r -r "- J "tinu.y HuJm- THUISDA Y, SIARCH lryim CkoUna Watchman. lnfESS ancUthe Virginia, orth-UaroIinaf SoutlCarpinat Georgia and Alabama internal reVenue abolitionists" are riot savin it a word airainifc.it. r ; The de&rc 1 to keep wtlLiaiijaelvith-iba drainis- trstion prevents anyininna4iytm-j-cratie- endowment -ml tUe.JilL, The North Carolina members are reticent A strong party pressure will be invoked in favnr of the Mills bill, but it is very manifest now that nothing ...short ,o Republican votes "can saYe it This ma v. all be chanced! before the bill is BUI on lis una pasasC xuc Hn.iof l; battlers 3 defined by ?tbe Randall bill; and 1 ? whether Ran dall or Mills shall win depends" npoa -wayi inghup - : - -.Oil 1 C. Aagasta Chron'ele. 1 i- WashikotoS. March llth.-r-J udge ' Henderson, of " North Carolina, who lives at Salisbury, is one of the most - SracticAl -ts well as oneT of the ablest : teen from the South. He is, I might trathinllysay; distinguished f 6r 'com mon sense, He seems t to read public ' toentiment by intuition T&is-is t hown tr the fact nearly all lusvoles this ses ; -fcion jiave been cast on the.winnmg i l.A t, voorif xo-ftit fr Rfe which the Cat jumps, 10r ills naijie couieo f me miiuciuxu a-idim ui mtu up on the KsJt among tho H's. tive Republican allies." The prepon- itepubiican sentiments is Mr. Randall bis bill would Iasked him a- bass both the House and "Senate. He ffF rull.'enibracincasitdoeslhaa assurance of support, he says-from -'.aTiA Wrisimia f or reducing the I more than fortv Democrats. He does r T,uwi al Wnne. to hear him speak I not intend he s iys. to . antagonize the -?i TTo eM that he would vote for administration. It is simply a diffcr- 41i hili as it .now stands if it should I ence of opinion. His bill- he believes Some out of the committo of the whole to be' a safe business measure. ; The "tTAn . biit he would endeavor in com- Millsibill will be reported to the House ttitteeiohave, at leasts the tax on fruit next week Mr. Randa!l is clearly of the brandy removed. He does not conceal opinion that his bill I is genuine as a fact that the people of North Car- Isubstitute for the Mill bifi. He admits Volina are determined on getting rid of I the possibility of the tactical resort b; Die entire system of internal-re venuerlwhichKhe Republicans may defeat a Of course, he says, they are not unrea-1 tariff legislation but-does not appre- eonatles wbere crllce tefl, 16 the'end that rifer i Mr. Henderson Just SaturJiv pre- la CxClarai DSCUltV, i.ai:iil.cn. jaay bewsed rapidlj poMible It has "Uafea to the House the petition of the Consumption, and Wasting in Children, iert thoght wue or iper for lb poor gen--fa P "i 10 j u i eott.JVjmilsion of - iure Cod Liver eraMfm 19 J""!""" morMi varonua larmav'iu , oil vrith UvpophospWtcs is most valu- school, fond. I t A ; : - .:YUici-1 ivamW. .r.f.ltlio t- 1 -u!. rA La .iMM:!sna Tt.--rffttes an lhiridz tne year I3i ana iei incrf was ai , , i . , ,t 3 ft... . -it- - I .in.wt,na Hl.ntiPrvriH Ux bf 6 cents on tb t0 f proper after tcrnal revenue taX53 OH aiCOhol.V nll,w n iX T1pw 1T2 ad until 1881 jhe ux on .ropeAj vaa 81 . : Ami' , : ' sysUsm. wid bniWs i p Ihe liody. 4 les e 121 cents, at whih figure it novr stand. -- f 1 ne WOISS Storm. Ol uie seasap : tii- youug man wanm iciua w w. - in aa4U)oti to this ncnd property tax-tho c- ibfeNokhera'-ffrtd -zEas'tcVn -States had given unr-jSinee he bf-an using I he Constitution applied at leMttbree-fourth of all i ine iNoriern aiLi iit.u Emulsion, his Cough has ceased, gained poll jtaxbotb State andT county, ta seLool par. bundav llgbtr Hri3 riven flc8n ttnd strength, and from all appcar- posc, which amount An atgd f About blocked iir NeTv-Y-ork1 St ateajftl tele ances "his' life wUHris prolonged many one Qoiiur aim. nuy wan ucu.iuc muuwi t .. r. , ... . 