i.i. - f:: ill ! i i-... v I . - figbt at S&bftstojwl in the Crimea. The jjjips anchored in the roads ta were the Ifctties in the Crimean war, endiiis; a force ashore to assatttt (he works. The landing wai:ctxie a adet eat j fire from the karjae enniand was replied to from theold lledan and the ue mnrVm what is de&eribed as a terrible ' crossfire concentrated, point hj point, k lift f the adrance from the Th i-'i Wochenblatt says that, 1 whiU these if oris remained fn plaj, it !, frt m W such a manceaTer as ( that of the Anglo-French armies could .-! 1 Kpeatedewi at nigni, xor nucn nf the electric search lighU tlat eren the darkness of night would 4areeljr prove a sufficient cloak for such! an Jd venture. It does not . Uw.f what miaht haDDen if those operating the lights were shelled out. ofiehilM Jlfnefican ? , a n i 'ii r wonderful discovery has been made and that too hy a lady in this coun try. Disease fasteued its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its 1 .,..ti!tt. bat her vital organs were iinderminded nnd , death seemed immi. nent For three months she coughed in cessantly and could notleepSbe bought ef us a fottle of Dr.Kine's New Disco v ery for Coamption and was so much iftkinsr the first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has f. been miraculously cured. Her name w ! Un TjVther Lutz." Thus wntes W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C Get a hottle at Ti h. juuiiz v.. drug store.! LA 'J ? SayJ the Boston Record: "Electric kisses ? have been discovered. Shuffle your;feet over the carpet thus charg . ingourself with electricity and then KssSpujteKgWjr& Pk at the nrtint At contact can be plainly seen in - a dark room; lAntiqnarjans who hare been consulte4 about this interesting ' phenomenon sav that it was well known I to the ancients, and commonly prac- liced bv them. The custom doubtless - gave rise to the term ' sparking. ' J The Verdict Uaamnous. W. D Salt. Drult; Bippus. Ind , tcs tifies: f'l can. recommend" Electric Bitters an th tbtt best remetif . Every bottle sold k.i irin relief in ererv case.' One man trk six bottles, and was cured of Rheuma Um nf 10 rear' Undinjr.M Abraham HareJ drusrzist. BtfUville, Ohio, affirms -The best selling i medicine I have eri-r handled" in my 20 vrars' experience, is Electric Bitters." j Thojisan4 of otiier hire added their testimony, so that the verdict is nnaniraonji that Electric Bitter io cufe all disease's if tli'e Liver, Kidney or KlMd. Only a half dollar a bottle at KlutU'i Drug Store. "linear" said a Boston woman to a rosyrspirited Western girl, 14 that the ocie IV 01 ine if w ia-rcny ioij.kwu so that one eed no longer nutate nof? abou living nen? uu n i was the enthusiastic reply ; Cf. nl ,ioa nnmr I V I o r socieij P UIBf uvn, m. . to VWiiZPf3? we a,nJ apyfeodyf- - J . ' romea ko-tind some stuff to straighten me out th i n 'Pu rgator yTJJullet s win 1 fir me,ln krof na whataU-l , T'' clerk passed; out a i U of Dr. PierceV Pleasant Pargatire Pll, and Pat went -eentea tad. '- These 1 lilt; PeUetrcjrrjl derangements ot liTei? ;ta4ch "'-tIaVf a?f ' P takf. DrugglsU. ; y I I Of the 325 members of the House at Washington, 216 or two-thirda of tl e numUrTora UwvW There nrft -17 4 i a f aaa v aw j -r-y r w farmers aad plmters, lu mamufactarers, 5 w he are pot down as office-holderi, omce-noiaers,! Llatenoffrapn-I t tapita!iUs,XJ dmjfgxsts, 4rr(l Tailppreaiden 1 Sufvevor, 1 - a: uvJkvt .am J i 1 Jbre we r,l groce r, 1 jwioperJ and membert who do not appear ever 1 M htte b?en anything before they b. e a uie Congressmen.!"' 