'tl- .,rS: r - I J- ' - S -. - ..!- ! IL m-THniD SEMES'."; ; v ; ; ; ; . . ! 1 a ;- , ' SAHSBUEY, IT.! CJj THUESDAY, ;IHLRCH 29, 1888. HO. 23: t - rt-k ' t AND HAVE, THEM , ... tL IfPerftctiy V- 'A it . .4 'I 2i' 1 l! Fitted With a Good Pair of; Spectacles. I m now prepared to Hi ALL cases of presbyopia (far sight), myopia (near sight) and aaany difficult cases of defective visiou. 1 have uow a complete line of " iffiltf 'Gt A:SS LENSES guarantiee a perfect fit or money refunded. I have fitted many cases vrhere other fil, and guarantee my PRICES to be LOWEli than can -be had elsewhere. 1 MAKE, SO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATIONS. Call .:- RESPECTFULLY, - v and . go away seeing and rejoicing. A f 5 I rei$ner; I.Ei DING JEWELED ASTHOiiG Uoapaiy : - ,I it, .. 1 i i- 27:iy;; - s - : 1 sj-i .rr y 4--- 4 iaMjtt:? t till v 1 jfn-kn br?Tvfe " La ') ' Willwm C. Coast :if at:'MS Sf; - -; $ 750,000 06. jj k: i j; !,L5H BBOW, Resident Agent, Salisbnrr, H. C. : ; i !-T: :f I . ! TV '4 -I I f I 1 -" ' UnrTn Tt rL1 T FT It. i. . . . k t ITifc!viffitTi,ri-rTVr--,-"''' s.ti'afariraoroiukni by tuts l SRfcSEaixAL pastilles: HMkiM kx JlhdV-al jvxer i i cubit cr to X.-M 3iu 7l otr4 It i:ent Years in tstray i :j-.v3jr sv7 linilHIHMIilttMi:! Una. MJMMlin tutiu CuaiCI) I'wit, dam md Umlm riMmMMtMiiMim FoMb4 nintfii Hwdifl prlwelufc. By cind :rct infill th ml dmir iU niciif Vrsrk.'MtMf IMobynj imtu It thii ywt tend c m kiokwik ntitmimt ff toot trwnbl ana nenr Mtt nfraM ins -iemet f ltf w fit hmA . tb yattimt benHacacaeexiaiaBA TRSATgan. atta. 3. fw It. IS. Item, tl Mil ,! MERLIN DOUBLE f l! 1 SelMccilaft H. - Ill :4rv Autemtio Jj 1 i I (J .ffULL .NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. I mu i ! ( 14:0t. .-H-.i' Pi- " t- - 1 ITU P - QUE -HOMES ! ACTIOH R EVOLVE IT. These revolvers are an exact da?lic5ato of the celebrated SHTTH & WESSOH. . .33 Caliber, using Centre-Fir , Cartriigea, iium xqvxi. tx stxst anraor to tb C kf WSB! For sale by lTardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. Jtai&etud j THE VISLES USE ASMS CO, Bwr Bswa, Ccaa. f hrnw aat nai all my Mtaa1aa4 Ika aaly ttahhlr mtt BAXXARD OAXUTRT, STOKTINO AD TARGET KIFLKS. wot4 OtofpM aHjaJKm.1 riKB J C3T IN THE WORLD I , Magazine Rifle. Taa am " IDEAL IREIiOADIIiaiTOOIiB H-Hwiu avi omc-haLf the cost or ammunitii. ulI M .i-. .r rnMM whlith r aiM la an of t)M fbHvrtllS Kial4or riPtoi.i Uarllk cell'-. wtncbMier. JSaUtrd, fcterom, Brmtaftoi., WUBey-KeaMdr. Saiitb Weaao. ; for all K-e ; SX8T CB1 SKELlt. PAFEI ASB HAS. qsr and tettrr tban any other. Send for Mm Lirt of Umm toola wua ....y .yy Xrar Batu. Coanr tuartaatX 0 B.X1064 & via I IS it I I I T7HXII TOU T7AHT - r. 't. -1 t.'f II A D : .-'' -?. ATLO D17ARE;: 'FIGURES 11 on the undersigned at JRO, 2f Grsnit 1i Row. D. A. ATWJXL. jAfaat for thC jtrd fBiliiVury.N.C sker , June 8h t. A Journal lar Investor & Spites. AND REVIEW Of THE UOIEY UARKE1. ' ' - Establish 1872. t ASNPAL SUBSCRIPTION, POST FREE TO THE UNITED STATES 1. Is. 8d. " Siaglc copy, Port free, 5d. Hf nXIL'VH ctrcttlates wtdelr amongst capl luUIi JLI 1 UUsts, men or bulsness ao.1 In vestorseBrUr.tBaUparUf tbe United King-- aom aaa adtoao. " 'Hf fTM T?"UTr eontalas a complete record of lxlUriljX the Stock and Hasre lariicts, also tbe latpwt latonaattoa respecting miaes, met als. and proaee. .'5 - -5 "MAWPVIf contains leading articles upon JXIULLsXj X auananelal tool-sot importance by writers ot trained ability and wide experience. Its aim Is to renew, without tear or favour, the, pretensions and prospectaot financial undertakings of every description, whether proposed or estab lished: to expose la the one ease the falades of the ' mushroom growth