" 1tt11in-'ri""'-J-'1' C.J rv 11 it ' . " i . E J j-v- I.. -!; VI- .!. . Attacked by Paeaonia. u What is the first sjni ptom of pneu- ihonia? was asked !o a New York physician. -: ': " A severe chill," was, the reply. I "What oueht a man to do who is ieized with such a chill?? He should get into a bath tub con taining hot water so hot that it would redden the skin andstaj there as long M he can." - . , , !p "Whatsis the philosophy of such i . .-W -treatment r i . A serere chill, wiich. always pre cedes nkieumonia, indicates that the blood has gorged the lrig, liter or kidneys.- Now, the first reraedvnl step U to dissipate this blood. The hot hath does this. j It draws tb blood to the surface, and dissipates it brer a greater area. After haying laid in the oath nntil relief is experienced the patient should step out of it andwrap .iimlf in a woolen blanket. Don t ton to drr yourself with a towel, but wrap the warm wool around you and tumble into bed. The consensus of opinion among the leading physicians of the day, is thkk nnmimonia is an infectious dis- .u That u. the disease eerm is in the air and when the right physical r,Atnn in ..resented the eerm takes root and fructifies.. The popular idea that pneumonia ris confined to eold weather is an erroneous one. There is ho pneumonia in the Arctic regions. Jt u mainly due to the suddenhanges in our temperature. By v consulting the health reports of New York city it will be found that the highest death 'rate occurs in December and February, jbut that there ore a good many cases in August." 7" CONSUMPTION SUEELY CUBED. To the Editob Please inform your rders that I have a positive remedy for ko above named disease: By its timely u-te thousands oi nopeiess cases nave -en permanently cured. I snail oc gijia send two bottles ot my remcay raisB 1 1 anv or vonr reaaers wno nave con- imption if they will send me their ex-j press and post office address, ltespcct fullr. . A. KLOCUN, M, v., ioi reari si., xm. i . llade for the Woods. In t his VRahdom Recollections," ienrv, B. Staton tells the following anghable story j of Jeremiah Mason, be great lawyer: "After lie had j become distinguished n New Hampshire, he went into a ru kt county to try. civil suit. A pom dus little Judge was on the bench. le assigned Mason to defend a negro fn an indictment for petty larceny. IWith surprise, tinged with idijpation, Mon declined the; task. "Sir, you knust obey the order of the Court." f.auUhe little Judge. All you need U to take your client into the ad joining room, and give him the best I!mI vice you can.T This struck Mason an a funny liht, and he aro e, beckoned o the netrro, and stalked in to an empty r m with his "client" at his heels; Are von cuiltv 'tf asked M?is3n. "Yen. sir. " responded the'neerrb. "Can they prove it? ; "Yes sir; all the wit- inescn are here. , Mason put his head out of the open window, and said: "It u nbbnt lt feet to the ground. Do yt ,see those- woods t me negro le.iped, and Mason returned into the cou.;t.; By and by the case wass called, hut tne negro did not respond, -vvnert i your client?" asked the little' Judge. hi dd not know," replied Mason, 'Your honor directed me to give him the best advice I could,-and ihe last I saw of him he was running for those w over there." Everv bodv laush- e i eccept the little Judge, and the curt tin fell on the scene. Bothing Like It. Etcry day swells the volume of. proof that as a specific for all Blood diseases. n. hing equals Dr. Pierce's GoMen Medi ci! Discovery. Hem ember, this is an old et ib Inhed remedy with a record! It has b -rn tested many years in thousands of raies with flattering success! n l Luni? troubled Catarrh. KidneT diu - . . . . . .