1 - v" I Stall T7enta be Allowed to Total jThs 4)uestioa of female suffrage has agi tated th tonuea -and pens f reformers t r many years aad good arguments hare been addaced Jfor and against it. Many of tie softer sax could vote intelligently, and Caay weuld vote as their husbands did, Kite no thmijrlit to 41m merit of a waliiical iasQeJ They weuld alt rate for Ve. PierceV Ivorite Prescription, for they Ra it is a boom to their sex. It .1 un equalled for the cure of leueorrlteav abnor mal discharges, morning sick neat, and the ceuatles ills to which women are sulrject. It is the only remedy far woman's peculiar Weaknesses and ailments. sold bv drustnats.1 iiider a positive uuaranteec from the man- m'acturera, that it jll (rW satisfaction in aery cMJ r money will be refunded. See ine iueatcau oocietr.oi; lorn State fast vear nunted aown eight y-tive iiegai mrufC u .pncuinotn, wno wer. numougKing nurunx peopte ou. ineir mouery. j,r;u ui me s winuiers were mm. 4 arinn Btlil fiVltn ilia veutyve fines amounting to $QAX)o co.nUd as manj as fifty or sixty dia- -n , V. Tet?;nQuirea Mr. Dinkle- m,nd pms and jreai aeaisKins m one m - M R)d atin iaT at irarncnurcni nou1, wuou i An excitea lnsiunRB laieij rusncu iuii eienine, nireny v ll ..tn drug store! Utlna-rokwlC.p H vas by de sh app-arance 'uwicioiij. y-j S honnv. Taile-l.l'm all wrona entolrely. "Imi r ihiukin'. WhatTJ7eax lorinimr- -ttiwi i uu.wic mj uut u Mk uc : Terms :r-One-fourth cash do tu mearPasked"ineciern. -rarga r y aj TDiisaysio aot, uevr ance in twelve months. nvrj ouueva, ut,oi "nucumig t :r 7 en, vaaer, 1 tu not at a snurcn 1 "inner miormation will pi th-ykall thinwure, I'm m puratorjj-i u bnfc th Jun Mens me r Col. W. A. llouck. alrray, with eadacUe.an.i; ' hf.n Aflho,hyWrM I Redder Jan- ,1888. J. W. n a in and bad iKtomacir. anu lueaiTiir-r ' 1 15:51. ri.vMafWriaatf ill hanirsirB i nnvTaiflTic i . ... :- 3 preachers, 9 editors, and one who uyah vader " tails himself a journalist Tuere art 4 , uVeii' Shonnv 1 vas men who appear to be politician, only J Ki a nA T were collected.- rTt?vTo,TB;EDiTO Pleaaa inform your , Bucilen's Arnica Salre. Tmk Ban 8aj.tr. ia the world for Cuts, f ruises. 8er s. Ulcers. Salt Rheum Feret Sores, Tctte. jChapped Uasds, Chilblains t c rsi; and all Skin Emptions, and positire- . ly t ares Piles, or no pay required. IVis f ii -inteed to give perfect satisfaction, or ti.cn y refunded. Fnce 25 cents es box r , " r gala by Klottz ft Co. ' till, i : Ickinzrp Tistn by the Keck. j three Toung tigers, larger than Newfoundland dogs, loose on the j deck of a British India steamer crown ed with several hundred Alecca pilgrims. The cage in which they were confined was large7and barred on each side, with a partition running along its middle, which had a droD door The man who bad charge of the antmats wouiu u hem over to one side oi ine cng-, he partition and clean out t he other A at his leisure: then, barring up the clean side, he would open the partition and drive the tigers bade, wnue ne weni throush-the same performance on the other side. One morntng he neglected to put up the bar on the side he iiaa finished, and so drove the tigers out of th nnrKie side of the open cajre.lThe animals on oDiaining uieir uuci j, w different directions, and crouching in the- nearest corners, lay snarling ar.a exposing their teeth, showing unmis