of yesterday, snd la the other tbe weaknesses often hidden by the accumulated dust of age. Its endeavour U to be not only frank and featless, but popular, thoroughly reliable, and above all, trustworthy. . "ifAWL'VB has been Inatrameatal la expos- JxLLfrlXJX Ins aamerous attempts to l.tnch enterprises of unsound character, and Its trenchant i and tearless criticisms have prevented thousands of readers throwing away their money. , . j rirnTTn7" Is the MOST DESIRABLE medl- i t JjdUil Jj X - am for Advert laements of all un- s dertaklnfraof a flaasvial character, and Is to be j found la all the principal Hotel. Clubs, Chambers i or Ovtimtef, and literary Institutions throughout f thewena... .. i:., OFFZCCSs St. Andrew Tloas. " ' , Cnamte Allex. London. XL C. Cbw1svb. ; : Mtar jftr ts PLl aLcr. C. DFAXL i T : l PURELY VEGETABLE. t H acis with aVrdiaury Waaey flf IVER, f IhWpvii N? and B0VEE.8. 'a EFFECTUAL tPECUTC FOI Malaria. '- .v Bowel Coflaplalata, Dyapepala, t' Sick H dacha. CmUpaUaa -i-- BUiowaawM,' " KldaeyAffeetlona; VaawdlM, Mental Depreaaioa, V Colle. HI li Honseliold SbCQld Is m&Cut It, '' . , and, by being kept ready for Immediate use. will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar In time and doctors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE- i SEffiONSLIVnt REGULATOR : Sea that ye. gat a serala. wim ni "Z" , oa front of Wrsppse.' ) Prepared oaiy by J.K.ZEILIN A CO., Sole PrapriaUr. Pailsdelus, Pa. : SUOO. p. JAMES E.: CAMPBELL, - ft Physiclnn and Surgeon. t. Offers his service to the people of Salisbury and vicinity OGicp in Maj. Cole's iron front.building corner Main and Fisher streets. 10:6m. Robert Hardin, colored school teach er, (and John Van Meter, an associate) after corrupting and , ruining the fe rn ales of a school, hare skipped to parts nnknown. ,L - . - . . 1" "Egypt Coal Company," is the tife of a recent incorporation at Raleigh, for the purpose of working tbe Egypt coal mine in ) Chatham county. - Capital stock $2,000. ; i i - ' A new S unday law has gone into ef fect at Charleston, S. C,;which meets public approbation. It secures a days rest to a large number of citizens who h - tj exemption from la bor on the Sabbath.1 .... ' ' . ... Young ladies of . Greensbtirg, Pa., hare organized themselves in"a club to be known as .the "Frances Cleveland club." They say that Grover and Frances are to be returned to the White Hpuse for anothei term. That settles it.S W. B. BEACH AM, Architect and Builder, SALISBURY, N. C. Residence on Lee nnd Monroe streets. Correspondence solicited. 13:3m. J. B. COUNCILL, M. D.. Offers his professional services to the citizens of this and surrounding communi ties. All calls promptly attended, day or night. I . May be found at my Office, or the Drug Store'of Dr. J. H. EnnisV. Respectfully, J. B. COUNCIL, M. D. CS- Office in the Heilig Building, 2nd floor, front room". : 18:6m. CREAM BM fj Cleanses the Nasalf Passages, Allays Pain andlnfhnma tion. Heals the Sores. Bestores the Senses of last: andSmelL TRY THE CURE. HAY-FEVER CATARRH is a disease of the mucous membrane, generally originating in the' nasal pas sages and maintaining its stronghold in the head. From this point it sends forth a poisonous virus into the stomach and thraugh the digestive organs, corrupting ihc blood and producing other trouble some and dangerous sy mptoms. i - A panicle la appllel Into' each nostril, and Is agreeable. Price SO bents at lruggtsts; by mall registered, n cents. ELY BUOS.. iS5 Greenwich Street, New York. f lS:lr. Go so the Store WEAR iTHE TM PIPE To Buy Cheap Goods. Daye Man , Are decidedly' ia the lead with low prices and honest goods. Their retail department is full of bargains, sud