5 s - I years. i uavo ucril Jiis reached the exact amouatU uva grapu .wwei opwiUu, AUbusla?s4 iiras for the past twenty c years, abd never eacfe poll that is conccxea., . . . ata stand still for. twenty our hours, hare used any preparation wnn prnier -The statuus apply now, ana av tor., years, i . : . .. - . , -. t c-i ; .j I satisfaction. J04ti SULLIVAN, Hospital the fines, forfeitures and penalties imppsad by 1 ' . ' " . i " . ' . , . I sA..nt Tf.fiiVm Rhn1 -MnrKinza. Pal theSuperior Courfe and by the Justices of the ;i)ufly Evenin OberverMi ' i r-t - v KeSeS Chas: il. operas vivcjiisper . ; Henry Bergb who l:as made himselT froU auclibneers. estrays, articles of incbrpora- the; Obsefvcrx under the abote title. farnous bv jm connection witH i the P?.?? RJ.f fW; fT.Pnlfmi fifrneltv to fln ;rr not a man at circumiocu- aerance or f -tioni There is no bias in his mind i it clearly with RandalL f 'U alraiVht cnt v it-h him. So I was confidenttoday tht i tuai mm . sonable, and they donot expect every- hena sucn a -esuit. n u may D3j Mr. thing done in a day ir .one session of Randall's way. but in- talking with Cbnjrress, - He thinks, however, that your correspondent today he was very I : . . : .... i - FOR a a vim - -- j -a t . - . - tionjissued by County Superior Court Clerks, The N OS. on our table EASIER i. - and tax on dogs. they, are leTied by the General Assembly, are the.fuudi are , not put into the hani a of the State Treasurer,, but all are rttain edfia the couaties where they are raised. t- III counties where the btate taxes levied in a Heveane law.- and in the scliool law, and J night.. 5 the State could be carried , onv plat-confident, not to say sanguine. form favoring total abolition pi all in ternal taxes. In regard to the fruit brandy tax, he ears his people will not e satisfied unless the "fruit brandy tax - be removed this session. , I asked him The Old Emperor of Germany is Dead. pointedly: Williim the First, Emperor of Germany and -King ot Prussia, passed away ia the A 1-. i -Tm - as tripava0 ' i Fiom these source, our school funds so far as .. J,,, j ' w;Bi kLi in 1 Animals died in -New -York Monday I desired, and thefuudj are, not put into theljlim. - . " J ,. . . . ' !;--: . ? k I I lynched after Seven Ye4ri.-: 1 huvQe law? and in the schooi iaw, audi . Wm, A. rarker, wao was fried iior. th bounty taies levied by ihe commissioners, unjer 0f Col. Bryan Grimes, SIX inItding school taxes; do not amount to more k,-- n TOOa iJ.a- frni fo than erf eent. on .f lob of property and ?r f ven Je?f?' tfte5 F Q Sff! on the polls, the commissioners are required to lock-up, m W ashmgton. Si . 14 ounda levy; enough tax, in addition to the funds se- night last, and hung. 4nstie at last, cured ondet the general State levies as above tten on paper, was f OUnd Jattached munitioned, to continue the schools four months rt xi-e oce . , per hnnum." , . .' - . ' 1 la most counties, however, after providing r m j for founty expenses, the commissioners find no j JbaCCO Exposition. margin left for application to schools. Prior to t ' ...X ' ,r . , I L. the Supreme Court decision in Barksiale vs. Danville, Va., March- 13.