takable signs of a most dangerous iear. That side of the deck was deserted, and the crowd gazed in interest at a respect ful distance. Mr. Fleusetthe third offi. eer.the second officer and the keeper, each placed himsell nelore a tiger, oar- ring tneir CXll 8nouiai,ney auemp w nove away. Flense inquired if the fi- gers had been fed that day. mey naa not ; they had always been fed on liv ing fowls. Fleuse called for three chick ens from the hen coop. Taking these he threw one in the face of each tiger. The chickens seemed simply motionless, glued to the -spot, so instantaneous was th ntmff or leeui ana.ciaws. r teuse then went deliberathlr up to a tiger, cooly took the loose skin of the buck of the neck with one hand and the root of the tail with the other, and, putting out his full strength, t dragged the heavy brute along the deck to the cage, and forced it through the open bars. The chicken diversion acted perfectly. The brute had no object but that of retain ing its prey. It growled fe;irfnlly ; its eyes blazed ; its teeth crashed through the chicken ; its unsheathed claws held nnd nipreed its fiuiVerinc bodv. Red- hot irons would hardly have made it loosen jts grip of the bird. Then the keener and the others helped Fleuse in carrying the remaining tigers into the cage. We Tell You Plainly ihat Simmon's Liver Kegulator will rid you f Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation and lilliousness. It will break up chills and ever and prevent their return, and is omnlete antidote for all malarial poison -tt entirely free from quinine or calomel frr.it and vou will be atonihcd at the ,'oel results of the genuine Simmon Liver .emulator, prepared by J. II. Zeihn & U ' Which lie was the Truth! VonTlfoltke could be silent in seven languages," it is said. The Dutchman's nr. Uom. orwlllrl fuL'A hi flinifp fn hf Liient in English or his "mother ton- . tt Hig ather8 question was a r .n,W 1 . J W heir came in lWmnT.iJV 4tA Kalr ilnnv an4 An rl A'l vnnwl Uf sneak up the stairs nnobserTed. - HkWit me yon Tas dalkin' to vader?" . MYab, mine solin, it vas you, you bed. eir lircb, radei. vou vas not come rait t ' V LT I knnnr vsiw vntl IWHn fllfl PIP RnniaA'lie-'Uurcn 4JV. xour Biswr nan wi i Jhn.rnAWMmi. mil th ahiireh nnrl '"Sbabiiw mil f alia ma cnmi mnra lies. Your brudder, Yacob, he comes shiasffion oud, and he says jou vas not Jereb, Shonnj. Now, rot you says J J J iu nut r . f s - uNotting, vader." uYou says netting, hey?M VNotting," . I4Shonny come sie bier vonce; look Vas you looking me ashamed of you vants you right icr. off M me which of Jiw n . -' 1 j ,T . I havehajd eatarrh for twenty years, and wJ -M kZlttntdH without relief, Mr Smith cirug!Iit, of little Fall, recom meale.l EW'a cream Balm. The eff ct t ijtha tlrst application was magical, it allaye al laved the inflammation and the next morning my head was clear as a bell. One bottle has done me so much good that I am t onvinc ed its use will effect a permanent cure. It is soothing, pleasant aud easy to apply, and I strongly urge its use hy all sufferer. Geo. Terry, Little Falls, N. Y. 1 Apply Balm into each nostril. Time Enough to Lie. There is a vounsr man fitudvine law! itt k ' Texas law yer'a oflBce. and the Toung man is not very regular in his aauiLs. xeaurxuitT uia uia lawyer saui: Why j didn't I see you in court yes- terdayi' -"Because I wasnH there, I reckon, . was confined to mv room with the toothache was the response of the m 1 - " 1 .1 