their line of Dress Goods, Shoes, Do mestics, Hats and Notions, Are Complete, Also, Laces Gloves, Hoisery, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Neck Wear'Blankets, Comforts, Counterpins, Flannels, Table Linens, House Furnishing Goods, 4c., 4e.U' i 2 Bacon, Lard, Sugar and Coffea, Salt and Flour, in short a full line of GROCERIES. ' Tlia above and a dozen ! others besides art the Stocks they offer atSgures which make every article a bargain. "'" They buy and sell Country Produce, Ilides, Bones, Old Iron, Wool. Loose Cottoa, Jkcn Ac. ;They are also ageats for I the most popular brands of,. w :i FERTILIZERS. Ia short, at their Store yon can, get -whatever you want at bottom prices. All they ask , it a chance to prove what they say , JULIAN WATSQ. ' The Hillsboro Observes recommends a China berry with each cabbage plant set out ts t bun? protection against the cut worm. Insert the berry in the earth b Ihti .side of the plant and : o cut worm will come near enough to it to disturb the plant. Try it The Observer vouches for it as a certain pre- ventive against the cut worm. A poultry; farm has recently been established at Fayetteville. says the Observer, on the Fair Giounds, a party having rented tbe property, will devote the whole enclosure to the new indus try; j They will raise turkies, duel s, geese and chickens of various breeds, for which the premises are well adapted. 44 Good country roads!" Ye3, yes, the " Watchman ' is not alone in urg ing this subject on the attention of the people. Many other newspapers have taken it up. i There is more of general prosperity lin this part of the State de pending on the creation of good coun try roads than on the next presidential or any other approaching election. m A a ' Sullivan, the distinguished prize fighter of Boston, has couie out of his recent en gagement with Mitchell, the Eng!ish bruis er, announcing that he will never fight an other battle, lie broke a sinew in his righ; arm with Mitchell which, together with tin fact that Mitchell was not so easily knock- cd out as he expected, ha sent him int retirement with diminished laurels. The Kaiser's 7unsral. TREMENDOUS OUTPOURING ON THE 8TKEETS OF BERLIN. The services in the cathedral begun with a soft prelude on the organ, during which the mourners begi n to assemble. Dr. Koegel read passages from the 19th psalm and verses 2o-Z or the litn rnapter of John. The choir sang VI Know that ray Redeemer j Liveth." Passages were then read from psa'm . 91 and Timothy ith chapter, verses 7-8; lue chaplain con cluding with the words,- "Ulessea are they who die tin tne kord, now ami cvermor.e" rne cnoir responaeu wun the wonls, f'Yea, the Spirit saith tney. shall rest from ! their labors; their work shall live after them." The prayer was then intoned, What God doth is well donA.". Prince Bismarck and Gen. Voa Moltkc were uot present at i the service in-tne cathedral, nor did they take part in the procession to the mausoleum. The cathedral presented a i. o n solemn and impressive , appearance. When the soft orzan prelude beean th3 court chamberlain and the mini-te s tojk pos - tions behiud tabourets, bearing the em pire's insignia. Gen. Von Paj e, holding the imperial standard, then stationed himself at the nead or tne comn, tjoin Lchndorff and Prince RadziwiW, the late emperor's aids-de camp, with drawn swods, standing on either side of him, and the adjutant geuernl and other aids standing together at the foot of the coffin. While the organ still played tne royal ties entered Prince William arriving at noon. ' -i - At a signal from jthe chief master of ceremonies the organ broke into swell ing tones and Ithe service was be.un. Prince