! II- . 'if AND HAVE THEM iU erfectly Fitted With a Good Pair .of Spactacles; ... L i ' i c ' Li AT T. oeva nf nroilivnntA ffar fiiurliO. mvonia (near isijihl) l aro iiviv i i , -, , ,irrtt;.r- i :,vjr nnvwn. r.omnlete line of FIRST CLASS LENSES dyspepsias J 8 that misery experienced when we sudi denly become aware that we possess laboltcal amuirrement called a stomach The stomach 1 the reservoir from which every fibre and thane mast be nourished , and any trouble wit h it is soon fett through- . oat the wnoio systems ' .vhimiik METTLE. BY KOLAND. mantnl iunrr are subject to bus itiewini 'i fleshy and Phlegmatic have ContUptUos, while the thin and nervous are abandoned to gloomy foreboding. tsomeayspepuca take, ;i miarintec a perfect fit or money refunded. I have , fitted maHwhe 'offew'WI d grantee my l'lUUKS to De lAnvun man wu u 7 JL1A' ,Y0 CHARGE FOR EXAMINATIONS. Call and see me, and go away .seeing and rejoicing, BESPECTPULLY, W. H. EEISNER, LEADING JEWELEB. are wonderiuuy lorxeiitu, uuk great irritability of temper. "Whatever form Dyspepsia may one thing is certain, . The underlying cause is X in the XJfJSB, i and ono thins more Is equally certain, no one will remain a dyspeptic who will It will correct Acidity of the . Stomach, Expel fool eases. Allay Irritation, I Assist Digestion, and, at the same time Start the Liver to working;, when all other trouble -soon disappear, My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three year ago by the advice of Dr. Steiner, of Aucusta. she was induced to try Simmon Liver i. mA all who read this and are afflicted in any way, wkether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who win be advised." Wm. M. Kkksh, Fort Valley, Ga. .1 1-HOHK Company. SEEKING See that you set the Genuine. "with red Z on 6001 Wrapper, I PRBPAKCO Oft-T ST V 4 J.H.ZEILIN CO., rbiladelpaia, Pa, VI HOME !atro . agents; 'iB'sli'CUiei.Towiii and ' ViUnes in tbe Souta. ASTROSG Coaiiaiij )R. james e. campbell, PROMPT! Physician and Sur "n Offers his services to: the people of Selialile! Literal! 8,oSLi';5:ttan41,,, -e . iu:om. TOaii J5SS3E 3. RnODES BTIOWXE, X)crsihcnt.. WllMla C. COART ScrtftatB $750,000 00. W. B. BEACHAM, Architect and Builder, SALISBURY, N. C. Residence on Lee aiul Monroe street. Correspondence solicited. 13:3m. : I have a noble little friend, A pet, by the name of Nettie; On whom the graces all attend, And she's prudent, smart and witty. On her cheeks roses with lillies blend, 'Neath sparkling eyes, so rosy bright, Their light from heaven seems to descend To charm, and give to all delight. And few there be, in mind or form, Who equals her and none excel; For her great heart is ever warm, Where fuith and hope forever dwell. While her sweet modesty is such It draws all virtuous hearts to her. 'Till all think she deserves as much Praise, as mortals can on her confer. For she's no doll, or parlor drone, Tho' a paragon in form and dress, Who as a palace keeps.her home, Making it a glorious place to rest. Radiated by her sweet smiles, More precious far than gold or gems, lean the soul from vicious wilds And lead it up to higher realms. A sweeter, purer little miss, Hath never dwelt earth before; 1 Perfect almost as one in bliss, And all who know her, say 'tis so. She wears no jewels or costly gems, But keeps all around her so very neat. he wins from all their best esteem Where'ere she goes, is seen, or met. She's ever gentle, warm and mild, A perfect woman in every place; Cheerfully innocent, as a child, Without fault in mind, heart or face. And she's too wise to go astray Nor would not