-pA mass CdnSmissioncrs of Sampson county, 93 Nr C, meeting to-day resolved toehold a grand Reports, the Commissioners were required Southern tobacco exposition and trade K.We four months t(rms whether br oifthev disDlav here next -.fall. There will be exceeded CiJ cents tax on property, and $2 .00 added exhibits of agricultural prqducts, on polls. It will be noticed that the receipts stock and machinery. of all kinps. , lor 1887 were $23,263.98 less tha.n they wercin. IHfti? u-iuie the l-r werfi mst th R:vm. .Ihel . i faH-olT in receipts is to be attributed to the de cision referred to and to the failure, 1 think, of Pittsburc. Ta, March 13. Thb western- an junusuaJly large number of persons to pay j bound express collided this morning on iuwr ioii.i. itncircnnsvivania raiiFoau, ucaF xiujitiuK- Some commissioners are oow so managinr trrn -vtith a frpitvht- train. I Engineer .. . .. . . I " O i county natters asj to apply ail tb poll tax to Gardner and fireman Myers, of the ex- schools, while others find that for ordinary nross v.ere killed and several passengers ' ' . . .. .. .11 . MD1 WILE tSELBTHEM; LOg ;' : ' :6: J , '! -.te Suppose the republicans moved to l morning of March Oth, aged nearly 91 years. taxe the tax. off fruit brandy, and thejA great, grand, wise and good man and nlills democrats voted against, it, would J ralerof men has finished his career on earith TOU TOte With the republicans.'': ; 1 and gone to his final rest. Governments ;?jM I should vote. to take the tax off 1 and"peoples throughout the civilized world ,,fnut brandy, was th(? reply. ' mourn the departuie of one wlio had dis- v:' , : -"" --'T J innuisnea nimscii in peace .-ana in war. rVftTbe issuei madtfand wq shall stand I His own people mourn. him-as one who was ibv the bill, just as it is, Baid lleprescnta .correspondent of March 12thv wlicn speak n fcrencotQ. the tarjbill. . Continr ing, he siid " The revenue, reformers in- tcha ta fight every amend merit which is of--(ered, no matter who offers .it." This bill is ilhs result of three months hard work and -tadj on the pat of the gentlemen who . eompose the majority of t he . Way anrl : Means Committee,- and I don't beiieve it . wontd' bo possible' to get up a measure, dif- ' fntm thto nn fh-af u'liitTrl n-iiticm Ilia 1revnoel to the same extent, and result in grief-of Europe on the. death of the Em 's sa little injustice to'cverylKJdy toncerned.'1 1 peror notwithstanding the Crown Prince ffjTbeproapect of pasBing this bill is im .' proving, j Mr. Mills claim that he has 156 ,vvtes already pledged to the hill; this is I aTy 7 short of a majority, barely the par purposes they do not need the full margin of 34 j cents now left them by the General Assem bly, and so levy something for schools as sec tion 2590 of the school law requires them to do. The County Boards of Education press their claims upon the Boards of Commissioners and were seriously if not fatally wounded. i. The New Emperor's Wejcorai. Berlin March 11 Emperbif Frederick The follbwuis: persons sent in the above ansffpr' to ou'rjiuzzlc which isjeorrecti Mammie 0. Whit, Miss fean hio ' Shob'er:.MissBe8Me;i Kceii, F: Ross. M rsJ R6b t. : M; D avis, Mrs.-Vietej. SmifliHcrmanPciligandLloyd Swicegood;;. ThereSbeing so many wo would suggest that the above persons meet at our store on Mondar JHcirCU UllJj Ub Jt U uuun, .auuiiiio vyvixiiuiituellj .1 13 mh . sskrvi mr ncs IS lit Our Drv Goods JNEVV YU BUYER 7 Absolutely Pure. !.. .wi.tAnttraarfA A mnrvl of nnrttV I arrived heretodaV.