-! c. e, liTcr tiompiaint, uvpepsia. Sick I Jleadache and all disorders resulting from C'e, itTcr uompiamt, jypcpsia. Sick Jleadache and al'j disorders resulting from i jiiiovcrishedi Mood, there is nothing like I r. Pierces Xioldcn Medical Discorerr r .rld-renov. ned and ercr growing in favor! i - . n '' " - y A Texan y tells i the following snake sUry : M0ne night my; wife ' and my se.f were awakened by a noise from the shelf which contained our; small- store of crockery, followed by a crash-which 'J il i. : l i- I fowwMiu.atpoon oxourcups uu m vu hmu8 tu uuui. Springing a p to discover the author'of this attack upon China,' I found a large snake in a somewhat unpleasant fix. He had crawled upon the shelf, -il i j u v , . V attracted by a number of eggs which "M.hW 0n . Vi.f ilMh . L. l. ncicBuivicu mwui.. wuo ui iucsb uc i oy impure dioou, xiaiaria irom tne sys liad swallowed, and in order to cret at I tern and prevent as well as cure all Ma-1 the next he had put his head and portion of his body through the handte oitheiui which happened to stand be - iwn t& . 5Su!r . . - - -m. v uu- aie was just open enough to let his body, in its natural state, slip clevrly through, but not sufficient to let it pass when puffed out by the egg, His snakeship thus found -himself unable to adrance or! retreat; arid his flpunder injr about to! escape from this norel stock had caused the accident which had aroused U.. 1 of course, proceeded at once to execute summary iusticelip- . mV. tK. orm n. lowed were a dead loss." ' i tpt i How't Tour Lirerl Th old la.ly who rep.icl, whn asked ti'TOpivrconslipatirm,- indiirestion, dizine 'i jid u hrTvhitrare 'ausettby a ' how her liver wa. 0m1 1.1 t w. -ite.1 foh-r .ini.WlilT. Prom.the., 1' ?, J,'' P '.'." ' n r! .. , i . iry,'it ani ton will be astonished at the ;pFomcthP?., there was -no escape, bat b . ' i Ai,.'v,i.r - . , 1 B',A,,C . r Tf n,. . V . . i0'i rvsults of the jrenuine Simmon Livi-r ri v . .( u " ,, r ,. . '. , , .emulator, preimred bv J. II. Z-i in & Co An April, Shower. "When the cattle are put on the grastoo early both are injured The note'thatt is notTdue till two years will bejharder on you thanthe note due in one ye?r. , . . Counting our chickens before they are hatched would not be so bad did we first handle the eggs.- c .'. ; The successful farmer is the one that inajces ten: per, cent, on the money he has lost through mistakes. - ' .' v .i'r.- The horse with plenty of curry- nmh outside and oats inside doesn t show his ribs before midsummer. i.j It is a noor rule that wont -work both ways: nevertheless, both' lending and borrowing are unprofitable. None but & good farmer can make eight per cent on borrowed money; and he is the last farmer to do it. Bad tempered tows, dull plows, and weak fences ought to oe ems nnenau rable, for they are not immorable. The man who allows the rivulets to get his manure is always sure that the government is rouomg tue people. What doth it profit a man if he keeps the weeds down