if she could do wrong; Yet she improves with every day, Growing in every ; grace more strong. So long live her, my little friend, And be with every comfort blessed, 'Till here her pilgrimage shall end. And she has entered iuto rest; There forever and forever more To rejoice with her sainted friends, f Getting' Married. This is often the chief ambition of young people and the mania sometimes follows them through life. Hence we find ihemicomnutting matrimony from the time they are ef age" .until they turn tbe late corners of - seventy or But with all thin man-ring and gir- ins. in marriage, wneni tue results are footed up, the product, in a majority of cases, is either; indifference or misery. Oat of tli8 well-known fact hi s arisen all kinds of theories in relation Saved From Prownixig. "Only thirty years of age Mr. Etk,w said the Philadelphia Pre reporter, "and a white! bend of hair like thai? A Ttcaliar Case,!" t . 1 H "My hair changed its cohjr in a night when I was fifteen years of Re." Of course, that led to a request for the story of tho cause which Tom Eck. the champion trjcichst of the world, toid about as follows: r if teen years ago 1 was livincr at Port Perryj in Canada, and one nfter- a icthoAN. r.oTErkiTi:r lop r.nAj?c5r BY A THOl-tiHTLrS TRICK. : it ,arr,J One of the iWe in Va.hinifrrf " which is visited by t very ti; nj r whrK comts Here 1 the Xtw.t.l f. writes f "f. . t , 7- r r. conecieti in so s urt a time lti n noon I went out on Lake Scugog with only aft,r,the lnte, -ni in ibVtj 1 to four other boys of about my ago. We the idea of tuWi,I;i,,K ! ZIZLl ton att institution t ihi.lha This attnjrfm- resort hi from a: small beKiiininjr nntl .: omo tne' of the most ccrcpMf mnenms'ever'i coiieciea in to-short n tim. Ir -. thst social life!, and any amount of abuse poured upon the marriage covenant, I which was fitted with a mast and especially by those who are unhappy I The s il was not himrino; right r.n. I. .i . a. . i.j.r Ti. i . il . ; t . . in ineir uomesnc reiauous. ti never 1 one 01 tne uoys was trying to pir occurs ty them thsit they are responsi- J things shipshape when he" stepped or. ble in ariy degree for the result of their I the gunwale and over we went. W actions or that they are paving tne were then about a mile and a half .penalty of their own rashness. Neith- from shore, ani it was a lonelv part of mo,t attractive feafur nf ler do the; young, or even tne nnaaie- the country there. 1 couldn t swim, to the small chilis.. JL Tu. 1 i; . 1 r as.. - -J a 1 1.1 . m 11 si 1 v, liii i agea, takje any warmug lruiti 111c imu-1 anu iieiuier cuuiu some 01 tne oiners. hing- H S : ' lacier was ltrst spoken of, and n.w ifHna -r-i "T IV; .1.1. m Tri III mi.es of nTrntis, nlong which are d)- played, attractive and curious cnllcoj?? tions of bric-a-braceological, natntuL historical ami ull vuoVi : - ---- . " v. rivilUCUS Q K-IL to make up a museum. Anion"' Hie 4 musehnf3 are the stalled I nimi i u'lnnli -n ried live around them, but rush into and so we st,ck to the boat, but one ot awav fm y " SEt matrimony with their the boys named lodd was a splendid these animals is Mim..l i'Z A ' (T!in I , i-. 11.. UV 1. . . t FtuM, viuuunii ins laiiiiiv,' to Washington that they nght bq near him. He took his littlp ain xnr IS r . v r i kit . .: J. ALliBN BROWN, Eesident. Agent, Salisbury. N. 0. J. B. OOONOILL, M. D., the berids of eyes shu and their reasoning powers I swimmer, but he was short-sighted, the most iwiiiiir-aM. ii.0fei I ever been reportetl bv mnhVal" - min. on, and the divorce courts pour out ,t was late m September, and itwas In june iS80,itn emo love of lb. oi the disgusting details ot domestic sui- cold up there then. lodd said he ernment named Waltewhose home . 