7 I s' A- 1 - '"! , . ':"" : i v vj i ; ..'--;'f ; . . 3-, - j ' ,7rT Pl "11 ? vJii dLJLw. J. v. VOL THIRD AERIES. M sahsbuby, n. c, thuhqday, eebeuahy 23.1033 j i ' . . ; - .. f ' 1 i 11. t " -I " ' ;,.5 " - 1 - i ' ' 1 '"jtp 1 1 1 -t -i I- r 4 P n II IIM ANDjHAVE THEM : I t Perfectly Fitted TO a Good Pair of Spectacles, L..m now prepared to fit ALL cases of nresbvoniaYfar dirhtl. mvonLi W.nr ulrrliO und many difficult cases of defective vUion. I have now a complete line of FIRST CLASS LENSES, " And guarantee a perfect fit or monev refunded, t tiavA fitted mm? Aiiux wliern others fail. and guarantee my PAICEd to be LOWER than can be had elsewhere. J fiAKE $6 CHARGE FOR EXAMINATIONS. C Call tand see me,- and go away seeing and rejoicing. RESPECTFULLY, . (' . ' '. W. H, REISNER, Compar tliia wlUk yomr purdutMt 27:ly' LEADING JEWELER. A HOME Company, SEEKING - . M. ' HOME Patronale.1 GENTS ' -! - i In all "tiei, Toiris and Villages iji the South. A STROHG Company PROMPT! 11 ReMIe ilieral ! 33sioent. WlLLUH Ci COAKT Sertrtar? J. ALLEN BEOWN, Eesident Agent, Salisbury, N. 0. kT9 ii' urn w 1 1 ' TrT its lors prpcortMta iXitifM-fc-ni vuflm IUOC14 tun Cimt tad ero restwrad tolkMlth by aavot prop. rf fitiai niAtu iil HARRIS OCM I HAL rAdllLLCd uiBtMHdrimlral TmtIi YmiuM dlA(41fea. ,Tetol lor Kicht V sara ia nun thoossadeaMa fhfr abaoiotoly ana u onm oown men isut rerreetaaa IU UaalrBtrmaui a v i n w bo swimr rrom York, or t0 fi remtrr pranataralr 1m fall tajoratentos and ViaOHMia Health. troahl about by ladiaorwtioa. F.f-orora, Ofar-BndB w ora. or t laoaiffraoa, w mK tlx foa mm M rrirnm wtui wwawt oc roar traat, U4 aat Ajgy to Jnip 1 nMu a oi pmantioo nan wtKMWonly aim la to bleed thiria- .with IUrjat'd I,anpklotv a8CTR tiWHtBUMU. llnl na klul wall tiaBtkm la erineanveaicMa in u; wr. FoiMic4 pnnetpica. Brairaet ifslMMtto the Ml n Aimtm lii 1 n 1 neaeaia felt without dcUv. Tt "Fnotlir? aiMivrn taeli. the patient TSUTCEgT. Cnj XeatX 13. Tn ktct.SS. lim, J7 HARRIS REMEDY CO., n trjnsr 1 aiwtyi vkw ruwuwa c nam tres Trial of our Appliance. Asa for Terms. PROTECT 3Y0ITE HOMES I ' r.iAR li n CrOOID BEVOLVEB J no longer costs a Fortune DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. . I - .-i '' .. aa i - These reyolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & OTSS0H. Caliber, using j Centre-Eire Cartridges. . r . - t. AT - AT TW-. BVSK3k HANDLE. t rib ESflBICS STtESSKBS8. STaten.r rorrvs MBLTtns riu Mtotcmt. QACOOt CAa PHILADELPHIA. Price. GHE Dollar The talk on Tariff redoction in Con gress is assuming a more strictly busi ness character than heretofore. naMMaaMaaaji im r - . -r, 1 ..-J The question !of secret Senatorial sessions were 4iscttssed in the U. S. Senate Thursday last, but without any definite action thereon. " . i i The coal strilsJers of Pennsylvania the niasies of tbembegia to realize the loss they are sustaining by idleness and many of them are anxious I turn to Work 1 1 As you value health, perhap life-, examine aach package and be uare you get the Genuine. Set the red Z Trade-Hark and the full title on front of Wrapper, and on the aide the aeaLand signature ef J. H. Zeilln Cow, as in the above fac- timile. Remember ther -ia no other genuine Simmons liver Regulator. if J . :: Catarrh Cleanses the Nasal' Passaffes, Allays Pain andlniL t ion. Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. mm X x w- AW ... -V USX, HAY-FLvVER CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane. generally originating in the nasal pas sages andjnaintaiuing its stronghold in the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting ihe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous ! symptoms. A particle ta applle-i into each nostril, and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at rlrufirirlsts; tav mall registered, 60 cents.! ELX BliOS., 35 Greenwich sweet, aiew York. ' i 18:1. NEW FIKM. Th undersigned have, entered into a co-partnership for thejpurpose of conduct- ing tue UKOCEliy and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, to date from March 23, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. McNEELY & TYSON. Self-Cocld&g, Automatlo J Ejecting VULL NICKEL. PLATED, RUBBER wiiwrin igwi ix imT utnor to araac wnsaoir, For alo by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. Maaifaflfawtt ty THE JCABUS FIBS AE3C3 CO JStw Haren, Cou, BEST IN THE WORLD I . IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS L WILL SAVI ONE-HALF TH COST OF AMMUNITION. X. H9t. Va r.TacrazIne 17 lfl . vw, aim-m itroeprt afeMfag tl. madW FwfMt J j-aaKJs jiuMS aew iiven. c a. or IT1"1' M"1 V.U viH5hter, JlaUard, Stevena, Remington, F W uilncy-KennadT, Smith a Wesson ; atoo for all gauges and makes of ar i eflOT GDI SHELLS. PAPIB All tfASS. Cheaper and better than any other. Send for Price LlBt of these tools to Company, 9 Box 1064 O. Nsw Bays, Cow. The undersigned takes this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friends for their patronage, and asks the con tinuance of the same to the NEW FIRM. He will always be on hand to serve the patrons of the NEW FIRM. 27:tf J. D. McNEELY. to re- The H? 0. AffriwltuTal Experiaeat owuoa wiim . Has Done ia the PtTT71ut it Propose to do ia the - Puture. - - The ISTorta Carolina Agricultural Ex.' perithent Station wes esUblished by an Act nf AanaHl i .hiUi oZ The hai5 'waiher in the west has made the wolves desperate. They Tisited a pig pen near the city of St Cloud, Minn., and destroyed in one night about 2,000 lbs. of live hogs, -The learned Dri Talmage is opposed to woman suffrage and pleads against it, believing that! its tendency will be ,to degrade woman1, and that it will not put a stop to the saloon business. - I'M The throat affliction of the Crown Prince of German Jr has been the cause of much dissention among the distin- . . 1 . . . guised physiciahs , attending himl t f ueu uuc wrs amer wno siian aecide ? rvoman giaditat times as much as rs received some- 3,000 per year by the sale of the mixture of oil and sweat, called strigamenta, which was scraped from their bodies jafter their contests. This mixture Was' made into pills, which were sold as a tonic for endow ing strength amji prolonging life. It is announced that there is to be a cotton factory at King's Mountain. Is there not jus( a little danger that the cotton factory business in the South may be overdone? (The present rate of projecting in this jline continued for three or four years, will put up a cot ton factory in almost every township in'North