I J .ri. nataredlv, stop that ! YaxmiH have pienrj- of time to He after yon have yr wamination arid been ad- oi tted teite Teza Sit Siflmys: CONSTOPKOH StJSSlaY CU3BD. lcauciiiHirt uaisaivtuiBIVIBCUJ lur the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cacs have baen permanently cured. I shall la clad to seud twobptlles jof my remedy free to any of var jreadcrs who huye con sumption lfthej.will send me their ex press ana post office address. Kcspect- full T Slocux, M. Cm 181 Pearl st., KY. Tie firit stciiiBship was built in 183Q. AM aa. tTtT il A 1 a am Jl L. anaw 3 .4- it,.n ci Sl 1 vv aa V all I a M.r ti. i . uiu . - I i me mein eve in. I LUI 1 T IU 11B.C UUl, UUU M. i v.m "Tte Best m In t3 Stte. " .i- : Our Warrant These, shoes are made of first quality Calf -Skin. The bottom stock is ALL LEATHER, and single sole leather counters. ; We Guar antee these uppers to outwear the soles on them, and the extra pair which we furnish with them, These half soles have thei cdsres all made and the holes punched for the hails which are .furnished with them, so they can be put on at any time, by any one, thereby saving 75e to $1. A full line of Congress, lace cm i d inctto i shoes al ways on hand. Schultz & VanWyck. Black Front Main Street. r&sgcr 1 A neglected cold or cough may '! tu lnumula.(',nn!ump(lon or other fatal di-t-axe. Btrana'u Pectoral Pilla wt i I eur a e'd a by muffle. Ft ihint lor dTpppslaJn digeslios., sicA bcadacho aa Vbousauda teatlj. HUMPHREYS' HTTUPH&rrS'SOOZ )th & Cold Binding riflM, wiik StMl lumln, aii rati. .r. o. aim, s. t. IMT Or TUJSCITXI. MOS. ctnuca rates. l 2 FeTCra, ConcMtion, lDfluumtioii. .23 VVoroM. Worm rr. Worn Colic... .33 (yin ?olir. or TUtiaa of lafaata. .25 mrrlMia. of CbiMros or Adulu 2ft lyoelery. Griping. BiIko Coli.. .2S Cholera Xlorbn. Votniuag 25 ('Ch. Cold, Bronchitis 25 Veuralcia. Toothaeha. FocHo. . ... .25 HcaJachea. Sick Haalach. Vxrtiro .25 a HOMEOPATHIC Dyapeaaia. Bilioaa Ktoiaaeh Sunpreaaea' or Palalul Perioaa V biles, too Profoaa Pariada , .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .59 .50 .50 .BO Crotia. OoaRh, DiiBenlt Brvathiaff.... nan Hneam. ti Lryaipalaa. trnptioaa,. Rbeamatiam . jinaomatie raina Fever and il Acue. Chill. Malaria me. Uli: nd or ola liKlin. Idlratarrh. lafloansa. OoTd ia tha MA 204 Whoeoin Conch. VioUat 'oacb.. 24Geeral nebilHy.PbyaicaiWaakaaaa .50 .50 iivinry iMaeoao krrvooa nebllHr t.OO riaary Weakneaa. WaUina Bad... .50 3UII 32ini9oaara or the Heart. Palpitatioa .1 .OO SPECIFICS. Sold by DroFlhata, or sen I or aen( poatpaid on raoaipt of mSMVUk VO. MS F ahaa aC JLX. prioa. Hcaraaaiv 3:6m. Valuable Land for Sale! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Sampson county in the case of l. a. McJvoy and others, exparte, I will sell at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on Monday, the 5tli day of March 1888, about Three Hundred and rw-y acres oi valuable land in Kowan COlint V Kllt, 1ft mil A n. ct nf SolluKn... ,, ,y v . .awM. T, ?n M.lne CKOy land. This land 1 Will Iwt oslrI in Im.. a IRA and the bal- Persons desiring ease call on MAUNEY, Commissioner. inMlUn'O VUUC. Havins nualiGcd as administrator of I the Estate notice is i inir claims of James A. Jamison, dee'd. hereby given to all Dersons hav- ing claims against said estate to exhibit the same to me on or before the 9th day of February, 1889. Dated Feb. 2d, 1888. 