1C1 ill JJe "if " v vasva omiiu huuuiv ov f v vi as aaaiu i f US 111 JulCIil 1 The wamage covenant is the high-J straight, and he weat about a hundred est and purest relation that God has I yards when he turned back and took f, I s Ti 1 7 c r 0 j iul T i 11 1 n o r w vcu jcarsii age, to tne museum the bonp of earthly happiness and the help at all. Invited him to rest, a one day, and the little fellow in wan- center pf purity and truth. But un- little but he wouldn t, and started, off deriug around the aisles was -at last less its iltars are lighted with love, its again. As I said, he was short-sighted, attracted byia huce specimen of the hearthsfone is desolate and its very and 1 suppose never saw the shore, for buffalo specks. He stord trnzInW af it uame isla mockery. The institution of he was only within a few rods of it an(j thinking of the stories his father marriage is in no way responsible for when he threw up his hands screamed nad told him of buffalo hunting whert1 the accumulated suffering that too of- so that we could hear him, and went a mischievous urchin, who was hidden- ten surround it. The trouble is that down. He was found afterwards with behind the'animal, sboved it forward" people will marry for any thing and his feet on the bottom and his hair slightly. The little boy, Valters was" every thing except pure fffection. floating on top of the water. entirely unprepared for movement oa Girls will marry for the sake of having While Todd was swimming ashore the part of the bison. " The shock to a wedding, or to keep from being an we were having a hard time of it, as his nervous system was so sudden and roid maid. H jartney marry seems tne ooat Kept turning over aua over, so violent that he became absolutely to be anatterof secondary importance, One of us got on top and with a paddle paraly2ed. For eight mouths he ap hence Uiev will promise to "love, honor trying to make her move toward shore; pareutly had no control over his ac and obfy,r almost any thing in the but it was poor business with three tions; his appearance was that of a h:iru hf a man or a dandv. whether hunsrinsr on and a mast dracerine be- .nmnlpf Umf nl l.a t.j ,ij w f . I 3 mJ W - VVUI l'V 1U a W UUU IJU SJ CSIS I I If H I I I II 1 1 his brafn is cool or soaked in whisky, I low. Unee I got caught in the ropes I edge whatever of ahv thini whether his morals are pure or whether j as the boat turned and 1 thought it was he has nv morals at all. And then I all up with me. One boy got his knife A , . ..a .a' Ml I T" II a 1 because thev are not happv thev will I and cut the rone, foor tenow: ne was learned. Who've long be.n walking the golden ju-J tns.t "men are all alike and drowned. He held on to the opposite shores, 1 marriage is a curse to humanity." Ifliide of the boat and got gradually I Tin" iJILli soataaa m i u .rrw mwnm ot m toon K I nil Mn TWl tOUBOMa or ih vt. WAR! il Corel Ml HAL PASTILLES til Core for Herroos Debil7, Jrran .knianndPJyiilealI?oeTlW lonnscr r . K . u, . . : in k mrA Vinnroa.1 jTnalt.1!. . AhanmdilMK Work, OTte trtm Iabileoncn. wo 'J'ffl BUPTURCD PEBSOWS ca" havo FHES torffvtnad fnil Mnly Pmi;(iu T thoM who mnOT trrm tho a ftar ukocc -.n jrta.-w a.". a - w.m i ZLrfta rreft i waoaa rjupturco PERSor S5:ly. A.. U.I ih. im for urn iruiaHes,aoa su ywcu! wttaaeoalr ausia to bleed their vio tiiut. Take a SDRJB RaaxoT that hjlS CX.