on his farm and allows them "to grow on the highway ? Extend the house cleaning into the cellar, and make the work more thor ough where shirking would be least seen. Better haye your heart on your work and eiglity acres, than a quarter-sf c- tion and be at odds with your occupa tion. There are now a hundred rivulets on the farm, vet it is cneaper to give tne animals drink frini a well protected from surface water. It is a false notion that is responsible for grievous evils, that a cheap teacher is good enough for the summer term, because all the pupils are small. It is better to take a little liver med icine than to grumble ' and feel blue, and the man who has had fruits during the winter will not need the medicine. Good highways are impossible as long as the highway tax is worked out by the tax payers. Collect the tax in money and let the work publicly to the lowest responsible bidder. American Agriculturist for Aprils Xs Consumption Incurable. Read the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: Was withdown Absj cess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an ' Incurable, Consump tive. Began taking Dr- King's New Discovery for Consumption am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medi cine ever made .Jessie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: ."Had it not been for Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottle free at T. F. Kluttz & Co. Drug Store. Bicycling Women. Washington letter to St. Louis Globe - Democrat. I saw a sight one eveninglast week I saw a woman go by on a bicycle! On a bicycle, I repeat; a vehicle with two wheels only, one of which was directly behind the other. Her feet not to use a stronger term were on both sides of the connection bar, balancing precisely a a man would. There was a dutterof lace and a flash of skirts whenever the respective ends of 1 the walking beam went up. 1 4Will women wear bicycles anywhere else?M . I esquired of a maker. "Of course they will. Washington will set the example, and New York, Hostoa and Chicago will follow. There . -v i . Ill re 14,UUU cycles in tnw city, ana tnese new low bicycles will gradually super-- .; cede tricycles.- It must oe so. The survival of the fittest requires it m m i r i . . . . . If o . 1 1 i oo woman is completing tier conquest of the nlanet. Sherows. Shesmokes. oo woman u of the planet, She preaches. i,a ;a. a. She hazes. She shoots. She rides. And now she has lassoed the iron grasshopper, and has fearlessly mounted it. The bicycle dress isjuorfe liken rid- mg naoit, out aiviaea into two skins. Zleetrid Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men uui woo nave oa t-iectric Hitters sine the same song of DTaise. A purer medi laociaedotanctexistanditisguaranteed to -do 'all thatis claimed. Electric Bitters SSSHJ m 2f J5e J:iyern&d Kidneys,-will remove Pimples, Boils, salt Bhettm and bther affections caused t , - 1 . m . . .. a,arial fevers. For cure of Headache,! l&XSSlSS" ?n ZUn ?arfntcetli 2r!J u"JeJ cti and .uu i ret uuuig bl r . iv 111117. v. Some Very Old, Birds. Among the uf owls of the air" are three--the eagle, raven and swan rhich live to the age of one hundred Tears or more. Ihe paroquet and heron attain the goodly nsre of siitv T i-M.spiurrow-ftawic, duck and Pclln J iy, wnue the peacock and linnet reach the quarter century, and the canary