16:6t. D. W. LOWRANCE, Administrator of James A. Jamison. Ilotice; to Debtors and Creditors. All ifrsori having claim arrnin.t K tate of Chalmers 8. Shoaf, drt'd, are here- , notified to nt he l,i.r.;.,nirAr same to the un- on or before the lfttla f Pehruary, 1889, oi or this notire will be plead ! in lar of their recovery. And those indebted to said estate, are hereby notified to settle the same without delay. I II. E. SHOAP; Administrator. Feb. 10, 1888. 17.Ct:pd. EEP Sea Wonders eaist in thou sands of forms, but are surnasa- ert Dy tne inarrels of invention. Those who arc! in need of profitable work that 1 can be done while living at homo should I at once send their address to Hallett & Co.. Portland. - Maine. full information how either sex. of all ages, can earn' from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever thev live. xou are 1 farted ft-ee. Capital not required. Fome 1 ?".ve ma?e f50 in n8 J t All succeed. THE WILHfflGTON STAR. -:o:- SEDUCTION IN PEICE. Tlio Oae year T . Six months Star. $6 00 3 00 1 50 Three months Oae month 50 THE WEEKLY STAR. i l Jatyear - - Six months . - Three taonths $1 00 -:o: Oar; Telegraph ewi icmce has recently a a . m oeen largely iicreaa, ana it is our determiaa. tion to keep the Stab np t. th. highest ttao- aara ot newspaper excellence. fibUll U1UI IiUUU UJttJUM a nJTV j., - . ... ....... r.i Hill llill I Adaress, WM. ir. BKRKARD WilmingtoB, X. C. HiJl yr"-.- 1Q88, I : i . i Has been received, and, as usual, is full of verrthinir neW and old for the Flowerand Veiretable Gardens. No seed hwuse fur nishes better stock than James Yick. . j rtochester, N. Y. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.! 250 ft second hand font of Bruce's Bourgeois at 10 cts. per pound. Tied uo and in boxes. A second hand of 100 pounds of Smith A McKellar a Bourgeois at Vt cU. per , In cases'. A second hand font of Smith fc McKel lar's Brevier. 60 lbs. In cases and tied un. at 12 cts. A second hand 40 ft font of Great Primer at 15 cents per ft. A lunre 8 line border, ornamental cor ners, at 14 cts, per lb. A Urge 10 line ornamental border at 14 ctji. ner ft. And various otherfonts of advertising or display, type at about half original cost. CoMionsr's Sale of Real Estate. In onrsuance of aiudenient'of the Su perior Court of Rowan coonty, 1 will sell at the Court house door in the town of Salisbury, on Monday, the 2nd day 01 Anril. 18S8. at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described valuable lauds : Three 3 town lots, which are describ m.A K- tnoiM n1 hnunrls in n. crrtuin deed 1886. -and registered in Book tw, page 470, of the Public Registers Office of Ko wan county. Terms of sale: The purchaser to pay " - . ai a one-half casn and me miiancc in six months, interest on deferred paymeut at 8 per cent. KERR CRAIGE, Commissioner. Dated Feb. 9, 188. 16:Gw. THIS PffiBasBEffKS H. W. AY BR 4k SON. our aatbwriaed ace&U. Visit Cedar Care Nirseriss, Which are now by odds the largest, best conducted and well stocked with the most reliable fruits of any nursery in the State. Contains more reliable acclimated varie ties of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Grapes, and all other fruits for orchard and garden planting. WJe have no com- Eetition as to extent Of grounds and eautifully grown trees and vines of all desirab'e ages' and sizes. We can and will please you in stock. Your orders solicited. Prices reasonable. Descrip tive catalogue sent free. Address N. W. CRAFT, Shore, Yadkin County,JX. C. 47:ly. mmi liliLKorW fUKlISE8 1SI