Carolina.1 Winston Her Growth. The Twin City Daily reviews the growth of Winston within the last seven jears, from which we glean the following: A cotton mill complete, two large brick tobacco warehouses, fifty-six stores, mptt of them brick, and some offtheni very handsnm. fit- , , ! - T "1 tobacco factories, two brick nlan- , , . r- teen ing mills, five hundred and twenty-five Other bmldings--Mi all a total of about 600 buildings, woJih $1,600,000. As verifying this, the valuation of real and personal property in the two same time established a apartment of Agriculture and of Immigration and Statistics. The Objects for which the establiah mentx)f the Experiment Station were desired were two-fold : aoubted y prove Yaliurble In tS- fnl State?- 1 ,Try ps'ofitablfj to the JL?M rf 8 We have been ana no Iws than three hnn. was analysed. A stimulus has l" use tnem. hiVh ;i 1 V mummm ww m fc dred Vien 7. Un RCCOnnk nf The 1 . the acrag, ,B cotton h been lareelr lncreMedhAtli. western limit of 4hi westward than fnrmei-iw tk-. 1. 1 . 1st. To protect the farm Are nf f k& I where soils are worth fortnW?frt tae from the fraudulent fertilizers !? $2 art acre, then were worth less inep nooaing tne market, to exercise a f,-, . ceneral control of the inda h I o. jrauds'lU the ndnlfpm firm ftf fa. tem of Inspecting all brands lellr nn wjwers have been discovered sale in the State, and ed. In 1881 adulterated analysis 01 inese samples, to ascertain t ,um Fer cent- common salt, if their qualities were up to a certain wa? f6. In 1882 hair,- leather, uiutiuuru sutaaara ; - wb xwuau mixeu witn am- 2nd. To 1 m on lated fertilizers. In iRSa lnn. . L " J! -J V-WIMIVHW 111 klir I 1 . " "MlllkVl- held (in the language of the Code) u fcimite and Peruvian guano was 'On the nutrition and rmwf V. nf ior. 1 exposed. In these and other i .k . ---o-- r 1 . . r wun a fiew to ascertain what fertilizers ranners protected from vari- areiDes suited to the various crops pf wu u3 ana swinaies. this State, and wWlior I u. -As a further chf 5L I.L J . . . ; advancmsr the svrti ' . , .re .horn ot nn?0f thTX! union. ooW .Hr-iw 3S'. t.hhl'tnT f"'"' preparatory -fa mencemeVha. been ccrnT- The Experimental w,k S 1. t he eflect of fertilizers on v.ri. Uon l-T'l "rt" con u 4?e EIr.ment Station br check upon the ht?jy culUrationV ottr r7- Tf1 'unS o the . i. 1 1 1 . Ft ttMirfA i . J 1 , mar not oe aavantagcously grown on p5' urae,r. k eaucate our raent in the orenf cw7 it soi 0 17 b farmers on this subject, the Exoeri- a rnt sjsiem. As t whether the a 1 . k - .a-' niled the reauirenients Station ha, fal- f on makes of J T;?',00' 5 in respect, to et&TJP improve- woin ont -vimituicuia in resneci in s : v..,ulvw, vui at ' .' . . - 1 1 rT. f 1 1 1 1 ' 1 uv ab AUin. tA. A I - t . tneinrst, in the proper control of the ac"ai .-W0"" Carolina Farm- 0f crops, and thVrl; e rotation ers, iree oi cuanje, provided the sam- . "T "v"' WA "mentor the a i ' i fuu uuu iji :ir n teninzer trade, the following statement wilt how. . 