twenty-four i years. W Tell Yea Phial that Simmon Liver Kcalator will rid you lueKt Wi4 brought from Ehelaad in 17S3.' j Buclilsn'B Arnica SalVe. ;; 'The! Bust Salvk in tlie world' for Cut, a t In n V Bruises, oores, liicer, an uueani. r ever iSweAfll'ctte. Chpietr Jlamls, dull .la ma I Corne.'aad nil Skin Eruption, aim positive ly run? Pile, or no pay rejuirni. It l ruaratiteVil to jrire perfect satisfaction. cr moiip! refunded i lriee 23 cents es box. i i- For Sale by Klutts & Co 8:1. ' . " V A il Measure 209 feet on each side and you will have a square acre within an fi hive not nsed nil of one bottle yet. I su Arret I from catarrh Tor twelve year, ex pvriencini; the nauseating dropping in the tnrH( pccaiinr io mat atsense. and none litced'ftiiriost dailr. I tneti various reme dies without benint nntil Iat April, when I saw El v Cream Dlm advertistfd'in the Boston Bnljrct. I prornrwl a lottl, and ftincf the first dj'A us hare ha.! no more hleeiling the soreness is rat ire I y gone. D. G,J)ari.l8onVwith the Boston Budget, lornierly with lioston Journal. . " m m m' . j The first newspaper was published in tingand m j ooa. ; . HUMPHREYS' Cloth & Cold Bindinr 144 rawllfc Steal Kagnfte, injctriCK. tin orrmcirAL bos. rmicx. 1 Frera.OeBcatoa,IaflaiMatiMM... .tS VnM. Worm twit, VSarm Colic... .S3 Cryinc iHr.or Tihiog of InfaoU. .25 DlairlM!. w( Children or Adalu 35 OvarsterT. GriDinr. Biliona tJolie .i t Cholera M or baa, Vomitinc .25 Concha, Cold, Uroochitia 2J .nearklclm. Tootnacha, faci-ac a 25 eaarhra. hick riaMacna. Vartiso. .25 HOMEOPATHIC Uvapepaia. Uiliona Stomach .25 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .5I .50 .AO .50 1 1 orcMor Palnol Period- 13 13 Vbitea. too Profnaa Pafioda C'roNf, Coach. Dttficult Breathing.... Salt Khettni, Erraipalaa, Ernptiona.. PheamatlMN. Rnaumatie Pain.... ever aad A roe. Chilla. Malaria PHea. Blind or Bloadinr Catarrh, lnflnonica. Cold ia tha Head Whaoplnf (chv'iolnt Coacha.. 14 IS IS 1 29 It ueaerai Miity.'Djraicaa waafci Hilary IMaeaaw Kna nehllltr....: I'riaary V. eaknraa. WaUin Bod .50 t.OO 13 O .AO I3S Dtae aaea of the Heart. Palpi utioa .t.OO SPECIFICS. Sold by Dracwiata. or aant DoatDaid on racaiDt of aiirM&aifa'JUfiKukco. in ralteaai.a.1. 3:6l. V h- A0CTION SALE, j Of Real Estate. IF NOT SOLD PRIYATELY BEFORE pril 8, 1888, I will sell to the highest liMoat the Court House door, the house anl lot now occupied by Mr. Tho. Harri son, tin Lee street.' House with 5 rooms, all in good repair. Lot 50x200: well n the yard. . Will aUo sell at the same time and nlace, one Waiitiful build- in" lot on Council street. 85x105 feet. For particulars apply to 20:3tj i J. M. II ADEN. OEEP- Soa Wonders exist in thou sands of forms, but are surpass ed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex, of all ages can earn from $5 to 25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this-work. All succeed. Paager ! A neglected cold or cough may Vad u niiiuonlH.'onMiraptn orotUer fatal di --faseJ Stronar's Pectoral Fiila will eui e a eo'dm by nmin. iwt Hunt: for irsprpsU,ta digesticit, sicK headache as Ihuusauda testify. In obedience to an order of the Supe rior Court of Catawba county, made in the case of Susan S. Trollinger, Admx.of M. Br Trollinger vs B, U. Trollingcr and others,! will resell on the premises at 12 o'clock 31., on baturday, the .th