mznm V5h?fEiiiisj mil A. Life Experience. Rerrarkabla and iuic2c euros. Trial Pacaea. Send etaxnp fo.r aealod particulars. Address Or. WARD A CO. Loul3iana, Mo. aa4 'Wklakar lTaa Ita earaar at hoaaa with oat pain. Baokefaar. Ueularo aat FREB. B. If.WOOLLKT. at.n. Uffloa 65M WbiMaaU 64. If You Wi.h a. Go d Article OI Pluo Tobacco, ask your dealer foi Old Rip." VEAIUNDEVELOPED friRYapf thadtt iN aoOY KSLAHOKD.DKVKlr TtfRNED.Etii.. in an tntTf.Moai- laatifw.wt kp ran ib anr cawr. j In apply to iaial ri.wa will aay that thara t no .Tldgnca of hnjnbn abont tha. On thaoutrir7.hadTrtir ara ri r tahly intraat. lntT& wrwiii may 7t yrrol.nt aiTipg all partirnl,ry by inidp-taa If rj if KPIOtL ().. FOR SALE. One Brick Hotise and lot, on the cornef I of Fulton and Kerr streets, about one acre ib lot. One Frame House and lot on Lee street. One Frame House and lot on street. Main i Also shares in N. C.'R. R. f, Euquir 4f Mrs. H. . and Misa Vic toria Johnson at their home on Main street. 40:tf ? 6ERHAM-CARP:- I can furaisn carp .large or small, in a ay , Quantity, tor stock In t conds. For terms, addresa W. R. FRALKV.sai- sbury, N.C Mf" ; 1 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleaaaca aad aeauttOea the hair. Promotes a luxuriant rrowtiu Nevar Faila to Heat or Uray Hair to its Yoathfal Color. I Qawcalpdlmniawaaail katrCanian vv. n in iii't' lata. PARKER'SCirJCERTOrJIC HTTiDBIRTH Evary la4y aaoaU bb. atatna. ttJULM.IL nKM. tXX.Bo K Bnwaiqji CRSlAy BLOOtal. Bert Ce1rrios Hwn. tlfiar, Skia Cora and Blamiah Eradieator kaom 6:iy; When I say Cms I do not mean merely to stop tbeni tor a Urn, aad then bar. them re : tarn airaln. I mux A RA.D1CAJ. CURJK. I hav. mads the disease ot ' i or i I gATiTiTTTG SlCXHa ECp, I i . - - . ? ; Altfsloojt ttudr. t wAJtaUvrmy remedy to Cvkk the worst eases. Because others have v laUedi a nareaaon for net bow rerelTtaa a eora. Sn4 at once tor a treat tea and a Fkkr BontXB of my IvrAtxiBXj- Bkxxdt. Give Express aad Post Offlee. It eeats too jothtnc tor a" trtal, and ft wtU ear. roa. Address 7 H.C.ROOT.M.C. l3PtAtST.,EwYotx CO 30 1 (wMQ mrnr PAJJ7IES3C ROW ICCOMPUSiHEn W 1 Ml G:6m. &UIEVILLE, N. CM Sept. 24th, 1887. PASSJEXGER TRAIN- SC1I KDULE. Effective SepK 25th, 1S87. Eastern 76 meridian time used when not -otherwise ppecilk-d. WESThoUXD, lt. r Clnrieston I.M) p. m. Columbia 9.4t Aupusia Its Ailani (.0 tfiMrtanbursr J.lie a.m. v liarloite l.oo p. ni. Spartirnburjr Accoiiimodatlon l'.ihtengrr ISpartaubuigr t.yt p. ui. . l.s a. m. litradrson llle MI 5.63 AKbeville .0 7.M AsbevlUe 7.1 Hot Springs .( tMorristoun lt.45 tKnoviile 1.05 p. m. tCliMtUiiooga 5.43 Ar. ? i-T. ! L. I Lt, I Ar. i Lt. i Ar. Lt.I. Ar. EASTBOUN D. t'hattinooga JKuoxvllle fMoirlsiown iiOi springs Asbcvllie so a m. s.is p. m. 3.5M 7.60 41 Accommodation Ptssenger Asherlll .io a. m. .4S a. m. Lt. Ar, ncndersonville t.ss tspartanbui; I.l p. m Sparlant-ui-g- 5.44 Charlotte l.iS .lanta Augusta 11.07 t oo a. m. t.n I 05 . 1.I0T. m. 10.30 a. m. 10.8 L Ar. Columbia . Charleston !.Mal station. foatraiwh meridian time. jmilinan Sleeping Car between not Springs and Savann .to. via A. U. L. nnd Cbarlesion. Through cir between Morrlstown and.-hurleslon via South Carolina K. It. ' JAS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. P. T W. A. WINBUKX, A. D. P. F. BicW anrl Danyflle Bailroai Co. AV. N. C. Division. Passenger Train Schedule. Effective, Sept. 25th. 1887. 