&EU Vususawu, Oom M mtencr vkti minlt lo bunsao, or emu pa innMMIltfflM ID BBT lf llUIUiC!! oneieBti medteal principles. Br dimi rinfluiKifc"t wiOioUt delsjr. The BMorel nMTfanf thn human oreanifmreetnrea. The r.VnMin imeTiof lifo rr (tiren txwk. th.pUent becomeacjecrfidAad wtpkUy gala bota treasta saa lie&UA TSBITalgTr--Ca3geata)t3. go Hot Harii, W HARRIS REMEDY CO., Wrc Ckcmists, eaow ir.Tnthotrot.sT. jiOTjrfl. ko. Trial of our App!ience. Asa for Termsi Salls'bu.rT', 0V O. Offers his professional services to the citizens of this and surrounding communi ties. All calls promptly attended, day or ni;nt Mav be found Store of Dr. J .J Oftlpe in the Heiliir 'Building, 2nd floor, front room. 18:Cm. Yet. here as guards did her attend. I a -i tnarries for nionev, and gets it, I weaker and weaker till he sank. Then she ha$ no right to complain ot the re-1 we hxed it .by the one on mysiue going suit. If love was not invited at the around the' boat, and we clasped hands wedding, happiness will not come at J across the bottom. 1 became msensi th hiddihi?. Monev is irood in its place Me an hour before we were rescued -"3 o: I ..... . 1 i l .l il neitt up ov me otner The Pedlar. . . . . iii, he pedlar s t ade is smart taiKing. K that lie had Even the names of the mem bers of his family were forgotten For about eight month! this poor, boy's mind was an absolute blank and for a long time his parents despaired of the restoration of his reason. Finally, however, in February of last year, he suddenly recollected something of the' buffalo, and his first thought was that he had been impaled on the animals horns. This was the first glimpse of reason which seemed to have permeated 1 1 ... . f i i i i me gray matter oi nis Drain, out since. ELY'S PROTECT- Y0UBL;H0HISI . ' MAR LIN .A. GOOD 'REVOLVER no longer costs : Fortune. nbUBLE ACTION -REVOLVE!?. These revolvers are an exact . duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & WESS0H. . .33 Caliber, using Centre-Fire Cartridges v- I i Self-Cocking, S V --BfSS'BSSSSSSSSSS' m J m I. t Cleanses tne juasai Passages, Allays Pain andlniamma- tidn. Heals the Sores. Bsstores the Senses of Ta and SmelL ft at my Office, or the Drug Tn deuend as niucx. or more on that and a ?ery convenient article in house- and had to be he II. Enniss'. Respectfully, I A J , , . L-pnink hut it never purchased happi- two bovs. 3yl3- than on tllC IaiUe .OI. UW "T. . ess. Kd nature seems to compensate "A girl going after the cows heard i Tlif Mfillr rilllllilllir. ZIHl I i 1 1. i t.h.i mimo Tn PPP1VR I ' . .. .1 . . r i . i ...il . " ----- r-, - - ea ior sate, it iucu . sending more love to the hovel than us snouting, but supposed we were on i thaktime he has slowly though stcadi- unintormea people mw uwub to the Spalace. swimming. v pen ner iaiuer came lymfp roved. The little fellow is at his statements. Credulous people are easi- A lajrge exchequer is no detriment to bonte at night she saidesoraething former home in Utica, Mich., and is r:i;m;7Wi TW for these the ped- a good hnsband, but don't, for heaven's about bovs swimmiug in the lake. He recovering rapidly enoiish now so that . , i rtf And fhnt sa!;e, marry a fool or a brute, because, knew no one would be doing so at nie ls t( wr;te letters to his father. u a its a aj a u afe - m AMI " " " ' would be a misfortune in one respect: 1 s..'if..a, AM.,a m a in depriving people oi arruuiui wptc ui i head thau m nis pocket, tor brains are soon rowing oui ior us. xuej iuku the mind ot the parents or that boy uj.puaitc j daring the p;ist eighteen months hsts CatarrH TRY THK CURE leeV TEVER1I that S'ti.C, IJU11J 1UUI VM i Muit, ''-""-l " " .. , 