-He was creeled by the I atrensrth.and wholesomeness. More conomlr al to beater economy in their administration of wildest and most etlthasiastte- chef ring. t?fft fnM i countymatters to the end that the schools may Prince Bismarck, entered the salon to J wetffht.alamorph08phate powders. Seldonlj in vith care arid judgment a BEAUTIFUL be? brought up to the fonr months that the Con- J greet the Emperor and Emprefs. Empe stitntion inquiries as a minimum. I cannot too ror Frederick stepped quickly toward the much commend such consideration on the part I doorand repeatedly embraced rrince JJis- faithful and tireless in his efforts to protect. I of the Connty Commissioners, and can bntj marck. It was noticed that the Emperor bmtd up and establish their country : and cTri8n ""P.' uianuiKu stooa quite ereex wuu umj iupre uy bis SUCCeBS in this direction has been almost UonnUr. all the commissioners will do everv-ru: 1 1 phenominal. ' . . - j thpjr in their power to increase the funds. Let jQe Empress also greeted "fthe Chan- ThciCrown Pnncc assumed the reins of lTm d" this go,to . ',m,at.,? LTI cellor most warmly. 3 . 5. rvwirk a v vnn f arm n nn l i an a nn innnn 011 government reuwica mei nira. ne is moncy under our system, stays at homi afflicted with a fatal disease of the throat I ix thr cocnty whkre baisid and so does not and is not expected to survive his father impoverish either the county or the State It many weeks, fenous fears for the political tu'at impoverishes us, but the money that we tuiiue vi 111c vuuuiry sic uiiugicu wiin me scnu aoroaa -a met worm remenioering ana cdnsideruig. S. M. FlXCKB. Supt. of Public Instruction. ns. IT. tOTAL Baking Powdek Co., 106 Wall st. N. SPRING GOODS For sale by BinfrliAm & Co,, Young & Bos tain, and N: P. Murphy. Fred Douglass in Augusta. AT HOME HE LEAVES HIS W,HITE WIF HIS LECTURE. Augusta, Ga.r. March 10. Fred Doug P. H. THOMPSON & CO., cities! MASPFACTUKEUS, Sash, Doors, Blinds, wTok, Scroll Sawing, Wood Turning, AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS- surpassed only by the .larger -DKALEnS IN- "tt should be able to bring pressure enough it highly esteemed by hts people, "wirli whom he has intimately identified himself both in war and the peaceful walks of life, lie commanded one of the armies in the late lass arrived in Augusta to-dayf from Steam Enrines andiBoilers, Steam and 1 1 . . Ul TIa ... . .f rill V A I O TTT , T-" ' vuiumuiit. n wet wj tiu hv watpi" riTlP The English Sparrow. Ttie Commissioner of Agriculture at Wash- BDon seven of the democratic lollowcrs oil war with France, and won distinction bv incton. D. C. after collectinp iafonnation from ti .1.11 W i i i i 1 - I . , i . - I i ' ' T . ? 'If: "anaaii loconipui uiem lo buppon u.e his skill and courage. lie is described as all parts of the eountry, from Canada to Cali- ah 1 iiiira m nnm v imp ni nr inn rv cruiunn aa lit a - 1 .... .... 0 . I a nnhl n cnrkiman rr a to r 1 1 r fnFnia rn rotn inir ita hdhitt a a fhsr f - trv uv w c-avwav va vs (a Ulttll JIM j OlVttl 1 Jf g I a va uiftj wuuvvi u a uesi 9 fcu a Vtlt well comprising in character all the moral I Me interest of farmere, horticulturists, gard- Ta or of .the bill will be made as soon as it jttl before the llou-e. Mr. Mills will make 'Ita first one; he will Tjejol lowed by s Mr; Breckinridge and sevbrul other members of "the Ways and Means committee bntpfoba ; bly' the strongest anl b-Bt speech'that will be made upon it will, be that of Speaker. Carile, who ;js,Jcjoi .question the best I'teresting accounts of the d f quippeoman w . uiuc a 'a in aiiecco in ine ccrcmonies of the old ki 'l'ousc. : - . f : 'The Senate has passed - the Dependent j aion bill, without amendments. It is jttU as Senator Matulersoa received it from the G. A. IL 7t has now gone to the House. i: . Il is now estimated that the Treasury ''urplas for the-year ending June 30, 1888, wiU be 155,000,000. And still there are -. democrats in the Ilouse who refuse to sup i tort the tariff, bill which cuts oil' $80,000,- 1,00 of this large sum. . -'t .. Kevenue reform is spreading. Even Ohio republican wool growers are. becoming in fwted.; An official of the Treasury has re ceived a letter from an Ohio man, who was " chairman of the republican -:.ccntral coin t jfmittte of his. county m ; J884 and a large - ontributox to the . republican . campaign fund of that year, and who is a large sheep ; .taiscr,fei which he says; "l am clear over, f and agree irith th democrats on the tarifl. - -1 ' . I am tired of seeing the black smith's hammer protcctel-, and 'nothing done for his muscle." - . If iritis amusing -tp 'observe the great efforts ihat John Sherman is making to secure the s republican nomination this year. With his . record ou numerous public questions, -par- ii.jularly the demoaitiz;tion of-silVcr, he would' make tho weakest-candidate that 1 could tpoisjibly be selected.' Mf lie should le nominated, and all good democrats pray .Ihat he may be, Colorado, Nevada, and Or ' egon would be sure to, cast their electoral -vote for the democratic nominee. The House committee on Military affairs lias unanimously agreed td report favora i r ly to the Ilouse the Cutcheon bill, appro ' fnatin f7,475,50OO for public defenaea. ; :': "' -The Randall Bill - Washington, ilarch 12. '"(. 'j ; -The Randall hill was given to the press last night, hut the storm which plljed havoc withjtil teegraphic com tannication confined its publication tp the city press, fo-day it was intro laced m the House, and of 'coarse was vef erred to the way-3 and means m : tuittee. 4 lt reduces the internal reve- nuc seventy million nnd tarifl revenue 4 " iwenty-fiye trillion dollars.- It makes a . ; clean sweep of the tobacco tax, which !". v ?iMded last' year over thirty million ' Aldllars. : It .abolishes, all taxes npon 2 pints' distilled frourapple peaches JchnA other fruits. Last year' this tax - ; - ftmouuted to 1XK),379, and the vear &p: before it was $1300,394. It reduces ' V regular whiskey tax from 00 to50 ,vj;wu Kuuw. mis xax last year f 1 amounted io $59,551)72. ; It abolishes vthe license tax ton wholesale, and retail , ; " liquor dealers, amounting last vear'tn : . over five, million dollars.- - It embrawa :'v';. - the administrative feature of 'the lien? derson bill whjeh recently passed the , House 'The'tarifi part of the hill is W I ; 1 .- reprint (with slight mcdification ) bf . : : the' tariff act of ; with what is v known' as the Hewitt tariff administra-. tion ual attscaM The latter feature &i alb borrdwed frohi the bill nreiiared ft is imtMiatblO to say now whai its ." fate' will bi r" Ulntiinistatailyiahtag i j wnizthVifilli'JiiH and the alminis- elements needful in fitting mm for the hi"h duties of his exalted station. . - Public journals in all parts of this Count " 1 TH - Ma - "" try uau Europe nave uecn niieai-witn in- ith and funeral g.which have been eagerly ; read by ' millions W people in sympathy with the government and peo ple of Germany. Our narrow limits -will not admit these notices, but we c'.osc this article" with the following, from the New York World : 1 ners, &c, aa.3 proclaimed a war of extermina tion against tbe English Sparrow. This is the first official-nronunciamento we have seen di rected aeainst these foreigners, which he says sionally worked in a hint ablm.t the bal- lOl-oox ana a sugcsiiou uiui urgrw? w;ts negro, military, jauct greetea witn ine firing of cannon. He', was q riven over the city preceded by the milijtary sand brass band. He is the gucslf of Rev. J. V. Dungcc. a prominent negfo preacher here. lie delivered a flectura ,to night under the Auspices of he Bumncr Literary Society at the markei hall, which attracted a large attendance of colored people, and raked in ia thousand or so half dollars. He was j banquetted after the lecture, '7 Hi3 lecte was to be rwirelv a literary lecture, bit hei occa- Come and see us and ' " "' ' . : ' knittino'. No trouble to show don't forget your a. ? Steam Fittings, Shafting,fPulleys, Hangers. ALSO ... ' MacMnerv of all kinds repaired on SflORT NOTICE. Mar. 15, 88. ly threaten to become a more devastating pe?t to the country than the grasshopper, caterpillar, and California beetle. Thfi increase and spread of this bird within the last tea or fifteen year3 is simply wonderful. The increase from a single pair in ten years is estimated to be 2T5.Y 16,983,698. This estimate inakes no allowance for accidents, but even on the supposition that it is only approximately Nothing in the late Emoeror William's 1 1 correct, it is amazing. And when wt consider life .was more characteristic of the man the start-the foothold they have obtained in K i I: t xuan ms manner 01 laaing leave Ot it. lie tie countrv. we ask no oardon for renroachW died as he had lived, like a soldier fear- I Jl n , ..u j . Is .lf. F.LZa- k!:"-: w?5 Ae Comm.ssioner of Agriculture wUh drowse iirtrrt. tknf tt tiro l.imtr 5f k ;...t. ness on so important a suDject. And the news C - ' - ura talking he replied, realizing that hia end was near: iiave no time to be tired' beine shot and intimidated at the polls. He is hot accompaniod b his. white wife. '" I ! Dropped a Box of Nitro-Qlyesrine, A dispat di from W as'i i nston , Wayne county, ma. says: ai imwj w ciuea this morning a ternlic explosion was heard. It was soon learned that the dynamite magazine 5 miles northeast of this place belonging to O,. H. Hampt on, ereueral western trent for tne Jud-I son Powder Company, hafl exploded. flavid P, Hnmntnii. was! UrrKirinT ' f .t. . n . : I v ! 1 "-7 r-r c p-pc.. v. MtIU u soinenitro-glvcerine to shoot a gas well him with the ejaculation of.I told you sol" t n 1 1a .1". '"' oppor- for .ho, ,. boea c.1H, tor war . i,H3 K3 "K K crlvAprinp; TT?' hhdv Was blown to evil or good anywhere In the land they are the flirt . umA L.nJ wn(ynn 'fcz I pj 1 K f; I 'Mf rW-i. . . Q'OOdS. 11 1 1 LEADERS LATESf STYLES AED LOWEST PRICES. , , 1 , r , : - . 1 . u ? . J1' Wtt8,iu u.18 m,nn- And for more than ten years aw nc Ktaiiu viu uiau. .urwicir on tnfi Iflr - W .L.D OU 3 L A S $3 SHOE, grain of the splendid strength that had sustained nun lor more than ninety vears. is? - v r . ueiivereu nn unai messages: wrote bis sic first to make it known. - The Commissioner advises a resort stanauiK near and a hole was made in tO CVCry I ,V, U .r.f ArU nnA ftlr trees standing near nature as boldly and firmly as be had ever practical means for the destruction of the birds j if- i. doneJnhiaprime.nd.paMed away.s be- individuals, towns, counties and States. tS came a man among km-sand akin" amonu 5 blown to pieces, men." 0 " blown more than one The, Trinity Endowment Fnni THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. HKaieign iNews-Dserver j 1 1 Dr. J. B. Bobbitt, who is the agent of I tho Trinity endowment fund, has issued a card in which ha thanks the Methodist Since the war the following disbursments papers in orth Carolina for kindly offer PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1. , Finances. FOR CEN iLtiVlEN. The only fine calf $3 Seamless Shoe in the world uiade without taeks or nails. As stylish and tiurable as those costing $5 or $6, and having; no tacks or nails to wpar the Ktoclcinsr or hurt the feet, makes fragments being I them as comfortable and well-fitting as a h'own more thin one fourth of a mile, hand sewed shoe. Buy tho best. None The si Eldorado NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS 1.ND STORE KEEPERS SATUEDAY March 1 At the same Main and a 7tli ototandSfConii Fisher Streets, VVitu a uompiete stocK c. have been made : In 1871 In 1872 In 1873 - - -In 1874 - - . In 1875 No report about same In 4876 . - - - -. $177,497 94' 173,275 62 190,675 07, AJttVJt tSJ ing their columns to aid him in his work, and states that he has freely made uso Wliiclf 'were bought for CASH from; large coi 1 more than one lourtn otia mile, nana sewea snoe. oay uw uesi. jone 1 tr ..1 1 1 3 re Vwk wawenbly. fejt at Eton genuine unless stamped on bottom "W. CCrilS OVCriOa(le(l Willi rCgUlar VaiUGS aild pfCSSC, ado and surroundinSjtow4s.