1 Extern 7f th. meridian tlma used, when not 9turwlse ijeeiacd. WEST BOUND i r New Yor PiilUdelpUla Baltimore Wnslilujj'on Klchmoud Kaletgh Sail bury stairsvllle lll.kory couneliy Spring's Morjantou Marlon AStiEYILI.E liot Springs t Morrtstowu t Knoxvillo 4 30 p.m .'. 4i II ao 3 30 a.ci l oo 11 rjm. in 12 20 p. in 1 s 1 44 t 34 3 18 . 5 OS 7 05 8 45 10 60 ! .rrlT0 i EAST EOUND Leave t Knoxvllle 4 30 a. m t Morrlstown (7 45 Dot springs 10 5S ASMKV1LLE II 5 p.m i;ound Knob ',t 13 Marlon 3 1 Worg vnton 4 15 Hickory 05 Ktatesvltle 4 13 Salisbury S 10 haleUrh 4S5.Jm VI nio:il 15 - Wiislilnffton 8 10 B iltlmoro 10 03 ! Ul.idflphla 1 35 p. m New York 30 rrtte Murphy Branch. Dally except SUNDAY THAIS NO 18 8 it a at Leave AKliertlle .... TRAIN NO 17 Arr 4 so p. m S30 loisa. u Loava 7 ro to 55 Arr aynesviuo ttipm fharleslon .. 5 0$ Jarietts A. & S. Soad. Dally except SUNDAY TRAIN NO II t so p. m Iave ' 17 Arrive TRAIN NO 11 Spartanbnrjr Anlve 1 10 p. m IIenderOBville 0 M a. m AsbevUle Leave 8 to Dinner Stations, t .Central (90 th. meridian ) time. Pullman parlor ear between Salisbury a Kiioxvllle Pnllm a sleeplrt; cars, on all cleat trains. JOS. L. TAYLOR, O. P. 1. W. A. WINBURN. Acff D. P. A. THIS PATER riZ&ttr. J'cVr 4rtMcx B".uraaa(iO Sprooe SX.V. wWa 4rUias .outracca mr toe It IH UUiv. HlfUI V Itovf arlel arc those who lUllL I read this and then act; they will find honorable employment that will not take them from their homes and fam ilies. The profits arc large and sure for every industrious person, many have made, and are now making several hun dred dollars a month. It is easy for ay AtA 4A MtnlrA 4:K rwl iit-kwarn t1a Tal" Hav ho.8 to work Eithej ser young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Stinnon & Co., Portland, Mais?. It 'out of sons' with headache., stonaea tUerdor, tarpU llvr, ea!a la teak or sMo, a ttlpatlaa. mailaet may ; te fatal. Oao da of Stroma's aUavatW FUla wtlt tiva rallat 4.1 cw dasea rastara ta aaw baaith and ylxme. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. l f "aac:. a S Bl HHIMOIIT AIB-IIHE EODTI Richmond & Danville Bailroad. C02:22?03D DOSBDb'La. IN EFFECT SEPT. 4, 1887. J T- Meridian Time. Trains llvs Bv 75 DAlLlf , j No. H. i 30 1 J 6 57 4 N ! ir 00 j 3 00 AM 6 50 " ' 9 SO - ' j 413 - 506 M 5tl I 8 05 " I I4S 4 S 10 P M I tl OJ A M 37 1 1 ? 1 sw 10 14 . 11 S3 " ' ii n P m 1 in 7 35 It 01 P M 1 00 " $ 34 M 4 48 ' 1 10 40 SOUTHBOUN No. . Lt. New ork PnliadelpUla Baltloiore " WaUlngton " CharlotteoTlue " Lynchburg " MchcionU Burkesvllle Kej-8Ule " Drake's BrancU Danville Greensboro It It T W 9 45 11 X4 5 33 6 50 3 IC 6 17 5 64 IS 8 60 44 S 30 s no 4 61 t9 15 I f5 ti SO lt 14 12 37 Uoldsbbro ' Hal lgh " Durham Ar. Chapel H 111 " lllllsbon-o Suiem 4 High Point ' Kaiisbury " States llle AsUertUe Dot Springs Lt. Concord " Charlotte . " Spartanburg wreenTlile- Atlanta A M 1 9S 5 tS 43 1 JO r m PATLf. northbound' So. 51. 5t. D Lt. Atlanta 7 00 irST 5 A- H Ar. iJreenTllle t 1 01 VI S 34 1 Sparta bul i m I 3 44 Charlotte I s 05 I " 5 M roncord s 03 ! " 7 rr, " " Salisbury . 44 I " ; w " " High Point i 7 57 11 " Greensboro 8 S8 40 " ; Salem Ml 40 J8 34 AM ! " HilJsboro It 0 P JI ' TS 44 AM " Durham l 45 44 05 ' " Chapel Hill ! ts IS j " ; " RalelKh j S 10 t " i t6 35 o!dsboro t 4 3S I 1 1 43 " " Danville 10 0 AM ! 11 39 P M ' Drake's Branch i lt 44 P M j S 44 A M " Keysvllle j 1 00 " ! 