0 ii'" u W 111VC iCIlCI9 VU UI9 Art Hit I. forsooth, he owns a few greenbacks, that time of the year and hurried down The circumstance is one of the jnost . ! Wealth is safer,, after all, in a man's to see what was the matter, and was peculiar an rccord,and the strain upon 1C0 head than in his pocket, for brains are soon rowing out for us. They lifted the minds of the parents of that boy conversation. If neighbor Slack hap- Uot, like other stocks, liable to go flown me m nrst aim uiei wie . il. i. u., in ft fihfinfJ-il tifliiic. nnd fire will sweeD 1 nie. and as soon as he ws pens to be caugnt oy uu - " " riT -W f tenement houses, he became insensible, h rWnrlitVO OTf1 lW llinfll III I KIV LlTll UlltVO I bll&UAOa aw j - j. le tie investment under his hat is one is in the boar e came around in an hour, but it was eisrht hours be- ---- , r been frightful. Jest What Makes an Anthem. u.-i. n; 4-Via I T Aiunwl mv ovm TVifiv told nie tUI. BOIUUU ia uvk i iuk.i "r- "." . t Vr' . i Pmm tli- Trnv Tirn n. mhn h.wl lio-ll-H rt tiio iirnwnpfi I 3VIM USA. RAY-FEVER CATARKH Self-Cocking, Automatlo Electini?. FULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. i WASSAjrraD xqvax. is tist axsncr to th SMITH db WISOBOW. i ' i For sale by Hardware raid Gun Dealers everywhere. i T. Maaufsotwi ty THE MASLCT THLZ ABUfl CO Hew Hayes, Cons. y BEST IN 18 a tllSCase Ol lUC Uiuwus hiciuuiuhv-, generally originating .in the. nasal pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From th'i3 point it sends forth a poisonous virus .into, the stomach and through the fligestive organs, corrupting ihe blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous symptoms. K parUde is ap;Mic I into each nostril, aurt lf airreeubli. Price 50 cents :it druggists; by mais rAjlster. (l. C cents. ELY BUOS., 235 Ureeuwich Street, Xev York. Magazine Riflo. T lvr at nll rn4, all iW Tha atrocwi ihoaiii tlfU taaia. Ptrtaet hi rwMtad. thalr ataokitiW Mf rtfl on th market BALXABU PAIXFRT. BPORTINO ANI TARrsfT KrFLES. we.!4 THE WORLD I " K2C" 7 v" . I NEW FIRM. for an article, the whole neighborhood ,t uscathcd; r . -1 .1 Z n I . . . a . (I hnnva AT it anil 1 III IIIKII IU14-1 I ...,.-.n. nhn .a Ann-ieinna IV "i licaia v. I Ull I V livUlu v wvki.'mhii t " . , ... - - - - .. . , . takes it up as a standing theme of con- in the matrimonial market. Men who boys came to-the ho i5e and knelt on opea.ig oi anu ems rcniinas me taices uupus a s ihemselvcs upon their good sense my chest, then he breathed or blew the.story of two old British sailors why versahonforaweekorainonth. T he pr de ptm-eivcs upon 3 , , ,. .... . . Uki over experience. Slack family themselves are not averse J"' Zi d 0 twitched. After One had been to a cathedral and h to dilating upon it, but rather enter fga wn0 flatter themselves that they that they tncked me up m blankets heard some very fine music, and was upon it with a tone' akin to pleasure. nre v;ry shrewd, will marry an idle, with saddlebags and hot-water bttles dehcantiiig particularly upon an , an- TMs is so apparent that the observant helpliL girl, in order to get the few all around me 1 w.,s able next day to them which .gave him much pleasure. 