day of April, 18S8, that valuable tract of land known! as the Chunn place, adjoining Thomas Hyde and others on the W. . C. R. R. two miles cast of Cleveland, in the , county of Rowan containing 151 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: The purchaser to pay 20 per cent, cash the balance on a credit of sik months. The purchaser to give bond with approved security. Title rc- ned until all the purchase money is d. The bidding will begin at three hundred dollars. , I j SUSAN S. TROLLINGER, 20:4t. j Adm'x of M. B. Trollinger. Mjirch 5, 18S8. Aflministrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate of Thomas L. White, all per sons having claims against said est.-.te arc hereby, notified to present them to me lor t payment beiore tne tn nay or March 1889, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. March 8th, 1888. W. A. BARBER, Lee 8. Overman, Administrator. Attorney. 21:6t. I fUiMiiistraiiir's Hofe Haying qualified as Administrator upon the estate of Jacob N. Ktpley, all per sons having claims against t he said estate nvk I.AroKtr n rt 1 4 -! r mc i k .am 4 me for payment on or before the 8th of March, 1889, or this notice will W in bar of theiV recovery. And all .1: j l ji . persons indebted to said estate are re-1 queteu to malce immediate settlement of the same. WILSON TROTT. Marh 8th, 18S8. Administrator. ; I 21:6t. THE LEADING- 7. S 6W 10 S. 14th St, Eichnon Ya. Request all GarJener?, Farmis and f fTYuckers to sendorther 1. : EW SEED CATALOGUE for 188S. It cont ins de cr'ptions of ! r vtr .-! r1ac-iK1- -i-iat'ia rw.r for the Firm' and Garden that are I j j adaptevl to the South. 4?f;i3s 5 Co or Seeds a Specialty Catalou; mxlcd free. SrN j roa I r. SEEDS FLAR TinniTnTriTi nnniTfifTTTi Ml Mil Yl .uuuiiujlu 1, The Best Shoe Ie the Slate. V-"- ' . .-; v Our Warrant These shoes are mtdjo of first quaii ty Cal t Skin. The bottom stock is 1 LL LEATHER, ' k and sinde solo leather counters. r We Gu1a.ii. - I - 'si: antee these uppers to outwear the soles I on them, and the extra pair which we furnish with them. These half spies have the edges all made and the holes punched lor the nails which jan furnished with them so they can be put on! at any time, by any one, thereby saving 75c tdSl. A full line of Congress, lace and button shoes, al ways on hand. . i Schultz & i nWycl I Black Front, Main Strfet. i NEW FIRM The undersigned have entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of conduct ing the GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, to date! from March 28, 1887. Consignments especially solicited. 3 McNEELY & TYSQN. The undersigned takes this opportunity to return thanks to his numerous friends for their patronage, and asks thes con tinuance of the same to the NEW FIRM. He will always be on hand to serve the patrons of the XEW FIRM. f 27:tf J. D. McNEELY INVENTION has revolutionized the world duriuer the last half century. Not least aftiohc tne wonders ot inventive progrexa is a method and system of work that can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their Koines. Pay liberal; any one can do the jjtvork; either sex, younjr or old; no special abil ity required. Capital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. Some thing of great value and importance to - .. ii l 511 . -- i 1 f .it.Lv jtiii, ma i win sun i j on in