3 03 " " Burkesvllle 1 40 1 3 55 I.'lchmond j 3 45 ' (15 ' Lynchburg l 15 P M - i 00 " harlottcsTllTa ' 3 40 4 10 8" W.islilngton ' 8 S3 8 10 B iltlmore : 11 5 " 10 03 ' PliiUdelphla j 3 00 A M it P II V New York ; 6 SO " 3 SO M Dally. t Dally, except Sunday SLEEPING-CAB SI&VICE. On train no 50 antl 51. Pullman Buffet Sleeper wiwfen .Mianm anu loric. un train.' 68 and sa, Pullman Uu fret sier ner be- ttvern Washlneron and Mohtonui y; Waslilnj,'lon an1 August'i. Pulluiaii Slreiw-r between l.lchinond and Cirft-Dsooi o. 1'ullii nn Stlt-t-i er t.ttw ecn ;re'U3 ixroand i.alcijrh. r'ullinan 1'ailor tarbt-iween Salisbury a n l Knowllle i. Tbrouifb ll':fcit.s on sale at Principle station, to all points. - r For rates and Information, apply to s ny agent of ihe Com v any. or to ; Sol. Haas, Taj(iicManagr. J. t?. Toits, Dir. Fa.Agt. Richmond, Va. W. A. Turk, Dir. Vas. AgU i Kalkigii, N. Jas. L Taylor, l'at. Agt 0$ Eegular Horizontal Piston. nr tTjjtr:::"'si ai7.- k a . - icbb 5g W , I- fe i So A I . '.a Pis ' 2hJ MA 1 A (J.) , . II ! i.rimnfMmp V II 3 3 11 ! MW.nb.r,1r.H.rk. H - g n ! v yfr pfi': The most simple, durable and cfiective Pump in the market ior Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. ESfTSend forXatalogue. The A. S. CAMERi STEAM PUMP WORKS, school teachers, mnllnerm, jwwnstresshbiwsa TWceFaTortte PiescHptiod k tha tei of aK restorati re ton ica. n m not a-uure-aiij Tout admirabir nuaus a nng-ieneaa 01 purnoae, rntMa a moat DOtens epecmc 10r .au thOM Chronic Woakneasca and Disoasea peculiar to women. It Is a powerful, general as well as uterine, torrio and nerrine, ahd ImJbafU Vllft uterine, torrio and nerrine, ahd ImJbafU Vlgfte and streflfth to the whole iTatem. It prornptif ures weakness of stomach, tadijrestton. bloats Inir. weak back, nervous prostration. debUltj and akpleaTOaa. in either aex. r aTotite Pre. criptlon ia sold hydrugyists tthdetoor TU Uvermutrante. See wrapper around bpttWj PrliTsiO, or alxbottlea for $10 A lanre treatise on ' w4oraTw fuaely filustratod with colored plataa and uci merouS wood-cuts, seutf or 10 eonts m atampa, AssoOATioif, 663 Mala Street. Buffalo, T; RICK TfEsnACUE, iimpus Headacba, and COTstlpatkm. promptly cured by Dr. Fierce s i-eueu. uci nan by druggists. PATENT Caveats, Trade Marks and Lopyngnis ; . Obtained and all other buslneao In tho 1. 1, atii Offloe attended to for Moderate Fees. : Our office is opposite tne u. 8. Pateht Offira ... we can obtain Patents In less tltno than toe.t ra! mote from Washington. Send Model or drawing. w adrlto as t naUai. ability fres et cfianre: and make a 4ar . - we rotor aor to -tno Feataiastor, m tin t Moaoy Ordor Dlv.. sad ta aneiaiiot Ui v. s r. atofflCO, Yr elreala. adrlto. torart a rttsv eaees aetial elienu la y osr ow itato or toa.ka a ai m ... . Opaoaito Pataat Office, WaailBgtaap o. Oct. su'sa. W VERB CUAIGK. L. II. CLCMKXT tK? j CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attornevsi uCVt 3 Salisbukt,N. Ck Feb. 3rd, 1881 STOVES AMD-HEATERS. COOK STOVES AND RANGES. I have the best and prettisi lot f Coal nnd Wood Stoves ever offered in thia market, many of them of the latest aad most approved paterns suitable for par. lors, dining rooms, stores, offices,chuf rbes, school houses, shops and sitting' rooms. Large nnd small. Call and see them and hear prices. 49:1m. Wm. BROWN. ; COUGHENOUR & SHAVER. DEALERS IX j - FRESH MEAT AND ICE. The choicest BEEF the market affords always on hand. - 50:2m VERTICAL PLUKGEB. I - "-"';!'. a 1 n . .rr 3 SB 3. 114- r r nil, i ia fi ' do :?mM - I WtgS: -" 11, 5:, sJfc'S.

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