r - i - -11-1 : 'A : I i - f -y ';-

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