uusiuess-rnicn will bring you in more money . right away, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Address True 4c Co., Augusta, Maine. I ' this DAPPn:: ta on fllla rkfliUIHvlila tba Kwvpr Aafr- N. W.AYERA8QN.VUI twaoniaa agryn. ; Visit Cedar Core l.ir.eriei, i NVhicU are now by odds the largest j best conducted and well stocked with the most reliable fruits of any nursery in the jState. Contains more reliable acclimated Varie ties of Apples, Teaches, Tears, Cherries. Grapes, and all other fruits for orchard and garden planting. We have nof com petition as to extent of grounds and beautifully grown trees and vines pf all desirable ages and sizes. We can and will please vou in stock. Your prders solicited, i'nees reasonable, inscrip tive catalogue sent free. Address N. W. CRAFT, I . . Shore, A'adkin CountyK. C. 47:ly. ? t A Life Experience. Bem&rtc&bljnd quick cures. Trial Pac'xaees. Sand Btamp for sealod partlculara. Address Dr. WArfD & CO. Louisiana. Mo. : , j nnnn II III I MeandatBMiwtUi . mm WW i c- a. tt xmtdm .vum AUubHUi. OfflM ttM WblMball 8l If Ton Wish a Oowd Artlel Ot Plco Tobacco, ask your deafer fat "Old Hip." 1 , VEAIUUHDEVELORED Pt;i.XlKKN. I Si mnrnuvfi In nlT toinnnk pw- will T that tnwra arM .wca of aw" ahmMthja. 22IL On tha oiitnry th lTrHr ara wfT 1 drrtilara a B all parti-ir. fcyalt r..K"L ia Pa.e FOR SALE. One Brick House and lot, on th corner otfuiton ami Js.err streets, abduton acre iu lot. i One Irauie House and lot bn Let streets i One Frame House and lot op Main itfeet. I Also shares in N. C. R. R. j Enquire of Mas. H. E. and Mtsa ii Vic toria Johnson at their home qn Mail. street. 40:tf 1 VHAin DAUJAf.1 y!Z2S2.?& Jg'""JLy Mr. .1 ....mm Nfvajr Fails RmHm QnJ ran Hair Hits Hasaftsl sC44ff J fcfJrttiUad FKrirpcinciznTonio PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH kMaiafGtilaliMUr lawSb JUUU1.U1LL JL. Cmvv 1 m f Itfcto':iJ-&-DaimH3 EaflrcM Co. Western North Carolina Division. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Ashstille, N. O, Sept. 24th, 1887 PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. ) , Elective Sept. 25th, 1887. iVt Eastern 75 meridian time used when not otherwise specified. - WESTBOUND. tv. Charleston p. UU CoIuibMa .4 Augusta $M A Uinta J f.w ftpartanburg . t-l a.m. ctutiiolie l.vo p. m. dpurunbur? XS ' Aceooiinod&ttoa passenger rsprtnbiiir s.m p. m. .M a. m. Hvnlwrsnntll 1.11 M Aahevtlle t.OO , : 7.90 A&bvlUe 7.1 Hot springs .ua tMorrlstowa 11.43 tKnovtlle 1,05 p. m. : tChattanooga .s - Ar. LV. L. AT. Lt, Ar. Lt. Ar. Lt. Ar. - KASTBOUND. Lt. t'hatUnooga M a m. tKnoxTtue i.iep.m. tMorrJstowa t-6 uot SprlDfrs Ar. AaheTllle .4l Accotnmodatloa Passenger Lt. Asnemie a.10 a. m. .4t a.ta. Ar. nendersonville 9M ll. Hpanaoburg t.iep. ra. oo a. m. Lr. Spartanburg S.46 t.is Ar. caariotte .xl Ar. - Alanta - i.jop.m. Augusta 1.S0 a. m. Columbia Vko Cbariestoa i".55 "Meal nations tCentral wth meridian time. . Pullman Slceirtng carfeeiween not Springs and Hinnn.hntA u. T and Charleston, inrougn c:tr between worrlstown and Charleston Tla South CaroUna K. it. JAS. L.TAYLOR, O.P.P. . , W. A. IAJJlISi, A. i. r. . Rictaoni aii DamriUe Bailroaa Co. W. N. C. Division. Passenger Trainchedule. Effective, Sept. 25th. 1S87. Eastern 75 in meridian time used, when not otherwise apeclfled. WEST BOUND LeaV New York 4 30p.m PUUadelphla 5t Baltimore 4 