1 r . t rnortoiWT no less than 125 brands of fertilizers were sold in the Stafe, and of such a character that no confidence could be placed in them or their qiMlities. A good fertiliier pro ducing excellent crops the first vear pies are taken and forwarded accordin to our directions. f; ts : -. . . lmencs relative in K fi 10. The Station has stimulate hnm, "a -IrrL.9 Yanous fora-e crons. xi , . . . . . i ut wj irrassuM n . - - growin oi inaustnes in such a way that Stale nr M k! ' Bfwn jn ttie o,k;i : loro l . . J . lotaie, or can be crown, nnrl Z tm .uc w5re oniJ one rer- our farmers in thl i. L Va".I"".,'fu i , ..wui me stand- in the . . .... tur xaciory m tne atate, now therefard hava, " "f. are ten. Cotton Seed Oil Mill .i . -ft-- or tne iiutrlt va i v.,vJ.iw"-.. ,o:o IU acn; and to determine grown the"' stind- ive ar uu T I - wsv euiiia ain w c wiiiiia fY aaaU . i i raisht prove worth W tin novf rK- increased m number from none in 1878 ir" .Vu aetermine from farmers! had anaolnf.U nnr4 n to 0 at present. Manv Waste nrodncts Pfants i . . . r j wu i - . i . r. . . nWAton X I - I i l I ccj ""u lrauauient iertiiizers were sold, arid no farmer could by any nos- siuic way tea wnetner three-fourths or nine-tenths was sand. The people nad lost all conhdence in their sale and at the time of the establishment of the Experiment Station scarcely 40,000 tons were sow annually, not from the Ik r it ; a. ... : a have hn nfibW (h- ttr rauo.n r stock. i waaaaivu 1U bUC limilllliU.1,11 IK la J a nH.ar 1 of waste products for making standard of other 7 ? t0 ""Trowth fertilizenT-for example, tobLo stems, d crtTif 086 ?i$M wnuu sccu ill li i. rn 1 1 1 s irnm nvn ! . i j i .... - vo crops or in All 11 t o . fwww.v. tones, oic. U. When the coal exploration was invest s made by the Denarfnienl: nf Arr,lJl:!!:IgaAY0,1 -J0 pejude, tare in the Deep iliver and Dan River XPk " .! Ua of be w IJ aa v a uuu iiiiui. Ill lt i .-w .a . . . . a ww Mj a m a aa wir nMriHit a. . fact that all frtJi; isections the Stations analyzed for this nit IiaiV iae: 8? of 1 - raBeawwavM a a uifuic na . honie (Would that it could be so !) but sul7eJ Vr tbf samples of coal obtained, owifig-to the entire loss of confidence anaso,jargeiy aided pvorvnn u h.Vl ,r tK 4 .1 TffL.i I the people to do the use of fertilizers for piaut food on most of our lands is as necessary to the growth of the crop as roou is io a oaoy. They must be used, there is no help e tL ..u i ai ; . ior at, anil yet tne iarmers oi tne year rtMiu - t a . a lo r and before, were ouvintr millions . - t-. . a w TT ' of dollars annually for sand to haul oa the soil, in many instances already coo sandy. In fact a certain manufacturer' sold in this work. Hundreds of mineral waters hav been examined, and large numbers of ores identified and assured. 13. Seeds have been tested as to their purity and srerminatino- nualitiV and several adulterations detected. 14. Investigations hate been ni;wiH in the growth of the suirar beet and hundreds of analyses made from sam ples sent from every portion of the State. ' 15. The Station has made accordin pUntsjielding fibr a"siuath tain how far the nw ..fi XrrC,theplantin d the sdl CrP8' DOW so-exhaustive to The construction of the silo, and preservation of irreen fL, 7. the .r, . ciwiiage, ana coraparat ve value Of the atter wifl. r1;'- tB dry state, . k 6- m me w. .gwuun expenments with utock ascertain nmrtiaii certam of our food tuffs' . w. A studv nf tha tnmnl .an to niafy tons of a stuff containing com- J " aa-?f s tate Uoaid soil, to ascertain hoVSts ! moi sarid, which he claimed- was asfof alth, such analyses embracing growth of the errm - ! -S U,e good as ammonia, and the farmers paid ST? J!" 01 P?tWe wa ers, ar- 10. Investigation of i ' i i Am . - ijii .if iii hub KiiniuiBan m wa ttr r i rAw.iri i . . s - - uin o cents per pound for it, because I " "i "r": """n" :t mix. Bituiiui UbUCI MUV1CS, they had n means for proving that it wasj valueless. 