William, tood in the middle of the nave behind the imperial standard. Alongside of him were the King of raV ony, King of Belgium and the King f Rou mania. Close by stood the Granl Duke of Baden, Princes Albrccht and Henry and! other princes of the royal house of Prussia, the Prince Imperial of Austria, the Prince Imperial of Russia, the Grand Dukes Michael and Nicholas of Russia, Ithe Prince of Wales, the Crown Prince of Italy, the Crown Prince ofDenmark and the Crown Prince of Greece, all In the uniform of their re spective countries. The Princess of Bavaria, the Grand Duke of Hw other notables and foreign representatives including Gen. Billot, of France, and his suite, formed the next ro vs i nave. The diplomatic pew was crowd ed. ' - ' ! ' I The scene; in the cathedral was truly memorable when, amidst the sti a: ns of the final chorus and the sharp rattle of volleys outside, twelve regimental com mandjrs slowlyi and reverently raised the conn from its resting place, moving forward with It on their shoulders to the Erincipal door, j ! Before, them walktd a igh court official. On each side of th -, o 3n were ministers of state bearing on c4;hi-n theiimpcrh;! crown and scoter I - i -. ; and other Insignia. Above the coffin waved the imperial standard, borne by Gen. ,Von .Fapc. On each side of hii walked an officer with draw nword. The royalties assumed positions in the cortege in dqe order r As , the "coffin h tached th'" door tl; . drummers of the military band . outsidt beat a deafening tatlooi s.Thislvas the sinial for the troops to prepare t ia While the procession Was forming the panels piayea unopm s Aiarch Funebre," the sounds of the tolling- of the, church Dens mingling with strains. The forma tion of the cortege occupied some limp but was effected in an orderly manner in igid accordance with the official pro gramme. , The conspicuous' absence cf thd emperor, and Count Von Moltke, and Prince Bismarck was deeply regret teds. This was the only prominent change in th arrangements. The pro cession was in every way worthy of the occasion. The military display was magnificent, though somber. The entire escprt, comprising the elite of the arm, wofe datk overcoats nnd mantles owiug to fhe extreme cold. Atl the surround ing of the - funeral car were -invested .vi " - ' -" . - In the morning the French Gen. Billt t placed on the coffin a superb garland of roses, violets, and came ia. Wreaths wefe also contributed by delegates firm Moscow KieflT, Amsterdam. Rotterdi m, Dr. McKenzie has received several threatening letters and the emptror has! given orders that he be specially pro tected, n l is feared the emperor will break down after the excitement attendant on the5obsequie of his father and his own coronation. He has maintained good heaJth since his return. Dr. McKenzie ha removed his rooms from the floor -belw that occupied by the emperor to lihe ijjtik of the chief mourner, the hei to the throne, accompanied by three kinjs of German blood, followed by tile most illustrious representatives of every European country, whose presence gave evidence of the universal veneration in which the deceased was 1 e d, and by a long line of statesmen all combined to give the scene an impressivencss that wa-j reflected in the demeanor cf the dense throng watching the cortege. Wepdihg-its way over the castle bridge and through Unter den Linden, the pro cession readied the Brandcuourg gate a few minutes after two o'clock. Linter denl Liuden presented an extraordinary spectacle, like tbe gloom of night at midday. Every t hiug was black houses, pillars, flags. In the midst of this in tense somberncss of color irliuimered the pal light of the lamps veiled with crape