- ' LaSSoriginai (br tli a oniiiibotcnt stu- thus 1 .enabling fistf r,vnDTTTcjivnbTAi,P and only hand sevved Avelt $4 shoe, which il-'' 1 1.1. K ni9-? equals custom-made shoes costing from purouHU IIlclPj Ul LlIUIIl UCIUVV tUU UUOt ui wi ufanturb. feticivinfjr to ,llio inevitable ruiu? I guarantee Shriner's Indian Vermifuge to destroy and expel worms; from the hu- use i . - i . i .. i ii. Ji. mil iij ss iiiir. ia worn Of thcourtesy extended. He also thanks -T c " "1 all '&7iT.d fatiTet hool- ahoe hearty endorsement of Trinity Collece. ; The following is trom Ur. Uobbitt'a re port as Financial Secretary: ; A resolution passed by the late session Ot the North Carolina Conference author ized an assessment of $5,000 to supple ment the salaries of 'the President and 409,658 83 1 1 professors" of Trinity College. -The con- u Lference instructea one to annortinn this 623.430 98 imnnnt. to t.hft fourteen Preeiilincr.1MT' 10,245 20 jLiitriftH. which! have done n- rnllAc. firt RKI ro 1 " .w..va. 67l!ll5 65 Raleigh District . i w h . m jjurnam 334,163 14 319,813 00 324,827 10 326,040 35 352,882 65 In 1877 - - In 1878 - In 1879 - - In 1880 - In 1831 - - In 1882. - In 1883 - "In 1884 - - In 1885 - , 1 In 1,886 - Li 1887 - . - - - 653.038 31 .t.. IGreeusboro iAuc V.UUIUIUUUU i ioo rcqatrea liie Dro- I Sii:K..L.. . ceeds of the sales of iwarap lands and the re-j ii ble fund, the interegt of which alone wa in h.l jMOuns-Airy nand fnr Kchnnl Ytnrnrtava .1 ' ' ' 1 Charlotte f Constitution as amended in 1S75 while S?-et.tevil !! still-reqouing receipU from the same sources!-" ilmmgton to be usea for school dutdoscs. s-ave tn th I iewDenie General Jlssembly the power to distribute all I Warrenton school fund to the counties for immediate use. I Washington irreducible fund should be retained, but that it ..-.$476 06 ....$883 67 $386 66 $345 54 $345 67 $202 75 $99 25 $418 66 .$354 67 $390 00 $464 64 $oGi3 6 4 . $363 34 ..... ......$316 66 should jiot be increased except ,ty the items mentioned m Art. 9, bee, 4 ot the Constitution from which nothing was received except from the sales ef public lands, and but little from mat source. In 1881 tha General Assembly dirccted"that mis inna snouia r'aislribatcd to the cor n ties, and consequently ia Aatrast. 1881. a distribu. Uda of $1 14,883 25, was made, and in, NoTem berr 1883, another of $74,418.15 was inade-- Total, ,.$5,ooa oo J. 13. OJOBBITT, j Financial Secretary A" House Lifted off iti Fotrndatim bV a Cyclone. ... . I ; l Oakland 111., March 13 While Calvin Thesa amoanu were used by the county school iVr "::"; m. JfE cia 2?" .n, authority dnrin- th W i ulX Vfn . 1 1 Armstrong, his wife and mother-maw by the figures girea abote..-. . r-? -"i H ' ""f1 lVc CUJ. yesieroay iney heard The quesUoa ia freouenUr asked .br K- v""S wmcn causea one or tnem cantis now get no money from the State fuaL 10 ' vn; oor quickly. '- "Almost im ine answer ta that the leeislation on one iti. I "cuieiy in ouuaing was lilted from its tote- boots does-ot contetnDlate Tuttin 4- ffoundatian and borne forward a distance money into the State Treasury fot schools, ex- lof twelve feet by a strong . wind or cyl cept such as comes from tax oh acts of iacor I clone.' 