2. After the law went into force. 80 crop. terated I constitnpnt the rhpmiVnl thft afsinT.ir.l ii i u kJUUS in 16. The Station has made an exnlo-17a V" e W vth; ration of the pyrite deposits, in veti- these croT, out of these 125 fertilizers were driven f1 J rtance, and washing. yj . i. ii n.- . ...... I analyzed samnlM nf aooIi TK. A i mi.. i ..... irom me Estate, and Mia remsimrtor r .V ... "r - o, ut-1 x ue ntjoVA lisf: mirrlU 1,., i - - - ".gu uo lireeiv has increased from 2,55,749. $1,853,593 to S3,- ; THE LEADINQ S OPT MPJJ g EQnSE. r: IV. WOOD & SONS 10 S. 14th 8ti, Bicbmond,Va. Request all Gardeners, Fanner, and ' io Truckers to send -for their a 1TEW SEED CATALOGUE for 1 838. . It contains descriptions of all new and deirable varieties of SI for the Farm and Garden that are adapted to the South, j Crass & Clover Seeds a Specialty, Catalogue rnailed free. Ssxd tor it. WHEN YOU WANT hardivare If ' ' - AT OW FIGJJRES CV on tle iindersined at KO. ?. Granit How. D. A. ATWELL. ffent for the ''CardweUTLreshcr s iU - f . IS M-urv, N, g.,Jnne rjrhl-tf. -y;: 77 A Journal far InTest9rs & SpBcnlators. AND REVIEW OF JHE MONEY MARKET. . Establish en-18721 Jl ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, POST JREE TO THE UNITED STATKS !. Is. 8d. t Single copy, Post free, 5d. ''MnPV? circulates widely amongst capt JJUVliJJX talists, men ol buLaaetss andln- vffsicrsgenerauT. la all Darts of tne United Ktnn-. id Abroad. ; contains a complete record of e , ' i Sale of M Estate. In pursuance of a judgment of the Su- AT J ': . i . v mmm penor ioun oi liowaii county, I will sell at the Court house door in the town of Salisbury, on Monday, the 2nd day oi Apni, at puD'ic auction, to the highest bidder, the following described valuable lands; i Three 3 town lots which are describ ed by metes and bounds in a certain deed from Ji C. Cowan and ; wife to Ann Mc Ifeely, dated the 15th day of September, 18S6, and registered in Book C7, page 470, of the Tub ic Registers Office of lto- wan county.: -: Terms of sale : t Tlie purchaser to pay one-half cash and the hnlancn in sir I months, interest on deferred payment at , KERR CRAIGE. 1 I Commissioner. Dated Feb. 9, 1888. I lQ:6w. i doin ani 1 ViTnlT?Trif luuiioJl the Stoct and Share 'Markets, a I&t and produce. v i . Vfc , -T i j! t'Mfl TaTRV "talM - leading? arlteles upon :! . lUKJlXJLiJL all financial topic ot importance vj kt- . .t w. wnuiru .mm r ann whim vnnAnAA is . Its aim Is to review, without Xear or favour the ihubiii aaa " . n!lHSl,1er or csta lIiiVl.1- I lUtif the world during llsUed; to expose In the one case the lalacles of the the last half enturv XAt Iai rJZ. mushroom growth of yesterday, and In the other Jt ias ceniury. ;jot least among the weaknesses often hidden iby the Accumulated the wonders of inventive