1 his is so apparent uiai mc u iv c4 , .fi1iP,-1 w;nin to tro to the store I was working at, and His shipmates listened for a while and man is at once impressed with the idea thousands that .her father JVZinnA toc,k mv hit off then said: sav. Bill, whats an that peopled like to be humbugged ! n - " said-What fsthe mat- anthem r . "What V' replied Bill, d ou mean to say vou dun t know what his hundred thousand dollars all in glass and found it had turned quite a hantnem is r iot me. e , A t nnn hprrnme as white as it I then i u ten ver. li i was- to- say to thin to take one nan m c.iou uuu ' i u-ii .i . n.Lt ulluf Jrmrwb, nn.l iewelrv. is now." yer, 4Lre,Bi l, give me that andspike,: " 1: " " that wouldn't be f weak? nerves ami iu;uiiih Another fatal mistake is for a mid llpntred man to marrv a young wife v.... m -- - . . .i . - -.hi be people do like to oe iiumuugv. . They enjoy it, evidently, or they wouio" not be so fond of talking about it. And yet it is a costly luxury. 1 here .i 1 t - n .. ,r n ,lQJl'r SAO isn t mucn iuu m pij"o " for a cook stove that can be bought county toAvn for $30. There RTr for a sew-1 .Jn1 fcmev that his happiness will ia nui uiuwiw.-b'"- . . m, i -i. V And the I complete, me unue, oi cuuiac, ana one iuai iU5 Y-y ; . . , a fij-h barira n. man who pays $20 for a lightning I ve, will ehain with deep re- anfj we hope most sincerely that the r.o ... . i . j-i.. " -il i : -l, l No Isms in the South. Wilmiugton Star. Isms do not flourish in the South. Tsms have never flourished in the South .1 9 a hanthem. put was I to say, 'Bill-Bill-Bill-giv-givgiv-giv me, giv c me that hand, giv me that hand, hand-spike, spike-spike-spike-BUl giv-giv me tliat-tliat-hund-liandspike, hand-handspike, spike, spike, spjkc, ah men, ah-men; Bill, givemetnatliaud- spike, spike, ah-mei'i 7 Why, that a w Haven. TTP!AT. RELOA.DIIT G TOOLS ! WILL SAVE ONE-HALF THE COST OF AMMUNITION. . .. . . ... . . -.a ki-K . nnA In anT of tbe follolnr 5iTAo7nTM;Vlin7co Waliaey-Kennedy, biuttu w eou ; mmj iut " SHOT COM SHELLS, PAPER AID tR&SS. ; CtaesDer snd-bettrr than any other. Send for rrlce Ust ot these tools ta yaal atanufaeturina Oo DexlOHO. Ksw IlATtS, COM. , il - '"iJi r-rM, o cmnd condllC- wu 6 v " V Jt,1c . ":n J...- . ;Cn,a ltall imi-i.if,iitu w.. . I noi wcii vuhhcvw o i ror 'but neitner siie ihji ui urcuuo jmje hi hcici hhk. nmii -... , . ...-.,-- ; i - x--- .i .r not . I . .. lSllli!UU11 ,v" . 1 . l ... ,, r, .i in .f nnn H hp un hsinr.liptn ' " co-pari: i .7,'UJ TVVI rP tor icen dowi ih'the earth, invites tne ueedlflatter themselves that the sacn- flourish in the tjouiu. m isms oi . ,f S?MMksVoNCS?n h nlng to come and burn him out. fice is all on herside Incompatibility American, origin and gwth have But the worst feature of the "haii- March2S 1887. Consignments especially Ltn M d his house is in affects both parties alike, and if mar- found their ordinal soil in the Wh. tnein" is that you can't tindersfand'a eoHdtcd His -money is gone, luid his noue is not harmonious and loving, it Every wm Fourewm, Mormonisra, . , f . ' . o a solicited. pVpTv tysox. ,Unfror than it was before. And aV" .r. mim jl,,!. , iJM(.un, Frpilism Commun--nor(l of u 1S ""d, so ur as lis a. a a m.-m M-mm -m- v - - iiiiiii, uuu -x - nsinMni uh xa ar 111 i i ' a a. l a. v. a va a ica a waa.aa a. . w " - -- --- -. . . . , r riu is i r.isissii im 1'uiii't'i 11 e 1 1 . . a a- VUilVO a- he who exchanges "an old time cmciw more cruel as the vears go by. irue isnll Anarchisms, oociausm, hihwui -- - -0.-: . for a 'showy one of modern make, is raarriage is a union of hearts and aH that is to be found in the United about as edifying " ant to set the bad end of the trade, but hands, cemented with a lqye that is states, either -was born jthcorthor unknown tongue, apt to get tne uau enu vi. deerienoueh to make sweet the dark was imported into the North. Thus , he gain, something to taU. "Tf life-, tore th.t is bruve (,t the, Soath ha, beeu but little 14:9t. r i - n WHEN YOU VAITT . . . , r sf ; ' i - - - .