Thejl strangest effect came from the Uar ing light of pitch torches, throwing over the 'scene a glare that was tempered by the smoke of t.ie torches blown uy the wind. The demeanor of the countless spectator was excellent. The silence vas;unbroken. Every one remained un covered until the cofliu had passed. In the jSiegesailee, as Jiad been arranged, the ;pruoesion halted. Crown Prince William, who had thus far walked im mediately behi i d the futien 1 car, now enteYcd a carriage acompaiied by the kings of Saxony, Belgium and Koumania lhcs other royalties at the sane time took scats in carriages following that ol the JCrown -Priucc. The order of the protession was now changed, the guard uu Qorps assuming the place ol escort, andiOtncers of lower rank relieving tut pallfbcarers. The cortege then moved onward until it reached tharlottenburir. ,A3:15 o'clock the remains were re ceived at the mausoleum by theps stor of Charlottonburg, and Koegel then read the prayer, "Blessed is the man vho re- sistean temptation," and the Lord's pravtr. I The chaplain then clos d the solemn service with the bei e iiction. Members of the imperial family ar.d the othe- mourners then withdrew, the gen- eiui3 uiKiti, itiipin.. ,.. us;tsU oy placing their hands s if i;. saint, upoil hisoGir. A salvo of ar illery an nouiiced Ihat the ceremony was over r roin a wma. w oi me salon overlioMcg the paik theemi erer watched the procef- iun ne wore me uniiorm oi m general with! the sash of the Order of h Black Eagte. .He remained in tht s me spot wa an- unti the close of the ceremony nonrifwl hv tht minv. All the music played aud the p; tssges ol sonptnrc read had been chos n by I-imperor villiara. Empress Ai gtuta remained at home in solitary praytr. MAD DOGS. MAK1MO BOVINE VIRUS, f " " Ma-w '" now the Animals Are Treated at! the Xew . , Yurie Vaeelae raram.'"! " 'r-' Fewpersons who past tho jld two- story brick buildins. Nv QlfS ! avenue, whu-h has a decayed wooden awning 1u front of it and bears the sign. Steam; Carpet Cleaning," are awaro that it shelters tlw Biiard f llealtli's vaccine virus vfarint" That first floor of the building recently was convcrto l into a stablo for cattle that arc kept there to uiideryt vacqinationr A cleaner, warmer and bcttcj- venti lated stable probably cai not be found in the city. Sixteen fat cows anil Texan" steers stood in the stables tho other day when a reporter entered the place. Dr. Pardee, tho virus expert, !was at work in his laboratory iu the rear of thostable, whilo two assistants were looking after tho cattle. Dr. Pardee's den is lavishly decorated with4 colored prints, and is occupied in hiV absence by a vhite cat On tho shelves are glass jars containing gooso quills and "points" of virus. A big table, on which calves formerly wcr strapped while undergoing treatment, occupies a part of the rom, and there is a small grindstone used for ronghentng the quills which arc to receive the virns. The manufacture of bovine virus for FARM AND FlHEStDE. 4 ' ' hen cohtinua!lygor)je.l-a-ltii rn wiil lie rit as a bog but lay no JggV says a poaltrrmau Of ! w ATOmlins- totie DopaHment of Agriculture, -tho arrago per acre of ; srheat nsed lr Wedin U LSbushcbv When br-akinginy6nng'eolts'pnt Jem lxjsido fast, wxl kin tr hirseC . Th irst fevr lessous williuaka a Ltstinglnv pression on thuni. ., ', FT; ; An inventivo 'gentn! has lnrcnte . machine which lvks a balky a art " )il-lashionel stage cch,,to take havl. ind leave it on tho groua.l in perfect sotupact cockf. 