pros-ressaa 'a uu. wa . w cuuMiuir is w noi oniy Iran it meintxi ana svscem or work that n k and fearless, but popular, thoroughly rellableVand '&VfiIi liJ ZVA JZZ above all, trostworthy. . Y7i TT , performed all oyer the country without JiA i "TUrnTOTVJ toeeniristrnmenuiinexDos-" separating the workers from their homes. juiuii -IWL numerous attempts to inch lay liberal; any one can do , the work enterprises of unsound character, and Its trenchant viiher Wniw niA. n " i -i and fearless criUcisms hare prerented thouZnda Puner e.x nS or. ol5I no 8Pecial abil- of readers throwing away their money. :ty required. Capital not needed; you TUrn ATT? vn 18 1110 uesibab . IXLUiMiJX' tun tor Advertisements aenaiungs or a nnaarial characi found In all the principal Hotels ot Commerce, and Literary Institutions Uxroujfhout Laarn to Work. i The boys who early learn to work will make the meni will rule the world a tew years hence. I They may be poor, with scarcely shoes to their feet. h its to their heads: they may live on fc.ie piaiuesi ana cneapesti food known to us, but that amounts to nothing in cue outcome, if they have learned to work and save their earning. An easier ume ior mem is in the near future, and they will turn'out'to be the men of substance, of will and brain power, who will shape the destiny of the country, State and nation. Learn to work, and make iyour business the study and care ot your life, and the J MI ' 1 t. I from the State, and the remainder towns, were grfatl, improved in quality and X?," &. (riven tolhoV In i o i nave enntinnpri n lmnrnn ovmw tin. 17 . . u"T"u" tn-iu, i outline tne trni-ir k .l IhS tOllOWinaraTf.riirf frn-rn f ho Krnf nn'. I .-V " miauuiaumB Ua HCIU Report, for 1886, will give to our farm- gP?8: ortn,ls PurPO Native ers some idea of th3 improvement of , C J ,"T' ev Pund of ii T. ,T,i .-, W1 I which IS hroilHt frnm nrnnn AMm ine iertuizers sold. ., : " r ,vw The average per cent, of available " ? TlT"ffi .f horic acid has increased from .;Vl7"; v .ouaTe uiucu iuiKciy in tne aispiavs or the re- l Hmnh l- sources of the State in iJeston in 1883, with good results ? $7.0 in, 1880 to $8.69 in 18S6; the average per cent., of potash has' m creised from $1.30 in 1880 to $2.30 in l88jS, wjhile the per cent, of ammonia rentains remarkably near one fisrure for 1 all 1 the years except 1883, when amiuoniates were unusually scarce. 1 hUs the valuation of the average fer tiliier, using the prices of 1886 for all ana in- should be undertaken. i Ti!!Slru1 which hav ken accom plished hy the experiment station in fr ffi? f ? we.,lAf what it proposes fer the fature, is thus outlined Can the people afford fn ,.i iriiAS - wnrw a work so fraught in las-, m New Orleans in 1885. These exhibits have done incalculable good ia adver tising Worth Carolina and her material resources. ' ' 1 lo. 1 he btation has always in tlie past and is to-day cheerfully and H. 13. Battle, Director " '' I mm i 'i '. The CommoDr People. The class known as "the common" people have always been the strength of any nation OfhoVtinM. 5 : tl ii.j.-r a. " hnrrnnt ..f-l.l.J i "w,"v i i ii ii ii i ii. v si 1. 1 a fin inir rn ir - n a wu iriiirriiiHi i xann . Ijses al.ke, has, with a few fluctua- t rr.r . 