Washington. H 0 jiloumoud s i0 a.m lialetgn 1 Arrlre 8in bury ll a.m :stt. sviiie it so p. m Hickory H conneLy Springs 1 4 Morganion 3 Marlon l ASilEVILLE Hot springs T 0j t Morrtstowu 8 45 t Kuoxtillc lo 0 EAST BOUND LeaTe t Knoxville e 30 a. m t Morrlstown IT 45 Hot Springs Hit ASilEVILLE 1165 p. Dtt Round Knob 1 15 Marlon 1 Morgj-nton 4 15 Hickory Ktmtesvltle CM S.ttliburr Arrtt3 Kalelgh S5a.lm Klotunond 15 Was'ilngton ! Baltimore 103 Phlbvd. lphU IS S p. tn New York S to Murphy Branch. Daily except SUNDAY TRAIN NO 18 8 am Leare AnhPTil.e ,. TRAIN NO IT Arr 4 so p. in laisa. m Ltare T "0 to 15 Arr WaynSTllle IKpm Charleston Jarretts... A. & S. Road. Dally except SUNDAY TKAIN NO 18 THAIS SO 11 It 80 p. m Leare Spartanbnrg Arrlre J 10 p. m i it Arrlre Henaersonrtne Asberiiie Ltare sit Dinner Stations, t Central ( th. meridian ) time. Pullman parlor car between Salisbury A KaoxTUle Pvllmn slplr g cars, cn all nlcbt trains. JOg. l. Taylor, o. r. a. W. A. WIXBCRS. Act'g D. P. A. HI Alll f Uewnnlpl are those who lllUllLl read t his and t hen act ; they will find honorable employment that will not take them from their homes and fam ilies. The profits are large and sure for every industrious person, many nave made, and are now making several hun dred dollars a month. It is easy for any one""to make $5 and upwards per day, who is willing to .work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. JSo special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Stiuson & Co., Portland, Maine. Iv 'out of Sorts' with keadache, stotaae disorder. torpid llrer. pain in backer side, - tipation. etc .neglect mar he fataL OoodoM etBtreiur'a SanaUve Pills will glre reUet 4 few doses reslere to new iieaiia ana rigor. lUia iT AXHii r. tbawvll Co Krwapaprf 4cftlalac Bureau (10 8praoa Stlwherf adw-ti.Jng untracu mar mn-t. tor It III SEtV YOlt-l-.. Steam, Air and Vacuum Bumps, Vertical arid Horizon' tal of every variety and nanaoitv. i I vertical pistoh. rsr. - f..i.i vmt -ft. PIEDHOHT ' AIE-IISE EOUTS. Richmond & Danville Railroad. 00D22TOSD DCH3DUL INEFFECt1sEPT4, 1807a Tkaiks Bun Br .75 Meridian Time. UAtL 8OUTH0OUWD No. M. Lr. Mew lorlc A M, M W t 4 11 (M Sea te t SO 411 l as si ft OS t 4 S 10 tl 00 railadeluai Baltluiore I 44 Washington - CnariotieKTlue Lynchburv i . "ektcluttona i " Burkeavlile r" Keyayllle j- Drake's Branca r m A If " lanrtlle " Greensboro! " t.oidslott " Ralotirli M Durbam PM A M sz . i is"" so - le 1 - Ar. cnapei Hill iiuiaDorro Salem uizu Point Sallibury ; " Stateavllle Ashenile ! " UotSprtngat Lt. Cencord j " CHarlotte j 8Ntrtaabant " oreenriue " Atlanta A 34 n n it SI ft M 7 35 It ! 1 oo ft M 4 48 10 40 P M 1 1 S5 I ts ' 4S 1 M P M DAILY. NORTHB6UMO i No. 51. Ter-rr 5ft. I.t. Atlanta j Ar. urrvmiUe ! Concord ! - SaiUbury I " muh Point ; " fireeiiBboro 1 - s.ilem i Utllaboro ' Uurliam Cbapej mil ! Raleigh i oidsboro i - Danrllle I ' Drake's Branch " Keysntle ; Burkesnjle hl.'bmond i " L n.'bbnnr ' i barlotti artlle Wasiitnifton ' Baltimore I PhlUnl!bia ' Nfcw York i S 4tf S u ft 44 ft ts T 3 4 03 t 11 t 40 tit 84 tt 44 t4 OS t35." 