1 " r ft . Bakol Pumpkin: IlV.f'a pnmjikia with sweet, liiek nioat, covered with , a tin plate, and baUe l slowly ,,twoT hour i In a brick ovenj servo whole in it yel- low jacket, an I dish-h iSh tkeJ pump kin from its rind a wanted; j f r . When tho f armer-beginii jMeitU; ! mate thn valno of sliocp f i-om tjto stand j points of meat, fertility and general al-& vantage to-the farm, he will not allow k ii.. - . . . j iuo marxei ineo i wool to tleterraine i whetner or. not he wiltraiso tlicnu .Pigs, can bo most profitably - pu 1 opon the markot when noVnioro Uian1 ' nine months ol 1, sit which age they eara ' be made to ""and .should welffh 200 tn : i - . sr OA'. .J . -nrs.. : . t . the protection of human bPing .against ' profit crven l!lon tJ,e raoof t,-ej .. m,, - ' " should bo made ia the clotcr pastnm. 1 eye of Dr. Pardee for . a dozen years Cream Gingerbrea: One and a. or more. Formerly ho operated on half cpp nico mia one half mju; calves, but lately ho bocame convince Bngarone cu;l cre:im, anil thAamo of biiii.. wnur juui fuoiziu uo oocaincil Health a now i buttermilk. Tw tcar?iKons sbdaJonoi ! ! half teaspoon salt, oao. teaspoon cach: ; f Ringer and cinnamon, and.- siltet U flour to mako a sniooth batter. Baku J in quite thick .licet . in a moderate ; oven. : i ' . . To grow a h"orsoa mano whie't: parts in the middlo and hang on bothr sides of his neck, so, that it will hang ! all on one side, braal it in poitiott hy; 4 little Weights tied on tho enl of ths i braids. As soon as tha mano will lrang naturally remove tho-woighta and com! -mence grooming. By this treatment a very obstinate mano can bo made to hang beautifull' on one side. : '.j An authority on pigs says that ho : never thinks of cutting oCt tho tails of his pigs. The tailt are thoimlicatori -of tho porker's cbnditioaT f piggy doesn't feel well, if hi fooY doesn't agrco with him, his tail begins to straighten. Tho sicker tho pig. ' tho straighter the tail; and tho, healthier the pig the tighter the eurL (The; old theory that it takes a bushel oJ corn to -fatten an inch flail this pig raiser scorns. Tho pig's tail U hU pulse1. therefore never cat it off. ) j " Stewed Chops: . Broil tho cltops. and let them get cold; then pat into ' ' saucepan with two tahlesiHHins of butter persons was given away fopublicinsti- and ono of minced onion; covr tightly and set in a kettle of cold water; bring slowly to a boil. At tho end of an hour from largo cattle, and tho Board decided to give him farm." Bv a clever arrangement of movable bars in the stalls a cdw or a steer is prevented fronvkicklng ivhile it is being vaccinated in a dozen ortwenty different places. Tho operation most annoying to the animal comes biter, when tho virus is being transferred from it to tho quill points. It i neces sary for the Health B ard to buy tho cattle outright, food thc:n well! whilo undergoing treatment and for somo time afterward, and finally sell them to butchers at a los. j Tbe outlay for rent, feed, salaries, cost, of materials and losses Jn catila trading amount, to about 8l6,000 a vear. Part of tho moncv co-ues back through tho sale of virus. Last year thedepartmcnt receive! $2,233 for virus sold to druggists and physicians.! Prol abl money could bo malo out iof tho "farm" if "tho Bjard of Health charged a fair price for all the. virus iti coul I dispose of, but the sanitary officials are mainly interested in stopjHng small pox. Last year nearly 90,000 persons in the city wero vaccinated free of charge by the sanitary inspectors, and enough vints to vaccinate 30,0)3 moro tut ions. As tlrujriists aro charged twcntjMlve cents for a single tho gratuitous vacciaations bv tho Health Board on that basis last year might be said to ba worth . nearly $30,000. ' i "The recent cliango from calces to large cattla in tho virus farm' has been attended with surprisingly good re sults," sail