'TV, ATI""' tot ihi. rJ ,, stMilv climbed up from $21.04 -S? J-ESJ. of anV natloZ SnSTR 'ZW. tions rsgfaid A in liio PThe most f- a S? TISwS periinl, 1880 1. lW the actuaf eh JZ "ho heVw tht tJ.&T " pmd by North Carolina farmer, "7" M. w busines, cireles. tolC,? or these fertilizers has decreased 25 scientific agriculture. 19. The officers of the Station have !n' in ligature and i m . . - m a a ar a aiar. 111111 r-i iii 1 iim i -a safari i n a wr a a - . aiii i am . reward ill come w thout special seek- jrkZZ "ttended.maoy Farmer, Institute, and -e bench b.to'hSu"ot. ing. tinoit, of industry are thing, of TCZf iSC i.i ..V r.. Z.ti mM' tat to topic, of im- K,?"'T.un-. 1 OS 'lme thing is true of growth, like the frtut of treea, small H i assft. W reT nhW P0? t0 the fe . . T.!T.i . rhir li.irl nV Inn I C WU WU1 - Can- I C" i m'Ot:ltA w.r,v i ftt h AstininrjaH. A ft- w I iinoers; irom them J A I v ...... M7 WIC AC A 1 . ! " " -- it - kvv. i iu and worthless at first, but by slow de-1 dollars grees they become valuable, and in the end bring plenty peace and happiness to those who navel them. Vain are the hopes of those who expect success in life without earnest, systematic and have come its millions tor m lUves. and set an U.i: i - I rmtafMifinMoni . - v.. v.w.x I n nn Vfl A-i. I - 1 1 UTrS. -RUV nn o.K .1J.. 1 i 3. The station has endeavored to ex- 3. , ZJt been the IZZ ave fa.ainflrm.fmr, nr. 11 mr. - f P vueuiwi, CUargeS , . , H" . " ""mieS; Cm- wuv. ...-v. uc.vav. uuKVia -1 u VIK 1 I DlU.r-U lllr T.rlA Klnrf r.r.,1 1 1 1 . ,,i nrrri'rt ii Hni-. k I . wua iur CUCU BBaiySlS, 'IViT. " W I thO - MIVUI K 1 L. . . ..., J 1 f .- A, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ' 1 1 in. Til. . f . . . , , . ... i . . . i i i- !; i iv a- - i wiuca .wuuiu uiaae v,ckjior ine work i-i r. r "WAu.i.ij. ueii i of ijia ruircicfAinf t?l a.f1, nf K.l- . I nnncincr numerous nnhlipjitions over I , ' v'v - " a lVin.r. it r'"""""" y r wwv u "uu. I r y-- - on iertuizers aione every year. Uesides I Vi" Wif c"n. m. . i r il: i; ' p hiili nriiiii a m ri nn i itsiei iiii i iui i ii m ai ai vv recas may nity worthless, hulks, clogging if, of this ctalof boys and girlsMtPj!" fertiliser, there are ,Jal,Ied,eral K tn in ,lUk,-. TT S wu.,-, ".7- hundred other sam Dies each vr v.. With rron. i. , .T TXT ...lrr"::. . ir,?,,Ie,, ,f,'uw.. bracing .mow -then. mrk'sS; ' ?.5.theTi.ciriS , -, . v . . . TT" "v aico. the wheels of industry; and when gone, missed as a blessing, or relief to those V "w I ... on whom tliey leaned. Letinrlsas well as boys learn to do soniettiing by which, in the end, they can support themselves. Parents and friends nass i away to the grave po: woe to those who ni a - w a rwaav a uu w a a hi. waters r.Kfr.liafj- nm ! .nrfn t-.4 I aus and faintnesa In i.; 4. product., compost, and aricaltural aiJf?? liio. . : EXPEfilMEXTAL woBJC ' I Within his head the throbbing cease And now as to the other dutv nf ih.l wni:t. V"?11 fU Sfoto ;n-i,v;,.,oiitT .!!. ;.i. I i,Vn...;n,i ci: r-. ir.:-.rr"""J'',u?ucauirft w Mfmvb. .uu. , nuu Wlllbllicir. Uiliuu UMIUUit iJ oTI Ll 111 nr . HUMWCUL ! 