11 4S 11 S 44 3 03 ft 85 4 15 f 00 4 10 ft 10 10 M It 35 . ft to A Ji P M I 01 I IS ft 05 ro 0 41 1 ST StS nto It 0$ It 45 trift 1 10 4 10 0 m 44 100 140 S 45 1115 ft 40 St 11 ii. 00 to A X AM A M P M A M P M M A M P M 4 A M P M Dally. t Dally, except Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE On train no r.O and 611 Pullmrm Boffct Sleeper betweeu Atlanta and New York. On train- 63 and 53, Pullman Buffet Sleeper be i .ci . usblayion and Montgomery; Washington n: . wgust.. Pullman Sleeit-r between Kiohmorut aid Ort-ensboro. Pullman Sleeper between tireiens boroand Kalefgh.- Pullman Parlor tar between JS-illabury and KBoxnile v Through ticket: on sale at Principle stations, to all eoliMa. i For rates and Information, apply to any agent of ihe Company, or to j Sol. Haas, i Traffic Manager. J. 8. I'otts, jDti?. iW Agt. Ricumond, Va. W. A. Tuek, Dir. Pass. Ag't, j Raleicii, X. Jas. L; TayUor, Gen. Pa. Agt 4 4 Regular Horizontal Piston. !- 1 HTTT" lLgd j Jm3&&&l ' . 1 - I3f " fV J " ' 0 o h nr -MzU ; Ti.W H II Sr . n ! i-h b: o j 1 1 J, r j j Up! g lis i '.coS- C5 f y C".."Pum I - 2a fc4 : J V y f I p s S . W N J jq 3 55 U - lr ? ' (0h ' i &Bfe - - The most simple' disable and effective Pump in the market lor Mines, Quarries Refineries, Breweries, Factories, - Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. OSFSend for Catalogue. Tie A! S. CAUEBOH STM PUHP 0RK. ii i ' p or win iinn nnwinwi ... school teachers, milliners. mmiiwZ keepen. and orer-worked womena'1,' Pr. Pleree's Farortte Iwcriptlo Jttfl' tC aLreatoraUre ton tea. It is nota -cSbS but adralrablr fuJ fills a tinylcnew ot JS!" Detnar jnoet potent 8pociflo for i3wa Chroolo Weaknewee and DUes ,Jrf, women ni powenni, fn'rtl i t. uterine, tonio ana nerTln an4 ImrertHrJ and atrenrth to the whole t ratem. mres weaknen ot stomach. tnrtiw pia. arwr rmftc. nrrruti j- 1 aad aleepleasnesi. In either sex. - rSl crtvWoD la aold br dniwrtats umwlN. -i .wow t tTC-rriwa, tbiiit; C le oneranrec. see wrapper aronttj v" rrlee $10, or six bottl"Sf A larre treatlte on Diseuea orVSLi'rH fuselr Gluitrated with colorUu2?!!lr. mttmis wood-euta. eent tnt cntiin? 8k i A810CTAT10K.e63 J4in Stwt,,'. f ICK HB ADA CtlK, nillou, .When I say Cuwtldohot tneu tnrat i. Stop thera for a time, and then h,V. t Jly! tarn airaia. I fttaX.-rrA RADicIiVrP. I bare made tne disease of - .? riTa, EPILEPSY or h FAZXH70 SICIEITEC3; jlttf o long tud 1 WAnAWinT rem. COtsb the worst eases. Because othSES I failed is ne reason for not nn t1? t USfnA at once tor a treatise anda FacrWSfS ff my iKrAixiBLB RsMtani Give ffif and hist Office, It costs ron SrS,l! trial, ana it will core you. t Address " H. CROOT. M. C. t3 FtAtHT-,lrtTtM -PATENTS:: Caveats. Trade Marks jr.d Copyrights , i" Obtained, and all the busiM-t tB iiir ' .T. Offlve attended to tor Mod? rate Jmi " ouromce la opposite ihH . Put,t t.Kf. L we can obtain Patents in r ss tlmr tli. mote trom Washington. , - sena woaeiorarauiEg. w e artvlr as .D,iir, abllUy free of charge; a We refer here to the PosiniaKK ijtirt Money order Dir., ami to mi: lai. i u, v' em offlce. For circular, aavjee, in u encetctoactualclienit-lB f-ui o um.,i, write to C.A.SfcCV.CC Opposite Patent OCite, V-uAliin i Tt Oct.tl.'5. tf b ' J .c. KERU CRA1C.E. L. U.CLOIEXT CRAIGE & CLEIY!EfT,. Attomo-vs A.t Law --Salisbuut, N. 0 Keb..3nUJ88l vertical plukeei ti:btu. - j -. - -i i '- -.-I rurt Foot or Cast ?1rm TaEKT, Xkw Voik., .r I j Kii 1 V f .1 . - .L.CV?i"-.. . .'.v. . jr. ".. aW 4-C taHiAii av-5fi9C".r. ' . ' j" - i,- . " -d - : ' ''-ir-iiu- t,r. ; - h" : !; -ill pH- -"3:" 'r'j r-Hi-vlvf! 'H r I - ;-v t:". '-