Prt'sideiit Biylos, ol tho Health Board. "Oao inspector recently vaccinated sixty-five children in a pub lic institution with tho new virus and vaccination- 'took' m every case. Form erly there wero fiwpisnt failures and many children had to bo vaccinated tho second lime, to be as pure a. any ever obtained. Wo have had no complaint about it so far as I have heard. It is alleged that dis eases may bo communicated to children by humanize I virus, but there is no danger in Hsin? b vino virus, when the virus is taken from sound cattle." At present the virus "farm" jtiirns out alout 5.00J "point V a week. N. Y. Tribuhs. . ' add a cup of hot broth (made from th trimmings of chops), scsoiijwl-withj popper, salt, a pinch of cloves and f chopped parsley; cover again and stew . geiitlv until tho chops aro tender,' set ting tho- saucepan directly on tha i ranges Then lay them on a not dish;'.,, strain tho gravy, thicken with browned, flour, stir in a g ol teaspooaj of cur ! rantj'lly; loiL ono minuto and pour over I he chops. , - . ; . Oiicgrcat secret in washing ilant uels is to beat and shake oujt all the X dust from them before they aro put into J The new virus is belicvcdjlhc clothes basket for tho wash. Ther a should' be washed ia clear, iot soap -Slid 'by I hems. Ives, then thoroughly rinswl b- Hopping them abontjln clean water, shaken and pulled after they '-' have ha I tho wa'cr presso I out by tlio r wringer but not 'twisted aiiil wrung hy -j'. the hand It is not' thoroughly rias- ing out the soap that hardensflannel; -it is washing it with aft thedust in !hat grimes and disclorsit.- It . is-wririg , -ing that twists and ma's tho little fiber.i , together, instead of pulling and shak- ; ing. which leave them clastic and springy. The writ -r shouhl not bo too) , . hot for the 1 amis to bi comfortable, boiling wa'er is used to"- full cloth and shrink flannel. i ie "jsneioy Auror-4 " says: we are in the rreateit excitement ever known here about mad dogs. For hevcral weeks rumors havojbeen ciuinr in from adjacent ncirh borhods of mad logs out. Last Monday one Came throu h town and was kdied, also lout 20 other dogs were' killed that werei known to have been bitten by if. It also nt KOiue stock. Almut the middle ot the Week two more mud dog wen- killed on the east three miles away Oa S: ttirday moniin another passed throuuli t. wn and went up the Morgaliton road 6 or 7 miles and jvas killetl b3' Mr. C. M. Crowricr,' w ho camtne:iii" In-ing bitten by it. An hour af ter tjiis dg was killed and a Mr. A. B. Elliot was p;vssin: from his stor" to 1inner h Wfis a tackerl in h street by r otl cr that tore iff pjirt of his coat, but did no. "reach th skin t it t hen ps?sel on through town! and but its nose on File Harris and Peter Baker, and then atta ked Josej li Manney, onajiorsc-as he was coming into town. BIr. Maurtey followed it several miles but did ifot get it killed. CRUELTY TO INSECTS.; A IV. rd In Flcrifl That Impale Hoars ana Sictkmt m Thorn. Of all the birds in this section Jtlvero is one' that will afford an idler, lots of amusement if ho will spend an A occasional hour watching closely. It is the shrike or butcher bird. A! fc-.v days ago I was in an orange grove a few rods from the house, where an old darky, with tho assistance of a mule, was plowing, and a butcher birdj was flying from tree to tree, following up tho newly-plowad furrow, looking for insects. Every fow minutes he Would go to pick up a beetlo or insect, and for some lima ho simply swallowed his victims. After a little ho secmetl to have had enough to eat and just then a little flock of larks jyero seen Min- ning along in thj nowly tur:i I far row, at times almost touching the oil