10 IM flttnunH.I II. I !l 4, jBy the Station's urgent advice, experimental work in the field, the I ff"18 i1"? the constipated . thev nrn nil.. " u utreu aiiu a iriend indeed." Sometimes "the Wry publications have been distributed broadcast throughout the State, and in addition I the monthly Bulletin has lan4lv increased this circulation. The ; efTec; of these publications has been of j the greatest service to the people of by J rf linmxfTiilA rrwivrhcrl-r in than I nuiMv-iHMuv vvtuvvww uaic I ii5 va- ui wuwis vu various CrDDS 1C' wienj, f j I ... r , : a- I -j at : a: t- i , I. deoend on thein. I "Tf I v u 7 2 Be,on f.au .ulucr ""B" aia airectlj if Without the Skill of traimnir in snn.li h. uit A t i a vra :n -.. .f ... .. I . n i a . , J ru9tun3 ot evil r ' i , i ieari. ma btcij puuuui cuiupuM, pui, uu wic spniig ox looo did the I mases ine nearc oodarate 0airrs wl 1 LI . r I . 11 IIS I Jt II - M-m . - I . .. c " a wno permit up means so ranco money in tneir Doara or jAgncuuure see fit to estab-1 soever instructions to theeonfMWJ ... . i i rr" r l 1 j : 11 . m .. i ii - r.i..r. i nrr-rfr. u 11 innnrr am in rn. nrnrir i inn a. rarm in . mninniinn , u a i uu niiuuuii t'"- - . wuw rw w. .u - wj uuuuuit nlVIl Hie -l.t S 1 I , -', l-,'lli,! . nave oeen. when re- worn oi ine station and to earrv nnf their children to grow habits nf indnsfrv anr. wlf bnnt atill in thesej composts have been, when re- wor --- - j T "--- i Jl it.-cti? r iL. a ai ' . . ,. nof.il o.m.,i.v.-. i a- i- J questeu, auaiyi-cu oy tue otation. uver I ine provisions ot tue second part Of the some useful employment, are . nflichng hindrJ of and other homc Act. True experimental w0Prk should CONSTJMPTCPON UEBLY CTJEEfc J OmCESs St. Andrew ! Chance Alley. Xiondon, E. C. England. Manager & Publisher, C. DEAR. TO TUB -EDlT0irt-Pleaa Anfi JiL t wiii louow matebalsJ from waste products, hare T consist mainly m actual field trial inlZZTVlTr"" -vpwu ve remedy for ; i ii t i.- j .! -ii i I , f .: . . i ai .. , !-.....- ... . ww uwve namcaaistasA iv i, :i - lk raedi- are stanea iree. uui mis out ana return I mruuguriiie, au wnicn wiu; ae-i Deenjexarainea ana lueir vaiue to tne oe supplemented Dy the results obtained ! use thouuiniis .?!: ' """"j otailun- to us anl willi RAnrl iw Bnl-A .uiii ,1 L. .L.rr. . I: iki iA -i J n. . .1 lI nopeless cases havo cer, and is to be .C;" i "JL. V . ; " .cuu cuuureu s cunureu ior several I aup y. iu mc wwiawi. uub is uecessary to t permanently cured. I shall r,ui j ciubs. cnanM.ra umg oi ?re:u value and importance to . .- . I. I k rrh h you, that will start you in business which Fenerations. iney leave a curse on I , , , j .j mT" r . . i f ruu. a r.-v r JTi . ' i it Uhrin..im., in'inMvm. . !i. a i,- Ci.i. ... j a a t I uoB wicuBiuiuicu ttiiu luupucu, xuese uis ten.. Xiipcrinieflwii wora in ti WUo nave wn.; rr ! ,.un,"cJ' SH-r.u wuicu courts, teacners. i l. I krtl,.K f .ii-wi ka i..,ii -k. u:a -:it i sumption lrtKTvw .euJ m H.;t. , i ; away, man auvtmnsr eisa in tli. wnr . Grand outfit free. Augusta, Maine. -ddress Taua & Co J- preachers and time cannot ever wholly couni of the existence of South Caro- mental work in the laboratoir. United ft!u and 1,08 Soffice a4es. 1.. wipe out, 1 lina rock Of higher grade, will un- they prove of the greatest benefit in ,T. A.'slocux, M, C, 181 -Pearl t.;N V 1. -1 -- 1 H :4 it' 1 - r't f ; 1 'tz- v.

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