4 The house was a lanre storV and poratioa by. the. General Assembly and, from a half framed one. . one was injured the sales of public iaadal Receipts frem these I beyond beinsr badlv wared .nna int.n 1 sources liave as yet amounted- to verrlittle.i tin .The dishrs and tiA vmitvK 4, Olir StatUtS 3SJ s.11 Athr erVf.'--? Kl rvrnVn fi i ized to sell it upon the above conditions, David IJ, routz, rropntor, lialuuiore Colonel Cash Dead, j Cheraw. S. C, March 12. 4col.fe. B. C. Cash died this morning ut fas residence six miles from Cheraw. Ill will be bur ied to-morrow morning at 10 o'elock in the ground neuny 111 front of his residence where bis son, Capt. W . 3. Cash was buried, and by the side of hs wife whose remains he had removed froin' St. David's churchyard iu this place after the diffi culties hero about four years ago. Young Cash, it will be jremembered, Shot and killed the town miarshal and a young man named Coward who was which followed $6 to $9. W. L DOUGLAS $2.50 SHOE is unex celled, for heavy-wear. W. Jm DOUGLAS $2 SHOE is worn by in the world All the above goods, are made in Con gress, Button and Lace, and if not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, Bock ton, Mass. -' M. 8. BROWls. Affcnt, Salisbury. 14:ft.- R. J. HOLMES Is noxv Receiving Eis Fall and Winter Stock Of GOODS, rninir 1 ' 1 a 11 a- ji a 1 tianumg Dy, aiiec wmcn ioiiowca-xne tL .1 r it- it.-r iir killing of youngCash by the deputy- 11 rPP irnni m nu -n wgrrp then ztz : ; f the deputy sheriff's possej , Since Col. Cash has only visited Cheraw some two or three times and on IV upon busi ness, returning immediately to his home. Prior to these troubles he; visited town several times a week, he haq many strong menus nere and transacted; his business affairs in Cheraw. He became estranged and seemed to have determined dto aid the town and its people as inuch as pos sible.. And will be pleased to see his customers he T fore' purchasing elsewhere. Genteel Quacks. . Yes it pays," said a big fat physican. with a namo which is known thoughout the medical world, s "I hive a practice worth $40,000 a year? -toman? ' Yes, you've guesaed it first time They pay $10 every, time they 'cbine. jnto nay office. ' When one gets on iay list I '"tell you she stays!"" and Dr. fl --laughed long and -loud. ? Thia ?is- ouackcry-itilt-edge, genteel quackery, to peep suffering woinsui paying tribute yeas iu and year A. ...1 1" .a "If ' m qui, . anu tuoing mem , no gooa. Dr. ten. cures the iseases of wo-' Pierce's Favorite Prescript . . 1 . . .. m . 1 peciuiar wexK.11 esses ami men. it does cotdie to thenf ' nor' rob Groceries, And all other kinds of Goods kept in a trn. eral stock, will be sold at prices to suit the times. - CALL tm EXAMINE MY STOCK. 1 Bob White and Crystal Roller Mill Flour of the best quality. i JUST IltUlilVbU OJSE HUNDRED BAll HELS - OF;:ElffiSH:J y 1RGXXIA iLlUP FOR SALE.. ' ! . ' . ' SSy" I expect all persona who have jWen mi Mortgages on their" crops, to bring me their ebt. xon wnen it is ready for sale. SMALL PROF -AND- ; QUICK SALES 1 FIT we! place before tbe people of Ro wait and afe comities our POTENT STEKi 1 - - . - . ii - 1. Short Profits and fttticl Sales is lour MOTPTO anrl as our exnensns arfj small buy- for Casli and only, buy BARUAIN& We Prices IU J, HOLMES. 'v a arc determiner to lead Salisbury mi f and feel confidents thatrihere; are em in the county wbo Want to ' sajffl-'r) money, to give us a Fcasonable share oju? One call will conviiiefe vou .tliat wb intena K. let oiiii Bargains make our Business. . . ....:! "Tk - . m r ' - " i t 43;tf ,3 - J :' t 1 , . 1 - 4 N ...-

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