darky's heels. Now aiwl then they would como across an insect too largo for them to easily manage, and then 'would begin a little scuffle. Then; tho butcher bird would swoop down in HOW TO ThST SEEDS. On- Smashed Up. Savannah, Ga., March 17. The first section of the fast mail train from New York for Jacksonville went throu. h a trestle at a point seventy-five, miles soutlj of Savannah this morning. The entire train, except the engine, is demol ished. Nineteen people'are reported to have'.been killed and between: thirty and fortyiinjUred ten of whom are expected to de. The private car of President Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley road, with Mr. Vilbur and Geerge Gould and wife and Outliers in it was in one of the trains. President Wilbur Is repot ted to be sr r!ous ly injurihl, " George Gould unhurt aid Mr. GoaW slightly injure1. Relief trains have feone out with hv-"tiuns-Ft ' . tho center of the little flock, snatch up the insect and fly oJ with it beforo the larks knew what had happened. The butehcr bird had oaten all; ha wanted, and so. with tho beetle ini his Valuable Snz;siln4 Mr.l at the tario Acrieoltrl Collea;. 1 ' ' A bulleti i of tho O.i tario Agficul. tural College contains among Other . valuable matter tho following to. test" the vitality ot seeds: ; 1. '-Place diw hundreil.sccls between -sheets of blotting-paper "laid On sand, I and keep tho paper damp inaplaca where tho temperature! i'u about 7d de- ' grees to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. Thf nnmler of -eeU geimna(Iiig witlliidi- cate the percentage good. - - 2. Place the mxnl-' - piece of Za flannel in a saucer, with Tn.cSei4 water u nioiuii ii. -airo:iiny. Aiier scavvcr iug the seeds (onehuudrol)&ontbe flan ne!, put a pittce of damp blotting-paper ; over tho whole and place7!?, a warnt -room. Keep it continually damp, ami in a short time the seod will germinate; . the number sprouting will bo the per centago of good seed. j For examining sco!s ai to puritr. . Tht Prat knive were used in England, aud tho flrjt wLelsdt carriages ia Frame in 1559, i ' -; I I ' ' I S . i 1 '.. . ; beak, he flew to the nearest orangj Scatter them on a piccd of blaek card ljoanl. and the foreign grains aro readily observed. If a good collection, of 5eelj, trooto their kind. Is kept for comparison, the impurities can be eat 11 idmi titled. . . ' '4 -'v ai The resu.U of various losts la the : germinator are given. Tlie following iuferenccj will practically coyer the whole ground: - " H M J Age has a marked effect on the vitality ' ct-rtain seeds. - . ' , ' . . j Many seeds have lost mo ch of their , vitality from improper curing or other causes. P-..,'-;'. ' I- " ; I ! j - Frozen wheat is rjot reliable for seed, forsoven though germinating a fair per e-nti of groa th iu the field is of is more or Icsj weakly nature. All seeds should be teste! for vitality and bursty, y , A small percentage of impure seeds, means vtry taany ia a btuhcL-f-tXye J turns'. ' ' 5 " . tree, and, selecting along, sharp thpru, ho impaled tho insect upon It. I watched this bird put at lcaxt terj in sects on different thprns. During an hour, besides numerons largo insects," the butclter bird captured two snakes, tho largest of which was two feet long and very lively. These Snakes, I al though they sqnirmed and twisted, were taken with difficulty to"ait orango tree, and after a good bit of hard tug ging, they were left with a thorn through their bodies. j When tho butcher bird i riot 4ookllng for food or for victims to stick j oa thorns, he is generally looking jfor other birds for the purpose of fight ing them, aud o lit? kuep.s butv fifoin dayli; rht till U-FrU4 CW. X - ; .4 .