- H A B D V A R E AT LOW FIGURES Oallon'lhe irhrlprRwned at NO. 3; Ctrnr.il . r : Jr. I Row. ! D. A. ATWELL. f. J i ' " ' ?- Agent for the "Cardwell Thresher -1 y I- . - - . . . 8ali9bary . K. C, Jute RU tf. ' yi- N.-TVT I ; I W 77 A Journal forlnvestors & Specalatirs . rhft nmlersiencd takes this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friends for their . patronage, and asks the con i ? . ' ' i . .. mmr nana t nunnce of t he same to tne .u,ti rnui He will alwavs be on hand to serve the ri,.,:Wiv Plltn. I 27:tf J. D. McNEELY. w-vrSan. though he takes but a trifle, . . , is pursued by officers with guns, and by. True ism. Anarchisms. Socialism, Nihilism all that is to be found in the United I about as editymg as au address in an - a .,,., of these i,,.a . hadow ot poverty, aim suuug oui nine auiiujcu uj j i uC -- .-- ir, ., ....iTia Tf ir ...... y.wrv.n it 11 nil kiuiii I ncv I .1 . uiwui . ........ - - BllV. I IHI-I. v I UiaiC UI U1M. "vii. -r w . - ,M f anticipate. 11. Cunningham, or raaucan, contr .the s enough to make even a But the the loved one a pleasure. fori Then the mate progeny. come we may not guess or anticipate. i tract-: a 'AND REVIEW Of THEMOl "Y MA kKE h .1 . :" t... .:il etVmrrfKon I A t- ..wi.-.Anf ia slriif li -w frna alinrvKt cn ..AnM? thlt Cm KmillllLTUT TVI1I bHVIII,.vm nt IIIC.IJU fcllfc w" speculator aeparxs ux YtEtendandtte great sorrows that tireiy from the mob, and strikes and fcllow-whUehttdnpev W will bind the Lce,ies of violence that wake up and KiUFuTinfj SI SSSUSK: hlsictim joins in the chase. the last half century. Not least arnoiifrl lrful speculator departs in peace- l i its i uuuv.1 o vi iiuvhu'v ' -rs - - il jt 1 1 ..m r ni a niK iiuinr iciv aj i . - . i . i i a I nanpv lcuuwT c- i f0' :ithwav performed all over the country without I complacent mood to tell how the tel- User together. Then, indeed, shake up sections of the Jorth. AS.NTAI. pubsciuitios, TOST rKEK ,iu ; i - .:..V . 7 th. rt: low ciieatca n.iii. , , ,f . - - , . ;,.:r w ... voree. while she a hidinir in St. Loois l ' . ' a . I :rv rpon red. Capital not needed; you I aa v,mnr of its .victim. I na?ien"r' l"au w " mi i , I . . .. 1 u ,, ,,A lnKor I whose enstodv she pravs. r bhe asif MONEY" T?S3rX Btartl free. .Cot ,. out jjd return b"LL i'iS" "and the? ta hW limor al, and that her hUd EsTABUsrt 1872. .1 The South have ed with Garnet I). llipley,ia young lawyer of this city, two years ago sho is now repenting. She was then .but little over fifteen years old, and to-day her lawyer filed a suit for absolute di- vesUrs jeneraliy. In all paits oi the. United Klujf- dom and Abroad t"nrTn"MT,7"l cor.talns.-a complete recora or nlllNriY. the stotik nnd SUare 'Markets. also the latest informiUon resgcalag mlaea, met als, and oroduce. ' ' "P.rn'M'PVW contains leading: articles upon JjLiUJMjJ X all floanctfl tojl -sot Importance by writers ot trained ability nd wide cxprtlence. its aim is to review, wltnout fear or. Iarour, the pretensions and prospects of financial umlertakluM ot every description whetuer proposwl or t stab Ushed; to expose In the one case the lataeles or the mushroom growth ot yesterdtiy, and In the other the weaknesses often hidden by the aerumulalcd tust of agr.. Its endeavour 1 to be uot only frank and fearles. but pormiar, thoroughly reliable, and above all, trustworthy. i Un I" ATT'"U1 na uyea instrumental tn expos-' JYLUli ill X fclB numeiwia attempts to 1 nch euterurtsesof unsouud character and Its trohcliaut and fearless criticisms have prevented thousands of readers throwing away their money. , , ,,,f i-srA-KT-P"VTH is the MOST PESIItAftLK merll JVlUrJ il X urn for Ad verUsements of all un iiertakitr's of a flnaai l cairacter. and 1 to be Ed NWujne 'rtneipal llotru ctahs, Cjitunbeta of coinrnerce, and Literary tumultous throughout the World. ' OFFICES: St. Andrew Houao, Change Alley. London, E. C.JJland. Manager Cs Pabl5a!ier, C. DxAK Sizes in Clothing'. These are they I been sustained by IT Ilk 1 A 1 ; ith hS" ThT South ha, heen for the most .gata the (ortun yrf wilt walk ' 'M1 r,r L...I. c.rt nnovances. It 50,000 which she brought hinl. 4t T u ..f A.i.hins to observe how few so warm, ana "rX wTi L L T h that iff cl aes in the ea of action she alleges that he has away, than anything else in the world. I , nn(Wand the common rules of a! ir..fiVAlv in vain. SnntW will Void all disturbance and treated her with so much cruelty; that Grand outfit free. Address True & Co., ; . Durchasing wearing bea upon . u. ,t , I" ftf those doubtful methods she fears her life is in danger. Augusta, Maine. ' "1" t t?m instance a man will buy 1 - ,. . ,m w.upfi M manv in the x u f . . i btlun iiii j 1 How a Woman U0i it. j jjorth and caused so much want and Woman with sachel enters car, sits I suffering as well as destruction of pro- ro us and we will send you free, some thing of great value and importance to you, that will 'start you iu business which will bring: you in more money ngiu VALUABLE LAND FOR apparet. ... . i.i - a coat that is a too small or too large. A "size" smaller or a "size - . I I0.1UC. a. - all ThnrA u vwv vnluable tract of laina I .7 r v'nrAhAhlv needs, oui aa-wa w " ' " . . I ft IUr IV W 1 1 aft. if UV. r - v heart of the famous "Jer- ;6- . , t know wl sey Settlement" one mile South of Un- m !VL,, .W; for sale in the wood. It comprises nearly 400 acres, can Ka Aisilv divided into two tracts, witn nnd out-houses on each 'size in know a coat hat a is an inch, a size in underwear 2 inches, a nek is 1 men, m s'W" ? ctta in A h There is uearly 100 acres seeiled in wheat - i - in a $ inch, in shoes 1-10 and a large part in clover, which grows . ' . , h x inch, gloves i of an finelv. Nearly 100 acres of Yadkin river ?f an lnci i panw anbinch. Very hnttmn. . This Valuable property can be inch and in hats or an V a mm rw va visa i I na iini bought for $25 an acre, and it is worm every dollar of that price. For further information address ; ' "WATCHMAN," I fjaliabuiy, N, C, few persons ever ule named. 1 Mr . 1 "il down enters conductor, aas perty anu capiuw. I woiban opens sachel, takes out purse, I shuts sachel, opens purse, takes out I dime, shuts purse, opens sachel, puts in purie, shuts K-chel, otters dime, receives nickel, open sachel, takes out purse, shuUsaChel, opens parse, putsin nickel, shuts purse, opens saehel,puts m purse, I shuts sachel, stop the car, please. Blaine, of Maine, Will not run again; Sherman, of Ohio, Is willing to try, 0! ' Cleveland Leader. Enrelopcswere fir-t usrf ia 18. . 1 A 1 ttlaia3 010 acres- A lip has no lesrs. and cannot stand; j but it has wings and can fly far and wide. CONSTOPTIOU SUSELT CTJ2ED. ! To the Editou Please inform' your i readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely i use thousands of hopeless canes have bsen permanently cured. I shall be gil d to send two bottles of my remedy ibjck to any of your readers who have von 4 sumption if they will send me their cx-. Kress and post office address. Kiptit illy, ! T. A. Sloctjx, M. C, 181 Pearl st.t N. Y ! America was discovered ia 1492. A

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